II NEWS OF THE LEGISLATURE HIGHWAY BILLS THROUGH HOUSE Important Measures are Pass ed Finally in the House With out any Comment The House of Representatives j late yesterday passed a bill empow- j ering the State Highway Commis- i sioner to name any across-the-state | -Sid route the "Roosevelt Iligh vaj\" Immediately after the two I mils carrying over $13,000,0d0 for j Highway Department administra tion State and, maintenance, bonus , payments, toll roads, and other pur- j I loses passed finally with several de- | iieiency bills for Farview, Polk and I other State institutions. An appropriation of $2,400,000 is \ asked for the University of Penn- j sylvania and $450,000 for the Unl- j versity Hospital in bills introduced j by Mr. Walker, Philadelphia. The j allowance for maintenance is made I $1,800,000; erection of "State Hall" I $350,000; University Library enlarge j ment, books and instruction $50,000; l school of education $100,000: exten- j sion schools $lOO,OOO. and summer school for teachers $50,000. Mr. Walker also presented bills to j continue the State Banking Law ! Commission to codify laws relative j to building and loan associations and loan brokers, etc., and report j In 1921. An appropriation of $15,-] 000 is made. Requirement that one per cent of all city taxes collected in Philadel phia except for interest and sinking DO YOU NEED A KID NEY MEDICINE? , Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root is not' recommended for everything, but if you have kidney, liver or bladder trouble, it may be found just the medicine you need. Swamp-Root makes friends quickly because its mild and immediate effect is soon realized in most cases. It is a gen tle healing herbal compound a physician's prescription which has proved its great value in thousands of the most distressing cases accord ing to reliable testimony. At druggists in large and medium size bottles. You may have a sample size bottle of this always reliable, preparation by j Parcel Post, also pamphlet telling j about it. Address Dr. Kilmer & Co., i Ringhamton, N. Y., and enclose ten cents, also mention the Harrisburg | Daily Telegraph. "BEST MEDICINE FOR WOMEN" What Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Did For Ohio Woman. Portsmouth, Ohio.—"l suffered from irregularities, pains in my 11 i'i i n 1111 n i'i i"i i s ''' e !in( ' was | times 1 could hardly get W V| around to do my wbgk, and j| 11? as I htftl four !i in my family 11 . and three boarders Lt ■ made it very hard for me. Lydia E. Pink ham's vog e % table Com- 1 ™ ' pound was re commended to me. I took it and It lias restored my health. It is cer- , tainly the best medicine for woman's 1 ailments I ever saw."—Mrs. Sara I SHAW, No. 1, Portsmouth, Ohio. | Mrs. Shaw proved the merit of \ this medicine and wrote this letter in order that other suffering women may find relief as* she did. Women who are suffering as she was should not drag along from day to day without giving this famous root and herb remedy, Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound, a trial. • For special advice in regard to such ailments write to Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co., Lynn, Mass. The result of its forty years experience is at your service. ■■■ ■ 111 iIiNDBIITAKEII 174,1 Chas. H.Mauk " JV* Private Ambulance I'bonea a y Warner's Safe Remedies A CONSTANT BOON TO INVALIDS SINCE 1877 Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Remedy. Warner's Safe Diabetes Remedy. Warner's Safe Rheumatic Remedy. Warner's Safe Asthma Remedy. SI • Warner's Safe Nervine. ? lip Warner's Safe Pills, (Constipation and Biliousness) PBSS TIRE RELIABLE FAMILY MEDICINES Sold by leading druggists everywhere. Sample sent on receipt of 10c WARNER'S SAFE REMEDIES CO., Dept. 226, ROCHESTER. N. Y.' Tired, Nervous Women What You Need is Vinol The reason we recommend Vinol so strongly for such conditions is because it is a non-secret remedy which contains Beef and Cod Liver Peptones, Iron and Manganese Peptonates and Glycerophosphates, the very elements needed to build up a run-down, system and replace weakness with strength. HERE IS PROOF Glasgow Jet., Ky. _ Milwaukee, Wie. "I was suffering from a nervous ~"I was weak, nervous, all run breakdown loss of flesh and poor down, no appetite and had taken dif appetite so I could hardly draff around ferent medicines without benefit A and do the work for my family. My friend advised me to try Vinol. It doctor prescribed Vinol. It not only gave me a wonderful appetite, I sleep made me well and strong but I have well, have gained in weight and am gained in weight "—Mrs. S. M. Gray, now strong and well. "-Mrs. E. Strey. Tor all run-down, nervous, anaemic condition!, weak women, overworked men feeble old people and dolicato children, there is no remedy like Vinol. George A. Gorgaff, Druggist; Kennedy's Medicine Store, 321 Market itreet; C. F. Kramer. Third and Broad streets; Kitzmiller's Pharmacy, 1325 Derry street; J. Nelson Clark, and druggists everywhere. WEDNESDAY EVENING. funds be paid to police and fire men's pension funds is contained in a bill by Mr. Dunn, Philadelphia. A bill providing a system of re fund of money erroneously paid to the State Treasury was presented by Mr. Pike, Montgomery. It would do away with the necessity of bills for refunds. Mr. Todd, Allegheny, presented a bill fixing an eight hour day and six days a week for all deputy war dens, guards, turnkeys, matrons and other employes of county prisons. A bill establishing as a State song the work of Dr. Will George Butler, of Mansfie'd State Normal school was favorablv reported to the House by the counties committee. It is entitled "Pennsylvania of Mine." The bill reorganizing the State Banking Department was reported out by Chairman Walker, of the Banks Committee. This committeo also reported out the bill to allow building and loan associations to in vest surplus funds in Liberty or Vic tory bonds and validating previous investments in federal bonds; the industrial bank bill and that punish ing slanders against insurance com panies. Two bills carrying over halt a million dollars to meet deficits In ease of insane were reported to the House. One -is to cover $207,000 due from the last quarter of 1917 and $325,000 for the deficit of the last two year period. Mr. McKay, Luzerne, presented a bill allowing juries in first degree murder cases to fix tlie penalty at death or life imprisonment. Provision for a State system of permits for all creameries, shipping stations, milk, cheese and ice cream factories or milk condensarles or individuals engaged in the milk busi ness to be issued by the Department of Agriculture is made in a bill in troduced by hint. Heyburn, Chester. He also introduced legislation rela tive to tests and appliances and es tablishing standard glassware for milk and cream handling. Mr. Bucker, Philadelphia, present ed a bill for a new judges retirement law, including features of the pres ent disability law. Judges who serve 20 years are made eligible to re tire at half pay while those who resign because of disability may re ceive three-fourths of pay if their service amounts to fifteen years. Democrat Leading in 22d District for Seat t in Congress; Vote Close Grcensbtirg, Pa., March 5. —Re- turns early today from the Twenty second congressional district, com prising Westmoreland and Butler counties, show that John 11. Wilson, of Butler, Democrat, is leading for mer State Senator John 11. Jamison, of Greensburg, 'Republican, for the seat left vacant by the death of Colonel E. E. Robbins, Republican. Ono hundred and thirty-two pre cincts out of 2—i^—i*' Inexpensive Hose For Crochet Bedspreads Special Cllilflrpn Hemmed crochet bedspreads, suitable for rooming V>llllvll CIl houses, summer bungalows, etc, $1.25 and $1.50 each. One of the good features of our hosiery department is BOWMAN s— Second Floor, the attention given to children's stockings. u———— ————— Our assortments arc extensive and carefully selected, from the better lines. Our children's stockings are dur able, but not expensive. We are showing to-day a ribbed lisle stocking in black, white and brown at 55c and 65c. rz-: . ™ v • BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. fl .-M j ' f* V Men's Underwear In This mild weather creates a demand for medium and light weight underwear for men. Our stocks are well fortified for • the demand. We are featuring Munsing Wear union suits. They are made from finest quality lisle and cotton in white f/Jf and ecru. /yW Y T ~ Munsing Wear union suits has the smooth flat seams and the shapelv garments which give the wearer ease and comfort. , -™mav4-Baiament. This union suit is priced at $2.50; and we carry them up to BOWM S - Ba,Bment $4.00. BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. ' A Special Sale On Back-Lace Corsets Of A Nationally Advertised Make ' 1— This is one of the most beautiful of corsets, made of pink t -- Jk brocade, embroidery trimmed; and a model for the slight, If 1 medium and large figure.' >rl This corset is a comfortable one to wear and produces a • j 4 very stylish effect, giving the utmost freedom in service. ffil ' f It is absolutely high-grade all through. From the dfr Kk f\ *™Tsm vSj signing to the finishing touches of the trimming. ■9HV ifIVJ When you note the "names" they bear and savings the" K&jgPf L offer, you will surely purchase more than one of them. v j* i We will fit ydu with this corset in a scientific manner. • BOWMAN'S—Second Floor. | i - 1 -v . ' . MARCH 5, 1919. 3