Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, March 05, 1919, Page 15, Image 15

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    Additional Classified Ads
en Opposite Page
jii snd 2-ton Garfords.
chassis only or equipped with ]
express or dump bodies.
1%-1%-2% and 2%-ton
Bethlehems, with or without
Light delivery wagons, in
cluding Uuicks, Overlands
aud Vims.
Open Evenings.
12-214 North Second St. Botn Phpnes.
1)19 MODEL 85-4 — S-passenger Big
• Overland Touring Car, in very ;
n ." rendition. For sale gheap. Ap- j
i\ Hugel'ting Motor Car <O., Last 1
,nl Mulberry Strfcet Bridge.
- I
1-1 >P < \I,E Two Republic Trucks 1
-ton and 1 >-ton— $l,OOO takes
both. Address Box Ba, Camp
ill. Pa. 1
■ tires; mechanically right; new.
winter side curtains open with
m '.-s- collison fender; electric I
Ia \ o'n horn; $125; demonstrate. Bell j
lilil 1
Automobllo Repairing.
No job too small.
Get us do your work.
Ford Specialty.
Both Phones.
Court and Cranberry Streets. .
FOR "ALE 1919 Seven-passenger |
co completely equipped. Bun only
• ntilcs. Owner having died, car (
ffered at reasonable price. Address
ox I- 6619. care of Telegraph. I
FOR c M.l". Overland Model 79,!
• navenger louring car, in good run
iii'g condition. A bargain. $285. ln
uir.i Ileum is Garage. 632 North
MICHIGAN 4" Touring Car, in ex
eihnt shape. Will be sold ut a bar
•iin This ear is electrically equip
e(l ' lis Buick Roadster, in At
n;,-'- annot be told tront new. 1916
id Touring Car, extra tire, $349.
h--.se. Auto Wrecking Co., 22-26;
orth Cameron street. j
no -Cl'.. brand-new 7-passengcr;
Car. Will accept Liberty
tn( i< ~s i 11 or part payment.
Bell Phone 14 —Steelton.
WANTED All Kinds of used auto
Ires We pay nigncst cash prices.
0 junk. H. Esterbrook. 912 Noun
•hird street. Dial 4090.
Canted: used, wrecked or oldtimers.
It any condition. See me before sac
ilicing elsewhere. Chelsea Auto
(recking. A Schiffman. 22, 24, 26
iorth Cameron street. Bell e6s3.
l-'OR SALE r<Hj:eo 5-passenger.
ipplv Slide's GaragesOlul Cumber
ind 'street. City.
FOR SALE 1917 l-'ord
a nrst-class condition. l'riceXJjaU
all 1846 Chestnut street. \
For sale, one Maxwell and Kiss
ler-Kar Roadster.
Third anu Hamilton
FOR SALE Ford Touring Car,
o- dometer, bumper and good tires.
Ity Garage. I liver and Strawberry.
fill sctv, 25 per cent, of your-gas bill. I
Let us tell you how.
1807-03 N. seventh Street.
Automobile Repairing of all kinds,
liupmobile Service Station.
1917 FORD CARS Touring,
liar ley-Davidson Twin, with side
ai. $256.00.
Get acquainted with me. Save
noil- v n any used machine wanted,
in 1". llorsi. Linglestown, Pa.
New five and seven-passenger
-ars f<>r business or pleasuis
st all hours.
BELG 2360 DIAL 4914. i
i 1 j -TON GARFORD, Model 77B; !
~ rlect condition; used very little;
pen ucdj . suitable for coal, lumber
r genei a! hau.ing. Price, $2,506. ju
-,sh. Address Box 335, Suxton. Pa.
04-6 Muench street. Limousines for
uneral parlies and balls; careful
Irlvers; open day and night. Bell
FOR SALE Jackson Touring car;
so Hudson Touring car. Inquire C.
t. Fair Carriage and Auto Works,
131 Mulberry street.
lovered body; 1.000 tbs. capacity; a
■argain. Inquire of Philadelphia 1
juick Lunch.
—All sorts of auto top and cushion
vork done by experts; also repair
icrk. Reasonable rates. 72-73 South
ameron street.
30x3 Ribbed Tread $13.88
36x3% " " 17.10
22x3',, " 20.63
21x4 " " 25.28
32x4 " " 26.82
33x4 " " 27.66
14x4 " " 28.43
ftx4% " " $8.82
36x4 W " ** 40.32
36x3 Vacuum Tread 15.53
20x3% " " 18.68
32x}% " " 22.43
21x4 " " 28.61
32x4 " " 29.14
33x4 " " 30.60
34X4 " " 31.88
$5x6% 42.45
36x4% " " #4.07
912 N. Third St. Dial 4990.
FOR RENT Garage on Sassafras
tre.-t, 53.56 per week. Inquire A.
apin. 201 Herr street. t
• alring by an expert. Road jobs a
penally. Charges reasonable. Both
hones. Sunshine Garage. 27 North
ji.-ieion street.
AUTO RADIATORS of all kinds re
-aired by specialists. Also fenders,
amps, etc. Best service in town, Hur
irburg Auto Radiator Works, 805
Kcrtlt Third street.
want to save $5 .or $lO on
Bike, see us. Out-Rate Cycle Co., M 0
North Third street.
FOR SALE 1917 Excelsior motor.-
cyele. 3-speed, side car. Presto-lite.
Call between S A. M. to 5 P. M., at
429 South Second street.
MAGNETOS All types; 4 and 6
Bosch high tension. Elshmann. Dtxey.
Splitdorf. Mea. Remy and different
makes of coils, carburetors, etc. A.
Schiffinan. 22-24-26 North Cameron
street. Bell 3633.
AT 12:30 P. M.
Complete equipment •of a thirty
rocin hotel. Bar Fixtures and other
articles too numerous to mention, in
eluding new stock of all kinds of
Auto Accessories of W. S. Conklln. At
the same time and place the Real Ha
state known as the Klipe House, will
be offered.
W. W. CON KLIN. Agent.
MAXWELL 11. 11ITE. Auctioneer.
Sheriff's Sales
By virture of certain writs of fieri
facias, levurl facias, liberari tacias,
venditioni exponas and alsias vendi
tioni exponas, issued out of the Court
of Common Pleas and Orphans' Court
of Dauphin County, Pa., and to me
directed, 1 will expose at Public Sale
or Outcry, at the Court House, in the
City of Harrisburg, Dauphin County,
Pa., on Thursday, March 13th, 1919,
2 o'clock f- t lle following real
estate, to wit:
I EARNEST, Attorney)
No. 1. All that certain messuage,
tenement and tract of land situated
in Wayne Township. County of Dau
phin and State of Pennsylvania,
bounded and described as follows, to
Beginning at n stone at the Cor
ner of property of the Young Estate
and that of '.vitnaui Snoop, thence
north twenty and one-fourth 120U)
degrees west, eighty-nine and five
tenth (89 5-10) perches to a stone;
thence along the property of said
William Shoop south sixty-nine and
three-fourth (69%) degrees west
eighteen and one-tenth (.13 1-10)
perches to a stone; thence along said
last mentioned property north
twenty-five t25) degrees west forty
nine and two-tenth tl'J 2-10) perches
to a chestnut oak; thence along the
other property of Jacob Miller north
seventy (70) degrees oast one hun
dred and thirty-six and eight-tenths
(136.5) perches to a stone; thence
along property of Miller and Paul
south twenty-one and one-fourth
(21(4) degrees east orty-five and six
145.0)" tenths perches to a stone;
thence along property of Christian
Hoffman south sixty-eight 108) de
grees west three (3) perches to a
stone; thence along the last mention
ed property south twenty-one and
one-fourth (21%) degrees east
eighty-three and seven tenths (53.7)
perches to a post; thence along the
property of the Young Estate south
sixty-five and one-halt (65%) de
grees west one hundred and thirteen
and nine-tenths (113.9) perches to a
stone, the place of beginning. Con
taining one hundred and one (101)
acres and thirty-seven (>7) perches.
Sold as the property of Samuel W.
Alvord, defendant.
No. 2. All that certain lot or piece
of ground situate in the City of Har
risburg and more particularly bound
ed and described as follows, to wit:
Beginning at a point on Third I
Street, one hundred and live (105)
feet above Boyd Avenue; thence
eastwardly along the line of lot num
ber ten (10), two hundred and ten
(210) feet to Logan Avenue; thence
northwardly along Logan Avenue, [
twenty (20) feet to the line oi jot 1
number twelve (12); tnence west- j
wardly along the line of lot number j
twelve (12), two hundred and ten
(210) feet to Third Street; and thence !
southwardly along • Third Stieet j
twenty (20) feet to line o£ jot num
ber ten (10), Hie place of beginning. [
The same being lot number eleven I
(11) on plan of lots laid out on Third ;
Street for the heirs of Dr. Luther i
Reily, deceyed, and having thereon
erected a brick dwelling house know n !
as .number 1521 North Third Street, i
anl also a frame dwelling house j
fronting on Logan -Vvenue.
For title into Joseph J. Lavia, see !
the deed from Otto Fox and wide 1
dated August IS, 1309, and recorded j
in Deed Book U, Volume 32, page !
Sold as the property of Joseph J.
Lavia. and Beula E. Lavia, uaminis- j
tratrix of Joseph J./Lavia, deceased, '
(RUPP, Attorney)
No. 3 All those certain lots or !
parcels of land situate in Lower Pax- ;
ton Township, Dauphin County, Penn
sylvania, more particularly bounded j
and described as toiiows: l.ots n un- i
bered 234, 225, 226, 237, 238, 239, 240, I
241, 242. 243, 2 14, 245. 240, 247, 248,!
249. 250, 251, 252, 253, 254. 255, 250,1
257, 259, 259, 260, 201, 202, 262, 204, !
205, 200, 207 and 208 as shown on a
plan of lots laid out by B. F. Shees
ley, which plan is known as tne "Re- j
vised Plan" of Park Place and ia re- I
horded in the Recorders Office in and
for Dauphin County in Plan Book vi" j
page 40.
See mortgage _ recorded in Mort
gage Book "G," Vol. 12, page 430.
sold as the property ot Joseph L
Santamaria, defendant.
(MILLER, Attorneys
No. 5. All that certain lot ot piece
of land situate jn the Ninth Ward of
the City of Harrisburg, Pennsylvania,
bounded and described as follows:
Beginning at the north-west cor
ner ot Balm and Shrub Streets; thence ,
northwardly along Balm street four- 1
teen and one-hult (14)2j feet to line!
of lot No. 40 on Plan or L. A. Poffen- I
berger; thence westwardly along said I
lot seventy-five (75) feet to a three
(3) foot wide alley; tnence south-i
wardly along said alley forteeu and
one-half (14)4) feet to Shrub Street;
and thence eastwardly along Shrub
Street seventy-five (75) feet to the
place of beginning. Having thereon
erected a two-story, frame dwelling
house No. 41 Balm Street. '
It being the same premises which
Emma U. Thomas and Abel, ner hus
band, by their deed dated the Ist day
of Februury, A. D., 191, granted and
conveyed to J. Bobbin Bennett Said
deed being recorded in Deed Bouk
"U," Vol. 16, Page 463.
All that certain lot or piece cf
ground situated on the East side ot
Summit Street in the City ot Harris
i burg. Pa., bounded and described as
| follows, to wit: Beginning at the
east side of Summit Street about
eighty ' (80) feet north of Walnut
Street at tno line of Harry fahne
| slock; thence east -.long the line of
said lot seventy-five <75) feet to a
three (3) feet wide private aiiey;
thence north along said alley twelve
(12) feet to the line of lot of Joseph
Khoads; thence west along the line
of said lot seventy-five t.v) feet to
Summit Street; thence south along
| said street twelve (12) feet to the
line of lot of Harry Fannestock, the
place of beginning. Having thereon
erected a two-story frame dwelling
house No. 11l Summit Street.
it being the same premises which
William Levy, by his deed dated tne
l 28111 day of November, A. D„ 1917,
' and recorded in the rdfice for tne le
corder of deeds. In and for the County
of Dauphin, in Deed book V," Vol.
16. Page 83. granted and conveiea to
J. Koboin Bennett.
Sold as tne Property of J. l.obbln
(1. P. BOWMAN. Attorney)
No. 7. All the following two tracts
of land tuuate in the city ot
rlsburg, Dauphin county. Pennsyl- \
vania, bounded and described as fol
lows, to wit:
1. Beginning at the northeast corner
of Twenty-first and Swatara streets;
thence in an easterly direction along
the northern line of Swatara street
twenty feet to a point; thence in a
northerly direction and through the
center of a partition wall between
adjoining property and property
herein described, parallel with
Twenty-first street one hundred feet
to Long avenue; thence in a westerly
direction along the southern line of
Long avenue twenty feet to Twenty
first street; thence in a southerly di
rection along the eastern line of
Twenty-first street one hundred feet
to the place of beginning. There
on erected a brick dwelling-house No.
2100 Swatara street. For title see
Deed Book M, Vol. 16, pago 241.
Sold as the property of J. W. Lloyd,
2. Beginning at a point on the
northern line of Swatara street,
twenty feet eastwardly from the
northeast corner of Twenty-first and
Swatara streets, at line of property
No. 2100 Swatara street; thence
northwardly along said line through
the center of a partition wall one
hundred feet to Long avenue; thence
eastwardly along Long avenue
twenty feet to a point; thence south
wardly at right angles with Swatara
street one hundred feet to Swatara
street; thence westwardly along the
northern line of Swatara street one
hundred feet to the place of begin
ning Thereon erected a brick dwell
ing-house No. 2102 Swatara street.
For title see Deed Book M, Vol.
16, page 241.
Sold as the property of J. \V.
Lloyd, defendant.
11. P. BOWMAN, Attorney)
No. S. All that certain lot or piece
of land situate In Harrlsburg, Pa.,
bounded and described as follows, to
Beginning at a point on the south
ern side of Swatara street one hun
dred forty feet eastwardly from 21st
street; thence in a southerly direc
tion parallel with 21st street one
hundred feet to McClcaster avenue;
thence in an easterly direction along
the northern line of said avenue
forty feet to a point; thence in a
northerly direction parallel with list
street one hundred feet to Swatara
street; thence in a westerly direc
tion along the southern line of Swa
tara street forty feet to the place
of beginning. Thereon erected a
dwelling-house No. 2117 Swatara
street. For title see Deed Book "D,"
Vol. 16, page 596.
Sold as the property of J. W.
Lloyd, defendant.
Sheriff's Office, Harrisburg, February
19lh, 1919.
Conditions of Sale The highest
and best bidder to be,the buyer.
Terms—The purchaser shall be re
quired to pay $50.00 of the amount
of his bid when the property shall
have been knocked off to him under
$500.00; above that amount ten per
cent, on the purchase money, und trie
residue before the confirmation cf
sale by the Court. It the purchaser
fails to comply with the terms of
sales the property will be resold at
his cost.
Proclamation in Divorce
Dauphin County, ss:
In the Court of Common Pleas of
Dauphin County, Pa., No. 421, Sep
tember term. 1918. Libel in divorce—
a vinculo matrimonii Laura B. Haines
vs. John T. Haines. The subpoena and
alias subpoena in the above-stated
case have been returned "non est in
ventus." You. John T. Haines, are
therefore directed to appear in the
court at Harrisburg, Pa., on the third
Monday of March, A. D. 1919. to an
swer the complaint therein filed.
Harrisburg, Pa., Feb. 18. 1919.
Bureau of Water and Light.
PUBLIC SALE of scrap Iron, brass
and copper will be held at the Pipe
Line Shop, Twelfth and Forster
Streets, at 11 o'clock A. M.. on Sat
urday March S.
NOTICE Letters Testamentary on
the Estate of Thomas A. Woods, late
of Harrisburg, Dauphin County, Pa.,
deceased, having been granted to the
undersigned, ail persons indebted to
said Estate are requested to make im
mediate payment, and those having
claims will present them for settle
919 North Sixth Street,
Or Harrisburg, Pa.
HARVEY E. KNUPP, Attorney,
No. 3 Russ Building,
Harrisburg, Pa.
ceived by the Superintendent of Public
Ground* and Buildings, at his office'
in the Capitol Building, llarrisburg,
Pa., until 2 o'clock P. M., Tuesday,
March 11. 1919, for furnishing all labor
and materials to build bridge over the
North Branch of the Susquehanna
River at Falls. Wyoming County,
Pennsylvania, as indicated fully in the
plans and specifications prepared oy
Paxson and Morgan, of Wilkes-Barre, |
Pa., Consulting Engineers, for the
Board of Commissioners of Public I
Grounds and Buildings of the Com-1
monwealth of Pennsylvania.
l'ians, specifications and bidding 1
blanks will be furnished prospective i
bidders by applying to the Superln- 1
tender.t of Public Grounds and Build
ings, Capitol Building, Harrisburg. Pa.
Proposals must be marked "PRO
[To the Stockholders of the Hcrshey
Creamery Company, of Harrisburg,
| PURSUANT to a resolution of the i
i Board of Directors of the said Her- i
| shey Cieamery Company, a special 1
I meeting of the Stockholders of said
Company will be held at its- chief
I office or place of business, at No. 401-
4C9 South Eleventh Street, Harris
burg. Pennsylvania, on Tuesday, April
29, 1919. at 10 o'clock A. M., of asid
day, lor the purpose of voting for or
against a resolution to increase the
capital stock of the said Hershey
Creamery Company from One Hundred
Twenty-five Thousand ($125,000) Dol
.las* to Five Hundred Thousand t5500.-
000) Dollars.
; There will be ottered for public sale,
j in front of the Court House at Har
risburg, l'a.. on Tuesday. March 11,
I!-19, at 2 o'clock P. M.. all that cer-
I tain tiact of land located at Hum
| melstown, Pa., being on the southeast
I corner of llanovei and Poplar avenue
i fronting (130) one hundred and thirty
feel, on Hanover street and extending
[back along Poplar avenue (170) one
I hundred and seventy feet to Syndl
-1 cate alley, having thereon erected a
two-story shoe factory and basement,
together with machinery therein, be
ing. end known as the W. L. Pike
-hoe Factory.
Bergner Bldg.,
Harrisburg. Pa.
NOTICE Letters of Administra
tion on the Estate of Frank Merlina,
late of Harrisburg, Dauphin County.
Pa„ deceased, having been granted to
the undersigned residing at 1414 Re
gion street, llarrisburg. Pa., all per
sons indebted to said Estate are re
quested to make immediate payment,
and those having claims will present
them for settlement.
O r Administratrix.
HARVEY E. KNUPP, Attorney,
3 Russ Building,
liarilsburg. Pa.
tlf 1 ,
Says Pupils in Rural
Schools Must Attend
Non-attendance of pupils in
schools in the rural districts must
-P declared Prof. F. E. Sham
baugh, superintendent, and Prof. W.
R. Zimmerman f®-day. In discussing
the increasing number of complaints
from the teachers.
Recently fifteen complaints of non
attendance have been received and
prosecutions will be started against
the parents of the children If they
are not sent to school regularly,' the
officials intimated. In some of these
cases the average attendance Is be
low fifty per cent, of the days that
school has been held, not including
time allowed for sickness. The rec
ords in of the districts this
year are worse than last, although
weather conditions and the roads are
much better than during the 1918
: season.
Professor Zimmerman and County
Farm Agent H. G. Niesley spoke
this afternoon at a meeting at
Brown's school. Lower Paxton town
ship. Adam Smith is the teacher. To
morrow evening Mr. Zimmerman
will give an illustrated talk on "Our
Boys in France," at the Red Bridge
school. Middle Paxton township, and
on Friday afternoon, he and Mr.
Niesley will speak at Crum's school.
Lower Paxton township, at a meet-
I ing at which a parent-teachers' or
ganization nny be formed and ac
tion taken to insure the standardiza
tion of the school.
| Red Cross Seeking
Subscribers in City
The National Red Cross head
quarters has asked llarrisburg to
send in 1,000 additional .subscrip
tions to the Red Cross Magazine.
The magazine is a dollar a year to
Red Cross members, $2 a year to
nonmembet-s. It is essential that
these subscriptions be secured in
order that the magazine may hold
its advertising. If the Red Cross
membership is to be held together
in times of peace, and do the co
operative work here at home that
has been planned by the National
organization, this magazine becomes
a vital Necessity. The solicitors thus
] far appointed include Miss Caroline
! Moffitt. Mrs. Christian W. Sauers
I and Mrs. C. A. Doehne. Any per
\ son wishing to subscribe can lea\£
j his money at Red Cross lieadquar
-1 ters in the basement of the Public
j Library.
; Chandler Brothers and Company,
I members of New York and Philadel
-1 pitia Stock Exchanges—3 North Mar
| ket Square. Harrisburg; 336 Chestnut
I street. Philadelphia; 34 Pine street.
New York furnish the following
quotations: Open. Noon.
Allis Chalnlers 34'4 34' i
Anter Beet Sugar .... 73 74
American Can 4634 46 7
Am Car and Foundry Co 901 a 90*4
Amer Loco 66 J ,2 66*4
Amer Smelting 67 67'/2
American Sugar 118. 119
Anaconda 60 59*4
Atchison 91*4 91
Baldwin Locomotive ... 79 79',4
Baltimore and Ohio .... 47 47 j
! Bethlehem Steel (B) .... 64'4 65*4
Butte Copper 19 18*4
California Petroleum .. 26'4 27
Central Leather 65V4 65%
Chesapeake and Ohto .. 57' a 5714 j
Chicago. R I and Pacific 23*8 23% I
Chino Con Copper 3314 33'* |
Corn Products 48'4 4815 :
Crucible Steel 61*4 62%
i Distilling Securities ... 60 59 1 4. '
I Brie 16% 1614 !
j General Motors 155'4 153% |
j Goodrich, B. F 6914 68% I
(Great Northern pfd .... 92 r, s 92%;
i Great Northern Ore subs 39'4 39%
; Hide and Leather 19% 20
; Hide and Leather pfd .. 00% 100%
: Inspiration Copper 44% 4414
'international Paper .... 45'4. 45%
( Kennecott 30 • 30
! I-ehigh Valley 55 55
j Merc Mar Ctfs 24'4 24%
■ Mex Petroleum 177% 179%
Midvale Steel 41% 42 I
j New York Central 73% 73% 1
; N Y, N H and H 28% 27% (
I Pennsylvania Railroad . 44% 44% j
1 Pittsburgh Coal 46 46%
j Railway Steel Spring .... 74% 7.V ,
Ray Con Copper 19%* 19% j
Reading 81% 82
Republic Iron and Steel . 77 77% J
Southern Pacific 100% 100% !
Southern Ry 38' 4 38
Studebaker 60% 59%
Union Pacific 13% 13%
U S I Alcohol 112% 113
U S Rubber 82% 81%
U S Steel 92% 9314
Utah Copper 69 68%
Virginia-Carolina Chem . 54% 51%
i Westinghouse Mfg 45% 45%
j Willys-Overland 27% 27%
Western Maryland 10% 10%
Bj Associated Press
Philadelphia, March 5. Wheat
No. 1, soft, leu. s2.zo. Nu. *, feu, sa2l.
No 3. soft. "d. $2.24.
Corn The market is dull; No.
2, yellow, as to grade and location.
$1.37 ® 1.45.
Oats—-The market is steady;
No. 2. white. 68',®69c; No. 3, white,'
67 ® 67 % c.
I Putter The market is higher;
western. creamery, extras, ne-ts. j
(58% c; nearby prints, fancy, 61@66c.
( Refined Sugars Maraut sieauy;
' powdered, 8.45 c; extra linn granulat
ed. 9c.
Eggs Market higher; Pennsylva
! nia uud other neartjy firsts. " irec
cases, $13.05 per case; do., current
receipts, free cases, $12.90 per case;
western, extra, firsts, free cases, $12.00
'a 13.05 per case; do., firsts, free
cases, $12.73 per case; fancy, selected,
oacked. 51®53c per dozen.
Cheeso The market Is firm;
New York and Wisconsin, lull n,ia<
new, 30%®31c; do., old.
Live Poultry The market is firm
fowls. 36®37c; spring chick
ens. larger size?, 3.® 40c; fowls,
not leghorns, 32036 c; white
leghorns, 24®:t7c; voung, softmeated
roosters, 32®33c; old roosters,26o27c
staggy. young roosters, 29®si C ;
spring chicken.-,, not leghorns, 30®32c,
white leghorns. 29®30cj broil
ing chickens. 1% to 2 pounds.
45® 50c: larger. 45® 48c; roast
ing chickens. 30®36c; ducks
Ptkin, 40®42c; do., old, 30®33c; In
dian Runners, 40®41o; spring ducks,
Long Island. 340.16 c; turkeys. .!t.iuc.
geese, nearby. 8"c: do., western 30c.
Pressed Poultry Firm; turkeys,
spring, choice. to fancy 46®4Sc;
do., western, choice to fancy, 45® 46c,
tut keys, fresh killed, fair to good, 40
® 43c; turkeys, common, 30®35c; old
turkeys 400 42c; capons, severi to
eight pounds. 44®45c; do., emitller
, sizes. 40043 c; fowls, fresh killed,
choice, to fancy. 36%®37c; do.,
smaller sizes. 28®36c; roosters. 27c:
western roasting chickens. 27®37c;
western broiling chickens. 2®,t4c;
ducks, western. 38®40c; Peklo ducks.
38040 c; old ducks, 30®S2u; Indian
Runners. 3b®37c; spring ducks. Long
Island 30® 40c geese. 26030 c.
Potatoes The market is lower;
New Jersey. No. 1, 75®90c
per basket; do.. No. 2, 50®60c per
uaskel. Jo., it'u-ib. hugs. No. I. Iz.cu®
800 uxtra quality; do.. No. 2 $1.50©
2 25: Pennsylvania. No. !• 100 Ibo.,
$2.10® 2-44% __ do., per 100 lbs., fancy.
$2.96®3.10; New Jersey. No. \" 101 I
m*., s2.ir.®3.t: do.. No. :. 100 ib*.
1.26© 1.73; western, per 100 lbs.. $1.85 j
©2.10; New York state, per 100 lbs,
$2,100-2.20; Maine, per 100 lbs., sl.Bo®
1.80; Deluwuie uud Marylulid, per 104 |
bag. 80c©$ 1.10; Michigan. per ioi
lbs.. $l.56®J 70; Florida, per barrel
$2.6002.90; Florida. per bushel'
hamper. 75085 c; ilorlda. per 160-lb.
baas, $1.50®5.00. North Carolina, p.r
barrel. $1.6u®4.00: South Carolina, per
barrel, $i.6004.00; Norfolk, per bar
rel. $3.26; Eastern Shore. Dar
barrel, $2.0002.75; fancy. Uacungie
No. I. pur barrel. s2.Uoia 3.10. do.. .w
$ net- barrel $1.25© 150.
Tallow—The market Is dull; prime
city, in tierces, s'to; prime city, spec
ial. loose, 9%c prime country. 7% u;
dark, do., 7®7%e; edible, in tierces'
1214® 13c.
Flour —The market is dull;.winter
itraigl't. western. ttu.2501u.60 per
>arrel; do., near'-y, $9.60010.00 per
r&rrel. Kansas straight. $10.50® 10.721;
icr barrel: do., short, patents. $10.75
® 11.05 per barrel; spring, short pat
sii ts, $10.75® 11.00 per barrel; do.,
spring patents, $10.50®1u,75 per
barrel; spring, firsts, clear, $9.25®
Hay—Scarce and higher; timothy.
No. 1, large and small bales, nominal,
No. 2. do.. $27.00®25.00 per ton; No. 3,
do- $24.00(ft25.00 per ton.
Clover - I.ight mixed, $27.00®
27. >0 per ton; No. 1, do., $26.00®
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania—Treasury Department
Statement of the Amounts In I
Several Funds at Close of Business
February 28. 1919.
Aid in e Trust Co., Phlla- , (\q
delphia ••• • • sl-ouu
American Bank, Phila- 00
American National Bank. 160 00 00
Waynesburg ••••••
Annvllle National Bank, 0 00
Anthracite Trust Com- 0Q 00
pany, Scranton
Athens National Bank, 00 0( j
Athens, • •• 6 '
Allentown National Bank,
Allentown ■■■ '•
Allentown Trust Co., Al- .. 0Q
lentown . • • •••,','
Bank of East Falls, Phil- QQ
adelphia, • • • •'
Bank of Commerce, Phil- . . ,
adelphia , 20.000 CO
Burgettstown National (0
Rank, llurgcttstown.. 4 00
Bank of Donora, Donora. l-9° u uu
Bank of North America, IKOOO 00
Philadelphia 16,000 ou
Bank of South Williams
port, Williamsport .... l ' u
Braddock Trust Co., .
Braddock 30.000 00 1
Brookville Title & Trust
Co., Brookville 4 ' ooo 00
Butler County National I( . nnnfto
Bank, Butler •• • 16 - 000 00
Bridgeville Trust Co.,
BrldgevUle ■• ► 16 ' 000 00
Bolivar National Bank.
' Bolivar 4 ' ooo ou
Berwick Saving and Trust
Co.. Berwick . s - oon 00
Camu Curtin Trust Co., .
llarrisburg •• • • 1-.000 oo
* Tl US ' C .°':. 16,000 00
Carnegie National Bank. n
Carnegie • •• •
Carnegie Trust Co., car- 00
Central National Bank.
Philadelphia ... •• • -0.000 ou
Central National Bank. 3 fl()0 0Q
C l€ibS r : d ° n, ' 50.000 00
Charter National Bank. .oenn 00
Media • • 1-.000 vv
Central National Bank. 1 „ non on
Mount Union .-•■• XX
Citizens Bank, Freelaml. Is,ooo
Citizens Trust Company
of eannonsburg. can
nonsburg .....•••••••
Chartlers Trust Coin- IRn oo 00
pany, McKees Rocks .. 16,000 00
Citizens National Bank, 0Q
Indiana LI '
Citizens State Bank of
Salisbury, Elk lJek.... .000 to
Citizens Banking Com
pany, Oil City •••••••• '
Citizens National Bank, o 0Q
Myersdale .•••••••• ••: " *
Citizens Title & 8 000 CO
Company. Unlontowj 1 -.
C YSir\ ateßank -. Wl1 : ",000 00
C^r;.^etpo O , f t MCKeeSPOr . t : 10.000 00
Carlisle Deposit Bank. 00
Clymer National Bank. ooq oq
Clynter • • .•
Clearfield Trust Companj.
Clearfield •••••••••'NX
Clinton County Trust Co.,
Lock Haven •••••••••; I"'U 1 "' U U l
C^ b Ph a na-- •'" 16 ' 00ft 00
C °mTs°b n m gh Uh •° • 14 ' 000 00
Continental Equitable
?iS;r. com . pan k y : 20.00000
i c uf V .'^..' ink : W.OOO 00
C aB,ooo 00
Citizens National Bank, j„ 0 000 00
Washington 1.u.00u uo
C,^ e rio S n TrU,t . C ° mPany : 20.000 00 j
CRv Bank.'York ........ 16.000 00 j
MOO 00
cl k^id NaUonft . f B . an :
Delaware County Na- ,
tional Bank. Chester.. .e.OOO 00 |
Drovers ami Mechanics
?eVph"V B . an --- -" 20,000 Co!
16 '° OOO0i
pfttstmrgli .. 20.000 00 j
E PRtsbu* g N i" U °"•"•'■ " k ■ 22.000 00 j
Farmers Benk. I s QOO 0Q |
Farmers' National Bank. j
Canton .. • • ■• •• •••'•••• '
I F carUaleT yU f.. •• •' 73 -°OO 00 j
F u!Tr e o r ver ™ ■ 5.000 00
Farmer. NttUonal . 12,000 00
Farmers National Bank.
F°l Miners' Trust , ;'
Co punxsutawney .... 4,000 00
r.v.m'pn <t Merchants
"Vtsnk Red I,ion 16,000 00
' Farmer's Trust Company.
F State College. -. ........ 4.000 CO
Farmers & Merchants
National Bank. Tyrone. 4,000 00
Fanners H Mechanics
Trust Co., West Ches
ter .••" 44 ' 000 00
Farmers National Bank.
somerset .•••••••• —•• 10.000 00
Farmers & Mechanics
Hank Northumberland 8,000 00
Fayette City National
Rank. Fayette City ... 10,000 0
Favelte Title & Trust
Co Unlontown 60,000 00
First Savings & Trust
' Co Derry -0,000 00
! Free-port Bank, Freeport. 8,000 00
Franklin Trust Company.
Vliiladelphia 20,000 00
Fulton National Bank.
Lancaster * 8,000 00
Farmers Trust Company,
|>-banon 8,000 00
F, .ters itepoa.it National, y
ltank. Pittsburgh 60,000 CO
Fi,st National Bank, •
Addison •••••••• 8,000 CO
First National Bank,
Bedford 16.000 00
First National Bank,
Berwick 8,000 CO
First National Bank.
Black Lick 8,000 00
First National Bank,
Beaver Falls 16,000 00
First National Bank,
Cherry Tree •••••• 12.000 00
First National Bank.
Crcsson 10.000 00
First National Bank,
Clarion 16,000 00
First National Bank,
Carnegie 60,000 00
First National Bank,
Carrolltown 16,000 00
First National Bank,
Clifton Heights 16,000 00
First National Bank.
Dushore 8,000 00
First_N a t 1 on a I Bank,
Kbensburg 36,000 00
First National Bank,
Glen Campbell 20,000 CO
First National Bank,
, Franklin 20,000 00,
26.50 per ton; No. 2, do., $24.00025.00
per ton.
Bran Pull and weak; soft
winter, in 100-lb. sacks. $4 4.00®4 5.001
per ton; spring, in 100-tb sacks, $43.00 1
044.00 per ton.
Bv Associated I'ress.
Chicago. March 5. (U. S. Bureau!
of Markets). Hogs R<®£lpts, j
20,000; market early 25e to 40c higher; 1
now weak, 10c to 15c lower than'
<arly. Bulk of sales. $18.15® 18.45; j
I butchers, $18.25® 18.55; light, $17.75®
! 18.35; packing. $1 7.25® 18.20; throw- 1
louts, $16.76® 17.25; pigs, good to
choice, $15.00® 17.00.
I Cattle Receipts. 6,000: good and
j choice beef steers and butchers' ent
itle strong to 15c high; other classes
and feeders steady; calves Mrong.
I Beef cattle, good, choice and prime,
$16.50020.00; common and medium,
j $10.50® 16.50; butchers' stock, cows
(and heil'ers. $7.50® 15.50; canners and
| cutters, $6.2.10 7.50: stockers and feed
ers. good, choice and prime, $11.40®
15.00; inferior, common and medium,
*8.25® 11.40; veals calves, good and
Choice. $17.25® 18.00.
Sheep Receipts, 7,000; early hids
steady to stvong; asking higher,
lambs, choice and prime. $19.26®
19.50; medium and good. slB.oo® 19.35;
culls. $15.00® 18.50; ewes, choice and
prime, $13.250 13.50: medium and
good, sll.oo® 13.25; culls. $5.50®9.00.
I First National Bank.
I llarrisburg 28,000 00
First National Bank,
Huntingdon 15,000 00
First National Bank,
Johnstown 20,000 00
First National Bank.
Greensburg 100,000 00
First National Bank.
Intercourse 8,000 00
First National Bank.
Lebanon 8,000 00
First National Bank,
Marysville 4,000 00
First National Bank,
Meshoppen 16,000 00
First National Bank.
New Freedom 5,000 00
First National Bank,
New Kensington 8,000 00
First National Bank,
Olyphant ' 8,000 00
First National Bank,
Nanticoke 28,000 00
First National Bank,
Pittston 52,000 00
First National Bank,
Plymouth 40,000 00
Fitst National Bank,
Portage 8,000 00
First National Bank,
Fitcalrn 10,000 00
First National Bank.
I Sayre 8,000 00
First National Bank,
Somertield 8,000 CO
First National Bank,
8-pangler 8,000 00
First National Bank,
Spring Grove ' 8,000 CO
First National Bank,
Trattord Cily 8,000 00
First National Bank,
Tyrone. 10,000 00
First National Bank,
Wellsboro 35,000 00
First National Bank, •
Washington 20,000 0 1
First National Bunk,
Wilkinsburg 15,000 00
First National Bank.
Weatherly 4,000 00
First National Bank.
Montoursville 8,000 00
First National Bank,
Blatrsville 10,000 00
First National Bank,
Canton 12,000 00
First National Bank.
Charlerol 16,000 00
First National Bunk.
of Salisbury. Elk Lick.. 12.000 00
First National Bank.
MeKeesport 16,000 00
First National Bank, 1
Miffiintown 12,000 00
First National Bank,
Rimersburg 8,000 00
First National Bank,
Williamsport 20,000 00
First National Bank,
Turtle Creek 10,000 00
First National Bank.
Yorl: 22,500 00
Glen Rock State Bank,
Glen Rock 4,000 00
Guaranty Safe Deposit &
Trust Co., Butler 16,000 00
Guarantee Trust & SaTe
Deposit Co., Philadel
phia 16,000 00
Hamburg Savings Bank,
Hamburg 8,000 00
Hanover Bank of Wilkes-
Barre, Wilkes-Barre. .. 12,000 00
Heights Deposit Bank,
Wilkes-Barre 12,000 00
Homer City National
Bank, Homer City .... 15,000 00
Industrial National Bank,
West York 3,000 00
Juniata Valley National
Bank, Miffiintown 8,000 00
Jeannette Savings and
Trust Co., Jeannette . . 4,000 CO
Jenkintown National
Bank, Jenkintown 12,000 00
Kennett Trust Co., Ken
nctt Square 10,000 00
Kane Trust & Savings
Co., Kane 16,000 00
Keystone National Bank.
I Pittsburgh 15,000 00
1 Keystone Bank, Scran
ton 12,000 00
1 Lincoln Deposit & Trust
I Co., Altoonu 20,000 00
! Latrobe Trust Company,
I 1 ait rube 16,000 00
I Lebanon County Trust
I Co., Lebanon 8,000 00
1 Lincoln Trust Company,
Scranton 24,000 CO
| Littlestown Savings In
! stltUtlon. Littlestown .. 8,000 00
I Logan Trust Company,
Philadelphia 20,000 00
1 Luzerne County National
Bank, Wilkes-Barre ... 16,000 00
j Luzerne National Bank,
| Luzerne 8,000 00
; Lycoming National Bank,
| Williamsport 5,000 00
Lyndora National Bank,
I Lyndora 12,000 00
; Liberty National Bank,
j Pittsburgh 20,000 00
! Marion Center National
! Bank, Marion Center... 8,000 00
1 Madera National Bank,
Madera 20,000 00
Marine National Bank,
Erie 40,000 00
Market Street National
Bank, Shamokin 10,000 00
Mechanics Trust Com
pany. llarrisburg 60,000 CO
Merchants National Bank,
llarrisburg 50,000 00
! Merchants National Bank,
Pottsville 30,000 00
Miners Bank, Willtes-
Uarre 36,000 CO
Miners Deposit Bank, Ly
kens 15,000 00
Miners Saving Bank,
Pittston 81,000 00
Metropolitan National
Bank, Pittsburgh 40,000 00
1 McDowell National Bank,
Sharon 16,000 00
MeKeesport Title &. Trust
Co., MeKeesport 40,000 00
Middle City Bank, Phila
delphia 80,000 00
Nanticoke National Bank,
1 Nanticoke 8,000 00
National Bank of Ger
-1 mantown, Philadelphia. 15,000 00
National Bank of Jersey
1 Shore, Jersey Shore ... 6,000 00
National Bank of Mai*
1 verb, Malvern 12,000 CO
Northern Central Trust
1 Co., Williamsport 28,000 00
North Scranton Bank,
1 Scranton .. .s 20.000 00
National Bank of Coaies
-1 ville. Coatesvillc 8,000 00
National Bank of Fay
-1 ettc Sounty, Uniontown 80,000 00
Oil City Trust Company,
1 Oil City 50,000 00
Punxsiitawne>C National
1 Bank. Punxsutawney.. 10,000 00
People' Bank, Carnegie. 12,000 00
1 Pennsylvania Nation
al Bank. Chester 36,000 00
, Peoples National Bank,
East Brady 16,000 00
1 Peoples Bank, Hanover.. 5.0Q0 00
peoples National Bank,
Lebanon 8,000 00
Pe 'Dies • National Bank,
I MeKeesport 30,900 00
Peoples National Bank.
I Mifflin 4,000 00
Peoples Bank. Monesson.. 12,300 00
• Peoples National Bank,
Mount Pleasant 12,000 00
1 Peoples National Bank,
, stewartstown 10,000 00
Peoples Union Savings
|J Bank, Piltstoii 36,000 00
MARCH 5, 1919.
First payments by the county to
women allowed certain amounts by
the trustees of the Mothers' Assist
ance Fund were authorized to-day I
Home Office Philadelphia
Learn what it means to
your pocketbook to insure
your car at net cost
Write for information
•> \
Harrisburg Branch, A. L'. Hall,
Patriot Bldg. Manager
Peoples Trust Co.. Wyo- ....
missing 1.000 00 ]
Peoples Having and Dime ' __. j
Bank, Scranton 60,000 00]
Pt'Jlson National Baok.
Berlin \ 12,000 00 j
Pine Brook Bank, Scrai- _ I
ton 12,000 00
Pittsburgh Trust Com- 1
pany, Pittsburgh 1.0,000 00
['ettnu. Company for In
surance on Lives and
Granting Annuities,
Philadelphia 40.000 00
Peoples State Bank, Red .
l.ion 8,000 00
Plymouth National Bank,
Plymouth 35,000 00
Provident Trust Com
pany, Pittsburgh 35,000 00
Reading National Bank.
Reading 36.000 00
Real Estate and Trust
Co., Washington 12.000 00
Rural Valley National _
Bank, Rural Valley .... 8.000 00
Second National Bank. ~
Altoona 10.000 00
Second National Bank.
Meyersdale 15,000 00
Scotdale Trust Co., Scot
dale 15,000 00
Security Title & Trust
Company, York 20.000 00
South Philadelphia State
Rank. Philadelphia .... 8.000 00
Stroudsburg National
Bank, .stroudsburg .. 28,000 00
Susquehanna Trust and
Safe Deposit Co., Wil
liamsport 20,000 00
Swarthmore National
Bunk, Swarthrnore. . . 16,000 00
Safe Deposit and Trust
Co. of I. a wren o e '
County, New Castle ... 16,000 00
Snow Shoe Bank, Snow
Shoe 4,000 00
South Side Bank, Scran
ton 8,000 00
Standing Stone National
Bank. Huntingdon .... 12,000 00
Security Trust Co., Har- ......
risburg 16,000 00
State Bank of Elizabeth,
Elizabeth 4,060 00
Third National Bank.
Philadelphia 20,000 00
Tower City National
Bank, Tower City 4,000 00
Turtle Creek Savings &
Trust Co.. Turtle Creek 10,000 00
Tenth National Bank,
Philadelphia 10,000 00
Union National Bank, Me-
Keesport 16,000 00
Union National Bank of
Nanty Glo, Nanty Glo.. 8,000 00
Union National Bank,
Connellsville 22,500 00
Union National Bank,
Minemville 17,000 00
Union Deposit A- Trust
Co., Waynesburg 17,000 00
Union Banking & Trust
Company, Dußois ... 16,000 00
Union Trust Company of
Pittsburgh. Pittsburgh 40,000 00
United States National
Bank, Johnstown 10,000 00
Union National Bank.
Johnstown 20,000 00
Wayne County Savings
Bank, Honesdale, 20,000 00
Washington Trust Com
pany, Pittsburgh 150,000 00
Warren Savings Bank,
Warren 40,000 00
West Side Bank, Scran
ton - 20,000 00
West Branch National
Bank, Williamsport ... 16,000 00
Western National Bank,
York 8,000 00
West Side Bank, West _ _
Pittston 8,000 00
Wilbur, E. P., Trust Co., ...... .„
South Bethlehem 150,000 00
Wayne Junction Trust ..... ..
Co., Philadelphia 16,000 00
Washington Trust Co.,
Washington 20,000 00
York County National
Bank, York J "S2S Sn
York Trust Co., York 20,000 00
Yough Trust Co., Con
nellsville .. 40,000 00
Colonial Trust Co., Pitts
burgh 403,827 .3
Commonwealth Trust Co.,
llarrisburg *341,013 61
Corn Exchange National
Bunk, Philadelphia ... 50,503 8-
Diamond National Bank. „„
Pittsburgh 1.3,070 39
Harrisburg Trust Com
puny. Harrisburg J.,932 9i
Mellon National Bank.
Pittsburgh 163,890 31
Quaker City National
Bank, Philadelphia r.?5*X?2
, Cash on hand .13,010 1.
Total Amount In Gen
era! Fund $6,686,98. 10
Anthracite Trust Com
-1 nany. Scrantou $50,000 00
Archbald Bank, Archbald 5,000 60
Bradford National Bank, ..... ..
Bradford .* - 10,100 00
Commercial National ..... ~f t
Bank. Bradford ....... 15,000 CO
1 Commercial f r " s4< ' om " anno iui
pany. Harrisburg .... 5,000 00
Commonwealth T'nust Co.,
llarrisburg ■ •• • -B.6fv u.
1 Colonial Natlona. Bank,
Connellsville 2a,00) 00
Farmers & Traders Na- .....
...mal Bank, Westtn-Ml IJ.OOO 60
1 Farmers Deposit Bank,
Cresson vu
Fayette City National
Hank, Fayette City.... 20,000 00
> First National Bank.
Cherry Tree 10,0 to oo
I F.rst National Bauik.
Galeton 6 000 00
I First National Bank,
Knox ville 5,000 0
> First National Bank. .......
Mansfield 10,000 00
First National Bank, ......
New Wilmington 5,000 00
First National Bank, ......
Patton ••••••;• is.coo 00
, First National Bank,
State College 6,000 00
) First National Bank,
Susquehanna 30,000 00
) Grange National Bunk,
Patton 5,000 00
) Mechanics Trust Co., Har
risburg la,ooo 00
) McKeun County Trust .......
Co Bradford 16,000 CO
) Miners National Bank. .......
Blossburg 15,000 00
) Mouongahela Nation
al Bank, Brownsville.. 50,000 00
i Miners and Merchants
Deposit Bank, Portage 10,000' 00
) Potter Title & Trust
j Co., Pittsburgh 10,000 00
Punxsutawney National
) Bank, Punxsutawney.. 90,000 00
Second National Bank,
) Meyersdale 18,000 00
i Somerset Trust Company,
Somerset 25,000 00
> South Side Trust Co.,
Pittsburgh 20,000 00
r Quaker City National
Bank, Philadelphia ... 26,000 00
i Tioga County Savings &
t Trust Co., Wellsboro.. 35,090 00
Union Trust Co. of Penn-
sylvanla. llarrisburg.. 25,000 00
' b'ulon National Bank,
Scranton 25,000 00
Total Amount In Slnk
)[ iug Fund $651,110 02 J
when the county commissioners sign
od eighteen vouchers for amounts
totaling $267.50, one-half the sum
to be paid. The state Will pay a simi-
I lar amount.
'Bonk of
| *<Jelphl*°? 1 . n, * rce ' p h"l-
Carnegle t.,. . ~ 826,000 00
I Carnegie ..' Com Pany,
i Citizens Natinn'ni" U 26,000 00
Tunkhanifock Bank -
Clinton Trust 20,000 00
llavon . . Co - I '°ck
Colonial National' 3,000 00
Con iiellay fiij, Bank >
"" "
Formers & 25,000 00
Trust Co n- Mechanics
! First N a tin n Bhester ' 26.000 00
Clarion tional Bank.
First Na 11 o nai ' 14,000 00
pPonflucnos Bank.
Montrose ' on a ' ' Bank", 10,000 00
F,^ t nb N .^ tli ' a 'Bink. 15,000 00
10,000 00
*T?i e ,? c |if ' deposit 16,000 00
ler Company, But-
Bonk, 3,000 00
K Z'H no Bank!' Harris- 13,00 ° 00 '
M tetoi; aVin ' ga ' Bonk. 15,000 00
19,000 00
City Trust''Co.,'' bu 25,000 00
as s
"' OM "
*•": "• M0 00
bu'-Kh Trus ' Co.V'PiVta: 10,000 °0
ci.; 193,049 01
C °Bank X p'hnfS 16 '° 2 85
D p?aaburJh tonalP Bant 258,572 26
nffiSSff, 212,454 75
M p'u n Hbu^ a h tlonal Ba " k ' 1 - 9,<SB 88
Quaker Citv"' wii!'' *! 311,585 23
*.. A,Ati".r. so
T °r'un,t" noUnt ,n M °tor
"" 48
t 4
Trust a Co lll ? , 1 SaV 1,000 °°
Fl BMv a ile° nal ®onk. 40,000 00
66,000 00
Union Trust Co." of Pe'n'nl 10 .000 oo
Union a Tru 9 t H Co rl Don g '' 20,000 °0
C °bS?ah TrUSt 6 '°' BlUs- 10,000 00
••••••••• 65,383 64
Total Amount in Gama ~ "
Protection and Prop
agation Fund , 256 363 m
2J d County Trust Co,
Bedford / * •*. _
First National' Bank ,25,00 c 09
Somerset .... • ...
National Bank of'cik'tea- 26,000 00
ville, Coatesville ••
Third National Ban it 2j .° 08 00
„ Philadelphia ...... ank * nn „ .
Providence Bank ScrkAl s °.ooo 00
ton ' " wu "
Dime Bank. Pittston"" ,- ,o °® 00
Feop'e. Union Savingi 30,00 ° 00
Bank, Pittston Kft .
Diamond National Bank ' 60,000 00
burgh ' ..
85.093 88
Total Amount in Fund
for Payment of Boun-
1290,093 88
Union Trust 00. of Penn-
Commonweaft^'xruaMJo" 30,000 00
" arrisbUrff ' 251.051 99
Total Amount in Inaur- "
ance Fund 1181.051 99
Commonwealth Trust Co
llarrisburg ':__67.595 42
Total Amount in School "
Fund ... ...
■ 167,595 43
Commonwealth Trust Co CND
H " rllsbur 814,643 01
Total Amount In Prison" " '
Manufacturing Fund . 814,643 u'
Commonwealth Trust Co
llarrisburg '* .
Colonial Trust Co., Pitts- * 3 " ,06 9 03
bur * h 226.670 49
Total Amount In Fed-"
oral Appropriation .. |168,729 52 •
llarrisburg Trust Com
pany, llarrisburg 88,954 75
Total Amount in Fish ~~
Propagation Fund . . 88 954 7k
Total amount In all ♦"''o*
Funds 110,143.778 36
The above statement includes the
names of all Banks, Corporations and
Firms with whom the moneys of sail}
tunds are deposited. * la
Bonds are held by the State for th
safe keeping of >the same. ln "
Interest at the rate of 2 per centum
1s received by the State oL such dE
State of Pennsylvania, City of Har
• risburg—as.
Personally appeared before me
Charles A. Snyuer, Auditor General
Harmon M. Kephart, State Treasurer
who being duly sworn according to
law, salth that the foregoing state
ment is true and correct to the beet
, of his knowledge and belief,
, State Treasurer.
Sworn and subscribed before ma.
this 4th day of March, 1919,
Auditor General,
published In pursuance of the pre
> visions of Section IL Act of Febru*
try 17, 1906, llarrisburg, Pa.
.; % Auditor General.