14 1 IFJOD JEEP BOARDERS aASSIFp ADVERTISING IS A NECESSITY TO YOU-1 2)eatbs OI,PK Suddenly, Wednesday. March 5, 1919. at his residence. JUS Nortii Second street, 1a 1 Hoy J. Wolfe. Funeral arrangements will be an nul need later. I.AKDIS Charles B. IHindis, 1(30 Green street, tiled Tuesday morn ing, March 4, at 2:30 o'clock. Funeral and interment, private, on Thursday afternoon, at J o'clock, from the residence. The body may be viewed after 4 P. M., Wednes day. LOST AND KllNl) LOST A lady's plain gold wrist - watch, between Sixteenth and Wal nut streets and Victoria Theater, lte ward if returned to 1613 Park street. ] I.OST Mink inufT. at Regent; Theater, between N and 10 P. II- March 4. A liberal reward will be given if tinder returns it to Mr. Cordry. 401 Telegraph Building. or' call Hell 25S8M. ! LOST Diamond ring, either in, Majestic Theater, or between Males-! tie and Fourth ami Walnut. Reward if returned to 19 10 State. Bell phone! 12S5M. j INSTRUCTIONS J INDIVIDUAL PROMOTION in Gregg | Shorthand. Typewriting. English. Bookkeeping, Penmanship. Arithmetic, i etc. DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL OPEN | ALL YEAR. Enter any time. Bell, 125, Dial 4016. BECKLEY'S BUSINESS COLLEGE. 121 Market St. Chas. R. Berkley, i HELP WANTED—MALE THE O VER LAN D-H AR RISBURG CO. REQUIRE THE SERVICES OF TWO AUTOMOBILE SALESMEN. APPLY IIY LETTER TO MR. HAN- -i SON, STATING ACE AND EXPERIENCE. ALL COMMUNICA TIONS WILL BE HELD STRICTLY CONFI DEN- I TIAL. COLLECTOR WANTED ' Young man to collect ac counts. Good opportunity for advancement for ambitious man, who will apply himself to learn about our business. Apply by letter only, giving age, former experience, place where last employed, salary expected, etc. UNITED ICE & COAL, CO., Forstcr and Cowden Sts. DRAFTSMAN WANTED Ability to make neat tracings essential. State age, nation ality, education, experience in detail and salary expected, in your first letter. BOX O, 6 128, Care of Telegraph. WANTED Experienced male stenographer. Apply in own writing. Address ; P. O. BOX 1151, Harrisburg, Pa. ——— WANTED—Men wishing positions Firemen, Brakemen. Electric Motor men, Colored Train Porters. Pennsyl- j \ania, Ohio and New York roads. No experience necessary. slov-sl3o per month. Quick promotion S2OU-$3OiD per month positions. Name position j wanted, inter Railway Dept. <74;, in- [ uianupolis, lnd. TRUCKER WANTED A reliable, nan to work, or rent, on reasonable] terms, a house, stable, greenhouses, ] tiuck patch and about 25 acres good j land. Address Box 452, Humniels-1 town. Pa. WANTED Clothing salesman;, n-ust be thoroughly experienced; po- ] sitfon is permanent. Address, giving: details of past experience, age and salary expected, The Hub, Wheeling,) \\ . Ya. i PORTER White man wanted for general work. No Sunday work.! slate wages expected. Address Box : W, 7041, care of Telegraph. PLUMBERS WANTED—Open shop. 73c hour. Apply C. S. Thompson. 2929 1 Atlantic avenue, Atlantic City, N. J. j WANTED A well-drill runner. Apply Paxtang Quarries, Paxtang. WANTED First-class tailor for! our men's department. Wm. B. ; SSchleisner Store. WANTED Chauffeur for our Ford auto store delivery. References must be acceptable by Bonding Company. Address S., 7310, care of Telegraph. WANTED Y'oung, married man) farmer, for small farm in Dauphin | county. Reply, giving reference and experience. Address Box T, 7308, care of Telegraph. WANTED Ten or twelve first-class automobile mechanics, by a good. old. reliable automobile and truck concern of Hur risburg. Good salary paid and guar anteed work for one year to reliable men. Only men who are willing to take part Interest in the firm by in vesting $5OO to $l,OOO at a guaranteed 6 per cent, dividend paid monthly, need apply. G„ 6952. CARE OF TELEGRAPH. A LARGE CORPORATION desires the services of a young man, eighteen or twenty years of age, who has had experience as a stenographer and can assist In bookkeeping. In your reply, give experience you have had und sal ary wanted. Address Stenographer, care of Telegraph. FOR SALE NO. 1320 N. SECOND ST. Modern three-story brick .house, having 10 rooms, reception hall anil hath. Copper hot water boiler. Copper window and door screens. Window shades. Front, side and rear porches. Gas and electric lights. Hot water heat. Possession on short notice. | Miller Brothers & Co. Heal Estate Insurance Surely Honda i Locust and Court Streets Members Hbg. Heul Estate tloard | ' 1 t WEDNESDAY EVENING. [ HELP W ANTED—MALE l SALESMEN Calling on clothing j stores sell Union-Made Combination, • j Work Suits. Good commission. One' 1 1 sample. Cory Mfg. Co., l'ostorlu, Ohio. HELP WANTED —EEMALE IVANTEiD—GirIs to work on sew-j ! ing machines. Apply Belgrade Knit ting Mill. Twelfth and Bridge streets,] New Cumberland. Pa. 1 WANTED Respectable white i : I woman as mother's helper, to assist in i I the rare ot two children. Apply 2101] j North Second street. WANTED Buttonhole maker to; work buttonholes b.v hand. Bring i sample Shearer Co.. 201 Market street. WANTED Women Singers.! ; Dancers. Musical Artists. Piano Player, girls for chorus, musical show. I Good amateurs consider. Send photo-1 graph. State age. height, weight. Steady engagement. Good salary. I Marshal! and Valuer, Ideal Entertain- i ' ers, care of Liberty Theater, Wayno | boro, Pa. —— ] WANTED Girl for nurse girl ! Must bo over 16 years. Apply ~ South Front street. Apartment B. I I WANTED Reliable white girl for j I general housework. Small family, i Good wages for right party. Address Box T. 6620. care of Telegraph. I WANTED A colored girl for! j general housework. Must be a good j I cook. Apply between 5 and S in the; evening. Mrs. Il.erman P. Miller, 211.'] I North Third street. WANTED, AT ONCE Experienced j woman stenographer, who van assist jin gent ial olttce work. Also woman! , tVr cashier. Apply to Mr. Snyder,: I Main L't'tice, Third Floor, Kauimaus 1 • \ taderselllng Store. 1 , WANTED Experienced alteration liauds to work in our alteration de- i; pai iment. only those with experience • c need apply. Steady position and good ] pay to the right party. Apply at once *o BLOOM'S, 19 North Third Street. jj WANTED Dishwasher. Apply at 1 once. White Hotel. 313 Broad street, j i WANTED Reliable girl for gen-' [era! housework and to help take care i •of child. Must furnish good refer ences. Apply 221 Emerald street. WANTED Refined colored girlj ! for general house work. Apply Mrs. I Hernial, Astrlcli, at once, second floor,! ! 208 Market street. WANTED, AT ONCE Experienced I salesladies for various department*— i also women for alteration depart ment. Apply to Mr. Lloyil, tsupt. j Kaufman's Underselling Store. COOK Reliable woman wanted in small family. Call Bell phono; 948W, or 122 Woodbine street. W ANTED Capable white girl for, general housework. tOnall house., G'.od wages. Apply 2133 Green. Bell ; WANTED—GirIs for laundry work.: Apply 2103 Logan street. Palace! , Laundry. COOK WANTED No washing or ironing. Uo6d wages. References re-| quired. Inquire corner of Twenty second and Market. Bell phone 199S'!. ] • WANTED Middle-aged house-1 keeper for widower with two boys, on j i Hill. Good home. Address Box If. I . 2931, care of Telegraph. WANTED White woman or girl' ; ior general housework. No washing.] Family of two adults. Reference re- i quired. Apply 505 North Front street. I WANTED Middle-aged woman) for general housework. Small fani'ly. i No washing. References. Inquire. C'U5 Bridge street. New Cumberland, ! ' WANTED Reliable, middle-agyd, white woman.! for general housework, in family of I three adults. Good wages und pleas-I ant home. Address BOX v.. 7041. CARE OF TELEGRAPH. ! SALESMEN WANTED SALESMEN Now selling ogiy { auto or truck accessory direct to owner and who is persevering and am-; bitious, to sell device for $lO, com-! mission s'!; easy selling, guaranteed to pay lor itself in cash insurance saving. Address Fetters. Lincoln! Bldg.. Philadelphia. I SITUATION'S W ANTED—MALE WANTED Man wishes work of any kind. Apply 2127 Moore street , or eall Bell 3533 R. WANTED Position as fireman or' stationary engineer; can furnish good, references. Call, or address, 1443 \ ernott street. WANTED Man wants position a.*: night watchman or driving team; can give 'best references or bond. Apply) CJO7 Dial phone. * I CHAUFFEUR Wants position '.riving car; can do repairing; justi out ot service; married. Apply L. ' 0617. care of Telegraph. SITUATION'S WANTED—FemaIe WANTED Middle-aged woman! desires position as housekeeper- ref-l erences given. Address Box A 740-> ' care of Telegraph. WANTED Day's work of anv I kind by colored woman. Inquire 14u7l Currant avenue. WANTED Middle-aged woman! desires position assisting undertaker ! can furnish reference. Address Box' 1 C. 7313. care of Telegraph. I WANTED Respectable countrv woman wishes position keeping hnua lor widower; well experienced in house work; best of reference Ad dress Box K, 6924, care of Telegraph WANTED Y'oung woman wishes I position as secretary, stenographer or' typist; good executive; ten years'I business experience; can travel Ad dress Box T, 7305, care of Telegraph ! ROOMS FOR RENT r L >?v\s URN^," E P HOUSEKEEPING i RCbM.x Single or communicating- 1 kitchenettes. Stoves furnished free'! Strictly private. Laundry, phone and 1 bathroom privileges. Inquire 4->g I Broad street. Dally inspection in-1 vited. iJiPP HENT 1229 North Second) street, furnished third floor front i re cm, bay window, desirable location.! for man and wife or two gentlemen. I Inquire White's Hotel, 313 Broad -1 street. — J SECOND AND THIRD FLOOR 1 burnished front rooms, with conveni ences, gentlemen only, in private fam ily. Address It., 8210, care of Tele graph. , /OR KENT 2 rooms for light housekeeping; hot and cold water V,?, 1 ! 1 ro" 1 ?, Bteani ''"at. Call 4654 M or 1614 Wallace street. TWO second floor, furnished rooms, for light housekeeping, with private bath, steam heat, electric light, gas for cooking and use of phone; cen-! tral. Address Box C, 7307, care of!- Telegraph. bolt RENT - Two furnished rooms) for light housekeeping; all conveni ences; steam heat; no children; second' floor. Inquire 1814 Green street. j FOR RENT I-arge, well-furnish-I, ed rooms. Inquire 113 Locpst street. ' t KOOMS FOR RENT lull RENT Two unfurnished roomy, centrally located, for ligln liousi keeping, fall 445W Bell. FOR KKNT One furnished room or two rooms, for light housekeep ing. Address N.. 0991. caro of Tele graph. ROOMS TO KKNT Large, com fortable front room, well furnished with bath and hot water. Apt>ly SOt North Second street. FOR RENT Furnished fronl room; city steam lieut. electric lights and gas. Inquire 29 South Third street. Third Floor Apartment. FOR RENT Furnished rooms, 32.50 per week and up; warm rooms, ruuning hot and cold water; light housekeeping and private bath. Wil son Apartments. No. 143 South Third. FOR RENT One large bedroom, for gentlemen only. Rent reason able. Apply 276 Briggs street. ROOMS WANTED WANTED Three nicely'-furnished rooms, with bath, between Front and Third streets, north of Market street, fall Hell phono 26111 or 7S9R, Dial phone 44 40. WANTED One or two rooms In modern home, near Fenn-Harria Hotel, for two persons and four-year old child. .State conveniences and price. Frefer private family. Address W.. care of Telegraph. AI'ARTMEXTS WANTED WANTED On the Hill, at good ovation, an iinfurnihsed apartment ivith 4 or .*• rooms and hath, by woman •nd daughter, adults, before April 1. ■all Bell 906 J. WANTED—Fnf urnished apartment, our rooms, kitchenette and bath. Im mediate possession desired. Uuod lo •alion. Address K. 7306, care of Telegraph. WANTED Small house or apart nent, by April 1. Address Box A. 311. care ot Telegraph. APARTMENT WANTED Of 3 or . rooms, city or suburban, or rooms or light housekeeping, furnished or unfurnished, permanent, man, wife, daughter, adults. References exchang ed. Will take possession at once or any time before April 1. Address, stating location and full partciulars, •A ." I'. O. Box 32. Hai risburg. WANTED 3 or 4 unfurnished rooms and bath, central location pre ferred. for young, married couple; best of reference given. Bell 699. COLONIAL APARTMENTS, MECHAN ICSBFRG From April 1. Centrally located. Main street, near depot, on trolley, 4 or 6 rooms, with bath, front anid side porches, hot water heat. Rent rea sonable. Inquire 429 Broad street. i'.:'' l to 11 A. M., or Happle & Swartz. Mechanlcsburg. HOARDERS WANTED HOARDERS WANTED Gentle men. Apply 1317 Swatara street. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE IF IT'S REAL ESTATE, SEE SANDEKLIN. POSSESSION CAN BE GIVEN ON ANY OF THE FOLLOWING PROPERTIES OX OR ABOUT APRIL 1. PICK OFT YOFR HOME NOW AND DON'T BE CAFGHT NAPPING APRIL 1. WICONI SCO ST.. 623 to 631 Five houses. 3-story brick, eight rooms and bath, all improvements, front porch, driveway in rear, newly painted and tixed up in first-class shape; it will pay you to look at these houses be fore buying. MAHANTONGO ST.. 616 and 620 Three houses. 3-story brick, eight rooms and hath, all improvements; right price to quick buyer. SIXTH ST.. 2631-2633 Three story brick, eight rooms and bath, gas and electric lights, front porch, all improvements; only two left. SCHFYLKILL ST.. 619 to 62S Six houses, 3-story, buff brick fronts, ail modern improvements; these are ex ceptionally nice looking homes; you can't make a mistake if you select one of the9e homes. SIXTEENTH ST.. S., 542—Two-story brick, six rooms and bath, all im provements, front porch, cement cel lar, nice rear entrance; a very nice neighborhood; the last one of twenty. PERRY ST. AND TWENTY-SEV ENTH Three-story brick, will be completed about April 1; hardwood lloors, steam heat, gas and electric light, cemented cellar, everything that is r.ice in a home. IF ANY OK THE ABOVE Properties DO NOT APPEAL TO YOF. COME IN AND SELECT YOFR LOT. PICK OFT THE STYLE HOUSE YOU WANT AND WE WILL BFILD IT FOR YOF WITH A SMALL AMOUNT OF MONEY; BALANCE SAME AS RENT. D. ASA SANDERLIN, Room 1. Security Trust Bldg., 36 NORTH THIRD ST. BELL 1390. DIAL 3573. POSSESSION SOON FOR SALE 1331 N. Second, 3-st. brick $2,700 1030 N. Sixth, apartment and store $3,000 2142 N. Sixth. 3-st. brick with rear driveway $3,500 602 N. Seventeenth. 3-st. brick. $4,800 057 S. 21st, 254-st. frame $l,BOO 635 Camp, 3-st. brick $3,000 425 Hamilton, 3-st. brick $3,500 2306 Jefferson, 3-st. brick $2 700 630 Muench, 3-st. brick $3*200 125 Kcyal Terrace, 2-st. brick. $3,000 1128 Wallace, 3-st. brick $2,100 226 Woodbine, 3-st. brick $6 300 NOW VACANT. 2140 N. Fifth Price reduced 2204 N Fifth Bargain 1194 Hailey, $3OO down; $25 monthly. 87 Disbrow Price, $2,350 SUBURBAN Fine bungalow on North Bowman ave nue. BACKENSTOSS BROS., Russ Bldg., Member Harrisburg Real Estate Board. VACANT, possession at once—North J Sixth street, 3-story brick, all im- 1 provements, steam heat, electric and gas, front porches, bay windows, side 1 yard, 8 rooms, room for garage. C. 11 ' Corder. 1722 Green street. Bell 560-j' Rents collected. FOR SALE Rooming house near Capitol. Eight rooms. Furnished complete. Phone 1037. FOR SALE 1837 Park street; 3- storv brick; all Improvements. In quire 208 North Third. J. H. Dixon. FOR SALE 5-roomed, 1 %-story bungalow; all conveniences; big gar den; corner property; garage; laundry in cellar. Dial. Mechanicsburg, 153 W. FOR SALE Property on Green street. All conveniences. Good + BPly u ". \ . HAJLRISBURG TELEGRAPH jo 1 In 1 'H TIIE ADDED REVENUES of a & ■ ! jNp home secured through renting a jgj^ furnished room or admitting a board- |fe er to the family circle—often pnove to be "life-savers." For people in mod- pp erate circumstances the burden is %)N often immeasurably lighted through one or the other of these revenue- MN sources. Use the classified. Mf| 1 I I I HEAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE | i Vacant 2-story brick, all Improve ments. porch front, drive alley, easy terms, on Hill; lu minutes' walk to station. ,! Vacant. 9 rooms, porch front, side yard, buy windows, room for garage, ■; steam heat, electricity and gas. I Vacant. 10 rooms, porches, steam i heat, electricity and gas, hardwood ' floors, side and buck yard, at New : Cumberland. ] Possession April 1. 2-stofy brick, ■ I corner, room for garage, front porcn. i all improvements. i Possession April 1, single 3-story ; frame, corner, steam heat, electricity I and gas, front porch, garage in rear. I 3-story brick. Market &t *4.-00 ! 3-story brick. Market St 0,500 j 3-story brick, Crescent St 3,800 3-story brick. Swatara St 3,400 j 3-story brick, Regina St 3,500 ; 3-story brick. Berryhill St 3,00 v ! 3-story brick, Walnut St 3,000 i 3-story brick. S. Eighteenth St.. 4,500 3-story brick, State St 4,400 I 3-stcry brick. Sixth St 4,600 3-story brick. Green St 5,000 . 3-story brick, Rriggs St 4,500 | 2-story brick. S. Fifteenth St... 2,8u0 2-story brick, Kensington St... 2,500 I 2-story brick, Catherine St 2,700 i 2-story brick, Disbrow St 2,300 j 2-story brick. Crescent St 2,600 ; 2 Mi-story brick, Summit St 2,500 ! 2 Vs-story brick, Ross St 2,500 j 2',a-story bungalow. Schuylkill i St 2,500 2',2-story frame. West Fairview 1,200 Several fine suburbun homes, in one icar fare, steam heat, electric lights, j Vis to 1-acre land, all improvements! I practically new homes. Several small barms from 3 to 30 acres, near city. C. H. CORDER, 1722 Green Street. Bell 560 J. Rents Collected. | _J ; FOR PALE 2-story bungalow, located on Bowman avenue. Camp Hill, containing 7 rooms, bath, water, ] gas, electric lights, large front porch, j range, furnace heat. Lot, 40x140. Price, *4,000.00. For Sale 2-story bungalow, lo cated on Park avenue. Camp Hill, containing 6 rooms, bath, cemented cellar, water, gas, electric lights, ' steam heat, screens for all windows, j storm sash, hardwood floors. Lot, 60x j 143. Garage. Price, $4,800.00. I FOR SALE 2 M-story frame j double house, containing 6 rooms, | bath, each, cemented cellar, located jon Main street. Camp Hill. Water, electric lights, front and rear porches, j furnace heat. Price, $4,000.00 par i pair. I For Sale 1610 Regina street, 3- } story brick and stone dwelling, con taining 9 rooms, bath, cemented cel ' lar. water, gas and furnace heat, | range. Possessior at once. Price. , 53.000.0n. i For Sale 2342 Ellerslle street, 12 V4-story brick, 7 rooms, bath, ce mented cellar, electric lights and gas, furnace heat, lot. 18x110, side en trance, drive alley in rear. Price, 83,200.00. BRINTOX-PACKER CO., Agents, Second and Walnut Sts. ! _____ Possession April 1. Price. Down. 2427 N Sixth St. Brick $5,700 $5OO 2052 Susq. St. Brick.... 2,800 ' 500 2207 Logan St. Brick... 2,500 500 2336 Ellerslie St. Brick. 3.200 300 1913 N. Fourth St. Brick 3,000 30u 400 Muench St. Brick. 3.000 400 1032 S. 11th St. Frame.. 2.700 500 D. A. CALEY, Kunkel Bldg. Bell 589. FOR SALE 2313 N. Sixth St.. 3-story brick. 514-16 Emerald St.. 3-story brick. PROGRESS 10 lots. 225x135 ft. Bargain to quick purchaser. H. M. BIRD. Union Trust Bldg. FOR SALE The desirable double prop erty at 1717-1719 North Sec ond street; high class dwell ings', in good condition, mod ernly and completely equip ped; each side has nine rooms 2 baths, pantry, halls, etc. 1719 can be delivered April 1. in quire at 108 NORTH SECOND ST. FOP. SALE Three 3-story frame houses, eight rooms, paved street. J2 100 each. Two brick semi-bunga lows. 6 rooms, laundry, bath, pantrv. porches. $3.100 ®?ch. Two bricks, all improvements Ij.lOO bot.i. All dose In. Be ll phono 1334 J. TWO-STORY BRICK HOUSE All improvements; in city; front porch bay window; nice yard to drive alley jlvO down, balance us rent. Liberty Bonds accepted. C. H. CORDER 1722 Green Street. Bell 560-J. FOR SALE - Immediate posses sion, fln° property, corner Derry and Kelso streets. I axtang. Hardwood floors, steam heat, gas and electricity. Garage In rear. Inquire J. K . Kip j,; BUY YOUR HOME on our rental payment plan. Small casn or Liberty Bond first payment required, balance as rent. We have houses 'inTvS y nart Of the city and suburbs. Apoiv A P. Doranz. 1225 North Sixth street! $4OOO WILL BUY a single housT with HBT imnn avenue, Camp Hill, $lOOO in cash Balance can remain in mortgage. I„- (luivu J. K. Klpp. _ FOR SALE Corner property, in open location, on North Second street, I at reduction If sold at once, immedi ate possession. A. \\ . bwengel, 21;; 1 North Second street. gIJX FOR SALE A property in good section of North Sixth street. Posses sion soon. A. \\. bwengel. 2131 North Second street. BKAIi KSTATK I'OR SAI.K FOB SAI.K 1522 Stvatara street 3-story brick, 8 rooms and bath all uther improvements, side entrance Price very reasonable. Hell Realty Co' Bergner Building. SKVIiKA I. HOUSKS FOR SAI.K ON KASY TKRMS—Brick construction lull modern improvements, including ; steam boat; price. s;i,4ou. Bell Roaltv Ico.. Bergner Building. JIIi VACANT UKSIDKNCK FOR SVIF : —Brick and stucco: nlno rooms'and bath, gas. electric light, steam heat three open fireplaces, hardwood floors' lot, 60x100; garage on rear. Price' so,iioo. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. Vlilt Y ATTRACT WIS PRICK on No ISOS North Sixth street and two small houses on the rear—lot, 20x165 Rent J32 per month. Price, only $3 a.,./ Bell Realty Co.. Bergner Building. ' FOR SAI.K No. 1832 Park street —three-story brick all modern im provements lot, 17x110 to drive al ley. Bell Realty Co.. Bergner Build ing. VACANT UOCSK FOR SAKK Nc. 2310 Penn street, brick construc tion, 6 rooms and bath, steam heat gas and eleetrie light, concrete front porch, side entrance. Price, s:;,<ioii an Kasy terms. Bell Realty Co.. Bergner Building. FOR SAI.K Puxtang, PH., 31116 Brisbane street, fine suburban. 7-rooin brick house. Steam lieut. electric and gas, front and rear porches, lot, 30x 120, rear drive. Can be occupied at onee. Call Bell 12.M. FOR SALK —On easy terms, 2010 to 2018 Susquehanna street. Posses sion on April 1. Apply A. P. Dorani, 1225 North Sixth. REAXJ KSTATE FOR RENT BEAUTIFUL COUNTRY HOME— ' "lIILLCREST" —FOR RENT [ Large. country house, one block fioni trolley, all improvements. Hot and cold water, steam heat, gas, elec , trie light, sun parlor, extensive I grounds, tennis court, garage. Terms , reasonable. Immediate possession , Call Bell phone 31S9R-1, or address : Baron Bcstecki, P. O. Box 91, New Cumberland, Pa. ; FOR RENT No. 209 South Front I street, ten rooms, two baths. Apply , Harrisburg Trust Company, 1G South , Market Square. REAL ESTATE—For Sale or Rent HOUSES AND GARAGES— At Fifth . and Curtln Streets; possession of . some of the houses on thirty days' notice. Fred C. Miller, 31 North Sec ■ ond. Bell phone 30TJ. REAL ESTATE WANTED REAL ESTATE WANTED We have some ready purchasers for Improved Real Estate. Let us know what you have to offer. LINCOLN REALTY CO. 1129 North Seventh Street. WANTED, | TO RENT, ' TWO-STORY BRICK BUILDING | SUITABLE FOR GARAGE. , ADDRESS V„ C 192, CARE OF TELEGRAPH. WANTED, TO BUT A residence property in good repair. Allison Hill preleried. Nothing above s3,uuo in price. Address Box S, 7403, care of Telegraph. HOUSE W ANTED G to 9 rooms conveniences preferred and up-town location. Apply I* G6lB, care of Tele graphy WANTED. TO RENT Small, mod ern house. Camp Hill or I'axtang pre ferred. Rent not over $3O per month Addres3 Box T. 7309, care of Tele graphy WANTED A furnished house, as soon as possible, centrally located." for two months, nest of re I ere noes. Best of care guaranteed. Address J., 73j'> care of Telegraph. WANTED—TO RENT We are having a number of appli cations at this time for furmhsed houses, apartments and rooma. What do you have to offer? Address Mil -1 ler Brothers & Company, Locust and Lou-t streets. READY CASH FOR CITY PROPERTY WHAT HAVE YOU TO OFFER? BELL AND DIAL PHONES CHAS. ADLER. 1002 N. THlltD ST. ! Offices mill Storerooms for Rent FOR RENT Second Bnd third floors over Piaster's Jewelry Store, now occupied by Kellberg's Studio. HPS been occupied as a photo gruphlc "studio for over ten years. Apply CLASTER'S JEWELRY STORE, 302 Market Street. FOR RENT .BOARD OF TRADE AUDITORIUM.. For meetings, conventions, Banquets Dances and parties. Use of piano free. Kitchen attached. 11. C. CLASTER. Jeweler, 302 Market Street. \ . l iL ' , • ' . .' | Oflioes ii ml Storerooms for Rent MARKET ST. STORK FOR RIO NT Beautiful Daylight Store 604 Market Street. CHAP. ADLER 1002 North Third street : 250 HAMILTON STREET— Suitable ] for barber, tailor, poolroom or cigar i store. Chas. Adler, 1002 N. Third St. FARMS I SMALL FARMS ON EASY TERMS ] At-acre, u good house 12,400.0( I t-acre. u good house $551).0( j 2Vj acres, good building $2.7u0.0t 1 .7 acres, good buildings..., $650.0( j 48 acres; plenty hay and | straw $2,750.0< 102 nrres, Perry county $2,800.01 1105 acres, near city $5 soo.ot j ;io acres, near city $0,000.01 lO7 CHESTNUT ST. FOR SALE—MISCELLANEOUS PKOPLK COMING BACK THREE pit FOUR TIMES. SAY THAT LONG FLAME FURNACE COAL j is so satisfactory that 110 other | COAL gives the same SATISFACTION. | Order 1.000 Ris. to-dny, $1.70. Bell 600. Dial 2345 J. B. MONTGOMERY. NO COAL CARDS NEEDED. SUBURBAN DELIVERY. I FOR SALE Natural reed bahj carriage, in excellent condition; als< j white wicker bassinette, on win wheels, call 1310 I terry street. Bel I phone 967 M. Second Floor Apart ir.f nl. j STIEFF BABY GRAND PIANO FOl SALE In perfect condition. Or wil exchange for automobile of oqiin value. Address Box 587, Letnovno Pa. FOR SALE Deliver} wagon an sleigh, boxes, barrels, baskets, crates paper cartons, wuste paper, burial bags, etc. B. B. Drum, 1801'Nortl Sixth. j FOR SALIC —Household furniture | all kinds, private atul immediate sale Inquire Mrs. Fritcher, 110 Walnul j street, front A. M. to 6 P. M. i RECLINING CHAD: FOR .SALE - jSe wing machine, two bedroom suites i carpet, upholstered sofa and roc-kin ! chair, dining table and chairs. Inquire I 1 or. South Thirteenth street. City, be ! rcre March 10. | FOR SALE Wood for kiudlitu I for range or furnace, pine or oak -slabs or billets. Pleased customers ir j all parts of city. 801 l phone 1055 M. FOR SALE —A 5-burner gas range, 1 bedroom suit and spring. Cu! 193S Pen 11 street. FOII SALE Quarter-oak, combi nation bookcase and desk. Also re volving chair to match. Price, $12.30 Call Bell 34G0W, between 6 and ! P. M. FOR SALE Diningrooni double heater, $lO, complete. Apply 101-i Green street. FOR SALE 150-egg Prairie State Incubator, reasonable. Also Silvet Laced Wyandotte Eggs, $l.OO per set ting of 15 Eggs. Call, or write, Cal vin Leitzel, 1316 Howard street. City FOR SALE One F. & P. Gas Plant, 14 lights, for sale cheap. In good condition. Fine tiling for busi ness that has no electric connection D. H. Martin, Klizabethtown. Pa. FOR SALE—Good Livingston piano in good condition. Party leaving city, v.-iIJ sell at reasonable price. Call al 210 South Thirteenth street. SCALES FOR SALE The Dayton Computing style 88, capacity 10 lbs Good as new. Al condition. Cal evenings 414 South Wood street, Mid dletown, Pa. FOR SALE English bull dog, fe male. Registered and pettigrued. 42( Woodbine street. City. BI.AJSDKLL LATHE I'D in. x 12 ft Lodge & Shipley Quick Change 14 in x 6 ft. Mundy Hoist 614x10 in. Trav eling Derrick, 3 H. P. Gasoline En gine. 1 H. P. A. O. & D. C. Motors 14 H. P. A. C. Motors, also will buy gi od Metal Working Machinery unc Electric Motors, Generators, Battery Charging Sets, etci F. R. Lavorty 1857 Bell Phone. FOR SALE Dinlngroom set miscellaneous urticles of furniture. In quire Bell phone 4419. BARGAINS! IiAItUAINSI The Store across from Y. W. C. A. offers you the Bigg 1 and Best Bar gains in Men's and l i' Suits, Over coats. Mackinaw Coats, Underwear. | Hats, Caps and Shoes. We are fam ous tor Low Prices. Give us u trial. ; OUTLET CLOTHING CO.. 23 North Fourth Street i MORRIS SAYS save money buying ' new and second-hand furniture here. High prices paid for furniture. Morris I Sclimertz, 1030 Market. Bell 3971 R. ; TYPEWRITERS BOUGHT FOR CA3II ALL MAKES RENTED EXCHANGED. GEO. P. TILLOTSON, 205 LOCUST STREET. OPPOSITE ORPHEUM THEATER. BOTH PHONES. WANTED —MISCELLANEOUS HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID for Second-hand Furniture. Prompt at tention. Newmark He Cown, 36s Broad street. Dial phone 4286. WANTED to buy 'seqond hand canoe in good condition for cash. Give description and price, also whether you have paddles to sell. P. O. Box 6, Carlisle, Pa. WANTED To rent or buy a ri\cr lloet. State particulars. Address J. 11. P.. 516 North Front street, Steciton. W ANTE D—MISCELLANEOUS WANTED. TO BUY A 42 or 4 1 size full dress suit. Give price, etc Address P. O. Box 41, Harrlsburg. WANTED A good, used Upright Piano. Send name, price and descrip tion 10 Piano, care of Telegraph. WA\"TKD, TO BUY A modern, up-to-date, used typewriter. Address Box T, 7213, care of Telegraph. WANTED. TO BUY Bathroom second-hand fixtures, bath tubs, water closets and wash stands. Ad dtess Box O. 7302, care of Telegraph. HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOP. ALL kind: ..p Junk. Get our prices before selling. Call Bell phone 926, or drop us a postal and our wagon will caU. Keystone iron & Metai t_o.. Broad and Currant streets. MAX SMELTZ Second-hand furniture bought and sold. Highest cash prices paid. Cull Bell 1381 or Dial 5847, or drop a pos tal to Max Sineltz. 1016 Market street, •nnu call, city or country, MARCH 5, 1919. WAXTKD—M ISt'ELLAN ROUS WANTKI) - Hnby carriages for cash. We repair go-carls, retrlm, re print nnil upholster. Uut-Knte Cycle < . . bit North Third street. WAN i 1 i) Vict roles, Grnfonola* and Records for rash. Phono or write, Sin North Third street. MOTORCYCLES, SIHI-: PAHS - Wrecked machines bought for cash. Dial phone 5839. Write, phone or cull and buyer will call. Slu North Third street. WANTKD— Bicycles, frames. parts, etp.. for cash. Buy here and save money. C'ut-ltate Cycle Co.. slo North Third street. l>ial phone 5839. WANTKD ltoll-top desks, show eases and shelving, for cash. Dial phone 5839. Cut-Kate Cycle Co., SlO North Third street. HIGHEST PKICES PAID for aM kinds of empty barrels and Junk. Cull llell phone 4276. B. Abranis bi Son, 824-832 North Seventh street. L. COHEN & COMPANY, York and Ash avenues. Highest prices paid for rags, paper, iron, barrels, .obber and metal and old machines. Scud postal or call 3221W Hell and Dial 8226. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES LEASES! LEASES! Thouaafids of people are coming thousands of miles to invest Thousands of Dollars in the "WOULD WONT Kit" OIL Fields of Texas. For full information write \V. I!. Bass, 811 t-j Main street, Ft. Wortli Texas. $5,000 YKAK POSITION if compe tent to handle large corporation's business in this city. Must have sin:i, for which SNOO worth of marketable goods art given you to til I orders. This exceptional opportunity brings indepedence and big money. Exclu sive control. Give address or phone number for appointment. Address Box B, 7502. care of Telegraph. FOR SALE Grocery, doing a profitable business city 12,000 popula tion. Central Pennsylvania. Excellent opportunity. Low price to quick buyer. Write at oncu for particulars Address Box K.' 7041, care of Tele graph. BUSINESS PERSONALS SAFETY-RAZOR BLADES RE~ SHARPENED Single edge—2sc per dozen. Double edge-—3sc per dozen METROPOLITAN HOTEL ANNEX OK THIRD AND CUMBERLAND STREETS BARBER SHOP. All Work Guaranteed. OXY-ACETYLENE WELDING Any metal welded. Work guaran teed. Carbon removed by oxygen Capital City Welding Co., 1538 Logan street. Bell 4 398 J. FURNITURE. CARPETS. STOVES— Bought and sold. S. Gold. 1014 Alar kct. Bell 4085 J. QNININE —Look out (or that grippe feeling, likely to catch you this changeable Weather. OUR LAXATIVE PHOSPHO-QUININE will stave it off if taken in time. Gross Drug Store 119 Market street. CONTRACTOR AND BUlLDER—Es timates, Jobbing. First-class work 11. W. Hummer. 1423 Liberty street' Bell 4420. ' A. LANE New and second-hand furniture bought and sold. Highest prices paicT 1022 Market street. Bell 4730-J. INVENTORS FINANCED Patents Automobiles, Motorcycles Bought Sold, Exchanged. Cash or commission! Simon Horst. Linglestown, Pa. UPHOLSTERING Of tho best kind. Work guaranteed. We call and deliver. 308 Broad street. Dial phono 4 826. RAZOR BLADES SHARPENED Single edge, 25c doz.: double edge, 35c doz.; razors, 25c. Gorgas Drug Store. FURNITURE CRATED—And china packed for shipping. Also repairing J. A. Bishop, 1736 Logan street. DIAMONDS bought for cash—P. H, Caplar. Co., 206 Market street. MONEY TO LOAN MONEY If you are pressed for ready cash to meet any emergency, call to see us. We lend money in compliance with the laws of the State. EMPLOYES IX)AN SOCIETY, ROOM 206 BBRGNER BLDG., THIRD AND MARKET STREETS. LICENSED AND BONDED BY STATE, MONEY FOR INCOME TAXES and other necessities. If you a're sub ject to tax and without funds ami bank credit, our money service may interest you. Cost reasonable. Pay ments arranged to suit your income CO-OPERATIVE LOAN & INVEST MENT CO., 204 Chestnut St. WE LEND MONEY In compliance with Act of June 17, 1915, to individu als in need of ready cash; small loans a specialty, business conlidentlal, pay ments to suit borrower's convenience, positively lowest rates in city. PENNSYLVANIA INVESTMENT CO. 132 Walnut Street. Musical FOR SALE Saxaplionc and Hawaiian guitar. In good condition. Only used a few months. Call Bell phone 29221!. FOR SALE liallct & Davis up right piano, in line condition. Guaran teed 10 years. Great bargain for cash. Address D., 6421, euro of Tele graph. VIOLINS, MANDOLINS. GUITARS, BANJOS. Band and Orchestra Instru ments promptly and carefully repair ed. OYI.ER'S, 14 South Fourth street. TALKING MACHINES promptly anri cart fully repaired by an expert only OVEER'S, 14 South Fourth street. PLAYER PIANO With forty rolls of music, for sale; slightly used; must be sold at once; cheap to a quick buyer. Spangler Music House, 2112 North Sixth street. HOUSES AND CARRIAGES FOR SALE Two good horses, weighing about 1.50U pounds. Would make excellent farm horses. Reason for selling, have purchased trucks, Also three wagons arid two sets ot harness, in good condition. Apply t< Malinger Kingan Provision Co., 421 south Second street. HAULING AND MOVING AUTO HAULING Local and long, distance a specialty. We move fur niture and pianos everywhere, any where. at any time. Robert Aboil, 16U1 North Fourth. 801 l phone lllxj. AUTO HAULING—LocaI or long distance. Furniture and piano moving a specialty. Blue Line Transfer, 917 Capital .-u eel. Both phones. AUTO HAULING Anything, any'- where. Furniture moving. E. ri. Os man. 717 South Nineteenth street. Bell 1591 W. , HICKS Local and long-distance hauling and storage. 424 Keily. Both phones, 1 lIAUMNU AXD MOVING . I'fVl'iV- AXD LONG-DISTANCE MAI LING Furniture moving. Prompt service. Bluest Corbln. 65>i< Colder Mllet. Motll pll U IK'H. Bell Dial 3683. FOR 111 UK Two-ton uuto truck. Apply 11 OS South Ninth street. Bell phone 2455 R. HEAVY HAULING—FuIIv euuippad for furniture, freight nnd piano mov ing. No distance too far. Careful driver. Ruin anil dustproof body. J E. Grubber's Truck Service. Irwin Aungst. 11111 nager. Hersliey, Pa. Bell phone 15116. AUTO TRUCK SERVICE Local and lonK distance. I\ j. Marter. Bell Steclton. AUTO HAUJsING Locnl and long distance. Furniture moving a *pe i daily Rates reasonable. Prompt ! service. Call Bell 623-J. | GENERAL HAULING AND FAST | EXPRESS SERVICE to nearby towns I with auto trucks. Only experlencod i and careful drivers. Call Bell 3320. or Dial 2265. ALL KINDS OF HAULING AND MOVING DONE CONRAD BROS.. 341 ICELKER ST. BELL PHONE 6231 V. DIAL PHONE 3518. WHERE TO DINE j ALVA HOTEL AND"RESTAURANT | THE HOME OF SATISFACTION. STOU EI-ER'S RESTAUII ANT—Home I cooking served to Businessmen and Ladies in separate dining rooms. STORAGE ! STORAGE—4I9 Broad street, house ; hold goods, merchandise. Private rooms at reasonable rates. Also haul ing of all kinds. D. Cooper & Co. | Both phones. STORAGE—in brick building, roar lOS Market. Household goods in clean, private rooms. Reasonable rates. I\ G. Diener. 408 Market street. STORAGE Private rooms for ; household goods in iireproof ware house. $3 per month and up. Lower j storage rates in non-iireproof ware house. llarrisburg Storugo Co., 437- | 45 South Second street. Cleaners ant! Dyers ; IT PAYS to have Clothes Cleaned, ; Pressed. Dyed or Repaired at the best t place in town. Call and deliver. Goodman's. 1.106 14 North Sixth. Both j Phones. UNDERTAKERS SAMUEL S. FACKLER. FUNERAL 111 RECTOR 1312 Derry St. | BELT. 1956. DIAL 2133. RUDOLPH K. SPICER, Funeral Director and Embalmcr, 511 Nortli Second Street. BELT. 252. DIAL 2145. CEMETERY LQTS FOR SALE J PROSPECT HILL CEMETERY I Beautifully situated on Market street east of Twenty-sixth, and on the north and east faces the now park way. ' The prices of lots are moder ate. Miller Bros. & Co.. Agents. AUTOMOBILES OVERLAND USED CAR DEPARTMENT. WE ARE STILL CONTINUING OUR "SPRING SALE." Our assortment is growing more limited each day. Wo would advise you to act soon. Place yopr order NOW! A small deposit will hold your car for April delivery. Dodge Touring., rofinished. A splendid car. Maxwell Touring. over hauled and in good condition. National 12-cylinder sport touring roadster. Seats five . comfortably. A powerful car that looks and runs like new. Overland 5-passcngcr. light! six. Thoroughly overhauled and refinished a beautiful' Brewster green. Several others for the early buyer. AU are attractively priced. Time Payments Can bo Ar ranged. Open Evening Until Nino. THE OVER LAND-HARRIS BURG CO. 212-11 North Second Street. Both Phones. SECOND-HAND TRUCKS AND PLEASURE CARS FOR SALE—Ford tbn trucks. 2-ton Autocar truck. 2-ton Republic truck, 4-passenger Mltcnell Club roadster, "-passenger Haynes touring car. International Harvester Company of America. Truck Depart ment, 619 Walnut street. FOR SALE Ford Touring. Good running order. Motor overhauled. Good rubber. Bar gain. Will demonstrate. M. P. BROWN. Bell 1517 R. Additional Classified Ads on Opposite Pago
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers