Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, March 05, 1919, Page 13, Image 13

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Hal Chase Big Drawing Card
For Giants; Sisler His Rival
\s a showman, John McGraw
could give most exhibitors cards and
spades, and win easily. Never a
vear but he does not frame up some
thing as a card with his team. He
even carried crazy "Bugs" Raymond
some months merely because he en
tertained the crowd, and Tom
Thorpe served the same purpose for
a while.
When Mac made his deal for Hal
Chase he had something of this kind
in view, although McGraw must es
timate that Hal is still about the
best first baseman alive. Neverthe
less. Chase will be worth money to
the Giants as an advertising stunt,
and the team which has no star
whatever seldom gets the crowd
which will flock to see some uncom
mon player.
Under McGraw. it is possible
that Chase will be more brilliant
than ever in his career, and, if so.
he means a big help in the pennant
race. For several years Hal had the
entire first base spotlight No one
had really shone since Fred Ten
ney, who is given credit for devel
oping this position. Time was when
the first sacker stuck to his bag like
a cootie to a Hun; Tenney made it
a fielding place.
While Tenney actually may be
Credited with being the pioneer of
modern first basemen. Hal Chase,
who suceeded him to the first base
crown, was even moie brilliant than
Fred, played a still deeper first base
and made plays on bunts and to
other bases that even Tenney did not
think of.
In addition to remarkable grace
and dexterity, making it possible for
him to take all sorts of wild throws
in awkward positions. Chase also
was one of the quickest thinkers
baseball ever has known. No play
er ever was quicker in sensing a
play, and no player ever has been as
proficient as Chase in breaking up
the bunting game.
While at the top of his career,
Chase even played bunts hit down
the third base line, and frequenUy
made plays that were ruined for him
by the slow-thinking infielders he
was associated with. While Chase
was accused of laying down in the
latter part of his Yankee career, he
once remarked bitterly of his brotlj*
er infielders, "What is a fellow to
do if whenever he lets go of the ball
he has to be afraid of hitting those
"bones on the head?"
Jake Daubert, who came to Brook
lyn in 1910, five years after Chase
came up with the Yankees, was little
"behind Chase in all-around bril
liance. Unfortunately, he, too, was
a player with moods, who had to
be humored and frequently gave the
Impression that he was harboring a
Daubert played as deep a game
as Chase, but in some things lacked
Chase's finesse, and, though a quick
thinker himself, Daubert never had
■Chase's ability to grasp a situation
as it came up.
"Stuffy" Mclnnis is now the
greatest right-hamded first baseman
of baseball. Brought into the Amer
ican League at the age of 17 when
he was a high school shortstop, Mc
lnnis succeeded the veteran Harry-
Davis, quite a crack first baseman
himself in his day, and
oped into one of the great defensive
and offensive of baseball.
Mclnnis has been described as a
Shortstop playing first base, and he
fits the description. He is a player
with Chase's quick brain and also
has an uncanny ability in playing
units and the proper sense as to
■where to play them. Even as a kid
substitute on the Athletics, he would
Bit beside Mack and suggest plays as
occasions would come up. John
I pLA ZE D jj
II Baked p
|l Apples—the re- ||
H freshing treat |l
H for breakfast or Hj
H lunch or as a H
H dessert de luxe [H
—w it h heavy p
H cream. Choice p
= winesap apples, p
i| they are —20c.
Complete ar
rangements can
be made for serv- j=r
ice for public ==
dinners and big ==
gatherings. =
1 1
pi Jo Market St. =
y toMttrt■ of EE
If You Want
a Real Spread
For Bread
S. S. Pomeroy
The Market Square Grocer
Heydler, president of the National
League, believes it was Mclnnis'
fielding more than anything else that
defeated the Cubs in the 1918
world's series.
Mclnnis also has been a far more
consistent hitter than Chase, and at
the age of 28 already has hit over
.300 seven times in nine years. In
one of the two others he hit .295.
George Sisler, however, may even
climb ahead of Chase and Mclnnis.
He is a lefthander like Chase, and
looks as though he will be the plny
or who will succeed Ty Cobb as base
ball's great all-around star. He
comes close to being the perfect ball
player, as he has a willing disposi
tion and is not given to grouches or
fits of depression.
Sisler can do most everything
around first base that Chase, Dau
bert and Mclnnis have been able to
do, and threatens to outhit any of
this trio. His grand average in his
first four years in the American
League already is considerably high
er than that of Cobb after he had
completed four seasons with Detroit.
Lieutenant Laverty, Back
From War, Visits Sisters
Lieutenant Lauman I-averty and
wife arrived in town to spend a few
days with the former's sisters, the
Misses Theo and Lydia Laverty, of
North Union street.
Lieutenant Laverty recently ar
rived in New York from Alliery,
France, where he was attached to
jase hospital o. TO. He was ill with
pneumonia during the winter but
when he was able he was sent to
Nice, where he stayed until he re
covered sufficiently to be returned
to the states. After arriving in
New York he took treatment at the
Polyclinic Hospital from where he
was sent to Fort McHenry, which is
located near Baltimore, where he
j will remain until he is mustered out.
Mrs. Laverty during her husband's
absence has been living at Loland
I Park, Baltimore, with her parents.
Walter Brandt, the 9-year-old son
of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Brandt,
of East Main street, was run down
by an automobile in front of his
father's barbershop, corner Pine and
Main streets, -Monday evening. He
with several other boys, were play
ing marbles when a machine came
along and another machine at the
rear wanted to pass and not see
ing the boy, knocked him down. The
driver of the machine stopped and
picked the boy up, and with the
father took him to the office of Dr.
H. H. Rhodes, whereupon exami
nation it was found that he was
badly bruised about the body. One
of his ears was nearly torn off and
badly cut about the head.
Harry Marshall moved from
Mechanicsburg to the Mish property
in North Union street.
The Women's Club will meet at
the home of Mrs. Fuller Bergstres
ser, North Union street, Thursday
afternoon. The subject for the af
ternoon will be "The Children's
Sylvester Strauss has returned
home from a several weeks' visit to
Loraine, Ohio.
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Shannon and
child are spending sometime at Cen
ter, Pa., where they attended the
funeral of the latter's brother, Roy
Hensch. who died at Camp Merritt,
N. J., while in the service of Uncle
Lieutenant H. Brua Campbell, who
was in the service of Uncle Sam
overseas, has been returned to this
country and mustered out of service.
He spent the past several days in
town as the guest of his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Campbell, North
Union street. Lieutenant Campbell
wilbreturn to New York City where
he will take up practice of law.
Adam Baumbach has sold his
three-story house in Nissley street to
William Dalton, who resides in the
Dr. W. P. Evans property in Emaus
street and will take possession April
The funeral of the late W. B.
gusta Hickernell was held from the
home of her daughter, Mrs. William
Flury, North Spring street this af
ternoon, with services at 2.30
o'clock. The Rev. James Cunning
ham. pastor of the Methodist Epis
copal Church, assisted by the Rev.
O. M. Kraybill, of the Church of
God, officiated. The pallbearers
were William. Eugene, Benjamin
and Clayton Hickernell, four sons,
Charles Lewis and Paul Flury, two
grandsons. Burial was made in the
Middletown Cemetery.
TThe funeral of the late W. B.
Anderson was held from the home
of Mrs. George Anderson, Market
street, this afternoon, services being
held at 2 o'clock. The Rev. W. A.
Lamer, pastor of the A. M. E.
Church, officiated. Burial was made
in the Colored Cemetery, East Mid
dletown. Both services were pri
William, the 3-year-old son of the
Rev. and Mrs. S. Bergen died at the
home of Harry Bauder, West Main
street, yesterday morning from
diphtheria, being ill for a few days.
Gordon Ford Accepts
Altoona Challenge and
Meets Team Saturday
The Altoona team which ap
pears here Saturday night is the
same that challenged the local
j Independents for the Central
! Pennsylvania championship. On
j it will be several stars from the
j western part. Bolt, who plays on
several teams in and around Al
toona, will play a forward po
sition with Knepley, who was
I a former Juniata star. Schlegel
and Epple will play the guard
positions. Richards, who plays
the pivot position, is considered
one of the best around the
mountain town.
The Altoona team challenged
the local team a week or so ago
and the local boys will be there
to accommodate the Altoona
team. They are bringing their
full crowd of rooters along and
it should make plenty of ex
citement at the auditorium for
Saturday night.
Independents Altoona
Rote, f. Bolt, f.
McCord, f. Knepley, f.
Haggerty, c. Richards, c.
Gerdes, g. Schlegel, g.
Ford, g. Epple, g.
SNOODLES x By Hungerford
. \ f vsmetf.(= Y U H ?TwCUU I CANT
Uoono man!/ f~7\ I ry */ \ milkn \
HHBnnn mH^^^^raraflHßMHflK
• fIHL
_ flj
; ?E IsHE^KgMSwrtpffiCgS^BSß^^Sffi
Joe Philips
Next Tuesday night should see a
hummer of a sparring show at the
Motive Power arena, since all the
pugilists billed declare they will be
at the ring. The management have
had some trouble in this feature,
and they hope that no further dis
appointments will be staged.
Reports say that both Eddie Dun
dee and Joe Philips are in shape to
go thi limit, which ought to be
something worth while. Phjlips, as
his picture shows, is short, stock but
with long reach. Dundee has a
shade on hhn in height but ringsters
who have seen them say this match
is about perfect.
Sammy Schift will not box at this
fray, for he is laying off two weeks
to get in perfect shape. Schiff is a
wise boy in his generation; he figures
Joe Barrett, Famous Handler
of Athletes, Will Give Bor
ough Excellent Bill
Boxing is taking hold of Harrisburg
and vicinity with a fierce grip, and
the new scheme of Government con
SMsMZWm mm
trol will make it ail the more popular.
Next Tuesday the Motive Power club
puts on a good program and the
evening after at Steeiton Joe Barrett,
veteran handler atjd athlete, will give
Steeiton, an uncommon treat.
Barrett is not doing things by halves.
Finding that his ring furniture could
not be brought from Baltimore, his na
that Rome was not built in a day.
and he is young yet. Two weeks'
rest-up will give him weight and
strength; he is then planning a busy
program, including a return battle
with Joe Tiplitz whom he gave a
beating to .recently. Tiplitz is now
matched to meet Johnny Kilbane In
a wind-up at the Olympia.
Philadelphia—lf he gets'a draw
Sammy Schiff surely deserves a
chance with Kilbane.
The battling Joe Marks who made
such a hit at the last meet, is sure
to draw the fans to this show; es
pecially since the opponent is to be
Joe McCarron, the black-haired
Irish boy who found all he wanted
in Marks who set a fast pace. The
rest of the card is up to those men
tive town, he is now building a Hng at
the Standard Theater, a bit of enter
prise which is waking up the steel city
to what may come in the near future.
The program for next Wednesday
evening will be marked by some huscky
local doings, Black Gunboat Smith be
ing engaged to meet Tommy Cqleman
of Tork. Another bout is that of Sam
I.averty, Steelton, and Bud Fahrington.
of York. These men are husky black
smiths and there will be some old
fashioned haymakers exchanged.
The de luxe bout, of course, is be
tween Herman Miller, middleweight
champion of the south, and Johnny
Wolgast, brother of the famous Ad.,
who fights nearly as cleverly as his big
brother. Wolgast is a rather busy per
son these days. Friday night he will
meet Joe Borrell, Philadelphia, in the
Cambria A. C„ Philadelphia. On Mon
day night he will tackle Walter Mohr,
New England States champion. In the
Lancaster West End Club and on Wed
nesday night he will meet Herman
Miller in Steelton.
••Hush little barroom
Don't you cry.
You'll be a drug store
By and By."'
Chicago, March 6.—A. R. Tearney,
temporary president of the Throe-I
League, upon his return from
Evansville, lnd., yesterday, said that
J 10,000 was raised at a meeting of
citizens there Monday night to sup
port a baseball club in a new league
to include the choice cities of the
old Three-I and Central Leagues.
The club will be operated by a fans'
association, similar to the organiza
tion of the Peoria, 111., club.
Cincinnati, March 5. Pitcher
Harry Sallee, of the New York Na
tional League club, was purchased
yesterday by the Cincinnati club,
according to an announcement made
at the office of the latter club. The
reason given for the transfer was
that Sallee desired to play near his
home, which is at Higglnsport,
Men taking boxing lessons at the
University of Kansas will not be al
lowed to take part in any boxing
tournaments held by the Kansas
I City A. C. or any other outside bouts
as formerly announced. The au
thorises at K. U. suy they are
olTering boxing as a course in tin
department of physical education
only and are not trying to train
men for the ring. "We regard box
ing as one of the best forms of phys
ical exercise for young men and
think it improves the men menially
and physically," says W. O. Hamil
ton, head of the department of phys
ical education.
The value of boxing was shown
in the recent war, when it was used
in all training camps. Boxing
teaches a man to think and act
Beedek, new manager of Pitts
burgh, has cast loose Tommy Leach,
who will be remembered by myriad
fans as the star of the Pirates when
they won pennants. Tommy's arm
went back on him last year No
one in the game had a quicker
brain. But he is now bench;d for
Wrestling is flourishing hko a
green bay tree these days. Henry
Irslinger, middleweight wrestler
left yesterday for Hot Springs!
[where he will train for three big
General Leonard "NVood Made
Leader of Great Move to
Standardize the Sport
By Associated Press.
New York, March s.—The army,
navy and civilian board of boxing
control in a statement made public
to-day announcing that Major Leon
ard Wood had accepted the presi
dency of the board, made known its
aim and purposes. Tite board, which
was recently incorporated in New
York state, was organized with the
aim that eventually it would become
the National Boxing Association in
this country, controlling both ama
teur and professional branches of
the sport. General Wood fi.ls the
place that wa sto have been taken
by the late Theodore Roosvsveit.
In addition to tr.e active leadership
of General Wood, tho new organiza
tion will have as pat-on 3 and ed
visers many men prominent In army,
navy and political life including
Admiral Henry T. Mayo, fourteen
major generals of tho army, four
teen rear admirals. Governors Boyle,]
of Nevada, and Harding, of Iowa;
live United States Senators and live
college presidents. The advisory
council is made up of 56 persons, in
cluding Charles H. Sabin, president
of the Guaranty Trust Company;
Major Anthony Drexel B'.ddle, direc
tor of government athletic; Harry S.
New, United States Senator from
Washington; Rear Admiral T. S.
Rodgers, and Charles Thorley.
The prospectus of the beard states
that it desires to develop boxing in
this country to a higher level and
to prepare the way for entry into
the sport of men returning from ser
vice abroad. It seeks to have a law
permitting boxing passed in every
state and to develop champions in
states, among colleges, in various in
dustries and among nations.
Control of the amateur as well as
the professional sport will be sought
in order to make boxing safe from
The organization will be governed
by a board of governors, an advisory
council and standtig committees,
consisting of itpresentatives of .ced
ing sporting clubs, officers of the
United Btates forces and others In
terested in the sport of hexing
bouts. Irslinger is matched with
Walter Miller, who recently defeat
ed Mike Yokel in two straight talis,
in April at Los Angeles. lie will
meet Pat O'Oonnell at Portland,
Ore., and Mike Yokel In Salt Lake
City. Irslinger was lately married
and the trip also serves as his honey
moon tour.
A campaign for a new boathouse for
the use of the University of Pennsyl
vania crews, and as a means of leading
to a more general participation In row
ing work by University students of
all kinds and classes at the Red and
Blue Institution, has spread like wild
fire on the Penn campus, not only
among the student body, but with the
support of the athletic authorities as
Chicago, March s.—Wrestling en
thusiasts commented today on the final
breaking of the draw, existing until last
night, between Joe Stecher, of Nebraska,
and Ed ("Strangler") Lewis, of Ken
tucky. The men had met three times
preceding the contest here and each
bout had been declared a draw—the
longest resulting in five hours of wrest
The match last night, their fourth,
was won by Lewis after two hours,
twelve minutes and thirty-seven seconds
of wrestling. Stecher being the aggres
sor almost throughout. By agreement
the first fall secured after two hours
of wrestling was to decide the match,
and the fall—the first of any of their
matches—came about through a head
Lewis announced today that he and
Earl Caddock would meet in a finish
contest as soon as the latter returned
from Prance, probably at Omaha, Neb.,
on July 4.
Mercersburg Baseball Dates
April o—Baltimore Polytechnic In
April 12—Wajtiesboro Athletic Club.
April 16—Alrnclift Athletic Club of
April 16—Albright College.
April 26—Wyoming Seminary.
May 3—Carson Long Institute.
May 10 Bethlehem Preparatory
May 16 —Massanutten Academy.
May 17—IlarriBburg Technical High
May 24—University of Pennsylvania
May 31 —Baltimore City College.
New York, March 5. —The New-
York National league Baseball Club an
nounced today that Hal Chase had sign
ed a contract to play with the Giants
at first base this season. Ills case
against the Cincinnati club has been
i settled out of court, it was announced.
Host of Rooters to
Travel With Tech on
Pennant-Deciding Trip
When the Technical High
school basketball quintet leaves
Friday for Reading, the aggre
gation will take one of the largest
crowds of rooters from Harris
, burg that ever represented this
city. It will be make or break,
for the squad that pH'.yn Reading
Friday night and Allentown Sat
urday. Should Tech win both
contests it will mean the league
pennant. To lose both will in
dicate that probably Reading will
cop the honors. Should Tech win
at Allentown, but lose at Reading,
it is almost certain that a post
season of contests will have to be
played to decide the champion
It is likely that Tech will play
Lansford High school in this city
March 14. This team claims that
championship of the State and
was booked on this account. They
have already defeated Reading
High school, and have won the
championship of the coal regions.
The following Friday Reading
will visit this city, and the sea
son will be terminated March 28,
with the visit to this city by the
Blue and White of Steelton. Tech
has lost but one game this sea
son, and that by a single point.
The Royal Five gave a classy ex
hibition of basketball at the expense
of Berks, winning 49-34. Field goals
for Royal were common as cooties
In the trenches, Shickley and Elkins
getting the bulk of them. Shickley
Jiad nine foul goals tcf his crdit. The
Royal Berks
Shickley, f. Hylan, f.
Elkins, f. Cunningham, f.
Dunkle, c. Wilsbach, c.
Armstrong, g. Minskey, g.
Strine. g. McCarthy, g.
Field goals—Shickley, 7; Elkins,
8; Dunkle, 4; Armstrong, 1; Hylan,
8: Cunningham, 6; Wilsbach, 2.
Foul goal—Shickley,, 9; Hylan. 2.
Sixth aad Seventh Bosks of Moses I
Hohmsa's l.eag Lsst Friend
AI he rt a* Magna*. Etc., at
lAtHAAll'a, 023 N. Third St.|. •
20,000 new, old, rare hooks,
all sabjects. Books Bongkt.
Open evenings Bell fkose 33T-J I
lv J
MARCH 5, 1919.
Allison Hill League Will Go It
Alone; Open Season on May 7
At a meeting of the board of di
rectors of the Allison Hill Baseball
League last evening, a majority of
the members decided to reject the
proposition of the West End man
agement to extend the organization
to that of a city league. The argu
ments against the proposition were
to the- effect that a satisfactory
schedule could not bo arranged to
give Hill patrons baseball on the
hill every night with sfx teams in
the league, and the contests played
on two diamonds. Interest would
be divided and two additional teams
in the league would weaken the
article of baseball that hus been
played in the past. Managers ex
pressed it as their opinion that it
would be difficult to take an entire
team from one of the city to the
other without losing much good
playihg time. The final argument
was that board of directors of the
Hill organization should not decide
the question of a city league.
The election of officers for the
At the Academy Alleys the Gen
erals of the Duckpin .League won
over the Majors and Corporals Wal
loped Lieutenants. The clubs stand
at present:
W. L. Pet.
Captains 27 IS .600
Sergeants 26 19 .573
Privates 26 19 .573
Pershings 24 21 .533
Generals 21 24 .467
Corporals 20 25 .444
Majors 18 27 .400
Lieutenants 18 27 .400
McQuade ... 116 156 142 414
Irwin 170 173 176 519
Snyder 150 107 158—■ 415
Harms 148 146 142 436
Stouffer .... 175 181 131— 487
Total .... 759 763 749—2271
Grissinger .. 133 175 123 431
Easton 115 150 IX6 381
Sheesley .... 128 155 106— 389
Hare 158 143 102— 403
Black 171 143 181 — 495
Total .... 705 766 628—2199
' HAttmSBURG. WEPWEgPAT, MARCH I, 1911. ~-j 'y
/ttffW p-w
' ' •
The Peace Time Quality of
King Oscar
will be remembered long after the price,
which conditions compel us to charge, has
been forgotten.
•> • ?
... John C. Herman & Co.
wo Makers
year resulted as follows: President.
E. E. Knauss; vice-president, Karl
E. Peters: secretary and treasurer,
A. H. Fritz. The president appoint
ed D. C. Hawley to draw up a sched
ule of contests, after it had been
decided to open the season May 5.
Treasurer A. 11. Fritz and Murray
Washburn were appointed as mem
bers of the Unance committee, while
O. F. Pressler and E. W. Killinger
will make a report on the grounds
at the next meeting.
. With the question finally settled
of the league remaining intact, the
organization will hold another meet
ing next Monday night to make a
drive toward the opening of the sea
son the first Monday of May. In
addition to the president, the rep
resentatives at the meeting werti:
Heading, C. F. Pressler; Hick-A-
Thrift, "Bob" Clark and Murray
Washburn; Rosewood, Karl E. Pes
ters and E. W. Killinger; Galahad,
D. C. Hawley and A. H. Fritz.
Johnson ... 127 111 83—321
Brubaker .. 106 901 146—353
C. Pugh .... 95 70 138— 303
A. Pugh .... 103 180 167 450
Gruntz 120 131 146 397
Total ~... 551 593 680—1824
Peck 150 99 147 396
Debo 109 74 99 — 282
Hanshaw ... 110 102 107-*- 319
Gerhart .... 119 111 103— 333
Brightbill t *.i 111 86 99— : 296
Total 579 473 655—1626
I Continuous Service 1
and Long Run I
I Let Us Give Yon Full DetaOsJ^
The Overland-Harrisborg Co.l
212-214 North Second Streets