Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, March 05, 1919, Page 12, Image 12

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High Class Vaudeville "Crosby's
Corners," a lively comedy offering
with ten people; four other acts.
Also another episode of "The Light
ning Raider, with Pearl White.
To-night Lou Tellegen in "Blind
Friday and Saturday, with daily
matinees, March 7 and 8 Lyman
H. Howe'e Travel Festival.
Wednesday, matinee and night, March
12 Florence Nash in "Remnant."
To-day and to-morrow Mary Bo
land in "The Prodigal Wife."
Friday and Saturday Constance
Talmadge in "Romance and Ara
To-day D. W. Griffith presents "A
Romance of Hppy Valley."
Thursday. Friday and Saturday—Elsie
Ferguson in "Under the Greenwood
All this week—Theda Bara in "Sa
At the Orpheum to-night, Lou Tel
legent is appearing in his latest sue
. cess, "Blind Youth."
I.ou Tellegen In This is the dramatic
••Hllnd Yontli" comedy written by
Willard Mack and
Mr Tellegen, which came to produc
tion at the Republic Theater in New
York early this season and later con
tinued its run at the Thirty-ninth
Street Theater. Mr. Tellegen is the
producer of the play and the tour is
under the direction of Charles Em
erson Cook, who was fur many years
associated with David Belasco. i
Mr. Tellegen is considered by many
judges the most brilliant of the young ,
actors of the day. He first came to j
the attention of our P ,a Y K °® > I T® _fL* i
leading man with Madame B r™hardt.
At the conclusion of her tour he elect
ed to stay in the United s " tates . *"!?
his career in this country has been
one series of successes. .
is 1 nlav he began work on when he
was Tn Paris. Finding no plcce suU
able, he continued his development
of it and then engaged Willard Mark
to assist him. The result is a vital
and entertaining drama.
The storv of "Blind Youth has to
do with a young artist. His mother);
2 Days
I Daily Mats chudren 25 !^ 350,
NIGHTS. 25c, 35c, 50c
r~ ~ V
In a screen version of the
play jn which the same
actress appeared a few years
ago in Harrisburg with John
A play which brought her
fame—the screen version is
no less famous.
Regent Theater
Final Showing
(ireatnt Production
A Romance of Happy Valley
nnd Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Drew
"Once a Mason"
Elsie Ferguson
and Eugene O'Brein
in charming new picture,
"Under the
Greenwood Tree"
a tale of sunshine and love
and happiness
COMlNG—"l.lttle Women" nnd
Doaslaa Fairbnnkn la "Arizona"
%. j
*ORHPEUM "LOIT 'oni^ht
PRICES .... 5Qc, 75c, $l.OO, SI.SQ, $2.00
The attraction booked at the Colonial Theater, to-day and to-morrow,
is the "Prodigal Wife." an adaptation from the widely read novel, "Flam
ing Ramparts," with Mary Boland. the popular stage actress, formerly
starring with John Drew.
Friday and Saturday. Constance Talmadge. in "Romance and Arabella."
The lady's extremely fickle nature an d the sober tactics of the prosaic
young man to win her affections provide pleasant and refreshing comedy.
This is an,adaptation from the play of the same name.
is an American, who has left him in
Paris, where his father, a Frenchman,
died. The mother marries again in
New Y'ork. The boy. being of impres
isionable nature, falls in love with an
adventuress and she wrecks his life.
He takes to drink to drown his sor
row and is brought to his senses by
the story of a fellow-artist. He goes
to New York and there through the love
of an American girls finds regenera
tion. His half-brother gets into the
clutches of his former mistress and
threatens to marry her. The artist,
in ordci to disillusion him. makes an'
appointment with her and the brother
informs his fiancee. This situation
develops into a thrilling climax in
the- last act of the play. At the end
it all concludes happily.
Mr. Tellegen has with him an ex
cellent company of players, includ
ing artists who have appeared with
him during the New Y'ork engage
ments. The cast includes: Jennie A. j
Eustace, Sidney Riggs, Jean Robert
son. Mark Smith. Ralph Ixrcke. Miriam
Sears. Sidney Riggs, Maria Noralina.
Mar. DeVoe and John Holland.
. *
jHQ/P v
\ tvv [-'■ "i
i ' f* " v ? : M
I '' ' I
ii.. • _ I
The admirers of Elsie Ferguson and
Eugene O'Brien, will see them in the
beautiful new pic-
Elsie Ferguson ture, "Under the
nt Urgent Greenwood Tree,"
to be shown at the
Urgent. Theater to-morrow, Friday
and Saturday'. Miss Ferguson, the
beautiful Artcraft star, takes the part:
of "Mary Hamilton," an orphan and 1
mistress of several millions of pounds,
who longs for tlie simple life. She
becomes a gypsy, ventures into the
world of the open road and meets
with a delightful series of adventures
such as you have never seen before.
A funny comedy will also be shown.
The greatest Griffith production, "A
Uomance of Happy Valley." is being
presented to-day for the last time.
Thousands of people have seen this
remarkable production, and it is an
ticipated that many more will throng
the playhouse for the last showings
t<- - night. Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Drew
ere also being shown in "Once a
Mason," a hilarious new comedy.
A dangerous trip through the Hozu
rapids, in the heart of Japan, is an
interesting feature
L> man H. Howe of a motion picture
Travel Festival tour of the "Land
of the Rising
Sun," which headlines the newest Ly
man H. Howe Travel Festival, com
ing to the Orpheum, Friday and Sat
urday; with daily matinees.
The trip through the deadly rapids
is made in a native craft, manufac
tured of long, lithe boards, which
yield to pressure like cardboard. This
flexibility is necessary, because an
ordinary boat would not last a mo
ment in the narrow, rocky channel.
Guided by a single Japanese with a
long oar. the boat shoots out among
the jutting rocks and furious rapids,
while rocks, trees and fields sweep
Crosby's Corners
A Splendid Farce With Music
Kinkaid Kilties
Follow the Crowds to See
Theda Bara
The gigantic Fox production
which lias taken the entire city
by storm —The brilliant, startling,
sensation al, stupendous screen
story of the ugr—sooo actors) u
; menagerie of animals) excelling
theatrical effects) superb a.-llngj
I the days of Herod >< vitalized!
| Admission, 15c A 25c and War Tax
by, and on all sides is a sea of foam
ing waters, with boulders poking
their heads through here and there,
sometimes the rapids narrow to a
width hardly wider than the boat, but
eucn tune the craft escapes by the
liaction of a foot. It requires some
Lours in reality to complete the pass
age of the. rapids, but the Howe films
snow in much less time all the thrills
of the actual adventure.
Mr. Howe's Japanese tour has many
other interesting teatures, including
glimpses ot tiie famous temples, of
coolie labor, of the little geisha girls,
of the sacred parks and tne oeauuiui
gal uens.
Aside from the tour of the Flowery
Kingdom, Mr. Howe is offering many
other striking teatures in his newest
Travel Festival program. These in
ciuuc a recent and fascinating excur
sion through Yellowstone National
' ark. with its wondertui display or
I geysers, waterfalls and canyons; a
strenuous hunting and fishing trip
through the rugged wilds of Canada;
an unique explanation in motion ot
the insignia of the United States
Army; unusual scenes of Italian ski
soldiers in the Alps; a sensational
South Sea series, huwing the hazard
ous capture of sea-elepnants, sharks
and swordtish; a steamer ride down
the placing and beautiful Ocklawana
in the Florida everglades; a demon
stration ot twentieth century effici
ency, wherein a single caterpillar
tractor moves a large frame dwelling
through the streets of a city; and
some startling aviation stunts over
the national Capitol ut Washington.
Local playgoers may look forward
with leal delight to the coming of
Florence Nash, the
Florence N'ush clever little starring
Coming in comedienne, at the
"Remnant" Orpheum Theater next
... , Monday, when she
will be seen for the first time Here In
a new comedy by Dario Niccodemi and
Michael Morton, "Remnant," fresh
from her four months' triumph at the
Morocco Theater, New York, with a
cast and production unchanged in any
particular. "Remnant," before it was
produced by Charles Emerson Cook In
Broadway ran for more than a year at
the Gaiete Theater, Paris, and for
eight months at the Royalty Thea
ter, London.
... " 'Kemnant,' " says Dr. Frank Crane,
is one of those beautiful plays , be
hind hich lurks a powerful spiritual
appeal. It is the triumph of a beau
tiful, unspoiled natural soul over the
septic artitlciallties of conventional
people. It is wholly delightful."
In addition to Mias Naan, the star,
and Orrin Johnson, who is the featur
ed player in this sparkling French
comedy, the cast includes such other
weli known players as Clare Weldon,
who has had important roles in manv
Relaseo productions; Harold Howard
Walter Regan, who plays the youth
ful hero, and Miss Dorothy Cheston
who is said to be the prettiest blonde
in Broadway, musical comedy chorus
girls not excepted. Mr. Cook, the pro
ducer of the play, has long been as
sociated with David Belasco. and it
is said that his artistic standards In
staging a play are just as high and
carefully executed as those of the
"past master of the stage-craft."
The Majestic's splendid comedy bill
which closes its engagement there
to-night, has as its list of
At the attractions Paramo, the
Majestic harmonica king, in a nov
elty musical offering; the
Kilkenny Duo. presenting a hilarious
comedy turn; McLaln and Gates,
clever young couple, in a breezy little
skit entitled, "Me and Mary;" "Billy"
Schoen, the popular comedian, and
"Crosby's Corners," a li\ely "rube"
comedy and musical offering, pre
sented by ten men.
The headliner for the remaining
throe days of the week will be the
Kinkaid Kilties ,an aggregation of
Scotch singers and dancers. Grouped
around this attraction are: Neil Mc
kinley, "nut" comedian; Hadji Sam
bola and Company, in the mystery of
fering, entitled "The Haunted House;"
I Largtw and Snee, variety entertainers,
and Tate and Tate, in an acrobatic
It is estimated that nearly 200,-
I 000 men and women are idle in the
United Kingdom and Ireland be
cause of strikes in various trades,
creating one of the most serious sit
uations industrially that the coun
try has had to face in many years.
At most of the mines in the 28
districts of the bituminous coal fields
there has been organized what are
known as production committees,
each consisting of three representa
tives of mine workers and three
men representing the company.
The 24 international unions in the
steel industry have a membership of
I over 1,500,000. They cover the iron
and steel industry in all its branches
from the men who dig the coal and
iron ore to the men who load out the
finished products at the plants.
Organized carpenters in York, Pa.,
have made a demand for an increase
of wages from 50 to 55 cents an
hour. Painters are also requesting
an increase from 40 to 45 cents an
hour, and bricklayers want their
wages increased from 60 to 70 cents
an hour.
The Toronto-Railwaymen's Union
has decided to accept the increase
awarded them by the majority of the
Board of Conciliation, which was
cents an hour for first-year
and 2 cents an hour for all other
The Private Life of the Kaiser
The Kaiser and Knlserln'a Late Major Domo, Chief of the HoydU
Household at Berlla and Potsdam.
Baroness von I.nrlwh-neddera Is the TRIE name of the Berlin
Court I.ndy who Rave the story of the Kaiser to Henry William
Fisher, Ursula, Countess von Fpplnshoven bring a nom de guerre,
heretofore used to shirld her.
Kaiser's Madness Doesn't Seem to Be Real, —Perhaps
It Was Feigned According to Plan —But His Blood-
Thirstiness Is Very Real —What a Famous Alien
ist Has to Say on the Subject—The Kaiser Lik
ened to a Junker Who Feeds Like a Pig—
"Hogs" It All —Kaiser's Assumption of
Divine Powers—That Famous Noodle,
Prince Henry, Trained Like a Poodle
Dog—Jabbers Anything "Big Broth
er" Tells Him to
Modest Estimate of Himself—
The "Insult to Majesty" Humbug
—May the Old Man Rot in Pris
on"—A Vanderbilt About to Be
Fired at by Kaiser's Sentinel
—Kaiser's Real Idea as to a
Soldier's Duty—First Draft
of an Infamous-Famous
Speech—Kaiser an Epileptic
Wlint is the true character of William Moheiizollcru—once
ruler of the German Empire, ambitious to conquer a world, and
now an exile hi disgrace and humiliation—the most hated man in
all history?
Is William Holicnzollern insane? llate the German people
been the victims of u madman? What Is the evidence and who
arc the witnesses?
This series of articles Is In the nature of an inquiry into'the
heredity, habits, and daily life of this deformed, withered-armed,
little Ego-maniac whose violent umbition lias led to the murder of
nearly ten million men and the brutal maiming of ten million more
—a total of twenty millions.
This evidence is based on the original papers and diaries of the
lody-t'hief-of-tlie-Household of die German Court—a woman who
for many years has been a most intimutc observer, indeed, the only
genuine, unbiased observer, of und in the self-constituted Hub of the
Universe. No one has seen more of the Hohenzolleriis tlinn the
Harmless von lairisoh-Roddern. She was the Kaiser's mirror. Ills
conscience, so to speak, and hers is absolutely the last word on
the subject of decayed uml decaying German ltoyalty.
[Continued from Yesterday.]
My long years of service with the
Kaiser as head of the Imperial
Household have convinced me that
his countless exhibitions of assump
tion, injustice, incivility, and brow
beating witnessed day after day, were
not, as the saying is, second nature
with him, but that, on the contrary,
they reflected his true self, tlie real,
unadulterated William.
Talking interest in no one, but
himself, and holding society, (so farj
as it did not directly contribute to his,
momentary comfort) as of no ac
count, the master sent by Provi
dence into the world, "ready booted
and spurred to ride," used all men
and all women as beasts of burden.
An accident to my carriage once
caused me to go into a Berlin restau
rant not quite up to the standard ot!
Court Society, and there I saw a
man who ate just like the Kaiser
acts. According to dress and general |
manner, this individual belonged to
our landed gentry,—l subsequently
learned that he owned several thou-1
sand acres in East Prussia.
His wife and two children, a boy
of six or seven, and a girl 4 ° w ° Ur Y et
five, were with him at table. Yet
he ordered dinner for one ° nl > r ° p
himself—just as the Raiser,
was equipping a yacht, wouidorder
one life preserver,—Uie one he was
"°The'dinner started off with soup,
one plateful. And father ate all
he could ladle up Then he shoud
the plate across to his wife, who
managed to secure another half ;
spoonful and in her turn pushed it
before the children, who sopped up
what was left with bread.
There were similar proceedings,
on the Baron's part—yes, indeed, he
was a Prussian Baron —when the
fish, roast, the vegetables chicken
and dessert came along. His L ° rd "
ship ate bis fill of every course, and
the hungrv three pairs of eyes alter-1
nateVy fastened on his plate and
mouth disturbed him no more than
wasps do a bronze porker.
When he got through the menu,
he called for—' toothpicks, and c °*-
nacs to settle bis stomach, —lthat his
wife's and children's appetite was
uns'itisfied was nothinp to nim.
Nor would it be anything to the
Kaiser, if he were in the
shoes. Indeed. I am quite sure Wil
liam would have licked the Plate,
before passing them over to his wife
an, The'iCaiser used to boast that he
was the biggest land owner in Prus
sia.—l am sure he is the biggest liog
in Prussia or in the world,' the late
Queen Louise of Denmark once said
When he went riding with his wife
and some accident to her mount or
harness delayed Her Majesty on the
road, William proceeded to his desti
nation in the most unconcerned fash
ion. taking his gentlemen gendarmes
and grooms with him; neither did he
lessen his pace to give his wife a
chance to catch up with the party.
Physician Predicts Consequences of
Kaiser's I.nst of Blood
As long as 20 years ago. one of the
Kaiser's own physicians spoke to me
as follows; ~ .
"The Kaiser's speeches, he said,
"portend an unmistakable craving
for blood. His constant references to
war his incessant admonitions to the
arm'v that it must die for him. his
abominable, oft-repeated summons
to the soldiers to hold themselves in
readiness to slaughter their parents,
brothers, and sisters with gun, sabre,
or lance, sliow t|iat lie Is mad for
h '"Woc to the nntions If the Kaiser
ever gets the chance to practice what
he talks so earnestly, persistently and
with such evident gusto.
"I predict that he will not stop at
making war where other great
captains stopped, but that, on the
contrary, he will carry war into civil
ian life. He doesn't hesitate to con
fess that he is forever thinking up
new horrors of war and he will want
to see these hellish concoctions and
inventions at work destroying human
"If he succeeds in launching "The
•Day" (and he will launch It as Boon
as he thinks the proposition a safe
one for himself) women and children
and old men will be fair game for
him as well as the men of the armies
and navies.
"And if he should encounter trou
ble at home, he will not hesitate to
shed the blood of our own people in
rivers. His reference to the killing
of parents, mothers and sisters,
which the soldiers must perform if
he says the word, clearly foreshad
ows that."
Holicnzollerns' Lust For Blood
Doubtless the telegrams which I
used to read to the Empress, follow
ing in the wake of all imperial hunt
ing excursions, and announcing the
number of game killed, were very
gratifying from a sportsman's stand
point; bui, considering that William's
reign yielded not a single act of pnr
<loll, or of liiiinnn kindness, these
HHsjrds of blood, by William, are
igniticant. It is one tiling to measure
strength and wits and the velocity
° n ® 8 ° wn . or one's horse's tegs,
nK? e beasta the forests, us the
late Theodore Roosevelt did, and an
other to butcher game, released from
Ka P";" 8 ' the hundred as the
Kaiser used to do.
Houis, the Mad King of Bavaria,
was half a Hohenzollern and he, too,
was forever a-thirst for blood.
During the last five or six years of
his life, William's cousin used to
iary the monotony of inventing new
building projects by studying minute
accounts of battles and other gory
happenings, and afterward, his brain
aflame with visions of blood, he
strangle*' km pon a n>' servant near to
Otherwfso J off his ear, or
are M ? ? ai . m him ' Tha Bavarians
servants JL* 1 ","* Pensions to royal
"eg or ' 11 nOBc ' an eye. a
their mis. V BC of other limbs, by
tneir master's cruelty.
! when h he r hn^ tl l. Em P ror hoast
head f ed 11,8 Ifty-thou
of the nnmh * ar V C - " When 1 think
forests,'' he said °"I T'Tllt *1
crick the Great' at Kntin l. I'red
shouted t 1,1 K olin when he
would ve live t Bquudruns: 'Hogs,
u > e Ji*e forever? it n l^incr
tent n °4ith n° W H r ', he must bp con
rent with practising in the forest
keeps one in fighting trim. JS
HrnvVeV'*" Warranto
inc den.h Emperor felt about sign
ing death warrants is easy to judge
I mUtecT /o a him 6 "'T' 1 Cvery one M,b
of execiit 1 . an " that in all wrtts
Fre d e rick'a 1 ." ed Since Emperor
the phrase: °ZTrt
is I h" G^° Bt . Se ' fiBh P ers °n. William
envh„? artod ' and nevcr pardons
nunisheri r aVe due,is,s or officers
Ttv He nnn r exceedl "K their author
ity. He approves of insane blg-hcad
t?heC\vimen ln others - Previous to
mnnv First celebration,
man> thousand petitions arrived in
" er s . n i ail ' but 11,8 Majesty
"Wnfehoi y Tf' th - the Preparations for
extllc.e I A rcfUBed ev en to see the
♦hi m. i . recommendations which
the Minister of Justice had prepared,
v. have no time for miscreants,"
he said to Lucanus: "Let a few men
suffering for defending their honor
sword or pistol In hand, be picked
out and I will set them free. As for
Daily Health Talks
By Dr. W. Lucas
People get sick because they go
away from Nature, and the only way
to get well Is to go back. Something
grows out of the ground In the form
of vegetation to cure almost every
ill. Some of these vegetable growths
are understood by man, and some
are not. Animals, it woud seem
know what to do when they are sick
better than men and women. Ob
servers have noted that a sick horse"'
dog or cat will stop eating food and
seek out some vegetable growth in
the field or yard, which, when found
and eaten, often restores appetite
and health. Haven't you seen these
animals do this very thing yourself
Dr. Pierce, of Buffalo, N\ y, io„A
since found the herbs and roots pro
vided by Nature to overcome, consti
pa,V°"' and . he had these vegetables
collected and made up of Mayapple
leaves of Aloe, root of Jalap, Into lit
tle white, sugar-coated pills, that he
called Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets
You must understand that when
your intestines are stopped up. poi
sons and decayed matter are'impris
oned In your system, and these are
carried by the blood throughout
your body. Thus does your head
ache, you get dizzy, you can't, nleen
your skin may break out, your appe
tite declines, you get tiled and de
spondent. As a matter of fact, vou
may get sick all over. Don't you
see how useless all this suffering Is"'
All that to often needed Is a f, w 0 t
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pallets, which
he has placed in all drug stores for
your convenience and health. Try
them by all means. They are prob
ably the very thing you need right I
I the rest, they must tuke their medi
The Divine ltight Humbug
In the matter of William's claim
of divine inspiration, I might relate
hundreds of unccdoies showing thut
he imagines he holds extraordinary
relations with the Almighty. This,
moreover, was proved by his tirades
to his soldiers during the war in
which he condescendingly enlisted
God as a private in the German
I recall how in conformity with his
ideas of omnipotence, the Kaiser
made his brother-in-law, Adolph.
regent for the demented Prince of
Lippe. "I gave him his frown; woe to
him who touches It, ho told every
body. Nevertheless that cheap and
nasty bauble was touched and Ad
olph got the sack!
I remember how on another oc
casion, after chasing from n parade
to wrangle with a servant. His Ma
jesty sat down to dedicate a number
°£ "'k' es f° r "to new Berlin garrison
church, inscribing them as follows:
"I will walk among you and will
be your God and you shall be my
'Ye shall walk In all the ways
which I have commanded you."
"Without me you can do "nothing."
He signed each sentence "Wilhelm,
Imperator, Rex," and omitted quota
tion marks, as well as book, chapter
and verse.
'They shall stand by themselves
as expressions of my royal will," he
said to Her Majesty.
That the Kaiser's egotism leads
him to regard all state resources as
his personal property even to the
point of using state funds for his
personal use, will presently be
Claimed KveryUiing
Everything is his. "My army,"
"my Heligoland," "my navy," "my
port," "my fortress," "my funds,"
(meaning the state streasury), "my
minister of war," "My chancellor,"
are expressions we hear as often as
"my horse," "my boys," or "my
speech." He always places an egotis
tical emphasis on the "my."
I recall one typical instance when
he suddenly returned from his
Northland trip. An officer whose
name I have forgotten was invited
to second breakfast. "Bully chap,
this Lieutenant." said William to
Her Majesty across the table, "but
he came near ruining one of iny
torpedo-boats in trying to catch up
with niy Hohenzollern on the way
from Maeraak to Bergen. If he
damages another of my vessels, he
will have to pay for her."
"Mcthlnks I 11111 Becoming a Gol!"
There was much excitement in the
Royal Household after the first "di
vine-appointment" speech at Cob
lenz, and Prince Henry's declaration
of self-abasement; "I will carry
forth the evangelium of Your Ma
jesty's sacred person; I will preach
it to those who want to hear it and
also to those who don't want to hear
If this was not progressive blg
headedness, it would have been idle
mockery; yet no one acquainted with
William and his ways will consider
the alternative for a moment. On
the contrary, it is a well-authenti
cated fact that His Majesty took
t espasian's death bed jest Mc
thlnks I am becoming a god—in
bloody earnest from the very begin
ning of his reign.
In his every-day speech, as well
as in public addresses, he claimed
to be "all-seeing." Thus lie warned
the marines at Kiel to behave when
visiting foreign countries, as his
"eye was watching them, whether
at home or abroad, bv day or by
"More wonders," said one of the!
Emperor's sisters; "I suppose lie
will next invite the moon to sleep
with him, like a certain Roman
Emperor, who regarded himself a
The Kaiser's divine-appointment
speech at Coblenz, was a fitting
resume of his claims as God's vice
roy, repeated over and over again
since the direful day of his assump
tion of power over the German peo
ple, when, in a "general order," he
pronounced the astounding notion
that he was "accountable for the
army's honor and success to his
grandfather," who was dead one
hundred days.
That the "Holicnzollerns took
their crown from God's altar," and
that "they are responsible to 110
[ "A. P. W." Toilet Paper
Is Unquestionably the Best Toilet Paper Manufactured Jj
"A. P. W." Toilet Paper is quickly soluble in water. Obstruction to I
pipes and consequent annoyance, damage and plumber's bills due to *
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Coarse, rough paper is irritating and harmful. Much of it is made t
from waste material previously used for purposes which should pro
' • hibit its incorporation in toilet paper. "A. P. W." Brand is made from
specially prepared, clean fibre. It is thoroughly hygienic and therefore •
free from any injurious ingredients. I
Do not be deceived into thinking you are paying a lower price when 1
you buy, at 5 or 10 cents, rolls supposed to contain 1,000 sheets. They *
i are invariably short count and inferior quality. f
"A. P. W." Toilet Paper is the best quality and full count, and on .
the basis of full count, it is the most economical —to say nothing of • I
i better quality. ' f
See that you get toilet paper bearing the red "A. P. W." Trade e
Mark and be safe! j
■ Cartons Containing 4 Rolls of 2,500 '
Sheets Each, 10,000 Sheets, •
Price $1.60 ,
'* For Sale at the Following Stores:
AKhouse, H. n., Goodyear, W. 8., McCurdy, J. A.,
1 3rd & Mucnch. 19th and Dcrry. Stcelton, Pa.
' Althousc, P. J., Gorgas' Drug Stores Miller. J. F.,
1276 Market St. „ George's Drug Store, 1732 X. 6tli St.
Barnes, George N. 1306 X. 3rd St. Potts G. C.,
Second and State SU, rket St "j®®
Bolter, J. H., Kennedy's Cut-Ratc Store, Park, H
-209 Market St. 321 Market St. • 2I ,lace st -
Forney, C. M., Kltimlller's Pliarmaey, Thompson, W. F., J
, , 91 N. 2nd St. 1325 X Derry St. 2027 X. 6th S* '
I Golden Seal Drug Co., MeAllster, J. C., and
11 S. 2nd St. 1336 N. 2nd St. 1266 Dcrry St.
ButtorlT & Straley, New Cumberland. '
M M6/V' 1 ■ S>
MARCH 5, 1919.
one but the Almighty,"—how often
did I hear this story in the Imperial
Household from tho lips of the
Kuiser, the Kaiserin, and all the
Princes and kin—even the servants
believed it and the mass of the Ger
man people. Ho>v easy would be
its denial upon proofs smouldering
in royal Prussian archives!
The only really new thing in the
early Coblentz utternnces is the
statement that the Kaiser's grand
father was "born a king, God's
chosen instrument," while as a mat
ter of fact the first William's king
ship depended upon his predeces
sor's inability to have an heir.
Tho mad Frederick William died
without issue, and "Orapeshot Billy,"
as William I was styled by his lov
ing Prussians then, mounted the
Prince Henry n Figure Head
As for Prince Henry's famous Kiel
speech (this is the same Prince
Henry who came to America on a
propaganda junket and was feted
and dined by American society) the
criticisms upbraiding the amiable,
but stupid Henry for what he said
are as little justified as would be
condemnation of the phonograph
for a false note sung into one of
Mr. Edison's machines by a dime
museum tenor.
I know His Royal Highness well,
and this very knowledge convinces
me that the expression "the evan
gelium of Your Majesty's sacred
person" did not originate with him.
''Sacred person," by the way. is a
nhrns" that occurs frequently in the
records of the descendants of the
mad Juarm of Spain, the Roman-
German Emperors Charles V and
Rudolph TT. Indeed, an anecdote
dealing with the latter says that he
once admonished his phvsician, who
was trvtne to locate the imnerial
patient's stomach under the quilt, hv
the thundering words: "Stop, there's
the holy Roman belly."
To return to Prince Henry (who
buncoed American society), ho has
never originated anvthing. A care
less, unlettered youth, he spent his
first ves'-s of manhood as riotously
as his slender allowance permitted.
To save him from himself, he was
married, at the age of twenty-six.
to his cousin Irene. an amiahle
woman, of domestic hfihits, hut with
out an ounce of esprit. "Henry's
father." the late Princess of Hohon
lohe once said, "was just such a
uian. hut fortunately he had a wife
that prodded him on and forced him
to acquire knowledge and assume at
least a semblance of intm-est in lit
erature, and the fine arts."
Carman "KeHnr" was the world's
moat colossal fraud. There was no
culture in the Imperial family—the
Hohenzollerns were and nro gross,
vulgar and depraved.
As to the relations between the
rovnl brothers, they were never
heartv and frequently strained,
orincess Trene and my mistress dls
iliked eaeh ether, and the men took
Stops Indigestion
Coated tongue, bad breath, pains
in stomach, back and bowels, sleep
lessness, poor appetite, sallowness,
lusterless eyes, "that tired feeling."
belching of gas, bloating and other
symptoms of stomach trouble disap
i peared after taking but one bottle
of Nu Vim Iron Weed Tonic. Mrs.
E. Davis, 537 North Hobart street,
Philadelphia, speaks for both herself
and her husband when she says:
"After taking one bottle of Nu
Vim Tonic I feel much better. 1
Pains in my back have gone, and
color is fast returning to my
cheeks. My husband also feels a
great change for the better. His
stomach was very bad before he
took Nu I Vim, Now his tongue
has cleared, and I have great
faith in your tonic."
Disordered stomachs, livers, kid
neys, bowels and blood need an iron
tonic, but many people do not care
to take mineral iron. However, the
vegetable iron contained in Nu Vim
Iron Weed Tonic has been found to
have even quicker, better effect. Try
it also for catarrhal, scrofulous or
rheumatic troubles. Gorgas' 3
stores have Nu Vim. Demonstration
of this safe tonic Is now going on at
Gorgas", 16 North Third street.
their wife's part. As a subordinate f
officer, however, His Royal High-- 1
[To Pc Continued To-morrow.]
I was badly ruptured while lift— V
Ing a trunk several years ago. Doc
tors aaid my only hope of cure was
an operation. Trusses did me no
good. Finally I got hold of some
thing that quickly and completely
cured me. Years have passed and
the rupture lias never returned, al
though 1 am doing hard work as a
carpenter. There was no operation,
no lost time, no trouble. I have noth
ing to sell, but will give full infor
mation about how you may find a
complete cure without operation, if
you write to me. Eugene M. Pullen,
Carpenter, 265 E. Marcellus Avenue,
Manasquan, N. J. Better cut out this
notice and show it to any others who
are ruptured—you may save a life or
at least stop the misery of rupture
and the worry and danger of an oper
Endorse Value of Such In
gredients as Are Con
tained in
Father John's Medicine
A Wholesome Food Medi
cine and Body Builder
Free From Alcohol and Danger
ous Drugs—6o Years in Use
The most eminent medical
authorities, recognized all over
the world as the highest in the
science of medicine, have made
public statements endorsing the
value of such ingredients as we
guarantee are the principal in
gredients of Father John's
High medical authorities say
"that these Ingredients arc beneficial
notably in wusting diseases which are
curable and Uiose maladies which
are connected with or have their
origin in eohls and dcbilituting and
wasting diseases,"
To give these statements in full
would take too much space, but we
wiil furnish on application the list
of Ingredients of Father John's
Medicine, the names of the medical
authorijjj*#"roferred to, what they
say, tile publications and the dates
of same.
Never wait for a cold to wear
off—it wears away the lungs in
stead. Neglected colds often
lead to pneumonia. Father
John's Medicine gives prompt
relief from colds and throat
Guaranteed free from alcohol and
nerve-destroy ing drugs upon which
many medicines dei>ciid for their
temporary effect, and which are
dangerous, because they weaken the
body and allow the disease to get a
deeper hold.