10 HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH A. NEWSPAPER FOR TEE HOME Founded 18S1 Published evenings except Sunday by THE. TELEGRAPH PRINTING CO. Telegraph Building, Federal Sguare E. J. STACKPOLE President and Editor-in-Chief F. R. OYSTER, Business Manager OL'S. M. STEINMETZ, Managing Editor A. R. MK.HENER, Circulation Manager Executive Beard J. P. McCULLOUGH, BOYD M. OGLESBY. F. R. OYSTER. GU& M. STEINMETZ. Members of the Associated Press—The Associated . Press is exclusively en titled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and also the local news pub lished herein. All rights of republication of special dispatches herein are also reserved, • Member American Assocla- Bureau of Circu lation and Penn- S t' d" 15*11 Assoc '*" Eastern office. Story, Brooks & ~ Gas Building, -• Chicago, 111. Entered at the Post Office in Harris burg, Pa., as second class matter. carrier, ten cents a nftipfry* week: by mall. 13.00 a year in advance. Concentration is the secret of strength.—Emerson. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 5. 1919 WHERE AMERICA STANDS PRESIDENT WILSON tries to place all the blame for the fail ure of Congress to enact cer tain important legislation upon the shoulders of a few Republican Sen ators who refused to listen to their party leaders, but the responsibility rests equally on the head of the President. Offering as-an excuse for not calling an extra session of Con gress. so that the Senate might dis cuss the League of Nations idea as it develops, Mr. Wilson says it is not proper for him to be in Europe while Congress has under considera tion important subjects. But he didn't think that when he hurried off to Paris and left Congress to wrestle alone with the biggest firob lerns in its history. If the Presi dent's excuse is accepted as vajid now, then he must admit' that ho forsook his duty to Congress when he first went abroad.,. Few there will be, however, who will not share with the President his disgust with the Congress just closed, although possibly not for the same reasons.' It has been cringing and vacillating. It has been domi nated by the White House in far too many vital matters. It has had little will of its own, and it came to an inglorious finish. Those few Re publicans who deliberately held up legislation do not represent their party. They are as wilful and as stubborn as the President himself, who, if lie cannot haVe'his own way absolutely, invariably sulks or calls names. The bulk of the odium for the failures of Congress must rest upon Democratic shoulders; the filibustering- Republican Senators should have permitted the Demo crats to take it all. The President goes back "confi dent that an overwhelming major ity of the American people favors the League of Nations." What he means is that an overwhelming ma jority fav.ors A League of Nations; not necessarily the more or less crude organization outlined in the original constitution. Mr. Wilson will have the earnest support of Re publicans and Democrats alike in any effort he may take looking toward permanent peace, providing that he does not mean to sink there by the identity of America, in a mess of internationalism and doer, not endanger the rights and liber ties of the American people. We must be careful that the leveling process in which we are engaged is up, and not down. The United States must come out of this conflict a bet ter place in which to live. We must not, for the sake of European states that do not understand our ideals, risk the independence that has been our proudest inheritance and our greatest safeguard. If the Amer ican people can be persuuVd t h at what the President proposes guar antees these things, as well as makes lor world-wide peaqc, they will stand behind him almost to a man. If not, ho may expect to hear from them in no uncertain terms. The whole isiue docs not rest with the American people, or v tho Republican party, or the Democratic party, but with the J'rcsidcr.t himself. He has insisted upon the whole responsibility. He must abide by the outcome. George li. Tripp, vice president of the Chamber of Commerce, in his clever introduction of the speaker at the noonday luncheon yesterday, made a very interesting observation when he said that in traveling over the country the cities and towns of the east, as in comparison with those of the South and West, failed to make the moat of their opportunities In properly presenting their advantages l-j the outsider. He urged the Cham ber of Commerce to do everything possible to spread the fame of Har- TUESDAY EVENING, risburg as a great distributes nnd manufacturing center. SPECIFIC FUNDS FROM the standpoint of a Atan in the street there does not seem to be any reason why the principle underlying the right to exclusive use of the State revenue derived from automobile licenses by the State Highway Department for road maintenance and of the pro ceeds of the hunters' licenses by the State Game Commission should not apply to other branches of the gov ernment. There is always a de mand for appropriations and always wift be. Very often the man who alights on some source gets through his bill and some other object fares ill. Occasionally an experienced, in fluential legislator secures an appro priation for a project, governmental or otherwise, that forces paring down somewhere else. The State Department of Agricul ture has a big field. It is,going to need more money than it has ever had. The voting of funds to it will be popular, too. The department turns in hundreds of thousands of dollars every year as license fees for things it has to supervise. It would make things easier for this line of State activity to give it use of those funds. The plan of staking off rev enue does not often hurt. It is creditable to the members of the Bar of Dauphin county that they have given hearty approval to the proposed city and county building. These professional men know bet ter than the average citizen the great need of such a building and their prompt endorsement of the pro position shows they are in touch with the real sentiment of the com munity. ROADS TO LAST NEWSPAPERS and property owners of Pennsylvania are expressing satisfaction in no uncertain terms regarding the man ner in which Highway Commissioner Lewis S. Sadler has taken hold of the great proposition of giving the people of the State the roads they voted for last year, and it is to be npted that even those who opposed the good roads bond issue now com mend the Commissioner's policy. A good many persons have had ex periences of their own in the past in regard to improved highways in Pennsylvania and the frankness with which Mr. Sadler discusses the subject and the finality of his yes and no are refreshing. The announcement by the Com missioner a few days ago that once the routes of primary roads were laid down they would not be changed was something which meant that the importance of a road would be. gauged by its use, not what* abuts it. And now the Commissioner is out with a state ment that to be built are to last. While men may differ as to whether a permanent road will ever come it is a matter of congratula tion to have a State official say that the best is to be procured and that the State is to get a dollar's worth for 100 cents. It takes courage to insist on the best. And it will take courage to get the best that money at hand will buy. Mr. Sadler has plenty of -courage and we are on a fair way to get roads that will last and not peel off. Lewis Heck is one of the outstand ing heroes of the war and he belongs to Harrisburg. It was a worthy tribute which was paid to him by the former American consul to Switzerland, who addressed the Cham ber of Commerce, yesterday, and who was familiar with the work of Mr. Heck. This city has had many heroes during the war. but none will occupy a larger place in the annals of the great conflict than the brave Harris burgers who stood against the un speakable Turk and those who were the victims of his cruelty. There will be general regret throughout the city over the death of Charles 12. Landis, a former city edi tor of the Telegraph and long Identi fied with the activities of the com munity. His sudden death was a shock to many friends, who will mourn with those who are near and dear to him. Mr. Landis was an active, hustling newspaperman during his service on the Telegraph and never was quite out of touch with this newspaper during the years In which he has devoted his energies to other lines of endeavor. Major Gray, in his very forceful, discussion of the'proposed plan for making the Susquehanna river nav igable. declared with relation to the wiping out of the canals by the rail road corporations that It was like "closing the arteries and depending on the veins." He declared he had participated in what he denominated that crime which had crippled the de velopment of our national life. He is now doing his utmost to rectify that great, mistake of an earlier day. Now that the legislation for the joint city and county building is on the way it may be assumed that the necessary preliminary steps will be taken by the City and County Commis sioners to pave the way for the actual building. If there is anything in the popular demand for public undertak ings in the interest of employment of idle men no time must be lost, in pre paring for their launching. "Our road system will be in the na ture of a legacy to the citizenship that Is coming," says Commissioner of Highways Sadler. That sort of talk Indicates a breadth of view and a vision which shows the real quality of the present administration in this State. Those who have' not read the open ing chapters of "The Private Life of the Kaiser," which appeared in this paper yesterday, should do so and then continue from dav to dev. Nothing more illuminating regarding the former ruler of Germany has yet appeared. ' " " ' ' ' ~ -d IK By the Ex-Committeeman Notwithstanding the assertions of members from smaller counties that they are not going to get excited over the Philadelphia charter levision and police out of politics legislation there are signs that combinations are being made on the measures and that the second and third class city bills and maybe many others will get tangled up in them. The third class city people are determined to keep out of any alliances and to get through their bills if they can do so .without being committed. —The Scott bills to take the police and firemen out of politics are being much discussed because they give the State the first measure of au thority it has ever had in such a local matter as policemen and fire men through the right of the Gov ernor to name one of the three com missioners. The bills arc in the hands of the municipal affairs com mittee. —Speedy action o'n the Philadel phia. charter bills has been pledged by Senator Edwin H. Vare, chairman of the Municipal Atfnirs Committee, to which the charter bills have heen referred. Senator Augustus F. Daix, Jr.. who will pilot the charter bills in the Senate, conferred yesterday afternoon with Senator Vare on the measures. Senator Daix, acting for the charter revision advocates, asked Senator Vare for an early hearing on the bills and Senator Vare promised to arrange for the hearing as quickly as possible. It will be held in the Capitol before the Senate committee. A delega tion from the charter revision com mittee is expected to appear before the committee and urge favorable action on the bills. There is a gen eral feeling in both the House and .•unite that amendments will he made to the charter bills which wilt alter them considerably. Much op position has developed toward cer tain sections of the bill. Some of the leaders of the Penrose faction in Philadelphia are said to be op posing some of the provisions of the hill because it puts too much ad ditional power in the hands of the mayor. The original purpose of the charter revisionists, they contend, was to shear the mayor of some of the present power of his office. —Governor Sprottl, who returned last night from the governors' con ference at Washington, is being con gratulated upon the part he took in the meeting. Washington reports are that the Pennsylvania Governor loomed up in the discussions. —Mayor E. V. Babcock, of Pitts burgh. was here last evening to meet the Governor for a talk. It is be lieved Allegheny judgeships and second class city legislation were dis cussed. —The Valley Forge park bill was the subject of a' hot hearing late yesterday by a Senate committee. The bill provides a quarter of a million for additional land, but was opposed. -—William Walsh. reappointed Philadelphia regis! ration commis sioner, is one of the Brumbaugh ap pointees. —Chaplain Feldman, of the House, is not here this week owing to the death of his father. —The third class city leaguers and the legislative leaguers' seem to have a community of interest re garding legislation and they arc watching the so called "big town stuff" very carefully. Thus far the third class city legislation has gone along with a minimum of objections and tribulations which used to beset it in years gone by have been avoid ed. —James H. Lambert, Jr., secre tary to the Philadelphia director of public safety and formerly a legis lative correspondent, looked in on the Legislature yesterday. —.Girard, writing in the Phila delphia Press, has this to say about Gifford Pinchot: "A few years ago when Gifford Pinchot aspired to yank the senatorial toga from the stalwart shoulders of Boies Penrose, somebody counted the number of times Mr. Pinchot had been in Penn sylvania. It was said that he was not really a resident of the State and that he only occasionally cross ed the border when he gave a house party at his home in Pike county, or when he hurried through on an express train. But that time is past and I assure you that Mr. Pinchot is now a really, truly Pennsylvanian —yea, a bona fide Philadelphian. House here, office here, business here! So that Is one possible sena torial issue next year settled in ad vance." —The Philadelphia Press says in a story on the Palmer appointment: "Pennsylvania has furnished more men for Attorney General of the United States than for any other cabinet position. We have had eight Attorney Generals out of thirty-three cabinet places filled by men from the Keystone State. And some of the thirty-three were duplicates. Timo thy Pickering hail the distinction of heing Postmaster General, Secretary of War and Secretary of State. Judge Jerry Black and Senator Philander C. Knox were both Secretary of State, and Attorney General Stanton was Attorney General as well as Secre tary of War." —The Philadelphia Inquirer has kind things to say of General Wil liam G. Price, Jr., now in France. It rises to remark: "Generul Price has been mentioned for 'various offi ces upon his return home, but his intimate friends say that he is not seeking n place and that he ex pects to devote his attention to his private husiness interests. It is not improbable, however, that he will be called to some Important position of trust In due time. His command is expected home probably in May." —One of the matters which phs been getting attention at the Capi tol is the making of an appropria tion to the Public Serv'co Commis sion • which would enable It to be of more service in. the making of valuations and cring about mco cor dial 'relations Wth boroughs. The last. Legislature allowed $300,000 for this purpose, but the war brought hbiut such conditions for public util ities, notably rtrcet railways arul electric companies that valuations could not be made as extenslV-elv as •needed and many propositions had to le handled, n s bee* they could. The fact that many experts wore in tr.p army or navy also handicapped the commission. It Is probable that at least half a million dollars will I y%m, aolfoH HAHJRISBURG TELEGRAPH OH, MAN! ■ By BRIGGS | HA HA HA HA ""—\ RC~ T " F3OR~BON'TTBT IT ISHOUL© WORUY , I H ... LLM \ BILL!" A \ GO ANY ABOUT JULY FIRST. ( HlO GUV THAT'LL APPRECIATE • !M OMLY LETTING HAHAHA-HA- WATER V J THIS- I WOULD HAVE COW-/ MV PARTICULAR I IS GOOD EMOUGM V VERSC VUITH YOU- J \ FRI E4DS IN OIVJ LT ~/ FOR ME • TV Y \ PROMISE NOT TO /VUEI-L. I'VE GOT A V /TT RE - I T FJOST T&LL HIM / FRI6MD \WFVO VOILC I 11W * ME - IS I YOU-R£ A FRIEW-D I F S ! SELL IT FOR TEN I TI T- 2 . ~ - * ,-T L OF MINE- AWD } THAMKS R)R I \ FIFTY A SALLOW- \ AWD - H e sweet. Apollo, who has fought with Python long. Comes from his triumph, flooding earth with song. From Castaly, where fountains play, Cephissus rolls in flood. Tityus is dead, no more to slay Man's joys before they bud. Up from their prison in the boun teous earth The Spring's free raptures waken into birth. Tq Ca3taly, with garlands gay, Once more go dancing fauns. Blooms of the peach and apple sway- Above grass-tangled lawns. The flush of Summer breaks across the sky. The serpent- brood have lost their fangs, and die. In Castaly we look for May, Dear allies, brothers, friends. Our pledge was sorrow yesterday; Not so the journey ends. The breach-wreath crowns your brow —and heur, oh, hear! The nightingale's full throat is bursting near! Lewis Worthington Smith. LABOR NOTES Of the nearly 25,000 employes of the Pennsylvania Railroad who en tered the military und naval ser \ice of tho Unitod States, 225 were killed in action or died of disease. The National Transport Workers' Federation of England has presented to all municipal und privutely owned tramways a demand for a working week of 44 hours at the present weekly wages. During 1918 the average wage per. employe for the urmy of übout 275,- 000 workers in the service of tho United States Steel Corporation is estimated to have been approxi mately 11500. The .31 Boleo Mining Company, a French organization that has been operating mines in the Santa Rosalia mining district of Lower California since 1885, recently petitioned the Mexican government for permission to lower the wages of their em ployes. After a careful Investiga tion by a commission appointed for the purpose the petition was re ftiaerl. Raking the Ashes of War FROM COLLIER'S WEEKLY. [From Collier's Weekly.] ACROSS the clover field a French burial party was slowly mov ing. Single figures, their hands and arms incased to the elbow in baglike canvas rnits or gauntlets, wandered alone; the main party dug or, standing to windward of the t graves, surveyed their task and the pleasant sunlit world about them j with the detached and somewhat macabre humor of those permitted | by their age or other infirmities to be philosophers. Now and then one of the single figures waved his gauntleted hand, and a couple of others started toward him with p stretcher. The story of what had happened there was told in innumerable guns, overcoats, helmets, papers, pictures and letters scattered everywhere. Particularly there were German things. Here, for instance, was a novel, "A Child of His Time," tell ing with gloomy sympathy, for com placent German readers, the tale of a young Frenchman who hud fought in the tragic war of '7O, and ever ufterward been pursued by a sort of perverse fate. There was a Social Democratie newspaper with the It Offers But Does Not dive [From the New York Times] That Ignace Jan Paderewski knows more than a thing or two besides how to play the piano has been known to a few people for many years and' to a good many people ever since the great musician turned statesman and poi'tician and under took the large task of making a nation out of the fragments of the old Polish kingdom. Ife lias devel oped of late, too, a notable skill in the art of formulating phrases and of saying much in a few words. A fine example of what he can do In this way was to he found in one of yesterday's dispatches—the one that quoted him as explaining the spread of Bolshevism thus: "Most, people like to get money without working, and that is what Bolshevist Russia offers." It is to he hoped that Mr. Pade rewski, in making that statement, emphasized the word "offers," and presumably he did so, for he must know even better than do those for whom Bolshevism is as yet some thing they can believe to be far off, instead of near, as it is for him, that though Bolshevism offers money without working to everybody, the experience of Russia shows that it keeps the promise only to the few who hnppens to get control of what labor has produced in the past. Of the accumulated products these few have no thought of making an equitable division, even among their own followers, and nothing at all, if they can help i*. will they give to anybody else. Their simple jilan is to grab all they con during the brief period while the grabbing is good. That is what was done by Shrljefski, the Red Food Dictator in Petrograd, who has just been ar rested and put on trial by his Justly irritated associates because, as they cliargo, he embezzled 50,000,000 rublies and hid them awuy for his own use. Chinese Not All Rice Eaters Although many people believe that every Chinese In China eats rice every day, millions of Chinese, living in Sliensi, Shansi and Northwestorn China, whore rice is not grown, have never seen or tasted rice, and millions more in the rice producing districts cunnot afford to eat it regularly. To be sure, rice is the stuple article of diet in South and Central China, but there Is reuson to believe that in the dietary of the Chinese people us a whole the sweet potuto occupies a more important place.— Youth's Companion. ATTENTION TO POLITICS What we need in this country Is not less politics, but more attention to politics. Politics is the science of government, und what we need is more attention to the science of government. Wo have fought In France to rauke certain everywhere that men should have the right to govern themselves, und here In this country where we have that privi lege I Insist that we exercise it. Ret us demonstrate the fnct It Is bet ter *to be an American ihun to be a Prussian, by exercising tho privilege of our citizenship. —Will H; Hays, Roosevelt Memorial Address. Lichnowsky Memoir. Of tlie attempt to make Lichnowsky appear unbal anced. it said in italics: "The full results of this case will only be felt after the war. Then the crazy people of today will be regarded as wise, and the sages of today will be cases for the pathologist." A Berlin Tageblatt only a few days old showed that they were, playing "Midsummer Night's Dream" aftd "Traviuta" in the capital. There was an American picture in one of the Berlin movies, and the advertise ment carried a cut of an American in a Stetson hat and the still un translated caption, "The District At torney," and the Berllners were as sured that the film would show some of the rough riding of the famous "Cowboys aus Texas." Much of the war was a case of two people throwing bricks across the wall which hid each from the other. the open warfare of the latter days was quite another mat ter. And the woods were full of things so recently thrown down that their position and odor and the very bends and "wrinkles in them seemed to disengage a personal something from the men who had but yester day held them in their hands." THE GOVERNOR'S STAFF [From the Philadelphia Inquirer.] "W hat about the Governor's staff?" was a duery that came from several who sat around the board of the big dinner, given by the Terrapin Club to Governor Sproul, at the Manufacturers' Club, lust Suturday night. There is no doubt that there were a number present who would not refuse a call from the Chief Executive to don the brilliant uniform of the old-fashion ed military adjunct to the guberna torial office. Sproul, however, is not going to have a staff, at least, not one of the traditional kind, made up mainly of men who had no previous military experience. He tells his friends how he was .Impressed with the proces sion he witnessed at the Five O'clock Club dinner when outgoing Gover nor Brumbaugh walked into the room and soon walked out again, followed by his staff, composed large ly of nonmilitary men. "There arc too many genuine sol diers around for me to think of putting civilians on any staff I might appoint," is . remark credited to Governor Sproul. "I an not sure that 'lie new army provisions will call for a staff, but if they do, I ahull see to it that my appointments are made up. of men who have seen service in the .National Guard or the United States army and 1 that the regulations arc lived up to strictly. 1 am waiting for an opportunity to look over the records of our boys who have been abroad so that due recognition may be given to those deserving." It would appear that it is the in tention of the Governor to attach to his administration in a practical way as many as possible of the men who saw service in the war just closed. Just Before the Hun Finish On Aug uccording to a note found on a German prisoner, Ludcn dortT had just impressed upon his generals the necessity for economy in man power. I.udendorff had In the early part of August 1,71)4,0011 men on a defensive front of 250 miles —from Ypres to the Argonnc— when on March 21 he had had available 1,72 9,000 men for attach ing a front of 192 miles. His aver age per mile had been reduced from 8,866 for attack to 7,180 for defense in live months, and he had lost the initiative. By August 5 the Crown Prince had been driven from the Marne to the Vesle. Two days later 100 miles to the north. Sir Doug'as Haig smashed into the armies of Prince Rupprecht. On August 8, Haig struck ngain—this time on the Som me. The August 8 affair was the great est of Foch's coups since his lnitiul counter stroke on the Marne, on July 18. It was to develop until the enemy reached the Hlndenburg line. In the first three days Of the battle—August 8-10 the British General Rawlinson advanced nine miles on the plateau south of the Bomme. On his r'ght the French armies under Debeney and Hum bert crossed the Aure, flanked Roye, and captured Montdidler. Iq these three days the Allies lost fewer than 6,000 men, while eleven Ger [man divisions, were badly cut up. MARCH 4, 1919. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR The League of Nations To the Editor o/ the Telegraph: In the last analysis of all things there are but two great and living realities. God, who dwells above the stars and man who lives below the stars. When God speaks to man that is revelation: when man speaks to God, that is prayer. God's first speech to man revealed a world plan for the redemption of the hu man race by a world covenant: "in thy seed shall all the nutions of'tho earth be blessed." A striking tact is this: Divine covenants began first, with the in dividual. (Abraham) then with the family (Jacob) then with the clan (Joseph) then with the race, a na tion and now with the whole world. God always begins with the small and moves on to the large. The first flood began with a raindrop, the rock was once small particles of sand rolling on the breast of the tide. The law of growth begins with the seed. Jesus impressively refers to this law when He said: "First the seed, ' then the ear, and then the full corn on the ear." Jesus him self began as a little child. He grew to man and then to a God. His work in his first active year was limited to Galilee. In the second, to Samaria and Judca, and the last year, to all of Palestine and Syria. In his prayers his thoughts were first for himself, then his apostles, then the one hundred and twenty and last for the whole world. A Political League of Nations is possible because a Spriritual League of Nations is here. No nation can hide away on earth any more. Chinese walls are things of the past. Self-interest, the old governing principle of nations, is no more. Reciprocity, national society, world covenants and leagues are here. They have been ushered into existence by the ever advanc ing God. ■ A League of Nations is now here because God is a world God calling mankind to world service and co operation with Him. World wars must , end. World neace must prevent!. It is the or der. T is foretold. Nations must resolve to covenant to end strife. A league will furnish the agreement and tlie nower to bring this world I "face, There is no other way. There must be a combination of force to give and sustain this peace. As pena'ties and police mnintpin neace and give power to citv and state laws, so a combined militarism to police the world will end war and maintain peace. After more than two months of study, thought, debate, the great men of the greatest nations of the world have created such a world league and written down the greatest world covenant since the Ten Commnndnients end the Beautl todes were given. Tills covenant contains twentv-rix articles. Tt be gins with a grand preamble, ft had Its model over our own 11. R. Con-' otitut'on. Tt contains a plan for international co-operation, neace and | seeurit". Tt demands honorable relations. Tt contains international agreements. Tts nurnoses are holy, true and righteous. Anv unforeseen errors can he rectified bv amend ments. Tt is the one great blessing ohta'ned hv Mend and sacrifice. Tts nurpose Is divine. Let It be con firmed by the American Senate and people. S. T>. TTTDL4CK. "aster M. F. Church. Marysville, Pa.. Feb. 27. 1919. "Killed in Action" | "Reported killed in action." wus the way the message rend And now, T s'pose, he's layin' there among the thousand dead. Without a soul a-knowin' that he's any kin to me, Or what a grand an' noble boy my soldier used to be. • • * • "Reported killed in action," nothin' more and nothin' less; But how it hapened—how he went— we can't no more'n guess. There must of some one seen him fall, or heard his dyln' groan— I'd hate to think he perished there— unfriended and alone! ••- * • (I writ this poem on the day that Jim arrived in France, Allowin' that I'd print It. at the fust an' saddest chance — But here's a message—come this noon—see what It has tq say: "Well, dad, we cleaned the Frilzes, an'—l'm sturtln' home to day!" 1 ) —"Uncle John" in the Luwson Review. {' i. u lEbwiiuj Harrisburg is getting to thorough ly enjoy its daily airplane flights and if some chap from the Middletown reserve depo.t does not come up a couple of times a day there is dis appointment. Tho aviators have a tine place to try out in the flat that lines the river from Rockville to* Middletown and the Capitol Is a choice point to circle around. Al most every morning, generally be tween 10 and 11, a flier comes up to call on us and business stops while everyone goes out to look. Occa sionally we have a noon flight and the afternoon exhibitions are well woVth watching. They are the Joy of the school children who are just away from lessons and who get chances to race after the machines just like they do after the Are en gines. Airplane flights never seem to lose their novelty and are some thing that breaks the monotony of Harrisburg's day and stimulate the interest in flying that this place has displayed for years. Circling the Capitol dome is one of the things that aviators seem to like to do and we all like to see them. Its one of the advantages of having a reserve depot near the city and there is a great chance for the Victory Loan campaign down at Middletown these days. • • • Just as an illustration of the way things are brightening up in a con struction way since the war is over and the restrictions are relaxed it may be stated that last summer the State was unable to get any bids on three bridges and last fall it had only a little better luck, but the prices were not right. Next Tues day bids will he opened for a bridge at a place called Falls, up in Wyom ing county, and there have already been something like thirty inquir ies for the plans for specifications and something like the old time ex pression of frantic desire to get a State contract. • • Reservoir park seems to Vie one of the most popular places for pedes trians just now. The last few tine days there have been scores of per sons walking up Oak Knob. They have been richly rewarded for the climb as the air is very clear and the broad bend of the Susquehanna from the place where it pours through the Gap to its curve against the York hills at Middletown is to be seen in all its beauty. There are fine views to be had up into Perry county beyond the Gap and a glimpse of the folded hills, as some one once called the ridges which mark the lower end of the "hoop pole" county. And if the smoke per mits the view up the Cumberland Valley and down toward Rutherford are good. But there is nothing in the way of the first ridge of the old Blue Ridge that stands sentinel over Harrisburg for miles on either side of the Susquehanna. The moun tains loom up, evefy tree and rock standing out, challenging to a climb and offering places for views with which Harrisburg people are ajl too unfamiliar. "If you can induce two or three more companies such as that at Mc- Oall's Ferry to build power dams in the Susquehanna river your naviga tion problem will he solved," said Major William B. Gray, discussing the canalization of the stream the other day. "The McCall's Ferry Company by the provisions of its character must put locks in the dams if the river is ever opened for A few more such dams would ttiVc you water enough to float wholeefleets of merchant ships. Also, I understand that the dam has de stroyed your shad and other fisher ies. Well, a lock in that dam would help you out a lot in that way. The fish would be locked through the dam and would thus easily find their way to Harrisburg and points higher up, restoring the. value of the stream to the sportsman and the food fisher." • • • "What is the idea in keeping up the price of egg drinks to the fig ures of Decern ber and January?" was asked of a soda fountain sprite yesterday. "Why, the price of eggs is away up," was the answer. "But eggs are selling for only a little more than half what they wore when you moved up the price be cause of the price," was shot at him. "Well, the hen's don't know it," was the flippant reply. The young man is a friend to the farmer's wife who asked $2 at Broad street market for a chicken such as sold for $1 last year and when asked the reason made the sapient observation: "You railroaders all have money now." | WELL KNOWN PEOPLE —Deputy Attorney General B. J. Myers used to be city solicitor of Lancaster. —The Rev. J. J. Rcsh, who advo cates that ministers study Shakes peare, has a charge at Freeland, Lu zerne county. —Senator Boies Penrose plans a vacation in southern states. —lt took Judge C. A. Groman, of Lehigh, just 25 minutes to grant 248 licenses at Allentown. •—Frederic C. Penfield, former ambassador to Austria, is telling Philadelphians that America must mix in world politics. —Mayor K. V. Babeock, of Pitts burgh, is in Washington to attend the conference of mayors. 1 DO YOU KNOW —That llnrrisburg used to bo the center of shad fishing years ago? HISTORIC HARBISBCRG According to tradition the site of the Stale Insane Hospital used to be an Indian ceremonial ground. ON A PAR Prof. George Herron who declared in a eulogy of President Wilson, Written last year, that the Amerfcq* Revolution was fought merely to enable Puritan traders to make prof- Its out of the West Indian trade, has been appointed a. member of our unofllciul diplomatic corps. Well, he's a fit companion piece for the Secretary of War, who said Wash ington's soldiers were on a par with Villas bandits. —National Republi can. A Lucky Lapse "Jordan complains that he suffers from lack of memory." "Suffers? Jove! he's In great luck, considering his past."—Boston Tran script. Mourning For the Slain Oh that my head were waters, and mine eyes a fountain of tears, that I might weep day and night for the slain of the daughter of my people!— Jeremiah ix, 1, ;