Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, March 04, 1919, Page 9, Image 9

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    Emiljb Cottin, Who Shot
Clfemenceau, to Be Tried
by Court-Martial Mar. 14
By Associated Preaa
Paris, March 4. Emlle Cotttn,
who recently shot and wounded Pre
mier Clemenceau, will be tried by
court-martial on March 14.
Captain Bouchardon, head of the
• military court, continued his
interrogation of the premier's as
sailant this afternoon. Cottin ad
mitted that the attack had been
premeditated for several months,
and declared that if he had not been
stopped he would have reloaded his
revolver and fired again.
Get rid of every corn and callus
for few cents
? ££
0 / •
Drop a little Ureezony :>t. T.i ach
ing corn, instantly tha': corn stops
hurting, then you lift it right out.
It doesn't pain one bit. 1 es. magic.
Why wait? Your druggist sells
a tiny bottle of Ureezone for a few
cents sufficient to rid your feet of
everv hard corn, soft corn, or corn
between the toes, and calluses, with
out soreness or irritation. 1' reezone ,
is the much talked of ether discov- j
cry of a Cincinnati genius. j
If you have eczema, your prompt
use of Poslam may mean all the dif
ference between immediate comfort
and a long period of itching distress
Take the easy, pleasant way to Quick
relief. Apply Poslam right on the
raw places that burn and itch. Peel
a burden lifted as the skin is soothed
and pacified. You will know then to
what a high state of efficient* this
reliable remedy lias been brought.
Poslam is concentrated. Short treat
ment suffices for most minor
troubles. _ „ ,
Sold everywhere. For free sample
write to Emergency Laboratories, 243 j
West 47th St., New Y'ork City.
Poslam Soap, medicated with Pos- ,
lam should be used if skin is tender I
and sensitive. I
Professional Funeral Director
Day and Night Calls Promptly j
Attended To.
Phone Bell 4161, or Call at
A Three
4 ways to
Particulars mailed Tree to any address,
Hall Cbem, Co. Dept. B-5Q S. Louis, Mo, ;
—— l
f 1 j
*SO .\rtv American Encyclopedia, I j
10 larKr vols., in nheep, I
IHU I nivernal Kncy., S _volw_9g_* 1
o-. A. iuird si. .
'.'OlHiO nfu, old, rare hooka,
rill MUbjectM. llookn Houghf. I
Open rtrnlngN llcll phone 357-J |
V —'i
! Alterations and improvements are now being made
During the time it takes to complete these altera
tions (about one week) all Living Room, Dining
Room, Library and Bed Room Furniture will be sold .g
at the same prices as during our February Sale. H
This announcement is especially important to
those who wanted to buy Furniture at February Sale
Prices but failed to take advantage of the opportunity
at that time. ||
I Central Penna's Best Furniture Store g
j [Continued from First Page.]
1 selves to the good things spread
along the side of the ballroom. A
large number of members were
present to hear Mr. Chandler, who
1 in a forceful addrees, set for Har
[ risbuig's chances to sell its local
products into foreign markets.
Previous to his address Mr. Chan
j tiler commented upon the splendid
I civic pride which is responsible for
; the co-operation between Harrisburg
I and the state in the erection of pub
j lie improvements. He declared thai
the civic pride thus manifested wilt
; give Pennsylvania one of the finest
I settings for a state capital in the
I country, when the Memoriaj bridge
' and park extension projects are
Ijeft In Constantinople
Cpmmenting on the heroic work
of the former llarrisburger, Mr.
Chandler cited a letter received from
Abram I. Elkus:, former ambassa
dor to Turkey.
"Mr. Heck brought to the position
not only a complete knowledge of
the Turkish language." he said,
"and of the Turkish customs and or
the Turkish government, but a'so
a keen mind, ready to undertake
any of the problems which confront
ed us there. He consented at the
1 request of the government, despite
! the dangers of sickness and dis
ease. to remain In Constantinople
in charge of American affairs after
the embassy left Constantinople at
' the time of the severance of the re
lations between Turkey and the
; United States. He remained there
for many months, and owing to the
scarcity of food and other condl
! tions he lost his child. I know what
! a grief it was to Mrs. Heck and
himself, because their child was a
i beautiful and charming one, and
was dearly loved by nil of us. De
' spite _all this, Mr. Hcck renderod
: most able and efficient service to our
; government during this trying time.
I know that tho Stnto Department
thoroughly appreciates all he has
clone. This Is most conclusively
shown by h's recent appointment as
the Commissioner of the State De
partment to Constantinople, and Mr.
Heck has now returned to Constan
tinople to go on with the work
which he was doing during the war.
I know that his faml'Vand friends
in and about Harrisburg must be
proud of the work which he was
doing dnr'ng th war. Just as sure
ly as the soldier fought for hb<
eountrv in Eranee. so Mr. Heok |
fought 'or his cnii"t' V in serving it j
ns he has done end 's doing to-dnv.
•Tust rs the soldier made h's saerl-J
fees to the cause of the war. Mr. I
TTeck and his wife m-de theirs in
the loss of their child."
Business Opportunities
Mr. Chandler's address was main- i
ly on the subject of Harrisburg's ,
opportunities to supply foreign trade i
"The future of tlie United States |
is going to tie hound tin more and j
more with the future of the world j
et large It is not enough to shv j
that we hovp too few nrnnle in this ;
eountrv. vmuct make (liis eountrv |
n eont'ruensly hotter otpeo to 'ive.
•\r>d that em only lie brought about I
hv the collective aetivities of sliell I
organizotiens as the Harrisburg |
Chamber of Commerce. in which the j
host minds of the rommunitv can
intenslvelv co-onerate for the gen
eral good " was the wax* he summed
un the obligations of the business
men tn the new era that ! s dawning.
"There seems to he a feeling on
the part of a great many people that
now that tho armistice is signed
that the United States need not
worrv anv more about international
troubles." he said. "T think this is
For Co Ids, Grip
and Influenza
Bromo I
Be sure you get the Genuine
Look for this signature
on the box. 30c.
'suaasßsantsKi ~
a very mistaken point of view, be
cause there can be no question but
that Germany will use every possible
effort to regain her former position
and not merely that, but also make
every possible endeavor to regain
her foreign trade. We recently had
nr. able address in Philadelphia
• from I*o j. Keena, the United States
j Consul General to Chile, who is one
j of our ablest consular officers and
! who pointed out to us, as far as
I South America was concerned, that
I German interest was not dead by
any means—the German banks had
I simply reinvested their money in
! p'antations. mines and other per-
I manent investments and when the
( war was over would start up afresh,
i When it is remembered that at
j least fifty per cent of the agencies
i of the United States goods In the
1 city of Buenos Aires, the largest
j city in South America, with popula
j Hon equffl that of Philadelphia, were
j in the hands of Germans before
: 1914 and that many German firms
j in South America boast that they
i will get back this United States
j business after the war, I think we
I have a great many phases of our
) foreign trade situation to be ex-
J tremely watchful about."
Vital Factor
"We must also consider that for
eign trade is to-day a more vital
factor than ever in retailor lo our
own domestic commerce. In 1910
I our foreign trade equalled one
ninth of our total domestic trade, but
I by 1918 this percentage had risen so
.' that our foreign trade was between
i one-sixth and one-sevenih of our to
• tal domestic trade. The war has also
brought about another great change
in our export business, namely, that
j at the present time 67 per cent, of
j our exports are composed of manu
| faetured articles, the remainder be-
I ing partly manufactured goods and
• raw producta In 1915 manufactures
only formed 48 per cent, of our total
"The United States his at last es
caped from its condition of isolation,
and while we were developing our
country that was only to be expected.
We are now concerned with the af
fairs of the whole world. There are
factories hete in thi vety city cf
Harrisburg whose products arc cv -
ported to almost every civilized
country, and if we can say that the
sun never sets on Harrisburg ntanu
j factures, how much more true is that
i not the case with our country as a
whole, and particularly this great
; State of Pennsylvania, which Is not
merely the second largest Tbuie In I
■ the I'nion in manufactures, but with
; out whose products at least six other
states could not make any of the
1 goods which they, in turn, export
abroad. It is indeed lirtunate that
lor tlie first time in nearly a hun
dred years we nave a Goternor cf
this State who is a shipbuilder bv
profession, and I often think that the
ship on the State Seal is symbolic of
tlie great foreign trade of this Com
monwealth. Pennsylvania's future
prosperity is intimately connected I
with the development of its only
port, Philadelphia nn.i the magrii
tude of its indu. tr : es l in fer-'
eign trade justifies the establishment I
of more steamship lines to tlie lead
ing foreign countries with which it 1
He then told or tho sfronir anil-
American feeling foKv.-ed in tn!mv
parts of the world as the result of
German propaganda and said it
would have to be oveieome.
Prosperity Fhr 20 Years
Mr. Chandler prophesied prosper
ity for the I nited States for the next
twenty years.
"I think the history of the United
States during the next twenty vears
will show a remarkable similarity to
VJ"* „ O< L England from 1615 to
1845. he said. "We will have work
enough for everybody, not merelv
because of our constantlv developing
resources and Industrie* and be
cause there is no eountrv in the
world such as the United Slates for
the constant adoption of any stand-
X- .1 l of our daily life.
Nothing impressed mo mn.c while
m Europe last year than th -asons
why the poorer class of . W ish
'o immigrate to the United States i
<>n amazing Ws n , i)Up) . r fo „ n( ,
>at the chief reason why thev wish
ed to come here was not rri icty that
'hey could do so much for their eh'l'l
drrn in the wav of education and of
lelturg them to become fullgrown
men and women instead of servants
or serfs, but also been use bv ml<*rat
rg to this country- they came under
he influence of a certain reaction of
progress in all of its phases."
Philadelphia, Pa.. Anrch 4.—Jur
ists and members of the bar gather
ed in the United Stales circuit court
of appeals in the post office yesterday
to pay tribute to the late Judge
John B. McPherson, formerly mem
ber of the tribunal who died recent
ly. Owing to the absence of Judge
Buffington, Judge Victor B. YVooley,
presided, assisted by Judge John
Rellstab, of the distrist of New
Jersey. Former Judge Ggorge Gray,
of Delaware, who was a "member of
the Appellate Court for several years
made an address in which he de
clared the late jurist to bo one of the
greatest in the country.
•it -• ■ v • • •• -
Geo. D. Worthington,
Assistant Manager of
the Penn-Harris Hotel
George D. Worthington. manager
of the Menger Hotel at San Antonio,
Texas, lias been engaged as assistant
manager of the Penn-Harris Hotel by
General Manager Horace belaud Wig
gins. Mr. Wiggins said to-day: "1
have known Mr. Worthington for a
number of years. He is a man of
ability and I congratulate myself
upon having procured his services."
Mr. Worthington in Harris
burg Sunday and is fast getting ac
quainted. "I never saw a community
in which the people so strongly boost
their principal hotel," he said to-day.
i "Mr. Wiggins has told you how much
h> is pleased with the local patron
age and I want to add that I think
everything he says in that respect Is
more than justified."
Mr. Worthington lias had a long
experience in the hotel business. He
was manager of the l'arkside Hotel
at Kewanee, 111., until September 16
when he was called to San Antonio.
During his two years in Kewanee lie
was prominent in the Civic Club, Ro
tary Club and other organizations.
He is a" man of pleasing personality
and already lias made many friends
in Harrisburg.
[Continued from First Pago.]
vule Wrenn is best known here as
an athlete.
The citations for bravery follow:
"Private First C ass Roy H.
Thomas Sanitary Detachment,
Third Battalion, One Hundred and
Twelfth infantry, recommended for
D. S. C. for unusual heroism and
devotion to duty at 'Death Valiey,'
southwest of St. Gillcs, night of Au
gust 20-21. During a barrage of
mustard gas and .ligh explosives
shells at "tioath Vulley," Private
Roy Thomas showed remarkable
heroism and devotion to duty in
dressing and assisting in the evacu
ation of wounded. When the men
had been dressed and placed in the
only shelter a ditch at the side of
the road, he hunted up and assisted
in loading the only ambulance sta
tioned near. He encouraged the
men by his presence until ordered
to his 'fox hole.' At 3 a. m. he re
quested to be allowed to relieve Pri
vate First Class George Wrenn who
was with the wounded and remain
ed with them until 5 a. m. when
ambulances were able to evacuate
the remainder of the injured men.
"For exceptional bravery during
an air raid on the One Hundred and
Twelfth Infantry and One Hundred
and Ninth Field Artillery stationed
near St. Gilles. night of September i
fi. 1918, Private Roy Thomas show
ed remarkable bravery and devotion '
to duty during the air raid, night of i
September 6. 191 S. When notified I
by runner that a number of men
had been injured, he hurried down
the steep cliff, in Itself a dangerous
proceeding, in the dark to the mart
gled men. Though the only light
was the unwelcome rays from the
searchlight of the planes above. He
worked rapidly and encouraged the
wounded by his presence and pro
fane denunciation of the enemy.
"For unusual heroism and devo
tion to duty during the Argonne
Forrest drive. During the entire
period he closely followed the com
panies, dressed wounded and super
intended their evacuation. On Sep
tember 29 while looking for a some
what protected spot for a dressing
station, he was for two hours in
front of the first wave.
"On October 2 he was cut off
from the company by a barrage, but
fearing there might be some men
who needed his attention, he entire
ly neglecting his own safety, hur
ried through the bursting shells and
joined the men of his command."
The citation for Private Wrenn is
similar, the only change being in
the name.
[Continued from First Page.]
newspaperman, working on the staff
of the Harrisburg Telegraph for
about thirteen years, being elevated
to the position of city editor during
that period. He later became affi
liated with the Union Bag and Pa
per Company, doing special newspa
per work for them. After six months
service for this firm he entered the i
employ of the Balance and Gros
jean Manufacturing Company, work
ing for them approximately twenty
Mr. Landis was a warm friend of
the late Colonel Theodore Roose
velt for many years, and received
one of the last letters written by the
distinguished ex-President. He was
a delegate in 1912 to the Republi
can national convention at Chicago
and later in the same year was re
turned as a candidate to the national
Bull Moose convention which nomi
nated Colonel Roosevelt as candi
date for the Presidential office.
At the time of the recent memor
ial services for Mr. Roosevelt Mr.
Landis acted as chairman of the lo
cal committee, contributing much to
the sucess of the occasion.
For many years Mr. Landis was
an active member of Messiah Lu
theran Church. He was also a mem
ber of the Modern Woodmen of
America, and a former member of
Common Council. He is survived
by his wife, two daughters, Mar
guret and Miriam U-indis, and a bon,
Luther Landis; his father. Alderman
A. M. Landis, two sisters and a
bi other.
Funeral arrangements have not
yet been made. The services and
burial will be private.
The bill authorising issuance of
the road bonds was passed on sec
ond reading in the House to-day
after some amendments had been
made by Mr. Dawson to correct mi
nor errors. The ways and means
committee will meet tomorrow to
act on the sinking fund bills.
Camp 639, P. 0. S. of A.,
Celebrates Anniversary
Washington Camp, No. 639. Pa
triotic Order Sons of America, observ
td its thirteenth anniversary last
evening In the Flatlron Ruilding,
Nineteenth and Derry streets. The
room was tastefully decoruted in me
national colors, Hags of the' allied
countries, und with a large picture of
The following program was render
Selection, Ebersole Mandolin Club;
singing, "America," audience; prayer,
the Rev. J. N. Miller, Camp 192, Pal
myra; selection, quartet of Fourth
Street Church of (3od, Miss Esther
Mackey, Miss Ethyl Llissinger, Harry
Pressler and Miller Karper; address
of welcome, H. l. Carmichael, Cantp
639: selection, Ebersole Mandolin
Club- address, John W. German, Camp
16: duet. Miss Esther Mackey and Miss
Ethyl Dissinger; address, the Rev. l>r.
W. N. Yates. Fourth Street Church of
God; seloctidn. Ebersole Mandolin
Club; chorus, "Keep the Home Fires
Ruining." audience; address, Daniel
U. Rowers, Camp 639.
Horace Slianer, financial secretary
of Camp 639. was director of cere
An elaborate banquet was served.
The following members made up the
anniversary committee:
Daniel IT.l T . Powers, chairman; H. 1.
Carntlcbael, William Musser, H. C.
Slielley. E. S. lloerner. R. StoufTe'.
J. R C. Grimm. Tt. C. Rowers. 11. D.
Sharer. H. S. llortner and J. W. Cole
The West bill increasing the pay
of members of the Pennsylvania
I.egislature from $1,500 to $2,500
for each regular session was passed
in the House to-day amid consider
able hilarity. Mr. Williams, Tioga,
demanded a verification of the roll
during which several members
changed votes. Mr. Woodruff. Sny
der, demanded to lie recorded in the
negative but when It was discovered
that he had not been In his seat he
was not put on the list.
Cities, counties and boroughs are
authorized to make appropriations
for "aiding, entertaining and caring
for soldiers, sailors and marines"
under terms of a hill passed in the
House to-day and which went to
the Senate. It also validates and
ratilies appropriations heretofore
The War taught me different
"Little did I know about Adams Black Jack the day I
sailed for France. Like many another Major I thought it merely)
a habit. The war taught me different. For thirst Adams Black
Jack is incomparable. Good for the throat too. It helped me over
many a hard day in the trenches of war and now I'm sure it's
going to help me over many a hard day in the trenches of busi
ness. So today—the first time back at the old desk in 14 months
—I shall begin to use a package of Adams Black Jack a day.''
MARCH 4, 1919.
I Attorneys Approve Joint
Office Building and j
Capitol Park Extension!
Attorneys of the Dauphin County |
ilar Association who attended the an- j
nunl banquet at the Harrisburg Club
I have heartily approved the plans J
, which have been proposed for the !
Capitol Park development which were;
shown us stereopticon views at that
| time, and also in the proposed joint i
courthouse and city office building, t
of which suggested plans were
I suown.
| Two floor plans of a proposed
courthouse showing the courtrooms
• and other offices aroused much inter
i est among the lawyers who are anx
i ious to see definite plans for the new
i building started as soon as possible. -
j President Judge George Kunltel and i
j Judge C. V. Henry, of Lebanon, were
; guests of the association. In addi
tion to the dinner, songs und car
toons thrown on a large screen, were
The Hickernell bill to forbid dis
semination of birth control litera
ture wus passed In the House by 198
Ito 2. This is the ilrst of the P. O.
IS. of A. series to be passed. The
1 House also passed llnally the llol
lingswortli bill malting severe pen
■ alties for theft of motor ears and the
J following additional bills.
, Only One "15ROMO QUININE"
iTo get the genuine, call for full
NINE Tablets. Look for signature
of K. W. Grove. Cures a Cold In
| One Day. 30c.
If He Drinks
POWDERS Secretly
Any mother, wife or sister can
! stop the Drink Habit, if she wants
Ito do so. Thousands ol women are
! happy today because they gae their
| husbands, sons or brotheis "Tescurr.
! POwders." The powders are taste
j less und harmless and can be given
! In either liquid or solid food.
| You take no risk as Ten-urn Pow.
tiers a r e sold under a steel-bound
money-refund guarantee bv .1 Nel
son Clark and other druggists.
To-iiny is Shi ovo Tuesday and to
morrow Ash Wednesday, the first
day of I,ont. For many years it was
tlie custom to bake doughnuts on
Shrove Tuesduy, but of late years
the custom has been passing into
the discard. The l.ndlts' Aid Society
of the Camp Hill Methodist Episco
pny Church. however, will bake
doughnuts all day to-day, which they
will sell for twenty-live cents a
dozen, the proceeds to be devoted
to the church. •
Hltro-Phosphate should give you a
small, steady increase of firm, heal
thy flesh each day. It supplies an
essential substance to the brain and
nerves in the active form in which
lit normally occures in the living
cells of the body. Bltro-Phosphate
> replaces nerve waste and creates
| new strength mil energy. Sold by
' druggists under definite guarantee
lof results or money back.
/fytirw &
or heaviness after
meals are most an
noying manifestations
of acid-dyspepsia.
pleasant to take,
neutralize acidity
and help restore
normal digestion.