Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, March 04, 1919, Page 4, Image 4
4 Senator Frank A. Smith Takes the Oath Today Senator Frank A. Smith, who suc ceeds to the seat long occupied by Lieutenant-Governor E. E. Beidle man, was sworn In late this after noon. The ceremony was postponed from last evening because of the absence of Lieutenant - Governor Beidleman, who delivered an ad dress at the annual dinner of the St. David Society in Scranton last night. Mr. Beidleman desired the pleasure of presiding over the Senate when BREM A CHILD'S GOLD 01 GIVING SYRUP OF FIGS Look, Mother! Is ' tongue coated, breath feverish and stomach sour? Cleanse the little liver and bowels and they get well quickly When your c-hiid suffers from a cold don't wait; give the little stom ach. liver and bowels a gentle, thor ough cleansing at once. When cross, peevish, listless, pale, doesn't sleep, eat or act naturally; if breath is bad, stomach sour, give a tea spoonful of "California Syrup of Figs," and in a few hours all the clogged-up, constipated waste, sour bile and undigested food will gently move out of the bowels, and you have a well, playful child again. If your child coughs, snuffles and has caught cold or is feverish or has a sore throat give a good dose of "California Syrup of Figs," to evacu ate the bowels no difference what other treatment is given. Sick children needn't be coaxed to take this harmless "fruit laxa tive." Millions of mothers keep it handy because they know its action on the stomach, liver and bowels is prompt and sure. They also know a little given today saves a sick child tomorrow. Ask your druggist for a bottle of "California Syrup of Figs," which contains directions for babies, chil-j dren of all ages and for grown-ups plainly on the bottle. Beware of counterfeits sold here. Get the gen uine, made by "California Fig Syrup Company." KAIfHEADH Rub Musterole on Forehead and Temples A headache remedy without the dan gers of "headache medicine." Relieves headache and that miserable feeling from colds or congestion. And it acts at once! Musterole is a clean, white oint ment, made with oil of mustard. Better than a mustard plaster and does not blister. Used only externally, and in no way can it affect stomach and heart, •S some internal medicines do. Excellent for sore throat, Croup, stiff neck, asthma, neuralgia, congestion, pleurisy, rheumatism, lum bago, all pains and aches of the back or joints, sprains, sore muscles, bruises, chilblains, frosted feet, colds of the chest (it often prevents pneumonia). 30c and 60c jars; hospital size $2.50. KEMHMLSAM Will Stop thai Cough GUARANTEED A plate without a roof which does aot Interfere with taste or speech. 'sfs Plates Repaired While Yon Walt UAftlf'C DENTAL mHvn o offices SlO MARKET STREET I The Peace Time Quality of King Oscar Cigars = - I will be remembered long after the price, which conditions compel us to charge, has been forgotten. . John C. Herman & Co. 7c—wofth * Makwt | TUESDAY EVENING. Mr. Smith took his seat, the two be ins close personal friends. Senator Smlih and Senator Rob took Mo ea !° n ' of Schuylkill, who in the Ron 6 .! 1 . at . the samo time, were dur£% ?h ch f mber this morning SmitvL I , Besa i°ns, and Senator near to hich '■ located very Senator w formerly occupied by hfah wit> ® eidleman . was heaped high with flowers, the (rifts of friends many , parts of the State. He was tions reC ° f many conratula v,oT he ne ? r ** au Phln county senator ' election en L i C ° nSiderable tlme sincß situation f OVer the legislative of bnl r r , pre P ar,n B a number a!, b 'l' 8 tor early submission. He is of the the development and verl^ 11 ? 1 Park extension area andl \ery desirous of doing anything that will further that project * Vigilance Committee May Be Organized by Ad Club Businessmen who are members of the Advertising Club of Harrisburg still are incensed over the methods employed by the proprietors of a local moving picture show td adver tising a movie film which is to be shown here. They declare that in asmuch as the perpetrators of the action were not fined, the publicity they secured was cheap, and would be with a fine of *25. of the Advertising Club hinted to-day that a vigilance com mittee would be formed to prose cute cases in the future whee busi nessmen infringe upon the rights of others in order to advertise their commodity. E. Fred Rowe, secre tary of the club, is in receipt of a communication from the Associated Advertising Clubs of the World, rec ommending the formation of such a vigilance committee. Deaths and Funerals MKS. EI.IZABKTH TOI'NG Mrs. Elizabeth Toung, aged 60 years, died in the Harrisburg Hos pital last evening. She was formerly a resident at 1525 Walnut street. Funeral services will be held at 9 0 clock Thursday morning, at the home of her sister, Mrs. William Hasson, 95 North Seventeenth street, the Rev. R. E. Hartman. pastor of the Marysville Reformed Church, of ficiating. The body will be taken by Iloover and Son. undertakers, to Dell vllle for burial. Mrs. Young Is survived by a son, Harvey Young; four brothers. Harry M. Hess. Mechanicsburg; Anson S. Hess. Wilmington, Del., and James Hess and Cyrus Hess, of Duncannon, and four sisters, Mrs. A. R. White, Marysville: Mrs.Nettie Bufflngton.Mrs. William Hasson and Mrs. Frank Pen nell, Duncannon. HARKY S. STUBHS Hafry S. Stubbs, aged 45 years, died last ev.ening at his home. 531 Muench street. Funeral services will be held Friday afternoon, at 2 o'clock, at the Covenant Presbyterian Church. the Rev. Harvey Klaer officiating. Burial will be made In the East Harrisburg Cemetery. Surviving him are his wife. Mrs. Myrtle Stubbs; a son, Carleton Stubbs; his mother, Mrs. Sarah Stubbs, and a sister, Mss. Elizabeth Hooper. Mr. Stubbs was a machinist In the Pennsylvania Railroad shops and was a prominent member of the P. O. of A. DANIEL G. IIREWAY Daniel G. Brennan. aged 40 years, died Monday morning, at his home, 630 Briggs street, following an ill ness of pneumonia. He Is survived by I.ls wife. Mrs. Annie Brennan; a son, John Brennan. and five sisters. He was a member of the Holy Name So ciety. of the Sacred Heart Catholic Church, and was prominent in Its ac tivities. Funeral services will be held Tuesday morning in the Sacred Heart Church, and burial will be made In Mt. Calvary Cemetery. FRANK G. ACHEY The body of Frank G. Achey, aged 29 years, who died Sunday morning at the Harrisburg Hospital, will be taken to Reistville for funeral services, Thursday. Mr. Achey resided at 313 Verbcke street, and the body may be viewed at Hoover and Son's undertak ing parlors after 7:30 this evening. ForJ*iles Send Today for Free Trial of Pyra mid File Treatmeat and Find Real Happiness. If you suffer so badly you can't wait for the free trial get a 60 cent box of Pyramid Pile Treatment at the nearest drug store. Take no sub stitute. ■ The quick relief has been a wonderful blessing to a host of people who had itching, bleeding and protruding piles, hemorrhoids and such rectal troubles. Don't de lay. FREE SAMPLE COUPON PTBAJOD DROO COMPANY. 573 Pyramid Bid*.. Marshall. lfleb. _K |ni "/ send roe a free saropln of Pyramid Pile Traatnfaat, la plain wrapper. Name...........,...,.,,,, ......a 5treet......... Olty Bute 1 1 1 SIDE ELEVATION STATE STREET MEMORIAL BRIDGE fcrt&T?- : .., .1— Bf . H - B| HHS*> a , jg|> - ; : v ' f ->:>• - . • J - ■ The accompanying etching shows the side elevation of the proposed memorial bridge to be built by state and city. Joining the Capitol Park extension with the Hill section and crossing the main line of the Pennsylvania i railroad at State street. NAVIGABLE RIVER - WOULD OPEN GREAT INDUSTRIAL FIELD Millions Could Be Saved Annually by Cheaper Water Freight s y Engineers Explain After Study of Statistics The canalization of the Susque hanna river looks so good from an economical standpoint that private capital in New York has had a sur vey of the river with the thought of asking the Pennsylvania Legisla ture for permission to deepen the river for navigation purposes,' Ma jor William B. Gray, of the United States Army, told a representative delegation of Susquehanna Valley citizens meeting at the Penn-Harris yesterday. Major Gray made the statement in reply to a question as to whether or not he thought the idea prac tical. But the Mujor said he doubt ed if the Legislature would give such a charter and that it would be much better to do the work through | the Legislature or Congress, or both. 100,000.000 Tons of Coal It was brought out at the meet ing that with the Susquehanna riv er made navigable it would be pos sible to transport by boat from the Pennsylvania mines 100,000,000 tons of coal a year at a saving of about II a ton on transportation charges. About 70,000,000 tons could be de livered from the mines directly into boats and the remaining 30,000,000 tons by short hauls to the streams. The entire cost of deepening the river could be thus saved to the people in one year. These figures are the carefully prepared estimates of state engineers who have made a study of the river and its possibili ties, and If anything are conserva tive. The meeting was addressed by Major Gray. R. A. Zentmyer, chair man of the State Water Supply Com mission; Lyman H. Howe, of Wilkes- Uarre; Edwin Charles, of Milton; 1 W. C. Forney, of Milton, and many , others. Mr. Zentmyer proved by carefully worked-out tables that there Is ample water in the river even at the lowest stages to meet transportation needs. Major Gray outlined at length the preliminary steps required and said j that the cost of a survey would be nearer a million dollars than the 1250,000 provided by Congress. He had on display a big map covering p quarter of one side of the big ball room, showing the immense terri tory touched by the proposed im provement. Permanent Basis The committee was placed on a permanent basis. Eli Hershey was chosen as chairman with power to select an executive committee and a secretary. Congressman Kreider sent a letter regretting his inability to be present, due to the press of Congressional business, in which he said in part: "If" you will allow me I might ! suggest, that so far as the survey of : the Susquehanna is concerned, it | may be advisable for this committee I to take such action as will impress I upon the War Department, the fact j that the people of Pennsylvania and | the business interests are intensely I interested in this project with the . hope that the provision of law au- I thorizing the survey of the Susque | hanna, will be carried out as ! promptly as possible, for it must ; be remembered thtt the bill au i thorizing this survey also authorizes the survey of a number of other projects of a similar nature and we do not want the War Department to make the other surveys first and i possibly exhaust the appropriation before the item for the Susquehanna is reached. "We should also Impress upon the War Department thht the federal government, itself, has more than a passing interest in this survey and project. Inasmuch as we were suc cessful In having the government erect the warehouse of the aviation section of the signal corps, and the depots for the ordnance and quarter master departments on the banks of the Susquehanna river and should we be so unfortunate as to become involved in another war the navigability of the Susquehanna river would become a matter of vi tal and strategic importance to the government of the United States. For it must be remembered, that not only are these immense ware houses located on Its banks, but some of our largest establishments manufacturing munitions of war are also located here and, just north of Harrisburg, we strike the tremend ous and Inexhaustible coal fields of Pennsylvania, all of which are mat ters in which the government, itself must of necessity, be concerned. "I might state that the present river and harbor bill become a law in its present form. The bill has passed the House and Senate and the conference commit tee made its report to the House, which was approved and the Senate will, in all probability, approve the same .report. After which. It of course only requires the signature of the President. "As soon as the bill Is signed, probably before the end of this week, 1 shall make a personal call on and direct the attention of the proper authorities of the War Department to this survey and urge that this be one of the first surveys'authorized by thlH bill, to receive attention." Strong arguments were presented by members of the Old Boatmen's HXRIUSBURG TELEGKXPH Association who were in attendance at the meeting held yesterday by the special committee of the Harrisburg Rotary Club. Prominent among these was Edwin Charles, of Mlddleburg, .secretary of the association, and probably the best known canal boat man in the State. Mr. Charles, who is the author of a number of articles dealing with the old canal days, said in part: .. „ "This is a great economic question. In 1917 the State of Pennsylvania mined over three hundred million tons of coal. This is 50 per cent, of the production in the entire United States. Maryland, where only a small percentage of the total production was mined, the federal government thought it proper to take over the old Chesapeake and Ohio canal that serves Washington City. Should they not consider Pennsylvania relatively more important and leid aid to tak ing over the abandoned waterways of Pennsylvania, considering the fact that Pennsylvania supplies the great manufacturing centers of Baltimore, Philadelphia, New York, New Eng land, Pittsburgh, Rochester and other cities with power and the fact that Pennsylvania supplied 60 per cent, or the war material? "When the Pennsylvania canp.l was in operation coal was carried from the mines at Nanticoke to Harris burg at a cost of 45 cents a ton and to New York for 85 cents a ton against a charge of $1,50 to $3 a ton by rail at present. If the waterways were to carry one-third of the three hundred millions of tons of coal mined in Pennsylvania annuallv at a minimum saving of $1 per ton to the householder, should not the fuel producer and consumer get back of STRATFORD well dressed young man are 1 . recognized as America's ; standard. Wm. Strouse & JKm fr Co. —Harrisburg's depend- / able clothing store is recog- "f nized as the standard of I.\ V • honorable dealing and fair values. The Combination 1 - of these two, assure the buyer of Wm. Strouse clothes the utmost in tJmL' STYLE, QUALITY and' L SERVICE. A new lot of pi handsome Stratford gar- m ments have just arrived and y jgKr< we invite the inspection of BjR/\ /y every young fellow who SIP/'' prides himself upon his good ygf appearance. The Prices— s4o $45 SSO A New Shipment of Beautiful Silk Scarfs Has Just Arrived'Sl QPRING is upon us QILK Shirts at The and underwear of the . New Store are differ ent than the usual shirts at - lighter weights is to be had in the price. They're selected abundance at The New Store with 0816 nd show it: - of Wm. Strouse. $5 to $lO Wm. Strouse 310 Market Street „ Harrisburg, Pa. this movement and demand the State as well as the federal government to make v, worthwhile appropriations commensurate with the bigness of this affair?" A petition with more than 5,000 signers backing the project, was pre sented by Mr. Charles. Among Tliose Present Among those who attended the meeting were: Edwin Charles, Mid dleburg; W. C. Fortney, Milton; E. B. Black, Col. Henry C. Demming, Eli N. Hershey, William M. Robison, J. William Bowman, John S. Musser, George S. Reinoehl, Robert A. Zent myer, E. S. Herman, E. J. Stack pole. Harrisburg; J. H. Ostertag, Co lumbia; E. W. Lucas, Columbia; Ly man H. Howe? Wilkes-Barre, and Major William B. Gray, U. S. A. ELI AH CHARLES Liverpool, Pa., March 4.—Funeral services of Iliah Charles, a Civil War veteran, were held at Hunter's Church by the Rev. G. C. Cramer, pastor of the United Evangelical Church, at Liverpool. Mr. Charles was aged about 81 years and is sur vived by his wife, one daughter, Mrs. Henry Coffman, three sons, Harry Charles, of Cleveland, Ohio; Jacob Charles of Harrisburg, and Frank Charles, of Liverpool. Moumiarit HAttUISIIUKG, TUESDAY, MABCH 4, 1010. 4Hsa4 Setfit d /ffrtfAlMraAllJ) BOWMAN'S—Basement. Bells and Whistles to Announce Arrival Home of Colored Soldier Unit Plans for the rousing reception to be accorded the members of the 351 st Field Artillery and 368t!) In fantry jvhlch ■will arrive homo Thursday afternoon, were completed at a meeting of the committees in charge, last evening. Bells and whistles will announce the hour of the departure of the train from Bal timore, and a parade Will form im mediately with Colonel James M, Auter as chief marshal. Soldiers from Camp Meade will march with Sergeants Howard, Bibb and Mar shall in charge, and those from Camp Dlx, with Lieutenant J. S. Davis in charge. Sergeants Dixon and Young will lead the discharged men, and Civil War veterans will ride in automobiles. A public re ception is planned for the soldiers Thursday night, to be addressed by Governor Sproul, Mayor Keister, Lieutenant-Governor Beidleman, W. Justice Eustis, and Frank Jeffer son. WHEN RHEUMATIC" PAINS HIT HARD Just get out that bottle of Sloan's Liniment and "knock it galley-west'* Don't say "it will be all right to-' morrow." Rheumatic twinges won't relieve themselves. It takes the counter-irritant of Sloan's Liniment to bring quick relief. Effective, too, for nearly every external ache and pain that man's heir to. Put it on and let it penetrate with out rubbing. Clean, sure, economical Once tried, it becomes a lifelong friend. Your druggist has it. Get it today. 300. flOe. $1.20 MARCH 4, 1919. ■ ~ " 1 Continued From March 3, 1919. / " The room was at a low temperature, 5 below zero. It felt like the Arctic region. It was a large room, capable of storing big quantities of product. Mr. Hershey amazed the Ad man by his next remark. Said he, "A few days ago we had in this room 40,000 pounds of butter. Now there are about 12,000 pounds left. We ship a great deal of butter." The Ad man surely was amazed. It seem ed to him almost incredible that so much butter was made in the Hershey Creamery Company's plant. • Here was a new phase of the business. Not exactly new, but a phase that now stood out in a new light. / Not able to contain himself, the Ad man asked, in a very surprised manner, "How in the world do you happen to make so much butter? I thought you were in the ice cream business." "We certainly are in the ice cream busi ness, and in it right," replied Mr. Hershey, "or we wouldn't have this big plant; but I'll tell you something that the public doesn't know and would never give a thought." "Let's have it," persisted the Ad man. "Our milk collecting points, where we re ceive all the milk and cream "from the farms, are maintained all the year round. We take all the milk and cream our farms produce. "Some seasons are not as big as others and we get an over-supply of milk and cream. You see, we have to take it all whether we need it for ice cream or not. The supply is often very much larger than is required for ice cream. "Naturally this extra supply must be used in some way or there would be a great loss. So we use it for making that rich golden but ter that you saw in that churn upstairs." "Yes, I understand," replied the Ad man," but you make so much HERSHEY'S SU PERIOR ICE CREAM it would seem to me that you wouldn't get enough cream for that, let alone have any left to make butter." \ > I ' "That brings in still another part of our business," explained Mr. Hershey, "and I will tell you about that, too, for it really is • the side of the ice cream business upon which we mainly depend." "" "Let's hear that story" begged the Ad man. • "We get our milk and cream from —" Here the general manager of the big cream ery stopped short, saying, "Let's get out of this cold room. It's warmer up in the office. Come up there and I'll tell you about our dairies," March 4, 1919, • Look for Wednesday's Harrlaburg, Pa. continuation of this—- \ - The Ad-man. I ■ V-*" Written Especially f>'or Hershey Creamery Co. Makers of Uershey's Superior Ice Cream