Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, March 04, 1919, Page 16, Image 16

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Names Secured by Lodge Suf
ficient to Block Treaty
Washington, March 4. —Names of
thirty-seven Republican members of
the new Senate, a number sufficient
to block ratitication of a treaty, were
read in the Senate last night by Sen
ator Lodge, of Massachusetts, who
said they had approved a resolution
setting forth that "the constitution
of the League of Nations in the
form now proposed to the Peace
Conference should not be accepted
by the United States."
The list was inserted in the rec
ord by the Republican leader after
Democratic Leader Martin and Sen
ator Swanson, of Virginia, had rais
ed simultaneous objection to con
sideration of the resolution, which
he had introduced after long con
ferences with minority members
and communication by telegraph and
telephone with Republican senators
and senators-elect who were not in
Oppose Present Form
While opposing the constitution
as now drafted, the resolution set
forth that is was the desire of the
Senate that the nations of the world
should unite to promote peace and
general disarmament. It also said
it was the sense of the Senate that
"the negotiations on the part of the
United States should immediately
be directed to the utmost expedition
of the urgent business of negotiat
ing peace terms with Germany" and
that then the league proposal should
be taken tip for careful and serious
. unsiilei atii'Ti.
' Detroit
Vapor Stove
"Vt orks Like Gas"
A marvelous invention
which makes oil as prac
tical as gas for fuel.
No Wicks or Rings
No Smoke or Odor
r 4 Hot Fire Just
Like Gas
The Most
Economical Stove
Ever Invented
So Safe a Child Can
Operate It
Guaranteed 5 Years
Demonstrations daily at
the store, or in your own
home without obligation.
Belding Hall & McKee
All designs. A solid
carload and a half for your
Prices from $12.98 up
3-Door Side leer as
illustrated, good size,
enameled interior,
White enamel revers
ible body, wind-shield,
large sized carriage,
Furniture Company
1415-19 N. Second St.
Between Culdcr iut<l Kelly Sts.
> - '
Sixty-Fifth Session Passes Into History With Stupen
dous Record; Carried Nation Through the War
Washington, March 4.—The Sixty
fifth or great war Congress passed
into history to-day with final taps of
the gavel by Vice-President Mar
shall and Speaker Clark at noon.
Failure of scores of important bills
gave promise of early convening for
reconstruction legislation of the new
Congress in extraordinary session,
in which control passes from the
Democratic party to the Republican.
Unusual scenes of confusion in the
final rush to complete its work ac
companied the closing hours of Con
gress, in which President Wilson,
just back from France in his room
off the Senate chamber, hastily sign
ed many last-moment measures.
Stupendous Record
Stupendous was the record of the
Congress, which 'carried the nation
into and through the war and which
had been in almost continuous ses-|
sion since it was called by President
Wilson into extraordinary session
April 2, 1917, to declare war against
Germany. It appropriated about
$60,000,000,000, authorized $25,-
000,000,000 in bonds, and enacted
countless measures for prosecuting
the war and of domestic import. The
new Congress will take up the limit
less task of reconstruction problems,
ratification of the peace treaty and
other vital questions probably im
mediately after tthe return of Presi
dent Wilson from his second visit to
Special features of the sixty-fifth
Congress were many "addresses by
President Wilson, including those
recommending war with Germany
and Austria, that of January 8,
1917, enunciating his famous four
teen principles of peace, and those
endorsing woman suffrage, announc
ing the armistice terms imposed
upon Germany last November and,
his recent address detailing accom
plishments of his work at Paris.
Three Sessions
There were three sessions of the
Congress. The first, extra session
met April 2, 1917, following shortly
after the turbulent and successful
Senate filibuster on the administra
tion armed ship bill which marked
the close of the Sixty-fourth Con
gress. The dramatic night address
of President Wilson to urge war
with German'- which was promptly
declared, marked the opening of the
extra session, called but a few weeks
after the President's inauguration
for a second term. The session closed
October 6. 1917, lasting 188 days.
The second session— lasting 35 4 days
and the longest in the history of
American government—began De
cember 3, 1917, and adjourned No
The Deal Scheduled For Last
November Which Was
Postponed on Account of
Influenza Epidemic, Is Now
Reinstated Good During
the Month of March
It is with pride that we announce '
to the drug trade that the shortage
of Vick's Vapoßub. which has
lasted since last October, is now |
overcome. Since January Ist, we I
have been running our laboratory
twenty-three and a half hours out
of every twenty-four. Last week we
shipped the last of our back orders,
and retail druggists, therefore, are
no longer requested to order in
small quantities only.
This deal, which we had expected
to put on last November and which
had to be postponed on account of
the shortage of Vapoßub, is rein
stated for the month of March. This
allows a discount of 10 per cent, on
shipments from jobbers' stock of
quantities of from 1 to 4 gross. 5
per cent of this discount is allowed
by the jobber and 5 per cent by us.
"We advise the retail druggists to
place their orders immediately, so
that the jobbers will be able to get
prompt shipments to them.
The thanks of the American pub
lic are certainly due the entire drug
trade retail, wholesale and manu
facturing for what they accom
plished during the recent influenza
epidemic. The war caused a short
age ot physicians • nurses were
almost impossible to obtain—the
demand on the drug trade was un
expected and overwhelming, and to
this demand they responded nobly.
Retail druggists kept open day and
night and slept where they dropped
behind the prescription counter.
Wholesale druggists called their
salesmen off the road to, help fill
orders —■ hundreds wired us to ship
My latt lafmd appll
aacca, Imlillm mm mmm/mtm- & A
JHBm ln< air apparataa, aakM CmP JF
BtrwOag •< all laul . v
xMw S
u—b at
M •<
/%^y^^4r 7 •
j# A auTiMBW
X Mimm
/ */ Sl9 IMntSL
<°iw*e ■*)
HARRISBUKQ, PA. m uih kt • Mt
vember 21, last. The third and final
session which ended to-day began
December 2 last, and was the statu
tory short session of ninety-three
Substantial Democratic majorities
In both Senate and House since
President Wilson's inauguration six
years ago now have passed. In the
new Congress, the Senate will have
forty-nino Republicans and forty
seven Democrats and the House 2118
Republicans and 183 Democrats, one
Socialist, two Independents and one
Mnny Vets Retire
Many veterans in both houses re
tired with to-day's adjournment. In
the Senate these Included Senators
Saulsbury, of Delaware, president
pro tempore; Lewis, of Illinois.
Democratic whip; Shafroth, of Colo
rado; Thomas, of Kansas; Hard wick,
of Georgia; Hollis, of New Hamp
shire, and Vardaman, ot Missis
sippi; Goff, of West Virginia; Smith,
of Michigan, and Weeks, of Massa
chusstts. Among prominent repre
sentatives whose services ended
were Miss Jeanette Rankin, of Mon
tana, the first woman elected to the
House; Meyer London, of New ork,
Socialist: Swager Sherley, of Ken
tucky, chairman of the approprja
tions committee: Hayes, California;
Keating. Colorado; Powers, of Ken
tucky; Foster, Illinois; Cox, Barn
liart and Dixon, of Indiana: Miller,
Minnesota; Borland, Missouri; Par
ker, New Jersey; Gordon, Ohio;
Farr, Pennsylvania; O'Shaunessy,
Rhode Island: Slayden, Gregg and
Dies, Texas, and Cooper and Staf
ford, of Wisconsin.
First Session
During the first session of the
Congress, devoted largely to prose
cution of the war, among the im
portant measures passed were;
The war declaration against Ger
many, signed April 6, 1917; the se
lective draft act; the law for seizure
of interned German ships; the war
risk insurance bureau act; the first
war revenue bill; the food and fuel
control laws the daylight sa\ing
measure; the initial and record
breaking aviation appropriation pf
$6 40,000,000: the trading with the
enemy act; and measures providing
for soldiers and sailors insurance
and protection of their civil rights at
home. „ .
Outstanding Features
Outstanding measures of the sec
ond, long session, were:
The Austrian war declaration; the
national prohibition resolution; the
Webb export L-ade act; the alien
property custodian bill: the law*# for
Vick's Vapoßub by the quickest!
route, regardless of expense.
In this emergency we have tried
to do our part. We scoured the
country for raw materials our
Traffic Manager spent his days rid
ing freight cars in we shipped
raw materials in carload lots by ex
press and pleaded with manufac
turers to increase their deliveries
to us.
But it was a slow process. Some
of our raw materials are produced
only in Japan supplies in this
country were low and shipments re
quired three months to come from
the Far East. Then we had to re
cruit and train skilled labor. We
brought our salesmen into the fac
tory and trained them as foremen.
We invented new machinery, and
managed to install it on Christmas
Day, so as not to interfere with our
daily production.
By January Ist we had everything
ready to put on our shift, and
since then our laboratory has been
running day and night to feed our
automatic machines, which drop
out one hundred and forty-three
jars of Vapoßub a minute or
one million and eighty thousand
weekly, has required a force of 500
people. Our Cafe Department,
created for the benefit of these
workers, served 7000 meals during
the month of January alone.
An idea of the work we have ac
complished this Fall may be given
by our production figures 13,-
028,976 jars of Vapoßub manufac
tured and distributed since last Oc
tober one jar for every two fam
ilies in the entire United States.
During the influenza epidemic,
Vick's Vapoßub was used as an ex
ternal application in connection with
the physician's treatment, and thou
sands of people, unable to obtain a
doctor, relied on Vick's almost ex
laterally millions of families all
over the country, from California to
Maine, and from the Great Lakes to
the Gulf, have found Vick's Vapo-
Rub tho ideal home remedy for
croup and cold troubles.
s >
government control of railroads,
telegraphs, telephones, cables and
radio utilities; the second draft law;
the war finance corporation act and
the Overman recorganization bill.
During the last session, comple
tion of the $6,000,000,000 revenue
bill WUB the chief accomplishment
in addition to completion of water
power, oil, gas and coal land de
velopment legislation, "authorization
of additional bonds and the huge an
nual appropriation bills.
Woman suffrage also was a much
debated topic, but was defeated in
the Senate last month, 55 to 29,
lacking the necessary two-thirds by
margin of one vote, after the reso
lution proposing submission of an
equal suffrage amendment to the
constitution had been adopted by the
House on January JO, 1917, by a
vote of 274 to 136. The campaign
for its adoption will be renewed in
the new Congress.
Investigations by both Senate and
House committees were numerous
throughout the three sessions.
Among these were the inquiry into
disloyalty, charges against Senator
La Follette of Wisconsin, which re
cently ended in a vote dismissing
the charges. Other important in
quiries. in addition to the Senate
military committee's general army
investigation, were those into radi
cal, pro-German and brewers' prop
aganda. activities of the National
Security League, regulation of the
meat industry; the railroad ques
tion, into coal and sugar condition;
the Ford-Newberry senatorial elec
tion contest from Michigan, and the
Hog Island shipbuilding enterprise.
Tlie Senate confirmed thousands
of nominations. It ratified treaties
for acquisition of the Virgin Islands,
for reciprocal drafting of aliens and
several commercial and arbitration
treaties. Despite the support of Pres
ident Wilson, the $25,000,000 Colom
bia treaty again failed.
Lively Scrap in House
as Congress Nears End
Washington, March 4.—A bitter
political row livened the debate in
the HouSe yesterday afternoon. - For
a few moments a personal encounter
seemed imminent between Chair
man Flood, of the Committee on For
eign Affairs, and Representative
Martin Madden, one of the Repub
lican leaders. It came about when
renewed charges were made by Rep
resentative Rogers (IJepublican)
that Major E. J. N. Hale, Minister
to Costa Rica, has not been there in
two years, but has been at his home
in Fayetteville, N. C., drawing full
Mr. Flood had read to the House
a letter from Acting Secretary of
State Polk explaining that Mr. Hale
had been kept in this country be
cause the President did not want to
recognize the existing government
in Costa Rica.
Mr. Rogers deemed that the ex
planation was satisfactory. "I chal
lenge the gentleman from Virginia
and any member of fhe North Caro
lina delegation to show what func
tion Hale has performed in the last
two years. He is still on the payroll
and likely to continue for two years
longer, and if a Democratic Presi
dent is elected he will probably
continue six years longer. Is there
no end to this practice of paying
ministers for doing absolutely noth
ing .' The Assistant Secretary of
State told me he had performed no
work. If something is not done by
Congress in this thing it is likely to
persist forever."
Mr. Rogers added: "My single,
sole and narrow point is, as admit
ted by the State Department, that
a minister of the United States can
be paid two years' salary without
doing a stroke of work. That mav
be Democratic economy, but it savors
vei> much of looting the treasury."
Williams Is Assailed
by Penna. Congressman
Wnstilniftoii, March 4. Rising to
a question of personal privilege Rep
resentative McFadden, of Pennsvlva
yeiStrrda>; the House declared
that John Skelton Williams has
for >' ears . and through
ttje power vested in his office of
comptroller of currency, has sonught
to destroy the credit of the Pennsyl
vania Congressman, who is president
of the First National Bank of Canto.
Moreover, it was charged that it is
* , . ow "Ought by the comptrollers and
the Democratic members who are sup
porting him in the House to bring
about the ftill publication of Williams'
letter to McFadden, which the Penn
sylvanian stated "contains vitupera
tion and charges which, if made pub
lic. might destroy and ruin a financial
institution in the United States"
The controversy In the House fol
lowed the issuance by Mr. Williams
of a press statement attacking the
Pennsylvania representative, and Mr
McFadden's efforts to reply by pro
ducing proof that he was "not "lone
handod" in his demand for an investi
gation of the comptroller's office
wore combatted by the Demoritits at
every turn. There was a long and
heated discussion, and Representative
Miller, of Minnesota, at length declar
ed that the Democrats were endeavor
ing to keep the truth of the situation
from being revealed.
[Continued from Pago B.]
to the Kaiser's adjutant-generals, as
well as to the chamberlains, equer
ries. dames of the palace, chas
seurs, coachmen, cooks, and scul
lions. More than once have I seen
His Majesty abruptly start away
from a person with whom he hap
pened to be conversing at a recep
tion or ball, leaving the unhappy
lady or gentleman speechless and
crushed, because of an innocent ad
mission that a son or a daughter,
or perhaps an uncle, had the measles
or a cold. At the very mention of
the fact the warlord fled like a lion
hearing a cock crow.
Once X found Madame von Kotze
in tears behind some shrub in the
White Xlali, while all around , her
dancing was going on. "What is
the matter with Your ladyship?" I
inquired; "can I be of service to
you ?"
"No, thank you," she sobbed;
"but to think that he said that to
"Who is he, and what did he say?"
• "The liaiser, of course. When he
heard that my boy was ill, he re
marked, turning on his heel; 'How
dare you come to my liouse under
such circumstances?' "
That happened at a time when
Madame von Kotze prided herself
upon her particularly friendly rela
tions with His Majesty.
But the most absurd Instances of
the Kaiser's mania for precaution
is afforded by the case of little
Henry of Reuss, already mentioned.
As soon as his death became known,
William requested Her Majesty to
have disinfected all the dresses that
she had taken to Gera when at
tending the baptism of the prince,
several months before, although he
knew at the time that His little
Highness did not die of an infec
tious disease, as at llrst thought, but
of a sort of scurvy.
(Copyright, 19X9, Thompson Fea
ture Service.)
(To Continued Tomorrow)
Swiss Agitator Got Lenine to
Petrograd in 'Sealed Train'
to Get Things Started
London, March 4.—Truo to the
traditions as the foundation head of
revolution, Zurich is to-day the
switchboard of Bolshevism in Eu
rope. The man at the switchboard
connecting the various Bolshevist
wires is Fritz Platten, the foremost
labor leader in Switzerland, and with
i the exception of Lenine, the most
fanatic advocate in Europe of the
| salvation of the world through the
dictatorship of the proletariat.
In these days of mass rule idols
come and go, but if I were an enter
prising photographer, I would take
a good picture of Fritz Platten. In
fact, I would take several. History
will want to have a look at such a
photograph, for Fritz Platten, willy
nilly,.lias become a historical char
He is the man who unchained Bol
shevism in Europe. It was Platten
who arranged with Germany for
the passing of the "sealed train' l
which took Lenine from Switzerland
to Knssia. Platten went to Petro
grad in that sealed train, or ratner
coach, with Lenine and his thirty
odd followers.
A few days after the train passed
through Germany Platten's associate,
lfu/is Vogel, the present editor of
the Berner Tagwacht. the leading
Socialistic paper in Switzerland, pi
loted a second train with the re
mainder of the Bolshevist followers
of Lenine through Germany into
Russia. _ On the train, in charge of
Herr Vogel, were Lunarliarsky,
toff and Martinoff, besides 250 other
Leninites who have since had much
to do with the making or unmak
ing of Russia.
Other Tasks For Bolshevism
Nor was his taking Lenine to Rus
sia the only service of the Swiss la
bor leader to the cause of Bol
shevism. Platten rendered another
and perhaps greater service to Len
ine and the Leninites after they
reached Russia. Platten and Lenine
were in a carriage together one day
when as assassin attemted to shoot
Lenine, and it was a quick maneu
ver by Platten that deflected the
fatal bullet, saving Lenine's life.
Platten came out of the experience
with a slightly damaged arm.
In Switzerland about a month ago
Platten was found on the first page
every morning. He was and is the
most hated man in Switzerland, be
cause he was principal leader of the
general strike in November, and the
general strike is considered still as
an unsuccessful coup d'etat by the
Swiss Bolshevists. That strike lasted
three days, tying up nineteen of the
principal cities and districts of
Switzerland and involving more than
200,000 workmen.
If it was called to gain certain
concessions, it was lost, for the
workmen gained none. If, on the
other hand, it was a maneuver to
rr <
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart
Long Ribbon Streamers The Millinery Section Announces
On the New The arrival of the incomparable
*#l Mife Straw Hats Croft Hats
K Foi* Girls 01 r ' n £* Every model is exclusive.
t) Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Second Floor, Front.
A wonderful variety of new
Spring styles in all kinds of
Women's New Spring
the realm of girlish millinery. ~ -i
lL?en; e g ulo~ ribbo„ s Pumps and Oxfords
1 streamers and you know j 11 T 1
ribbon prim '" tle miss lov " Smart Modes
The Market street shoe section announces its complete
Wide brim hats of finest straw finished with the popular long spring display of fashionable pumps and oxfords of un
ribbon streamers—mushrooms and rolled brims —all the shades of .
spring $4.00 to $12.00 excelled quality .and workmanship.
Inlay calf and patent colt —light weight
sooo ll vaiue m ll s£o"a! Ca<,inff shado! ~" xtra 10,,g hand-welted soles with covered heels . .. $6.00 to $13.50
I__ ' Colonial Pumps in cordo tan, black calf and patent colt.
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Second Floor, Front. SB.OO t.O $9.00
Oxfords in Cordo tan and black calf, I.ouis, Cuban and
military heels $6.00 to $13.00
Some Interesting Facts
About Freeland Blue Art Wares That Add to the
Overalls Attractiveness of the Home
Freeland blue overalls with coats to match garments Mahogany candle sticks with glass tops,
that most workmen know and wear the identical merchan- $1.50, $1.75 and $3.00
dise is regularly sold in competing men's stores at higher Silk candle shades to $5.00
prices. Japanese vases, fern dishes, baking dishes and insense
Competing Men's Our Regular burners ••••'• " *' '• to $3.35
stores Prices Prices Enameled waste paper baskets, white, pink and blue,
$2.45 $2.25 SI.OO
$1.89 $1.85 Enameled waste paper baskets, decorated $1.35 (
Men's work 'shirts In blue chambray, light and heavy weights. Enameled flower baskets sl.3<> to $3.5Q, -
5c and $1.15 Mexican fruit baskets $1.50
$1.95 Freeland overalls in blue and hickory stripes, coats to Basket weave serving trays, hand-colored.
tnatch. Special $1.65 2 21 tn "LA
Freeland white overalls for paper hangers and painters ....$1.50 iu <pu.ou
Spoclaf . SUf " al . . Sh ! r . tß . , W 'A h .^ W °. separate Co,larß B, f es 14 _ to s Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart. Third Floor.
Handkerchiefs —
25c Brotherhood Blue Handkerchiefs. Special 15c
,10c Khaki Handkerchiefs. Special, 4 for 25c, each 7c a /-*-| PI*!! I
I 1 A Clearance of Silk
Men's outing shims, specia. Remnants on Wednesday
$1.59 This is the aftermath of our recent silk sale. All
Sizes 15 to 20 remnants marked at half original prices.
— *
Men's si.io musiin night shirts, fancy trimmed or plain white. Special, too, are these 300 Chiffon Taffetas in
SP Men's 85 c muslin night shirts, sizes 15 and 16. Special .....'. o#c Street shades, at $2.39.
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Men's Btore. . Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor.
rr=r - ...
test the strength of Bolshevism, then
It was won, for It succeeded In call
ing out the workers of the country
with remarkable speed and unani
Not alone the workers In factories
and shops answered the strike call.
Clerks in banks and office workers
all struck, and the police openly
sympathized with the strikers. The
issue of the high cost of living, the
cry of profiteering and similar slo
gans were successfully used by the
strike leaders.
Platten is to-day the greatest Bol
shevist fanatic in Europe, and with
men's nerves on edge as they are
in Centrul Europe to-day, such a
fanatic may be Lord of Hosts to
"I talked to Platten," said a Brit
isher recently, "for about live minu
tes. He is a man of 37 or 38, clean
shaven, above the medium height
and athletic looking. His father
is said to be a Saxon, who emigrated
to Switzerland, where Platten was
"Platten, however, is every inch a
Prussian. The 'will to power' is in
his blood. It is his creed. Only in
his case this will is directed not to
ward the attainment of militarism,
but toward proletarian power. He
seemed to me to be. a Ilindenburg of
labor, cold, calculating, ruthless. He
knows what he wants and goes the
shortest way to get it.
"I don't thing Platten would have
the slightest hesitation in ordering
the execution of a hundred or a
thousand men if in bis Judgment the
cause of working class revolution de
manded it.
"I hesitate to reach alarmist eon
elusions, but all the time I gazed on
Platten I had the feeling that the
wftrld is not yet done with ruthless
ness. The ruthlessness nurtured by
militarism for generations has not
ended with the end of the war. It
has had changed habitations.
" 'I don't give interviews,' Platten
told me. 'I write articles from time
to time myself, and in these articles
i say what I have to say. The move
ment which is called Bolshevism is
coming, because it must come. There
is no other way out for the prole
tariat. If the world were really
Ready Relief on a lump of
SUGAR dissolved in the mouth
for that COUGH that often fol
lows INFLUENZA you will find
instant relief.
Saturate a flannel cloth In Kadwar'i
Itrwlr He lief and lar over the conaestrd
part of the lunn or back. \ H a -counter
Irritant Iladwaj'e Keodr Keltef U much
■troiwrr. more convenient and cleaner than
the old-faahloaed milliard plaoter.
on tho market Kl -v m
Aak for
Accept no anboUtnto. HVINM
MARCH 4, 1919. "
willing to solve the problems be
fore It in reason and common sense
there would be no Bolshevlslsm. But
the fact Is that from above there is
no solution for these problems, and i
the proletariat finds Mtself more and
more compelled to adfopt the meth
ods which are followed by the Bol
To-morrow. Ash Wednesday, is
to be a day of devotion at St. Paul's
Church, Second and Kmerald streets.
There will be communion services at
8 and 10 and short prayers with
meditations at noon, 2.30, 4.30 and
at 8. The church will be open all
IJverpool, Pa., March 4. Com
munion services were observed in
the Methodist Church on Sunday by
to and from
! New York, Phila. and
Commercial and Furniture
General Eocal Hauling
Anytime Anywhere
All fully cohered by Insurance
A. T. Raffensperger & Son
Main Office Phlla. Office i
904 Market 9t. SOT Market St
Harrlabtira. Pa. Phoae I
Phone, 3.VJBJ Market 4428
before the war quality
Hoffer's Best Flour
. now being sold by all grocers is
the best flour on the market fr
home made bread and pastry
the pastor, the Rev. G. If, Knos
Three children were baptised ant
two accessions to the church wen
also observed at the regular ichurcl
services. *
Edwin Charles, of Middleburgh
secretary of the Pennsylvania Oli
Boatmen's Reunion Association, wa
a business visitor in the city yester
day. Mr. Charles is intensely inter
ested in the project to make th
Susquehanna river navigable.
A Printer's Message
To Kidney Sufferers
A. T,. Herbert, a compositor, llv
ing at 3040 North Twenty-thin
street, in Philadelphia, has a fev
straight-forward words to say to al
who suffer from kidney trouble
which may well be taken to hear
by those afflicted with rheuinati
pains, stomach, bowel, liver or blooi
disorders, or are, as he was, gen
eraliy run down. He will gladly tel
you personally all that he vouche
for here.
"Having taken one bottle of
'Nu Vim' for kidney trouble and
urinating too frequently, it has
done nie a wonderful lot of good.
1 certainly can recommend it to
be all that it claims—as I know.
I hope some one else will bene
|it. by it, as well as myself. Try
The above is but one of man
such unsolicited statements made b
people in this vicinity, who have bee
relieved from disorders of the diges
tive, circulatory and nervous sys
tenis and given new vim and vigo
through Nu Vim Iron Weed Tont<
Follow Mr. Herbert's advice—Tr
it! The Nu Vim Demonstrator i
now at 1G North Third street, bu
this grand toni c may be had at an;
other of the 3 Gorgas stores.