Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, March 04, 1919, Page 10, Image 10

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Courage, brother! do not stumble.
Though thy path be dark at night;
There's a star to guide the humble,
Trust in God, and do the right.
—Norma Maclcod.
EDWARD BAILEY laid before
the Rotary Club yesterday a
concrete and practical plan ]
designed to solve at least one phase
of the housing situation 'n Hirrie
burg—that having to do with imme
diate shortage of houses. There are
other and very important sides to the
problem, but first and foremost we
must provide homes for those desir
ing to make this city their place of
residence. Mr. Bariley says the best
way to finance the plan, under pres
ent conditions, is through the opera
'ions of a co-operative company of
1230,000 capital stock. Mr. Bailey is
■ conservative banker, accustomed to
lealing with large financial prob
oms and not given to discussing
igures in public until he has studied
hem and made sure as to the ac
uracy of his conclusions. If Mr.
'•alley says the thing can be done,
1 here is no question about it.
But first it will be necessary for
ie Chamber of Commerce commu
te on housing to find out precisely
hat is needed, it is important that
■ e start right. Mr. Bailey has sug
ested a survey. In one way or an
ther it should be made. That wlil
e the work of the committee, and
nder the leadership of Mr. McFar
und, its chairman, tnero is every
ndication that no time will be lost
n preliminaries. Thanks to the en
ouragement of Governor Sproul and
licit men as Mr. Bailey, our housing
roblem is much nearer solution than
appeared only a few weeks back.
j !■ THE residentsof theSusquehanna
valley region from the head wat
ers to the Chesapeake Bay could
ave heard the constructive and in
armutive speeches made before the
enerul committee having to do with
he movement for making the Sus
quehanna river navigable, at the
"enn-Harris yesterday, there would
e no longer any disposition to treat
his proposition as something far in
he distant.
Facts were presented and argu
lents adduced leaving no ground
>r the pessimist to insist that the
••roposal is not feasible from an
conomic or an engineering stand
point. It was demonstrated that the
undertaking is not only practical in
ts character but very desirable from
• very standpoint. Already the Fed
ral government has appropriated
•250,000 for a survey of the river
torn the Chesapeake Bay to Har
• isburg and the matter has also been
aken up in a small way in the
-egislature. But Pennsylvania must
!o more than talk. It is estimated
hat the saving to consumers on
nthracite coal alone in a single
ear should cover almost the entire
ost of the canalization of the river
from the head waters to the ocean.
It has been shown over and over
gain that the abandonment of the
anal system of this State years ago
as an economic crime, and now
hat the railroad svstems cannot be
vin to handle the enormous traffic
•resented to them it is necessary
'or the people to provide some other
icans of transportation which will
ssurc cheaper commodities and re
'eve the railroads of the conges-
M on which is impossible of relief
y any plan of railroad extensioh
i sight.
President Eli N. Hcrshey, of the
Rotary Club of Harrisburg. which
■ rganization was responsible for giv
ng start and effect to this move
lent, was properly chosen as head
. f the working committee which
vill represent all the towns and
ommunities along the Susquehanna
l iver and its tributaries. It is pro
posed to mako this a real movement
ad anybody that has an idea that
.t Is to b edropped aa a nine-day
wonder will have reason to change
hia mind before many months.
Eminent engineers have expressed
the opinion that the proposed canal
ization of the river is practical from
every standpoint. Indeed, so attrac
tive is the proposition that some
men of big vision in New York city
have been investigating it with a
view to making some proposition
looking to utilizing the river as a
corporate enterprise with a promise
of big financial returns.
Of course, it is desirable to give
the people of Pennsylvania the bene
fit of any economies which may be
effected through an improvement of
public transportation facilities. The
Susquehanna River will be made
navigable and just as the skeptic
laughed at the aeroplane, the tele
phone and other great Inventions
of recent years, so they will laugh
at the making of the most import
ant river on the Atlantic seaboard
navigable until it is done.
WE flicked a shadfly from the
back of our editorial neck
and it fluttered down Into a
plate of soup at luncheon yesterday.
Did we rave and call down male
dictions on the head of the unfortu
; nate intruding insect? No. indeed,
by no means. We fished him from
his precarious footing on a half
submerged noodle, placed him on n
napkin, tenderly divested him of
such particles of consomme as* was
possible, addressed him In kindl>
fashion, apologized for unintentional
rough treatment and sent him limp
ingly on his way with a benediction
and best wishes for a pleasant jour
And why, you ask, all this con
sideration for a humble shadfly?!
Well, maybe it was a bit overdone
and perhaps we shall not be so
beneficently inclined another time.
But that shadfly meant a lot to us.
You see, he was the first we had
seen this season. He wasn't just a
plain shadfly. He was a harbinger
of spring. He brought with him
such a prospectus of outdoor de
lights and diversions as would put
the most gorgeous seed catalog or
summer resort circular to shame.
First the shadfly, and after him
the robins and the bluebirds and
the blackbirds. And then it will |
be time to rake the lawn and spade j
the garden, turning up the seedbed t
and wrecking the peace of mind of
countless fishing worms. Ha! Now
you're talking! Fishing worms!
You said a mouthful that timd, boy. i
Chuck the rake back of the porch,
leave the spade in the furrow, grab
your rod and line and run. Make
for the nearest creek, for the suck- j
ers are running and nothing else on j
earth matters. Down by the big
eddy and up stream a little farther,
where the bro.ok comes tumbling in,
big, fat, black suckers are lined up
in rows like soldiers at drill await
ing your tempting red worm. The
sun is warm overhead, the grass has
a "springy" smell, the swamp
cabbage is beginning to show signs
of life, a baby garter snake pauses
to study with beady eyes the white,
fleecy clouds in the sunny blue sky
overhead, and you and your soul are
at peace again in the great outdoors.
There! That's Vhat one shadfly
will do for a fellow. Do you won
der now why we fished him out of
the soup?
who is a businessman of large
experience and practical in
every way, has recently returned
from a visit to the battlefields of
Europe. He made a close investiga
tion of conditions as he found them
and joins in protest against the em
barkation facilities and the lack of
sanitary conditions of the ports in
Europe from which our troops are
being sent home.
Congressman Keis3 returns to his
duties at Washington with first hand
information and will not need to de
pend upon military or other sources
for his facts in the discussion which |
must inevitably ensue respecting the
care and treatment of our soldiers
overseas. Since President Wilson has
set an example of personal investi
gation of things transpiring abroad
the administration cannot object to
representatives in Congress likewise
informing themselves regarding the
vital things with which they must
deal in legislation during the next
few months.
Congressman Keiss pays high tri
bute to the American soldier and es
pecially the Pennsylvania troops with
which he was in close touch during
his tour on the other side of the
ocean. He says:
As a Pennsylvanian I feel proud
of the record made by the 28th
and 79th divisions, which were
made up almost entirely of Penn
sylvania troops. These divisions
were engaged in some of the
hardest fighting of the war and
made a most enviable record. It
is to be regretted that so many
of these brave boys lost their
lives in the awful struggle. Na
turally I was particularly inter
ested in visiting the battlefields
where our American troops were
actively engaged, and it was our
good fortune to be able to pass
over the areas over which they
fought. Their advances were
made against strongly entrenched
forces and well fortified positions.
In overcoming what seemed like
insurmountable defenses the Am
erican 'doughboy' demonstrated
the wonderful fighting spirit
wl.lch ir. the final analysis was re
sponsible for the early ending of
the war in favor of the allies. We
heard both the allied soldiers and
the enemy soldiers testify as to
the ability of our American sol
dier on the field of battle.
Thus we hear constantly of the fine
work of our men and the gallantry
of their conduct throughout the
struggle which eventuated yi a vict
ory for the forces of righteousness
and Justice. Congressman Keiss has
seen with the eyes of intelligence
just what transpired ahd will be
able from time to time to throw
the light where it is needed in a
further consideration of military and
war measures.
' falltlci Ck 1
By the Ex-Committeeman )
A stormy time for the Philadel
phia charter bill drawn up by the
Charter Revision committee was
forecast last night almost as soon
as it was introduced in the Senate
by Senator George Woodward, of
the Germantown district. Senator
Edwin H. Vare promptly issued a
statement breathing defiance and
John R. K. Scott, the Vare leader
of the House, announced that he
had a bill to take policemen and
firemen out of politics and that he
had a penal bill to go with it. Even
some of the Penrose men did not
seem to be very enthusiastic about
the woodward bill.
Both factions seem to be down on
the clause forbidding office holders
to make political contributions and
us lnpst of the legislators are of a
practical turn of mind that section
is going to have some rough rid
ing. The opposition will commence
to form very soon, it was predicted,
The chief point of opposition
picked out by Senator Vare were
appointment of city solicitor, now
an elective officer; the abolition of
the tax receivership and the proposi
tion that the city must do all its
own contracting work.
There will be the usual hear
ings, then the fight will start. The
rest of the State, it was declared
today, would be involved and if
Philadelphia gets any new charter
will have to come through in
tervention by Governor William C.
—Harry S. McDevitt was last
night reappointed secretary to the
Governor, the first man to be so
named twice in six weeks. His re
appointment came so that he would
be under the new salary act. James
C. Deininger will become the new
chief clerk.
—The Senate now has two Bald
wins—Frank E., of Potter, and
Kiehard J., of Delaware.
—Capitol Hill has been hearing
reports that there is a probability
that Governor William C. Sproul
may name Charles H. Kline and
County Judge James E. Drew as the
two new Common Pleas court judges
for Allegheny. As the Governor
is in Washington, there is no way
of learning whether there is any
foundation for the story. It has
been generally accepted here that
ex-Senator Kline would be sure to
receive one of the appointments. The
men most discussed for the second
place are Stephen Stone, William
Challiner and A. T. Morgan, and
generally in the order in which their
names are printed. Mayor E. V.
Babcock has been active in urging
the selection of Mr. Stone, who is
the solicitor of Pittsburgh. The
Mayor and Governor were in Wash
ington at the conference of gover
nors and mayors and it is possible
that when Governor Sproul returns
there may be some action in the
—Judge Drew has made several
attempts to secure a seat on the
Common Pleas court bench, and his
friends are letting it be known that
whether or not he is appointed, he
will be a candidate this fall for one
of the five Common Pleas court
judgeships. The reason given for'
the likelihood of the Drew appoint
ment is that his selection would pro
duce harmony in the judgeship elec
tion in Allegheny county this fall.
—Three hundred Philadelphia
politicians who followed.the political
standard of the late Senator James
P. McNichol will come here next
Tuesday in a special train to attend
the memorial service which will be
held in the Senate chamber at 3
o'clock in memory of the late Sen
ator. John A. Voorhees. secretary
of the Republican Alliance came
here last night to make the final
arrangements. Thomas W. Cunning
ham. clerk of the court of quarter
sessions and for many years the
first lieutenant of Senator McNichol
in conducting the political affairs of
the Tenth Ward, is chairman of the
committee on arrangements.
—Speaker Spangler is down on
having bills put through first read
ing as soon as reported unless of
importance. He 'so warned the
—Results of the special congres
sional election to be held in the
Westmoreland-Butler district today
win be closely watched.. This elec
tion is the first special congressional
election this year and while there
is little interest within the district
and only one place to fill some peo
ple declare that the result will show
something of national value. No
campaigning effort of any conse
quence has been made and Repub
licans claim that they will win easily
in the old district which was so
firmly Democratic that it used to
be called the star of the West.
—Here is a Philadelphia newspa
per view of the Democratic national
committee place situation: "It is
reported here that Judge Bonniwell
is already cognizant both <of the ef
forts to put Guffey on the National
Committee and the plans of the
Judge's friends to run him. and that
he is ready and anxious to make
the fight. It is expected the Bonnl
we'l fight will start in the State
Committee, promising to make the
special meeting called to choose a
successor to Palmer an even more
interesting affair than the last meet
ing when Bonniwell, although the
party nominee for Governor, refused
to appear before the body."
—lt Is expected that Western
Pennsylvania will come to the front
with some candidates for the va
cancy in the Public Service Com
missionership. The western half of
the State has two members now In
Messrs. Rilling and Shelby, but they
are not considered as representing
the Pittsburgh district by some of
the political geographers. Judge
McClure was the representative of
the Central Pennsylvania section
along with Commissioner Milton J.
—People who think that the
Pennsylvania legislature Is up
against a financial problem should
look at New York, said a legislative
observer of long experience. This
State is about to appropriate $85.-
000.000 for two years while the New
York: assembly is struggling to pare
down so that it can bring its appro
nriatjon hill for one year within
18(5.500,000. New York pays the
largest federal taxes, Pennsylvania
being next.
.—Third class city people are right
on the job here watching what Is
going on in regard to legislation
and determined to make a fight
against npy effort to legislate the
nonpartisan feature out of the code.
The Wallace bill making numerous
amendments favored by the Third
Class City T.rague is on its way
through the House.
The proprietor Paul *
vous Auei a I I DES coTeuerres J donngz-nDus V — nouTA
' , AND GLOR-R-R*Oos
/ ou* monsieur - iKi **
\ MONSIgUR j' ~ \ I Quei VIN DEiIRSZ/ /p: V*
\MONSiguy pePei:HEZ vous , j "T^r.
I voui, NOUS / S FOH-PQL \ ( y .. _
Post-Bellum Patriotism
[From the Iron Age.]
No feature of the recent banquet
of the Pennsylvania Society in New
York was so signitlcant or encour
aging as the appearance of the new
Governor of Pennsylvania, the Hon.
William C. Sproul, a manufacturer
of iron and steel, a builder of ships,
a man of large affairs of a type too
seldom seen in legislative halls or
in executive positions in State or
Nation. The Governor, in a strraight
forward, earnest speech summoned
the people of his great Common
wealth to perform the duties and
meet the problems which now con
front them. He said the exaltation
of patriotism makes all tasks easy,
and the severe test comes after war
ends, when extravagance and ineffi
ciency must be abandoned and
things must be gotten dowp to a
workaday basis. He expressed his
conviction that the people would do
this, in spite of any unwise legis
lation that might delay but could not
stop their progress.
Will there be any dollar a year
patriots now? It is announced at
Washington, in phrases that are
really funny, that a movement is
under way to get the ablest busi
ness men to contribute a year wholly
to the service of the government,
and this effort may take practical
form, but whether it docs or not,
there is everywhere an urgent de
mand for unselfish, enlightened and
untiring service from every man
who served his country in any way
during the war. Men'like Governor
Sproul are entitled to loyal and
enthusiastic support in all worthy
efforts, and more men of that type
must be elevated to high official
positions. Certainly it does seem
that our various war boards could
have been made to function for the
period of readjustment, but plans
to operate in the large war time
way were apparently not considered
feasible and many of the personnel
felt they were sorely needed at their
accustomed places in finance, busi
ness and industry. Tt is to be hoped
that those remaining will not allow
themselves to be demobilized from
public service when there is urgent
demand for their help.
During the last two months ap
proximately 10,000 Forto Rican la
borers were brought into continental
United States by the United States
Employment Service. Since the
armstice signing the recruiting has
been discontinued.
Approximately 2..">00.000 workers
were directed to jobs by the United
States Labor Depaitment Service
from the time of its organization last
January to October 30. Nearly 1,000
offices have already been established
at various points thioughout the
United States.
Work in three coal mines at O'-
Farrell. 111., employing 430 men. was
stopped recently following the re
ceipt of a telegram by one miner
from his mother-in-law, a spiritual
ist, who gave warning she declared
she received from her dead husband
to the effect that an accident would
befall the miners if they went to
A half-and-half profit-sharing
plan with employes in all branches
has been announced by the Willys-
Overland Automobile Company.
Over 100.000 employes are affected
by the order, and some will receive
as high as S4OO as their share of
the division.
Nearly 500,000 railway employes
or one-fourth of the entire number
of railroud men in this country,
have effected some sort of organiza
tion. A large proportion of the
recently organized employes are
clerks, maintenance-of-way men.
shopmen and dining-car employes.
The Federation of Union Workers,
the'most powerful labor organiza
tion in Mexico, has appointed a
committee to take up with other
workers' organizations throughout
♦ be'republic the question of uniting
a'l the labor organizations of Mex
ico into one confederation.
The Pennsylvania Railroad, which
employs 25.000 women as agenjs.
telegraph and telephone operators,
information clerks, station and car
cleaners, draftswomen. janitresses.
messengers, maids and matrons in
stations, ticket sellers and collectors
upholsterers and watchmen, as well
us clerical assistants, is making no
definite provision for them when the
| company's regular employes return
to their duties.
A Word to Heroes
[From Life]
STILL be heroes when you come
home. Even in these states, far
from shell holes and trenches,
there are heroic times and more
We need persons who can sit
tight; gentlemen not too much con
cerned about what is going to hap
pen to them and the rest*of the com
munity, but duly concerned for their
own conduct and the maintenance
of the spirit and the discipline that
helped them to end the war.
Observe, heroes, that this is your
country. Do what you can to take
care of your property. The country
owes you a great deal, and part of
it will doubtless attempt to pay,
and it is important that it should.
But it is much more important that
you should pay what you still owe
to the country.
Think what she has done for you!
Could you have been heroes unless
she had got you into the war?
Do you think you were born
Not a bit of it. Heroism was
handed out to you. You are heroes
because you had to be. Nothing less
than heroism could meet the sit
The New York Times is respon
sible for the following;
Dear Teacher: My mother says
I haffto appollogize for droren your
pickchure on the bored as if you
was an oiled made with curls and a
long wissker, on your ehim witch
you could not hellp or me neether.
It was a meen thing to doo and
I am sorry I didd it but 1 could not
help it becaws you stood thare look
ing so acherl with the curls and
the wissker and all and Jenny Ames
dared me to doo it at recess.
I doo not blame you for wippen
be becaws it looked so mutch like
you you had a purfeck rite to be
mad. If 1 was you I would be mad
My mother says nobody is so senn
sitive about her looks as a lady
teacher espeshuly if she is a lettle
oiled but this was not to go in the
If you only understood what is in
side of boys heads maken them be
mischefuss you would be sorry for
them for it is not exackly their fault.
I know you feel worse about it
than I do becaws my wippen does
not hurt now but a pickchure goes
on forever.
Teachers have a hard ernuf time
goodness knows without bcin shode
hoy they look for a whoal school to
laff at.
Sometime if you do not care I
will drore you on the bored looken
swete and yung and put your name
under so everybody will know who it
is and so no more for the present
froum your troo friend and skoller,
Save Shipbuilding Industry
[From the Philadelphia Inquirer]
"Whatever else Congress neglects,
it should see to it that the Sundry
Civil Appropriation bill gets through,
for this measure contains an item
of something over six hundred mil
lion dollars for the continuation of
ship-buiiding under the auspices of
the Emergency Fleet Corporation,
which is the Federal board.
Does Congress realize what would
happen if this bill should fail and
the President should refuse—and he
has refused —to cull an extra ses
sion? Thousands, tens of thou
sands, scores of thousunds of
workers in the shipyards of the
country would soon find themselves
out of employment, and at a time
when the munition plants have dis
gorged their multitudes and our
troops tare coming home from
übroad seeking employment.
The ships scheduled for construc
tion in the Emergency Fleet pro
gram are badly needed and just as
badly there is need to provide work,
for the army of the unemployed Is
growing. That army must be re
duced. not increased, and failure to
pass the bill referred to would in
a few weeks add enormously to it.
The banks of the Delaware, to give
only one instance, now hives of in
dustry, would become almost desert
Congress cannot take the re
sponsibility of depleting the great
yards of their tens of thousands and
turning these men adrift. Surely it
must recognize the Importance of
pushing the Sundry Civil bill to the
, front.
uation you had to meet, and you
reached for it and put it on like a
It is a good garment. Keep it on!
It is becoming. You know the war
is not yet over. Peace is not signed
yet, but even when peace is signed
the war will not be over. It will
hardly be over in your lifetime. The
war has shaken all the habits and
all the okl arrangements of this
world. There is ahead an immense
readjustment. All you heroes feel,
one hears, that your old jobs are
not good enough for you. Probably
they are not. If you got out of the
war what there was in it for you,
you are much bigger men than when
you went in, and would probably
find your old jobs a tight fit. But
when a man's job becomes a tight
fit it cracks down the back and he
usually gets one that is more com
You are not the same as you were
before the war, neither are jobs the
same. They have changed as much
as the heroes have changed who
used to fill them. Finding a job
that will fit will be to many heroes
a good deal like going over the top,
but the spirit that went over the
top will find the job and stretch it
to hero size.
Republicans Applauded
[New York Times]
For once a great party has put its
best foot forward in the nomination
of a candidate for one of the nation's
highest offices. Frederick H. Gil
lett, who will be the next Speuker, is
not only a good man or the right
man to elect, but he is conspicu
ously fitted for the place above all
his competitors. That seldom hap
pens, in a country where comprom
ises so often rule elections and nom
inations. Usually, as between the
best and the worst, the parties com
promise by choosing somebody
neither very good nor very bad.
But Gillett, able, experienced, broad
minded, and yet no mugwump, but
a vigorous honest partisan stood out
over all the others, and even, it may
be said, over those who might have
been put forward but were not.
The Republican party, in its first
effort toward 1920, has acted with a
wisdom surprising and unexpected;
for although it had been evident
.that Mr. Mann's candidacy was
doomed and that Mr. Campbell's
appearance as a stalking-horse at
the eleventh hour was not likely to
be successful, still the pronounced
majority for Gillett over all candi
dates had not been looked for in the
country at large.
The Speakership result in all its
brilliancy, was largely brought about
by Chairman Hays of the National
Committee and Senator Penrose of
According to the reports of offi
cials of the War Trade Board, 5,000,-
000 immigrants wish to return to
Europe as soon as they can obtain
transportation. Since the war broke
out such immigrants have saved
$1,500,000 which they have been
unable to remit to their native lands
according to their local custom. Be
fore the war these workers sent
home about $400,000,000 a year, so
the estimated total now in their
hands seems to be conservative.
They have been earning more than
usual during the last four years.
These aliens are ignortant of the
English lunguage when they arrive
and most of them learn little of it
while here. When they try to in
vest money in America they are too
often exploited and swindled. They
distrust the country and the peo
ple from whom they gain a liv
ing. It is common to find an alien
laborer with several thousand dol
lars on his person. Private bank
ers and steamship agents do a lurge
business in remitting their money
to their native countries and also
encourage them to go batfk. This
drains America of cash and valuable
labor. Something should be done
to encourage such men to stay and
to invest their savings here. The
first step Is to inspire them with
confidence and to protect them
against swindlers.
With Paderewskl at the head of
its government, Poland should put
up that Western mining camp thea.
ter sign: "Don't shoot the pianist;
he's doing the best he can,"—Co
lumbus (O.) Bvening Dispatch,
*~fl- MARCH 4, 1919. m
German Learns War Lesson
[New York Times]
That at least one German has
learned at least one thing from the
war is shown by the fact that Ernil
Zimmcrmunn of the Lokal-Anzeiger
has lost his confidence in a large
and long-trained standing army us
an implement for the enforcement
of a nation's will. Both Great
Britain and the United States, he
writes, have proved the possibility
of "creating big and efficient armies
out of nothing."
That the British and American
ar/nies were made out of "nothing"
is a statment amusingly incorrect,
if it be taken literally, but it is
easy enough to catch the German
editor's meaning. What he has dis
covered and confesses, of coirse, is
that armies as good as the best can
be made in a good many years less
than forty, or twenty, or even five.
Our own Mr. Bryun once thought
or at any rate said, that it could be
done in half a day, but he was
not much more wrong when he
talked about a million freemen
leaping to arms over night than
were the military experts of most
countries, and especially those of
Germany, when they used to tell us
what a long process was the turning
of a civilian into a soldier. They
forgot the difference between men
who go into uniform as a last and
rather desperate resort, and those
who do it for the attainment of ends
vehemently desired and warmly ap
proved. In those conditions the time
required for training to high effici
ency Is vastly shortened.
The first tree in honor of Joyce
Kilmer, who wrote the famous poem
"Trees," is to be planted at Trenton,
N. J., says a report to the American
Forestry Association. The tree, an
oak, will be planted by the pupils
of the State Normal School, under
the direction of Dr. J. J. Savitz. the
principal, along with one in honor
of Russell Terradell, a former stu
dent who was killed in action in
Kilmer, too, was killed in France
and many critics agree that his
lame will rest upon this poems-
I think that I shall never see
A poem lovely as a tree.
A tree whose hungry mouth is prest
Against the earth's sweet flowing
A tree that looks at God all day
And lifts her leafy arms to pray;
A tree that may in summer wear
A nest of robins in her hair;
Upon whose bosom snow has lain,
Who intimately lives with rain.
Poems are made by fools like me.
But only God can make a tree.
The suggestion of the American
Forestry Association that memorial
trees be planted in honor of the
soldiers and sailors in connection
with any* memorial plans is being
taken up all over the country, and
the association will try to register
all such trees for a permanent re
cord. In many states organization
by counties is being effected for
the planting; work.
Didn't Stop Strike—Hanson
The following is a letter from Ole
Hanson, mayor of Seattle, to the
Chicago Tribune. Hanson, reputed
to have broken by force the Bolshe
vik strike in Seattle, is a former
"Many yeurs ago I sold your
paper on the streets. It was always
a real newspaper and I surely ap
preciate your kind words.
"The mayor or his deeds did not
break the revolution. I helped, but
the patriotic public opinion of our
people was the real force back of
me The aliens and that mongrel
breed of citizens (?) who call them
selves pacifists and internationalists
were swept oft their feet by true
"Some day I will write you a letter
and tell you how and why the I. W.
W. propaganda finds such fertile soil
in the Northwest. We are in part to
"The cure Is n it less democracy,
but more. Someone said thai tf a
man was brought out from a dark
mine mta full sunlight his eyes would
be blinded. This man also said, 'To
cure it, would you return him to his
darkness or would you allow him to
remain in the light until his eyes
grew accustomed to light?"
"The anarchist must go, but we
must qurselves teach the Ignorant
the truth and greatness of our gov
ernment, Ninety-five per cent, of
the rrimes against our government
is the fruit of igneranoe,"
Pluns for the improvement of
Capitol park, the Memorial bridge
and the making of a civic center are
giving the Riverfront a chase as the
topics of conversation among vis
itors to the city in the lobbies o/•.
the Penn-H&rris and other hotels
and in the corridors of thet State
Capitol and one of the remarkable
things about the talk is that many
ask whether the plans call for the
retention of the walk from Third
and Walnut to the State House. This
walk which more men of influence,
one way or the other, in Pennsyl
vania have trod Is one of the best
known footways in the State. It
is one of the oldest in a public place
as well, it was laid out when the
Capitcl nark was first extended from
the line of Cranberry street, speak
ing roughly, to Walnut. That was
many years ago and the steps in
connection with it were manv and
interesting. At first it was a brick
walk. Then it was made a plank
walk as lumber was cheap in those
days and finally the famous "board
walk" was laid. down. This was
soon noted far and wide among
men in politics. It was raised from
a foot to two feet above the level
of the park with spaces between
the boards large enough to lose
money and penknives and other
things and many a Harrisburg boy
went prospecting under it. In the
eighties Ihe "boardwalk" disap
peared and granolithic or some
thing else took Its place. This walk
has never been properly drained
and has been patched and changed
around a lot. but it follows the an
cient line. Perhaps, in the scheme
of things, it will be rclaid and better
adupled for the rainy season. Inci
dently, it is the plan to start this
spring on the change at Third and
Walnut whereby the sharp angle
will be rounded and the entrance
set back about thirty or forty feet.
A considerable space will >e added
to the street. The city is to pay
for the bulk of that work and should
be glad of the chance.
• * *
The influence of the roturned sol
dier is commencing to be felt in
many an establishment in and about
Harrisburg was the remark of a
manufacturer yesterday. According
to this man the former soldiers
stiffen up the morale, are on the
jump to do things and have their
eyes open. The effect of their pres
ence and the way they go at things
is commencing to show on the other
men, many of whom are now eager
to outdo the younger fellows. "They
put in the snap and the pep," said
this man.
• • •
This is the way the excess fare
certificate worked out on a Second
street car. There were ten people
boarding the car between Woodbine
and Herr streets. Three did not
even answer the conductor when he
offered the slips. Three smiled and
shook their heads. One handed it
back and another said he did not
want to be bothered. Two took
the slips, one of whom tore up the
* * *
"Spring seems to be fairly well
on the way," remarked one of the
city's policemen last night. "Men .
have started to bat flies over in
Capitol park extension and the spin
ning of tops seems to be over and
gone. That means its nearly time
to put the benches out in the river
park. And to think that this time
last year we had two feet of snow
and everyone remembers the 'flare
backJcTrt Taft's inauguration."
* • •
President George S. Reinoehl and
Chairman Charles E. Covert, of the
committee in charge of the Chamber
of Commerce party for the Legisla
ture "are still getting com
pliments for the success of the en
tertainment. "I had a fine time at
that reception" was the remark
which happened to be made both
by Governor Sproul and Speaker
Spangler, while several of the sen
ators and legislators sent their sou
venir hats home to their families.
Just how it was regarded by the
older legislators is demonstrated by
this remark from one of the up-state
counties: "I'm sorry it didn't last
longer." In any event it has made
Harrisburg people mighty popular
at the Capitol this session. And also
broken traditions that the way to
entertain legislators is to make them
stand around and listen to speeches
and then hurry home.
—George tyharton Pepper, who
served as chairman of the State De
fense committee, will likely remain
as a member of the welfare com
—John M. Jamison, who will be
elected to congress today from the
Westmoreland - Butler district, is
heavily- interested in coal operations.
—Mayor W. S. McDowell, of Ches
ter, is personally accompanying his
chief of police in his efforts to clean
up the crooks of his city.
—Rabbi Joseph Krauskopf, who
has suggested Justice Brandels as
Governor of Palestine, is a Philadel
phian of wide influence.
—John Hampton Barnes, who
took a prominent part in the draft
ing of the Philadelphia charter bill,
is an active attorney.
—That Harrisburg goods are be
ing sold in Paris and other French
—John Harris used to send some
of his goods up the river to Sunbury
by big boats.
National Highways
General du Pont, who is chair
man of the Board of National Coun
cilors of the National Highways As
soiation in a New York good roa<hL
conference this week, began by sa*
ing that the people of the United
States are Just waking up to the im
portance of good rouds as the basis
of national highways.
"The eftiiency of the politcal units
now in general charge of the work,"
said General du Pont, "as the states,
towns and counties, can only be syn
chronized through an organization
that is national, and such a federal
organization should have the power
to correlate the work of political di
visions to the end that hereafter we
may have a system of national high
ways intelligently laid out and main
tained in the most economical man
ner. Jf federal aid is given to road
building, regardless of whether such
roads are a part of the national sys
tem of highways, It is not good
political economy.
"The most essential Item of road
engineering is location. It is the only
thing about a road that can be abso
lutely permanent. Ail American*
who got to France and beyond a
Dort of embarkation will, I am sure,
be the strongest advocates of good
roads when they get home."