Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, February 28, 1919, Page 7, Image 7
ILL TRY HERO ! FOR DESERTION it Navy, Joined Marines,] Confessed to the Captain , lie Saved in Battle lew York. Fell. 28.—Cornelius k. recently with the Sfeventy rth Company of the Sixth Ma- • is. and before that a member of j crew of the President Grant, lo back on that vessel a prisoner! stand trial by court-martial on j large of deserting from the navy. | is a resident of The Bronx. Tt i suspected tiis sentence will be I igated by his valorous record in ] marines. Cornelius is only 18,; when used for duty on a trims- I t alter lie had' confidently bank- ! nn engaging in sea battles he re- : cd. On hearing that his brother LIFTOFFCORNST iply few drops then lift sort, touchy corns off with fingers —No pain! A I RfYJi 5 [A ' Ulli ocsp't hurt a bit; Drop a little _ ezone on all aching corn, instant hat corn stops hurting, then you j it right out. Yes. magic! tiny bottle of Freezone costs but] *w cents at any drug store, but aifficient to remove every hard; t, soft corn, or corn between the, and the calluses, without sore-; > or invitation. reezone is t lie sensational discov-1 of a Cincinnati genius. It is iderful. Vigorous Men nd Women Are m Demand ! your ambition lias left you, your piness has gone forever unless take advantage of 11, C. Ken y's uiagiuiicent offer to refund r money on the nrst box pur sed it Wendell s Ambition Pills not put your enure system m condition and give you the rgy and vigor you have lost, e ambitious, be strong, be ugor- j Bring tile ruddy glow of health , - our cheeks and Hie right spar that denotes perfect manhood womanhood to your eyes, k'eiideli's Ambition Plils, the great ,e lodic, are SpleildlU lor that, d feeling, nervous troubles, poor j id, jicuun<-lies, neuralgia, restless- ] s, iieiub'fihg, nervovia-mro'stratiou,' ital depression, loss otwappetite, kidney qr liver complaints; you ; llleut vnh this understanding, I two days you will feet better. a week you will teel line, and r taking one box you will have r old-tune confidence and arubi- j or the druggist will letund the e of the box. e sure and get a 50 cent box to rrid get out of the rut, lierneni-' H. C. Kennedy and dealers every-) us are authorized to guarantee] UNDEHTAKER 1745 has.H.Mauk *• Private Ambulance I'honea ~ 'l . ~M: , , .in ' 1 rr j > .'!r ,u,GQ ■ Comparison p It stands to reason that people who have been accustomed to eating one , kind of bread for a long time will try a new p|| nicn bread occasionally. \ s But after twelve years of making |j| bread which has proven to be the very ||| Best finest bread which can be baked, our cus- gjjil tomers although they try other bread come ||| back to the original Bricker's O. K. bread. - It is a good tiling for the reputa tion of Such a standard article as Bricker's ||| O. K. Bread to have our customers try ij|J other bread. It gives our customers an op> 3|| portunity to compare other bread with ours _|| -—with the result that they are more strongly ||| in favor of Brickers O. K. Bread. Now that we are back on a peace jj| time basis you can get the original. Bricker's 0. K. Bread "Tl = 5 t. In the same old 0. K. way. Eat Brickers Bread—you can depend on the quality Brickers West Shore Bakery Lemoyne, Pa. h* ' 'frrr—irain'r-7nin--7 i T J Il 'lj[n' flll ' l ' lllll iWiiiiiWiiiiiNiiiiiiiiiiiiwillWiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii FRIDAY EVENING, HARftiSßtfßtf(MM* TELEGRAPH FEBRUARY 28, 1919. . Joseph had joined the marines his ! rebellious spirit giW as he pictured I Joseph, utter tne war, lauding it ] over h,m. j While the President Grant was in ! this port in the summer of 1917 Cornelius deserted and joined the j marines under an assumed name. : He was among the first to get into I action. At Chateau Thierry, he was ; wounded while bringing his com ! tnunder. Captain Joseph F. Gargan, ! back to safety. Captain Gargan was ' caught in an ambush .while raiding ] machine gun nests. In 'September I Cornelius was wounded at St. Mihiel and was taken to a hospital in parls. where he met Captain Gargan. His j conscience was stirred by liis illness 1 and he confessed to the Captain that ' lie was a deserter from the navy. ] After lie was well enough to travel l he was sent to Brest and the naval ! authorities ordered hint here for trial. Private Frank Savicki, of Shenan | doali. Pa., was captured at Belleau ! Wood on July 2 3 and sent to a ] prison amp with "400 Russians. Ha J determined to get away and one night eluded the guards and follow j ing a railroad track reached the Swiss border, where lie found a • wire barrier charged with electricity, jHe began to dig under it when I guards discovered him and opened j lire. He ran to the river, jumped in I and swam under water until he got I out of direct range. He finally I reached Bern, went thence to Paris, returned to his regiment and fought until the end of the war. Frank Alexander, of Birmingham, Ala., said he was going to invite ev- I erybody in his command, even the I others, to a feast in Jiis home town as soon as he got his discharge. He received word when the transport •docked that he was heir to manu facturing interests in Birmingham worth almost $1.000,000. There .were two operations in heavy weather on the transport. Ma jor C. F. Nassau, of the Army Med ical Corps, amputated the leg of Noble Hoffman, a marine wounded at Belleau Wood, and Lieutenant- Commander Langliorne removed the appendix of Harry Craig, of the Grant's crew. ' Three French girls who had mar ! ried American sailors also arrived. WII.SOX TO DINF, COMMITTEE Washington, Feb. 2 8. — Members of the Democratic national coniniit | tee. now meeting in Washington, ] will he guests of President Wilson I at luncheon at the White House to ; day. __ GIRLS! ACT NOW! | HAIR COMING OUT MEANS DANDRUFF "Danderine" will save your hair and double its beauty at once Try this! Your hair gets soft, wavy, abundant and glossy at once Save your hair! Beautify it! It is ) only a matter of using a little Dan j derine occasionally to have a head jof lieavv, beaut"ul hair; soft, lus trous, wavy and free from dandruff, lit is easy and inexpensive to have pretty, charming hair and lots of it. Just spend a few cents for a small ; bottle of Knowlton's Danderine now —all drug stores recommend it— apply a little as directed and within j ten minutes there will be an aj | pearanoe of abundance; freshness, I fiufllness and an incomparable gloss and lustre, and try as you will, you can not find a trace of dandruff or falling hair; but your real surprise will be after about two weeks' use, when you will see new hair—fine | and downy at first—yes—but really new hair —sprouting out all over i your scalp—Danderine Is, we be iieve, the only sure hair grower, de- I stroyer of dandruff and cure for i itchy scalp, and it never falls to stop | falling hait at once, j If you want to prove how pretty land soft your lialr lealiy is, moisten j a cloth with a, little Danderine ana carefully draw It through your hair ' —taking one small strand at a time. I Your hair will be soft, glossy and 1 beautiful in just a few moments— j a delightful surprise awaits every, lone who tries this. WOULD REPEAL LUXURY TAX Kitchen Opposes Increase on ; Wearing Apparel After May 1 Washington. Feb. 2 B.—Repeal of ! the semiluxrury tax clause in the ! war revenue bill signed Monday night by the President was proposed • in a resolution approved today by the House ways and means com mittee and later introduced by Chairman Kitchtn. The clause pro vides for a tax of ten per cent, after May 1 on weuring apparel and many other articles costing above speci fied sums. I Mr. Kitchin announced that he i would call up the resolution tonior ; row for passage by the House. Quick action on the measure is expected, | with House leaders hopeful that the Senate will act before adjournment 1 next week. 1 During the meeting of the ways and means committee, it was sug- I Rested that the ten per cent tax on furs should be repealed particularly in its application to those of lower cost. No unanimous agreement could be reached however, and no recommendation was made. June Snowstorm Swept Over Penna. in 1816 Wilmington, Del., Feb. 28.—Ac ' cording to newspaper clippings | found in an old family Bible by the i Rev. A. C. Thomas, of the Free i Gospel Mission here, it is possible that winter may still be on its way. | Some of them read as follows: "In 1810. snowstorms occurred in J Pennsylvania in June. In 1832 there f_was good sleighing from February 5 to March 21. That was all the ! sleighing there was during the win ter. In 1831, it snowed heavily on j April 23 and 27. On the 16th of J May, following, the ground was frozen to a depth of about one inch. : No apples, peaches or cherries that year. "In 1811. there was the very best j sleighing on April 12. On the 6th of ! May the ground was so firmly I frozen as to forbid marking out for ' corn. In 1845, the Ist of June, a | severe frost killed thousands of | acres of wheat in Western Pennsyl- I vania. - j "In 1843, very deep and drifting ; snow fell April IS. In 1837, on the . Ist of June, there were not enough 1 leaves on the trees to make shade. • In 1861. a snow eight inches fell on May 15." Leviathan Expected to Dock Thursday With 9,000 Troops New York. Feb. 28.—A wireless , message from the army transport Leviathan, received yesterday by ; port of debarkation officers at Ho boken, N. J., stated that the liner, with 9,000 troops of the 27th (New j York National Guard) division and I Major General John F. O'Ryan j aboard, would arrive here on the morning of March 6,.a week from yesterday. ACQUITTED BY JURY Philadelphia. Feb. 28.—John Reed. . New York, well known as a "revolu ! tionary Socialist." and William Kogir ntan, a Socialist of tills city, were j acquitted by a jury in the Munici ; pal Court last night of a charge of ; inciting a riot. Reed was refused ; permission to hold a public meeting ' here last summer by the police. Some | of his followers became involved in j and Kogirman wer e among those ar | rested. i TU.AIV TAKES THREE LIVES Bristol, Pa., Feb. 28.—Two women and a child, carrying light house j hold articles across the tracks of the Pennsylvania Railroad, were i instantly killed yesterday near ■ Clovernook Lane crossing, just above I the Cornwells Station, when they ! were struck by a westbound express i train. The dead are: Mrs. Mamie Bundy. Miss Essie Koons and John I R. Craven, the last a child of three 1 years. O'LEARY TAKES WITNESS STAND Former Editor of Anti-British Bull Faces Espionage Charge Xow York. Feb. 28.—Jeremiah A. O'Leary former editor of the anti- British magazine BULB, took the ■witness stand in Miis own behalf yesterday at his trial in federal court on a charge of violating tha espion age law. O'Leary vehemently denied ever having intended to obstruct the rais ing of an army by any articles he had published, and asserted he did not know that BULL was regarded as obstructive of any American war measure until he read n notice to that effect published by direction of Postmaster General Burleson. An earlier letter from the Post Office Department, he said, had no tified him that his mailing privileges had been suspended on the ground that it was "not a newspaper or other periodical within the mean ing of the law, and that it was not published regularly within the meaning of the law." Bishop Heil Opens Annual U. E. Conference in Allentown Church Allow town. Feb. 28.—Members of the Bethany United Evangelical Church gave a welcome to the meifi bers of the East Pennsylvania con ference in session at this place. The conference opened yesterday with the Lord's Supper. Bishop W. F. Heil, D. D., had charge of the serv ice. . , * The sociological , commission has secured the services of the Rev. F. Ernest Johnson, pastor of the Duane Church, Xew York, who de livered an address yesterday after noon. Dr. Johnson is secretary for research of the commission on church and social service. A groat Jubilee Temperance Rally was held last evening under the au spices of the Temperance and Re form Alliance. Unusual interest cen tered in the meeting because of the ratification of the prohibition amendment to the national constitu tion. Ex-Governor Willis, of Ohio, delivered an eloquent address. Tlip large Bethany chorus and the XL Girls' chorus of Bethany ren dered special singing at the evening services and will sing at all of the services on Sunday. The Rev. S. P. Erisman. pastor of Grace United Evangelical Church, of Allentown, together with Profes sor llenry Stercher, will have charge of the singing. Tire church is elaborately deco rated with the celebrated Peace Jubilee design, in which tlags of the Allied nations are used very ex- I tensivelv. The meeting this evening will be under the auspices of the Educa tional Aid Society. John A. McSpar- 1 ren, master of the Grange of Penn sylvania, will be the speakers at this meeting. The committee on worship has ar ranged for the celebration of the twenty-fifth anniversary of the East Pennsylvania conference. The cele bration will be held to-morrow aft ernoon following the memorial serv ice. The following partial program is prepared: The Rev. C. D. Huber will speak on "The Past of the Con ference;" the Rev. G. W. Mar quardt on "The Present." and the Rev. J.' P. Miller on "The Future." Among the ministers and "dele gates in attendance are: Bishop W. H. Fouke, D. D., Harrisburg; J. J. Nungesser, Harrisburg: Levi Wal born, Millersburg; W. R. Donmoyer. Harrisburg; Mrs. W. J. McGinnis! Steelton. The Rev. C. H. Mengel, pastor Bethany Church, observed his twentieth anniversary as a pastor of the United Evangelical denomina tion. Bishop M. T. Maze, of Mars, lowa, delivered a spelndid address. East Broad Top Men May Go on Strike Huntingdon, Pa., Feb. 28.—A strike of the maintenance-off-way employes ot' the East Broad Top Railroad Company is said to be im minent. Higher wages and improve ment of working conditions are sought. Brotherhood representa tives who have arrived at Rockhill and Orbjsonia are 1.. 1. Kennedy, general chairman; C. Howard Sev ers. assistant to Grand President Anthony Spair; C. A. Pines and P. K. Hannan, grand organizer, the former being from Trenton, X. J. Such a strike would interfere with transportation of bituminous coat through the Mount Union gateway to the seaboard and eastern markets. Frank P. Shattuck, State Movie Censor, Dead Philadelphia, Feb. 28.—rFrank R. Shattuck, chairman of the State I Board of Moving Picture Ceqsors, 1 and prominent in legal circles in | this city, died late Wednesday night |at Atlantic City, whither ho had ! gone to regain his health. His home I here was 1 725 Pine street. He hail been ill for some time from loco motor ataxia and the rapid progress of this disease is attributed as the cause of death. Major Anderson Killed in Fall of Aeroplane Coblen/., Sunday, Feb. 23.—Major H. B. Anderson, of Dover. Xew Jer sey, commander of the Fourth corps aviation service, was killed on Thursday near Cochem on the Mos elle. when the Fokker machine in which he was flyipg became un manageable at several thousand feet in the air. The body of Major Anderson was buried Sunday in the Third army cemetery, near Fort ress Alexander in the outskirts of Coblenz. TO RELEASE 800 GERMAN'S Paris, Feb. 28.—Eight hundred German prisoners captured by the Americans are about to be released from the prison camp at St. Pierre dc Corps, near Tours. All the men come from A'sacc or laorraine and are the first captures from the Ger man army to be released by the Al lies. The released men will be giv en civilitin clothing and will ba transpoited free' op regular pussen ger trains to their old homes in re deemed territory. FRANCIS TO SPEAK MARCH 1 Washington, Feb. 28. —The Sen ate committee investigating radical agitation in the United States yes terday tentatively set Friday. March 7. for hearing Ambassador Francis, who has recently returned from Russia. Colonel Raymond Robins, of the American Red Gross, -and Miss Bessie Boatty. of Xew York, who also recently returned from t Russia, will testify soon. Senate May Hold Up Palmer Appointment Washington, Feb. 28.—Nomination of A. Mitchell Palmer, alien prop erty custodian, to be attorney gen j eral, sent to the Senate yesterday 4 KENNEDY'S & SATURDAY'S SPECIALS / \ X \ CANDY / / Liquid \/ Mule-Team \ Vj'aU.Al U / G| , lette \ / Eyer \ Veneer, || Borax, j Helm Assorted Chocolates §££ 5!!f y ] V 17*, 37* 7V 2 Ibs - 25 <* J 1 lb. 49c IV SrL9B J V 79* J Helm "Marshmallow ' Colorite, Rubber Gloves, TOclStS, ChOCOlate Coated Peroxide Johnson's 00 10 lib. 49c Shaving Shaving — Wallace Chocolate Cream, 23c | Cream, 19c "X \ Dainties / i 2£ \( Boric \ lib. 49c ( i 2 \( o \ ( 2 Pkgs., J Acid. ) Blades! )[ ) V 231 A 1>".21c J White House Coffee V "<" J\ *S? J lib.39c 31b5.51.15 V S V y Standard Medicines SI.OO Swamp-Root . 73c SI.OO Herpicide 73c 50c Pinex 38c 60c Cal. Syrup of Figs 39c- sl.lO Wildroot Hair Tonic 79c 90c Mentho Laxene 67c SI.OO Glyco Thymidine 78c SI.OO Hay's Hair Health 69c 60c Syrup of Tar and Menthol 45c $1.20 Sal Hepatica 75c 50c Parker's Hair Balsam 39c 60c Foley's Honey and Tar Syrup...39c 85c Jads Salts 53c 75c Q-Ban Hair Restorer 55c 30c Piso's Cough Remedy 18c $1.29 Rromo Seltzer 75c $1.25 Goldman's Hair Restorer 98c $1.20 Jaynes' Expectorant 79c 35c Fletcher's Castoria 25c 50c Emulsified Cocoanut Oil 39c 30c Bochee's Cough Syrup 19c $1.20 Sloan's Liniment 73c SI.OO Danderine 69c 50c Drake's Croup Remedy 33c SI.OO Yipol 79c 50c I.orrimer's Hair Tonic 34c 30c Goff's Cough Syrup 19c $1.25 Pierce's Medicines 78c SI.OO Wyeth Sage and Sulphur 67c 60c Kemp's Balsam 43c $1.50 Fellows' Hypophoßphites $1.05 60c Parisian Sage 39c 60c Acker's Eng. Remedy 43c 60c St. Jacob's Oil 39c 50c Palmolive Shampoo 39c 50c Dewitt's Cough Syrup 40c $1.50 Eckman's Alterative $1.29 85c Barker's Hirsutus 75c 75c Bell's Syrup of Codeine 58c SI.OO Peruna 79c $1.25 Pinaud's Quinine 98c 50c Delavau's Syrup 43c $1.50 Gude's Pepto Mangan 91c 75c Damschinsky's Dye ...65c $1.25 Pertussin $1.05 SI.OO Lavoris 79c 50c Beta-Quinol 39c 30c Juniper Tar 19c 50c Phillip's Milk of Magnesia 37c 25c Carbona 19c 50c Mentholatum 33c SI.OO Syrup of Pepsin .. 73c 30c Energine 19c SI.OO Nuxated Iron 69c sl.lO Wheeler's Nerve Vitalizer 81c 75c American Oil 55c 60c Doan's Kidney Pills 43c SI.OO Bliss Native Herbs 69c SI.OO Nujol 79c 25c Edward's Olive Tablets 17c 50c Stuart's Calcium Wafers 29c SI.OO Squibb's Mineral Oil 79c 75c Bellans. 45c 50c Father John's Medicine. 39c SI.OO Resinol Ointment 75c 30c Grove's Bromo Quinine 19c SI.OO Listerine. 71c SI.OO Tanlac 79c 30c Hill's Cascara Quinine 19c - A Banquet of Bargains You Are Invited ®f Forhan's CIGARS [ Lyon's \ ( Sanitol \ j Paste l I Tooth W Tooth , 1 i F°rGums j Factory Smokers I ''iTlT J\ P 2o* r ' 7 Kalpheno Tooth Euthymol Tooth _ , . n • T Pepsodent Tooth Graves' Tooth Paste, Paste, MW BaClielOr ROIg Paste, Powder, 1 7c 16c 7 Rose-O-Ctiba 44 37 c 16c \ Hartranft Owl for ®f . \ oc„ Even Steven Cinco /„, \/ \ / Lvons A oZjC JOC / Calox v\ / Kalpheno \ [ I Martagon Counsellor (1 n rM . lh ill _ T j h 1 1 Paste, J 0 / 1 Powder, £ll Powder, I \ 17 * J rx 4. j a -i V 17* y\ 17* J J Saturday Specials \ J \. J Toilet Preparations Flcaya <Team 45c Dclatonc Hair Remover Bile Woodbury's Face Powder .... 18c Mavis Talcum 19c js c MeriUof Cream 34c Djcr-Kiss Yogetalc 51.19 Pussy Willow Face Powder ..39c Boomerang Body Talcum .. —. 4So Pond's Vanishing Cream 32c Azuren Ycgctalc $1.19 Elino Face Powder 21c .Mary Garden Talcum 45c Otbenc, Double Strength "c Pinaud's Yegclalc 75C I.ady Mary Face Powder .... 39c Rigaud's Lilac Talcum 59c Sauitnl Face Powder 21c Hudnut's Toilet Water 85c Ynlc.sku Suratt Face Powder ..43c Rigaud's Kilty Gordon Talcum, 580 Morcolizcd Wax B9c Azurcu Face Powder $1.19 Woodbury's Soap 19c Djer-Klss Talcum Site Elmo Cucumber Cream 43c Floramyc Face Powder $1.19 Culicura Soap 19c Squibb's Talcum 17c Ilind's Honey A Almond Cream 39c Mary Garden Face Powder ...79c Resinol Soap 19c Hhlkwli's Cut Rose Talcum .. 14c FrosUlla • . 19c Djcr-Kiss Face Powder 55c Johnson's Foot soap 19c William's Talcums 180 Ben llazcl Cream B9c Garden or Allah Face Powder, 54c Palmer's Skin Soap 19c 4711 Violet Talcum 19: Oriental Cream 51.09 LnKluchc Face Powder 43c Jess Talcum 19c Hudnut's Talcum 18c Orchard White ........28c I/Me Face Powder 39c Riveris Talcum 19c 3-Jergcn's Glycerine .Soap ...,25c Derma Viva 39c Mavis Face Powder 39c Colgate Talcums 18c 3-Ruttcrmllk Sonp 25c Dc Merldor Liquid Powder ...37c Marlnello Face Powder 43c Gnrdcn of Allah Talcum 23c 3-Gcrmicldal Soap 55c Mum Deodorant 33c Carmen Face Powder 39c Violet Simplicity Talcum .... 19c 2-Jcrscy Cream Soap 25c Laugh and Grow Fat Is An Old Axiom—We Advise the Use of a Good Tonic RUBBER GOODS / Cream \ $2.50 Bath Spray $2.29 / ? \ [ Borden's \ / I. / Malted Milk \ I Maltpd Milk l I J.lnhnr I $3.00 Bulb Spray Syringe $2.25 ( 35*, 73*, |l \ Tablets J sl-25 Fountain Syringe S9c \ )\ J \. 23* J $1.75 Fountain Syringe .$1.28 1 J $2.00 Fountain Syringe $1.48 1 $2.50 Fountain Syringe (Agate) $1.98 , 100 Compound 51.75 Water Ilottle $1.28 r „ W.OO Hoapital Calomel Tablets, Cathartic Tablet., ,2.00 Water Bottle $1.48 "S' F^ 1 Q{* 2Qc $2.00 Combination Water Bottle and $1 s2us M Syringe $1.68 - $2.50 Combination Water Bottle and "" ■■ Syringe.... 51.98 f / 100 \ / 100 \ 25c Infant Syringe 18c / Eskay's \ f M .llin' \ I Alpheno \ / Bayer's A 50c Breast Pump 38c / Food, \l \ 1 Pills, it Aspirin ] , I V 3/ KENNEDY'S £ " I -4 •' ■; ' ,/s ", v• 1 p by President Wilson, was referred to the judiciary committee early this morning by tho Senate. Doubt was expressed that the nomination would be acted upon, but administration leaders pointed out that if such should prove the case, the Presi dent could make a recess appoint ' ment. State Officials Guests of Honor at Shrine Session in Pittsburgh Pittsburgh, Feb. 28. —Hundreds of Shriners from all sections of Penn 7 sylvanla, West Virginia and Ohio attended • services here last night incident to the induction of a class of 250 new members ir/.o the Mystic Shrine. Governor William G. Sproul, I.ieutenant Governor Kdward K. Heldleman and W. Harry Baker, secretary of the Pennsylvania Sen ate. were the guests of honor. *