Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, February 28, 1919, Page 2, Image 2
2 BUT 742 NAMES ON FOUR LISTS Smallest Casualty Lists For Several Weeks Are Issued Washington, Feb. 28. —From the largest casualty lists for several : weeks yesterday, the lists have drop- • ped to the smallest size "reached for : some time. But 742 names are con tained on the four lists. They are j summarized as follows. Killed in action -... 55 Died of disease....- Wounded severely.-. Died from wounds 5 2 Died from accident and other causes 15 Wounded (degree undeter mined) - 251 Wounded slightly - b4 Total . 7 Pennsylvanlans mentioned are: 'DIED OF DISEASE Private Bjarne E. Larsen, Philadelphia. WOUNDED SEVERELY Corporal John Deszkieewicz, Philadelphia- DIED FROM ACCIDENT AND OTHER CAUSES Privates j Frank T. Schommer. Philadelphia. Walter O. Smith. Lancaster. DIED OF DISEASE Private Huoc T. Bell. Kittanlng. WOUNDED SEVERELY Privates Arthur Emil Erickson. Kane. Robert J. Orr, Lancaster. William L. Ruschel, Pittston. Lincoln G. Stro'up. Fisher. DIED, PREVIOUSLY REPORTED MISSING IN ACTION Corporal William Lowe. Statesboro. WOUNDED (DEGREE UNDETER ■ MINED). PREVIOUSLY REPORT ED MISSING IN ACTION Corporal TTjalmer Forsgren, Warren. RETURNED TO DUTY. PRE! IOUS- J;Y REPORTED MISSING IN AC TION • Privates John L. Finnerty, Sharon. Lewis Fromal, Chester. Xeil V. Gallagher, Nesquehoning. Thomas E. Lampman, Philadel phia. Andrew Skosh, Allentown. WOUNDED (DEGREE UNDETER MINED) Sergeants Walter Albert Courtney. Hanover. Herbert H. Morse. Philadelphia. Corporal Clark L. McCann, Austin. Privates Thomas J. Cahill. Morristown. John Dezomba, Cecil. David J. Elhmore, Glen Campbell. Paul Geinfsky. Minersville. Frank Ippiliti. Philadelphia. Leo Frank I.anzendorfer, Duncans-1 ville. Mike J. Matthews. Plymouth. Paul Milton Miller, Athens. Alexander Nardi, Chester. Charles S. Paranka. Philadelphia. t WOUNDED SLIGHTLY Sergeants Hugh Baxter. Pittsburgh. William J. Boland, Wimmers. Harry H. Cough, McDonald. James Gibbons, Altoona. Alvie Johnston, Everett. Robert Rupert. Frank. Daniel R. Smith. Dillsburg. Edward L. Young, Moosic. Corporals Joseph Bigi.Amyvllle. Ralph A. Grim, Felton. James A. Murray, Punxsutawney. James J. Pirt, Pittsburgh. Robert L. Shipman, Lancaster. Bugler Joan Henry Schultz, West Phila- WOUNDED (DEGREE UNDETER MINED) Corporal John M. Ward. Banksville. Musician Walter IT. Veile. Punxsutawney. Privates Edward Auer. Philadelphia. Howard W. Baker, Factoryville. Frank Alexander Holland, Phila delphia. Moses Incarnati, Ivomburg. William Johnson, Jr., Pittsburgh. Anadeto Mattei. Jessup. Alfred Paule. Duryea. Jesse James Tarbell, Edinboro. Henry Tarolli. Force. Duval 1 I. Weston. Philadelphia. WOUNDED SLIGHTLY Privates Joseph Pockery, Mount Pleasant. George Schmid. Lebanon. Wayne B. Stanley, Coon Island. Thomas A .Stanton, Johnstown. Frederick T. Tutliill. Scranton. Joseph S. Thorn. St. Clair. Charles S. Backinger, Pittsburgh. William D. Conlin. Lancaster. Giulio Giuli. Plainsvllle. Antonio Microbe, Rankin. Vincent Adriano, Pittsburgh. Jacob E. Bankes, Riddlesburg. John R. Barnes, Ambler. John W. Alund, Philadelphia. Joseph Clyde Le Fevre, Hanover. John F. Murray, Curtisville." American Food For Poland Reaches Danzig Paris, Feb. 28. —Herbert Hoover, director general of the Inter-Allied relief organization, issued the fol lowing statement: "The American steamer Westward Ho readied Dunzig yesterday, car rying six thousand tons of food for Poland, the gift of cobined Ameri can committees of Jews and Poles. The food will be rushed to Warsaw by rail lor distribution by local com mittees under direction of represen tatives of the United States relief administration on the plan so suc cessfully operated in Belgium and northern France. "A total of 17,000 tons of food has reached Danzig for Poland dur ing the past three weeks. "The relief administration reports indicate that there is a shocking need for clothing of every sort. Neither stocks of clothing nor shoes exist in Poland, nor Is there raw material from which to make them." They're Ready to Fight to Help Free Ireland Scranton, Pa., Feb. 28. —Mike Gib bons and Tom Gibbons, St. Paul boxers, yesterday announced through their manager, Eddie Kane, that they are ready to light to help free Ireland. The Gibbons boys have of fered their services to the Irish com mittee recently appointed in Phila delphia and will box anywhere without pay, turning their share of the receipts over to the fund that is being raised to help free the Emer ald Isle. Quinine Thnt Does Not Affect Head Because of Its tonic and laxative ef fect, LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE (Tablets) can be taken by anyone without causing nervousness or ringing In the bead. There Is onlv one "Bronio Quinine." E. W. GROVE'S signature on the box. 30c. 1 •FRIDAY EVENING. H2£KRISBtJRG 8&M& TELEGRAPH FEBRUARY 28, 1919. ffll^ H jflk I 28-30-32 North Third Street B 1 ■ jE? Many New Distinguished Arrivals In Suits Amr! Await Your Critical Inspection Saturday ;J JB J \ TTP to this writing, there has been an unprecedented demand for suits. By all indications this g t / /\"\ y will be one of the biggest suit seasons in the history of the ready-to-wear business. It is a J ~B /-4J \\- \ noteworthy fact that most women prefer the tailor-made models, although some very interesting <<jif'|J modes are established in trimmed styles and are especially desirable for dress, as well as for general Ji \ Pi I Some women, particularly those who have worn Schleisners garments, have an idea that all the 1 1!■ j_y merchandise in this establishment is high priced. We are, therefore, obliged to make clear this fact V AnV j that while our styles are conceded to be the leading modes and the majority of well-dressed ivomen jj '-d \V"W OL ' I look on this establishment for their apparel ideas, we have a very comprehensive line of suits at j H lu popular prices. jpi J ,fi Even though you pay a small price for your suit here, you are assured of a style which will not || /(j / he found among the commonplace garments which are sold generally in the average store. I Wm j i As an example of the moderate priced suits, we desire to call your direct attention to j | /I j A Very Smart Tailor-Made Suit, at $45.00 I. i|jßß l j fsL — T— r—' This model is developed in men's wear serge, is tailored perfectly in all its details. It is very / : ' /' 1 ' deftly trimmed with silk braid and large buttons. Coat is finished with an overlaid pongee collar. j| 1 U; \Vv \ This suit will not only give long service for general wear, but will be admirably adapted for semi- i i dress occasions. It is a practical model and deserves your immediate consideration. 1 Are You Ver>| I Very Charming Afternoon Dresses Unusual Types of New Particular? I Have Arrived Spring Millinery | , I New creations in georgette, charmeuse and taffeta, as well as in the fop ~ j Jjj That seems like an I exclusive and "Moonglo" silks. I ( Sf' necessary question, ■ There are quite too many styles to permit of a description of each. The demand for / We oftimes come aqfl afternoon dresses is exceptional at this time and it is well that you make your selection ■ AS" ■ now. The popularity of afternoon, dresses is increasing and the designers and manufac- I Q iS&L _ • \ / j men who express thfl Sfj turers of high-class dresses are overburdened in their efforts to supply the demand. f ff Hga B 1 c. 1 This unusual demand is now brought about by post-war activities. \>y yC, § ; selves lreely. While we prefer not to say anything boastfully in our announcements, we \ A / ' \ do not hesitate to say that our dresses are selling as fast as they arrive in \ / \ 1 £ I / ,- our store. The exclusive creations which have established the reputation Vj - -l / ■ —We like to have of this house are shown in all the leading shades, and are very attractively H . . . priced. m opinion when you c| Exclusive models adapted to tHe new suits, dresses and wraps. Jp to give it. Cj> Q Q £T/1 ChQ fZ f)f) Every day we are receiving a number of new trimmed hats, which IfptJlJ •c/C/ LU fJptstJ •VJVJ seem to make their stay in our store very short. These nobby cre- ations, while unusual in shape and color, are none the less dignified. | —Your opinion as to w Each hat is chosen with extreme care as to quality, style and mate- jj is good in clothes goe New Dolmans and Capes rial ' Bo that lhe woman or miss who sp,ects ' ,er } mls here win find I great way with us the models pleasing throughout the entire collection. •-g Your particular attention is directed to the many new dolmans and capes - cause we are alwi which we are showing in brilliant and subdued tones. These wraps are # otrivincr tn nlpasp vnn very much the vogue for the theater, the restaurant and dance, and for street TWO TrMWflCd H(lt SpCCICIIS 4 r l I 7 and evening wear. I rh ■ ' For Saturday |_ w w select the m 1 I Three adin f Skirt ! Nefugl"! *5-00 and | ill", , „ , I I"' A divernitv of <stvlpq in hats, many of which are smart, small shapes, while others are large. The m 1 DrPW Skirts dl wool mens wear y - leading colors are shown, as well as black. pass jud n ment on 1 serge, smartly finished ||| silk crepe, crepe de Clime, ■■■ with buttons along one side. QQ QA charmeuse and lace. Many . . r , . - |;:| wide girdle l l of them are hand embroid- A Vdy ExcIUSIVC SIIOWIUQ Oj ; 1 —We take all the clianc I Silk Faille Skirts, ered. Delicate tones of UfMP SailorS 1 if there are any to ta —— w , ltb g> rd J p - pink, blue and lavender CtUgC OUIIUI A | But we have Frllh . Come in black, taupe and (Pi A pTA || many profusely trimmed \ Navy fpiU.DU wit hfi ne laee. ' C-C/l/I QR 9Q QZ ' ■ hand-tailored spr i! i Sport Skirts modds of i.; Q . >SD.(JU $/ .UD - I clothes for you andlu unfinished worsted. An fJp4r,UO 10 ' ..... eliminated all element v unusual variety of the new- (Pi T A A v Gage sailors are well known and represent a distinctive type in f I] est plaids |j $25 00 ready-to-wear hats. They are shown here in cherry red, Navy, taupe I chance for you as well TP • and brown and in combinations of these colors. for us. I I Pure Thread Silk Victory Georgette —Fine big assortments Hosiery 1 Underwear Department f Blouses new spring top coats J H Complete assortments are now ready for the Spring wear, comprising dainty | . M suits ready at S3O to $1 Extra quality, white and •• new gtv j es j n batiste, voile and nainsook underwear. fiij le new creation, c\e- j black, all leading shades to i " ~15 °P ed 111 a ver y fine quality match the new suits, wraps jjj Envelope Chemise, . ... $1.25 to $3.95 | georgette in poilu blue, ft 1 and dresses. trimmed in brilliant red. jllj ' Gowns, . $1.95 to $4.95 ( 1 a . , t l II $1 95 I Crepe Bloomers $1.25 | sll 50 ® "ScWtW/VW^I 28-30-32 North Third Street | 28-30-32 North" 3rd ] m ■ ys