Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, February 28, 1919, Image 1

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    / ■ *. * t *\ H'.
Isernors 0/ the Nation to Gather at While nause Next Weeh For Conferem to " I "hiefs
I ofor- dependent.
jM>r to Meet Punishment
How Say Military Com
jHisamls in State Liable to
|Hrcst and Imprisonment
li| For Desertion
U of This Number Due to
Who Registered
I Ilerc For Service
registrants who evaded mili-
B service during the war, are
in a communication made
to-day lo give themselves up
nearest military station, and
the humiliation of arrest
Be authorities.
Bik' there is no indication that
authorities contemplate
nt attitude toward draft slack-
SML is apparent that for the rnili-
the safest course is to
liimself at once. It is
pS plain that qualified othciais in
■ m arrest such offenders and
'B communication made public
81111 General March, chief of
;";B and was received by Lleuten-
Kirkland, commander of
HMiddletown Aviation Supply
H. Jt says:
,M> avoid tlic humiliation of ar-
qualified officials, and re
:Hl to a camp, post or station un
gHrrcst. men charged with draft
should voluntarily surren-
H the nearest camp, post or sta-
estimated here this morn
' Hi:>t in the records of the Har-
Bl: and Dauphin county ,boards,
B:i rc TOO or more men listed as
Many of those arc men
here and deliberately
away, leaving no trace of
■ new addresses. Others are
who were in the city at
hut More
■ on their way, with no fixed
reported that many of the
■ who left their homes and j
Bis and fled to parts unknown I
their liability to military
Be. are anxious to back
home circles. These men, it
have been watching care
■ : lie attitude of the government,
Be hope that' they would be ab-
Bl from a likelihood of punisli
= I with the ending of the war.
to the present indications,
■ misdemeanor in avoiding the
B will not be overlooked.
officials at the State Draft
are working up a rec-
Bl' the number of men listed
and the total will run
many thousands, it is said.
Hing in Sleep Causes
Hndictment For Robbery
York. Feb. 28. Frederick
habit of talking in his
■ led to his indictment to-day
B" dwith holding up a subway
and robbing him of $2,-
H 1 robbery occurred on Decern -
Bf Five days later Burgwart
,and gave his bride a pres
■ ; SI,OOO. A few days ago Mrs.
informed the district at-
By that her husband had talked
subway holdup in his sleep. A
fedjtive was put on the case and
and another man were ar
:'Bl charged with the crime.
Hilts of Civil Service
Humiliations Announced
was made today by |
Seaman, secretary of the j
■ service board, of the eligible!
appointments in the city en-'
y^B r s office to the positions of as- I
■ ' draftsman and stenographer.!
who have passed the exam
"s for assistant draftsman and
men are: Samuel T. Durborow,
street, rating. 93; Thos.
Bt Hutler, 1716 North Third
8 -l Iinn C. Bierman, 1409
■>;t Street, 82; Joseph Q. Bingham.
street, 70; for stenogra
■ Jennie Blecker, 14 South Nine-
street, 93.6; Mrs. Ethyl M.
B r ' 1836 Zarker street, 89.6.
By Associated Press.
3^B$ r 's> Feb. 28.—.Total dlsarma-
Bt by Germany, as a guarantee
future German aggression,
by Deputy Renaudei In a
B In: lias sent to the heads of
groups of the
of Deputies. He writes:
wish an assured peace, not
peace. Do you not
Bt would be useful, as soon
to consider a protest
Allies that the French
will refuse to ratify
treaty which limits
and does not include
■ llnrrDburg and vicinity:
to-nlgbt and Saturday,
Bbiihly rain; warmer to-night
Blh lowest trniperatiirr about
Bil'Krew: colder. Saturday.
jVkaatern Pennsylvania: Cloudy
and Saturdny, prob-
rain: warmer tii-nliclit;
Saturday In went portion
night lu east portion: In
souib and southwest
H . ■
Men Who Fought Hardest Battles of War
May Be Brought to Harrisburg to
Take Part in Tremendous Review
When tlie Keystone Division returns from France in May
after its long and heroic service on the battlefields of that coun
try, these war-scarred veterans of the Pennsylvania guard are en
titled to the greatest reception of any returning unit, is the senti
ment that is being created through Pennsylvania by the stories
told by members of that unit who have arrived home. The men
themselves convey the impression that they would not be averse
to a big reception.
Harrisburg is favored as the prop--
or place for this reception by the j
strong undercurrent of feeling for i
it. An appropriation from the Penn- |
sylvania Legislature to provide for j
a reception to the men and a big ;
parade of the unit through the city j
streets, is hinted at as being quite the |
proper thing to fittingly honor these !
men who attained an enviable rcpu- j
tation for their lighting qualities in |
France and made tlic name of [
Pennsylvania famous throughout I
"The men of the Twenty-eighth j
Division," Chaplain Charles C.
Conaty, a Catholic priest., of the J
111 th Infantry, who returned yes-I
terday on the Wilhelmina, "are I
fighters—real fighters—and every j
Pennsylvanian should he jiroud of j
these noble men." I
Anxious to Parade
"I believe the friends and rela- i
fives of the men in this organiza- I
tion owe them more than they can I
ever repay," Chaplain Conaty said i
in advancing his argument in favor j
of a tremendous reception for the |
men. "And remember," he said, j
"that the boys tiro mighty anxious ,
to get back home and every officer !
and soldier hopes to parade with his j
full equipment with the small red j
keystone, the divisional insignia, on !
his right arm, down the main streets j
of the larger cities in the State."
Harrisburg was especially men- j'
tioned by Chaplain Conaty as the j ,
fitting place for the reception.
Several troop ships, in addition l|
to the one which carried Chaplain t
Conaty, arrived in the port, at New j
York yesterday. Several Harrisburg i
veterans were aboard. They were: j
Edward H. Bennett, Robert Ross and J
Leroy Staufter.
Due to Iteal Heroes
On their return the Keystone j
Division men deserve a welcome .
such as is due real heroes, Chaplain j i
Conaty continues. Inasmuch as j'
when the unit left this country there
were no cheers and waving of ban
ners for they never paraded as a
unit, sentiment is strong in favor
of a big reception to them is noth
ing more than their due.
The lads of the Twenty-eighth
Division were the finest and most
courageous I have ever come in con
tact with, he continued.
"Many times as I stood and
watched them in the frontline
trenches preparatory to starting a
drive I marveled at their complacent
yet determined miens," he adds, "I
saw the fight, witnessed them over
come every obstacle with which they
were confronted and then saw some
of them return, exhausted, trium
phant and always smiling. They
were engaged in the bloodiest con
flicts of the war, at Chateau Thierry,
at the Vesle and in Die Argonne
forest, where they lost more men
than any American division with the
exception of the First, and for that
reason I hope the people of Penn- '
sylvania give their boys the great- j
est reception that, can lie accorded !
to Die home-coming troops."
Harrisburg tlic Point
Harrisburg lias always been espe- '
cially interested in the Pcnnsylva- !
nia National Guard whose men made
up the Twenty-eighth division. It
lias been the home of several units
ever since the organization of the
guard and proportional by large
number of its citizens have served
as members of the unit.
The very fart that three units;
were located here when the Guard I
was mustered into the Federal ser
vice and that the majority of the
members reside within a shorter
radius of Harrisburg than of any
other city of the State, together with
the fact that the city is the capital
of the State, are arguments that are
being forcibly advanced to empha
size the fact that the city is the
proper place for the holding of the
James Bloomenthal, 19,
Is Home With Wounds
After years of active service in
, the United States Army, and sev
j eral campaigns overseas, James
Bloomenthal, aged 19, son of Irving
Bloomenthal, 2347 T*>gan street, is
visiting his parents' home during
a short furlough from Camp Devens,
Massachusetts, where he was sent
following his arrival from over
Young Bloomenthal was a mem
! her of the regular army when the
j war broke out. He was sent over
f seas, and saw hard fighting at Ver
dun and Chateau Thierry. On July
17, during the battle of Chateau
Thierry, he was wounded in the
face. He belonged to the Seven
teenth Field Artillery, which was
supporting the Fifth and Sixth di
visions of Marines on their memor- !
able drive against the German ad
Bloomenthal will he here until
Monday. whA he will return to
Camp Devens, and enter the hos
i nltal there for trentnient. ias there
is still powder In his face as a re
u't of his wound. His brother,
I tmiuanuel Bloomenthal. is a vet- j
rran of the great -"'ar also, hav- ,
teg served in the Canadian armv
at the front until it was dis<*overed [
he was only 15 years old, and he j
k was sent home. I
Mayor Daniel L. Keister _is
quite enthusiastic over the propo
sition of having the Twenty
eighth Division parade in Harris
burg when it returns from France
in May. It is quite fitting that
x reception should be tendered
to the men, the Mayor asserts,
adding that there is no more
suitable place in the state for
holding the event. "It would be
julte splendid if the Legislature
were to make an appropriation to
cover the expenses," he says.
George S'. Reinoehl, president
of the Chamber of Commerce,
also greatly favors having the
Keystone Division men parade
here as a unit. He agrees Diat
it would be a tine idea if the Leg
islature would make the neces
sary appropriation, but adds that
he believes that the Chamber of
Commerce could do much in rais
ing the requisite funds by public
Discussing White House Din
ner They Arc Astounded
at President's Defense
Washington, Feb. 28.—The revela
tions of yesterday exhibited in high
lights the disappointment, the cha
grin and even the sympathetic em
barrassment suffered by the mem
bers of the Foreign Relations Com
mittee who attended the dinner at
the White House on Wednesdav
At midnight and early in the
morning Senators and Representa
tives who had labored lo penetrate
Mr. Wilson's mind and to under
stand his policies were themselves
so weary and mind muddled that
they were unable to discuss coher
ently what had taken place.
After they had had opportunity
to get together to compare notes
and to check up one another's rec
ollection they were able to present
a clear account of the conversa
tion. The result of this symposium
is indeed amazing. Senator Bran
degee (Conn.) expresses it in a
"I feel as if T had been wan
dering with Alice in Wonder
land and had tea with the Mad
Hatter. When I awakened this
morning I expected the White
Rabbit waiting to go to break
fast with me."
Senators and Representatives who
went to the dinner and heard Mr.
Wilson deliver a prose poem
eulogizing the Rritlsh-Wilson League
of Nations plan, and who tried by
persistent questioning to get de
tailed information about the plan,
declare they marveled at Mr. Wil
son's apparent Ignorance about some
parts of the league's constitution.
This astonished and embarrassed
[Continued on Page 17,]
The Private Life of the Kaiser
From the papers and Diaries of
The Baroness Von Larisch-Reddern
The Kaiser and Ka:serin's Late Major Donio,
Chief of the Royal Household at Berlin and Potsdam
Begins in the Harrisburg Telegraph
Tuesday Evening, March 4
Baroness Von Larisch-Reddern is the TRUE name of the. Berlin court lady
who gave the story of the Kaiser to Henry William Fisher, Ursula, Countess Von
Eppingham being a nom de guerre used in previous writings to shield her. iler
diaries yield the most amazing story of the Kaiser in his private life that has
' ever been told. Mr. Fisher is now at work on the closing chapters of his won
derful story. Exclusive Central Pennsylvania rights have been procured by the
Harrisburg Telegraph. i
Former Premier Wekerle Is'
Not Arrested Because of
His Advanced Age
Business and Professional j
Men in German Towns
Urged to Strike
Former Premier of Brunswick
Government Announces Ad
hesion to Communism
By Associated Press•
Basle, Feb. 28. Seventeen
I persons, including Major Gen
j eral Alexander Yon Szurmay,
j former minister of national de
| fense; Joseph Szyerenyi, former min
! ister of commerce, and Herr Mctli
| lon and Herr Soniich, former mem
bers of the Hungarian cabinet, are
j under arrest at Budapest charged
j with counter-revolutionary propa
! ganda, according to advices receiv
ed here from Die Hungarian capital.
Ago Saves Former Premier
It is added that Dr. Alexander
} Wekerle. former premier and min
: ister of finance of Hungary, owes his
j liberty to his advanced age.
Business and professional men in
I several German towns have been
urged to meet the strikq of Die
working classes by going on strike
I themselves, according to dispatches
received here from Berlin.
Bourgeoise Go on Strike
At Merseburg, southeast of Magde
-1 burg, the bourgeoise have gone on
strike. The bourgeoise committee
at Leipzig, Saxony, has issued an
appeal to the business men, officials,!
doctors, druggists and professors to
call a general strike as a protest:
against, the strike of the proletariat.'
At Brunswick the former premier!
of the Brunswick government lias
publicly announced his adhesion to
Entente Powers Move
to End Bolshevism in
Russia; Stop Finances
By Associated Press
Paris, Feb. 28. —There is no long
er any question of going on with
the Prinkipo conference, Andre Tar
dieu, one of the French delegates to
the Peace Conference, informed for
eign newspaper correspondents to
He said the Bolsheviki had failed
to comply with the conditions laid
down by the Entente as to a suspen
sion of hostilities and that the Al
| lies have in view new methods of
restoring order in Russia and arei
examining available means to carry
out this purpose.
Washington, Feb. 28. Foreign
exchange transactions between the
United States and Russia have been
prohibited by the Federal Reserve
Board, and similar action has been
taken by the authorities of Great
Britain and France. It is under
stood that one purpose of the step
is to stop the financing of Bolshevik
The reserve board, it became
known to-day, acted at the request
of the State Department Under
the board's system of supervising
I foreign exchange transactions, evi
dence was obtained, it ts said, that
large sums of money had been made
available in the United States for
I use of Bolshevik agents. Virtually
! the only means of stopping this was
to shut off these transactions.
By Associated Press
Halifax, Feb. 28.—The Furness
Line steamer Graclana reported by
wireless to-day that she was caught
in an ice Jam two miles off Cape
Race. The steamer left here last.
Saturday for St. Johns, N. F., and
Liverpool, England.
Biplane Shadfly, Monoplane Mosquito and Justaplain!
Earthworm Get City's Naturalists Up in the Air, But j
They Are Certain They Have the Weather "Dope"
SPRING is here. You can say it
in capitals.
Leon Lowengard saw a biplane
shadfly with his own eyes in Capitol
Park, and has witnesses.
Linwood Wanbaugli ogled a mono
plane mosquito, and picked off one
wing to make identification sure.
A. R. Michencr t* ailed justaplain
earthworm along a gutter at Camp
Hill wriggling toward the Conodo
guinet creek. "Guess he was looking
for Die first sucker," he babbled,
grasping the beast and bringing him
over to the metropolis to show that
Spring is here with bells on.
Dr. John B. Eager, who for years
has set the coming of Spring by the
hepatica, was treated rough by all
three discoverers. "The hepatica can!
Hincs Makes Announcement j
With Approval of Chief;
Wilson Wants Solution
By Associated Press
Washington, Feb. 28.—Director j
General Ilincs announced to-day |
with the approval of President AYil- j
son that* the railroads would not ;
be relinquished from government |
control niitil there lias been an op- i
portunity to see whether a con- |
struetive permanent program of log- I
if-lalioti was likely to adopted 1
within a "reasonable time."
Ilhios Advises Senators
The administration's attitude was
stated in a letter sent by Mr. Mines
to Senators Smith and Martin,
chairmen respectively of the Senate
Committees on Interstate Commerce
and Appropriations, and to Kepre
senatlves Sims and* Hherley. chair
men of the House Committees on
Interstate and Foreign Commerce
and Appropriations. The letter fol
"As you are aware, there has been
some inquiry as to whether there
might be an immediate or precipi
tate return of the railroads to pri
vate management. The railroad ad
ministration has indicated whenever
this inquiry has been made that it
would nut recommend any such
step be taken.
Discloses President's Attitude
"For your further information I
am glad to say that 1 have now
discussed the matter with the Pres
ident and lie lias authorized me to
state that not only will there lie
no sudden relinquishment of the
railroads, but further that it is not
his purpose to relinquish the rail
roads until there has been an op
portunity to see whether a con
structive permanent program of
legislation is likely to be considered
promptly and adopted within a rea
: sonable time."
City to Remove Ashes
of Winter From Churches
Letters have been sent to officials
of Die various church congregations
of the city, by the Bureau of Ash and i
Garbage Inspection, notifying them I
that in the near future the bureau j
will arrange to remove ail the ashes
collected durin the winter months
H. F. Sheesley, superintendent of i
the bureau, said that about ten re
plies have been received, and as soon
as he is sure that all th e churches
! have decided whether to accept the
offer he will make arrangements for
the work.
At present ashes are being collect
ed regularly from the residential sec
tions on a ten-day schedule, from ho
tels, restaurants, office buildings,
apartments and hospitals onee a
week br oftener if necessary. Be
ginning April 1 semi-monthly collec
tions will be made.
Weekly collections of garbage are
being made now and beginning May
1 semi-weekly trips will be made
over the city.
be kept over winter; thrives in
snow," shouted Leon Lowengard. "It
is no harbinger of spring. But look at
m.v shadfly "
"Do you suppose it was a German
shadfly?" someone asked.
"Not on your life. It was full of
pep; not staggering or dazed. it
knew its business, and it was happy.
Nix with this hepatica stuff; bank on
I my biplane shadfly."
Wanbaugh's mosquito performed
' a number of aerial evolutions, vol-:
planing and doing the triple turn be
fore he was captured. He had all
: kinds of speed and control, showing
that Spring is here right now, and
i hot summer in training.
All three benefactors called up the
! Zoological Department on the Hill
II and were assured they had the goods.
[President to Sail on Transport
George Washington Next
Wednesday Morning
By Associated recss
i Washington. Feb. 2S.—Prepara
, tions for President Wilson's return
j to France were completed to-day* at
I the White House. He will sail on Die
! transport George Washington Wod
j nesday morning, after speaking Tttcs
day night on the League of Nations
'with former President Taft at New
j York.
Will Visit Now Grandson
j The President will leave Washing
ton on a special train Tuesday aft
ernoon after the adjournment. of
Congress, and will stop for an hour
and a half at Philadelphia to see his
daughter, Mrs. Savre, and his new
grandson. He will reach New York at
8.30 in the evening, and after speak
ing will go directly aboard the trans
port to spend the night.
The close of Congress will find the
President at Die Capitol signing leg-'
islation and winding up public busi
ness. lie will go direct from Die Cap
itol to the train, leaving Washington
about 2 p. ni., and will have lunch
and dinner on the train.
During the stop in Philadelphia
the President will see only members
of liis family and will make no public
Preparations for the meeting In
New York are in the hands of Gov
ernor Smith, who will open the meet
ing and introduce some prominent
Republican, probably the head of a
civic organization. The addresses by
President Wilson and former Presi
dent Taft will follow.
Tumulty Denies For Wilson
Secretary Tumulty issued a state
ment at the White House to-day
denying formally on behalf of Pres
ident Wilson that the President told
members of the congressional for
eign affairs committee Wednesday
| night that the Irish question was Ii
matter between Ireland and Eng
land, and that. Ireland would have
no voice in the peace conference at
Refuses to Disclose Policy
j A statement to this effect, made
Iby at least one of the committee
! men after Die White House confer-
I enoe, was characterized as a "do
j liberate falsehood." Mr. Tumulty
; refused to discuss what the Presi
dent did say about the Irish ques
The denial follows:
"In the last few days the follow
ing quotation has appeared in the
press under a Washington date line
as part of the report of the dinner
given by the President at the White
, House Wednesday evening, Febru
ary 26, to the members of the com
mittee on foreign relations of the
Senate and the committee on foreign
affairs of the House:
" 'The President told the commit
tees that the Irish question was a
matter between Ireland and Eng
land, and that Ireland would not
have any voice in the Peace Con
ference at present."
'The President wishes me to say
that thi sstatement has no founda
tion in fact and Is a deliberate false
Day Other Than Saturday
May Be Selected For
Abstinence During Lent
Members of the Catholic Church
! in Harrisburg were much interested
in the dispatch from Rome to-day
to the effe.ct that Pope Benedict had
authorized the substitution of some
other day for Saturday as a day of
abstinence during the coming Lenten
season, which opens on next Wed
nesday. It has been the custom to
I observe three days of abstinence
' during the Lenten season, Wednes
j day, Friday and Saturday. Official
j announcement of the edict had not
been received here at noon.
Nearly 600 persons paid the 1918
occupation tax at the office of City
, Treasurer C. E. Weber and a larger
number may be turned in to-day.
! Because of the rush to make the
tax payment on time Treasurer
Weber announced tliut he will ex
! tend the time for payments for one
week. Approximately 1.000 persons'
crowded into the office from 8 !
o'clock yesterday morning until 4 in I
the afternoon to paj* taxes and wa- I
[ ter rent*.
a ijKfc . * '
President Reinoehl Names!
Committee to Work on
Proposed Structure
Prominent Businessmen of
> City Chosen For Important
Task by Commerce Body
Sentiment Crystallized For
New Combined Courthouse
and City Hall
Determined to bring about the
erection of a joint city and county
office building as soon as possible, the
Harrisburg Chamber of Commerce
will back the efforts of a commit
tee appointed to-day to co-operate
with the City and County Commis
sioners in bringing about the desired
George S. Reinoehl, president of
the chamber, announced the per
sonnel of the Chamber of Commerce
committee this morning. Charles E.
Covert, who was chairman of the
committee In charge of the reception
to the state officials, at which time
Governor Sprout advocated the erec
[Continued on Page 11.]
Presbyterians Hear of
the New Era Movement
At a noonday luncheon confer
ence at Die Penn-Harrls to-day the
Rev. Mr. Klaer. pastor of the Cove
nant. Presbyterian Church, made a
i report on the Philadelphia confer
| once of Presbyterians on the New
■ Era movement. The matter is be
ing taken up in the Market Square
Church where a. .further confer
, once will be held to determine the
! form of the campaign in that con
UH *4*4*4**4**|
1 N I
X • ..•{ $17.50 ;g
5 *
IT ■ - -
* >
t *
T *
| * food L
IS and transportation, has preset ■ e .reparation*
!* ho wing; *
I* ' '■ hllt " 1
Is t
IT r:,-.: uthful to T
4* *
IV of *•
I *
A granddau ' W; 1 ".'or of the iT
T Millers villi V thing agent X
X School *
L years old. X
T funeral will M., with iT
burial .it Dauphin, j,-. .
i Harrisbur: C ' . n pedal Sena-
T tmifil A. Smith 7,638
T 4
§ votes and L. Ver ?3, or a majority of 4,01
X for Smith. There •""< i ' ttcring .to-..
X x
* Harrisburg.- Norman D. C y, of West Chester, *
* *
who for a nun Vr of } cars y. firsi -* sbtant state X
.li' - ti1,.,,): " '"I I M r > '■ ■ "li Ht* T
X Frank l„ Flofo, Harrisburg, and Kulh X. Sander, Hlghspirc; L
r - Eugene C. tjnnderptun and Elennure 10. \4 niter. Hnrriaburct Jnx A. 3
l.ennrd nnd Marthn 15. Hitler, Steellont \ Invent 41. Dinner? and *1"
Elisabeth H, Heigh-, Hnrrlwburg. X
Massachusetts Senator Vigor
ously Opposes League as
Planned in Creed
I Means the Abandonment of
| Washington's Policy and
of Monroe Doctrine
Not Sure Whether Draft Will
Unite or Scatter the,.
World's People
Washington, D. C., Feb.
Crowds larger than any that
have tilled the Senate galleries
since debate on the League o£
Nations began, gathered to-day
to hear Senator Lodge, of
Massachusetts, deliver a warn-*
ing to the American people that
they should weigh carefully tlia
proposed constitution of tha
league and insist upon its revi-*
sion. \
The Massachusetts Senator solemnly
warned the American people today
to weigh carefully the constitution
of 'thaf League of Nations as present-*
ed to the Peace Conference at Paria
and to insist upon its fundamental
L revision. Speaking in the
■ the Republican floor leader declared
his conviction that instead of safe*
, guarding the peace of the world, the
' league as now planned would engcu*
der misunderstandings and strife.
\ IgorouKly Opposes League
delivering his first public utter
ance 011 the subject since the consti
, tution became public the Massachu
setts Senator vigorously opposed the J
i plan and made specific f
[Continued on Page 12.J