Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, February 27, 1919, Page 6, Image 6

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Guests Invited to Meet Mrs.
Sproul Receive Little Nose
gays as Favors
Mrs. Robert A. Bamberton, whose
luncheons are always such charming
events, entertained this afternoon at
her residence, Front and Bocust
streets, in honor of Mrs. William
Cameron Sproul.
The appointments were of pink
and white with an exquisite arrange
ment of roses, narcissus and snap
dragon in silver vases. The favors
were dainty nosegays of spring
flowers, tied with blue ribbons
stamped with a gold keystone.
In attendance were Mrs. Sproul,
Mrs. William B. Schaffor, Mrs.
George Bouglass Ramsay, Mrs.
Henry McCormick. Mrs. Byman D.
Gilbert, Mrs. Boyekin, Mrs. George
Preston Mains. Mrs. Marlin E. Olm
sted. Mrs. William Henderson. Mrs.
William Pearson. Mrs. Rollin H.
Wilbur, of St. David's.
For All Occasions
Floral Decorations
Wedding Flowers
Party FlowvVs
Funeral Flowers
Your Eyes
Not Your Age
determine whether you need
glasses or not. Thousands of
children wear glasses, and so |
do persons of practically every
age, because they have weak
eyes. Weak eyes should be as
sisted—made strong again.
Glasses will do it if they are
the right kind. Special low
prices prevail during our great [
10-day sale now going on.
| 1 NO DROPS I SEB 1 f
(■ $1,50 A
llbg.'s Leading Eyesight
320 Market Street
♦•Over the Hub"
Open Wed. & Sat. Evenings
Bell Phone 426-J
Established In Hbg. 14 Years
l -J
We clean Ladies' Dresses
fancy or plain— .
5 Also Waists, Suits, etc. j
The Valet |
404 N. Second St.
Bell 4838 Dial 3114 j
Full Flavored j
Blending coffee so aa to give i
a full delicious flavor is an art '
Guess work never enters into it ;
Where itfs guess work the same
brand of coffee would never be
twice the same.
Golden Roast
Blend Coffee
is roasted and blended to serve
people who apprepriato good cof
fee. And who doesn't?
And after perfectly blended
and roasted. Its carefully put up
in air-tight, sealed packages.
Sold at All Grocers
R. H. Lyon
Coffee Purveyor to the
Hanrisbnrg, Pa-
Class of 'l6 Hostesses at De
lightful Affair at the
Civic Club
One of the gayest of pre-Lenten
dances was given last evening at the
Civic Club by the members of the C.
A. O. Society of Central High School,
class of 'l6. It was a strictly club
affair, only C. A O. members being
From nine until two to the strains
of "Suds" Sourbler's Orchestra, the
guests merrily danced in the ball
room wher a wisteria covered lights
threw their soft shadow upon the
many colored gowns of the girls.
Refreshments were served at in
termission, and the guests had a
Jolly time getting acquainted with
old and new members.
I The dancers, chaperoned by Mrs.
j James P. McCullough, Mrs. Wilson
| Hoffman and Mrs. Mary Smyzer Ki|i
zer, were: the Misses Helen Wall is,
Elizabeth Dill, Katherine Kelker,
Gertrude Edwards. Dorothy Schmidt,
Mary Hutman, Hazel Rexroth, Helen
Wall, Kathryn Simonetti, Margaret
Bandls, Getha High, Grace Peake,
Margaret Chamberlin, Claire, Van
Dyke, Elsie Hope, Emily Jean, Betty
Herr. Lillian Speakman, Evelyn
Speakman, Kathryn Edwards, Flor
ence Rinkenback, Virginia Forrefi
Helen Kochenderfer, Virginia Downes,
Elizabeth Howard, Elizabeth Lloyd,
Gertrude McPevitt and Sarah Ma
loney. Messrs. Michael O'Connell,
Ray Otto, John Koch, Cyrus Eckert,
George Singer, Kenneth Downes,
Arch. Black. Milton Strouse, Kenneth
Williams, Donald Egolf, Nelson I
Schriever, Blair Hefkin, Fark Beck- i
ley, SteVart Taylor. Harry Webb, |
Private Shurtleff, Private Sullivan, j
William Hilton, Frank Rothe, Sgt. '
White, Reed McCarty, Private Bar- I
croft. Private Ballin. Jack Wingert. I
Joseph Durbin and Harry McFadden. |
Capt. Kalbfus Will Be
With Admiral Plunkett
Captain Edward C. Kalbfus of the
lowa, United States Navy, command
ing his ship at the Philadelphia
yards, is in the city for a brief
stay with his parents. Dr. and Mrs.
Joseph Kalbfus, at 1005 North Sec
ond street
Captain Kalbfus commanded the
Pocahontas, doing transport service
during the war, making the round
trip overseas seven times before the
armistice was signed, and carrying
about 20,000 troops. His ship was
formerly the Princess Irene, of the
North German IJoyd line. On one
trip Captain Kalbfus says the influ
enza epidemic struck them hard, but
they lost but nineteen cases, sixteen
of the army and three of the navy,
proving that the men of the ships
were in better condition.
About the middle of March Cap
tain Kalbfus will go to duty on the
staff of Rear Admiral Plunkett. the
famous commander of the destroy
ers of the Atlantic fleet, who com
manded during the war the naval
battery of fourteen-inch guns along
the western front.
Civic Club's Card Party
to Raise Milk Funds
The educational department of
the Harrisburg Civic Club is giving
a benefit card party to-morrow aft
ernoon from 2.30 to 5 o'clock to se
cure funds for tlieir contribution to
ward the mily supply for deficient
children in special schools. Every
one interested in this work is invit
ed to attend the party, the fee for
which is very small.
Tea will be served at 4.30 o'clock,
with Mrs. Chris A. Hihler and Mrs.
James B. Mersereau of the commit
tee pouring.
Mrs. Edward M. Frear and chil
dren, Hugo and Marys Louise Frear,
returned to their home in Honesdale,
Wayne county after visiting her
parents. Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Kalb
fus, 1005 North Second street. When
Captain Edward C. Kalbfus arrived
in the city Tuesday, it was the first
time he and his sister had met for
three years.
Mrs. Leigh B. Bergen, of Reynolds- ;
ville, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. C. C. j
Paxon, 214G Green street.
Sergennt Samuel Barbush has re- ;
ceived his discharge from the serv- |
ice and has returned to his home, j
314 South Second street. j
Miss Anna E, Xauss, 115 Reily :
street, has returned from a several
months' stay in Baltimore. Md. |
Mrs. Rollin Wilbur, of St. Davids. I
is spending several days with her ;
mother, Mrs. R. A. Lambert on, I
North Front street.
Mr. and Mrs. Willis E. Rausman j
and son, Robert, of West Pittston, .
are visiting relatives in this city nad j
Steelton. _
Miss Pauline Lytle, 1329 Green
street has returned from a visit in
Buffalo and Niagara Falls.
Miss Bertha Metzger, of Hummel
street, is spending the week at the
Hotel Pennsylvania. New York City.
rAn announcement und this heading \
must be accompanied bp name to assure j
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Stewart, 428
Crescent street, announce the birth
of a son. John Andrew Stewart, Jr.,
Sunday, February 23, 1919.
Lieutenant and Mrs. Andrew Gus
tave Bisset, U. S. N., of New Lon
don, Conn., announce the birth of a
son. Andrew Walzer Bisset. Mrs.
Bisset was Miss Helen Walzer, of this
city before her martiage.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ellis. 1941
Herr street, announce the birth of a
son, Michael Joseph Ellis, Wednes
day, February 26, 1919. Mrs. Ellis
was Miss Ruth Peters, before her
Mr. and Mrs. David Garman, 1868
Swatara street, announce the birth of
a son, Quentin Page Garman, Wed
nesday, February 26. 1919. Mrs. Gar
man was Miss Sara Weiclit, of Cham
bersburg, prior to her marriage.
The Rev. and, Mrs. Charles K.
Imbrle, announce,the birth of a son,
William Imbrie, Tuesday, February
25, 1919. Mrs. Imbrie, who was Miss
Margaret Fleming, is staying with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel
W. Fleming, 104 South street, during
the absence of her husband, who ts
serving as chaplain in the army in
Miss Coates Hostess to Merry
Party in St. Paul's
Parish House
The, gymnasium of St. Paul's
Episcopal church was the scene of
a pretty dance Tuesday night when
Miss Margaret Coates entertained.
The hall was attractively decorated
with pink as the predominating col
or. Among those present were Ser
geants Bulmer, Arnold. Bovers, and
j Privates Forthum and Irvin, of Mid
dletown aviation depot; the follow
ing guests from the Marsh Run
Sergeants Paxson, Brock, Borre
son, Mott; Corporals Smith, Crandall,
Bowd, Harting, Peters, Guerin, Grif
lith, Harold Eckert, Mr. Voder.
Miss Pauline Bong, Miss Francis
Bindley, Miss Margaret I.andis, Miss
I Katherino Aumiller, Miss Mary
Malsh, Miss Gertrude Weston, Miss
Marie Smith. Miss Wolf, Miss
Edna Comp, Miss Sarah Mosser, Miss
Martha Whited, Miss Helen Levi,
Miss Katherine Mumma, Miss Jane
Hirsh, Miss Bumgardner, Miss Ruth
Bcatty, Miss Mary Alma Allen, Miss
Margaret Rooney, Mrs. Rachel Mor
gan. Mr. and Mrs. H. Fred Gosming
er, Lieutenant and Mrs. Ira Kellberg.
Much Entertaining
For Carlisle Guest
Quite a number of informal little
parties are being given in honor of Mrs.
Miriam Lingle. of Carlisle, who is vis
iting relatives and friends in Lemoyne.
Tuesday Mrs. Lingle was guest of honor
at a luncheon given by Mrs. H. C. Hersh,
of Lemoyne, and that evening Mrs.
Harry Leach gave a dinner of ten covers
in her honor. The guests were Mrs.
Miriam Lingle, Mrs. Charles Cornelius,
Mrs. H. C. Hershey, Mr. and Mrs. W.
S. Duke, Miss Lenora Rice and Miss
Ruth Lingle. Yesterday afternoon Mrs.
W. S. Duke gave a little card party
with Mrs. Lingle as guest of honor.
Those present were Mrs. W. Strag, Mrs.
Houck, Mrs. Charles Cornelius, Mrs.
Harry Leach, Mis Ruth Lingle, Mrs.
Lee Strickler and Mrs. Lingle .
Mrs. C. C. Miller, of 1702 Fifth
street, entertained Tuesday evening in
honor of the women who helped her in
the recent Lutheran drive for recon
struction work, in Europe. The even
ing was spent in a social way with
piano selections, by Mary HacUenberger.
A buffet ssupper was served to Mrs.
George Hnckenberger, Miss Mary HacU
enberger. Mrs. I. Glace, Mrs. ,T. J. Miller.
Mrs. B. F. Huber, Miss Wynn Huber,
Mr. and Mrs. H.F. Doede. Martha Mil
ler, Mary Miller and Mr. and Mrs. C.
C. Miller.
The ladies of the Sacred Heart Cath
olic church will hold a benefit card party
to-morrow evening, in the church hall.
South Cameron street. The committee
in charge of this benefit has spared no
effort to make it one of the most suc
cessful of the season. Prizes will be
awarded and after the cards refresh
ments will be served free of charge to
the guests by the members of the com
mittee. Playing will begin promptly at
eight o'clock. .
Sergeant Roy C. Hefflefinger, son of
Mr. and Mrs. J. Milton Hefflefinger, of
Progress, has landed in Hoboken, N. J.,
with a casual company and is now in
Camp Merritt, N. J.. awaiting discharge.
He sailed on July Bth. on the Leviathan,
with the 79 th division. He served dur
ing a number of the lieavist engage
ments as sergeant in the 304 th Field
Signal Battalion, and on November 7th
was detached and sent to an officers'
training school at Langres, France,
which was disbanded after the armis
tice was signed.
On Tuesday evening W. R. Hous
er, vice-president of the Midwest
& Gulf Company, assisted by N. G.
Lenington, treasurer of the com
pany. of Scranton, gave an interest
ing illustrated lecture to the stock
holders and their friends in the Y.
M. C. A. hall. Pictures taken on
the company's lands in Alabama and
showing its oil wells in Oklahoma
were of great interest to the guests.
Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Ziegler enter
tained at their home, 415 South Sev
enteenth street, last evening. Those
present were: Mr. and Mrs. J. W.
Strawhecker, William Strawhecker,
Miss Erma Sowers, C. B. Ziegler,
Miss Maude Scarr, Leroy Straw
hecker, Miss Helen Drake, Miss
Erma Hoy. Mr. and Mrs. Ziegler and
N. F. Ziegler.
The Woman's Missionary Society
of the Otterbein United Brethren
Church will hold a "dollar party'*
in the social room of the church,
Fourth and Reily streets, this
evening. A musical program will be
given and other interesting numbers
will feature the program.
The regular monthly meeting of
the Red Cross Motor Corps will be
held to-morrow afternoon at 3
o'clock in the basement of the Pub
lic Library,. All members are urged
to attend, as business of importance
will be discussed.
Miss Helen McFarland, Bellevue
Park, is spending some time in
New York City and Philadelphia.
Miss Janet W. Ross, of Colorado
Springs, Colorado, is visiting her
aunt. Miss Hannah M. Ross, 3 South
Front street.
Good News To Women
Don't Spend Weary Hours Sewing When you can buy "Boys' Wash
Suits" for less than you can make them at "DOUTRICHS" Mark-
Down Sale—put aside your worry and care —Some women are buy
ing these wash suits by the half dozen.
All Boys' SI.OO and $1.25 "Kaynee" Blouses 79c
All Boys'39c "Black Cat" Stockings 29c
This Week at DOUTRICHS Mark-Down Sale
OF 1812 DIES
Mrs. Kistler, Prominent in
Keystone Chapter, Widely
Known in the State
Mechanicsburg, Pa., Feb. 27.—The
| death of Mrs. Sarah Swoyer Bistler,
widow of the Rev. John Kistler, oc
| curred last evening at 7.15 o'clock
after several months' illness of kid-
I ney trouble at her home in Carlisle.
She was aged 79 years and a mem
ber of the First Lutheran church.
She was widely known throughout
the State and lived in Carlisle the
past .thirty years. Mrs. KlsUer, who
a daughter of the late Lieutenant
Jacob and Sarah Wild Swoyer, was
born in Newville, July 4, 1839. She
was a graduate of the Hagerstown
Female Seminary. She was promi
nent in the United States Daughters
of 1812." Mrs. Kistler was a vice-re
gent of the Keystone Chapter, Har
risburg, (a real daughter), her num
ber being 2 in the State Roll and 7
in the National Roll.
Surviving are the following three
children: Mrs. Glen V. Brown, of
Lewisburg; Miss Freda Kistler, at
home, and Charles Reuel Kistler, of
Harrisburg. Also one brother, Sam- 1
uel Swoyer, of Winchester, Kan.
Funeral services will be held on
Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock at her
late home in Carlisle, and .burial
will be made at Newville.
Zembo Temple Plans For
Ladies' Night, March 6
Zembo Temple, Mystic Shrine, will
have a ladies' night, Tuesday, March
6, in Chestnut street auditorium. The
following committee was appointed last
evening, by Charles E. Covert, potentate,
to have charge of the arangements,
Mercer B. Tate, chairman; S. Ort Bow
man. Frank. Both, Bertram M. Saul,
Charles C. Hoffman and Elias Wagner.
The hall will be decorated in the
Shrine and national colors and dancing
will begin at 8.30. Supper will be serv
ed at 10 o'clock. The Shrine entertain
ments are lavish affairs, and are among
the largest and most enjoyable of the
season in Harrisburg.
Replies to Congressmen Cov
ered in Reports Ready
For President
By Associated Press
Washington, Feb. 27.—A. Mitch
ell Palmer, the alien property cus
todian, said in a formal statement
last night that tho resolution of
Senator Calder, of New York, Re
publican, calling for information cov
ering the operations of the custo
dian's office was fully answered in
his report, now ready for submis
sion to President Wilson. He said
the President doubtless would
promptly transmit the report to
Congress and added that he wel
comed the fullest investigation of
his office.
Senator Calder's resolution, which
was adopted Monday by the Senate
without objection, called for com
plete information relative to the op
eration of the office of the alien
property custodian. Senator Frel
ingliuysen, of New Jersey, Repub
lican, introduced a resolution yes
terday proposing Congressional in
vestigation of the work of the cus
In his statement Mr. Palmer said
his report contained, as required by
law, a list of all persons appointed
or employed, with the salary or com
pensation paid to each and a state
ment of the different kinds of prop
erty taken into custody and the dis
position made of it.
Mr. Palmer said a published state
ment that "some New York lawyer
has received a fee of 150,000 is ab
surd." No such fee had been paid
by his office, he declared, and none
anywhere approaching that sum
had been paid by any corporation
in which the alien property custo
dian has an interest.
Mr. Palmer said the highest-paid
person in the alien property custo
dian's office was the custodian him
self, "to whom Congress generously
granted a salary 'not to exceed
$5,000.'" Every employe, he said,
had been taken front a list of cli
gibles furnished by the Civil Serv
ice Commission, except attorneys,
who are expressly exempted by law!
"When all the property in my hands
shall have been appraised," Mr.
Palmer said, "it is likely that the
total value thereof will reach $700,-
000,000, divided into 33,000 trust es
tates. The cost to the Government
for administering these estates has
been about $1,000,000, or less than
one-seventh of one per cent."
Kingman, Ariz., Feb. 27.—Lieuten
ant Chase V. Rough, of the Gulf-to-
Pacific Aero Squadron, yesterday per
formed the hazardous feat of flying
inside the walls of the grand canyon
of Arizona. The day was calm and
no dangerous air currents wer e en
countered. He did not observe any
emergency landing places in the can
yon, he reported. The squadron ex
pected to reach Tuscon today.
Joint Affair Given by Two
Chapters of Order of
Eastern Star
The first joint banquet of Capital
City Chapter No. 146, and Areme
Chapter, No. 192, Order of the
Eastern Star, was held last evening
in the ballroom of the Penn-Harris
hotel. Covers were laid for 260 mem
bers and guests. The table decora
tions of ferns and cut flowers were
beautiful. Clinton E. Chamberlin,
worthy patron of Capital City Chap
ter, distinguished himself as toast
master. Mrs. Elizabeth Clark, Mrs.
Sue P. Kehr, Mrs. Tirzah Leonard,
Miss Catherine Piper, John O. Love,
Llnwood B. Wanbaugh, William Es
sick. Irving B. Robinson and Mar
shall H. Bean, responded to toasts
in a very able and pleasing manner.
Popular songs were sung accompan
ied by an orchestra. This event is
remembered by those present as the
most successful and Enjoyable ban
quet ever held by the Order of the
Eastern Star in the city of Harris
The committee on arrangements
for tile affair included:
Capital City Chapter, No. 146 —
Mrs. Elizabeth Clark, Clinton E.
Chamberlin. Mrs. Lizzie A. SheafWr,
Mrs. Emma A. H. Smyser, Miss
Mabel Stites.
Areme Chapter, No. 192—Mrs. Sue
P. Kehr, John O. Love, Mrs. Henri
etta Evans, Mrs. Viola F. Shantz,
Harry Evans.
Cases of Soldiers
to Be Reviewed
By Associated Press
Washington, Feb. 27.—Major Gen
eral Crowder, judge advocate gen
eral of the army, appeared before
the Senate Military Committee yes
terday at a resumption of hearings
on the court-martial situation, and
that all imprisonment sentences im
posed on men of the army during the
war and found upon review to be
too severe would be mitigated
through the President's power of re
General Crowder said that within
sixty days the 5,000 sentences im
posed since the beginning of hos
tilities. would be reviewed by a spe
cial board headed by Brigadier Gen
eral SamuqJ T. Ansell, who was, act
ing judge advocate general during
the war.
Steps toward mitigating the sen
tences were begun. General Crowder
said, prior to the investigation by the
Senate committee. Practically all of
the men sentenced to dishonorable
discharge and imprisonment, he
said, already have had the dishonor
able discharge provision revoked.
Republican Leaders .
Gather at Washington
For Speakership Contest
Washington, Feb. 27. Republi
can members-elect of the next House
of Representatives gathered here to
day from all parts of the country
for the conference to-night with the
re-elected Republican members to
nominate a candidate for Speaker.
The three candidates are: Fred
erick H. Gillett of Massachusetts,
ranking Republican member of the
appropriations committee; James R.
Mann, of Illinois, Republican floor
leader: Philip Campbell, of Kansas,
ranking Republican of the rules
Advance Sale to Stevens
Entertainment Is Large
The advance ticket sale for the
Marigold Singing Ladies of New
York City, who will appear in Stev
ens Memorial Methodist Church to
night has been very large. It was
stated today by Dr. Clayton Albert
Smucker, pastor of the church. The
program will open at 8.15 and con
tinue for two hours. It will include
songs, readings and musical sketches.
Altoona, Pa., Feb. 27.—The discov
ery of a watch in a barrel of sauer
kraut in the Leroy Hotel cellar led
to the disclosure of the theft of sev
eral bottles of whisky. The thief
stood on the barrel to reach the
liquor and when Ralph Greenlee, a
negro, today asked permission to en
ter the cellar to look for his watch,
he was arrested for the larceny.
ShJppensburg, Pa., Feb. 27.
There will be no croquet games at
the Y. M. C. A. rooms were misused
fact that the rooms were misused
by the boys. The tables were taken
down and stored.
Drunkenness and deaths from al
coholism in the United Kingdom
show a decline ranging from 65 to
80 per cent, since the war regula
tions against drinking were insti
Tn Ohio women are replacing
laen in glass factories, while in
Arkansas they are at work in the
lumber camps. On the Pacific coast
they have found places in the ship
yards as painters and carpenters.
by people attempting to clean* them
at home. We are experts at this
work and would suggest giving us
a trial. We also clean anything
that is cleanable, either clothing for
ladies or men or housefurnishing.
The Valet 404 N. Second street
Bell 4838, Dial 3114.—adv.
Farmers Must Hope For Wage
Decrease, Says Ras
State College, Pa., Feb. 27.—Farm
ers face virtual ruin if present food
prices are permitted to go down
without a corresponding decrease in
the wages of all industries, accord
ing to Fred Rasmussen, secretary
of the Department of Agriculture
in Pennsylvania.
Professor Rasmussen spoke last
night before 1,000 farmers assem
bled here for farmers' week. Hun
dreds of students of the Pennsylva
nia State College agricultural school
were also among the audience and
cheered Mr. Rasmussen, who was
head of the dairy husbandry depart
ment of the college before assum
ing his State duties several weeks
The affair brought to an end the
second day of farmers' week activi
ties. From early morning the visit
ing farmers and their wives attend
ed classes at which practical in
struction in every conceivable branch
of agriculture was given. So popu
lar has this educational work be
come that it was unanimously agreed
to hold another farmers' week this
year in June.
Mr. Rasmussen pledged his de
partment to whole-hearted support
of the farmers of this State. He out
lined a comprehensive educational
policy his department will pursue in
rural communities. He intimated
that unless existing organizations
perfect better methods in bringing
farm products from the farm to the
consumer the State will establish
new agencies to provide economical
Chambersburg, Pa., Feb. 27.—Af
ter paying $8.15, fine and costs, to
Magistrate Haulman for breaking an
incandescent light on the streets
of the borough, Paul Warner, an
18-year-old boy of this place, de
manded a hearing on the charge for
the purpose of ascertaining who the
person or persons were who reported
his offense to the police. He was
given a hearing and it cost him $3
additional, but he failed to find
out who informed on him. lie had
told Chief of Police Byers and Pa
trolman Umberhocker after paying
his fine that he was guilty of break
ing the globe and the two officers so
testified at the hearing. Magistrate
Haulman deemed this sufficient evi
dence to convict the boy and the
; persons who saw Warner break the
globe were not called to give testi
Waynesboro, Pa., Feb. 27.—The
local labor unions, like their breth
ren all over the country, are debat
ing the "no beer, no work" program
proposed to be made effective July 1,
should the executive order making
tho county bone dry on that date
be enforced. They have as yet
reached no decision, but sentiment
is strong for the plan which has
been affirmatively adopted by many
labor organizations throughout the
country, notably the iron workers,
ship builders, longshoremen and
other unions in New York last Satur
Waynesboro, Pa., Feb. 27.—The
man who drinks whisky at the bar
of the local hotels to-day must hand
the barkeeper one silver quarter
dollar. One of the four local places
has put the tariff up to 35 cents for
a single nip. Likewise, the beer
hoister has got to lay down a dime
instead of a nickel for a single glass
of "suds." and 20 to 25 cents for
"suds" in bottle form. In package
quantities the price of whisky jump
ed from $1 to $2 a pint and $2 to $4
a quart.
Sunbury, Pa.. Feb. 2 7. —Missing
since last Wednesday, J. Ira Ileiser,
of near Kratzerville, who is under
fire in Monroe township, Snyder
county, for his' connection with the
tangled accounts of the township
school district, has returned and has
resigned his position as secretary of
the school district, according to rela
tives. His friends also assert that
many of the supposed defalcations
will be straightened out.
Shippoiisburg, Pa., Feb. 2 7.—Miss
Corilla Coleman died at her home
on South Prince street. Death was
due to Bright's disease. She is sur
vived by several brothers and sis
Marysville, Pa., Feb. 27. The
bake sale which the women's Bible
class of Zion Lutheran Church was
to hold to-morrow evening has been
H. C. Mattern. of 404 North Second
street, proprietor of the Valet wishes
to announce that he will clean for any
lady a short pair of white gloves freq,
provided she has never had any done
here before. This introductory offer
is made simply to get you acquainted
with this modern dry-cleaning house.—
Thursday Eve., Feb. 27, 5 to 7.30
Stouff er's Restaurant
Chicken Noodle Soup
Roust Fork, Apple Suucc
Ilreuded I.nnib Chops, Kallun Sauce
Cult l.lver Snutc In Bacon
Itonxt Beet
Mushed or Crenmed Potatoea
l lnin Bean* or Stewed Celery
Cream Slaw
Ice Cream, Short Cake, Pie or
I'uddlng "
Coffee, Tea or Cocon
FEBRUARY 27, 1919.
By AttocUtti Prut
Copenhagen. Arrivals from L.t
bau say 8,000 well-equipped Oerman
volunteer troops have arrived at L,l
liau by sea, commanded by General
Von Dei Goltz. They declare that the
Bolshevlki on the Baltic front are
weakening, and that their organiza
tion appears to near collapse.
Cambridge, Mass. The proposal
for a triangular track meet between
Harvard, Yule and Princeton, has been
dismissed, and Harvard will meet each
of these universities In dual meets,
Princeton at Cambridge, and Yale at
New Haven, according to announce
ment to-day.
london. A telegram from Petro
grad says Bolshevik newspapers, com
menting anxiously upon the reverses
sustained In the fighting against the
I'.stlianians, ascribe the Bolshevik do
feats to fatigue, bad equipment. In
ferior supplies and poor transports
Washington. Washington to-day
resembled an inauguration dav with
I ennsylvania avenue the line of
march, for returned District of Co
lumbia soldiers, decorated with flags
and bunting. It was estimated It
would require two hours for the pa
rade to pass in review. The returned
soldiers, led by the Marine band, were
assigned, with the President, to the
rude F posltlon at the hea d °* the pa-
Wnsltlngton. Renewed discussion
I^ a 'T ue ot Nations to-day. In
Capitol cloakrooms and corridors fai
ence in r W i h u? Uou se dinner confer
wflson L?.'i Kht ,s a .l wh,ch President
outlined the reasons upon
J predicates his belief that
the future peace of the world rests
t-Pon such an organization.
Get Acquainted Waist
FOR Friday and Saturday
We will place on sale on these two days a limited number of
stunning new Georgette Waists, in all the new Spring shades,
• such as rose, bisque, white, flesh and other pastel shades.
These waists would sell regularly at |6.00, and we will limit
one to a customer. \
Dozens of New Suits, Capes, Dolmans & Coats
Will Be Ready For the Week End Selling
Exclusive new models—only one of a kind have arrived, and
will be marked at special low prices for this extraordinary sale.
A Word as to Our Policy
One of the features of our business that a woman will appre
ciate is the fact that we buy only one of a kind. This will
appeal to women who desire to buy exclusive garments at the
lowest prices in the city. It will be well worth your while to
visit the store and inspect our stock, even if you do not buy.
Remember, that an inspection of our line does nbt imply obli
gation to purchase.
Will be in my Harrisburg Office all week, Mon
day, February 24 to Saturday, March Ist, inclusive.
I offer you a guaranteed pair or perfect vision glasses, first
quality spherical lenses including my scientific eye examination all
for as low as
Special ground leiises and shell goods at special low prices.
See me and have your eye trouble adjusted at a moderate cost.
Don't let circumstances stand in your way, come see me. Let
us talk it over.
HOURS—9 A. M. TO 8 P. M.
9 N. Market Square, Second Floor, Take Elevator
Pblla. Office, 1107 Chestnut St.. Associated With Dr. a. D. A'oellnff
Wash Suits
All Boys' $1.50 Wash Suits $1.19
All Boys' $2.00 Wash Suits $1.59
All Boys' $2.50 Wash Suits $1.89
All Boys' $2.95 Wash Suits $2.39
All Boys' $3.50 Wash Suits $2.89
All Boys' $3.95 Wash Suits $3.19
If you need Glasses, the
Quality and Accuracy of
the work you get is most
important. We Grind our
own Lenses and do High
Grade work at a reason
able price.
• cm
Cohl .Iftnktnbach JcHoulf
N0.22 N. 4TM. ST.
Where Glasses Are Made Right
Beautiful Spray, $3.00
Keeney's Flower Shops
Hl4 N. OO ST. 167 N, FRONT ST.
Hnrrlnl.org Steelton