Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, February 27, 1919, Page 10, Image 10

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Founded 1831
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No pleasure is comparable to stand
ing upon the vantage ground of truth.
—Frances Bacon.
THE war is over. The Demo
cratic administration spent a
lot of money wastefully. It
made a lot of blunders. Its lack of
preparation cost a lot of lives. The
people know these things. They will
learn a lot more of the same kind
as time goes on.
It Is the duty of the Democratic
party to give a full account of its
stewardship. It is the duty of Re
publican Senators and Representa
tives to point out these errors and
failures. But it is very distinctly
not the duty of Republican leaders
at Washington to make Democratic
faults and failures the basis of com
ing campaigns.
The people soon forget what is
past. East Tuesday's weather may
have been disagreeable, but who re
members what it was?
The Republican party has always
been a positive, aggressive organiza
tion with distinctly constructive pro--
grams of progressive policies in the
foreground. The people of America
are looking to the future. They do
not trust the Democrats who re
elected their presidential candidate
on the slogan "he kept us out of
•war" the while he and his party
lcudcrs knew we were headed direct-!
ly into the conflict. They are look-1
ing toward the Republican party
They expect that paity to live up
to its great traditions. They demand
from it constructive statesmanship
and practical, workable solutions to
the great economic problems with
which the nation is confronted. They
want to know what the Republican
party has to offer as a cure for the
ills the war and a faulty administra
tion have brought to us. They are
more interested in the future than
they are in the past; more concerned
with what the Republican party will
do than what the Democrats have
not done. Wise statesmen, like our
own Governor, see this trend, and
are acting accordingly.
What are you doing to relieve the
great need for more houses in Harris
burg? Every citizen who realizes the
importance of providing more dwell
ings has it in his power to help along
the movement either by building the
houses himself or encouraging those
who have the means to do so under
proper conditions.
THE INCREASED assessment of
coal lands has been the source
of much satisfaction among
public-spirited citizens. Equalization
of the burden of taxation has been
urged for years, and the fuel dis
cussion during the war undoubtedly
augmented the feeling that greater
public revenues should come from
the enormous deposits of anthracite
in the northern section of Dauphin
Whatever may be the final out
come of the revised assessment fig
ures, tt is certain that the county rev
enues will be largely increased and
the fuct that the commissioners have
conducted the affairs of the county
so carefully during recent years as
to practically put it out of debt lias
resulted in general commendation
and given rise to confidence in- their
judgment of the present situation.
Not a single voice has been raised
against Iho proposed city and county
building and none will be when the
situation is thorougnly understood.
Years have elapsed since the matter
was first broached In official way and
row that financial conditions are sat
isfactory there is no reason for fur
ther hesitation.
.The necessary legislation having
the approval of the City and County
Commissioners will doubtless bo en
acted speedily by the Legislature, as
the lawmukers on Capitol Hill are in
sympathy with the desire of Hurris
buig and the county of Dauphin to
co-operate with the Commonwealth
In muking the environment of the
Capitol everything that it should be
lin view of the comprehensive und
dignified plans for tlie extension und
treatment of the State grounds.
So the revision of the real estate
vuluation and the Incidental tux as
sessment will meun the pluclng of
Dauphin 'ounty in its proper rela
tion to the government of the State.
For years there has been a demand
for better roads leading to and from
the Capital City and there is also
a reasonable demand for bridges and
other county necessities. Now is the
time of all times to provide these
things and the rich coal lands will
contribute the necessary funds with
out seriously embarassing the gen
eral taxpayer. It is reasonable to
expect that things will move more
rapidly from now on and that with
the passage of the bills prepared by
the city and county solicitors steps \
will immediately be taken for the
important public work that shoulai
As the Harrisburg soldiers, most of
whom are serving with the 28th Divi
sion, are scheduled to come home in
May, it is not too soon for this city
to begin preparing for the real home
coming reception which must be
given all of the boys who have re
turned since the end of the war. It
ought to be a great day of welcome
and good cheer for those who went
out with the colors and who are
bringing thein back with glory.
STEPS are being taken through
the War Department at Wash
ington and the State societies of
National Defense for the publica
tion of authentic histories of the
great war and officers and others in
authority are urged to co-operato in
furnishing data for these publica
It's a good thing for Pennsylvania
that a group of able historians has
been chosen for this work and no
State is more deserving of a real his
tory—authoritative and interesting
in every way—than Pennsylvania.
This good old Commonwealth has
responded nobly in men and money
and the record ought to be complete
and satisfying when it is finally
made up.
It must not be forgotten that the
women of Pennsylvania played a
large part in the war and no his
tory will be wprth much unless
and until the activities of the
mothers and wives and sweethearts
of the men who served in the various
branches of the national defense
shall have evidence of full appre
ciation of their services. We may
trust the men who have been
selected to compile the official his
tory of Pennsylvania in the war to
remember the women who did so
much in maintaining the morale of
the troops and backing the boys
who followed the colors.
Wonder how many citizens of Har
risburg stop to think of the con
structive and important service being
rendered by our Chamber of Com
merce? Its work is done without any
blare of trumpets, but the results are
so important that it would be well
for the business men of this com
munity who are not identified with
that organization to put their should
ers to the wheel through its various
activities. President Itussell and his
associates are constantly on the job
and are achieving much for the city
and its important interests.
IT IS a fine thing the War His
tory Commission is doing in its
effort to get a personal record
of every Pennsylvanian who has en
tered the national service. A war
service record blank has been pre
pared and nearly two hundred thou
sand copies already have been cir
culated. Of the thousands which
have been returned to the files of
the commission nearly fifty per cent,
are accompanied with photographs,
letters from the front or camp, and
similar material.
The commission is being assisted
in distributing the blanks by the
county branches of the Pennsylvania
Council of National Defense, by local
honor roll committees, by historical
societies, by war welfare agencies
and by local officials. If you have
been in the service or one of your
relatives is or has been, be sure he
is on record.
The commission will send copies
of the blank to any individual or or
ganization desiring to report upon
soldiers, sailors, nurses and other
persons who have entered the na
tional service, and nobody interested
should neglect the opportunity.
Probably three hundred and fifty
thousand persons have gone from
Pennsylvania into the service. Some
have entered the armies or navies
of the allies; some have gone with
the National Guard, or as volnteers;
others have entered the service un
der the draft acts. There should be
a record of every one of these per
sons. Some families have already
removed from the State; and with
changes in industry many more may
go to other states or countries. It
is important that the record of
every one in the service be secured
at the earliest possible date.
IN the death of E. M. C. Africa
the Juniata Valley loses one of
its most useful and public-spirited
citizens. His many activities af
fected Huntingdon, but his wider
usefulness extended throughout the
valley and the State. It is men like
him who leave their impress on
their fellow men. Mr. Africa was
one of the enthusiastic advocates of
better roads for Pennsylvania and
his name will always be linked with
the William Penn Highway.
Let the good roads fork out from
every corner of-this Capital city. And
when the roads shall have been made
first class In every particular, let
proper signboards bo placed at every
turn so that the tourist may have no
difficulty in reaching the pivotal city
of the Keystone State on the Susque
By the Ex-Committeeman
"Members of the House of Rep
resentatives are to be congratulated
upon the manner in which they
have been attending to business, both
in committee und in the sessions of
the House," said Speaker Robert S.
Spangler, of the House, today In re
viewing the work of the general as
sembly." It is unusuul to pass third
reading bills on a Wednesday at this
period of a session and we have been
able to clear many things out of the
"The House has received 686 bills
thus far and the number of measures
in the hands of subcommittees for
investigations and hearings, if need
ed is greater than known at this
' n 11 s ® ss 'on, lam informed. The
Chairmen of the committees have
shown a fine spirit if co-operation
and have been backed up .by the
members. The attendance at the
sessions of the House has been ex
Chairman William J. McCalg, of
the House appropriations committee,
has sent out a call to heads of de
partments and bureaus of the State
government for their budgets so that
he can start making up the general
appropriation bill. It is probable
that, if necessary, some hearings can
be started on the estimates from
the departments. The appropria
tions committee is receiving from
other committees bills carrying State
funds so that there will be a list of
every measure that makes any ap
propriation in the hands of the finan
cial end of the session.
People at the Capitol were to
day discussing the reported attempt
to be made to have the Eyre bill to
allow Harrisburg or any other third
class city vote on a transfer of a loan
previously authorized to an object
to be approved by the voters amend
ed so as to apply to all municipalities
The scheme is said to be to have it
tit a situation in Philadelphia. Just
how that would be viewed by people
in other cities is problematical. The
Harrisburg conditions are unique
and the case here really affects the
whole state as Harisburg wants to
do its share toward a monumental
state improvement.
—Ex-Senator Geoige W. McNces,
of Kittaning. chairman of the State
Geological Survey, was here yester
day to see the Governor. It is said
that the Armstrong man is somewhat
disturbed over the plan of James F.
AVoodward, Secretary of Internal Af
fairs elect, to have the survey at
tached to his bureau as a permanent
branch of the State government In
stead of being a separate commission.
There have been two vacancies on
the commission for some time and
except for a couple of reports oc
casionally not much has been heard
of it.
—-Philadelphia members of thte
Legislature have formed a walking
club named in honor of Senator E.
H. Varo, the president emeritus. The
club has John A. Dunn, of the farm
ing region of Philadelphia, as secre
tary and Deppold C. Glass as treas
urer. The club forms at Front and
Market at seven each morning- and
hikes up the river front, enjoying
the beauties of the Susquehanna and
the fine river front Harrisburg has
provided. It also gives an appetite
for breakfast and a zest for work.
—ln connection with Cox bill 26,
extending the benefits of the Soldiers'
Orphan Industrial School to orphans
or destitute children of discharged
soldiers nnd sailors who participated
in the recent war. Governor Sproul
said: "I am delighted to have an
opportunity to do even this little
thing to provide in the future for the
children of the American citizens of
the Keystone State who did their bit
to save humanity from destruction.
Xo doubt the School will be called
upon in the future to duplicate the
work it has been carrying on for the
past half century, and I have no
doubt but that if as good results are
attained in the future as have been
in the past, there will never be
cause for regret in continuing such
a worthy institution.'
Famous Explorer Is Dead
I From the New York Times]
Capt. Theodore de Booy, the arch
aeologist and explorer of previously
unknown regions of Santo Domingo
and Venezuela, died the other day
at his homo in Yonkers, N. Y.
Captain de Booy was born in 'llel
levoetsluis, the Netherlands, thirty
six years ago,- and came to the
United States in 1906, being natu
ralized ten years later. Besides ex
ploring previously unknown regions
inhabited by Indian tribes in the
mountains between Venezuela and
Colombia, Captain de Booy con
ducted archaeological investigations
in the Bahamas. Cuba, Jamaica,
Haiti, Santo Domingo, Turks and
Caicos Islands, Margarita, Trinidad,
Martinique, Venezuela and the Vir
gin Islands of the United States.
Since 1911 he had been in" charge
of the West Indian archaeological
work of the Museum of the Ameri
can Indian in New York city.
Returning in April, 1917, from one
of his trips. Captain de Booy
brought with him a "swallow or re
gurgitating stick" from the Virgin
Islands, where he had spent several
months in explorations.
The "swallow stick" was believed
to have been used in worship by a
West Indian priest more than four
hundred years ago. It was about
five inches long, and carved from
the rib of a sea cow, in the
image of one of the West Indian
tribal gods. It was said that there
were only three other such sticks
in existence. He also brought with
him on this trip 4,000 specimens of
pottery, stone axes, stone chisels
and buriul objects, these being
placed in the Museum of the Amer
ican Indian.
Where. Ex-King Manuel Lines
Fulwell Park, where ex-King
Manuel has lived since he brought
his bride to England, five years ago,
is a historic mansion, built mainly
in the Georgian style. A part of it
dates back to James 11, but it has
been considerably enlarged from
time to time, and now contains a
magnificent suite of six entertaining
rooms. Besides the nine-hole golf
course, there are a number of ten
nis courts in the grounds, for this is
a game at which the ex-king excels
There is good fishing in the Ulver
Crane, on which also bouting is pos
sible. Fulwell Park has been the
home of many famous people, and
Twickenham itself abounds in his
toric memories. In 1800 Orleans
House was the residence of Louis
Philllpe, then Duke of Orleans—
From the London Chronicle.
Parable of the Fig Tree
Now learn a parable of the fig
tree. When her branch is yet ten
der, and putteth forth leaves, ye
know that summer Is near.—Mark
xitl, 28.
■ "1 r — f \
| E XTE NJ ,C,M OP- , \ J
/NE'W.O TooOLUMT~~\ v ® W?P*? L °soT A ) r)
BEEN PAPAS MC 6 \ / " U V CM \ K.AS FOR PAPA?/ — N ' /
'ITTUS MAW TODAY.) ( THAT ''/ \ PoPSY COME / —T/t \ //FY
Pershing and the Y. M. C. A.
(From the Phila. Ledger.)
Those commanders "at the front"
know best what went on there, and
of all thesp most Americans will
agree that General John J. Pershing
is no minor authority. Hence, when
the leader of the American expedi
tionary force in France in relieving
the Y. M. C. A. of its canteen and
post-exchange work expresses his
thanks for what that organization
did under untoward conditions, the
praise and the approval mean some
thing. 'lt is to be remembered,
moreover, that it was because the
Y. M. C. A. took over this canteen
work so that the army would not
have to divert officers and enlisted
men from "their paramount mili
tary duties and functions of training
and fighting." that Its relations to
the men were both misunderstood
and grossly misrepresented. That
the Y. M. C. A. did a great and
patriotic duty in accepting tills bur
densome and difficult assignment
must be admitted by any candid
investigator, but if there be any
who still have any doubts they must
melt away in the face of General
Pershing's indorsement. The final
paragraph of this should be read
and reread by all who are trying
to get at the facts concerning the
Y. M. C. A., since it is more than a
note of thanks: it Is an explanation
and a vindication. For, as General
Pershing puts it:
"In making this change, permit
me to thank for the very valuable
services and assistance which the
Y. M. C. A. has rendered to the
American expeditionary force in
handling these exchanges. Handi
capned by a shortage of tonnage and
land transportation, the Y. jr. C. A.
has bv extra exertion, served the
army better than would have been
expected, and you may be assured
that its aid has been a large factor
in the final great accomplishments
of the American army."
[From the Erie Dispatch]
Before the war there was a fa
mous continental train called the
"Orient Express," running from
Paris to Constantinople through
southern Germany, Austria and
Hungary. That train now has re
sumed service. But it no longer
runs through the Central Empires.
It goes to Constantinople via south
ern France, northern Italy and Ser
There is no longer through service
from Berlin to Constantinople, and
is not likely to be for a long time
to come.
This development is of special in
terest in view of the well known
Prussian plans for a through line
from Berlin to Bagdad. The later
terminus is now a million miles from
Berlin, and even the only friendly
half-way station Constantinopje is
grown alien and far away. Britain
and France, byway of natural pen
alty for German aggression, have cut
Germany off from the Orient.
Britain will soon finish the Bag
dad end of that famous railway, con
necting it up with Constantinople
and extending it on to the Persian
Gulf. Before muny years, too, there
is pretty sure to be railroad com
munication between London and
Paris, by means of a tunnel under
the English channel. The German
dream will then end in a "London
to Bagdad" railway. And whatever
of advantage or profit there may be
in commercial domination of the
East will belong to those who have
deserved it.
Patterson (N. J.) machinists have
been granted a 48-hour week.
Munition workers in Canadu have
been allowed the right to organize.
Over 200.000 women are at work
on farms and in munition plants
in Italy. /
All the Delaware liver shipyards
are now working on an eight-hour
Six per cent, of the total employes
in the metal trade in England nre
I.ondon bakers are demanding a
minimum wage of sls per week of
4 8 hours.
Electric railway workers in Butte,
Mont., receive from 61 to 63 cents an
Thirty-six per cent, of the employ
ees in British munition factories
are women.
Ninety-live per cent, of the electri
ical workers in Toronto, Canada, are
'organized. .. ,
r ——————— _ >
A Curtin Statue In the Park
[From the Philadelphia Inquirer] t
whose direction as Attorney j
General in Governor Edwin !
S. Stewart's Cabinet the Capitol graft I
prosecutions were successfully con-!
ducted, it develops, is the author if!
the bill introduced in Harrisburg lust!
week by Senator A. F. Daix, Jr., for j
the erection of a statue of Andrew!
Gregg Curtin in the rotunda of the !
This proposition to honor the mem- !
ory of the great, war' Governor' of i
Pennsylvania, who was affectionately j
known as the "Soldier's Friend," isi
already being favorably commented
j upon.
Mr. Todd has taken the matter up I
with Governor Sproul and it is pro-|
posed to have members of the Legis- j
iaturo impressed with the sentiment:
in favor of the bill,, which names
the Board of Commissioners of Pub
lic Buildings and Giounds, not only!
to select the artist and have the j
statue erected, but also to take'
charge of the ceremonies incident to
its unveiling. The sum of $20,000 is!
appropriated to cover all expenses.}
Governor Sproul is chairman of this*
"I am advised." writes Mr. Todd,
"that the Military Order of the Loyal
Legion, of which Governor Curtin
was an honorary member, will pass
a resolution approving of the pro
ject and many Grand Army posts I
in the State will take similar action.]
It is fitting and proper that this .
statue should be erected in commem
oration of the very great services of
Governor Curtin during the Civil
War. It was due to him, and to him
alone, that the Pennsylvania Reserve.
Corps was organized and was able
to march to Washington to protect
the capital after the first Battle of
Bull Run, which was so disastrous!
to the Union cnuse. He was known I
through the United States as one of |
the great war Governors and his]
name was continually coupled with |
I those of Governor Morton, of Indiana
in rendering most efficient service in
the suppression of the Rebellion. He
was also largely Instrumental in es
tablishing the Soldiers' Orphans'
Schools, which after the war were
so useful in looking after the educa
tion of such orphans.
"The erection of this statue." con
cludes Mr. Todd, "will be an inspira
tion and encouragement for those
that are to come after in the perform
ance of public duty."
Senator Daix has received a num
ber of letters from prominent citizens
cordially endorsing the bill and is
taking an enthusiastic interest in the
• * *
Colonel Alexander K. McClure,
than whom no one in public life wus
more intimate with Gpvernor Curtin,
in relating incidents of Curtln's sec
ond campaign for election to the
Governorship, spoke of the fear
among Republicans of the loss of the
election by reason of the fact that
Pennsylvania soldiers then in- the|
field could not vote. Most Of these]
men, It was believed, would have
supported Curtin. Wayne MacVeagh |
of Chester county, was chairman of]
the Republican State committee, ana
although he was looked upon by;
many as a "high brow," inclined to]
literary work rather than that of a>
practical politician, he surprised]
every one with his tireless energy!
and executive ability qnd he built upj
a very efficient organization. His]
work was carried on with a degree!
of perfection that has rarely been!
surpassed In politicnl management. I
"The 75,000 soldiers in the field."]
wrote Colonel McClure. "were gcncr-1
ally devoted to Curtin. They had
learned to accept him and speak of]
him as the 'soldiers' friend.' Every i
Pcnnsylvanian in the field, however
humble, who addressed the Governor
on any subject, however, trivial, re
ceived a prompt answer, bearing the
Governor's signature, and always
heartily aiding the soldier's wishes or
fully explaining why they could not
be acceded to. The Pennsylvania
soldiers sick or wounded In a hospi
tal, even though they wore fur oft
in the Southwest, felt the sympa
thetic touch of Curtin's devotion to
the soldiers by the kind ministration
of the Governor's special agents as- j
signed to the task of caring for the
helpless In the field. Ho had an
nounced his purpose to have the
State declare the orphans of the fall- I
en soldiers to be the wards of the:
Commonwealth und had won the
personal affection of the soldiers by!
this practical devotion to their In
• O 0
State Chairman MucVeugh solved
the problem of making the influence
[of the soldiers effective in the cam
; paign. The election was held early
]in October, a period favorable for
[ military operations and few soldiers
j had an opportunity to be furloughed
! home in order to vote. The others
' were disfranchised. MacVeagh got
j in touch with every Democratic fum-
I that was immediately represented
I in the field and therewere thousands
i of soldiers, officers and privates, who
j needed no special appeal to make!
them take up the cause of the Sol-!
] diet s' Friend in the contest. In their
| midst, around the camptire, the ques
i tion was discussed by the Pennsyl-
I vania soldiers and according to Coio
-111 el McClure. three-fourths of theni|
1 sent home the most urgent appeals |
.to their fathers, brothers and friends
to vote to sustain the patriotic and
| philanthropic Governor as a matter
jof duty in support of the soldiers'
cause. The result, he says, was a
I mute but omnipotent expression
j from the men in the field that turned
j the scales and made Pennsylvania,
with not less than 30,000 majority of
, Democratic voters at the polls, re-I
| elect Curtin by over 15.000 majority,
i George W. Woodward, of Luzerne,
■ then an associate Justice and after-
| ward Chief Justice of the Supreme
Court was Curtin's Democratic op
ponent in that election.
* o
Curtin's early stand for the preser-
I vation of the Union, made at *he
I very outset of his first administration
in his inaugural address, was an in
spiration to the loyal citizenship of
the country.
• * *
There is but one statue in what
J may ultimately become Pennsylva
nia's hall of fnme. the rotunda under
I the dome of the State Capitol,
t It is that of Matthew Stanley
I Quay, who owed his advent into po
| lltical life to Andrew Gregg Curttn.
Tt was while Curtin was Secretary
! of the Commonwealth under Govern
| or James Pollock, with Colonel A.
K. McClure, serving at the same
time as State Superintendent of Pub
lic Printing, that a vacancy occurred
in the prothonotaryship of Beaver
county. '
Rev. M. Quay, a Presbyterian min
ister, who had moved from Dills
burg, York county. Pa., and Curtin
were good friends. He wanted his
son, Matthew, appointed to the
Beaver county Prothonotaryship.
Curtin took the matter up with the
Governor, who. it is said, having a
predilection for the Presbyterian
church, soon made the appointment,
i Young Quay forged to the front in
Republican politics in bis home dis
trict and displayed ability in leader
ship to a remarkable degree. When
Curtin succeeded to the Governor
ship he made Quay his private sec
retary. Later he appointed him to
a colonelship of a Pennsylvania regi
ment, and afterwards he made him
military agent at Washington. D. C.,
It was at the battle of Fredericks
burg that Quay /von the medal of
j honor awarded him by act of Con
. gress for bravery in action.
• # •
I The bitterness engendered in the
] contest over the United Slates Sena
torship almost blocked the plans of
.admirers of the Beaver statesman to
j have a statue of him placed in the
j Capitol. Even after the Legislature
; had passed an act creating a com
l mission to erect the memorial and a
j fine marble statue of Colonel Quay
] was completed, it was kept for two
j years in a box in the cellar of the
| Capitol, much to the disgust of his
I friends. It was not until the succeed
j ing Legislature passed an act making
| it mandatory for the erection of the
, statue that it was placed where it
I now stauds, in a niche on the left of
j the main stairway. There were ap
propriate ceremonies at the unveiling
at which David H. Lunc officiated
as chairman of the commission
which was named to erect the statue.
* •
I Should Curtin's statue be p'aced in
the vacant niche on the other side of
the stairway. In the Capitol, there
would be a linking of two personali
ties that will ever figure prominently
in the history of the Keystone State.
Curtin whose father cnnie from
Ireland, and settled in Center county
i was graduated in the Dickinson Law
I School in 1837 and two years later
I was admitted to the bar. He early
: showed an aDtltudc l'Or politics and
I was first a Whig nnd then a Rcpubli
; can. He was State Chairman of the
: Whig party in 1854. Ho filled the of
! flee of Secretary of the Common
wealth from 1855 to 1858, and in
1861, succeeded William Fisher
Packer as Governor, which office he
held for six years.
President Grant appointed him tol
FEBRUARY 27, 1919.
be Minister to Russia, where he serv
ed from 1867 to 1872. He finally
linked his fortunes with the Demo
cratic Party and served in Congress
as a Democratic Representative from
the Center county district from 1881
to 1887.
In the closing days of his career
he died in 1894, he was a frequent
visitor to this city and matle his
headquarters in the rooms of the
Young Men's Demoeiatic Association
on the northwest corner of Broad
and Chestnut streets, where Presi
dent Effingham B. Morris' Girard
Trust Company now stands.
Here in the overflow gatherings
in the aftermath of the brilliant
Jackson's Day dinners for which
that quite aristocratic political or
ganization was celebrated, Curtin
would regale a select coterie of the
leaders with recollections of war
times, and of important political
events in his remarkable career.
William F. Harrity, William Uhler
Hensel, Robert E. Wright, J. Mar
shall Wright, Samuel Gustine Thom
pson, John R. Read, John H. Sloan,
Matthew Dittman and other Demo
crats of prominence who have pass
ed away and John Cadwalader Otto
Wolff, Charles Edward Ingersoll,
Col. A. M. Holding,, of West Chester,
Wm. H. Doyle, Theodore F. Jenkins,
Joseph P. MeCullen and others who
are still living were among those
grouped around Curtin and listened
intently to his recitals of inside stor
ies of men who had made their mark
in public life in the State and the
[From the New York World]
On the basis of the figures of Dr.
Scliiffer, the minister of finance, Ger
many's war expenses were relatively
far lighter than France's or Great
Britain's. In a considerable meas
ure this was due lo the
puredness in which it stood in the
early stages of the war.
But, because of the blockade
maintained by the British navy, Ger
many was compelled to live and
carry on the war almost wholly on
its own resources. Of coal and iron,
two of the main sinews of war, it
had an abundance, for in addition
to the German mine fields it was
able to work those of northern
France. Certain German financiers
took satisfaction in boasting that
their country was self-supporting,
but the blockade, of which the se
verity of the pressure steadily in
creased, spelled economic and physi
cal ruin for Germany.
Germany's submarine campaign
threatened to shut off the steady
flow of food and munitions to France
and' Great Britain, and the cost of
their purchases and their shipping
losses were appalling. The trans
portation of large forces for distant
operations called for enormous ex
penditures. Germany, by reason of
geographical position, was spared
this heavy drain. It was able to
save money, as compared with its
enemies, in the conduct of the war.
At $40,000,000,000 Germany paid
a price for the war into which It
plunged the world In 1914 covered
only by the records of its national
treasury. But It has lost its splen
did navy, the best part of Its mer
chant marine, its foreign commerce
and every foot of its colonies, and
it must still pay the indemnities and
expenses of reparation to be exacted
of it. These too must he reckoned
ultimately among the costs.
All in the Game
A farmer on the street the other
day had a sack of meal in his hands
when he said: "Just look at this
little peck of meal for which I paid
sixty-live cents und which I used to
buy for twenty cents. It is a dirty
shame, the prices we must pay the
merchants." He was asked if his
only business In town wus to buy
meal. "No," he said, "I brought In
a load of tobacco and sold it at one
of the warehouses." "What did you
get for it?" was asked. "Forty
eight a pound," was his answer.
One more question was asked:
"How much did you get for tobacco
when you could buy meal at twenty
cents a peck?" And he simply said,
"A'ou go to hell," and walked away.
From the Shelby (Ou.) Record.
1 have no faith of howling winds,
Nor of the surging, billows sea;
My love, I know, will vigils keep
O'er stormy paths that wait for
And so with song I greet the dawn,
With hope I meet life's heavy
For the stormy paths that wait for
My love will change to
Fra Guide.
Ebpnittg ffilja
Now that legal steps have t
taken whereby the State has bec<
the lease of the old Star-Indepe
ent building at Third and Bin
berry streets which has been
modeled into an ofttce building
is of interest to note that it is
of the old printing establishmi
of Harrisburg. The generations
printers and newspapermen v
worked in the old structure wt
probably not recognize its inte
now with its steel columns, c
crete floors and other appurtenat
of fire proofing to say nothing
seeing an elevator in full flight wl
men toiled up steep flights of eta
ome of the old S-I people will
member the store room on the
floor and the fine view that could
had from its windows to say noth
of an hour or so of "draw" that
ctisionally used to be indulged
after the forms went down. The
building dates from 1873 when B
jamin Singerly, the Slate prin
erected it to replace an older pr
ing house which was burned on N
ember 5, 1873. The site was on
?.. a V, le , 8 ., in the flfties and a er
i tv 11 War was where Sanford's n
strels held forth. It had a suci
sion of amusement enterprises a
the minstrels had laid their bo
away. The fire was one of the wi
n,l° Wl i 1" Harr is b urg for years J
burned houses across the street.
u af e rL y W , as a man of action and
built the structure as we have knc
it. Bane S. Hart secured control
the building from the Singerly
terests when he had the state pr!
ng contract in 1878 and later on
late B. 1-. Meyers became owner.
"3 e are Koing to have a real at
mobile run this sprlngr." said Carl
Deen, who in years past has
gineered a number of very succes!
Camp Hill sociability runs
have asked Clyde Myton to' fret
gether a number of desirable rot
for us and in a few weeks we '
select the towns to be visited and
date. Of course we will not go u
the spring is far enough advan
to make traveling 1 pleasant and
roads good. We will confine the
v| tation list to Camp Hill and
neighbors at Washington Heig
who have been with us on previ
runs, for the reason that Camp 1
automobilisls are growing so rapi
in number the party would beco
I®° W* if wo went outside,
find there arc 68 automobile own
in Camp Hill at this time." Cast y
the run was called off on account
the war. the Camp Hill men devot
wL a " d mon cy which wo
ha\e gone into the run to vari
lines of war work. The Camp I
lightfnf V s b . een years past a
ightful feature of community
>n ( amp Hill and have brought
wv borou K h together it
way that has proved helpful in mi
ways and has resulted in many wa
• • •
The next big event In T. nr.
A. athletic circles," said C Mill
Physical director of the Harrlsbi
1 today, "will be the Internatio
f roxathlon Meet for boys, in wli
all of the boys of the Harrisbt
gym classes will take part. The r
ords we make will be matched w
those of T. M. C. A.'s of our cl;
all over the world and from thi
the championships will be made
j the local association i
ready for the events and prom
to show up well. Athletics at i
, „?r e booming. We have just i
in 200 more lockers, 160 for b<
and young men and 40 for busine
men. The classes of businessm
are growing . Indeed if they |
very much larger we shall have
push out the sides of the Gym
take care of them."
—"Bowling is also coming li
favor at the 'Y'," continued Mr. M
ler and in a short time we shall hs
a league going with six or elf
teams. The association is in go
shape to take care of these conte.<
which promise to run well into t
summer. Altogether, we are havi
the most successful season at the i
sociation we have ever had and
particularly gratifying feature is t
number of soldiers and returned s
diers who are now making th
headquarters with us."
—M. L, Cook, former director
works in Philadelphia, is taking
active part in charter revision.
—Dr. E. E. Sparks, president
State College, says that farme
week at the College is becoming o
of the big spring events.
—William Conner, Allegheny r
ister of wills who was here yesterdi
came to look over former leglslatl
colleagues in action.
—Senator-elect Richard J. Bal
win, of Delaware, is a Quaker, t
somewhat pugnacious in legislati
—AV. H. Benzhaf has been elect
president of the Lycoming cour
fruit growers.
—Captain D. L Mook, of the AV
department, is to address Lancas'
Civic leaguers tonight on what t
government is doing to halt liqt
sales to soldiers.
—Tlint Tlarrlsliurg sportsmen
nre hlfe contributors to the StaU
hunters' license fund every year?
—The movements for a State on
cd home for the Governor took fot
during the civil war when the a
of the present building was boug'
[From the Kansas City Star]
Chairman Hayes of the Repub
can National committee has a go
working idea of what he is on t
job for. He is charged with respo
sibility for party success in 1920 a
naturally doesn't propose to allow
performance by reactionary Hou
Republicans to wreck his chanci
( The election of James R. Mann
spcukcr of the next House would
a performance well calculated to i
it. Mr. Mayes saw that. That'
why he Is a good politician. I
dropped in at Washington oce
sionally and helped break up tl
plan. That Is why he Is a goi
By the way. Isn't it a little unusu
for a great political party to have
chairman who combines good poll
cal sense with executive ability ai
finds both not incompatible wi
some notion of what the voters see
to wunt and expect? Mr. Hay
seems to bo such u chairman,
his originality in these respec
turns out to be not fatal to par
well being maybe It will beqoi
the fashion for parties to have th
kind of a chairman right along.