Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, February 24, 1919, Page 5, Image 5
MIES FREEDOM FOR IRELAND iolution of Cardinal Gib bons Adopted by Irish Convention Hadelphla, Feb. 24.—A resolution ented by Cardinal Gibbons urg' peace conference to apply to lre the doctrine of national self-deter ition and a declaration of ttie prin s demanding that if any league of ans be created, all features which Infringe on traditional American :y, including the Monroe Doctrine, 1 be eliminated, were adopted unani ely, yesterday,, at the closing session he convention of tlie Irish race in rica. te declaration says a state of war ts between England and Ireland Ich in the interests of the peace of world, the peace conference cannot support of the movement to bring lorn to Ireland the convention pledg > raise within six months one million irs. but before Justice Daniel F. ilan, of tho New York Supreme t, chairman of the convention, com ng the calling of a list of states and s, more than $1,250,000 had been ged to the cause. degates from many states, repre ing a large number of Irish organ ons, crowded the Academy of Music i Cardinal Gibbons arose at the rnoon session and in a few words ented the resolution calling for the t of Ireland to select its form of mment. Trucks Continuous Service 1 and Long Run It Economy <et Us Give You Full Details^ be Over-lan J Harrisburg Co r 12-211 North Second Streets YOMEN EVERYWHERE raise Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound as the Greatest Remedy for Woman's Ills. Cow ITaven, Conn.—"For two years suffered with a female weakness, j ns in my hack and painful periods, I 1 I was so weak and tired that T j s not ahle to do my work. A rienj d me to use Lydia E. Pin sham's J fetable Compound and it Ave me • at relief. My pains left me and m now to do my we and feel ?. You can publish, my testimonial i if your Vegetable Compound does ers as much good at, it hr s me I 1 he very much pleased. '—Mrs. abi.es E. Morgan, 37 S a Street w Haven, Conn. The reason Lydia ~. Pinkham's jetable Compound is so successful because it contains the curative, engthening properties of good old hioned roots and herbs, which act cctly on the female organism. j Hiere a,e -somen everywhere who g for hiidren in their homes yet i deni t this happiness on account some junctional disorder which in st- . uses would readily yield to di I r . Pinkham's Vegetable Com t.cli women should not give up ' ■ until they have given this won ul medicine a trial, and for cial advice write Lydia E. Pink n Medicine Co., Lvnii, Mass. The tilt of 40 years' experience is at ir service. —— \ lies and Rupture Treated By Philadelphia Specialist Hit. W. S. YOUKIt PILES. Every person so afflicted should I'estigate our painless, dissolv- S method of treating these trou isome affections. This dissolv t treatment is one of the groat . discoveries of the uge and no I rson has any excuse for suffer- I S with Piles while this treat- ' int is so easy to obtain. We absolutely guarantee to cure 1 ery case we undertake, and we •ther guarantee to do so with- ' t giving ether or chloroform I d without putting the patient to iep, and that the treatment must i painless. We do not see the tte, and no acid injections or ives. If you are suffering from ! es of any kind do not fail to fe advantage of this wonderful latment These treatments are I ' e P every other Wednesday by a ecialist from Philadelphia. RUPTURE, It is not necessary for you to ar a truss all your life and to in constant danger of having a angulated rupture, which is irly _lways fatal. Our method I treating rupture gives results in rht out of every ten cases, it •sea up the opening permanently ' d you can throw your truss 1 ay und again feel like a real 1 .n. Our fees for these treat- i ink. are very small and are thin the reach of every one. [IB. W. S. TODEH, PHILADEI,. . HA SPECIALIST AT HOTKI" LTOft, Wednesday, February lb from 2 to U p. m. 1 1 ■ MONDAY EVENING, NEWS OF ST WHITE PLAGUE DRIVE OPENS Miss Richardella Gibson to Direct Campaign in the Steelton Schools An educational campaign as part of the anti-tuberculosis crusade in this district, is being inaugurated in the Steelton public schools. Miss Richardella Gibson, who had been sent to this district to direct the fight against the white plague, will be in charge. This campaign, which is to be opened at once, will continue for a period of fifteen weeks. Each week meeting will be held as a part of the j drive. Preventive measures particularly I will be stressed in the campaign, j Short talks, illustrated when poss- | made to secure the close co-opcr- i atio n from Steelton parents. The Hon. C. T. Reno to Address Patriotic Sons The local camp of the P. O. S. of A., will hold a rally to-morrow even ing, at which the principal speaker will be Claude T. Reno, of Allcntown. The affair promises (o be a rare treat| to tlio members of the lodge, the speaker being an orator of rare ability. Reno is a prominent attor ney of Lehigh .county, served in tho State Senate some years ago, was a candidate for the United States Son ate, and was for some time treasur er of the Penn County Trust Com pany. He ranks high in lodge circles .and is an entertaining and interest ing speaker. PRESBYTERIAN'S TO MOM) EVERY MEMBER CANVASS The First Presbyterian church is to hold an every member canvass on Sunday, March 9, between the hours of 2 and 5 o'clock. The canvass is . held in (lie interests of the New Era movement of the Presbyterian church. BALDWIN FIREMEN WILL EAT SAUERKRAUT After the monthly business meet ing of the Baldwin Hose Company this evening, a saucikraut supper will be served to members of the j company. RED CROSS WANTS RAGS Mrs. Charles A. Alden of tho local chapter of Red Cross has issued a call for rags of all kinds. The rags are to be sent to hospitals where convalescent soldiers will braid and ufreave them into rugs. The local chapter has been asked, to supply sufficient rags to keep bijsy the sol j (liers of nine hospitals. Large quan tities of rags will be necessary. They I are to be brought to the chapter | headquarters or to the meetings of - the various auxiliaries. Mother Who Wandered Away From Her Home Dies From Exposure As the result of exposure when she wandered away from her home last Tuesday morning and was found near Newport twelve hours later, Mrs. George Doan died yester day afternoon at her home, 303 Crescent street. She is believed to have been temporarily deranged. Mrs. Doan was a mother two weeks ago. She was the daughter of Mr. and Itrs. Edward Grier. Be sides her parents, her husband, two children, and a brother survive. Funeral arrangements will be an nounced later. K. OF C. TAKES I'ART IN INITIATION WORK The second and third degrees of! the Knights of Columbus were ex emplified to a class of ninety mera i hers at the rooms of St. John's Coun cil, No. 1,338, of Lewistown, yester | day at the tenth anniversary cele | bration of that body. Fifteen mem bers of Harrisburg Council, No. Bf>9, I Knights of Columbus, attended the \ services, leaving here in a special car i yesterday morning. AMERICAN NAVAL STATIONS TO CLOSE [Continued from First Page.] I half way in the settlement of claims j and disposal of material. On the trip over Mr. Roosevelt i disclosed to the officers gnd men of} United States had spent more than I thirty million dollars laying the I mine barrage against submarines in I I the North Sea: that by the navy j offensive which the United States i brought into the war, the submarines ! I were driven away from the coasts; • and out to sea, where their work j would be more difficult: and that. I I that entry of the navy into the war j I initiated an effective campaign I against tho U-boats which thereto ' fore had been conducting the offen- I slve. "Few realize," said Mr. Roosevelt, "that the American navy had fifty four shore bases of various kinds In I European waters and the Azores, in eluding destroyer stations and mine laying bases although the majority were naval aviation bases from which more than two hundred j American seaplanes operated., Wei had more than seventy thousand men at these liases and on the ships ! operating from them. We leased I docks and buildings and in addi-1 tion constructed hundreds of hangars, , piers, hospitals, storehouses and oth er buildings. Almost fifty thousand officers and men now have been sent home and all the Hying stations and bases with a very few exceptions have been evacuated. All material of future value has been sent homo. Portable houses, provisions and mo tor trucks have been sold to the Red Cross and the army and what remained of lumber and other sal vage material has been sold to the British and French governments "The great Lafayette radio sta tion near Bordeaux was intended to insure communication between Washington and the army and navy in case the cable system were put out of commission or interfered with by German submarines. It has eight towers and could communicate with the United States day and night. It was built by the navy. I arrang ed with the French government that wo shall complete the station, which is two-thirds finished, and they will then take it over at what It cost us about twenty-two million francs." 250 AT BANQUET OF WEST SIDE HOSE Washington's Birthday Cele brated by Borough Firemen Two hundred and fifty guests were served at the Washington banquet I held Saturday evening by the West | Side Hose Company in its firehouso at Myers and Conestoga streets. The house was elaborately decorated for the occasion. James Hundley was toastmaster and the Itcv. J. li. Strine, pastor of the Church of God, was the principal speaker of the evening. Other speakers included Edward Lewis, John E. Shupp, Charles Kramer, Joseph Senior, Councilman lieisch, L. B. Schrauder and Councilman Keider. The Highspire Band, with fifty men, was on hand to furnish the music. The banquet was entirely prepared and served by a commit tee of women. Returnsd Yanks to Take Part in Minstrel Show A most pleasing spectacle in the show to be given by the Original Home Talent Minstrels, next Thursday evening, for the benllt of the Associated Aid Chari ties, will be the military skit entitled, "The Pathway of Glory," in which the people of Steelton will be given a chance to see local boys who have been must- ' ered out of service give a drill and im pression of the kind of life which ltwas necessary for our boys "Over There," to undergo. Several descriptive, popu lar song hits will bo introduced dur ing the skit and a scene showing "No Man's Band," soldiers going "over the top," the battlefield after the fight show ing the Bed Cross nurses succoring the wounded soldiers, etc. Special laborate scenery has been loaned by a popular Harrisburg theater for the representa tion of this skit and lighting effects which have been arranged will give a most realistic effect to the production. The sketch has been arranged and will he produced under the direction of Wat kins and Boudham, two local members of the minstrel caste. "More Workers" Is Urgent Appeal of Local Red Cross Mrs. W. E. Chick, head of the : knitting department of the local | Chapter of the Red Cross, has just j returned from Philadelphia and has | brought with her an order for a j large quantity of refugee garments. I The order includes 153 shauls, 100 I children's sweaters and 970 pairs of stockings for children. So great is jtlie need in northern Franc-h and i Belgium for such articles that the | order calls for shipment of these articles immediately upon comple tion. The chapter has issued an ap peal for workers, not only from Steelton, but from all the auxiliaries as well. Tho shauls can bo knitted or crocheted. "Woo! for these gar ments can be secured at the Red Cross headquarters on Wednesday. Auto Collides With Heavy Pole; Moves It From Base On Saturday evening shortly be fore midnight a heavy touring car running south in Front street at tempted to turn the corner at Pine street, and collided with a pole of the Harrisburg Electric Light Com pany. The collision moved the pole from its base lor a distance of three feet, only the wires attached to its top keeping it upright. The ma chine was stopped when it come in to contact with a telegraph pole in j good condition. The pole which was moved from its base was en tirely rotten at the base. The ma chine apparently was uninjured, for it resumed its journey immediately. The pole is about twelve inches in diameter. The Rev. J. K. Hoffman to Attend Church Conference The Rev. J. K. Hoffman, pastor of Grace United Evangelical church, will leave Wednesday morning for Allcntown, where he will attend the East Pennsylvania conference of the United Evangelical church. At this conference the pastorates for the coming year will be assigned. It is expected however, that Mr. Hoffman will he returned to Steelton, he hav ing served but two of the five yearh allowed him. The local Evangelical congregation made splendid progress under his leadership. ENTERTAINS l-'RIENns A Washington's Birthday party and dance was given Saturday even ing at tho home of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Alder., 401 Pine street, • for a number of the friends of their son, Charles Whiting Alden. The fol lowing were present: Dorothy Vick rey, Myra Vickrey, Elizabeth Van ier, Mary Catherine Shope, Alice Jcannetto Hart, Mary Wickersham, Marion Nell, Editli Blaker, Norman Hunter, Vance Detweiler, Austin Detwiler, George Groff, Sydney Mil liner, Thomas Wickersham and Gib bon McCall. CHILD STRUCK BY AUTO Anthony Kosir, 6 years old, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Kosir, of 110 Frederick street, was struck by an automobile yesterday shortly aft er noon \fhile he was playing in Front street near Angle avenue. The machine was driven by Peter Ma garo, who immediately took the boy to the Harrisburg Hospital. He was not seriously injured. E. SOCIETY HOLD SING NWrlie Senior Christian Endeavor Society of St. John's Lutheran Church will hold a "society sing" in the home ot Miss Minnie Dresu tills evening at 7.45 o'clock. A business meeting and social will be held at the homo of Mrs. William Ulrtch, Lincoln street, to morrow evening by the Sunday school class of N. A. Yeaney. Great Moneys Vlferttf Ma says - and she to know - POSTTOASTIES HARRISBURQ TELEGRAPH Plan to Give Farm to Each Soldier Who Asks It Details of the plan by which the gov ernment will provide farms for soldiers and sailors honorably discharged from the country's service are announced in a booklet issued by the department of Interior. One of the objects of the booklet is to ascertain the attitude of the men toward Secretay Dane's plan for pro viding them with work and homes on reclaimed land. There is a bill now before Congress asking an appropriation of 1100,000,000. If this bill is passed it will enable the Interior department to begin work at once developing co-operative farm settle ments for soldiers in virtually every ' state in the country. While they are working the land provided the men will receive wages from the government. The rate of pay will he equal to that which they would receive from other employers for sim ilar work. In addition to furnishing tho land the government will supply necessary stock and farm implements. The men will be permitted to pay for the land and implements in small monthly install ments. It is proposed to build the commun ity settle-farm homes, near a town. By this means the government hopes to provide a market for the sale of pro duce within a short distance of each farm. For general farming, from forty to eighty acres will he provided and for livestock form eighty to 160 acres. Com petent Instructors will be assigned to each farm community. I Conversion Rates of War Insurance Washington, Feb. 24. —Conversion rates for Government war risk insurance have been announced and average thirty per cent, lower thnn rates for similar policies in private companies, it is announced. They are based upon the American experience table of mortal ity, with interest at three ar.d one half per cent., figured on a monthly basis, but because the government pays all expenses of an administration a net rate less than demanded by commercial policies is possible. Rates for converted policies are at age attained, and no credit can he made for premiums paid for war risk insur ance. Premiums paid annually are slightly less than when paid monthly. A few monthly rates for $l,OOO or govern ment insurance follow: Ordi 20-pay- 20-yren- 30-yr. en- Age nary life rnent life dowm't dowm't 20 $1.15 $f.76 $3.31 $2.06 25 1.29 1.91 3.33 2.09 30 1.47 2.10 3.36 2.15 35 1.70 2.33 3.41 2.24 40 2.01 2.62 3.51 2.41 45 2.43 2.99 3.68 2.68 50 3.01 3.50 3.98 3.14 MEMORIAE FOR soi.Dll'.h Marietta, Pa., Feb. .24. —A memor ial service was held yesterday "in the Terre Hill Evangelical Church in memory of Private Benjamin Dietrich, who died in the United States General Hospital at New Ha ven, Conn., from the effects of be ing gassed in France. —■ STRAND THEATER 1 "THE WHIP" "Wolves of Kulture" No. 11. Featuring Sheldon Lewis POMTICAI, ADVERTISING JPOMTICAL ADVERTISING POMTICAI, ADVERTISING POLITICAL ADVERTISING POLITICAL ADVERTISING " Frank A. Smith lyS State Senator VOTE TOMORROW TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 1919 Dauphin P. 0. S. of A. Celebrates Anniversary Dauphin, Pa„ Feb. 24. —Washing- ton Camp, No. 424, P. O. S. of. A., celebrated the eighteenth anniver sary of the lodge with an entertain ment in the SSion's Lutheran Church on Saturday evening. The well rendered program follows: Address of welcome, Isaac Bogner; piano duet, Mrs. Ruth Miller and Miss Elizabeth Poffenberger; address, Dr. I Joseph Kalbfus. of Harrisburg, on j "God, Our Country and Our Order;" vocal solo, Miss Olive Douden; pi- I ano duet. Misses Ruth Deibler and | Helen Feaser; piano duet, Mrs. Ruth Miller and Miss Elizabeth Poffen berger; address, George Garman, of Jersey Shore, on "Character Build ing;" piano duet, Mrs. Bonis Heck and Mrs. Bion C. Welker; vocal duet, Misses Olive Douden and Ethel Forney. After the entertainment those present adjourned to the P. o. S. of A. hall, where a banquet was served to 250 people. War Records of State's Soldiers Being Sought The War History Commission of the Pennsylvania Council or National De fense and Committee of Public Safety has started its task of assembling the service records of Pennsylvanians in the war. It is sending out blank war service records, to be filled in by persons having accurate knowledge regarding any per son Vn the military or naval service. A great amount of valuable data will be provided when these are completely fill ed out. Spaces are provided for name and address and relationship of next of kin : age at entrance into service and date of entrance ; branch of service and name and number of unit, whether of American or allied service; names of You Still Can Save Money Purchasing - your foot wear for the family during this great shoe sale. BAKER'S C, o o T dhop 41 N. Front St. STEELTON "The Store of Satisfaction" camps, forts, ships or stations to which assigned; rank and dates of promotion ; casualties, citations and date of dis charge. The committee lias divided its work into four phases to be handled as fol low: Committee on Military and Naval fmiinniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 'iiiumiiiiMimiiiiiilllliiiiiiNiiiiijUiiilllllllllJljiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiimiTinni^ 300 Per Cent 'M That's a record! 300 per cent, is significant in our retail business and we think you'll be interested in it. Overland-Harrisburg retail business in January, 1919, was three times as big as in any previous Janu ary since we've been in business. H And the Overland factory is running at only 50 per cent, capacity—which shows that the Demand for = matm m t= MB c=^t is six times as big as the supply. What does this all mean to YOU? . This is what it means: That you should order your Overland ee Car NOW. ' ' Automobile manufacturers all over the land are riot able to meet the demand. There is a scarcity of • cars now and there will be a greater scarcity as the warm weather approaches. Just think of the popularity of Overlands! The indi cations at the present writing point to this Febru ary out-doing January's record. Better think quickly—and act more quickly. The Overland-Harrisburg Co. 212-214 North Second Street H EE YORK BRANCH: OPEN EVENINGS NEWPORT BRANCH: = = 145-140 West Market St. Until 9 O'clock Opposite R. R. R. Station. = llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllilll . RUARY 24; 1919 Records, Major-General C. Bow Dough erty ; Colonel H. M - . M. Richards and Dr. John W. Jordan; Committee on Legal. Constitutional and Political Rec ords, Judge William H. Staake and for mer Attorney-General Hampton L. Car son ; Committee on Economic Industrial 5 and Financial Records, William H. Stevenson, Professor Herman V. Amos, Dr. John Bach McMaster and John E. Potter; Committee on Social, Education al and Religious Records, the Rev. George P. Donehoo, Christopher Wren and Thomas "Lynch Montgomery. ,