Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, February 24, 1919, Image 1

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    To-morrow, Special Election Bay For Senator From Dauphin County
Stye £tar-3nftcpcnftml.
XXXVIII— No. 46 14 PAGES Dan &? t e°r e St p^coSi™ "HSUSST?*" HARRISBURG, PA.MONDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 24, 1919. '"S&£SKKK} ?h°a c Ku™ m b cents B HOME EDITION
'housands Greet Wilson as
He Lands From the George
light Submarine Chasers Esv
eort Big Vessel Into
torm "Which Nearly Brought
on Wreck Passes Off to
Sea and Day Is Clear
Jiff Associated Press
Boston, Feb. 24.—President Wil
on landed at Commonwealth pier at
1.42 a. m.
The President's reception in Bos
on to-day was characterized by
hose who traveled with him through
lurope as being fully as demonstra
te as any h$ received in England,
'ranee or Italy.
Returning to American soil from
is history-making mission abroad,
he President, accompanied by Mrs.
Vilson, was transferred in the lower
arbor from the steamship George
Washington and escorted by aircraft,
übmarine chasers, torpedo boat de
troyers and a flotilla of committee
oats, reached the landing place on
oard the naval cutter Ossipee.
In Fine Trim
The President iooked as if the
ourney had agreed with him phy
ically. He appeared vigirous and
lert, his step was brisk and his
eatures showed rather more than a
race of sea tan.
Cheers from "the throng assembled
t Commonwealth pier greeted him
s he stepped ashore, n the great
bed of the pier built by the state and
aken over by the Navy Department
uring the war as a housing place for
eeruits, were assembled hundreds of
tate and city officials, legislators,
epresentatives of the federal gov
rnmcnt and a committee of women
ppointed to receive Mrs. Wilson.
Guard of Honor
Fifty senior oiliccts of the army,
lavy and state guaid under eom
nand of Colonel Thomas WV Griffith
ormed a guard of honor at t"he pier,
'hey stood in a double line on the
ower deck of the pier and President
Vilson and his party passed through
heir ranks as he stepped ashore,
il'ter saluting they proceeded with
lie party through a flag-decorated I
anvus passage, and then by eleva- j
ors to the street floor where thej
aain welcoming throng was waiting.
After leaving the pier, the parade;
lassed through the extension ofj
ummer street, a manufacturing and'
rholesale district where the etn-j
iloyes lining the windows and the
oofs gave the President a noisy |
welcome. Farther along at Dewey]
iquare the lirst big crowd was en- j
ountered and the noise was cor- ]
espondingly increased.
Crowds Art? Great
As the head of the parade passed
lie intersection of Washington Sum
ic-r and Winter streets the pressure
n the guards became so great that
be line threatened to break. The j
uards held firmL however, and the
ray was kept open for the prcsiden-j
ial cars.
At the head o£ Winter street, en
oring Tremont, llie President got his I
irst view of masses of humanity |
ianlted on the Common and in front ]
f the state house, where the review- j
ng stand was placed. Passing thej
amous ''brimstone corner" and up|
lie sttep incline of Park street, thej
'resident heard a roar of welcome!
roue thousands.
Informal Reception
The reception was of an informal;
haructer. Mayor Peters, at whose
uvitation the President chose Boston I
s liis homecoming port, making the
iresentations. Prominent among)
hose who came with the President i
roni France and disembarked with;
lint were David R. Francis, anibas- J
ador to Russia; Assistant Secretary I
• f the Navy Franklin D. Roosevelt,
nd Mrs. Roosevelt, and Rear Ail- ,
uirnl Oary T. Grayson, the Presi
lent's physician.
than half an hour was con
umed by the greetings. As soon as
he presentations wete completed the
(residential party entered automo
liles and began a parade across the
ity through streets lined throughout
he two mile route with double ranks
if soldiers and sailors and banked
vitli cheering thousands.
Suffragists Nabbed
In the car with President and Mrs.
Vilson were Governor Oooltdge and
layor Peters. Secret service men
core in the next car.
At the State House, where#mem
ier.s of the National Women's party
lad planned a demonstration there
fas hardly a suffrage banner in
ight. Several hours before the Presl
lent arrived the police had arrested
wenty-two members of the party
ifter they had failed to obey an or
ler to move on.
Greeted By Wounded Men
As he passed the State House, the
'resident was greeted by 400 wound
id veterans of the war brought here
or the occasion from nearby hos
[ Continued on Page iff.]
For Harrlsburg and vicinity i Fnlr
to-night, with lowest tempera
ture about f reexlnm Tuesday
fair gnd slightly warmer,
'or Kaatrrn Pennsylvaniai Fnlr to
night | Tuesday fnlr tind slight
ly wuriurrt gentle to moderate
shifting winds.
The ftiisqueliuniin river and nil Its
lirnnehes will fall slowly or re
main nearly stntlonnry. A stage
of about 4.4 feet Is Indlented for
Uarrlshurg Tuesday morning.
One Member of the Family Who Seemed to Be Entirely
Out of Danger
f OH DOCTOR. ? ARE ). . r
Measure "Will Go before Leg
islature at Opening
Session Tonight
j City Solicitor John E. Fox and
County Solicitor Philip S. Moyer at
! a conference this afternoon com
j pleted the bill which is to be present-
I ed in the Legislature to-night, and
| when passed will permit the city and
) county to act together in providing
j for the erection of a new Court-
I house.
lit addition to giving either the
| city or the County Commissioners
| necessary authority to proceed, the
j bill gives permission for the pur
| cliuso of any ground- that *nay be
, needed, transfer of property held by
the county to the city, apportion
! nient of maintenance expenses and
I other important details.
< ity and County Commissioners
lat a recent conference authorized
the solicitors to frame a bill which
would overcome legal difficulties
•now existing, as it was the opinion
of all the officials that the two
should join In erecting a Courthouse
land municipal building. As soon as
the bill is passed, action will be
taken to assure the early construc
tion of a building, officials have de
The measure ,will have the back
ing of Governor Sproul and Lieu
tenant-Governor Beidleman.
"Drys" to Parade When
Senate Votes Favorably
Mrs. John 'DeGray sounded a call
to-Uav to all tomporance people o&
Harrisburg, asking them to meet in
Market Square to-morrow night at 7
o'clock for a big parade, in case the
Senate ratifies the Prohibition amend
ment, it. will move at 7.30. The pa
rade will form In Market. Square
marching up .Second street to State'
to the Capithl and down to Market
Square where it will demobilize
It is expected that the amendment
w" 1 K" through by noon to-morrow
The Market Square Presbyterian
Church bell will signal the news to
tlie temperance forces of the city
and all other bells are expected to
peal out the tidings. Mrs. DeGray
To Photograph Graves
of American Soldiers
Washington, Feb. ,24. —. Every I
identified grave of an American '
soldier in France will be photo- :
graphed by the American Red Cross
and the picture sent to the soldier's
next of kin. Several hundred photo
graphs have been taken and for
warded to relatives and it is an
nounced that at the request of the
War Department the Red Cross has
taken over the task. ,
Dauphin to Elect
Senator Tomorrow
Polling places In the city and
county will be open from 7
o'clock to-morrow morning until
7 o'clock in the evening for a
special election for a State Sen
" ator from Dauphin county.
All voters who were qualified
to ballot at the general election
last November and reside now in
the same district, or who were
registered at the recent special
registration, can vote.
Took Active Part in Many
Ventures During Busi-
ness Life
Huntingdon. Pa., Feb. 24. Elmer
M. C. Africa, Huntingdon's leading
citizen and one of the foremost resi
dents of the Juniata Valley, died
last night following a long illness of
kidney trouble, aged 57 years.
Mr. Africa was president of the
J. C. Blair Manufacturing Com
pany, printers and blank book manu
facturers. In addition, ho was
president of the large J. C. Blair Me
morial Hospital, in Huntingdon, and
was a leader in all of the community
ITe was a vice-president of the
William Penn Highway Association,
a member of the Pennsylvania Pub
lic Safety Committee for Hunting
don county, a director of the Hunt
ingdon First National Bank, a di-j
rector of the Keystone Mutual Fire
Insurance Company, of Philadelphia;
of the American Re-Insurance Com
pany and the Atlantic Radiator Com
Always active in the promotion of
plans for road betterment, Mr. Af
rica was one of the leaders in the
formation of the William Penn High
way Association. He aided mate
rially in giving to Huntingdon county
the good roads she now has.
Three sisters and two brothers
survive. Funeral services will be
held on Thursday afternoon at 2.30
Deaths During .War in
Nation and on Fields
of Battle Are 107,444
Washington, Feb. 4. Deaths dur
ing the war in the American expedi
tionary forces nnd among troops in
the I'nited States from all causes, the '
War Department unnounced to-dav, |
numbered 107.4 It.
In the expeditionary forces the to- !
tat was 72,951. Uf these 20.529 re
sulted from disease, 48,768 from In
juries received in battle, and 3,354
from all other causes #
$2,000 HILL FIRE
| Stable and Garage of Acnie
Bakery Damaged by Flames
at 11.30 This Forenoon
Approximately $2,000 damage to
j the stable and garage the
; alley from Bernard Schmidt's Acme
i Bakery, Bin den and Shrub streets,
was caused by a fire which started
[ in a load of straw about 11.30 o'clock
j this morning.
The buildings which burned are
I two-story bricks at the northwest
i corner of Binden and Shrub streets,
| used as a garage and a stable for
| the bakery across the Way. Several
1 horses in the stable when the flames
| were discovered, were rescued in
j time to save them from perishing.
Slight Damage to Garage
: The garage, the larger building of
the two, escaped with but slight dam
age, which was caused by the
i In a small corner on the second floor.
The stable, a smaller building, was
1 almost burned out, considerable hay,
( straw and grain also being destroy
[Continncd on Page 13.]
j Stalk Through Churches With
Hals on to Show
Authority <
Following several flagrant insults
to the colored people of the city, a
protest was made today of the
actions of a number of military prf
lice sent here from near-by military
camps ostensibly to pres?rve order.
The most serious charge brought
against these military police is that
several times they have entered
churches of colored congregations.
At these times the men complained
against have stalked down the isle
i of the church with their hats on. .It
is charged that one of the men used
According to representative color
ed men of the city, a number of the"
military police gave arrognant and
insulting replies to remonstrances of
the ministers and officials of the
church. Trouble of the same nature !
also developed at entertainment halls :
which have the sanction of the best j
colored residents. One hall in par
ticular it was said whs endorsed be
cause it helped in keeping visiting |
colored soldiers off the streets.
I The commanders of the nttlltary i
I police used bad judgment, in select
-1 ing their men. It is said.
Two Highwaymen Get $7.75
After Attack on J. 11.
Thought Men in Street Might
Be Fares Who Would
Hire Auto
Police Get Description of the
Highwaymen From
J. IL Middleton, taxicab driver of
620 Hamilton street, was the victim
of two hold-up men at the Reservoir
Park entrance in State street this
morning at 4 o'clock. His pockets
were rifled of $7.75.
Mlddleon was driving along State
street on his way to Penlirook to
bring a,small party of persons to the
Pennsylvania railroad station to
board a Pittsburgh express. Just as
he approached the entrance to the
park, two young men emerged from
the shadow and stood in the middle
of the road.
Thinking the men to be probable
passengers, since he carried his "For
Hire" sign hanging over the front
of the radiator, he brought his
machine to a halt, and was opening
the door of the car when struck two
blows over the head.
Knocked unconscious, he was re
gaining liis senses while the men
were rifling his pockets, but was
too dazed to put up any resistance, j
After taking all the money that he
had, the .men ran into Reservoir j
Park. When Middleton fully re
covered his senses, he proceeded to 1
Penbrook and brought his passen
gers to the station.
He at once notified the police. ,
Both meij, he says were rather short, I
young and somewhat dirty. One j
wore a gray sweater and the other
an overcoat and a slouch hat.
Effort to End Control
of Wire Systems by U. S.
Is to Start This Week
By Associated Press.
Washington, 24.—Right of
way for action on the resolution to
end government control of telephone
and telegraph systems on December
31, next, will be proposed this week
by the House Rules Committee.
Chairman Pou announced this deci
sion to-day after a meeting of the
Special rules also were approved
to permit consideration of two other
measures. Secretary Lane's bill for
reclaiming land for settlement by
discharged soldiers and sailors and
the bill creating a civil service re
tirement fund.
England Faces Civil
War, Says Lloyd George
London, Feb. 2 4.—The United
Kingdom is faced with the prospects
of civil strife and the House ol' Com
mons should do everything in its
power to avert it. Premier Lloyd
George declared today in introducing
a bill to constitute a committee to
inquire into the conditions prevailing
in the coal industry.
liOniioii. Feb. 24. —Spartican riots
i have taken place in . Nuremberg,
•Bavaria, where the prisons have
been opened and street lighting is
in progress, according to an ex
change Telegraph dispatch from
Copenhagen today.
liondon, Feb. 24. —Ilabibullah
Khan, the amir of Afghanistan, was
murdered on February 20, according"
1o an ofllcial announcement made
here today.
Groat Lafayette Wireless Es
tablishment at Bordeaux
Goes to French Nation
liy Associated Press
Boston, Feb. 2 4.—Practical de
mobilization of all the United States
naval establishment in European wa
ters; the sale of the great
wireless station at Bordeaux to the
French government at a price of
approximately $4,000,000, and many
hitherto unpublished facts of Amer
ican naval activities in the war were
announced here to-day by Assistant
Secretary Koosevelt, who arrived
with President Wilson on the George
For the last month Mr. Roosevelt
has been in Biurope demobilizing the
naval forces, liquidating contracts
and settling claims. Good progress
was made in all the work, he said,
and the British and French govern
ments have met the United States
[Continued on Page 5.]
l*rl, Feb. St.—Premier f'lomen
ccau's condition continues to be sat
isfactory, the Associated Press was
informed this morning. The premier
spent a good night, it was said. j
State Senate Sure to Vote For
Ratification. of "Dry"
New Point on Constitution Is
Brought For
Great Mass of Workers Not
Interested in
By Associated Press.
Washington, Feb. 24. Any
beverage containing more than
one-half of one per cent, alcohol
will he banned by the war-time
prohibition act, effective next
July 1, after a measure approved
to-day by the House Judiciary
Committee to make the act effec
"I do solemnly swear (or affirm)
that I will support, obey and defend
the Constitution of the United States,
and the Constitution of his Common
wealth, and that I will discharge the
duties of my office with fidelity."
Section 1 of Article seven of the
Constitution of Pennsylvania opens
witli the. foregoing words and that
has called to the mind of many mem
bers and Senators that those who
have and may vote against ratifica
tion of the national prohibition
amendment in Pennsylvania may be
guilty of violation of thftir oath of
office in opposing the Vickerman
resolution which provides for rati
fication of the national amendment.
In the House, ninety-three members
voted against ratification and to
morrow morning the Senate will take
its stand on the question. The Na
tion has already passed Its opinion
on prohibition and has approved it
by an overwhelming majority of
states. It has been certified by the
Secretary of State's office and is a
part of the Constitution of the United
States effective January 16 next. Be
ing a part of the constitution the
question arises whether those in
Pennsylvania who oppose what the
constitution provided for are not
guilty, as stated above, of violation
of their oaths solemnly taken in the
House and Senate chambers when
the Pennsylvania General Assembly
The Senate will approve ratifica
tion to-morrow. Twenty-six votes
are necessary for ratification and the
predictions are that the Vickerman
resolution will receive from 29 to 32
votes. In Allegheny county. Senator
C. M. Barr is listed among those who
will support the resolution. The
other five are listed as wet. Phila
delphia inoy show a majority of Its
Senators for the amendment, as that
delegation is upholding the Gover
nor's program and inaugural utter
ances) i
The members and Senators here
wlfo favor ratification have risen to
the support of organized labor and
the manner in which they claim that
labor is being misrepresented. The
"-No Beer, No Work" propaganda
which is being aired they claim to
influence 'he President to call off
the war-time prohibition which be
comes effective July 1, is not the
voice of labor and they claim that
many men prominent in the world of
manual activity have denied that in
telligent thought in labor circles ap
proves the "No Beer, No Work" Idea.
They declare that the cheap camou
flage to influence the President will
be unsuccessful.
New Assessments of $115,000,-
000 Will Be Fixed
After conferences with mining ex
perts secured to determine the valu
ation of coal fields in Dauphin coun
ty, the commissioners have been
given information that the approxi
mate valuations which will be sub
mitted for townships in which there
is coal will be: Williamss, $42,000,-
000: Wiconisco, $41,000,000; Lykens
$2,000,000; Rush, $8,000,000; East
Hanover, $13,000,000 Middle Paxton,
$0.000,00, a total of $115,000,000.
The Hanna Coal Company owns
the lands in Williams, Wiconisco and
Lykenp townships; the Philadelphia
and Reading Coal and Iron Company,
those in Rush, East Hanover and
Middle Poxton.
T. Ellsworth Davies, of Scranton,
will submit Ilia repoit lo the county
commissioners to-morrow at which
time it is likely the assessments
against the eoul companies will ba
The romnNssionei*) to-day us a
board of revision received appeals
from eight property owners in the
Third ward and two in the !4ecoitd
ward. Appeals from the fourth
and Fifth wards, Kwutaru township
and Paxtang will be heard on Wed
This Is the Only Instruction Going Out
to Hundreds of Party Workers
Now Assured of Victory
"Got out the vote to-morrow 1"
That was the slogan of the Re
publican county committee to-day in
preparation for to-morrow's special
Frank A. Smith, the Republican
nominee for the Senatorial seat va
cated by Edward E. Beidleman when
he became Lieutenant-Governor, is
certain of election. There is no doubt
about that.
But what the Republican leaders
desire is a big- majority, both for the
reason that they feel Mr. Smith is
entitled to a poll of the full party
strength and for the reason that
every Republican vote cast now will
be so much discouragement to the
Democratic machine in the coming
elections and in the Presidential con
test next year.
"Get Out the Vote"'
"Get out the vote," was the only
instruction which County Chairman
William H. Horner issued to the
county committeeman to-day.
"Everything looks good," Mr.
Smith toid u Telegraph reporter. "I
have been getting about the county
quietly and have received hundreds
of promises of suppoit. Indeed there
appears to be very little opposition."
"Take no chances though," said
County Chairman tlorner. "Just be
cause the Republican candidate is
certain to be elected, should be no
excuse for any Republican remaining
at home. We have a good candidate
and we owe him our support."
I -ong in Business Here
Mr. Smith has been in business in
Harrisburg since 3 835 and has been
prominent in Dauphin county Repub
lican circles for almost that long. Ho
is equally well known throughout
Pennsylvania in wholesale grocery
circles. For years he has made a
study of state legislation. He is a
Paris.—Former Crown Prince Rupprccht of Bavaria, 'ife
who was commander of the northern sector of the west- iT
em front in the final stages of the war, is reported to have
been at the head cf a monarchical plot that resulted in S*
the assassination of Premier Eisner. The ex-crown prince
is bcir.g sought by the police.
London.—The United Kingdom is faced with the
of civil strife and the House of Commons should
do everything in its power to avert it, Premier Lloyd y
George* declare dto-day in introducing a bill to [y
tute a committee to inquire into the conditions prevail 2*
ing in the coal industry. fT M
Boston —Secretary Tumulty spent the night aboard
the George Washington with President Wilson and came 'y j
to da *v th the Presidential party. yl
Washin;. t Senator James Hamilton Lewis, |4.
Democratic whip, tc-day upheld the League of Nations jy, !j
covenant, saying it would not contravene the advise of hi •
George Washington or the Monroe Doc.trine. He broadly CT • 1
intimated personal are! political antagonism to President jy
Wilson lay behind the opposition in Congress. *
Paris. Milce O'Ddwd. the world's middleweight y
champion, issued a formal challenge to Georges Carpen- 2,
tier, European heavyweight champion, from the ring of Jr
the Cirque Paris last night, saying he was willing to fight £i
the Frenchman at any time, anywhere, for any purse and £ 5 ■
for any number of rounds. ' la i
W-*hing f o —By a strict partisan vote of 9to 4, the L5l
' ided t -day to recommend Jfl *
1 o Williams k 2
. 71
ILi 1 the iu. rency. , ' 1
i _* M
An(kn> l'. Wcln and J. Mpahl. Sterlton.
close friend and stronK supporter of
Governor Sproul.
Mr. Smith is president, of the Har
risburg Brokerage Company, Manu
facturers' Agents; vice-president and
general manager of the Frank A.
Smith Company, Philadelphia; presi
dent of the W. Burt Barnes Com
pany, Wilkes-Barre, and director of
[Continued on Page 4.J