IRITISK MINERS VAVOR STRIKE, FALLOT RUMOR >ffit'ial Result of Ballot Will Not Be Known Until Next Week Loudon. Feb. 21.—The result of lie ballot of the miners will not be now n unfil next week, but the bnl iting appears to be going strongly 1 favor of a strike. According to a brief official s'.a'.e tent; Premier Lloyd George at a onference with the miners yester ay offered a royal commission to tquiro into the question of wages nd hours, and understook that the onimission should report by the nd of March. The present disposi lon of the miners' delegates is not a wait hevond March 15. which date as been fixed upon for a national trike, b/: they have agreed mejn •hile to call a conference to dis uss the premier's proposal. ippropriation Bill Passed by Senate, Goes to Conference By Associated Press. Washington. Feb. 21.—Holding its rst long night session since leaders •anted their program to expedite ongested money bills, the Senate ite last night passed the legislative secntjve and judicial appropriation ■ ensure, carrying $'.17,700,000. The! ill now goes to conference. The House provision for a pay in-, ■ease <>f $240 for federal employes, esigned to meet the increased cost; f living, was retained by the Scu te, which also reinserted a pro-, ision for continuance of sub-treas-j ries in nine cities. estrictions on Use of Grain in "Near Beer" Are Removed Washington, Feb. 21.—Bestrlc-j lons on the use of grain In the nn nil fact ure of "near beer" and J tlicr non-intoxicating beverages i •ere removed yesterday • after re- I eipt of the proclamation signed at j aris by President Wilson add Sec eta ry Lansing several weeks ago. 'his announcement was made by he food administration. lovernor Listens to Miners Leaders Members of the boards in charge ] f the five districts into which the I nitrd Mine Workers of the State, re divided and other representa- , ves of labor wore assured by Gov- j rnor Sproul that he would | itch changes in the compensation , tws as would be agreed upon by : tibials of the Compensation Bu- ; ran and the Miners' leaders. The overnor received the delegation i rhich included James H. Maurcr, resident of the State Federation of ahor and Representative David owlor, of Soranton. who will be In barge of the legislation for the liners, and listened to an outline of I iianges advocated by the members [ f the boards. Attorney General chaffer sat with him during thi en ring. The main changes desired were resented by Roger Dover, of nikcs-Barre, counsel for the min r, and were seventy per cent, ompensation. payments for disfig- ] renicnts, compensation on a defi- | ite basis for mutilation, allowance ] >r life Tensions in certain cases and i ompensation for parents as is al iwed in New York and other tates. Mr. Dever and other speak rs commended the attitude of the ompensation officials and referees, aving they were sympathetic. Rome f the governor's callers urged re ention of present officials of the lureau. During the hearing Thomas Ken- | icdy. one of the presidents. ob ectod to statements made by Chief f Mines Button last spring to ef- 1 ect that production was hindered | v intoxication and the governor j aid that if charges were made in ; ■ riting there would be an lnvesti aUon. of Germany Open to U. S. Trade By Associated Press. Washington, Feb, 21. Immediate) esumption of trade between the 'nited States and the colonial pos essions held bv Germany on August , 10 11, is permitted under an order ust issued by the War Trade Board. "This authorization," said the oard's announcement, "permits all! irrsons in the United States, subject] o the rules and regulations of the \'ar Trade Board, to trade and com-1 tunicate wiih persons residing in: olonies which wepe owned or con- ] rolled by Germany on August 1, 914." Although no formal annpunce-' nent to that effect \yas made, it] rns understood that the decision to] per. trade with the former German! olonies reached in accord with thc| llicd governments. It was report-1 <1 that the mater of resuming trade! Rh tlie occupied portions of the; Serinan Rhineland also lias been! inder consideration, but so far as las been made known, no- decision j las been reached. Banish Nervousness ■>ut Vigor and Ambition into Run-Down, Tired Out People af'yo'J feel tired out, out of sorts, •rspondent, mentally or physically 'X-pressed, and lack the desire to ac lompliah tilings, get a. 60-cent box If Wendell's Ambition Pills at H. C. Kennedy's today and take the first >ig step toward feeling better right tway. if you drink too much, smoke too nuch. or are nervous because of iverwork of any kind, Wendell's \mbition Pills will make you feel letter in three days or money back Irotn H. C. Kennedy on the first box >urchased. i For all affections of the nervous iysiom constipation, loss of appe lte, lack of confidence, trembling, tldney or liver complaints, slccp cssncss, exhausted vitality or weak less of any kind get a box of Wen* Ifall's Ambition Pills today cn the uoncy-buck plan. FRIDAY EVENING, Jtarrisburg telegraph FEBRUARY 21, 1919. BERGER IS GIVEN 20 YEARS IN PEN iHo and Four Other Socialists Will Carry Fight to Supreme Court Chicago, Feb. 21. A maximum: I sentence of twenty years in Leaven- ] | woVth prison was imposed by Fed- j j oral Judge Landis yesterday on' 1 Oonßressman-eleet Victor L. Berger,: jof Milwaukee, and four other So-' i einlist leaders, who in final pleas ; likened themselves to history's great- j jest martyrs. The five men, convict-| I ed of conspiracy to obstruct the draft j •in violation of the espionage act.: j succeeded in obtaining release on j | $25,000 hail from Judge Alschulerl and declared they would carry their j i legal fight to the United States Su- j 1 preme Court. Besides Berger, publisher of the i : Milwaukee Leader, the other convict- j j ed men are: The Rev. Irwin St. John ! ! Tucker, lecturer and writer; • Adolph j j Germer, national secretary of the! | Socialist party; J. Louis Engdahl, | editor of the American Socialist, and; : William l 7". Kruse, head of the] : Young People's Socialist League. Judge Landia overruled motions I for a new trial, .for a stajf .of execu-; tion and for bail, but granted the fll-; ! 'ng of a petition for a writ of error, j Judge Samuel P. Alschuler, of the United States Circuit Court of Ap-> peals, granted them bail increased) from $lO,OOO to $25,000, with the, understanding that they refrain from resuming their former acts' an t f utterances during pendency of! their case. Rerger and his four associates, took full advantage of the customary , inquiry of the judge whether they had anything to say before sentence j were passed. The Milwaukee con- ! gressman-elect finished reading his i 2,000 word typewritten statement, j with tears streaming down his face.' Irwin St. John Tucker in his plea! compared himself and the other de-; fendants to Jesus Christ before Pon-; tius Pilate. The wives of the con-j victed men were in court, but ex-' hibited no visible signs of emotion; when sentence was passed. Hog Island Foremen Return to Work to Await Piez Decision Philadelphia, Feb. 21.—The four hundred foremen at the Hop Island i shipyard, who struck yesterday for' hipher pay, resultinp in the closing I down of the big- van], decided to re turn to work to-day and await a j final decision on their demands a j week from yesterday by Charles 1 Pie*, director general of the Emer- j' pency Fleet Corporation. Ion M URDAI 3SFEXAAL.V FEttRIIARY 22nd "|||f' GLOVES 6 2 Cakes, 10c i 19c Per Pair Coueh SVTUD Hair Preparations Patent Medicines K Ointments C Pills and Tablets ■ 60c Pinex 36c sl '°° Herpicide 73c Y S l - 00 Swamp-Root 73c E nn nintmpnf I $lOO Nuxated Iron Tablets 69c I I 90c Mentho Laxene fi-v F* $ l,lO Wildroot Hair Tonic 79c 60c Cal. Syrup of Figs 39c ]\l ?1 , ° mtment 75c 0Q Nature Remedy Tablets..:. .73c H I 60c Syrup ofTar and Menthol" ' tic tl $l-00 Hay's Hair Health 69c G $l.OO Glyco Thymoline 78c £ 50c Mentho latum 33c O 75c Be llans 45c ■ I 60c Foley's Honey and Tar Svruo 39c 50c Parker's Hair Balsam 39c E $1.20 Sal Hepatica 75c N Musterole 39c \ 50c Williams' Pink Pills ...37c I I 30c Piso^sCough ßemedy "' P ''?£ E 75c Q-Ban Hair Restorer 55c R 85c Jads Salt 53c £ J C \t R 50c Stuart's Calcium Wafers... ,34c I I $1.20 Jaynes' Expectorant 7Qc D 1,2S Goldman ' s Hair Restorer.. .98c $1.20 Bromo Seltzer .• 75c rv 2Sc Sassafola 18c 50c Cascarets 39c I I 30c Bochee's Coucrh sn,n io 50c Emulsified Cocoanut 0i1....39c $1.50 Scott's Emulsion 96c ac * or kola l' c 3 25c Edwards' Olive Tablets ..... 17c I I 50c Drake s Croun Remedy It Y S l - 00 Danderine 69c R 35c Feltcher's Castoria 25c Y Camphorole 43c 25c B eecham's Pills . : ..17c 1 M 30c Goff's COUPF " " IQ C 50c Lorimer's Hair Tonic.."... .34c $l.OO Wampole's C. L. Extract....6sc Musterine 3..C J[ GQ C D oan ' s Kidney Pills 43c 2 I 60c Kemp's Balsam A-t $l.OO Wyeth Sage and Sulphur .. 67c J* $1.20 Sloan's Liniment 73c- F m "' ': 29c O $l-00 Bliss Native Herbs. .......,69c I I 60c Acker's Enl lt D 60c Parian Sage 39c O 50c Usoline Oil 38c San Cura Ointment 43c 25c Miles> Pain piUs 21c W I 50c Dewitt's COUPVi Svm'n An~ A $l-25 Potter's Walnut Stain 89c R $l.OO Vinol 79c j 50c Armstrong s Croup Ointment, ,39c jqq s_G ra j n Cascara Tablets 40c I I 75c Bell's Svrnn of soc Palmolive Shampoo 39c $l.OO Father John's Medicine 79c F 2 *j c Dewitt s Carbolic-Salve 1/c 100 s_G ra i n Aspirin Tablets...Bsc H I 50c Delavan's Svrnn ®sc Barker's Hirsutus 75c I $l.lO Miles' Nervine 79c E Doan s Ointment 49c fj jqq s_G ra i n Blands' Iron Pi 115..... 19c I I $1.25 Pertussin na ° $1.25 Pinaud's Quinine 98c T $1.25 Pierce's Medicines 78c A ;j 9c 'L"I" ' k". ;? c R 100 Alophen Pills .63c H I 30c Tuniner Tar To 75c Damschinsky's Dye 65c $1.50 Fellows' Hypophosphites. .$1.05 2^ c Hucklen s Arnica Salve 17c $l.OO Dewitt's Kidney Pills. ..„ .67c ■§] I c Be ta-Quinol 39c 60c St. Jacob's Oil 39c Hobson s Eczema Ointment. .40c 141 2 q c Grove's Bromo Quinine •..•.■ 19c H I KENNEDY'S SET THE PRICE [ OTHERS FOLLOW FRESH STOCK "ALWAYS" 1 Face Powders Toilet Creams Talcums Toilet Waters Toilet Soap I Azurea Face Powder $1.19 £ lca £, a It I Jess Talcum 19c „ G 25c Packer Tar Soap ...19c I ■ Floramyme Face Powder $1.19 J? e Mendor Cream .34c 1 Riveris Talcum 10c Djer-Kiss Toilet Vegetale sl.<9 |J 3 —Jergen's Violet Glycerine ..., 25c I I Mary Garden Face Powder 79c „ £ £ Vanishing Cream 32c $ Colgate Talcums 18c I Azurea Toilet Vegetale $1.19 3—Buttermilk ;...25c I 1 ?r; iSB f ?f, c l 5° Wd " 55c H Ojtone Strength 6/c Gar | en of Allah ]. [ 23c I I Azurea Toilette $ .95 IW I 3—Colgate's Ail-Round Soap ....25c I I Ga Ed en All a h Face Powder.. 54c E Pnmr^inn^nav 0 Prelm '4V f 1 Violet Simplicity Talcum -...19 c Floramyme Vegetale $1.19 w 3—Germicidal Soap 55c I I Face Powdcr 43c owl iSS . Mavis Talcum 17c Mavis Toilet Water $1.35 / 2—Colgate's Elder Flower Soap, 25c I I x/i * u Ce ° wd ® r 39c F]rnr . r,, rurn her Cream 41c Boomerang Body Talcum ...48c V Boomerang Toilet Water 69c L 2—Harifina Soap 25c I ■ Mavis Face Powder 3 9c E Hind's Honev and Almond Cream 39c E Mary Garden Talcum .* 45c A Hudnut's Toilet Water 85c 2—Jersey Cream Soap 25c I ■ Mannello Face Powder 4 3 c Fmstilla ' 10c A Rigaud's Lilac Talcum 59c ¥ Garden of Allah Toilet Water... 59c 25c Lysol Soap 19c I I ./ r l , ? en r. FaPowder 39c f '^° s „' a : p'' A Rigaud's Kitty Gordon Talcum..., .58c L Violet Simplicity Toilet Water. . 59c |p 25c Palmer's Soap 19c I I W AU ? Powder 41c J, Oriental Cream Sil OO T Djer-Kiss Talcum 33c \j Jess Arbutus Toilet Water 59c £ 25c Resinol 19c S I Woodbury s Face Powder 18c S OrrWdWhfte F 1 Squibb's Talcum 17c pi Pinaud's Lilac Toilet Water.... 75c N 25c Woodbury's Soap 19c S ■ SSy r n , ace Powd er.... 39c fierma Viva • f.' Babcock's C*it Rose Talcum 14c Mary Garden Toilet Water $3.59 J 25c Cuticura Soap 19c I IT' T° ** aCC Fowdc l 21c D M er idor Liauid Powder 37c William's Talcum 18c Kitty Gordon Toilet Water $1.25 pk 25c Poslam Soap ..19c I I fj a f y , Fa Po wder '.. 39c Deordant 23c and 43c 4711 Violet Talcum ....19c R. &G. Violet Toilet Water .. $1.15 25c Johnson's Foot Soap 19c ■ | Valeska Suratt Face Powder... 43c Delatone Hair Remover 69c Hudnut's Talcum 18c Geraldine Farrar Toilet Water..s3.9B Y 25c Carbolic Soap 20c | I OUR PRICES | ARE THE | | FULL MEANING I|OF A CUT-RATE | | STORE I Baby Foods Dental Preparations < Home Needs p A T f ' SMOKE SALE s | $3.75 Horlick's Malted Milk..., $2.78 Pebeco Tooth Paste T 2 Packages Lux .....23c JL TI A , • M I I $3.75 Borden s Malted Milk $2.78 A pyrocide Powder 7'c 1" lb. Boric Acid 21c H r You 11 enjoy the smoking I Granum 89c R Lyon's Tooth Powder -■ 17c - Dutch Cleanser 2 for 15c A oonrUrl rhnrnlafptt E !~ M *r I $3.75 Eskays Food $2.79 Graves' Tooth Powder 17c A Sani-Flush 21c G Helm Assorted CnOCOlateS rp PJ Cfw K ■ $l.OO Eskay's Food 73c V Colgate's Tooth Powder 17c ]\ Liquid Veneer : 17c \ 1 lb., 49c u A # IUI AlUt |T ■ $3.00 Denno's Food $1.98 A Calox Tooth Powder 18c Chlorinated Lime 8c and 15c A/ , <1 n I 75c Mellin's Food 5 3c J Euthymol Tooth Paste 15c Witch Hazel, 1 Pint... 35c * Wallace Chocolate U $1.48 per Box 50's " I 75 ® Pe P t0 6f n^c Milk Powder ... 59c Colgate's Tooth Paste .... 10c and 2.5 c _ Black Flag Insect Powdier 21c I noinh'o IIK 4Q r H Y KT tj, t?„:„ S I Nesle's Food, Hospital $2.69 W Grave's Tooth Paste 16c O Olive Oil, 8 ounces 60c M Dainties, 1 lb., 4C K * New Bachelor Roig ■ 4 Cans Eagle Brand Condensed Gorhan's Tooth Paste .. 20c and 39c IT Borax, 1 lb 12c V, ——————— Rose- Absorbent Cotton, Ilb 49c AJ 1171 *■ ¥1 f* CC I 7 Hartranft Owl 7 ■ ■ 4 Cans Libby's Milk 60c T S. S. White Tooth Paste .16c Bay Rum. 1 Pint 75c W hit A HnilCP I 7)1100 I\l f. Even Stevens Cinco ( nr I 75c Mead's Dextri Maltrose, No. 1 63c A Senreco Tooth Paste 20c S C-N Disinfectant J9c 11 UllC lIUUoC vUIICv Mart , aon Counsellor!?! I I Johnson's Barley, 1-lb 25c Y Pyrodenta Tooth Paste 28c Kellog's Castor Oil . . 19c , „ G 35c Martag n . 35c ■ I Sugar of Milk, 1-lb 72c Arnica .Tooth Soap .18c $l.OO Listerine 73c 1 lb., 39c. 3 lbs., $1.15 SATURDAY SPECIALS I i Western Builders to Let Wages Stand to Stabilize Business By Associated Press. | Philadelphia, Feb. 21.—"1n order | to stabilize business conditions and ito encourage building," the advis ! ory board of the Master Builders' | Exchange yesterday unanimously 1 adopted resolutions, whereby the ; trade associations represented on j the board agreed that for the .pres i ent. at least, no advance in wages j will be made and no existing agree menls- changed as to wages. The ! resolutions were endorsed by dele .gates from other trade organizations ; not members of the advisory board, who attended the meeting. Abbut 3 4 trade organizations were repre j sented. Petrograd Workmen Strike to End Civil War; Want Free Trade Ijoihloii, Feb. 21.—Sixty thousand i workmen are on strike in Petro ; grad demanding the end of civil war | and the establishment of free trade, i according to a Russian wireless dis j patch receive here. If You Need a Medicine You Should Have the Best j Have you ever stopped ?o reason ■ why it is that so many products ! that are extensively advertised, all I at once drop out of sight and are j soon forgotten? The reason is plain < j—the article did not fulfil the prom-j i ises of the manufacturer. This i applies more particularly to a nted-; , icine. A medicinal preparation that ; has real curative value almost sells ! itself, as like an endless chain sys- ; ; tem the remedy is recommended by ! those who have been benefited, to ] those who are in need of it. A prominent druggist says. "Take for example Dr. Kilmer's Swamp- Root, a preparation 1 have sold fori many years and never hesitate to! recommend, for in almost every | case it shows excellent results, as j many of my customers testify. No; other kidney remedy has so large a i sale." According to sworn statements and verified testimony of thousands who j have used the preparation, the sue- : ceils of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root is; due to the tact, so many people I claim, that it fulfils almost every! wish in overcoming kidney, liver and bladder ailments, corrects uri- j nary troubles and neutralizes the; uric acid which causes rheumatism, i You may receive a sample bottle! of Swamp-Root by Parcels Post.! Address Dr. Kilmer & Co., Bingham- j ton. N. Y., and enclose ten cents: i also mention the Harrisburg Daily! Telegraph. I.arge and medium-! size bottles for sale at all drug stores. I onoEaocaoßOßOßOEao BOBOcaOßCocaoßOßiOEaoEioßoao 0 217—Market St.—2l7 Iroqkiqi 217 Market St. —217 1 1 ''D Opposite Court House, Harrisburg RfjAL SHOE MAKERS Opposite Court House, Harrisburg | %SHOE SALEs. jm .951 LAST DAY-SATURDAY -WW— S 1 MEN'S, WOMEN'S, BOYS' & GIRLS' SHOES AT )BB| 8 U —VALUES TO SS—QUITE A FEW WORTH $9 1 $9 a Pair iiiumu)l i|\ For the final clays of this sale hundreds more pdirs have been added. This, sale i*j[ \ again proves Books never disappoint their customers. Bigger, better, bargains than ever * i j j • jjf V 1 i^f s J ud this year the crowds were the greatest ever. ,-\lways look for Rook's annual 't..ut< m [J I Sti \\ INCLUDED IN -THIS SALE ARE— THIS SALE ALWAYS A SUCCESS great 5 A K">S \\ Ladies S4 to $9 Dress Shoes; Ladies $3 Kid —Careful preparation long in advance helps ®i qc M O CV Va \\ House Shoes; Ladies' $3 'to $6 Everyday . .. • , > < Plilia Jpl.yD H \K \\ Shoes; Men's $4 to $6 Shoes; Misses' and I,iake th,s Salc a SUCceSS ' (>Ur bujer alwa >' s VWX 'A \ \ Child's $2.50 to $3.50 Dress and School on the alert for real bargains keeps our $1.95 |pIPJM SHOF SAI F A P lMl\ \ shoes; Boys' up to $3.50 School, Dress and sale constantly in miiul and snaps up many " ' ' v [ f MEN'S DRESS SHOES s6' S* SMART NEW' BBwMhB M 0 O and $7 Values Sporty ami' coil- ?£ HWfl| UR g