20 Y®l® "Fill RENT AB WILL REACH TIE PEOPLE fBO APE BOUSE BUNTING Deaths lit WIN On Thursday evening, Feb ruary 20, 1919, Robert Holmes Irwin aged 32 years, died at his late real denee, 113 Capital street. Funeral services will be held at the above address Saturday morning, al lu o'clock. Remains will be taker to Milllinburg, l'a., at 11:00 A. M. Saturday, where interment will hi made on Monday. XL'DHKM, Mrs. Elizabeth Zudrel died on Thursday, February 20, 1910, at 0:10 A. M., ttt iter late residence 29 Forth Seventeenth street, aged 01 years. Funeral on Monday, at 9 A. M„ l'rom St. Francis' Catholic Church. In terment at Mt. Calvary Cemetery. The relatives and friends are In vited to attend without further no li ee. CARD OF THANKS M US. .1 AM ICS ANDERSON. 820 North Third street, thanks friends for kind ness shown during the death of her husband. LOST AND FOUND LOST —• A bag of beef scrap, be tween West Fail-view and Summer dale. Reward if returned to J, K. White, Marysville, l'a. THE person is known that took Ciqlio dog from 1339 North Sixtli street. Return to avoid trouble. HOST Elgin green gold Wriat v.'atch, witli the initials M. E. W. on baek. Suitable reward if returned to 2327 North Third street. FOUND A wrist watch. Owner can have same by calling for and identllying watch and paying for this ad., at 1321 Marion street. IN STIt U CTIONS INDIVIDUAL PROMOTION in Gregg Shorthand, Typewriting, English, Rookkeeping, Penmanship, Arithmetic, etc. DA Y AND NIGHT SCHOOL OPEN ALL YEAR. Enter any time. Bell 1 25, Dial IUIB. HECK LEY'S BUSINESS COLLEGE, 321 Market St. Chas. R. Beckiey. 11 HHP W ANTED—MAIJS FIVE MEN FOR SPECIAL SUBSCRIP TION CAMPAIGN. WILL PAY* SALARY* AND COMMISSION. APPLY TO' ■ v MR. YOUNG, 700 NORTII SIXTH STREET, BETWEEN 10 AND 11 A. M. OFFICE MEN AND EXECUTIVES | Men with oflice or executive experi ence and men returning from military *•1" vice will appreciate the opportu- j nil\ offered through an organization, ol ' Certified Public Accountants to gain quickly cost accounting, public! accounting, and executive accounting training, preparing for $2,000.00 to I $6 opo oo positions. This scientifically j simple and intensively Interesting lmme study training is available to accepted candidates who will be given | individual attention until qualified for acvancoment. Satisfaction guaranteed! those accepted. In replying, give in col.tidcnce experience and previous, training. Address C. P. A., care of 'Telegraph. — ■ WANTED | Ten or twelve hrst-elass automobile mechanics, by a good. old. reliable! autoinoLlle and truck concern of liar-| risburg. Good salary paid and guar anteed work for one year to reliable men. Only men who are willing to. take part interest in the firm by in-1 vi sling $5OO to $l,OOO at a guaranteed a per cent, dividend paid monthly, ! need apply. ! G.. 0982, CARE OF TELEGRAPH. i \\ ANTED A Superintendent of i Buildings and Grounds at tlio Mer-1 ccisburg Academy. To till this post-I tion he should bo a man of at least m< co-ate mechanical ability and un derstand boilers and electrical ma- I liinerv. He must be able to handle lr.en Should be a man of good char acter, who is at least thirty years of, age. The salary will depend upon the experience and ability of the success ful candidate. Please send all appli-. cations to J. SI. Drumm, Academy Treasurer, Mereersburg, Pa. I RULER WANTED A man able! to handle all kinds of Job and Blank. Book ruling. Permanent job for right man. State experience and sal ary expected. Kurtz Bros., Clearfield, Pa. __ TRUCKER WANTED A reliable man to work, or rent, on reasonable terms, a house, stable, greenhouses, j truck patch and about 25 acres good land. Address Box 452, Uummels tewn, Pa. WANTED 100 MEN. AT ONCE, TO CALL AT 404 NORTH SECOND AND HAVE THEIR CLOTHES PRESSED. IIELL 4838. DIAL 3114. WANTED Boy. Must be 16 years or over. Apply immediately at The Modern Textile, 1815 Pcnn street. WE have openings for two or three experienced salesmen. Permanent j positions to capable parties. Apply, at once to Wm. Strouse & Co., 310 Market street. WANTED Private instructor on fancy dancing lessons. Address Box B 7263. care of Telegraph. WANTED Collector and solicitor, permanent position for right man. Room No 4, No. 49 Nortli Front street. Steel ton. Pa. Call between 6 and 7 P. M. PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER AND SA DESMAN WANTED Permanent position and good salary to capable party Apply Jacob Tausig's Sons, 420 Market street. HHHP WANTED —FEMALE WANTED Experienced chocolate dipper piece or time work. Address A. 6983, care of Telegraph. >/ r Bargain at Highspire For Sale ■ n - -story brick house eight rooms liatli storage room— electricity and gas steam beat, l.ot 61x120 ft. on the corner chicken Itousc (may I>c used as garage) fruit trees. Posses sion in 30 days $l,OOO filler Brothers & Co. Heal Estate Insurance Surety Bonds Locust und Court Streets Members Hbg. Iteul Estate Hoard " ' . ' ■ .... _ , ■ . 'V '■ ■ '• --T , - , . ....... !,?>s• • ' FRIDAY EVENING, HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH FEBRUARY 21, 1919 t ifKHl' WANTED—FEMALE r.! i. | CORPORATION Requires services of two c young women, IS-25. Fair it | salary to -start with. Chance n for advancement. Hours, 9 to 5. .State age, education and e ' salary expected. Address ~! BOX A, 7216, II ! _ Care of Telegraph, n : ' - i WANTED MILLINERY APPRENTICES, - I Fay while learning. Apply ASTRICH'S, 308 Market Street. WANTED Capable girl for gon _ I oral housework. No washing. Small a I family. Wages, $7.00 per week. In - quire 1522 State. r I WANTED An experienced steno ~ grapher and typist. Permanent posi j lion. Address P. O. llox 193. _ j WANTED Reliable woman for ~ | general ho list 1 work, in New Cumber . j land. Light work. Good position for .right party. Call I'. Bryan, Flell . 1 11929, Dial 4531 or 5868. LADIES! Do you wish to earn big money in your spare time?. We man . ufacture tho best and most necessary .(household asticle on the market. Once ,|a utor, always a user. You can very } | easily drum up a steady business in your loculity. We want wide-awake . I ladies. For particulars address, AMERICAN RENOHKO CO., Inc.,] I ' York, Pa., or New Rochelle, N. Y*. U WANTED White girl for gen-1 , 1 eral housework. Small family. Satis-! factory wages. Apply 1011 North! ) l-'ront street. f] WANTED Middle-aged woman! .'for general housework. Small fatmiy.l • No washing. References. Inquire ■ 1 1005 Bridge street. New Cumberland, I ' Pa. ■ WANTED White woman, from ■ j 25 to 35 years, for general housework. ' | Good wages. No washing. Family of' | three. Call 1130 Market street. i WANTED CIGAR PACKERS AND | BANDERS. OUR MOTTO: "STEADY) WORK, GOOD PAY." APPLY AT ONCE. BORROW BROS., TENTH AND MULBERRY STREETS. j j WANTED Undertaker's head lady i ! assistant, with some experience, be tween 25 and 40 years. Must be neatl in appoaruncc and well acquainted in city. This is a Hrst-elass position to i j th<- one who can iiii the proper re-| quirements. The position is now open i land must be filled as soon as possible.j j Must call personally and come well* recommended. Apply C. H. Malik. WANTED Good COOK and) WAITRESS, Protestant, white, coun try home near llarrisburg. May to Oc tober. Family two adults. No chil | dren. No laundry. References re-1 I quired. Address "C. W.." care of Telegraph. I ' WANTED Millinery maker. In-' j quire Eienora GoVe, 226 North Third.! I WANTED Girt for general oflice! work, stenography, typewriting. I steady work with prominent tirm cen-! | D aily located. Address Box 11, 6452,1 care of Telegraph. ' WANTED Experienced house- I keeper in small family. Attractive I wages. Address, giving experience, name and address, I'. O. Box 44, llar- I risburg. Pa. | WANTED Girls to work on power I l machines and general underwear j work. Apply immediately. Tho Mod- I , em Textile Co., 1815 Penn street. [ I3TRA SALESLADIES WANTED I For Saturday only. Apply F. W.I j Woolworth, 44H Market street. i I WANTED Experienced book-i , keeper. Apply at once at 042 iietr streel. : —. — j j WANTED Middle-aged woman! I ro take care of elderly lady. A good home for right party. Good wages. | Address Box R, 22u. care of Tele-!, i graph. HUNDREDS U. S. Government Per-i ! manent Positions now open to men, | |l6 or over; women, 18 or over. $9O to j ! $125 month. Many in your home see- j j Hon. Short hours. Common educa- i i lion sufficient. List positions free. ' j Write immediately. Franklin lnsti- I lute. Dept. 413-H. Rochester, N. Y. | I WANTED Girl to work in ice | cream parlor and confectionery store. ■ {Apply 1741 North Sixth. Dial phone! i fo7 l. j lI \A.V WANTED—MaIe and Female i WANTED MAN and WIFE,!' Protestant, white, wife must be good! I cook and man good gardener, country' home near Banishing, April 1 to No-' I \ ember 1. References required. Ad- i | dress "M. W„" care of Telegraph. SALESMEN WANTED ' . STOCK SALESMAN | Place steel corporation 8 per cent.! Pr stock with bonus. Common! estimated earnings over Ot) per cent.;) similar steel company organized by same people earned 7 7 per gent, last Mar; common sold at 400 per cent.' premium; unusual opportunity for! ' |ive men. Investigate to-day. Pitts- j burgh Tin Plate & Steel Corporation,' i Pittsburgh, Pa. STOCK SALESMAN j experienced, with clean record, for a 10 per cent. Preferred Stock in Bank-: ing institution. Leads, co-operation i 1 and large commission for a man who measures up to our standard. State | qualifications und record in tirst let-1 ■ tor. at once, integrity Finance Co., I jH'Ol Finance Bldg., Philadelphia, Pa. j ! SALESMEN —if you are looking)! for a proposition where you can make i real money and have a good chance 1 I lor cuil.i promotion traveling in 10-|- cal territory, see our Sales Agent at 47 Fnion Trust Bldg., Saturday. —— i i SITUATIONS WANTED—MALE j WANTED Position by experiene- |, ed llremun. Can lire river coal. Can 1 also furnish reference. Address ' i M-7052, care Telegraph. WANTED Work at night of nrt kind 1 , clerical or labor. Will take ! BIB.nO per week. Address X, care ot i Hotel Curlton. i — ( W ANTED A young mun would - like to have work of most any kind. Address 147 Balm street. I WANTED A young, relined man t would like to have a position as but- ' ler in private family, or most any '• kind of work. Call Bell phone 4586. 1 WANTED —• Discharged soldier de sires position. Apply Bell 2448, or < 431 liiinimel street. City. I ; 1 WANTED A position by an er- - perlenced clothing man. Address IX care of Telegraph. ' | SITUATIONS WANTED—FemaIe > ( WANTED To do all kinds of * stenographic and typewriting work that can lie taken home. Ask for Mrs ' Hill at 559YV. ' j WANTED Colored woman de- i sires position as cook in boarding- - house or restaurant. Apply Rear 1119 Marion street. I WANTED Young girl wishes po- ] sition as dishwasher or light house- i work. Call 645 Calder street. ] SITUATIONS M ANTED—l'cmaic | I WANTED An experienced day) worker wants work for Tuesday, i Thursday und Friday. Apply 11301 i North Front. j WANTED Stenographic and! typewriting work. An experienced stenographer would like work at home. Can take dictation on tele- j phone. Call phone 1)896W. j ROOMS FOR RENT r , FOR RENT Two furnished rooms, for i light housekeeping; city j steam heat; electric light; pri vate bath. Apply . 816 NORTH SIXTH, Or call Bell 1445. 1 FOR RENT Two unfurnished I . rooms, suitable for light housekeep ing. Apply 90 Disbrow street. ! TWO OR THREE UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT All convent- i ernes; good location; suitable young, I . married couple; no children. Apply • 1810 Penn. TWO UNFURNISHED ROOMS—On I third lloor; use of phone; reference required. Call Dial 4546. FOR KENT Furnished room, I ! j suitab* lor light housekeeping; all . convenience*. Bell -218SW, or 1936! , Green street. J FOR RENT Two furnished! rooms, for light housekeeping; all I Improvements and use of phone. 2123 ' Moore street. Bell phone 3277 J. ! FOR RENT One large room, on | second floor, completely furnished for I light housekeeping; all conveniences. Apply 1609 Derry street, evenings I from 6 to 10. ) FOR RENT Two or three unfur- j (nished rooms for light housekeeping. All conveniences. No children. Iter- 1 erence required. Apply 1423 Market.) FOR RENT 819 Third street.! pleasant front room; heat, electric | light and use of bath. j FOR RENT Elegantly-furnished rooms, single or en-suite, both phones; electricity, steam heat and butli; no light housekeeping. Call Bell I phono 624 • j FOR RENT Comfortably furnish i ed room, city steain heat; use of Bell j phone. 719 North Sixth. I FOTt RENT Furnished rooms, I $2.50 per week and up; warm rooms. running hot and cold water; light i housekeeping and private bath. Wil i son Apartments, No. 143 South Third. FOR RENT One large bedroom, for gentlemen only. Rent reason , able. Apply 276 Briggs street. j FURNISHED ROOMS For getw j tlenien only. 113 Locust street. ROOMS WANTED ROOM, with or without board, until April 1, in the vicinity of Twenty-sixth and Derry. D. A. SANDERLIN, 1390 Bell Dial 3573. ! ROOM WANTED A furnished room, permanently, by a middle-aged man of good habits. Quiet locality! land private family preferred. State | 1 | price. No phone replies. Address Box : j M. 7267, care of Telegraph. ; TWO OR THREE FURNISHED j 1 ROOMS, for light housekeeping, j (wanted for family of three, centrally I , (located. Address Box 325-J, earn of i > (Telegraph. j, ROOMS—BOARD—WANTED I' ;( ! WANTED Room and board in | private family by a retined. young) I gentleman. Address Box M, 7260, care i 1 i of Telegraph. .ll APARTMENTS FOR RENT |j ) : | FOR RENT 100 South Thirteenth!) (street will be converted into three handsome, up-to-the-minute apart- ) ( incuts. Hardwood floors, electricity,! gas, hot water heat. Third floor, tj) [looms and bath, $l5. Second floor, 6. j rooms, reception hall and bath, $65.:) I First floor, 6 rooms and bath, $65.1 j For dentist or physician nothing liner, j ) I Ready for occupancy April 1. Reset'-J j ( \ ation immediately. Inspection upon j appointment. Call Bell phone 621. f APARTMENT FOR RENT Vive rooms and hath, electfic light, steam heat. 1120 Walnut street. FURNISHED APARTMENT Suit- 1 able for housekeeping, with every convenience and desirable location. - | Inquire 2010 North Third street. THREE-ROOM APARTMENT—Fur nished. for light housekeeping. Ap- J ply after 5:30 at 29 South Seven- i i teenth street. ! FURNISHED APARTMENT 719!? ( North Sixth. j j i I REAL ESTATE FOR SALE j. VERY ATTRACTIVE PRICE on No.' j ISOS North Sixth street und two small I houses on the rear—lot, 20x165. Rent, $32 per month. Price, only $3,009. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. JEFFERSON ST., 2123—1s for sale; brick construction, with all modern' ! improvements, having a garage on the I rear of lot; price reasonable. Belli Realty Co., Bergner Building. VERY DESIRABLE BRICK DWELL-' INC. at llunsinelstown for s.ilr: eight'" rooms, bath and attic, electric light, I hot water heat; lot, 75x199; price i, only $3,600. Bell Realty Co., Bergner ! Building. HARRIS ST., 433 Brick house * with nine rooms and bath, all other improvements; price, . $.'i,700. N e ll Realty Co.. Bergner Building. , TWO SMALL BRICK HOUSES on James street and a frame on Say ford ~ avenue offered for sale at a reason able price. Bell Realty Co.. Bergner x Building. * SEVERAL HOUSES FOR SALE ON " EASY* TERMS— Brick construction; ull modern improvements, including r Steam heat; price, $3,400. 801 l Realty 1 Co.. Bergner Building. - VACANT RESIDENCE FOR SALE v —Brick and stucco: nine rooms and , bath, gas, electric light, steam heat 1 three open tlrepluces, hardwood floors' '' lot, CCxlOO; garage on rear. Price' ~ $6,500. Bell Really Co., Bergner Building. i $3 300 WILL PURCHASE a frame " dwelling with eight rooms: lot 0x *■ 180, located at Heck. Bell Realty Co " Bergner Building. 1 HOLLY ST., 1900 Corner property \ for sale; brick construction: nine rooms, bath and storeroom; all most " modern improvements. Bell Realtv ~ Co., Bergner Building. FOR SALE—Single brick house on the Hill. 8 rooms, bath, porches r pantry, room for garage, Liberty £ Bonds accepted, on easy terms. Dial n 5081. f BUY Y'OUR HOME on our rental - payment plan. Small cash or Liberty Bond first payment required, balance c us rent. We have houses in every t part of the city and suburbs. Apply r A. P. Doranz, 1225 North Sixth elreet. 1 •f ' | ! | IN "LOOKING FOR EMPLOY MENT" engage the argus-eyed class ified ads to assist you in the quest. They take your message to the inner office. "The boss" reads it. If it ap peals to him he -gets in touch with you. You would not profit through seeking a personal interview with him, even if you kiiew who he was— and you don't know. For "the boss" seeks men and prefers that method to having them seek him. I === = :-= —^ 1 REAL INSTATE FOR SALE HOUSES FOll SALE | \ aoant 2-story brick, all lmprove | incuts, porch front, drive alley, easy .terms, on Hill; 10 minutes' walk to | station. ' . Vacant, 9 rooms, porch front, side jard, buy windows, room for garage, i steam heat, electricity and gas. i Vacant, 10 rooms, porches, steam I heat, electricity and gas, hardwood J floors, side and back yard, at New 1 C umber'land. j Possession April 1, 2-story brick, : cornel, room for garage, front porch, all improvements. ', Possession April 1, single 3-Story j frame, corner, steam heat, electricity .and gas, front porch, garage in rear. 3-story brick. Market St $1,500 I 3-story brick. Market St 5,500 I 3-story brick, Crescent 5t....... 3,800 2-story brick, Swatara St 3,400 3-story brick, Itegina St 3,500 3-story brick, Berryhill St 3,000 3-story brick, Walnut St 3,000 3-story brick. S. Eighteenth St.. 4,500 3-story brick, State St 4,400 3-story brick, Sixth St 4,600 3-story brick, Green St 5,000 3-story brick, Briggs St 4,500 2-story brick, S. Fifteenth St... 2.SUO 2-story brick, Kensington St... 2,500 2-story brick, Catherine St.'. ~. . 2.T00 2-story blick, Disbrow St 2,300 2-story brick. Crescent St 2,600 2Mi -story brick, Summit St 2,500 2'i-story brick, Koss St 2,500 214-story bungalow, Schuylkill St 2,500 i2?4-story frame. West Fairview 1,200 Several line suburban homes, in one car fare, steam heat, electric lights, lb to 1-acre land, all improvements, practically new homes. Several small Farms from 3 to 30 acres, near city. C. 11. COIUIKII, 1722 Green Street. Bell 560 J. Bents Collected. ; FOR SALE S3,GO0 —2106 Swatara St., S r., b.. steam I neat. $1,300 —2 Haehnlen Ave., 6 r.. elec tricity. front porch. $6,000—1407 No. Sixth St., store-! room, 11 r., b., furnace, & stable In, rear. $4,000 —45S Cumberland St.. corner Fulton, 8 r., b., furnace. $2,550 —1327 Liberty St., 8 r. & bath. $2,350—617 Herr St., 8 r. & bath. $2,700—914 South Twentieth street. In cluding 3 lots along side, size of plot, soxlls. $l,OOO each—l2lo & 1212 Cowden St., 6 r. & attic. $1,900 —339 Granite Ave., 6 r. & bath. $550 —1713 N. Twelfth St., 6 r., &. stable in rear. $4,500 —636 Maclay St., 8 r. all conveni ences, including steam heat. New property. $5,500 —1614 N. Third St., 9 r., b., steam heat. $1,600—1808 Wallace St.. 8 r. & bath. $1,700—2006 Wallace St.. 6 r. & bath. $2,900 each—l33l and 1333 N. Sixth St., 8 r. $5,500 —3 629 Green St., 10 r„ b.. fur nace. $4,200—411 S. Thirteenth St., 9 r„ b„ furnace. $3,400 each—49-51-53 S. Cameron St., 8 r., b., furnace. $2.600 —4 7 S. Cameron St., 7 r. & bath. $-',700—623 Boas St., 8 r. & bath. $1,400 —427 Clinton Ave., 5 r. & bath. $2,500 each—ls4l-1543 Vernon St., 8 r., b. & furnace. $2,650 —815 West Ave., near Capitol! Park, 7 r., b. & furnace. CHAS. ABLER, Real Estate and Insurance, i 1002 N. Third Street. Member llarrisburg Real Estate Board. V. l CANT, possession at once—North Sixth street, 3-story brick, all im provements, steam heat, electric and gas, front porches, bay windows, side vard, 8 rooms, room for garage. C. H. border, 1722 Green street. Bell 560 .1. Rents collected. FOR SALE • Attractive, modern residence. Large garden and garage in rear. Liberal terms. No 1800 State street. Apply S. FRIEDMAN. Real Estate Kunkel Bldg., or 217 Better Street — | TWO-STORY BRICK HOUSE All I improvements; in city; front porch; bav window; nice yard to drive alley; *lOO down, balance as rent. Liberty Bonds accepted. C. 11. CORDER 1722 Green Street. Bell 560J, j FOR SALE —On easy terms, 2010 ' to 2018 Susquehanna street. Posses sion on April 1. Apply A. P. Doranz. ; 1225 North Sixth. j FOR SALE Double house, 12! rooms, good condition. Inquire 291 j Herman avenue, i-cmuync, p a . | $4 000 WILL BUY a single house, with all improvements, on Bowman avenue. Camp Hill. $l,OOO in cash. Balance can remain In mortgage. ln imire K. Klpp. FOR SALE Immediate posses sion, line property, corner Derry and Kelso streets. Paxtang. Hardwood Honrs, steam heat, gas and electricity. Garage In rear, inquire J. K. Klpp. FOR SALE Three-story frame house, in good location, on South Fourteenth sti eet. I ossession soon. Applv A. w. Swengel, Real Estate. 2131 North Second street. FOR SALE City and suburban houses. Inquire 107 Chestnut street. FOR S-ALE Lemoyne. 470 Hum mel avenue, 244-story brick house, containing eight rooms, all conveni ences. gas and electric lights; front nnd rear porches. Possession April 1 c-all Ben phone 3047 R. or call at 282 nosier avenue. Lemoyne. FOR PALE Cheapest property in i city 412 Hummel street; three-story < brick, all improvements, running to i paved alley in rear Price $2,800 j. K. Kipp. 2203 North Fourth street. a REAL ESTATE FOR SALE IF IT'S REAL ESTATE. SEE SANDER LIN. POSSESSION CAN BE GIVEN TO ANY OF THE FOLLOWING PROPER TIES NOT LATER THAN APRIL 1 ,i CAMP ST., 648 and G5O 3-story 1 brick, eight rooms and bath, all mod . ern improvements, nice front porch; can be bought same as rent. ; WICONISCO ST., 623 to 631 Five houses, 3-story brick, eight rooms and . bath, heat, electric light, all improve . ments; front porches, driveway in . rear; right price; small amount down, I balance same as rent. * j MAHANTONGO ST., 616 Corner , property, 3-story brick, eight rooms j and bath, front porch, drive alley, , house in very good condition; can bo ) bought same as rent. J JEFFERSON ST.. 21.30 3-story ) brick, eight rooms and bath, all luod , ern improvements, newly papered all ) through; drive alley; a rare bargain. | J N. FOURTH ST., 2120 Nine rooms, i bath, all improvements, including , electric lights; 3-story brick, one side , of a double block; good-sized yard , running back to a 20-foot paved I , street. , SEVENTEENTH ST., S., 532 3- ( story briott, nine rooms and bath, front porch, pleasant yard, very good! neighborhood, home well built; a rare j ' bargain; ca.i be bought on easy pay ' ment plan. < 1 NEW CUMBERLAND, corner Fourth j and Cc.'iiy 3-story frame, eight l rooms and bath, all improvements ' newly painted, good-sized lot, drive-1 wiv in rear, small amount down, bal-| J anee as rent. I STEELTON. S. Second St., 320 —3- ; | story frame, seven rooms, water, gas, • electric lights, iot about 175 feet deep' back to a cemented 20-I'oot street I plentj room for garage; $l5O down! | and $25 per month. D. A SANDERLIN. Office. Security Trust Bldg., 1 36 NORTH THIRD ST. Bell 1390. , Dial 3573. FOR SALE No. ISIB Swatara St. t FOR COLOR-i ED PEOPLE) Fine 3-story frame! APARTMENT house (two apart- I ments); 8 rooms and bath; steam heat; all improvements; rear drive al ley; 4-foot sideway; fruit trees; paved street; extra vacant lot alongside 20x ICO. RENTAL INCOME, $30.00. Best investment on Hill at $3,000. No. 602 N. Seventeenth 3-storv blick and stucco, 9 rooms and bath: gas; electricity; sideway; front and rear porches. The Hill's exclusive I residential section. Price. $4,800. No. 227 So. Nineteenth 2-story! brick, 8 rooms and bath, gas and elec tricity, etc.: garage in rear; BAR GAIN at $3,000. No, 918 So. Twenty-first (a few steps from Derry St.)— Nice 2%-story frame. 8 rooms and bath, gas, elec tricity; lot, 20x115; garage and stor age in rear (holds 2 large cars); 4-ft sideway. Big BARGAIN at $2,80(1 Owner leaving city, i No. 1630 Green Will be vacated I shortly. REDUCED, j No. 630 Muench Will be vacated I shortly. Reduced to $3,200. This [ property is a tine 3-story brick with 8 rooms. ! No. 226 Woodbine The IDEAL home of the West End. $6,300. SIX SALES is our record so far for February. LIST your property with! us and "hurry the sale." Thirty other memlers of llarrisburg Real Estate Board help us to make sales. BACKENSTOSS BROS., Russ lildg Member llarrisburg Real Estate Board. • FOR SALE . A BARGAIN Fine home in open location on j North Second street. A very special price will be made if sold at once. Address BOX R, 6979. Care of Telegraph. NOW VACANT I i FOR SALE—No. 1194 Bally street I 3-story brick corner dwelling, 8 rooms i and bath, price $2400. A $3OO deposit down. Balance $25 monthly. Musi be sold to settle estate, i No. 2204 North Fifth street, will be I I vacated in a lew days, delightful! I home in tine section. BACKENSTOSS BROS. Buss Building J Members llbg. Real Estate Board, i ! FOR SALE 1333 Bar tine street j ; 2-story frame, 6 rooms, attle. cellar j small jard. Good renter. Will be ' sold at a decided bargain. See the ' property and make best offer. A. C. YOUNG, Everything in Real Estate, 34 North Second St. ' FOR SALE Good paying real 1 .estate, centrally located. Win take ' auto in exchange as part Payment. ' 'Address Box G 6977, care Telegraph. i I FOR SALE A three-story frame, i 1 with improvements, large lot to drive alley, possession soon, for $2,10u.00. < Apply A. W. Swengel, Real Estate, 2131 North Second street. FOR SALE Three-story brick, ■ With improvements, with front porch, for $2,450. Possession soon. Apply ' A. W. Swengel, Real Estate, 2131 North Second street. ( FOR SALE No. 313 Crescent; i 3-stor.v brick, with front porch; all ' improvements; long lot to drive alley. ' Apply A. W. Swengel. Real Estate, 2131 North Second street. FOR SALE Most attractive West Shore home. All modern conveniences. Will seJl at a sacrifice. Call B%1) i phone 3037 R. _ HEAL ESTATE FOR RENT 1 FOR RENT Two desirable fur nished houses at 809 North Eigh- t teenth, for $5O per month, and the { other, a beautifully-furnished house r 'on North Front street, with 10 rooms I and 2 baths, for $125.00 per month. Inquire Miller Bros. & Co., Locust r street. I HI:AI, ESTATE ROU RENT I ! FOR RENT SUBURBAN HOME, C umberland county, near Harrisburg. | Adjoins village near railroad station Possession April 1. Very desirable. ; References required. Address "S. j II.," care of Telegraph. TO RENT 3,0(10 square feet floor I space, lor storage or light manufac turing; second lloor; outside entrance, i 1530 Fulton street. Phone 4570. ! FOR RENT 1 have several pH | vate gal-ages, equipped with water | work bench, light and trailer light' Is 4 per month. Good location, Spencer land Birchfleld streets. Entrance on j Birchfleld street. Bell phone 388 W. j REAL ESTATE—For Sale or Rent j HOUSES AND GARAGES— At Fifth | and Curtin Streets; possession of | some of the houses on thirty days' ! notice. Fred C. Miller, 31 North Sec- I ond. Bell phone 307 J. REAL ESTATE WANTED HOUSES WANTED I have numerous calls for houses of all kinds in all parts of city. Call , or Bell phono 50UJ. Rents Collected. C. H. CORDER, 1722 Green Street HOME WANTED \\ V have a client wanting a porch-front resi dence, worth from $4,000 to $5 uo'o cash, located west side of city be twoer. Kelly and Woodbine streets Pennsylvania Realty and Improve-i ■ ment Co., 132 Rocust street. ; WANTED —By man and wife a six-room house with improvements or a live-room apartment, nnfurnish ■ cd, April 1. Bell plione 3965R I ' WANTED, TO BUY—A small store i room properly north of Roily street , Address Box T, 0078, care of Tele graph. ■ WANTED—TO RENT " j i We are having a number of appii , cations at this time for furnihsed : nouses, apartments und roogis. What 1 do you have to offer? Address Mil- ; ler Brothers & Company, Eocuat and ' Court streets. —— i I WANT ED I will purchase a mov- I ing picture show anywhere in Dan-I phin county If price is right. AriJ dress Box X, care Telegraph. | READY CASH FOB CITY PROPERTY ! WHAT HAVE YOU TO OFFER? BELL AND DIAL PHONES CIIAS. ADLEU, 1002 N. THIRD ST. REAL, ESTATE WANTED " i Wo have some ready purchasers for I Improved Real Estate. Let us know l what you have to offer. LINCOLN REALTY CO 1129 North Seventh Street. j Offices anil Storerooms For Rent FOR RENT BOARD OF TRADE AUDITORIUM, For meetings, conventions Banquets Dances and parties Use of piapo free. Kitchen attached. H. C. CLASTER. Jeweler. 302 Market Street I i ; FOR RENT Two rooms, suitable for oftlces, second iioor rear No. 71 North Third street. City steam Vffnd ! electric light. Apply John T. Olm sted, 7 North Third street. Second I Floor Front. j MARKET ST. STORE FOR RENT. Beautiful Daylight Store, 504 Market Street. CtIAS. ADLEU 1002 North Third Street — _| ! 250 HAMILTON STREET—Suitable j I for barber, tailor, poolroom or cigar | store. Chas. Adler, 1002 N. Third St. ] FOR RENT Storeroom, 16x36, and ; j dwelling, consisting of seven rooms land bath, located at 1917 Derry street. I Apply H. Lowengard, care of Courier Press, 210 North Third street. FARMS FARM TO RENT- Cumberland! county, near 1 larrisburg. Immediate i possession. Adjoins village and rail- ; load station. Applicant must be well; equipped. References required. AI soldier farmer's iirst-elass chance, j Don't miss it. Address "F. 1t.," care! of Telegraph. I | ' FARMS ON EASY TERMS; I I large end small; also 2 % to 10-acre : plots. $5O an acre. Inquire 107 Chest ; nut street. ! FOR SALE—MISCELLANEOUS I LONG FLAME FURNACE COAL J. B. MONTGOMERY, JUST PHONE WOOD FOR SALE —Slabs or billets, ! pine or oak, stove length, full cord | $12.00; truck load $6.50 delivered. Bell 1055 M. —— I BLAISDELL LATHE 20 in. x 12 ft. I Lodge & Shipley Quick Change 14 in. x 6 ft. Mundy Hoist 6 '4xlo In. Trav- I eling Derrick, 3 H. I*. Gasoline En- ! ginc. I H. P. A. C. & D. C. Motors, ] L 11. I*. A. C. Motors, also will buy | good Metal Working Machinery and | Electric Motors, Generators, Battery j Charging Sets, etc. F. R. Lavcrty, 1857 Bell phone. FOR SALE White reed go-cart, in good condition. Apply 1613 Park, or call Bell 1588 M. YORK COUNTY POTATOES FOR SALE, $1.30 per Bushel Small ones. 50c. and Fine Chip or Seed Potatoes. $l.lO per Bushel. 1336 North Sixth street. FOR SALE Silver-plated cornet, Frank Holton Trumpet Model, high and low pitch, extra mouthpiece, beau tiful plush-lined ease. Practically /tew. Bargain. Apply School of Com merce. 15 South Market Square. FOR SALE Used upright piano. Fully guaranteed. , Excellent condi tion. Cannot be duplicated for price. 1319 Derry. FOR SALE One oak dining table and chairs, china closet and buffet, all In good condition. Bell i phone 493 R. or Box 193. ( FOR SALE One Frances Bacon ] piano, good as new. Reasonable P'-'-ie. Call at 618 Forster street. FOII SALE-—MISCELLANEOUS FOR SAUK Horse, cart and har ness. Cheap to quick buyer. Apply at IGI7 Elm street, between 5 and 0 P. M. FOIt SAUK - Heed baby carriage, iln good condition. Reasonable price, •j Inquire at 2109 North Third. FOR SAUK —Steam 'heat boiler, 675 sq. ft. capucity, line condition. Apply . litis Green street. FOR SAUK J Magazine for No. 1 Linotypes, i A rare bargain for a plant win a No. 1 machine. Address ! THE TEUEGHAPH PRINTING COMPANY. Harrisburg, Pa. BARGAINS! BARGAINS! ! The Store across from Y. \V. C. A. offers you the Biggest and Best Bar -1 gains in Men's and Boys' Suits. Over ! coats. Mackinaw Coats, Underwear, ' HatS, Caps and Shoes. We are fam ' I ous for Uow Prices. Give us a trial. OUTUET CLOTHING CO.. 23 North Fourth Street, j MORRIS SAYS save money buying i new and second-hand furniture here, i High prices paid for furniture. Morris ( SchmerU, 1030 Market. Bell 3971 K. TYPEWRITERS BOUGHT FOR CASH AUK MAKES RENTED I EXCHANGED. GEO. P. TIUUOTSON, I 205 LOCUST STREET. OPPOSITE I ORPHEUM THEATER. BOTH PHONES. ' j WANTED —MISCELLANEOUS I HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID for ! Second-hand Furniture. Prompt ut | tention. Newmark & Cown, Otis Broad I street. Dial phone 4286. WANTED i Second-hand moturs Small sizes preferred. Apply FEDERAL MACHINE SHOP. Cranberry St., near Second, Harrisburg, Pa. 1 HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR ALL | kinds of Junk. Get our prices before i selling. Call Bell phone J36, or drop 1 us u postal and our wagon will call, j Keystone iron & Metal Co., Broad and j Currant streets. MAX SMELTZ j Second-hand furniture bought and sold. Highest cash prices paid. Call Bell 1381 or Dial 6817, or drop a pos ' tal to Max Smeltz, 1016 Market street. | Will call, city or country. HIGHEST PRICES PAID for all kinds of empty barrels and junk. Call Bell phone 4275. B. Abranis Son, 824-832 North Seventh street. I L. COHEN & COMPANY', York and j Ash aVenues. Highest prices paid for | rags, paper, iron, barrels, rubber und ' metal and old machines. Send postal lor cull 3221W Bell-and Dial 6225. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES TO A MAN with executive ability and $25,000, we will sell one-half in terest in an operating manufactur ing company with valuable assets. This is an opportunity for an active man to become connected with reli able people and make good returns. For interview write P. O. Box 1038, Harrisburg, Pa. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY A LIVE, established business in Harrisburg, which pays salary of sso' a week to manager and over 15. per cent, on $12,1)00 investmnt, will make I reasonable sacritice to cash buyer. Best reasons for sale. Satisfactory ' local Bank reference. Address Box I i S, 6064, care of Telegraph. I A GOOD, cafth-and-carry grocery, I with all modern fixtures, will be soldi for cash of goods on account of sick- | ness. Every fixture necessary to do I business included in rent. A wonder ; l'ul opportunity with no chance to| j lose. Address Box T, 7259, care of I Telegraph. I NOTICE TQ MAGAZINE READERS —The Woman's llome Companion and American Magazine at the rate of 1 lL'/ic each on the monthly payment i plan for particulars. Write to Wo- I man's llome Companion Reading Club, I Room 410 Patriot Building. ' FOR SALE Grocery, doing a jproHtuble business city 12,000 popula tion. Central Pennsylvania. Excellent I opportunity. Uow price to quick I buyer. Write at once for particulars. Address Box 11, 7041, care of Tele- 1 i graph. FOR SALE Country Produce. Fish and Oyster Business. Good lo i cation. Good-paying, cash trade. Re tiring from business, will sell cheap jto quick buyer. Address Box K, 7122. I care of Telegraph. BUSINESS PERSONA I | TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN —' |A. L. Datesman, formerly with Moth ers Magazine, Company, is now with; i tHe Woman's Home Companion Read ling Club, Room 410. Patriot Building. l I Sena posiai and he will call. FURNITURE, CARPETS. STOVES— ! Bought and sold. S. Gold. 1014 Mar- 1 lcet. Bell 4085 J. i CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER—Es-j 'tltuates, .lobbing. First-class work.' 111. W. Hummer, 1423 Liberty street.! | Bell 4 420. QNINiNE —Look out for that grippe ! feeling, likely to catch you this \ changeable weather. OUR LAXATIVE > FHOSPHO-QUININE will stave it off I !if taken in time. Gross Drug Store. I ;119 Market street. A. LANE New and second-hand furniture! bought and sold. Highest prices paid. | i 1022 Market street. Bell 4730 J. ! INVENTORS FINANCED—Patents, I Autotr.ob'les. Motorcycles Bought. I Sold, Exchanged. Cash or commission. I Simon Horst. Linglestown. pa. j UPHOLSTERING Of the best ! kind. Work guaranteed. We call and deliver. 308 Broad street. Dial phone 4826. ! FURNITURE C RATE;' —And 'china packed for shipping. Also re j pairing. J- A. Bishop, 1736 Logan St. I RAZOR BLADES SHARPENED Single edge. 25c dro; double edge. 35c doz; razors. 25c. Gorgas Drug Store. DIAMONDS bought for cash—P. H. Caplan Co.. 206 Market -feet. Money to Loan MONEY If you are pressed for ready cosh to meet any emergency, call to see us. We lend money In compliance with the laws of the State. EMPLOYES' LOAN SOCIETY, ROOM 206 BERGNTCR BLDG.. THIRD AND MARKET STREETS. LICENSED AND BONDED BY STATE. WE LEND MONEY In compliance with Act of June 17. 1915. to Individu als In need of ready cash; small loans a specialty, business confidential, pay ments to suit borrower's convenience, positively lowest rates in city. PENNSYLVANIA INVESTMENT CO. I 132 Walnut Street. I MONEY TO LOAN i i l| WHEN YOU NEED MONEY to meet immediate necessities, alwa .'consult this reliable, licensed, bond .■institution, chaitered under Pennsj vanla laws and tinanced bv 10-ul pe - J pie in 1909 to save borrower :rom e ;! lortlon. ■< i i ? 'Co-Operative Loan & Investment C - 204 Chestnut Street. ; j Musical ; PLAYER PIANO With forty rol of music, for sale; slightly used; inu ! he- sold at once; cheap to a qui< j buyer. Spanglcr Music House, 21 I North Sixth street. TALKING MACHINES promptly ar ■ carefully repaired by an expert onl OYLER'S, 14 South Fourth street. ! ! VIOLINS, MANDOLINS. GUITAR . | BANJOS. Band and Orchestra lnstri ) ments promtply and carefully repal !' ed OYLER'S. 14 South Fourth stree BALKING AND MOVING AUTO HAULING—LocaI or lon ' distance. Furniture and piano movln a specialty. Blue Line Transfer, 9 ' Capital street. Both phones. WANTED A load of househo • furniture, merchandise or freight ' 1 any kind by RatTensperger Exprei foi Pittsburgh or Intermediate point . .Must be. loaded Monday. Trip v ' j Chgmbel'sburg. Both Phones. AUTO HAULING Anything, an 'I where. Furniture moving. JO. s. O ' man, 717 South Nineteenth street. B< | l f. 91W. FOR HIRE Two-ton auto true '! Apply 1198 South Ninth street Be | I phune 2455 R. HEAVY HAULING—FuIIy equippt " fpr furniture, freight and piano mot : ing, No distance 100 far. Carefi driver. Rain and dustproof body. K Grubber's Truck Service, lrw ; Aungst. manager. Hershey, Pa. Be phone 16K6. I LOCAL AND LONG-DISTANC I HAULING Furniture movln "' Prompt service. Ernest Corbln, 6i ' ! Calder street. Both phones. Be | , 3636 J. Dial 3683. . I AUTO TRUCK SERVICE Loci I I anc i Jong distance. F. J. Marter, Be | 39-J. Steelton. " I AUTO HAULING Local and lon I ! distance. Furnituro moving a sp< i ' elaltv. Rates reasonable. Proxni I i service. Cull Bell 623 J. ! LOCAL AND LONG-DISTANC I HAULING Prompt service. A. & ] ! Motor Express. 1601 North Fourt ' street. Bell phone 171SJ. ' ■ I GENERAL HAULING AND FAS I EXPRESS SERVICE to nearby town I with auto trucks. Only experience ■ ! and careful drivers. Call Bell 332 ■ j or Dial 22G5. j HICKS Local and long-distanc j hauling and storage. 424 lteily. Bot I phones. ALL KINDS OF IIAULINC AND MOVING DONE i CONRAD BROS., 341 KELKER ST. ! BELL PHONE 623 W. ; i DIAL PHONE 3518. YVIIEKE TO" DINE AI.VA HOTEL AND*" RESTAURAN' THE HOME OF SATISFACTION. I j STOUFFER'S RESTAUR ANT—Horn .' cooking served to Businessmen an , | Ladles in separate diningrooms. STORAGE I STORAGE —419 Broad street, house ■'hold goods. merchandise. Prlvat 1 rooms at reasonable rates. Also haul I ing ot all kinds. D. Cooper &Ct Both Phones. ■ STORAGE —In brick building, rea ■ 408 Market. Household goods in cleat ' private rooms. Reasonable rates. 1 G. Diener, 408 Market street. i STORAGE Private rooms fo I household goods in Ureproof ware ' house. $3 I'cr month and up. Lowe storage rates In non-fireproof ware " house. Harrisburg Storage Co., 437 445 South Second street. UNDERTAKERS • ; SAMUEL S. FACKLER, FUNERAL DIRECTOR, : 1312 Derry St. .BELL 1956. DIAL 2133. —RUDOLPH K. SPICER, Funeral Director and Kmbalmcr, 611 North Second Street. BELL 252. DIAL 2145. CKME'lKilt LOTS FPU SALE PROSPECT HILL CEMETERY Beautifully situated on Market street cast of Twenty-sixth, and on th north and eust faces the new park way. The prices of lots are moder i ate. Miller Bros. & Co.. Agents. POULTRY AND SUPPLIES WANTED—MORE WINTER EGGS ITO SELL AT HIGH PRICES. Speed lup the laying. Feed your hens DR, ■ HESS POULTRY PAN-A-CE-A regu | larly and you will get big returns In | the egg basket. The leading egg producing farms are using It because lit conditions hens, makes them j healthy, makes the egg organs ae ' tive. Costs little to feed. Costs noth ; ing if you do not get better results, las dealers refund your money. Keep ! laving hens and all poultry free from I lice bv dusting DR. HESS INSTANT | LOUSE KILLER into the feathers and placing in dust bath. Guaranteed. For . ROUP use DR. HESS ROUP REMEDY. The Dr. llcss line is for sale by all dealers in Poultry Sup- I piles. I TWENTY WHITE HENS, 7 pairs white pigeons; combined poultry I house and pigeon lofts; largo wire fly pen; automatic grain feeder; Norwich water fountain; portable house; dry mas.ii hoppers, etc. Stoek and equip ment will bear closest inspection. Room 2. 116 Chestnut. Cleuiici> uuJ Dyers IT PAYS to have Clothes Cleaned. Pressed, Dyed or Repaired at the boat place In town. Call and deliver. Goodman's. IHO6H North Sixth. Both Phones. AUTOMOBILES WE DO GENERAL REPAIRING • EXPERT MECHANICS For sale, ono Maxwell and Klss ler-Kar Roadster. M BRENNER (k SONS. Third and Hamilton One—l9lB Dodge. One —1912 Stanley Steamer SIBLE'S GARAGE, 301 Cumberland Street FOR SALE —1917 Chevrolet touring car, run 3,000 miles. Call 3iB7R, ! .T. -a ' - Additional Classified Ads on Opposite Page J ■ '