Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, February 21, 1919, Page 2, Image 2
2 CEiV7i?i4L PENNSYLNIA SCHOOL CHECKS WERE NOT PAID Serious Muddle in Financial Affairs of One of Snyder County's Big Districts Stiiibury. Pa., Feb. 21.—Shamokin Dam and' Monroe township, Snyder county, a prosperous suburban ter ritory along the Susquehanna river, just opposite Sunbury, is in the thrills of a sensation that has set the place agog and the tongues to wagging as they never wagged be fore. This followed a public hearing by the auditors of the accounts of the school district, in effort to clear up a serious financial muddle in the school district's accounts. Sensation followed sensation, and testimony brought disclosures that may result in criminal prosecutions. J. Ira Heiser, secretary of the board, churchman and property owner, who sent out checks for bills totaling $2,000, which evidence showed were never paid, was ab sent front the meeting, although subpoenaed. His two children said lie was visiting relatives at Sunbury. The school tax rate has jumped from four to fourteen mills, and a $134)00 debt on a new schoolhouse remains unpaid, according to the, auditors, S. M. Troxell, Kobert App ! and Theodore Hununell. A. B. Dauberman, of Kratzerville, j had advanced $375 and $390 on two ■ notes to Heiser, thinking the money for school uses. William Frymire. I a former treasurer, and George Jar -ret. of Philadelphia, a former school . board member, whose names were on the paper as makers for the dis trict. denied the signatures, declar ing them to be forgeries, and as serted that they never heard ot' tli* ; notes. The notes do not bear the ; official seal of the school district. Testimony showed that Hei6er was ( authorized to borrow $5OO from a Sunbury bank. The note, however, ' was drawn for $1,200 and the ex- , tra $5OO is missing, according to the j school board. Heiser lives near Kratzerville. Ac- i cording to his friends he is a man of , exemplary habits, temperate, thrifty i and a member of the Lutheran Church. He is a man of some prop- j erty, but it was said at the hearing i that it is encumbered, but to what | extent is not known. As yet Heiser j has made no statement eoncernlng ! the affair. MISS KDINGER'S BIRTHDAY Liverpool, Pa., 'Feb. 21. Mrs. George W. Kepner gave a birthday ; party recently in honor of her grand- j daughter, Elizabeth Kllnget's i eleventh birthday. Games and re freshments were enjoyed by the fol- I lowing little guests: Jean Murray, i Mary Elisabeth Shuler. Kuth Knise ly. Dorothy Rtimfelt, Kathryn Deb- I kieher, Frances Watts, Isabel Barnes, f Hazel Watts. Margaret Barnes. ' Gladys Rumfelt, Gladys Reichen- : haugh. Merle Williamson. Theodo- j sia Rumfelt, Mary Alice Moretz and Bertlia Marie Deckard. SOLDIER DOSES ARM liCwistown, Pa., Feb. 21.—At the , home of Mrs. Elizabeth Schuntaker there is a flag with Ave stars, show ing that five members of the family are in the service. One son. Ser geant J. Franklin Scliumaker, was struck with a shell which carried away his right arm. The young man is 24 years old. MRS, ELIZABETH CURWIX Goltlshoro. Pa., Feb. 21. Mrs. Eliza DP tii Curwtn, aged 71 years, died at her home here yesterday. ' Funeral services will be held on i Sunday morning at 9 o'eioek with ! services at the home. Burial will be made at Camp Hill Cemetery. PASTOR RE-EDECTEI) Liverpool, Pa., Feb. 21.—At the regular annual meeting of the joint I council of tiie Lutheran Church of i the Liverpool charge in the Church I the Rev. Clyde W. Shaeffer was re elected pastor of the charge for another year and E. E. Spicher was I appointed president of the joint! council. i I* ■' • . ;: .•-?.r^ ;■"■ i"-, :* f^ r • ;' :T^7:sifg, ;."' ">, ".?■ '. v : I Saturday will be m the last day of our MMHN - sale of men's and Wtlif f | young men's win- n||Av ter suits and over- The Suits The Overcoats $3O and $35.00 Suits T0 $3O and $35.00 Overcoats. -£j)24 75 $4O and $42.50 Suits *|>32.50 $4O and $42.50 Overcoats. 50 $45 and $50.00 Suits 50 anc * $50.00 Overcqats. 50 $55 and $60.00 Suits .$45.00 $55 and $60.00 Overcoats. 00 30 32 North Third St. E i-ij muppppppuppp iiimmpp ■ - FRIDAY EVENING. Hjlrrisburg TELEGRAPH FEBRUARY 21, 1919, NAVIGATION OF SUSQUEHANNA Merchants and Manufactur ers' Association of Columbia to Have Public Meeting Columbia, Pa., Feb. 21.—Mem bers ot the Merchants' anil Manu facturers' Association are arranging for a big mass meeting for Colum bia and all towns interested in the navigation ot the Susquehanna river, and will have as one of the speakers Congressman J. Hanipfon Moore, of Philadelphia. Major Wil liam B. Gray, engineer in the Unit ed States Army, now stationed at Delaware City, Delaware, will also address the meeting. Congressman W. \Y. Griest, of Lancaster, who introduced the bill to provide for a survey of the river, is expected to attend. Other Congressmen and prominent citizens from Harrisburg, York, Lancaster and other places will be asked to join in the move ment. MAID CLERK DIES Marietta, Pa., Feb. 21.—Adam S. Farlow. 47 years old. of Adanistown, j died' from a stroke Wednesday night. For twenty years he was a I railway postal clerk. He was affili ated with a number ot' seceret or ganizations and was a member of the Lutheran Church. His wife, one daughter and several sisters and brothers sur£ves. Suburban Notes LIVERPOOL William Fish, of Sunbury, was a recent visitor here with his biother, Thomas Ulsh. ' , Adam •Hoffman and son, of Har risburg, visited relatives here. Mrs. John F. Deckard and son Maurice, Mrs. J. Charles Deckard and son Harry and Miss Suie Straw scr, spent Thursday at Harrisburg. Sergeant Harry A. Miller, of Marysvtlle, was a visitor with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wert and Mrs. Pearl H. Hughes. Sergeant Miller served fourteen years in the United States Regular Army. He was over seas two years and was wounded twice. Miss Hazel Shumaker, of Harris burg. is visiting her mother, Mrs. Jacob Giest. BLAIX Private Clarence Wilt, who was in England in the Aviation branch of the service, returned home on Wed nesday evening to visit his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wilt. He was at Plattsburg, X. Y., but latter was at Camp Dix, X. J.. from which camp he was discharged. Mrs. D. G. Keck is visiting her sister, Mrs. G. G. Spohn, at Camden- X. J. Mrs. Howard Kline and daughter, Rosalie Kline, of 1-ewistown, are the guests of the former's mother, Mrs. Kate Bower. Samuel Bistline, of Pittsburgh, visited C. H. Wentzel. Marine Maurice Gibbons has re turned to Pensicola, Fla., after spending a ten-day furlough with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Gib bons, at Mount Pleasant, a few miles west of Blain. Miss Margaret E. Riegal was visit ed by her mother from New Cum berland. Miss Sara Stine returned to North umberland. MILDERSTOWX Mrs. Huldah Knight, of Duncan noil. spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Page. A. 11. Ulsh was a visitor at Har risburg on Wednesday. Superintendent D. A. Kline vis ited the public schools here this week. Charles Hoffman has gone to Her shey where lie has secured employ ment. Mrs. Hairry Wagner is visiting relatives at Sunbury. Miss Dillie Nankivelle, of Steelton, spent Sunday at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. C". C. Page were re cent visitors at Lewistown. CHICKEN OWNERS 1 IN CLUB FIGHT % : After Fowls Are Knocked i Dizzy, Women Start Lively _Hand-to-Hand Fight MiiUlloburg, Pa.. Feb. 21.—A : rather unique case was heard bc- I fore Justice of the Peace John W. j Willis on Thursday morning when ■ Mrs. Markle of Penns Creek brought I suit against Mrs. Breon of the same j place on the charge of assault and , battery. The contesting parties had a bat | tie with clubs on Sunday afternoon . as the result of Mrs. Breon's chickens j trespassing on Mrs. Markle's lot. | Mrs. Markle knocked seve#al of Mrs. ; Breon's chickens dizzy, and this as ! sault on the chickens caused Mrs. J Breon to assault Mrs. Markle, which resulted in a hand-to-hand fight. The justice decided that both parties were at fault, and divided the costs and the justice and the two will partake of a chicken dinner at the home of the defendant and prosecutrix as soon as more chickens are killed. FALL CAUSES DEATH Maiietta. Pa., Feb. 21. —Mrs. Elizabeth Haldeman, aged 87, the oldest resident of Elstonville, lower I Lancaster county, died Wednesday night from the effects of a fall sus tained four years ago, when she broke her hip. She was a daughter of the late Jacob Ober. a pioneer of that section. Two children sur vive. FRED GEIBLE DIES Irf-wlstown, Pa., Feb. 21. Fred Geible, aged 70 years, died at his home here yesterday. For many years has was engaged in the shoe repair business, but of late years had been employed at the poolroom and barber shop of his son, Wil liam Geible. A wife, four sons and two daughters survive him. WAR OX DOGS Sunhiiry. Pa.. Feb. 21.—Northum berland County Commissioners to day began work on tagless dogs and appropriated $2,000 for the work. It is declared that some animals on which a license has not been paid eat as much as a man, besides kill ing game, sheep and chickens, and that they are an economic waste. ODDEST RESIDENT DEAD Danville, Pa.. Fqj). 21.—Thomas Cole, aged 96, Montour county's old est resident, is dead at his home at East Danville, of a complication of diseases due to age. Newas a pion eer iron ore mine owner when these mines flourished in the county and of late years has lived retired. Careless Use of Soap Spoils the Hair Soap should be used very care fully, If you want to keep your hair looking Its best. Most soaps and prepared shampoos contain too much alkali. This dries the scalp, makes the hair brittle, and ruins It A The best thing for steady use Is just ordinary mulsified cocoanut oil (which is pure and greaseless), and is better than the most expensive soap or anjxhing else you can use. One or two teaspoonfuls Willi cleanse the hair and scalp thorough ly. Simply irtoisten the hair with wa- ! ter and rub it in. It makes ah abun dance of rich, creamy lather, which rinses out easily, removing every par ticle of dust, dirt, dandruff and ex cessive oil. The hair dries quickly and evenly, and it leaves the scalp soft, and the hair fine and silky, bright, lustrous, fluffy and easy to manage. You can get mulsified cocoanut oil at any pharmacy, it's very cheap, and a few ounces will supply every mem ber of the family for months.—Adv. ! Wrestling Bout Ends Seriously at Sunbury Sunbury, p a .. Feb. 21. —A wrest ling match, which almost ended fa tally for one of tho principals, was staged here. Clyde Keller, of Sun bury, was matched against Con Al bright, of Richmond, Va. Keller threw Albright the first fall, aft er fifty-four minutes of grappling, j In the second go. after wrestling for j forty minutes, Albright threw Kel | ler over his head with a body hold, j Keller landed on his head and shoul ; ders and lay as though dead. Doc ; tors said it was a slight concussion j of the brain. jl ' " f r>K "" ■•'W-VWrr. 5 IK^ Plil!^ 28-30-32 North Third Street ■ f Tailored Suits Are the Correct Mode For Spring I = • "IP-- IyjANY new arrivals will be here for Saturday, presenting the last word in fashions from the foremost designers, who create the leading ideas in attire and in many cases combine them with originations of our own I i establishment. §t? • ' ■ Our Individual Tailoring Service assures You Perfection of Fit Models fashioned of men s wear serge, smartly developed in tricotine and velour checks are especially notable —and will be prominent among critical dressers. The fine tailoring of our garments is a feature exclusive with this store. It is the tailor ing that makes the garment, a fact conceded by the best makers of women's wear everywhere. | $32.50 - $39.50 - $45 - $55 ~ $69.75 f ' ~ " " " "" " " " " " " *" "* "=..=BA=Ag IN ' , # jl Many Striking Creations in Afternoon Dresses Developed in Combinations of Georgette and § . Taffeta and in Foulards are Awaiting you here |j iM|W | r M I HE Charming Tones set these Dresses apart from the average frocks. The dis- |||j 1 tinctiveness and modishness of these alluring creations naturally appeal to Ifi f\ /\i those who look for the really unusual. * | // | $35.00 - $45.00 - $57.50 - $65.00 J ' WOti J J New Capes and Dolmans of Dignity jj itjji CITE the Caper now. And we have such a splendid variety of these novel /Jill originations. Serge is very much the vogue, Bolivia Cloth and Duvet de Laine '■.■ y//\J and Satin are conspicuous, Tricotine is much in favor. And our assemblage com- ||j| yii\y prises all these fashionable materials. I $35.00 to $95.00 - j' n I .J ni x " " "" "" " *' •■==•• •• = .v "" * • * \ '' " ' " " " Of Importance New Arrivals For Saturday $ °f Importance | Envelope Chemise Stunning Spring Millinery 1 Silk Hosiery : Nainsook and novelty voiles, QCC 4-/-\ C?Qft A very special Italian silk most fetchingly trimmed in epOt/0 LO tboD hose, something very unusual dainty lace or charmingly [j mATTnNQ , - # . - . lilt in quality, in "nickel" and plain. / KFAIIOJNb of the types that harmonize "chestnut.' $1 25 to $3 95 character of Schleisner 111 q-| qr " <. |j|| ready-to-wear. The new colors are represented | r... requirements. jjj Of Importance „ M 0 f Importance Petticoats | New Gage Sailors I "Ink Hosiery 1 Oft OCT 1 ® Made of taffeta or Jersey silk epO.t/D Our regular fibre silk hose— —in all the leading shades. 1: . urncm . . 11l in black and white and the Substantial and serviceable. iiii 4 MO f T attractive price for the well-known k leading shades, value $1.15 (no Q r + q Q nr and J ustl y famous straw hats. Cherry 111 , Jpo.yO tO tpD. i D jj: red and other leading shades are shown. | 9oC pT. M * Many Very Attractive Specials In Blouses For Saturday | One Lot of Blouses One Lot of Blouses One Lot of Blouses I at $1.69 at $3.95 $2.95 & $3.95 1 Formerly up to $3.00 Formerly up to $5.95 Very Special Values |i xr M ui \ , r „ . New tailored and Buster Brown Voile blouses slightly soiled from Georgette blouses in flesh and ntodels in colored organdies and handling. Sizes up to 46. white —in effective models. / batiste. | I 28-30-32 North Third Street i SURPRISE OX' BIRTHDAY Dlnln, Pa., Feb. 21.—A surprise birthday party was held on Tues day evening for Edward C. Dillman. In celebration of his thirty-fourth anniversary. Games were played anct the social event ended with dancing to violin music. Refresh ments were a feature. Guests pres ent were: Misses Erma Billman, Sara Briner, Marie Gray, Eleanor Culbertson, Evelyn lckes. Anna Mae Jacobs. Carrie Woomer, Mae Gard ner, Miriam Clark, Margaret Dill man, Ethel Hess, Lottie Barrick. Ruth and Mary Bender, Anna anil Sara Ritter, Freeman Sliumaker, Paul Shull, Frank Hayes, Warren Sheaffer. John McCoy. Howard Rudy, Charles Lay, Arthur Ebert. Paul Kline, Herbert and James Freeman, Herbert Morrow. Ray-1 , mond Bender, Lee Ltnard. Clarence Hess, Mack und Bruce Kistler, Paul ' land Deroy Stewart, Mr. and Mrs. . : William Ritter, Mr. and Mrs. Jdlin Sliumaker. Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Dillman. George Ritter and family Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Dillman and! family. BREWERY ICE FACTORY Sunbury, Pa.. Feb. 21.—Cold | Spring brewery. J. and A. Moesch- ! lin. Inc., pwner, is being converted Into an ice manufacturing plant. Starting business In 1841, this brew ! ery is one of the oldest in the state. I It has been operated continuously , until government orders closed it i down. FIFTEEN INITIATED . I Middleburg, Pa.', Feb. 21. Shi-j i I kellimy lodge No. 409, Independent i 'Order of Odd Fellows, of Middleburg ji ! on Tuesday night Initiated a class i j of fifteen into the mysteries of the J j order. Tlie lodge at Middleburg has i ! more than one .hundred members. I , HOSE COMPANY BANQUEX • Sldppoiisburg, Pa., Feb. 21.—Tile i ! Vigilant Hose Company recently re-j ] organized, held a banquet at tell I ) hose company hall last evening. j | STAUT DIM YE FOR Y. M. C. A. Cliiimbcrsburg. Pa., Feb. 21. | j Following a conference with ,T. B. I Caruthers. state secretary of the Young Men's Christian Association! of Pennsylvania, the general com mittee for the erection of a Y. M, C. A. building as a soldiers' and sailors' memorial, voted to begin at once to prepare for an intensive drive for $200,000 for the buildinr j Sure Relief RELL-ANS WrOR INDIGESTION