18 Guardsmen to Be Paid i'or Drill Work When State Troops Are Reorganized Pennsylvania's National Guard which will be reconstituted as to ~M~\ KEMP'S BALSAM Will Stop that Cough I GUARANTEED 432 MARKET STREET License No. G-35305 Specials For Saturday, February 22,1919 Morning Specials Until Noon . HICKORY SMOKED HAMS 32C mb U roa A st D ) beep 22 c PORK LOIN ROAST 30C PORK SHOULDER RIBS n FRESH PIGS* FEET JI O C SAUER KRAUT, LB., FRANKFURTERS GARLIC SAUSAGE .... o SMOKED 4UC B. B. SPECIAL 2 LB. ROLLS BUTTERINE I 1 LB., &OC ALL DAY SPECIALS STEAKS, ANY KIND 28c PORK CHOPS QO LOIN OR RIB j oZC FRESH SAUSAGE MEAT 1 OR LINK SAUSAGE j 22C FRESH OR SMOKED PICNIC HAMS, %5 Q POT ROAST FLESHY BOIL j BEEF 20C COMPOUND, USED AS LARD oC (CREAM CHEESE BRICK OO n [LONGHORN! SUGAR CURED BONELESS _ - ROLLED CORNED BEEF / 25 C COOKED TRIPE j PIGS'. FEET J* 10 C SLICED LIVER, 4 LBS. FOR 25C M IN FJFTV-SrX PRINCIPAL fXTTF-S OF ' I 4~ STATFS MAIN OIT'U'K. PACKING PLANT" CHICAGO. ILL. I'KOItIA, I hh. ■—Bilious ? —a You can hardly mistake the bilious I feeling—it makes you feel so upset, dull, lazy and mean. Your eyes show yellow, gj I the tongue is coated, the complexion sallow —you have no' appetite. Stomach and ' I liver are on strike. When you get bilious— I It's Time to Take H Beecham's Pills, a reliable corrective that acts on the bile, blood, liver, stomach and bowels. A few doses of this great family remedy will make a wonderful difference in how you look and feel. Beecham's Pills may always be relied on to re-establish H healthy conditions, without weakening, or causing any disagreeable after-effects. Beneficial alike to old and young, and successfully used by men and women the world over, to keep the system in order. | CJL, I JmKf "The Largest $ Salf of Any Medicine 'W in the World" - co 3 Mk b At AH ''o.m Direction* ■ of special j n '//// I ■■■■ > i value to women XOc, 25c. "II are with every box. FRIDAY EVENING, Harrisbttrg TEtEGRAPH ' FEBRUARY 21, 1919 organizations and designations on the same plan ns was in force be fore the outbreak of the war will I be furnished with all equipment by the national government and there ! will also be an allowance from the j federal fund for attendance at - drills. II This announcement was made ! here to-day by Adjutant General i Frank D. Bear.v. "1 expect to go to ! Washington early next week to ap : pear before the Senate military af fairs committee," said General 1 Beary. "From what X have learned ; the plan is to pay the Guardsmen, i for attending drills and a scale i will be adopted. The AN ar Depart- I ment will furnish the equipment and ! that will solve the matter of ar tillery." General Beary said that in all ' probalility the new Guard division I would consist of 12,r.01) men instead of about 10.500 owing to some I changes which would be made. I'se .McNeil's Pain Exterminator—Ad STEELTON BOY DIES OF WOUND; ASSAILANT HELD Police' Nab Another AVlio Shot Man in Ann; Coroner Views Suicide Steelton was tiic scene, of two shooting affairs, one of which re* suited fatally, and a suicide, yester day. The two assailants who are said to have shot their adversaries during arguments, are under arrest. George Mahlan, aged 1", was fa tally shot by Mike Galles. Adam Ixincur was shot through the arm by Zdrako Mladonovlc, and Jordan Trumpeff died of a self-inflicted ra zor wound. Mahlan was rushed to the Harris ! burg Hospital following the shoot i ing, which occurred in the cellar of ; his home yesterday morning. It is said he and Galles were drinking, ! and, according to Galles, Mahlan [ threatened him with a gnn. Galles ; said he then drew his revolver and [ shot Mahlan. The bullet entered i the forehead, resulting fatally a | short time later. Galles was found soon afterward along a road near Zimmerman's Woods, and was com mitted to jail by Squire Stees. Lonear was shot, it is said, dur ing an argument with Mladenovic I over a business affair, it is said they had been working together in a | bakery, when trouble urose between them, precipitating the tight. Police I hail just arrested Mladenovic when they were notitied of the Mahlau shooting. Jordan Trumpeff, a Macedonian, 440 Main street, died at 4.30 o'clock, of wounds inflicted by a razor. Friends say ho had been melancholy i for some time, lie is survived by ! a wife and four children at Prilep, ! Macedonia. Bellevue Park Association Entertained Last Evening The Hellcvue Park Association i was entertained last evening by Mr. j and Mrs. Edson J. Hockenbury, J 24 20 Chestnut street. The evening's prpgram cons'sted of two piano se lections by P. K. Shuey, several cornet solos by Bernard Aldinger, an address of welcome by the presi dent of-the association. ,\L X. Kast, j speeches interspersed with humor ous and entertaining stories by John IT. Olmsted, Walter E. Deitrich, j John Heathcote. Paul Yoorhees, Adam Houtz and the host of the evening. Edson .X. Hockenbury. | Intersperlng the speeches were ' several delightful soprano solos by Vlss F.stellc. Butler, a tenor solo l>y i Air. Dietrich, duets by Elizabeth j and llarold McOord and community singing led by Mr. Dietrich in which the young people competed success fully with the older folks. Following the numbers on the program came a period of soeinl i mingling during which refreshments . Dietrich. Jr., Buddy Wright, Stew art Hockenbury. Norman Hocken bury. Myron Hockenbury, John Houtz, George Doehne, Jr. and Rob ert Doehne. The committee on social activi ties in charge consists of Airs. I. P Howinan, Mrs. J,. F. Haehnlen, Airs. U H. Hagerling, T,. B. Xotestine. P.. E. Wright. Harold A. ITipple and AVilliam 'Rufus McCord. chairman. The president of Bellevue Park As sociation Is M. T. Kast. Prominent Men Organize to Aid Loan Campaign \ John S. Fisher, state commission er of banks, and Lewis S. Sadler, State Highway Commissioner, are members of the newly organized advisory committee of twelve mem bers to help float the Fifth Liberty Loan campaign in Pennsylvania. E. MeLain Wntters, Philadelphia, heads the committee, and the other mem bers are: David Bariy, Johnstown; A. A. Custard. Philadelphia; Charles TO. Hess. AVilkes-Barie: Grier Hersh, York; Daniel Kaerecher. Pottsville: Arthur Peek. Philadelphia; Allen P. Perley, AVilliamsport; George K. Reilly. Philadelphia; C. S. Weston! Scranton. For greater efficiency in conduct ing the campaign the counties of the state in the third federal reserve district have been divided into seven groups and seven members of the advisbry committee will be group chairman, to act as spokesmen in the advisory committee for their respec tive districts, and present the needs pi' each district as they develop from time to time during the cam paign. Harrisbiirg in Group F, composed of York. X„aneaster. Dau phin, Perry. Juniata. Cumberland. Adams, l-'rankiin, Fulton and Aflf flin counties, represented by -Grier Hersh, York. Thief of -Carload of Tin Gives Self Up Pittsburgh. Feb. 21.—Virtually a nation-wide search for a carload of Pig tin valued at $23,000, which van ished from the Newcastle. Pa., vards of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad lost May, ended here to-day when Clyde E. Mehaffeyt 37, of Versailles. Pa., walked into the office of R. C. Bledsoe, chief of police of the Pitts burgh division of the Baltimore and Ohio, with the calm announcement that he was the man responsible for the car's disappearance. Mehaffey was yardmaster at New castle in Afay. The cgr was carded for Pittsburgh ns war material, and everyone .connected, with its move ment has been arrested with the ex ception of Mehaffey, I-lamuseAhents^ MAJESTIC H 'kb Clh.*h Vaudeville ■*- "Little Miss Manhattan," a Broadway musical lev.ue. ORPHEUM to-night and to-morrow, matinee and niKhl, February 21 and 22 Naughty! Naughty!" Monday, night only, 2 1 the New York Syncopated Orches tra. ' L !r ; s '' a - v ' n 'Blit only, February 25 Jhe Celebrated Italian Lyric So prano, Signorlna Eul'einia Uiannini und Her concert Company. Wednesday and Thursday, with dully "jdtlnees, February 29 and 27 Kibble's "Uncle Tom's Cabin." irjday, matinee and night, February; —."Playthlpgs." COX.ONIAI, To-day and to-morrow Geraldine rarrar in "Shadows." , Mciulay and Tuesday Blanche Bates in "The Border Legion." Wednesday and Thursday—t