Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, February 21, 1919, Page 16, Image 16
16 GERMANY FACING FAMINE IF FOOD IS NOT SENT TO HER Report of British Officers Says Country Is Living on Its Capital as Regards Food Supplies—Need For Fats Is Urgent Paris, Feb. 21.—The need for re victualling Germany is really urgent, according to the report just made by a group of fourteen British of ficers, who visited various parts of Germany recently for the purpose of conducting a special official inves tigation of the situation. The officers declare that the country is living on its capital as regards food sup plies, and that either famine or Jip Buy them by the box 1 ood experts agree in urging greater consump tion of oranges to properly balance meals. Physicians advise the more general use of or anges as a help to keeping well and fit. Government officials favor eating oranges to conserve meats, grains and other solid foods. Sealdsweet oranges arc the tree-ripened, sweet, juicy ones, real good all the way through. Buy Sealdsweet oranges by the box, saving money—dealers prefer to sell them that way. Your fruit store will supply you Sealdsweet oranges if you insist on having them. Write us for free book, "The Health Fruits of Florida," and Kitchen Calendar and Chart. TAMPA, FLORIDA Aftersale Service of the Company That Makes Its Own Motor Truck A full supply of parts quickly available often saves vexation and expense in motor truck hauling. And it is just that service which the motor truck Chassis company that manufactures its motor truck in $2050 entirety can render. The Autocar Company makes its own truck and arranges its factory production so that its branches and representatives are assured a full supply of parts at all times. Investigate these service facilities. If you have hauling problems to solve one of our representatives will consult with you at any time. EI KEKA WAGON WORKS 616 North St. Harrlsburg Auto c ar The Autocar Company, Ai(linoic, Pa. Established 1897 EUREKA WAGON WORKS A. H. BAILEY, Proprietor • W. ROSS BSALOR, Salesman 616-618 North Street HARRISBCRG AGENCY FOR THE AUTOCAR MOTOR TRUCK FRIDAY EVENING. ' fiABBiSBURO QP80& TELEGRAPH FEBRUARY 21, 1919. n Bolshevism probably both will ensue before the next harvest, if outside help is not forthcoming. The need for fats is especially urgent. American troops have arrived in Berlin and been quartered in differ ent hotels, says a dispatch to the London Exchange Telegraph from Copenhagen quoting the Extra bladet's Berlin correspondent. The troops are said to belong to the "One Hundred and Thirteenth New York Regiment" and their duty will be the protection of expected trans ports of food. The meeting of the Supreme Coun cil of the Peace Conference, which was to have been held at 3 o'clock yesterday, was postponed until this afternoon wlien Stephen Pichon, Foreign Minister, and Captain An dre Tardieu will represent France. Robert Lansing, the American Sec retary of State, undoubtedly will preside over the session. The agenda for the session com prises, first, the zone of non-occu pation in Transylvania between the Hungarians and Rumanians; second, recogition of the Polish government; third, the hearing of the Danish minister in Paris on Schleswig; fourth, the hearing of Turkhan Pasha, representing the Albanian delegation, and, fifth, the hearing of the report of the economic com mission charged with the provision ing of the devastated districts and also reports on the commercial pol icy to be adopted as regards neu trals and economic relations be tween the Allies. Six Men Under Arrest For Murder of Ohioan; Robbery Thought Motive By Associated Press■ Pittsburgh, Feb. 21.—Six men were under arrest here to-day in connection with the murder of H. A. Baldwin, of Cleveland, who was shot to death in a boarding house last night. The six men are said to have had a large sum of money, which the police believe was stolen from Baldwin. Two Held on Charges of Demanding Money Two men were given hearings in police court to-day on the charge of demanding money and threatening assault when they were refused their demands. John Wilson was arrested by Policemen Murphy and Jackson at Verbeke and Currant streets, where he is suid to have de manded a $lO bill from Elmina Jones. It is said he tried to snatch it from her when she refused. Rob ert Hayes was accused of having rapped at the door of 1007 North Seventh street, where Gathla Cev erasan lives, and demanded money. He became abusive when he was re fused, it is said, and raised a dis turbance. YOU CAN'T BEAT OUR PRICES!! We use high-grade leather and the best material in all our work. Work Done While You Wait Years of experience in shoe repairing enables us to give you entire satisfaction and expert workmanship. All Work Guaranteed Men's half soles and Otf heels Ladies' half soles and QA. heels i7WC Boys' half soles f|f| UP and heels u> X .Uv Children's half soles *7C_ UP and heels • i Men's and Ladies' Rubber Heels attached in ten minutes. 40c Singer Shoe Repair 1738 NO. FOURTH ST. SHERMAN SEEKS TO SEAL WILSON'S LIPS [Continued from First Page.] special train before night for Wash ington. • May Address Joint Session Tuesday morning the President will be at his White House desk, and if the present plan is carried out he will start one week front that night for New York to board the trans port. In addition to his dinner' con ference with members of the con gressional foreign relations com mittees Wednesday night probably an address to Congress in Joint ses sion later in the week, and consid eration of various bills and resolu- j tions, attention to important prob-1 lems from nearly every executive de- ! partment of the government must. I be crowded into the seven days. i Tentative plans have been made] I°t/ 1 con ' erence °f state governors with the President to discuss unem ployment. His short stay may in terfere with this. Rornh Attacks League Senator Borah, of Idaho. Repub- : llcan, member of the foreign rela tions committee, delivered in the . Senate to-day his promised attack ( on the proposed League of Nations an d referred to it "as the most radi cal departure from our policies that ' we have ever clnsidered." Statements made by former Pres ident Taft that the proposed league , of nations did not contravene with Washington's doctrine against en gaging in entangling alliances with foreign countries, or with the Mon roe Doctrine, were declared by Sena tor Borah to be "to the utmost de gree misleading." "The people of the TTnited States . have the undoubted right," he said, "to change their form of govern- ! ment and to renounce their estab lished policies whenever they see fit. I would not appose any change in an orderly fashion as may meet with the approval of the people at any time. T believe, however, that 1 from established policies is propos ed, the people ought to be consult ed." Wilson Will Deliver First Address in Boston Next Monday Afternoon T!y Associated Press Washington, Feb. 21.—President Wilson's first homecoming address will be delivered Monday afternoon at Boston, and he will leave soon afterward for Washington. He is expecte'd to be at his desk in the White House early Tuesday. Secretary Ihyiiels announced to day that President Wilson would embark on the George Washington about March 5 for his return trip to France. Boston, Feb. 21. —President. Wil son will deliver his address here at 3 o'clock next Monday afternoon in Mechanic's building. This was an nounced by Mayor Peters on receipt of a message from the George Wash ington. FRANK A. SMITH GIVEN OVATION [Continued from First Page.] spoke their minds as to the nation's future under Republican control. Lieutenant-Governor E. E. Beidle man could not be present, but he sent as a most able substitute, Emerson Collins, Deputy Attorney General,' from Willlamsport, a rugged Republican who seldom speaks in public, but who has the energy and loyalty of a Roosevelt, not to mention a punch in his re marks. Ashton D. Peace presided, and after a short talk by Deputy Attor ney General William M. Hargcst, the Lycoming county veteran pro ceeded to tell his inmost thoughts. He handled President Wilson in a peculiarly telling fashion, advising the Republicans to keep on voting to send Democratic men to Con gress. with the obvious result that the party would suffer. He described Wilson as adjourning politics dur ing the war for the object of get ting some new policy, which at present he still lacks. He gave an eloquent tribute to the Republican party for its conduct during the war. supporting Wilson more loyally than the Democrats themselves. The applause after this talk last ed five minutes, and when the Ly coming county veteran gave direct tribute to Governor Sproul and to the Senatorial candidate. Mr. Smith, a "man of business caliber," there was another cataclysm of enthusi asm. Charles E. Pass, prothonotary, distinguished himself with an able speech, in which he gave greatest heed to the late Theodore Roosevelt, whom he opposed In other days. As for Wilson, he said: "He knows no more than we do about his inten tions," and Mr. Pass brought out a burst of yells when he demanded that America be informed of the correct cost of the war; that she im mediately get a settlement and that she uses part of it to establish pen sions for the men who fought and won it. "Give us the money that's coming to us." he demanded, "and wait to tie us up in a League of Nations." Unspoken sentiments of this his toric gathering indicated that Re publicans of Harrishurg see the na tion under Republican control for may a year to come. GERMAN SOLDIERS SELL THEIR CANNON [Continued from First Page.] the Galician frontier. Attacks by Ukrainian troops have been repuls ed in that region. In Lithuania, bands of Bolsheviki have been rout ed and 80 prisoners taken. Two million pounds of flour have arrived here from Danzig, coming through by railroad in record time without interference from the Ger mans. It will be distributed In this city, the Lodz mining district, Cra cow and Lemberg. American officers will supervise sales of the flour and will prevent speculators from get ting It. There doubtless are large quanti ties of , food in Poland, especially of potatoes, meat an dsugur, but prices are prohibitive for the poor. Acrosß the frontier In Poscn. as well as in East Prussia, the best hotels charge flvs marks for meals, as com pared with thirty and fifty marks here. Although the Warsaw hotels have been full of paying Russian refugees all winter, they have been raising prices since the arrival of the allied missions. They now charge five marks a day for a room and restaurant prices are 50 per cent, higher than In Vienna or Berlin. Shoes which cost 400 or 600 marks here can be obtained in East' Prus sia for seventy-flve, ~ 1 fc Patriotic Order Hears Soldiers Tell of War Washington Camp No. 8. Patriotic Order Sons of America held an enter tainment last evening, following the regular meeting in their lodge rooms, I Sons of. America Hull, Sible building, I Third and Cumberland streets. | The meeting was one of the largest j attended In years. A large class of men were initiated. Very interesting - ad dresses were made by Frank Lindsey who has Just returned from Fort Sam Houston, Texas ; Mr. Fortney Just back from France; District President Duncan of Camp No. 505, Highspire, and others. Mr. Lindsey being in the aviation i service gave a talk about camp life | over here, and flying. Mr. Lindsey gave ! Dallas much credit for the hospitality I shown the soldier. Mr. Fortney gave a j short review of his experiences in j France. He was in the hospital service j and spent most of his time, while on the other side in Lorraine. President Dun can spoke of the tine condition of all of the camps in the lower Dauphin county district, and urged a large attendance | at the district convention at Highspire which will be held to-morrow afternoon. . The Camp selected the following as delegates to the convention: Robert Foulk, C. N. Miller, Ralph Warren, John W. Sperro. O. L. T. Hohenshlklt, James Wolfe. Calder Brunner and Har vey E. Enders. The entertainment committee com posed of W. E. Franklin, W. H. Best. S. A. Worley. G. L. T. Hohenshildt and H. M. Hudgins served refreshments. FEW APPEALS MADE Fe wappeals were presented to the county commissioners as a board of revision of taxes and appeals bv property owners in Penbrook and Susquehanna township to-day when the officials were in session. No ap peals were received from the First ward owners during the morning, and only nine from Penbrook and three from Susquehanna township. To-morrow the commissioners will he at the Hotel Charles, Mtllersburg, to receive appeals from owners in that borough and Upper Paxton township. " RETURNS TO ACADEMY Chaiiibersburg;, Pa.. Feb. 21. Dr. Eugene P. Deitrick. fornierlv one of the instructors in the State Forestry Academy, at Mont Alto, near here, who enlisted in the army soon after the outbreak of war with Germany, has been discharged and has returned to his duties at the academy. S. S. POMEROY Market Square Pomeroy's Daily Market Second and Reily Streets 12 lb. Ceresota Flour 75? Economy Blend Coffee, lb Soup Beans, lb 12? Day and Night Matches, box 6? O Self Rising Corn Flour, 2 for 25? Smoked Bloaters, 3 for 25? Beech Nut Baked Beans, can ll£ and 17? Rich Cream Cheese, lb 40£ Home-made Meat Loaf, lb "*" 50^ Fancy Rib Roast, lb 40£, 45? Leg Lamb, lb ' \ 45£ Tenderloin Steak, lb 50£ OIY TWO BBS lOR[ j WEST MIITI an I HAVE m in COMBINED 10TH ANNIVERSARY AND FEBRUARY FURNITURE SALE People are responding in greater numbers to our announcement of this, our greatest sale, than we really expected. Greatly pleased and well satisfied customers is the rule. Whilst our sales have been truly phenomenal and much beyond our expectations, a great quantity of furniture remains to be sold the latter half of the month. If you expect to need furniture within the next six months, you bet ter get busy and take advantage of the big bargains prevailing at our store this month. It will be money saved for you. BROWN & CO., 1215-1217 North Third Street The Big Uptown Home Furnishers Warship North Carolina Takes Place of New Mexico in Convoying Wilson Vessel By Associated Press, Washington, Feb. 21.—The bat tleship North Carolina, returning from France with troops, bus joined the Presidential transport George Washington, and is proceeding with her to Boston, replacing the battle ship New Mexico, which dropped behind with disabled machinery- Diverted from tier course yester day on radio orders, the North Car olina reported to-day that she had come up with the transport. The cruiser Denver, order to sea to meet the George Washington, had not re ported her position early to-day. Boston, Feb. 21.—The cruiser Galveston was ordered to-day to speed to the'steamer George Wash ington, approaching this port with President and Mrs. Wilson aboard, to take t)P the convoy duty which Happy Mothers Prepare in Advance A Wonderful Influence For Expectant Mother*. Mothers for over half a century have used with the utmost regularity tho timer honored preparation, Mother's Friend, before the arrival of baby. Hero Is a truly wonder ful penetrating application for tho abdomen and breasts. It softens and makes elastic tho muscles. rendering them pliant to readily rleld to nature's demand for expansion. By its use tho anxious months of pregnancy arc made comfortable. Tho usual wrench ing strain, bearing-down and stretching pains are counteracted. Tho system is prepared for tho coming event, and the use of Mother's Friend brings restful nights and happy antici pation, for the nerves are not drawn upon with the usual strain. By Its regular application tho muscles ex pand easily when babv arrives; tho time is less at the crisis and naturally the pain and danger Is less. Mother's Friend Is on sale at every drug store. It is for external use only. Is absolutely safe and wonderfully effective. Write the Bradfleld Regulator Company, Dept. C, l.amar Building. Atlanta, Georgia, for their interesting Motherhood Book, free to users of Mother's Friend, and obtain a bottle of Mother's Friend from the drug ■tore and begin this grateful treatment. the dreadnought New Mexico, was obliged to abandon because of a stripped turbine. At the same time a small fleet of destroyers were or- Mothers! An Appeal For Your Children Look back at your childhood days. Remember the physic that mother insisted on castor oil, salts or cathartics. How you hated them. How you fought them. Howj you dreaded their after-effects. That was all wrong, but then nobody knew better. With our children it's different. The day of harsh physics is over. We don't force the bowels now; we coax them. > We have no dreaded after-effects. And the dose is a candy tablet. Mothers who cling to the old form of physic simplyj don't know what they do. The children's revolt is well-founded. Their tender bowels are harmed by them. The modern way is to give a gentle laxative more frequently. To keep the bowels always active. The best method is Cascarets. Cascarets are candy tablets. Children love their pleasant taste. They cost only 10 cents a lx>x, with full directions for children's dosage at all ages. Babies too! Give Cascarets, then don't worry—they never disappoint. 1 aSMESEG.g* MADEOF ™ E nNEST " eAL CApS-FRINGE SHAPE SUPPLY ¥0U ' WRrrE L " yrATt tOL ™ AND HAIRNETS^ HOW WEAK, NERVOUS WOMEN QUICKLY GAIN VIGOROUS HEALTH AND STRONG NERVE! 7 A DAY FOR 7 DAYS A Vigorous, Healthy Body, Sparkling Eyes and Health-Col ored Cheeks Come in Two Weeks, Says Discoverer of Bio feren. , World's Grandest Health Builder Costs Nothing Un less It Gives to Women the Buoyant Health They Long For. It is safe to say that right here in this big city are tens of thou sands of weak, nervous, run-down, depressed women who in two weeks' time could make themselves so healthy, so attractive and so keen-minded that they would com pel the admiration of all their friends. The vital health-building elements that these despondent women lack are all plentifully supplied in Bio feren. dered to prepare to put to sj within twenty-four hours to act as naval escort of honor to the Pros dent. If you arc ambitious, crave sui cess in life, want to have a health vigorous body, clear skin and eyi that show no dullness, make t your mind to get a i>ackage of Bii feren right away. It costs but little and you can gi an original package at any druggi anywhere. Take two tablets after each me and one at hedtime —seven a d; for seven days—then one after mea till all are gone. Then if you don feel twice as good, look twice i attractive and feel twice as stror as before you started, your mom is waiting for you. It belongs I you, fot the discoverer of Bto-fcrc doesn't want one penny of it unlei it fultills alt claims. Note to Physicians: There is r secret about the formula of Bio-ferei it is printed on every package. Hei it is: Lecithin: Calcium, Glycerc phosphate: Iron Peptonate; Mane anese Peptonate; Ext. Nux Vomici Powd. Bentian; Phenolphthaleii Olearesin Cupsicum; Kolo.—Adv.