Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, February 21, 1919, Page 12, Image 12

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"Military Authorities
Planning Legal Action
Against French Senator
By Associated Press.
i'aris, Feb. 21. —Antonin Dubost,
president of the Senate, communl-
Daily Health Talks
People are easily frightened when
they think something Is the matter
with their lungs or heart, and well
they may be; but few people under
stand the dangers of diseased kid
neys. These organs have a duty of
vital importance to perform, and if
they are diseased, there is no tell
ing how or where the symptoms may
appear. The kidneys are filters, and
when they are healthy they remove
the poisons from the bloo dr.ud puri
fy it. "When the kidneys are dis
eased, the poisons are spread every
where, and one of these poisons is
uric acid. The uric acid is canied
all through the system and deposit
ed in various places, in the form
of urate salts—in the feet, ankles,
wrists and back—often forming
hags pnder the eyes. Sometimes the
resulting trouble is called rheuma
tism, lumbago, sciatica and back
ache. Finally, come stone in the
bladder, diabetes and Bright's dis
Drr. Pierce, of Buffalo, N. Y., in
recent years, discovered that a eer
lain combination of remedies would
dissolve uric acid (urate salts) in
the system. He found this combi-!
nation to be harmless, so that he
made it up in tablets, of double
strength, and called them Anuric
Tablets. They dissolve, uric acid in
the human system as hot coffee dis
solves sugar. If you havve uric acid
troubles, don't delay in taking
Anuric Tablets, which can be se-'
cured in the drug stores. You can!
write Dr. Pierce, too, and he will
tell you what to eat and how to live
so that more uric acid will not form
in your system. Dr. Pierce will not
charge for this advice.
Should not b "dosed"
for colds —apply th
NEW PRICES —3oc, 60c, $1.20
Has restored their famous
From. 11.30 to 2 P. M. Daily
Best Service. FRED H. MENGER, Prop.
Saturday Store Hoars: 8.30 A. M. to 9.00 P. M.
I On Our Entire Stock Of ,a
I Pullman Bed Davenports
i-* n practically " 1
H home when extra sleeping quarters are necessary. te|
Unexpected visitors come —friends are detained over night—when a 11
H nurse is necessary, there must be comfortable quarters for her —visiting M
friends that you would like to have "stay over" cannot be accommodated H
1 —and many other reasons why an extra bed is necessarv. |p
I All are now offered at BIG REDUCTIONS. ' lg
This three-piece Living-Room Suite —consisting of Bed Daven
port, Arm Chair and Rocker, of Mahogany and cane, exactly as illus
trated; Queen Anne style; fine tapestry covering. 1 7 R
S, Specially priced during our February Sale at 1 I U jg|
3-Plece Golden Oak Living Room Suite — 3-Plecc Colonial Mahogany Living Room i|
= consisting of Pullman Bed-Davenport, Arm Suite, consisting of Pullman Bed-Davenport, ==
== Chair and Rocker; leatherette CQC 00 Arm Chair and Rocker —tapes- djl 0(J f||"| j==
= covering. February Sale Price.. try covered. February Sale Price ®
3-Piece Fumed Oak Living Room Suite— 3-PiecS Queen Anne Mahogany Living Room =
2a consisting of Pullman Bed-Davenport, Arm Suite, consisting of Pullman Bed-Davenport, >3=
Chair and Rocker—leatherette tfjl flft 00 Arm Chair and Rocker —tapes- tfjl C/"| [GS
~ covering. February Sale Price ** try covered. February Sale Price ® E§
Central Penna's Best Furniture Store • =
North Market Square
P v iiiKv'nMlllllllllllllllllgiilMllllirillllllllllfV lIIIIIH'IIIMUH M, - 1 -
cated to that body yesterday a de
mand from the military governmentl
of Paris that the Senate authorize!
legal proceedings against Senator
Charles Humbert on a charge of!
corrupting officials.
The Senate yesterday adopted a
resolution calling for the appoint
ment of a committee to investigate j
the conduct of the war.
Captain Fred. A. Godcharles,!
Deputy Secretary of the Common- j
wealth, returned to state service to- j
day after having been captain and ■
rifle Instructor at Camp Funston on
the staff of General Leonard j
Wood. He had previously served inj
the Spanish "War a "d for eleven
years in the National Guard.
Every particle of dandruff diS- i
appears and hair stops
ccir.ing out.
Draw a moist cloth through hair
and double its beauty
at once.
Your hair becomes light, wavy,j
fluffy, abundant and appears as soft, (
lustrous and beautiful as a young j
girl's after a "Danderine hair
cleanse." Just try this —moisten a
cloth with a little Danderine and
carefully draw it through your hair,
taking one small strand at a time.
This will cleanse the hair of dust,
dirt and excessive oil and In Just a
few moments you have doubled the
beauty of your hair.
Besides beautifying the hair at
once. Danderine dissolves every par
ticle of dandruff; cleanses, purifies
and invigorates the scalp, forever
stopping itching and falling hair.
But what will please, you most will j
be after a few weeks' *use when you i
will actually see- new hair —tine and ;
downy at first —yes—but really new :
hair growing all over the scalp. If I
you care for pretty, soft hair and !
lots of it, surely invest a few cents!
in a bottle of Knowlton's Danderine
at any drug store or toilet counter,
and just try it.
Save your hair! Beautify it! You
will say this was the best money you
ever spent.
Straight Whisky
After May 1, Brewer
Predicts; No Beer
By Associated Press.
XKWARK, N. J., Feb. 21.
Prediction that Ihe liallon's beer
supply would lie exhausted by
May 1 is made in a statement is
sued here by Christian W. I'einen
span. president of the United
States lire.uers' Association, an
nouncing that the brewers of this
vicinity had agreed to pool their
supplies "to allow each concern
to stay in business as long as pos
After adding that Xew York,
Xew Jersey, Massachusetts,
Itliodc Island and Connecticut
would be "beer dry" by April 1,
the statement continued:
"With the country dry of lieer
by May t you can see what it will
mean for the months of May and
June. The country will be on a
straight whisky Iwsis. And in
these days of unrest it is danger
ous to have steady beer drinkers
switch to whisky. The result may
surprise people."
Blaze Beginning in Closet
Burns Out Two Homes
Several hundred dollars' damage was
caused to property and furniture early
last evening when a lire of unknown
origin swept through the dwellings at
115-117 King street. It is thought the
fire started in a clothes closet and broke
into flames after smoldering for hours.
Mrs. G .C. I.ingle, who lives at 115
King street, discovered the tire while
she was preparing s tipper and turned
in an alarm from Box 332, at Walnut
and Balm streets. Mr. and Mrs. R. L.
Good occupy the other side of the house.
Their side was damaged mostly by
smoke and water. The partition be
tween the two sides was burned
through, and flames caused some dam
age to the furniture on the Good's side.
Neighbors assisted in removing the
furniture from the first floor, which pre
vented the loss from being greater.
For Colds, Grip
and Influenza
Be sure you get the Genuine
Look for this signature
(o- sfcStrcrzrts
on the box. 30c.
Scoutmaster Hailman on .
Job After His Illness
Scoutmaster Ilallman was back
last Monday for the llist time since
his illness and we ivere all glad
to see him. We had a good meeting
even though It was a short one.
Kight of our fellows attended the
banquet. We are sorry we did not
have a better showing but the Scout
master was ill and there was no one
to push the" thing along. But those
eight fellows had a splendid time.
We will piny Middletown on Tues
day night.
We played troop 13 Tuesday and
they cleaned us 23-13, however this'
is better than last time we played
them. *
Media nieshurg. Pa., Feb. 21. —
To-day the teachers of Southampton
township. Cumberland county, held
a sub-local institute in Leesburg,
with morning and afternoon ses
sions Among the speakers were: the
I Rev. J. E. Newcomer, Mrs. Clayton
■ Xlaker, David Reese, Miss Lois Mc
i Caleb, Miss Orpha Daley, Miss Win
jifred McCune, Miss Elsie Daley,
Miss Erma Rofar, Brady Smith,
Shriver Coover. and Mrs. Harriet
Wylie Stewart. The program was in
terspersed with music.
The click of a typewriter was
heard for the first time in the hall
of the House of Representatives to
day. Representative Joseph E. Phil
lips, of Clearfield county, took a ma
chine to his desk to get out his cor
respondence. .
Tipstaves to serve at the common
pleas court sessions next week were
appointed as follows: R. W. Green,
John Pottroff, M. F. Graham, Harry
Fulchner, Samuel Johnson, H. C.'
Winters, Jacob Stauffer, William
Writer, Hiram Graham, Samuel
Young, Henry Chubb, Henry Ever
Standing of the Crews
IMillndr Iplalii Division The 116
crew lirst to go after 1 o'clock: 102.
118, 12S, 129, 131. 108, 196, 111, 123,
113, 109, 130. 122. 117.
Fireman for 128.
Conductor for 119.
Brakemen for 122 (two). 111.
Engineers up: McCurdy, Ream. Mc-
Donald. Klineyoung, Giants, Cmall,
Karr, Gaeckler, Rennard, Beinhour,
Lowery, Ijanrbert, Brodheeker, S. K.
Kteffy A. K. Steffy, Tenny,. Blanken
Firemen up: Thomas, McCune, Bar
clay, Wagner. Carroll, Bordner, Learn
er, Hess, Kennedy, Frank, Reich, Det
wiler. Moffet. Shlshdoff, Runts, Pax
ton. Harnish, Aston, Hock, Plank.
Conductor up: Dwyer.
Brakemen up: Murphy, Ilouck,
Wood, Minnichan, Singleton,
Iteigel, Cole, Bouglitcr, Hackntan,
Hayden, Behrman, Killian, Hughes.
Hcrniek. Silks, Eiehelberger, Beard,
IJare, Clouser Witmoyer, Kassener,
Middle Diviiaon —223 crew first to
go after 1 o'clock: 21, 39. 23, 29, 28,
18. 19, 21, 31. 20, 33. 25, 37. 30.
Engineers for 23, 33.
Eiremen for 21, 39, 31, 26, 37.
Conductor for 39.
Flagmen for 20, 30.
Brakemen for 39, 24, 33.
Engineers up: Nisley, Rowe, Bathe
fon. Keriger, Leib, Kreps, Fisher, Lcp
pard. Cook, O. W. Snyder, Blizzard,
Buckwalter, Sweigart, Earley, Brink,
Firemen up: Kint, Ulsh, Dennison,
Xaylor, Gingrich, Jones, Rumberger,
Bell, Bupp, Sunderland, Himes, Camp
bell, Myers, McMurtrie, Brown, Sheaf
fer. Raub, Stemler, Bonsell.
Conductors up: liotrow, Lower, Bru
baker, Bennett, Biggan.
Brakemen up: Steininger, Lupp,
Shade, Roebuck, Hawk, Stidfol, De
pew, Lauver, McNaight, Clark, Clouser,;
McAlpin, Reinecker, Bell, Baker.'
Foltz, Hcffman, Bowman, Beers, Dare,
Deaner, Fenical.
Yard Hoard Engineers for 11C,
1 23C.
Fireman for 26C.
Engineers up: Starner, Morrison,
Reatty, Feass, Kautz, Wagner, Shade,
McCcrd. Myers. It. E. Dwyer. Pike.
Fireman up: Leppard. Heck, Bowman,
Hartley, McKeeve.r, Wengel. fiarman,
Hoover, Heinley, Lake, Stapf, Ritchey,
Parker, Mowery.
Next Sunday's NEW YORK AMERI
CAN will tell why the Salvation
Army made such a hit with American
soldiers abroad. Recipes for those
famous doughnuts, cakes pies, bis
cuits and everything else which were
alwayH ready in abundance for the
hungry doughboy will be printed in
next Sunday's AMERICAN. Order
NOW from your newsdealer.
Philadelphia Division Engineers
up at 12.01 p. m.: C. H. Seitz, M.
Pleam, C. R. Osmond, V. C. Gibbons,
J. C. Davis, H. Smeltzer.
Firemen up at 12.01 p. m.: 11. S.
Copeland, W. E. Aulthouse, C. C. Col
lier, J. 11. Piatt, H. G. Shaffner, F. L.
Middle Division Engineers up at
12.01 p. m.: W. P. Glaser, G. G.
Keiser, 11. F. Xrepps, J. A. Spotts, R.
M. Crane. W. D. McDougal, F. McO.
Buck, W. C. Graham, James Keane,
S. E. Alexander, O. L. Miller, R. 10.
Crum,' J. Crimmel, C. L>. Hollenbaugh.
Firemen for 5, 31, 35.
Firemen up at 12.01 p. m.: W. E.
Hoffner, J. B. Connor, J. I. Beisel, H.
W. Snyder, S. P. Stauffer, N. W.
Troytinan, A. L. Redder, C. L. Sheats,
C. M. Steele, R. Simmons.
Firemen for 49, 45.
The Y crew first to go after 8.45.
a. m.: 7, 55, 68, 65, 67, 73, 66, 58, 20,
19, 6, 69, 53, 63, 1. 11, 21, 5, 72, 14 52
18, 24. 3, 57 51.
Engineer for 60.
Firemen for 51 52, 53, 57, 63, 65 67
69. 71, 1, 6, 7, 8. 14, 24.
Conductors for 53, 65, 57, 63, 73 5
Flagmen for 57, 66, 73.
Brakemen for 51, 52, 63, 55, 57 63
66, 68, 69, 72, 3, 8f 11, 14, 15.
Engineers up: Griffith, Billig,
Lower, Barnhart, Wynn, Ruth, Heir!
Brauw, Zimmerman, Snader.
Firemen up: Reinisch, Saul, Coop
er, Stonffer, Brlnton, Grimes, Atticks,
Conductors up: Orrist, Ford, Het
rlck, Hull, VocliUm, Patton, Derrick
Phelabaum, Baddorff.
Flagmen up: Potteiger, Peters
Melabe, Zink, Waugli, Cassel, Mc-
Brakemen up: Buford, Clipper
Ryan, Honmiller, Monmltter, Dear
dorff, Chronister, Y'ingst.
I'lillndrlphln Division *>o4 crew
first to go after 1:45 o'clock: 201 21"
235, 239. 234, 249, 252, 213, 209. 254*
233, 242, 208, 227. 238, 243, 251.
Engineers for 209, 213.
Fireman for 204.
Conductors for 235, 252, 233.
Flagmen for 255, 201. 213. 233 "4
Brakemen for 218, 252, 213 *>o9
(two), 233. 242.
Brakemen up: Home, Klieker, J. w
Smith, Walker, Hanks Smith, Marscli'
Bt-ughupp, Stiles, Shiffler, Eshleman!
Phillips. Angelo, Adams. Miller, Mar
tin, Freedman, Morgan. Guttschall
Kiepper, Garverich, Kelhl. Glass.
Middle Division 104 crew first to
go after 1 o'clock: 116, 121, 1)1, 103
102. 117. 112, 123, 122, Io7| 118,
Engineers for 104, 121, 102, 1 17.
Firemen for 117, 122.
Flagmen for 104, 1 16, 121, 111, 122.
Brakemen for 104, 103, 102. 117
I'nrd Hoard - Engineers up' J
Hinkle Shuey, Myers, Gelb, Curtis. D.
K. Hinkle, Holland.
Firemen up: Steffee, Kipp, Eiehel
berger, Bainbridge, Nolte. Snyder,
Haverstlek, Wlekey, Connelly, Garlin,
Engineer for change crew, 3rd 129.
1 Fireman for change crew.
Council Dismisses Magnelli
and Schmehl on Charges
Preferred by Keister
By a unanimous vote. City Coun
cil yesterday afternoon dismissed
from the city police force Theodore
Magnelli and Edward E. Schmehl,
dating from January 28, because of
charges of petty graft made by-
Mayor Keister, and suspended Pa
trolman Victor 11. Bihl for sixty
days without pay, dating from yes
terday, for misconduct at police
No one representing the men at
tended the special meeting of Coun
cil. Clarence O. Backenstoss, sec-"
retary to the Mayor, and press rep
resentatives were the only ones in
the chamber when the officials took
action. A few other persons who
' ■ '
Lift Corns Off! Doesn't Hurt! !
Don't lei corns ache twice! Lift any corn or. j
_SL callus off with fingers—Here's magic 1
P i For a few cents you can Just thinkl Not one bit of
II II get a small bottle of the pain before applying freezone
Jl magic freezone discovered by or afterwards. It doesn't
Bya Cincinnati chemist. even irritate the surround
' . P Just ask at any drug store ing skin.
[ Jtf [ for a small bottle of freezone. Hard corns, soft corns, or
ff Apply a few drops upon a corns between the toes, also
jf v tender, aching corn and in- hardened calluses on bottom
Am stantly that old bothersome of feet shrivel up and fall off
TV corn stops hurting, then without hurting a particle.
. shortly you can lift it out, Ladies! Keep freezone handy j
root and all, with the fingers, oa your dresser. Wonderful!. I
Gen. Pershing's Own Map Of
The Great Argonne Battle
This splendid Map, in colors, was sent to THE LITERARY DIGES 1 by General Pershing, and
occupies two full pages in the February 22d number. It is accompanied by a thrilling article drawn
from the American Commander-in-Chief's own report of the battle, which was sent with the map. In
this tremendous light in the Argonne forest 600,000 American doughboys faced the crack divisions of
the German army and put them to rout, capturing 468 guns and 16,059 prisoners. Never before was
an American Army engaged in such a great battle, and never before in any battle did any army face
such almost insurmountable obstacles.
This unusual Map, made by the Army cartographers at headquarters in 1' ranee during the prog
ress of the great push, will be invaluable for preservation. The position of every Division engaged on
every day of the advance, and in some cases the morning and afternoon positions on the same day,
are clearly shown; the heavy German defense systems that were broken are clearly indicated, show
ing the irresistible impact of the American push. Every River, Railroad, Wagon-road, City and
Town in the Meuse-Argonne region is plainly given.
In a million American homes this number of "The Di gest" containing the splendid Argonne Battle Map will
he read with'intense interest. Every returned soldier who fought in this great offensive and every relative of a
hero in this great drive will be particularly eager to have "The Digest" this week. As no extra copies will be
printed, we advise you to go to the news-stand NOW and get yours before they are all sold.
Other features of striking value and interest in this no Cope with the Menace
Bolsheviki in the United States
The Voice of Public Opinion From All Parts of the Country on the Activities of the Bolsheviki and the Steps
That Are Being Taken to Cope with the Menace
Taxes That Compel Thrift French Misgivings
Labor's Bid for the Railroads British Labor Strikes and Bolshevism
Japan and the South Sea Islands A German Plea to Mr. Wilson
To Cure An Ancient Cause of War How the Movies Helped Win the War
Psychological Tests for College Entrance Fireproof Balloons
The "Cohort of the Damned" Teetotalism and Tea-Tippling
Canada's Tribute to Her Heroes Maeterlinck's War Play
"Reds" Uniting German Catholics and Moslem Absorption of the Christian
t Protestants Egyptian
The Danes in the United States A Word to Church Hecklers
News of Finance and Commerce Personal Glimpses of Men and Events
Many Illustrations, Maps, and Cartoons
"The Digest" Is For Your Children as Much as For You
"The Digest" will prove to be the most educating in- benefit them, for in it fascination is equally blended with
fluence in your child"s life. Ten thousand highschool education. '1 bis is the magazine that will help train the
teachers have adopted it in their classes for their pupils, growing minds of your children; that will direct them to
and the United States Government, resognizing its uni- the best kind of reading; that will equip them better for
versal school use, is supplying special war-time lessons their school work; that will lead them to form the habit
for every issue. Give your children the advantages of of keeping well informed on the big questions of the day
this worth-while magazine. It will delight as well as that vitally concern them.
February 22d Number on Sale To-day—All News-dealers—lo Cents
<£||) JjteKujDigpst
FUNK & WAGNALLS COMPANY (Publishers of the Famous NEW Standard Dictionary). NEW YORK
Y"* . I A
attended the heuringH remained in
the hall 011 the second floor of the I
Courthouse, but left as soon as the |
vote had been recorded and they'
learned the decision of Council,
The motions dismissing two of the
officers and suspending the third
had been prepared before the ses
sion. They were handed to Com
missioner Charles W. Burtnett, who
introduced them, with Commissioner
E. Gross seconding. No com
ment was made by'any of the Coun
cilmcn and on the rollcails each one
voted favoring tlie action. li was
reported in official circles that the
only question which had been con
sidered at length was the time to be
fixed for 13>hl's suspension, someone'
having suggested a shorter period
thun two months, the time finally
agreed upon.
Mayor Keister said after the
meeting that he will make no ap
pointments to fill the vacancies
caused by the dismissals, as the
force was increased to a larger
number than usual becauso of the
men who are In the service. To fill
some of, the places; temporary ap
pointment of officers has been ap
-1 proved from time to time by Coun
cil. The Mayor said that when the
p men In Army service return to take
! their former places he will have
Council replace the temporary ap-
I pointers to regular positions on the
i force and no vacancies will then
I exist.
Horace G. Hippie, contractor for
d ßrow V n er Kid re 9: Stem's" Saturday
inch lZ Hoots- eu . D • Kld Military Lace
Irnthnr I.on Is Shoe Bargains Boots; cloth tops
heels; cloth tops These weekly bargain bulletins to n , at ch; excel
len "'value K-e'T„ r TSK •- value
$2.95 vrnif MO>,iV - H ° W A,,OLT i $2.95
Boys' Ma- Little i Boys' ( Men's
ho B a ny Boys' Black Black or
V * \&\ Brown ling- Satin Calf | Cnlf j Tnn Kid
lish Bals.; $3 Shoes; , llngliali Borneo
Vl value at button or 1 l.nee i House
a yl __ blucher siioes i slippers
£ $3.45 gi.tw 1 -•■<•* i >i.s
Ladles' Dark Gray i l.ndirs' llliiek Dull
Military l.nee Boots ! '"< f "■' ,uw U JL j Jffl
will king heels \* • :■ , ;i, iM
Men'. 1 Ilc-h Ben's Dress.* wide
Cut Shoos at iHuctie" Tnce WM If
$4.50 * h " m, ;i-T uc nt J)
Women's New Spring j
Boots fa/-; Jpyr
Very pretty Military Hoots In j Mf/W
dark brown, dull blnek enlf, or
soft vlel kid. 11-lnch. lielKhtni mi,, '
military heels; as illustrated.
Priced specially nt $4.05. I
- - ~
Peter Guptisti, took out a builifl
permit for the remodeling of H
brick dwelling at 100 South tH
teenth street Into apartments,
cost of the alterations is
at $3,000. I