Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, February 21, 1919, Page 10, Image 10

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Jf Removed, Latter Would
Fall Easy Prey to the
Vladivostok, Feb. 21.—A gloomy
picture of the situation and outlook
in western Siberia and Russia is
drawn by C. L. Preston, who re
cently returned from a journey as
far west as Ekaterinburg, in the in
terests of the Red Cross. The
Czecho-Slovnk front, ho declared, is
a misnomer, since there is no
"front" in the usual acceplance of
the term. There were Czech out
post.l: in widely separated locations,
and the fighting was of a guerilla
nature. The Czechs, he said, were
worn out with long service under
trying circumstances and, in his
opinion, would fall easy prey to the
Bolshevik! if the menace of Allied
troops were removed.
Behind the Czechs the country
■was full of ex-olflcers of the old
Making Is wholesome and efficient
gOWPg£ always gives good results—is
uniform in value and inexpensive.
Editor of American Cookory
Our New
Fashion Shop
Now Open
and many new garments have arrived that were
to be here for the opening but were delayed
in transit. These will interest you. They
portray the newest of the new and
are the cream of the spring fashions
—yet our prices are the lowest due
to the fact that we can conduct
j , our shop on small expense.
We believe you want something high class,
yet do not feel that it is necessary to pay high
prices. That is why we will be able to please you.
Introductory Specials
Georgette Waists Special $3.95
New fresh goods spring styles, nil the latest shades, all sizes.
Regularly the priee would be $5.95. This is just one of the open
'lng spceials.
Slip-on Coat Sweaters Special
From one of the best sweater houses in New York. All new spring
shades, all sizes and a most important speeial for the opening.
New Spring Suits at $25.00 and
$29.50 ■
In the best materials and styles serges, gabardine mostly
navy blue in tnilor made styles. They are suits tluit would sell
at $35.00 and $37.50. These are get-acquainted specials.
New Coats—Capes—Dolmans
. $25.00 to $60.00
Serges, Sllvcrtonc, Velour, Trlcotlne, Etc. All shades. Fashion
able models.
New Spring Dresses,
$19.50 to $25.00
.^hade's RC ° rS< ttC al><l tafr ° ta ,lrCMS<s beautiful models newest
Kills All Pains and Aches in Half
tho Time It Takes Liniments,
Poultices aPlasters
Begy's Mustarlne is used by tens of
thousands of people who know that It
is tho quickest killer of pain on earth.
• It's so penetrating and effective
that in most cases neuralgia, head
ache, toothache, earache and "back
ache disappear in r> to ad minutes
some statement, but it'aVlruo.
It will not blister because It's tho
original substitute for the old reliable
mustard piaster and is made of real I
government, civil and military, who
had slipped through in disguise,
put on their long-discarded uniforms
and insignia and were busily plotting
a restoration of the monarchy. No
body, said Mr. Preston, was con
cerned with improvement of the
| economic conditions. Railroad serv-
I ice was maintained in a hit-and-miss
' fashion. Practically only freight
cars were available for passenger
traffic and these were invariably
crowded to a-ridiculous degree.
Air. Preston, who' was formerly a
resident of Riga and Petrograd, was
designated by the government at
Washington as an adviser in the re
lief work in Siberia. He has re
signed his commission and Is retufn
: ing to America.
Drops Dead After
He Deposits Fortune i
in Safe of Hotel
Atlantic City, N. J., Feb. 21. —To-
bias Rindenberg, a wealthy retired
New York jeweler, dropped dead on
the boardwalk here last night. Pa
pers found in his clothing showed
that he had deposited securities val- I
ued at several hundred thousand
dollars in the safe at the hotel where
he was stopping.
Air. Lindenberg was 55 years old.
He came here a week ago for his
are u'scd! UStard ~""° cheap ®ubstitutes
■ Use it to banish rheumatlo pains
and gout, for sore, inflamed or faosted
feet, for chilblains, stiff nc™
Joints or cramps in legs. It acts inf
stantly and never falls to drive oSt
inflammation in anv part of the bodv
Ask for and get Mustarine always in
tho yellow box.
New Play Which Gives Mar
tha Hedman Her Best
Dramatic Vehicle
Puritan versus the freedom of
Greenwich village—could anything
contrast more fully and completely?
There in a few words is the en
tire background of Alartha Hed
man's new show, seen last night be
fore an S. R. O. house at the Or
pheum. A rather different type of
play for Alartha Hedman, "The
Dancer," gives her a greater scoplg
than any of the plays she has yet
had. It borders very strongly on
the drama, with less of the oppor
tunity for Miss Hedman to display
that winsome characteristic which
has won her the hearts of so many
theatergoers. "The Dancer" is tense,
a full and red-blooded human
The author has taken, as cited
above, a wide contrast. From the
angle of the story, it scarcely seems
possible—some of the things which
concern the love of these two young
people, the girl dancer from Green
wich and the young rich man. They
have both waited three years, they
have known each other, they met,
and they waited. They married and
ho loses social position; she refuses
to give up her friends and her
dancing. She, with a greater love,
realizes; he looks only from his
Puritan viewpoint. And then she
lies to make him happy and sends
him away forever.
But whether the play has little
human discrepancies or not, they
are little and they do not in anv
way affect the plot of the play. And
the play gives to Miss Hedman a
wonderful opportunity to display an
even greater scope of her acting
ability than she has yet hil and
so completely does she rise to it.
"The Dancer" is wonderfully staged,
and Aliss Hedman has been sur
rounded with a great ca3t, which
Nicholas Kerinski, Lola's brother,
Hcydn Owens; Bojdan Berinenko,
Lola's personal director, Harry
Mestayer; Franklin Rivers, an art
ist, David Howell Lindley; Elvira
Jago, a dancer. Miss Gypsy O'Brien;
Mosna Kosoloff, an ex-dancer Miss
Jean Temple; Nina Kosoloff, her
daughter. Miss Beatrice Collcntte;
Roy Lingart ,a l.itle playwright,
Thomas J. Keough; Olga, Lola's
maid, Miss Jean Acker; Peter
Quincey Hale, a Puritan, John ilal
Piez Has New Plan
For Working Out of
Wage Readjustment
By Associated Press.
Washington, Feb. 21.—Wage ad
justments in shipyards after March
1, when the existing national agree
ments made through the Macey
board expire, will be formulated
through local organizations, on
■which the government, yard op
erators, and labor unions will be rep
resented. Chairman Hurley, of the
Shipping Board, announces that
Charles Piez, director general of the
Emergency Fleet Corporation, had
devised the plan, aifd was working
out details.
Decision Reserved in Equity
Case in Perry Co. Court
New Bloomflcld, Pa.. Feb. 21.
Periy county court yesterday re
servou decision in the equity case of
Salant & Salant, of New York City
vs. J. K. Saucerman, of Newport,
and the Philips-Jones Company, of
New York City. The former lirm
desires heavy damages for a breach
of contract.
By contract between the Salant
Company and Saucerman, the cor
poration was to receive his total
product for one year, after which
the contract' could bo terminated
by sixty days' notice from either
party. Saucerman sold the estab
lishment to the Philips-Jones Com
pany last summer and Salant &
Salant claimed that proper notice
was not given. Perry county court
granted an injunction in the case
which vras alllrmed by the Superior
Court oi ai. appeal.
Many Expected to Hear
Dr. Bagnell at Y. M. C. A.
The lecture on "The Message of
the Gospel to this Generation" to be
given by Dr. Robert Bagnell In Fahne
stoak Hall Sunday afternoon prom
ises to be well attended, it was stat
ed today by Robert B. Reeves, sec
retary of the Central Y. M. C. A.,
under whose auspices it will be giv
en. A special musical program > ill
be presented by the choir of the
Grace Methodist Church under the
leadership of John W. Phillips and
William R. Stonesifer will give an
crgan recital.
Joseph C. Claster Heads
Credit Men of City
Joseph C. Claster was elected aj
president of the Harrisburg Associ
ation of Credit men at their annual
meeting held in the Chamber of Com
merce rooms last night. C. Frank
Class was named vice-president and
B. F. Fry, secretary and treasurer.
A membership campaign will be
launched in the near future, it was
announced. B. F. Fry was named as
delegate to the national convention
to be held in Philadelphia March 4.
Columbia, Pa., Feb. 21.—A me
morial tablet, purchased by a com
mittee, headed by H. M. North, Jr.,
president of the First Columbia Na
tional Bank, is expected to arrive
the coming week and will be erect
ed in a conspicuous place in the
public park, along the Lincoln high
way. The tablet will contain the
•name of every soldier and sailor
from Columbia who served in the
World War.
Arthuh C. Hauck, funeral director,
will take tho body of Samuel n!
Green, who was killed in a motor
cycle accident Tuesday afternoon, to
his home in Hughesville today, where
burial will be made. The body is on
view in Mr. Hauck's undertaking
parlors, 524 Race street from 2 to 6
o'clock today. Mr. Green roomed
with H. E. Probst, 822 North Third
street for nine years. Ho is survived
by his wife and child.
New Blocmfield, Pa., Feb. 21
William C. Smith, of Madison town
ship, is the seventh seeker after
the Republican nomination for
County Commissioner. Four Demo
crats arc in the field for their party
nomination for the same office.
Fess Withdraws From
Speakership Contest;
Gillett Now Leading
By Associated Press
Washington, Feb. 21.—Represen
tative Fess, of Ohio, chairman of the
Republican Congressional campaign
committee, has announced his with- -
drawal from the Republican contest
for the speakership of the House In
the next Congress. His action left
the race between Representative
Gann, of Illinois, and Gillett, of
With Air. Fess' withdrawal, it was
said that the canvass at yesterday's
conference showed Mr. Gillett lead
j ing Air, Mann by about twenty
I votes.
Lutherans Open Drive
For Big Peace Fund
The Rev. Dr. Charles G. Smith, of
New York City, a commissioner from
the Lutheran Churches of America
sent to France to study conditions,
.sounded a call to arms in an inspir
ing address befoie a men's .nass meet
ing held In Christ Lutheran Church
last night. He appealed to Lutherans
to back the present Lutheran cam
paign for $50,000 to be used In re
construction work overseas. He de
scribed vividly the conditions in' E
urope after the war and asserted that
help Is urgently needed ... once.
Alen of Augsburg Lutheran Church
in attendance at the meeting an
nounced they had closed their section
of the local campaign with more
than $5OO as a total of contributions.
The drive will continue -in other
churches of the city. Dr. Smjth was
introduced by Alusser D. White, pres
ident of the Lutheran Brotherhood
Central of Harrisburg and vicinity. .
Last night' 3 meeting was for men
only. An afternoon meeting for wo- l
men was held in Zion's Luthera*.
church yesterday when the speaker
brought the same message. Both
gatherings were largely attended by
Lutherans of the city.
New Federal Building
Allowed Philipsburg!
Pliilipsburg, Feb. 21. —This town 1
is listed among the thirty-eight '
towns which are to got Federal 1
buildings in the near future if Con- 1
gross passes the—House committee
building bill approved by the com- ,
mittee on Saturday. The amount ,
appropriated for Philipsburg is ,
$BO,OOO. Dußois is to get $35,000;
State College, $29,500; Tyrone. $125,-
000; and Brookvillc, $lO,OOO.
Congressman Charles H. Rowland
says that there is little or no doubt
that Congress will pass the build
ing bill and that Philipsburg will
get a Federal building. ,
The sum of $20,000 was added to
the bill for Pliilipsburg's appropria
tion as originally presented by Con- s
gressman Rowland. t
New Spring Waist-Seam Suits
at $3O $35 $4O
"Metric" Shirts Boy's Spring Suits
$2 to $lO $8.50 to $12.50
A full Spring line from the madras WHAT you don't know about boy's
x x shirt at $2.00 to the pure silk shirt at $I 0. And Y v clothes your boy will, and he invariably selects
they fit as made to measure. a Wm. Strouse Suit.
Hundreds of New Patterns In New Spring Neckwear at $l.OO
Witt. otrouE2
The New Store 310 Market Street
New Bridges, Rails and Loco
motives Will Be Ordered
This Year
Huntingdon, Feb. 21.—Heavy ex
penditures will have to be made by
the Huntingdon and Broad Top
Railroad Company this year, ac
cording to a statement of Carl Gage,
president, issued to-day to stock
| holders. The report announces
there must be a renewal of several
bridges, new rails and new and
larger type lotomotlves to replace
those that have been scrapped due
to long service. Mr. Gage not
mention any detuils, however, con
cerning the proposed improvements.
This matter is usually left to the
road's engineers.
The report of President Gage,
however, is good news to residents
in the territory drained by this
railroad. This section is being de
veloped rapidly and the railroad
must keep pace with the progress
of the country through which it
Expenditures were kept down to a
minimum during 1918. the report
| says. Because the road is under fed
eral management, and figures of
operation first must be approved by
the Interstate Commerce Commis
sion, there is no total as to its fi
nancial standing.
Says That Tonall
Restored Her Health
After Suffering Six Long Yenrs With
Chronic Stomach Trouble
"I had suffered six years with
1 chronic stomach trouble," says Mrs.
John Westman, of 622 North Cherry
street, Lancaster, Pa. "I went
through a period of unforgetful mis
ery, just because I did not know
of the merits of Tonall.
"I was two years in Florida un
der the caro of physicians and had
to return home worse off than be
fore I went.
"I tried various medicines sup
posed to be good for Indigestion and
stomach trouble, but none of them
helped me until I began taking
Tonall. I am gaining weight and
am able to do my housework. My
acquaintances all notice the dif
ference in my health."
Tonall is sold at Gorgas' drug
store, Harrisburg, and all leading
drug stores in Eastern Pennsylvania
Dr. A. L. Marshall Head 1
Committee to Welcome
Home Colored Soldiers
Dr. A. L. Marshall was elected at
a meeting In Odd Fellows' Hall last
evening, to head the general com
mittee to arrange a reception for
the Harrlsburg and Steelton colored
lads with the Three Hundred and
Sinty-eighth Infantry of the Three
Hundred and Flfty-llrst Field Artill
ery. The units recently returned
from overseas and the men are ex
pected home next week.
Other members of this general
committee are;
C, G. Howard, vice chairman; C. S.
Jackson. secretary; C. S. Brown!
treasurer. Committee on arrange
ments is composed of Dr. Cramp
ton, chairman; Theodore Fry; Ran
dolph Martin, Harrisburg; Charles
Beck with, and C. F..Howard, Steel
ton; Miss Georgia Patterson, Miss i
Emma -Miller, Miss Elizabeth Herron
Mrs. James Polston, Mrs. Emma Pow
Further arrangements for the re
ception, which will likely include a
big street parade, will be made this
evening, when a meeting of the gen
eral committee has been called to be
held at the office of Dr. Charles H
Crampton, 600 Forster street
I There Are A Number of Vacancies
j Ready For Young Women Who 1
f Desire Permanent Employment
1 This is one of the coming businesses of the city and offers '
\ splendid opportunities for those who desire to engage in the
T :Zm! Uri ; ig bUS - inCSS - ) Ve WIU be lad to interview Those who 1
I Si" &* " ]
I Harrisburg, Pa. j
Committee Would
Repeal Daylight Bill,
Farmers Oppose It
Washington, Feb. 21.—After add
ing an amendment for the repeal of
the daylight saving act, the Senate
agriculture committee ordered fa-
Itching, Scratching, Skin Disease
That Burn Like Flames of Fir
Here Is a Sensible Treatment
That Gets Prompt Results
For real, downright, harassing,
discomfort, very few disorders can
approach so-called skin diseases,
such as Eczema, Tetter, Boils, erup
tions, scaly Irritations and similar
skin troubles, notwithstanding the
lavish use of salves, lotions, washes,
and other treatment applied exter
nally to the irritated parts.
No one ever heard of a person be
ing afflicted with any form of skin i
disease whose blood was in good I
condition. Therefore, it is but log
ical to conclude that the proper
method of treatment for pimpies,
blotches, sores, holies, rough, red |
vorably reported the $31,000,000 ai
nual agricultural appropriation bl
with committee amendments ai
proximating $5,000,000.
Steps to repeal the act, which a<
vances the nation's clocks an hoi
from the last of March to Octobe
was said to have resulted from pr(
test made by farmers' organization
and scaly skin, is to purify the bloc
and remove the tiny germs of polli
tion that break through and man
fest their presence on the surfai
of the skin.
People in all parts of the counti
have written us how they were con
pletely rid of every trace of the!
disorders by the use of S. S. S., tl
matchless, purely vegetable, bloc
purifier. S. S. S. goes direct to tl
center of the blood supply, and pur
lies and cleanses it of every vestii
of foreign matter, giving a clear ar
ruddy complexion that indicates pe
feet health. Write today for fr<
medical advice regarding your cas
Address Swift Specific Co., 443 Swl
Laboratory, Atlanta, Ga.—Adv.