Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, February 20, 1919, Page 7, Image 7

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    "When a Girl Marries"
A New, Romantic Serial Dealing With the Absorbing
Problems of a Girl Wife
Almost as soon as I asked the ques
lon I knew the answer to it. The
tan who had loaned Jim the money
or his flyer in "Salt Water Oil" was
n his way to our apartments. It was
'om Mason.
Tom Mason! In spite of my fear
f him. my dislike of him even—in
pite of the ug)y scene with him in
ur own apartment only a fortnight
efore, Jim had borrowed money from
im. My husband had borrowed $5.-
00 from the- man I feared and dis
iked, the man from whom I had
>egged to be protected. It was in
oncelvable. Yet it had happened
omething seemed to die in my heart
t the knowledge. But I stood stiff
nd straight and spoke to him
hrough cold lips:
"Jim —I'm going into the other
oom and shut the door. I will not
ee Mr. Mason.
"Don't be an idijAt. Anne. Stay
iere. What'll I tell Turn."' protested
"Tell him anything yiu like. I
eplied curtly. "I wil not sea him.
iay I'm out. Say I'm sick. I don't
•are what you say—but remember
hat I will not —will not —see him."
Then I marched into the bedroom
ind slammed the door as Jim had
>een known to do on occasions.
Once alone I busied myself fevcr
shly with dressing. I slipped out
>f my cotton crepe housadress and
nto a kimono. With the most elabo
•ate care I arranged my hair, washed
ind fell into buffing my linger nails.
3ut at last came the time I dreaded.
: was all hooked into my best mul
jerry satin dinner dress —and had
lothing to do but to sit and think —
ind think.
I dared not consider my own prob
em, so 1 forced my mind to go back
:o the disappearance of oar Betty,
it seemed weeks since it had hap
jened, and yet it was only last night
:hat Terry had come to the canteen
tor me—only lust night that Bottv
Bad walked out of our lives and our
Knowledge. In a few hours Terry
would be in Washington. By morn
ing we could expect news from him.
Betty,, Tom, Doris West. Terry, our
new fortune, Antony Norrcys— my
mind whirled with the Ingrained con
fusion and the whirl of Just mere
Again I feel the need to act —to
io something—everything. So I got
up and rearranged the silver on my
bureau. Wheyi that was finished I
fetched out a discarded hat and fell
to ripping it apart—and just as I
nad my bed littered with silk and
riljbons and canvas. Jim walked in.
'Over the sulks?" he asked.
"Is he gone?" I parried, giving my
What's in
a Name?
The law compels us to put the
name "oleomargarine" on every pack
age of Benefit Brand "Sweet Nut"
Margarine, but there's not a particle
of "oleo" or animal fat in it. Deli
cious spread on biscuit or bread—
when served, looks and tastes like
the best, dairy product—3sc a lb. Sold
only at Tamsui Tea JCO.'S, 331 Market
St., up one flight, Harrisburg, where
Benefit Brand Teas, Coffees and Gro
cery Specialties are retailed at
wholesale prices.
Look for our store in your town.
Sweet Nut
A better coffee for every meal because its per
gi fectly blended and most
{jp OlCl6ll carefully roasted. Never
_ varies from the rich, mel-
OOSt low flavor you taste in the
first cup.
ni j 1
men a You get full coffee
Of f strength when you buy it
because every pound is put
up in air tight packages. It's sold at all grocers.
THE man who to-day saves for buying
a home does so because he can look
a little further into the future than
- the man who goes on spending all his earn
ings while living in a rented hoUse and
| leaves the "future to take care of itself."
The average "renter" lacks the imagination to
project himself into the future ten, fifteen or
twenty years, to a period of his life when owner
ship of a home would afford him the place and
comfort that no other possession can give.
You can own a home; no man is so poor
and none so rich as not to find profit in
home ownership.
United Ice & Coal Co.
I .limber Department ■
I'orster & Coivilcn St.
J' . - ■ • • ■ "
. /
absorbed attention to pulling; threads
from a piece of blue taffeta.
"No —lie has not!" replied Jim. He's
waiting; to arrange with me about
our dinner to celebrate. We'll make
it a bang up affair and ask Jeanie and
Thoebe and Sheldon. The only draw
back is—not having Terry and Bet
"How can you give a dinner with
Betty—Betty may be lying some
where—" I began.
Jim interrepted angrily.
"Can the morbid whimpering,
Anne! Betty is all right. You
needn't try to hide behind her and
pretend she's the reason for your not
wanting to celebrate when it's really
your insane hatred of good old Tom."
"Good old Tom!" I mimickd angrily.
"When you know perfectly well that
he came here drunk and annoyed
"What I know perfectly well in that
'a friend in need is a friend, indeed,' "
cried Jim, whirling on nie with (lash
ing eyes and hard, bru.que voice.
"Who gave me a home at a rent 1
could manage when I was down ard
out? Who warned me off when the
rest of my friends were going to let
me get mixed up with that crook,
Sneddon? Tom—good old Tom. And
And when'l asked him for this live
thousand, did he argue or ask ques
ions No—he came right across."
"But Jim!" I criej, struggling to
keep my voice whole when it wanted
to crumple up along the edges and
cave in. "How could you—how could
you in decency and self respect get
deeper in debt to Tom Mason? How
could you? It seems to me I can
never forgive you for this. First,
you let a little stenographer tip you
to a big deal. Then you let Tom
Mason finance you. Oh, Jim, Jim,
I'm so disappointed in you! The dis
illusionment of It!"
I knew when I spoke that I was
inviting Jim's fury kindling his
ready temper to wrath. Hue his re
ply surprised me. It was cold and
self-contained as if suddenly I
hadn't the power to anger him.
"You don't get this right, Anne.
In good time you'll be ready to beg
my pardon for your unjust suspicions.
Ingood time you'll get the facts. I
haven't time to bother with them
now. But x for the present listen *o
this. I let Tom Mason in on this dul
too. He has cleared up twice what X
have. That cancels all the indebted
ness to him that you were worrying
about so the other night. Now please
come otit and tell Mason that you
were sorry it took you so long to
dress, and that you're might pleased
with the whole thing. Come on."
"And that's your answer!" L re
plied hopelessly.
Then, because there was no way
out of it, I followed Jim into the oth
er room. And as I went up and gave
my hand to Tom Mason his eyes met
mine with a swift, challenging look,
and he murmured under his breath:
"Didn't X tell you to count on me
when you needed a friend?"
(To Be Continued.)
Ann vile, Pa., Feb. 20. —On Tues
day morning the home of Jacob
Light, a farmer near Annville, was
burned to the ground and the large
barn was saved only by the efforts
of a bucket brigade. The fire oc
curred while the weekly washing was
in progress. The first evidence was
the bursting flames from the roof,
near the chimney. The house and
contents were entirely destroyed in
cluding a largo supply of canned
meats and vegetables.
Bringing Up Father "t"" Copyright, 1918, International News Service -J*- By Mel. 1 anus
A Series of Plain Talks to
#By Ray C. Beery, A.8., M.A.
President of the Parents Association.
Johnny, don't forget to stop and
get the mail at noon and get some
crackers on the way home from
Maybe Johnny will remember and
maybe he will not. A great deal de
pends upon what he had on his mind
at the mopient the order was given.
Also, as to whether a child will re
member in any particular case de
pends not a little upon the training he
lias received on this point.
Some parents allow their children
to grow from bad to worse along a
givem line, instead of setting their
minds upon securing the results they
would like to have and proceeding in
some positive, thoughtful way to cor
rect the habit.
One mother having this problem on
her hands writes to us as follows:
"[ have a boy 10 years of age, who
seems perfectly willing to do what 1
ask of him, at the time I ask him, but
.when it comes time to do the thing,
he almost invariably forgets. So far
as actually getting my orders carried
out is concerned, it is about as bad as
if lie were not willing. It seems as if
he always starts to do something else
before he gets to what I asked him to
do. How can I get him to remember
to do what I tell him?" I
When commanding your 10-year-old
fcoy to do something for you. either
tell him definitely that you wish It
done immediately or that you want
it done before some definite time
which you mention.
The essential point is to get the
boy's undivided attention at the time
you issue your command. When tho
boy has ills mind partly on something
else and you say, "I'd like you to get
the mail pretty soon," he naturally
says "All right," and soon forgets it.
Daily Dot Puzzle
8 • <—-> —^
io . CT
9 *'J*4 1 3 \C
7 • 'is
V- $
• • • * l3 •!& >(
• •*> . '
77 . • 23 *2Z
15' 62 ° .24.
. " ,25
• W
73 7o
• • • 07
to •
71 '7, "' ' 3 °
S3 ,
- 3i
4z •
•58 *39
•" " 3 - 32
32 • 6 *
* 53 *55 33
51. -.34.
•° A ,ss^
46. • .47
Draw from'one to two and so on
to the end.
Well Known Lady Tells How She
Darkened Her Gray 'Hair By a
Simple Home 3fade Remedy
Mrs. E. H. Boots, a well known
resident of Buchanan County, la.,
who darkened her gray hair by a
simple home-made remedy made
the following statement: '
"Any lady or gentleman can dark
en their gray or faded hair, and
make it soft and glossy with this
simple remedy, which they can mix
at home. To half a pint of water
add 1 ounce of bay rum, one small
box of Barbo Compound and U
ounce of glycerine. These ingredi
ents can be purchased at any drug
store at very little cost. Apply to
the hair every other day until the
gray hair is darkened sufficiently.
This is not a dye* it does not color
the most delicate sculp, is not sticky
or greasy and does not rub off. It
will make a gray-haired person look
ten to twenty years younger." ,
HARRISBURG uflSflll telegraph:
But the better way to deal with a boy i
of this type is to speak his name firm
ly, "Robert (wait till he gives you his
entire attention), at 9 o'clock—that's
fifteen minutes from now—-I want vou
to get the mail. Bring it to 'the
kitchen.' This thought will be lodged
in his mind more firmly and the
chances are he will keep the command
in his consciousness until he has car
ried it out.
Or, if you want him to do a thing
right away without putting it off, it
is better to have him come to vou
first. S.mply say, "Robert (wait till
you get his attention), come here."
Then when he comes, announce your
wish ir. a definite expectant manner.
Since he already has left the thing he
was doing and has his mind altogether
on the thing you have Just requested,
it will be easy for him to carry it
It is always a good idea in training
children to statt with things that are
easy to do and as the child succeeds
at each small step, approve him. sug
gest how easy it Is for him nnd gradu
ally increase the difficulty of the task
until you have the child doing what'
you want. In this case, let the time
extend over only a few minutes at
first and make it easy for the boy to
remember. Then, after you get him
to take pride in his success and abil
ity to remember, you can give him
larger tests, and the chances are he
will meet them successfully.
(Copyrighted, 1919, by the Parents
Block of Slate Hits
Foreigners; Kills Them
Kaston, Feb. 20. —Carlo Dumbo,
4 4 years old, and Dominik Cieni,
63, both of Penargyl, were instant
ly killed yesterday when a chain
bearing a two ton block of slate
broke at the Albion quarry, near
Penargyl. The block fell 250 feet,
striking the men.
Z7GO ji. tl'Jl
2760—Gingham, seersucker, drill,
galutea, khaki, lawn, percale 'and
flannelette, are good for this style.
The closing is at the side. The
sleeve may be in wrist length or fin
ished in obel lweng
ished in elbow length, with a cuff.
The Pattern is cut in 7 sizes; 34,
36, 38, 40, 42, 44 and 46 inches
bust measure. Size 3 8 requires 6
yards of 36 inch material. The dresA
measures about 2Vt yards at the
A pattern of this illustration
mailed to any address on receipt of
10 cents in silver or stamps.
Telegraph Pattern Department
For the 10 cents Inclosed please
send pattern to the following ad
Size Pattern No
I City and State.
"Have you ever been to a laundry
party?" inquired the progressive 1
wotpan, who prides herself on being
years ahead of the times, "because if
you have not, you are a reactionary."
Evidently none of Uncle Sam's
war workers had been to a "laundry
party," but no One wanted to admit
it, because the progressive lady Is
rather terrifying and has a way of
convicting people of not keeping up
with the procession. This is natur
ally irritating to girls who have left
home and comforts to help win the
war in Washington.
So it came out that while every
one was buying either a Liberty
Bond, or War Saving Certificates,
and wearing low shoes to save
[ leather, none of the war workers
had ever been to a laundry
The progressive lady decided to
I explain—she loves to do that —
"Servants are a thing of the past,"
she sighed; "the war lias converted
them into other channels of indus
try and housekeepers are learning
!to do without them. It was hard
at first, but with the aid of labor
] saving devices housework has be
come simplified and women are learn
ing that things last longer and go
farther when they are handled by
the one who pays the bills.
Washing is not the sordid business
it seema when it is done daintily and
efficiently. It is the bungling, in
competent way in which it Is usually
| handled that makes it so unattrac
"Here, here," some one mocked
derisively. "Well," said the pro
gressive lady, "I speak with au
thority because I went to a laundry,
enlisted as a worker and now I
know how!"
Every one looked at her as if she
might have completed a trip to Mars,
and she kept on. "I learned the
whole thing washing, wringing,
clear-starching and ironing; 1
wouldn't take fifteen hundred dol
lars for my knowledge—then I re
signed and bought all the labor sav
ing laundry devices on the market."
At this point three of the war
workers who had left pocket hand
kerchiefs soaking in their wash
basins brightened up and began to
take an interest.
First l'upi 1M College Women
"My first pupils were a group of
college women, here in Washington,
who were in despair over getting
any laundry work done. I told them
they might bring their clothes to my
house on Saturday afternoon when
I'd show them how to wash without
breaking their backs or ruining their
things. 0
"Five accepted the invitation and
the others continued to hope and
pray for a laundress and have re
course to the bathroom basin mean
"Well, these girls hired a lame
and halt taxicab, at a dollar and a
half an hour, which amounted to
thirty cents apiece, and gathered up
the five bundles of laundry. As my
work was entirely philanthropic, I
told them I would treat to coffee,
sandwiches and war cakes, and the
laundry party began to take on the
aspects of festivity.
"The washing machine did the
worst of the work and saved the
backs of the war workers. The
work was apportioned into rinsing,
shaking and wringing—of course we
had a patent wringer—then I
initiated them Into the mysteries of
clear-starching and they hung the
clothes out to dry.
"While the things were drying we
had our sandwiches, cake and cof
fee, someone read the newspapers
Francis M. Quinn, 3028 Lehigh
avehue, Philadelphia, is a salesman
and quick to recognize the merits
of any claim. "1 suffered from
nervousness, gastritis, stomach trou
ble and a badly run-down system.
I suffered ✓more or less pain and dis
tress from a gas and add stomach.
I was getting very discouraged, j
when I heard of Tanlac. After I
started Tanlac I began to get bet
ter quickly. I eat well, sleep long
and soundly. Tu,nluc did all for nie
it claims to do."
The genuine J. I. Gore Co. Tanlac
IN now sold hers at the Gorges drug
and an article from a magazine and i
before \ve had finished discussing ]
these things the clothes were ready ;
to be sprinkled and rolled down, as
we were fortunate in having a dry, j
windy day.
"Two of the girls had brought
their own electric irons, as I had
only one, and we borrowed a couple
of extra ironing boards. Three girls
ironed and two rested, ironing and
resting alternately.
Talk of the Future
"There was lots of good talk, chief- |
ly of the future, when everyone I
would do his or her share, of the j
world's drudgery. And these girls]
agreed, that even if this country were I
flooded with cheap domestic labor, |
after the war, few housekeepers '
would avail themselves of it to the
extent they did formerly.
"Women have learned to do with
out 'help,' and they are taking the
same pride in their domestic achieve
ments as they did in their vegetable
canning last year.
"The vacuum cleaner, the fireless
cooker, the washing machine and
electric flatirons are simplifying
housework to such an extent that
every woman with some sense of or
ganization will be able to run her
home with as little difficulty as she
can run a Ford car after she learns
the brakes."
■ "But," one of the fair laundresses
interrupted, "what will become of
t the cook and the laundress and all
the rest of them when Johnnie comes
marching home and displaces her
from the elevator and kindred other
She will find something else to
do," the progressive lady answered;
"besides, that's the cook's lookout.
In tlie meantime, however, it be
hooves her to salt down into Thrift j
Stamps every penny she is able to'
save, because lean years follow fat
and there is apt to be a chill morn- !
ing when she does not have half a
dozen offers of places, each paying
better than the last."
"Well," said one of the laun
dresses, "I have often been to real,
sure-enough dinner parties and had
a good deal worse time than at your
highly agreeable laundry at home."
Annvillc, Pu„ Feb. 20. —Chaplain
Puul D. Witman arrived home Mon
day night after serving more than a
. - £ ,-,. _L ... ■■.^T.ir'Tjfl
Do You Really Know |
The Best Talking Machine ?
It Is the
Brunswick rayi | I
A ND not only the best instrument — : .Y
A but it is an artistic piece of furniture
for your home. The cabinet work is
SU THE ULTONA the adjustable
sound reproducer* automatic stop, tone
modifier and oval sound chamber
The best features of a talking machine
are those that you will find in the ,
|, BRUNSWICK. When you hear this
wonderful instrument you will know
why it is praised so highly by the best j| Iff
Easy payments on Our Club Plan "
$32.50 to SISOO
Pathe Records The indestructible records. Come in and listen to
these new March records, now on sale.
22023—"Coronation." 22036—"Ti1l We Meet Again"
I • "United Empire March" .. "You Don't Know"
22019—"The Rose of No Man's Dand" OC _ 29231 —"Can You Tame Wild
"It's Never Too Date to be Women" OO
Sorry." "Oh! Tomorrow Night" * l,vu
FEBRUARY 20, 1919. ■
I year in the national army. Chap-!
| lain witman was in the depot bri
j gade at Camp Meade l'ar several
I months before going abroad about a
We Offer Our Stock of |j
j Wall Papers
at 20% off
I High Class H all Papers for the home —suit - jg
able for the various rooms comprising j
choicest of de luxe fabrics and patterns — J
It is advisable to buy ivall
papers at these reductions
and have the papering done
later on, if so desired.
This Offer is for a Limited Time
Interior Decorations
225 North Second St.
i :
jWLiiiiiniiiir mi—i mmrnm—a
You mint a <li|lomu from IIIIN Mchool and a credential from H
S| the Rational Association of Accredited Commercial Schools of the H
9 t, S. • Tle IIKST In HtiMlncMM Education lCnroll Now.
School of Commerce
The olil> Reliable. Standard, Accredited College.
I Troup Iluildlag 15 S. Market Square. I
BER Hell 185. Dial 4303 I
Scud for Catalog or Representative.
■ - ■ . .. i , , , .A
| Chaplain Witman was pastor of St.
j year ago. For the past ten years
t Paul's Kvangelical Lutheran church
! here.