Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, February 20, 1919, Page 3, Image 3
See Other Ad on See Other Ad on ' Page 8 MijOtCf/lIGM&i PageS BEI.I. 1091—2350 UNITED HARRISHURG, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 20. 119. ,l FOUNDED 1871 B. B. B. Sale of Cold Weather Wearables M Blankets and Special Wool Sweaters Qut They Go! Comforts at w Pnced Unusually L °X All Remaining pf sw\ ■T// ' k Wool sweaters in coat styles. Large sailor and Tuxedo TTT* m ML?V.vf M. \ ■F\A\v "TB 1* 1 ~r\ collars in all shades. Very special; $3.95 and $5.95. W' tntfl" / MA \ aßy ■ \ CI/l 1 1 If O Flannelette waists in gray; high, low collars. Tailored *.*-**-' * Another line of flannel waists in stripes and checks; all sizes. a I < -o ' jJwßk; \y/ Jfy 1 1 . • A nice assortment of colors; special, $2.98. M M % /V I V I♦<f '■ ';t ' '"^^l ■®vi ductions G U A I O / Rather than risk carrying over our Rot many, tis tine, but what i\e \i/ljx Bjjsw|k YjSSk tI! k J large stocks of Blankets and Comforts /a TT IT n * have aie offeied at such heavy re- yMf | if „„til next Winter, we have made rad- Une-Hall F OlDier FtICCS T°n?" A" \1 ical reductions throughout the line and offer superlative values which you can- : " " " " _ need ot a coat will find it to hei ad- Slm rat | \YI not afford to overlook. We suggest that every housewife in town take immedi- . ur c tr ! , " mn 3f s °. f S " ut "f ' scaK ° nc ,ncl \ to 8 vantage to investigate these best %//W ate stock of her blanket and comfort requirements, and then fill them at our lU VnnrW °r i *<iu%n JAb mid-winter fashions in coats. Styles store H.irino- this cnln Four Marabou muffs; $1.50 each. t h a t are in the height of popularity Store during tins sale. BOWMAN'S-Main Floor. 1,1 , ~1 i . J T, . . , ~. ... r , . now and that will be good next season too. It is doubtful it you will find a coat Blankets, Comforts ' Single Blankets, in light and dark in the" lot that is not sold for much less than half price. Cotton Bed Blankets, in white and f v UndCrWCar SpCCiaiS 50 Wool Velour Coats—Silvertone, i 27 Coats, many of them were marked 43 A ' P ' ! blankets, $6.75 and $/.50 each. It pays to buy good underwear at these prices even if you Bolivia and I lush, in Burgundy, plum, to sell at three times this price. Wool Single-bed size, 60x76; in tan and Gray wool nap, 72x80, mohair bind- lay them away till next winter, but you still have many weeks Navy blue and black; beautifully tai- velour, kersey and burella cloth. Some assorted colored borders, $-.50 pair. j . assorted colored borders; extra for comfort underwear. . lored; others handsomely fur trimmed, full lined. Extraordinary special White double-bed size, 64x80; blue heavv S6 00 nair Lnderwear is a most essential part of one's wearing apparel; ' a ' */*' ' uiiuu y special, or pink border; good weight, $2.59. Plaid wool finished 64v80 in bine our stocks are complete with garments that fit properly, give $39.50. $9.95. .... i • „ so on. i laid wool nnisnecl, OtxoU, ill blue warmth and comfort, wear well, and are reasonably priced. or . , „.. !•*,,, White oi tan, laige size, 68x80, anc j w hit e , gray and white, in broken MEN'S °° e^our C-oats —Silvertone, | All the remaining beautiful higher assorted colored borders ; good weight c h ec ks, $3.89 pair. ' ' Hea vy wool shirts and drawers, "Collins Make," complete Bolivia and Plush, in Burgundy, plum, priced Coats at one-half price. an ecce, $ . pair. rnmfnvla range of all sizes. The man's garment of the hour. Special Naw blue and black, $29.50. BOWMAN'r— riiirri Finor Gray wool, finished with colored today, $3.15. < BOW MAN s-Third Floor. border, 68x80: end ovcrstitched, $2.89. Single-bed size, in light and dark j WOMEN'S \\ hite wool and cotton mixed double patterns, filled with white cotton, $2.19 ! "Athena" Merino Union Suits, medium weight, Dutch neck \\T 1 TT L * 13 1 TT 1 bed size, 70x80; pink or blue border, Double-bed size, in medium and dark and elbow sleeves. Athena underwear is made for the body; W OOICII r 1 2iDriCS""ixCSl L>lCTriinCC V TIUCS bound with silk ribbon to match, $6.98 patterns, size 72x78; covered with j it perfect htting. W featuring lor today a garmen. ' V -11 1- 1 . , . , at $3.30, regular size; $3./3, extra size. pan. silkalme and cretonne; good weight, r>u T T • 1 • i i . . Plaid wool double-bed size in blue ; $3 50 each CHILDREN S 54-inch Velour Coatings —include 54-inch black and white check Velour and white. „i n k and white; of I Wool-fined Comfort., covered with i J™ for SuitS ' Coats ° r skir,s; Slric,ly " selected stock, soft and warm, SB.OO pr. floral satine and silkalme; double-bed j outdoors. An ideal union suit at $2.50. Mate a beaut ui, so t n. \ wool, one-inch check. Special, $2.50 High-grade wool Bed Blankets, in | sizes, $6.75, SB.OO and SIO.OO each. BOWMAN's —Main Floor, ! too Jieavy lor late Spring wear. plaids and white, one-fourth fo one- All othir grades of Comforts at a lib-' j ~ " TTT, j ! 54dnch KerseJ Shell Cloth for coats '4B and 54-inch all-wool Skirtings, third off regular price. ! eral reduction. h I inpn t • vJr ?■ nT r, . . Luais . b 1 VJIGIVCo or suits —dine chiffon finish and has ex- including shawl plaids, stripes in two bowmaxs . econd iioor, . —- - . cedent wearing qualities; colors of tone effects and neat dark plaids on ~ at Clearance r rices , i'XX k -7i N^OwßX rgUndy and reindecr - grounds of Navy blue. Special, $3.50 Heather Mixture Yarns One clasp, two clasp and gauntlet in tan, brown and I j 54-inch "Kuiufy Cloth/ in black and i .. . .. — gray. Fleece-lined, fur-lined and silk-lined. Cape, suede dark plum shades, 100 per cent, wool 52-inch Broadcloth, with very fine Heavv four-uly Yarn for sweaters scarfs cans and p-nlf stnrL-ino-c and Mochas. $1.95 to $8.50. —will make up into nice, warm coats, finish and a good line of shades, includ special values in popular heather mixtures at 55c ball. dockings tery Children s cape fleece gloves. One clasp.lined, 6oc also serviceable auto robes. Vecy ing Navy and black. Special, $3.50 BOWMAN'S —Second Floor. BOWMAN'S-Maln Floor. $1.75 yd. yard. V BOWMAN'S —Mln Floor. | Clearance Sale Of Flannelette Nightgowns, Pajamas 1 I And Skirts For Women—Children's Flannelettes | The remarkable open winter we have had has left us with more Flannelette garments Winter goods can always be bought for less money at the close of a season than at the beginning, M than we care to carry over for next winter. Our loss is your gain At the radical reductions hut this year it applies more forcibly than ever. Last year because of an unusually severe winter we §we have made on these dependable garments, you can still get weeks of excellent service were s ? ld out This b , ecau ? e , of a , n un . usuall >' warm ' vi . nter this , new s f° ck ? >: ours ut prices i " ( M 5:7/ out rtf and i . , i.. y. . ° nnelettes ready for next winter at savings that note the former prices. You will then see that no greater values have been offered this season any- f|j Lp make it worth while to buy them now. • j where, and no greater values are likely to be offered ;Xj | Women's Flannelette Gowns Buy Warm Flannelettes For Your Women's Flannelette Pajamas i | At Remarkable Reductions Children Now At Big Savings i Pxt - a s -' z , e w ! l i t , e hannelette gowns without Children's flannelette sleeping garment with feet; 2to 12 vrs. White pajamas of one-piece, with nice collar in pink and blue, striped, double yoke, hem- , 1 , .? , J i j x , n ' .m 7c stitched yoke finished with braid, $1.75.. Drop seat and pockets; pink and blue striped, 75c. embroidered frogs, double yoke, $1.75. /0-\\ Extra size white, pink and white, lilue and Blue and white, pink and white striped . white striped flannelette gown finished with Children's flannelette gowns, in plain white; 2to 14 years, with two-piece pajamas with pocket; $2.15. yf3fe x ' 1 I i§> SSL and blue, gray and white'striped gowns with or . two-piece flannelette pajamas with em- _ 1 —x Kg, / IXi ' 1 \/J • 1 • ~r, , white and blue striped; without collar, double yoke finished rr7 9 rri i cr /'■ "1 I 1 \ Wi W I\\ n k\\Y / Regular size plain white flannelette gowns . . 1 ' ' J fV OtTiefl S t ICMnelCtte SklPtS /V ! \ . \ S3 I 1 1,, j I /vsA / with or without collar, double yoke finished with with braid; shelled edge at neck; SI.OO. • J |m \X ) /m\ •H\ braid, also hemstitching. This gown is of pretty T?t>Aiirr>A Iti Prirp \W ! VV / §$ /V l\ " 1 P>"k and white, blue and white stripes, $1.35. Children's flannelette gowns, 2to 14 yeafs; double yoke in 0 1 I Y M LJ ']\ - \ in pink* white front and back; pink and white, blue and white striped, with col- Short flannelette skirts in pink and /1/ \" I M g £2? i/ -\ | finishing braid, $1.55. ' lar finished in braid; sl.lO. white, blue and white, gray and white / / I j White, pink and white, blue and white, flan- ' stripes with plain ruffles; 65c. / J .; I m I cuffs'sT^S collar ' nicel^hem " Boys' flannelette night shirts with Short flannelette skirts of grey a,nd V// ,■ i n ® \ . j . White and colored flannelette gowns, with or band at neck, blue and white, white, gray and black, with ruffles or j! I I H \\ / h without collar, finished with hemstitching and and white striped; 4to 14 years, 95c.Xv ' xYiJ ' broideied edge, 75c. . ■* Ji ■,' \\ / £ braid, SL9S. Short dark gray skirt in white with blue l/Uj 8 \l/ I douldeVokest wither with Boys' two piece flannelette pajam- rPYj f embroidered edge, and black embroidered I|. |il| § \ ///1 dainty finishing braid, $2.15. as. The coat is trimmed in fancy j" V 7 X edge,/sc. • ... . i \l A - ) / Plam white flannelette gown, pink and white, froes with band at neck 4to 14 vears [ > \ A Short skirt of blue and white, gray and \ \ / \ Eg A' ! -") ean v te striped, with or without collar, ' ' ) 1 > > I 1, \ 1 white, and pink and white stripes, also \ a \ Jl 1\ finished with braid, $2.35. sl.lO. plain white with ruffle and plain hem- \ \X \ e ' blue and white, with pretty f 71 hX ctifrbrrl edw 95r X XX \\ • 0 tlfi l^gmvn eC can°be wtffioin' collar' . t^ lllldre " s fl^line^e. tte petticoats I t j) y Long pink and white, blue and white, \\\ g py $2.75. • with muslin bodies. Size 2to 6 years i \ Oj \ striped skirt with pretty scalloped edge \ \V\ MY g Blue and white, pink and white striped with only. Pink and white, blue and white A \ '/ \ ruffle; $1.15. \2) vX Ip * s' s,lCd W ' tk dal " ty bratd of striped; ruffles with scallopecl edge; IX " x \ k Long gray and white, pink and white, mjK BOWMAN's —second Floor Pink and white, blue and white, gray and 39c. - and black, with plain hemstitched S white, with collar finished with braid on yoke and edge and also scalloped edge; $1.25. JjF cUpros <6t ts BOWMAN'S—Second Floor SICC\ cs, SO.OO. BOWMAN'S—Second Floor , THURSDAY rVENXWG. BLAJEURISBUnG flSjElSfl TELEG t IAPH FEBRUARY 20, 1919. 3