Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, February 20, 1919, Page 16, Image 16
16 2,260 NAMES ARE IN FOUR LISTS "War Department Mentions 35 Yanks Killed in Action Washington, Feb. 20.'—Four War Department casualty lists to day con , tain a total of 2260 names, sum marized as follows: Killed in action 2 3 | Pied of Accident and other Pauses 24 Missing in action 2 Died of wounds 23 ' Died of disease 66 i Wounded severely *l4 4 Wounded slightly 1082 Total 2260 Pennsylvanians mentioned are: A Real Hair Saver and Beautifier Found nt I.not iihowa llrstiltn nt Once <r -\othing to Pay. If your liair is thinning out. pre- | maturely gray, brittle, lifeless, full of dandruff and your head itches like I mad, quick action must be taken to | , save your hair. Don't wait until the hair root is } dead, for then nothing can help you. Get from Kennedy's or any good 1 druggist today a bottle of Parisian : sage it doesn't cost much and there's nothing else you could use i that's so simple, safe and effective. : You will surely be delighted with ! the first application. Your hair will seem much more uhundant and ra diant with life and beauty all itch- I ing ceases and your scalp feels cool t and comfortable. Purlsian sage is in j great demand by discriminating women because it is delicately per fumed. docs not color or streak the ] hair: and keeps it lustrous, soft and j fluffy. Be sure you get the genuine | Parisian sago (Giroux's) for this is], guaranteed to give perfect satisfac- • • tion or nothing to pay. If Your Kidneys and Liver are Sluggish Bliss Native Herb Tablets Will Restore Them To Healthy Action "i suffered'{or years from defec-'from drugs containing deleterious tive kidneys and sluggish liver, substances. Bv tlieir action, the liv- NotMing seemed to relieve me till ler is stiniulated, the kidneys cleans- i used your Bliss Native Herb Tablets, ed, the bowels respond gently and They are wonderful for i can say freely, and a healthy condition re- ! that. I atn perfectly well. They re- suits. Thev are invaluable in cases lieved me in a very short time and I of constipation, indigestion, bilious- ! have had no more trouble with sick ness, dvspepsia. sour stomach, lieart kidneys or liver. I can't say enough burn, sick headache, rheumatism. I in favor of Bliss Native Herb Tali- Bliss Native Herb Tablets are put up ! lets to any one suffering from bad in boxes containing tablets. Each j kidneys and liver. box bears photograph of Alon/.o O. "MBS. QUEEN TURNER, Bliss and guarantees beneflclal re- 1 "Oak Park, Va." suits or money refunded. Price - $1 per box. Be sure and get ,<jj There is a nugget of health in the genuine. Every tablet z/ every one of Bliss Native Herb Tab- stamped with our trade mark lets." They contain only the purest Sold by leading druggists and local herbs, roots, barks, and are free; agents everywhere. Hfl| BRASSIERES worn in connection with W. B. 1 Coraeta, assure gown-fit perfection i '' M —slenderize bust-lines add the Bfvwx * grace and finish at bust that the / f corset accomplishes below, and K* • give the necessary finishing touch I to the "Form-Fashionable." Bolero, Bandeaux and Surplice patterns, in filmy lace effects over silks and satins; also delicate batistes, daintily trimmed with lace and embroideries; making W. B. Brassieres second only to W. B. Cor sets form-beautifiers. ■HKfll ASK YOUR DEALER FOR EAPNKfIH I W. B. FORMU BRASSIERES. W. B. NUFORM Corsets for slender I I / and average figures. The low-priced cor- I / I set with high-priced qualities. W. B. REDUSO Corsets for stout figures—re duce one to five inches and you look ten to twenty pounds lighter. Sold Exclusively - -* in Harrisburg at I The Peace Time Quality of v King Oscar i | Cigars , I will be remembered long after the price, which conditions compel us to charge, has been forgotten. ! , . .„ John C. Herman & Co. 7c—worth it. -- . s - Makers , THURSDAY EVENING DIED OK DISEASE Privates Joseph J. Gaghan, Shamokin. ■ Edward C. Jackson, New Brighton. Harry Ketcham, Jeannette. | Edward F. MeShane. Landsdowne. John F. Reynolds, Philadelphia. WOUNDED SEVERELY Lieutenants James Harrison Crea, Mars. Walter S. Shifter. Ephrata. ' Sergeants Uluirles 1.0 Hoy Crist. Hnrrisburg. Bugler John Sweirclnsky, Blossburg. Privates l Frank A. Billman. Myorstown. John Boscisco, Summtthlli. Charles H. Chase, Philadelphia. Theodore F. Dougherty, Yardley. Philip S. Grahan, Oil City! Horace M. Beatty, Washington. William H. Brown. Wilkinsburg. Josepli V. Conroy, Philadelphia. .Tolin A. Dorety. Philadelphia. William Pennlntan Morris, Eliza beth. Stanley Ward Baldwin. Butler. George L. Eckert. Monongahela. Johua J. Minus. Philadelphia. KILLED IN ACTION Sergeant William J. Lushon, Philadelphia. Privates Bartholomew Baran, Plymouth. William Elmer Brown, Franklin. John Henry, Jr., Moriarty. Phila delphia. DIED FROM WOUNDS Privates T.ugi Di Tannia. Braddock. DIED FROM ACCIDENT AND OTHER CAUSES Wagoner Howard W. Johnson, Pittsburgh. N urse Lorain S. Culp, South Pottstown. Privates George William Esher, Philadel phia. WOUNDED SEVERELY Privates Frank J. Powell. Pottstown . George W. Smithbauer, Kersey. William F. Rainey. Scranton. Robert V. Seal. Millersburg. Roy Slining, Mars. William J. Vanecek, Hellertown. Edward Woodrow, Philadelphia. MISSING IN ACTION. PREVIOUS LY REPORTED WOUNDED SEVERELY IN ACTION Private j Anthony Cheagear, Hudson. KILLED IN ACTION, PREVIOUS i LY WOUNDED IN ACTION (DE- ) ! GREE UNDETERMINED' Private ! Peter Hobbs, Shlckshinny. KILLED IN ACTION. PREVIOUS LY REPORTED MISSING IN ACTION Lieutenant William Bateman, Wayne. Private 1 Ernest J. Harrison, Philadelphia. I DIED PREVIOUSLY REPORTED I MISSING IN ACTION Corporal Jerry Gillespie, Philadelphia. ' WOUNDED SEVERELY IN ACTION i • PREVIOUSLY REPORTED MISS- : ING IN ACTION Private I Anthony Chadkiewich, Manown. : WOUNDED SLIGHTLY IN ACTION,! i PREVIOUSLY REPORTED MISS ! ING IN ACTION" Clarence 11. Bentz, Palmerton. | I WOUNDED IN ACTION (DEGREE! DETERMINED). PREVIOUS- j LY REPORTED MISS ING IN ACTION William H. Carles. Juniata. | WOUNDED IN ACTION (DEGREE I UNDETERMINED), PREVIOUS LY REPORTED MISSING IN ACTION Private Paul G, Boyd. Delta. William Coutts. Windsor. Mux Epstein. Philadelphia. Ralph Isaac Loutzenhiser, Green-! viile. B'illiam Matsavage, Beckton. Ernest L. Moffatt, Meadville. Lynnford R. Neely, Philadelphia.! Joe Piconotti, Monongahela Harry A. Tincher, Philadelphia. | RETURNED TO DUTY. PREVIOUS LY REPORTED MISSING IN ACTION Privates Guiseppe Campi. Idamar. Francesco Ceraolo, Reading. August R. Heinrich, Oakdale. I Tom Povich, Elizabeth. Clayton H. Reldenbach, Allentown. | Floyd H. Scott, Vandergrifti Heights. John T. Smith. Tunkhannock. Jacob Wolfe. Onset. ERRONEOUSLY REPORTED DIED! OF DISEASE Private Bernard J. Dougherty. Lancaster. ERRONEOUSLY REPORTED WOUNDED (DEGREE UNDETER MINED) Lieutenant Clarence O. Smallwood. Philadel phia. Sergeant Major Frederick C. Graupner, Philadel phia. Sergeant Frank J. Burke, Latrobe. James P. Burnett, Towanda. Herbert Davis, Philadelphia. Edward T. Moore, Uniontown. Charles Henry Papke. Dushore, j 1 Privates Tony Cifelly, Philadelphia. William J. Cleary, Philadelphia. Edward D. O'Connell. Philadelphia Louis Alterici, Charleroi. Henry C. Boyle, Conneaut Lake. I Joseph Celmer. Pittsburgh. John M. Entinger, Fairhaven. j Burton Fitzgerald, Pittsburgh. Wilbur Gniver. Enola. Joseph F. Harvey, | Harvey Thomas, Turtle Creek. George H. Hilborn. Philadelphia. James Kelly. Lltitz. Herbert C. Krug. Lewisburg. Roy Laws, Connellsville. William H. Liesch, Etna. Charles Mazzarella, Hays. Harrison Summer Miller, Cranes ville. Thomas Wlllard, Philadelphia. Daniel Austin, Reading. William Breese, Grove City. Wilnter M. Clemmens, Souderton. Michael Cullen, Pittsburgh. Nick C. Flores, Greenville. Jesse Leßoy Getz, North Girard, Thomas B. Hartwlck, Pittsburgh. Russell E. Kersetter, Paxinos. Pietro Cerbara, Berwick. Harry "W". Dunamon, Sunbury. Alexander Larkins, Philadelphia. Angelo Lepre. Mount Pleasant. Evariste Giuliani, Williamsport. William H. Heinz, Sharpsburg. Rodney H. Leonhart, Saegerstown. WOUNDED SLIGHTLY Lieutenant George Edward Niver, Philadel phia. Sergeant Gilbert Owens, Tyrone. Corporals Timothy E. Douglass, Sharon. Mark C. Hagerman, Towanda. Robert Marks, Philadelphia. Harry Earl Newswanger, Parkes burg. Calvin O. Sterner. New Rlngold. Paul P. Tamper, Pittsburgh, j Ross A. Tissue, Mill Run. | John Gurski, Johnstown. ; Leo J. Martin, Sayre. Joseph R. Smiley, Uniontown. William Smith, Bulger. Buglers Francis Graff, Philadelphia. George L. Nonemaker, Reading, Wagoners Samuel Earl Corrigan, Phlladel | phia. Francis Friel, Philadelphia. Leo Denyll Swift, Cambridge ; Springs. Privates Radey Bizick, Yukon. George P. Clifford, DuPont. Craig S. Edwards, Wilkinsburg. Joseph Eldridge, Jr., Philadelphia, Antonio Gotewbiski, Pittsburgh. Earl L. Brown, Allentown. Samuel Buzzetta, Philadelphia. Elmer Cassell, Philadelphia. David F. Davenport. Berwick. Frederick Eichel, Philadelphia. Edward Goldman, Philadelphia. Julius J. Hager, Pittsburgh. Frederick Hall, Allentown. Willard Thomas Johnston, Pitts burgh. Mick Anastopolus, Pittsburgh. Harris H. Bacon. Philadelphia. Clyde William Coldren, Hunting don. Emanuel Dlgloramo, Philadelphia. Herman L. Elder, Braddock. Victor F. Freedman, Ashley. William J. Gieae, Northeast. Edward A. Brown. Pnansyrink. Joel M. Daniel. Gratz. Charles H. Jones, WrlghtsviHe. Stanley Forest City. Frank Caporale, Germantown. Edward F. Carl, Philadelphia. Jacob B. Froy, Lebanon. Frank Gueptner. Pittsburgh. Oliver Hawk, Pittsburgh. Paul B. Herr, East Lampeter town ship, Lancaster county. George A. Hommcl, McKeesport. Frank H. Kuhlman, Philadelphia. Leroy R. Larose, Bethlehem. John W. Boyd, Philadelphia. Thomas A. Corry, Pittsburgh. • Clarence Elsenbise, Reading. Stephen E. Hahn, Stobleton. John E. Harris, Pittsburgh. Walter J. Horner, Philadelphia. Ralph E. Floto. Berlin. Ferdinand Hennlng, Erie. Harold Longley, Easton. WOUNDED (DEGREE UNDETER MINED) Corporals Emil Duhanols, Seminole. Robert A. Scott, Philadelphia. Bugler Richard J. Poehlman, Philadel phia. Mechanic:; George Leonard Hilf, Pittsburgh. John Tilghmnn Sicher, Allentown. Wagoner I Ralph McCormtck, Chinchilla. HARRIBBURG TELE6KAPH Privates Pllilip O. Delcunip, Mount Carmel. I Angelo Deilc Donne, Verona. Harry D. Ehly, Philadelphia James P. Haffey, Connorsvllle. i Lloyd Hall, Conneat Lake. Thomas Charles Hanson, Philadel phia. Claude Ijelster, West Point. George R. Lolirman, Macungie. John W. McLaughlin, Philadelphia.! J° hn V. Maxwell, Arnold. William H. Xase. T.vlersport. ' J.ibero Scarantlono, Dunmore. i John W. Sproul. Pittsburgh. Otto T. I,ynn, Berwick. Edward McKjee. Philadelphia. Domenieo Pletrungeli, Windber. barker Zakarian, Philadelphia. I lyases V. Zerbe. Tower City. I'Ucia, Wilson. W uliam Owens. Treschkow. Joseph Ross, Pittsburgh. Stanley Tocl, Pittsburgh. (f Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart I Linoleum 1 7sc new process linoleum, 4 patterns. Speciul Friday only, A Finer Discrimination In the Books You Read ~r .r-s. v, ,u ' u . battleship linoleum. Is Offered In the Annual Sale: Now In Progress on mp t nvV l, i llk meu a"2 w .°. me " have little time nowadays to read the non-essential kinds of books which are to he found Mattine and Rap- P.icrc on many book shelves. And with the coming of a liner discrimination in the selection of books there lias come a closer Wtltun & ana Ka g *<Ugs appraisal of the engagement of reading. 0 ohina and Japan mat- Ihe olierings in this annual sale of books are marked by good taste and very moderate prices. Friday only'. . le . ngtlis ' Hpe 2so $2.00 Colonial Rag Rugs Standard Sets One Of A Kind, Are V i Features For Tomorrow | TmM l 'rio' L ,,, s '"" r '- • Xo. of! Kind of; Publishers'! Sale | 0\ —— —_ — , . Vols. Binding Price ] Price § O„ f • T" , io , t !20 cloth $25.00 $15.00 i R otair 1 reads Shakespeare f 10 % Lea. $20.00 $11.50 Q 1 , . . I,°°" , 24 % Lea. $50.00 $25.00 llfcl Wm y stair tr eads cut from £f'?; Ac 18 % Lea. $50.00 $20.00 . iakens I 15 % Lea. $35.00 $21.50 /, |JSS| . II K *!l e ' ? XIS inches - ,0 ° £?. foes 10 Cloth $30.00 $15.00 A I IIfllllD" AlB Brade, .xlB inches, 170 ?" ley 12 91 Lea. $20.00 $15.00, d „ ,Dches . 14c £? 8 . t . in 12 Cloth $23.50 $ll.OO lines, Pomeroy & Stewart, J"?° ' 10 c,oth $12.50 SO.OO H_|Bl -- LA a \V —— Historj of L > b jj , Cloth $12.00 $6.75 VgjSl© |B jl \W Don Quixote 4 Buck. SIO.OO $3.50 ■AI H jML -11 T ~ Tennvson are 20 Ch,th * lco ° WOO l Wfll W?. GraSS RugS Tennyson is Cloth .SB.OO $5.00 _ & Ha me 10 j, e a. $16.30 r ; $lO uo va?u^ BS 'g ?* r J 6 **' Shakespeare j 3 cloth $375 $1" < 00 IU rUBB IUBB ' 9x12 'feet! , onk Y?... $9.75 Books For Boys Publisher's '"' UI Uome and ilonor The Young Showman's spelViTc'ri !•'y'o/" d ' taiy The Boy From the A Voyage to the Gold D e t r eet" I fi oorße 1r. J ''' ' rm A i n r rx v Kittle Snap the Post- King of the island | | The Amanda M. Douglas % e Backwoods Bov infants- Button shoes g : 1> OVeIS Guy Hammersley j How He Won $1.50 black kid button shoes, fe- ;S ' 1 ... . From Lake to Wilder- Zig Zag, the Boy Con- broad toes, sizes 1,1% and 2. St ;S j I'rontispiece by John Goss ness I juror Special Friday only 98 0 S ' Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Picture Wrapper street Floor, Rear. Pub. at 60c. Sale Price, Books About the World , =q § A Modem Adam and Eve . Wqt Baby Pillows S ! In Wild Rose Time * VV VLY rCeQUCGQ 6illt floM H , , m I | ? cuud, ! L aGrcatCity • Formerly priced from 65c tos2 || [ a iT„hcriuc. ' Sale P rice ' 35c = fg: l oes of Her Household To Verdun From the Somnie—Harry Brittain. Women's Sweaters Sydnic Adriance Victory in Defeat—Stanley Washburn. Floyd Grandon's Honor Inside the German Empire—Herbert Bavard Swope. an V ..'J -50 w ,°° l coat | In the King's Country With the French in France and Salonika— . P "?? S .. . Sp s2.Bs $5! From Hand to Mouth Richard Harding Davis Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, S. Home Nook Antwerp to Gallipoli—Arthur Ruhl." Men's "store. \ The Fortunes of the Faradays ' Trenching at Gallipoli—John Gallishaw. V j Osborne of Arrochar Short Rations—An American Woman in Germany— r— ——————— N Out of the Wreck Madeleine Z. Doty. Bovs' Sweaters H e i rs of Bradley House Friends of France. The Field Service of the American ' ksS i ! Hope Mills Ambulance described by its members. $1.50 oxford grey coat —— ——^ ~ J Carry On—Coningsby Dawson. sweaters, counter soiled. Special X?, . The Challenge of the Future-Roland G. Usher. ek..Tl.™v'4 Bt'™^ , r , -r?', • .1 r~ r ~ _ , Dives, Pomeroy & otewart, The Evidence in the Case—James M. Beck. Men's store. The Assault—Fred. Wm. White. - Fancy Plaid Silks Short Lengths Muslin Street Floor Dress Colored Dress Goods Silk Taffeta $2.00 fancy plaid silks, satin Unbleached muslin In short Cottons „ „ omv frOUndS ' &P " Ci f" lengths, 39, inches. Special Fri- *l-° 36 inches, navy. $2.00 taffeta In orchid, gold. Fr,day ° n,y * l - >9 only yard ,c 50c n , adras shlrting ln platn vart? " malsP and liKht blue ' 36 lnchG " Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, and fancy colored stripes. Spe- onl s. jard ... 69c Special Friday only, yard, SI.OO Street Floor. Basement. cial Friday only, yard 35c $1.2t5 wool serge, 36 Inches. $! 75 s trip o taffeta in brown, navy and green, graduated __________________ shades. Special Friday only, $2.50 Santoy, 42 inches. Spe- stripes of white. Special F"ri yard 25c cial Friday only, yard ... $1.95 day °n'y. yard $1.29 Basement Wash Goods Brussels Rugs nnl , f l ; 2 JJl l ' k J?/"' e - tr 3 lJ nc £*! : * 3 - 00 ™ y cioth, 54 inches. Dives, pomeroy & stewart, Dres ginghams in fancy * ls ' oo tape-try hrusseis rugs. SSISS S pWte che'ckf l a™' solid cotora 6x9 feet Special Friday only 65c silk shirting, half silk. mixed suitings, 54 xi 2 ?ee o t Tn'iy y ß a h rd es - Speclal Mto thfeY'shS. TSSZtf SSS Women's Patent Colt only, yam ..... •••••• lwc Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, . D . only, yard $2.95 Shoes 300 percale, 36 inches, figures Third Floor. Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, ouuca and striDes. Special Friday only. ' • Street I'loor. $6.00 broadcloth, high luster. yard 25c Special Friday only, yard, $4.95 $5.00 patent colt shoes with 18c prints, figures on indigo —-—————— ———— ——. —J $2.00 silk and wool poplin, 20 blacks cloth tops, button and blue ground. Special Friday Dl 1 u ' shades. Special Friday only. lace styles, pointed toe last, only, yard 10c Men S Blanket Robes t . yard $1.69 high heels. Special Friday 30c kimono crepe. Special M , . ~ t . . Men S Night Shirts Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, ° nl> Friday only, yard 12 "ens and Youths SL2S Street Floor. Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart, Percale, 36 Inches, neat terns Special Friday onlv BBc and * l,lO counter soiled Street Floor, Rear, stripes. Special Friday only, special Friday muslin night shirts, sizes 15 and var d 19c * 16. Special Friday only. . 58c yara IWC Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart, . • 42c wash suiting, neat stripes Men's Store. Dives, Pomeroy ■& Stewart, Groceries and solid shades. Special Fri- Men's Store. _ ,lav onlv. vard ........... 29c ™""""^ , IVICn S oWCStCfS uay umy, j a Swansdown prepared cake 49c ginghams in fancy plaids . flour, package Ale and solid shades. Special Fri- CVi**4o onJ CUmcLb. $3.85 heavy coat sweaters in day only, yard 35c oncciS dim onceung . Mixed Vegetables, can . 10c navy, maroon, oxford and 35c pongee, fancy and plain Bleached and unbleached *** S S Ekk biscuits, lb 29c brown ' •"'P 60 " 11 Frlday on J y ' -e5 flares. Special l riday only sheeting 2% yards wide. Spe- Counter soiled shirts in plain Mapleine. bottle 9c to $1.79 , I-93 roll „, U a r C oat yBTd 17 ° Cia^i^r^.ya^ B n",-- „ 59C white and stripe patterns. Spe- Hecker's pancake flour pack- sweaters, sizes 36 to 4 6 Spe- Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Hecker's Creani oatmeal, 3 Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Basement. Mens Htore. packs ' 25c Men's Store. ~~~~~"""~~~^ — ————J Hitter's Catsup, bottle ... 10c Outing Cloth , • i | I I Vanilla flavoring, 3 bottles, I ■ I cia 3 i 3 Fridiy o°n"°yard° th ' Pihow Cases Girls Tams and Ca P s Red KiJney Beans can Women's Wool Jackets 50c light outing cloth, 36 45x36 0 1 om I P q counter soiled! Sauer kraut, can 10c $ 2 .50 brushed wool sleeveless inches. Special Prlday only, hemstitched. Special Frldoy to $1.95. Special Friday only. Best Laundry Starch, 3 lb. Jackets. Special frlday only, y rd 40c only, pair SI.OO 29c pack 25c $!. Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart, Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, . Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart, Basement. Basement. Men's Store. Basement. Men's Store. NX—w- , g—— — John Wroblewski, Dickson City. ! John A. O'Kane, Luzerne. Walter Howard Scott, Pittsburgh. I WOI'XDKI) SLIGHTLY Major Frederick W. Patterson, Pitts-1 burgh. Sergeants Harry L. Castle. York. Richard O. Flyn, •Pittsburgh. Harry Guest, Pittsburgh. Harry L. Long, Pittsburgh. Frederick G. Sllber, Philadelphia. ; Joseph A. t'ortrlght, Stroudsburg. Corporals' Max Gordon, Pittsburgh. John Homcha, Coaldale. George John Nehlla, Blythedule. James . O'Donnell, Philadelphia. Lloyd Forsha, Derr.v. Privates James McGHIln. Phiuadelyhia. nclent Marankwskl, Philadel phia. Frank 11. Peterson. Johnstown. ! j Joseph Zaekwonski, Madera. William I. Lindner, Reading. John J. Lyons. Philadelphia. Winfred S. Meal, Hamilton. ! Tony Anthony Peggutelli, Monon gahcla. Alexander Robertson, Bridgeport. ! Frank Savage. Shenandoah. John J. S'ze, Si ran toil. James Henry Hagans, Huntingdon. George M. Leib, Hcrshey. James W, McGranahan. Xorris town. Thomas I. Rowley, Wllkes-Uurre. Frank Skinski, Osceola Mills. Harold B. Wlltse, Pittsburgh. David W. Wyse, Schwenksville. Marso Marlnaro, Berwick. Joseph Mollnosky, Mlnooka. Malvin A. Xelson, Kane. Harry Spangle, Industry. Andrew Susanek, La Mott. Joseph Kunce, Pittsburgh. FEBRUARY 20, 1919. Bernard J. O'Connor. T hlladelphla. John Mcl. Robinsu i. Tarentum. Julius Sltibo. Glcsi-i, r'. (Charles A. Erie. Harry B. Williams, i .ading. Lawrence F. Wonici, S'ate College. ! Modest BorUowskl, 1 illadelphla. John F. Cannon. Pli ' idelphia. Harry D. Coryell. Phi adelphia. Samuel \v. Davidson Midway. Joseph R. Doll. Fill' delphla. Perclvul P. Gei'liaid. Philadelphia. Fred Owen. ltiu'ivlUe. Roy X. Owen. Fortsl George Porluit, Phili elphia. Jordan D. Powell. Philadelphia. I til III.S tiKT WAGE .NCREASE j j A wage increase of twenty per j ' cent, has been volunti :ily granted all employes of tlie Harrlsburg Cigar Faerory, 500 Race street, Su- perlntendent Samuel Abrams noun, cm. The girls of tl>e establ ment arc planning a dance for pter; jy evening in celebration. - _ Dinner Tliurniiuy Kerning, Feb. SO 5.110 to 7.30 Sfouffer's Restaurai %• CtKIHT ST. *soe < liickon Hire Soup Breaded Lamb Chop*—ltaliai Sauce Uee( It: alaf d— (Irish Style) I . }' 0 : k Roast Bi Mashed or Creamed Potatoes . tewed Celery or Lima Beam Apple Custard Ice < renin, P| e or Pudding Tea or Cocoa