Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, February 20, 1919, Page 15, Image 15
dditional Classified Ads on Opposite Page AUTOMOBILES i 66-MILE GUARANTEED TIRES" 30x3 @ 812.00 30x3% @ 815.00 82x3% @ 81"-50 -Ix4 @ 819.25 83x4 @ 821.50 i*x4 43 823.50 THE ABOVE TIRES ARE UNUSUAL VALUES." E ARE MAKING THE PRICE DVERTISE" THE TIRES AND E HAVE LOTS OF OTHER TIRE IRGAINS EQUALLY AS GOOD. "LOOK US OVER." KEYSTONE SALES CO.. 108 MARKET ST. j OLD AUTOS ted* used, wrecked or oldtimers, iv condition. See mo before sac nrr elsewhere. Chelsea Auto} :lUng. A. Schlftman, 22, 24, 26 h Cameron street. Bell 3633. Ip 'StI.E Maxwell 5-passengeri ins "cur; also 1-ton Maxwell] ; Both 1919 models, ill perfect 1 ition. Bids will be received no: than February 25. For further ruction call, or write. Lieutenant | Jobson, Pos* Exchange, Army i t, New Cumberland, Pa. | li'K ROADSTER 6-cylinder, out of paint shop, including new n good running condition; Willys] •is Chummy Roadster, in first eenditton. Bnick Service sta-] 28 South River street. iR SALE Ford Touring Car, ! w tires, speedometer, new bat- ' s. electric lights. Bargain. Call) phone 4526. J FOR SALE 1919 brand-new i-passenger Peer- Car. Will accept Liberty Bonds | sut payment. Bell l'hone 14 —Steelton. AUTOS FOR HIRE CITY GARAGE 116 STRAWBERRY ST. vew five and seven-passenger ara for business or pleasure it all hours. JELL 2260. DIAL 4914. NSHINE GARAGE - Auto ra ng by an expert. Road jobs a alty. Charges reasonable. Both I es. Sunshine Garage. 27 Norm , iron atreec ] s oI.DSMOBILE 8 ROADSTER—! anteed SI 150 if sold at once, and : • Used' cars at attractive prices; i k otilv. Convenient terms if ed Call for Mr. Wade. Miller Co-. 5b t0 68 South Cameron t. Open Evenings. 7 FORD CARS Touring, Hey-Davisou Twin, with sidecar, t ' acquainted with me. Save •y on any used machine wanted, u llorst. Liuglestown,_Fa. POND-HAND TRUCKS and pleas cars for sale. Ford ton trucks, -Car 2-ton truck 3 and one 7- ■ nger Haynes Touring Car. All D to quick buyers. International ester Co. Truck Department. No. Walnut street. tNTED All kinds of used auto Wo pay highest cash prices, •ink 11 Esterbrook. 912 Norm I strect. Dial 4990. LI 1, BUY used touring car for * t atc make, year, condition and , "Address Auto, caro Telegraph. I WM PENN GARAGE ; Muench street. Limousines for \ ial parties and balls; careful I ! ls; opeu day and night. Bell | F NEW CONKSTOGA TRUCK— red* body. 1.000 tbs. capacity; a ain. Inquire of Philadelphia i k Lunch. ■.YSTONE AUTO TOP CO. sorts of auto top and cushion; c done by experts; also repair t. Reasonable rates. 72-78 South i eron street. GARAGES CCESSORIES AND REPAIRS ;XO RADIATORS of all kinds re nt by specialists. Also fenders, s etc Best service in town. Har ir'g Auto Radiator Works, 805 h Third street. , DING. AUTO AND MACHINE I ' U PARTS ames Straightened and welded, avy Cast Hon Our Specialty, rt Welders. Work Guaranteed. APITAL CITY WELDING CO., I 1538 Logan St. BELL 43961. , AUTO TIRE BARGAINS 30x2% 814.72 31X4 22.68 38x3% 1 i*2B 32x4 23.00 ;;jx4 26.00 35x4% 2 7.50 35x5 15.00 32x3 12.56 DAYTON CYCLE CO.. 912 North Tnlrd Street. (TOHCYCI.ES AND BICYCLES BICYCLE KKPAIRYNG BY AN EXPERT. ALL WORK GUARANTEED. DORY SUANER. WITH ANDREW REDMOND. 1507 NORTH THIRD ST. . tC.NETOS All types; 4 and 6 h high tension, Elshmann. Dixey, dOrf. Mea, Kemy and different es of coils, carburetors, etc. A. fl'man, 22-24-26 North Cameron It. Bell 3633. PUBLIC SALE i. ARMY GENERAL HOSPITAL NO. 31. CARLISLE, PA. i Saturday. .March 15. 10:00 A. M.. Public Auction at the U. S. Army ritai. Farm No. 1. One slx-pas er Herdic, good condition. One. luulet, rubber-tired, nearly new, ■class. one new canopy-topped sy. One used canopy-topped, rub tired surrey. Two three-seated. 1-br.dy, pleasure sleighs, good ition. One new rubber-tired, id, two-passenger Depot Wagon, veral new single 'buggy, and lg-wagon rtanlng-gcurs. Other aiplete parts of vehicles. Terms JAMES S. GRIFFEN, Sup'., of Farms. NOTICE Lct of Administration c. t. a., having granted to the undersigned, up the Estate of Augustus Shaffer, of Susquehanna Township, Dau- I'ounty. deceased, all persons in ed to said Estate will make pay t at once; and all persons having ns against the same will present rami- to XM'NWKALTH TRUST COM iXV, Harrisburg, Pa. UK RICK M. OTT. Attorney, I 222 Market Street, Harrisburg, Pa. THURSDAY EVENING, LEGAL NOTICES i i PROPOSALS FOR BUILDING BRIDGE OFFICE OF BOARD OF COMMIS SIONERS OF PUBLIC GROUNDS | AND BUILDINGS, STATE CAPITOL BUILDING. IIARRISBLRG, PA. SEALED PROPOSALS will be re ceived by the Superintendent of Public Grounds and Buildings, at his office in the Capitol Building. Harrisburg. Fa., until 2 o'clock P. M., Tuesday, March 11. 1919. for furnishing all labor and materials to build bridge over the Ntrth Branch of the Susquehanna River at Falls. Wyoming County. Pennsylvania, as indicated fully in the plans "and specifications prepared by Paxson and Morgan, of Wilkes-Barre, Pa., Consulting Engineers, for the Board of Commissioners of Public Grounds and Buildings of the Com monwealth of Pennsylvania. Plans, specifications and bidding blanks will be furnished prospective bidders by applying to the Superin tendent of Public Grounds and Build ings, Capitol Building, Harrisburg, Pa. Proposals must be marked "PRO POSAL FALLS BRIDGE" on outside CCVer ' GEORGE A. SHREINER. Superintendent. , L W MITCHELL Secretary. THE , FIRST. SECOND, THIRD.! FOURTH. SEVENTH. EIGHTH. I NINTH. TENTH, THIRTEEN!! AND . FOURTEENTH WARDS' Ol THE; CITY OF HARRISBURG. . I The owners of unregistered prop-1 ertics in the First, Second. Third, Fourth, Seventh, Eighth, Ninth, Tenth. Thirteenth and Fourteenth Wards, of the City of Harrisburg. in accordance with lite terms of a cer tain part of the Act of Assembly, ap proved 27th June. 1913; Pamphlet Laws of 1913, page 568. and Ordinance No. 11, File of City Council, Session of 1918-1919. are hereby notified' to furnish within thirty days from the Third day of March, 1919, to the City Engineer, at his office, descriptions of their respective properties, upon blanks to be furnished by the City | and at the same time to present their j conveyance to be stamped by the said . engineer, without charge, as evidence! of the registry thereof. Any person' or persons neglecting or retusing to j comply with the provisions of this section for a period of thirty days af ter public notice of the requirements thereof shall be liable to appcnalty of five dollars, to be recovered with ccsts of suit in the natue and for the use of the City, as penalties for the violation of City Ordinances are recoverable. Blanks may be obtain ed at the office of the City Engineer, Room ::16. Commonwealth Trust Com pany Building. 222 Market street, Har risburg, Pcnna. M. B. ICOWDEN. City Engineer. NOTICE ! The following ordinunce was read Jin place in the City Council at its •meeting held Tuesday Morning, Feh | ruary 18, 1919. and is published as di ! rented by Article 5, Section 3, Clause ; 10, of tiie Act of Assembly approved June 27, 1913: AN ORDINANCE j Authorizing the paving and curbing of ; Turner Street, from Seneca Street ! to Schuylkill Street, and providing) ! for the payment of the cost there of. | Section 1. Be it ordained by the Council of the City of Harrisburg. and j n is hereby ordained by authority of the same, 'That Turner Street, from Seneca Street to Schuylkill Street, be I and the same is hereby authorized to I be paved with sheet asphalt on a con- j Crete base, and curbed with granite | or granolithic curbing, the cost and) expense thereof to be assessed ac cording to the foot front rule. j ; Section 2. That all proceedings and work incident to the'improvement 'herein authorized shall be taken and i done, and the cost and expense there of shall be paid for and the assess ment levied on the abutting properties shall be collected as provided by Ordi nance No. 19, Sessions of 4914-1915, and Ordinance No. 24, Session of 1914- ] 1915. R. ROSS SEAMAN. Clerk of the City Council. ] Office of the City Clerk, Harrisburg, i Pa., February 19, 1919. ADMINISTRATION NOTICE Let-: ters of Administration on the Estates; of Maurice F. Bowman and Mary A. Bowman, late of Susquehanna Town ship. Dauphin County, deceased, hav ing been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted to said Estates are hereby notified to make payment at. once; and all persons having claims against said Estate to present the same to MICHAEL E. HOUSER, | Harrisburg. R. F. D., No. 2. i FREDERICK M. OTT, j Attorney. 222 Market Street. Harrisburg. Pa. i Proclamation in Divorce , i Pearl Frisby vs. James Frlsby lc j I Common Pleas of Dauphin County, | No. 337, September Term, 1918. ' To .lames Frlsby: YOU are hereby notified to be pres-! lent at the Court llouse. at Harrisburg, ! Pa., on Monday, the 3rd day of March, > I A. D. 1919, at 10 o'clock A. M.. when! ami where the Judges of said court; ! will hear, on behalf of the defendant •as welt as for the plaintiff, ail testi-• I monv submitted in the above case. W. JUSTIN CARTER. Attorney for Libellant. | NOTICE The following ordinance was read 1 in place in the City Council at its meeting held Tuesday, February 1 11th, 1919, and is published as re- j quired by Article V., Section 3. | ; Clause 10, of the Act of Assembly ! approved June 27th, J913: AN ORDINANCE ! Authorizing the paving and curbing ' I of Oxford Street from Sixth street i I to Jefferson Street, oak Street ! I from Seventh Street to Elizabeth j Street, Sprague Street from Bren- 1 ; singer Street to Turner Street, ' Brensinger Street from Woodbine 1 ; Street to Forrest Street, Emerald 1 I Street from Jefferson Street to I | Seventh Street, and Bailey Street i I from Twelfth Street westwardly to ' Messiah Rescue Home; and pro'vid- 1 ing for the payment of the cost i ■ thereof. , Whereas, various ordinances au- ' I thorize the paving and curbing of the following highways at a price I not to exceed two dollars ($2.00) per i square yard for paving, and one dol- ' lar ($1.00) per linear foot for curb- i ing; and Whereas, because of war prices I l and the request of the United States • Government rliat as little public I j work as possible be done, the pav- i i ing and curbing authorized were not I ' accomplished, and that it is now Im possible to do the work at the prices I set forth, and Whereas, it is expedient that, at i this time, as much public work should be done as is consistent with good management so that employ ment may be furnished to those out of work, 1 Section 1. Be it ordained by tho • Council of the City of Harrisburg, land it is hereby ordained by author- 1 ■ ity of the same. That Oxford Street 1 from Sixth Street to Jefferson Street i Oak Street from Seventh Street to Elizabeth Street. Sprague Street from Brensinger Street to Turner ' feireet. Brensinger Street from Wooti -l bine Street to Forrest Street, Enier , alii Street from Jefferson Street to Seventh Street, and Bailey Street ■ from Twelfth Street westwardly to Messiah Rescue Home, be and the ' same are hereby authorized to be ■ j paved with sheet asphalt on a con , | crete base, and curbed with granite i ! or granolithic curbing, the cost and expense thereof to be assessed ac cording to the foot front rule. [ section 2. That all proceedings and work incident to the improve ' mcnt herein authorized shall be taken I anil done, and the cost and expense thereof shall be paid for and the assessment levied on the abutting properties shall be collected as pro vided by Ordinance No. 19, Session ot 1914-1915, and Ordinance No. 24 Session of 1914-1915. Section 3. That the sum of Five " Hundred, Ninety-one Dollars and ' Sixty-seven Cents ($591.67) or so " much thereof as may be necessary • be and the same is hereby appro " printed out of the fund known as • "Paving Street intersections" to pay ' the cost- of paving the intersections f of any highways with these streets ' as hereinbefore mentioned. Section 4. That all ordinances or parts of ordinances inconsistent with I this ordinance be and the same are hereby repealed. R. ROSS SEAMAN. Clerk of the City Council. Office ot the City Clerk, Harrisburg Pa., February 12th, 1919. . ALLIES ABLE TO STEM RED TIDE, STEWART CABLES By Associated Fress. Washington, Feb. 20.—Colonel George F. Stewart, commanding the American troops in northern Russia, cabled the War Depart ment that "alarmist reports of the condition of troops in north ern Russia" were not warranted by the facts. The health of the entire com mand is excellent, Colonel Stew art's report said. The sick and wounded are well cared and "the Allied command is c-apablo of taking care of itself against the whole Bolshevik army." Xw York. Feb. 20.—Wall Street— Feverish activity attended the strong opening of today's stock market, speculative issues, particularly oils and motors, again recording substan tial gains. Royal Dutch advanced seven points in the first half hour and Kelly-Springfield tire added four •points to yesterday's gain of 10%. Crucible Steel, Pressed Steel Car, Gen'eral Motors, Studebaker, U. S. Rubber. Hide agcl Leather, pfd., Su matra Tobacco, International Paper and Industrial Alcohol were included among the numerous one to two point advances. U. S, Steel and Investment rose fractionally. YEW YORK STOCKS Chandler Brothers and Company, members of New York and Philadel phia Stock Exchanges—3 North Mar ket Square, Harrisburg: 336 Chestnut street, Philadelphia; 34 Pine street. New York furnish the following quotations: Open Noon Allis Chaliner 35',4 35% Amer. Beet Sugar 69 6S" s American Can 45'* 451* Am. Car and Fndry Co.. 9114 911s Amer. Loco 6414 64%, Amer. Smelting 66 66 American Suger 117'4 117 Anaconda 59' 591 a Atchison 92 921 Baldwin Locomotive ... 76'* 76' i Baltimore and Ohio 47 4714 Bethlehem Steel 6214 621* California Petroleum ....25% 2614 Canadian Pacific 16014 161 Central Leather 61% 6114 Chesapeake and Ohio ... 57 1 f>7 Chicago R. I. and Pacific. 24' i 24*4 Chlno Con. Coupper 3314 33 Col. Fuel and Iron 37% 37% Corn Products .. .* 48% 49% Crucibie Steel 58 58 Distilling Securities .... 53 3 4 56 Erie :.. % 16% 16% I General Motors 110% 143 j Goodrich, B. F 62 62% I Great Northern, Bid ... 92% 92% i Great North. Ore. subs.. 39% 40 ; Hide and Heather IS ls | Hide and Leather. Pfd ... 91 % 92 | Inspiration Copper 44', 44% ; internatianal Paper .... 4313 <3 .Kennecott 29 s * 29% i Kansas City Southern.. 17% 17% I Lackawanna Steel 66 Vi 66 ! Lehigh Valley 5514 55% | Maxwell Motors 33% 34% I Merc. War Ctfs 24% 24% Merc. War Ctfs, Pfd ...101% 102% Mex. Petroleum 178% 180% Miami Copper 22% 22% j Midvale Steel 42 42% jN. V. Central 73% 73% N. Y., N. H. and H 27% 27% Penna. R. R. 44% 44% Railway Steel Spg 74 74 Ray Con. Copper 20% 20% Reading 81% 81% Republic Iron and Steel .. 73 73% Southern Pacific 102% 102% J Southern Ily 27% 27% ; Ptudebaker 53 5#% ; union Pacific 130 130% j C. S. I. Alcohol 109 109% IU. 8. Rubber 77% 78 V. S. Steel, Pfd 114% 114% 'U. S. Steel, Pfd 114% 114 i Utah. Copper 68% 67% | Virginia-Car. Chem. ... 54% 54% j Westinghouse Mfg 42% 43% j Willys-Overland 25% 26% : Western Maryland 10% 10% raiuoituwu PRODI; cb By Associated Press Philadelphia, Feb. 20. Wheat i No. 1. soft. ruu. 82 20; No. 2. rea. t: 2 4. , No. soft red. 82.24. j Corn The market is firm; No. 2, j yellow, as to giade and location, $1.36® 1.45. I Oats The market is steady; No. 2, white. 6?%®Toc; No. 3, white. ! 68W 08% c. Bran The market As firm; soft winter, in 100-lb. sacks, 848.00® 19.00 • per ton; spring, in 100-lb. sacks, $15.00 1®46.00 per ton. I Butter The market is steady; | western, creamery, extras. firsts, i 53c; nearby prints, fancy, 59® 61c. i liclined Sugars Market steady; powdered. 8.45 c: extra fine granuiat- I cd. 9c. Eggs Market lower; Pennsylva i nia and other nearby firsts, tree Icases, $12.60 per case; do., current j receipts, free cases, $12.30 per case; western, extras, firsts, free cases, sl2 .60 per case; do., firsts, free cases,] j $12.30 per ease; fancy, selected, pack • ed. 48 0 60c per dozen. ! Cheese Market dull and weak; j New York and Wisconsin, lull milk, old. 33 ® 33.% c; do., new. 27®29c. 1 Live Poultry Market firm; Live Poultry Firm; fowls higher; fowls. 40c; spring chickens, 36® 38c; fowls, not leghorns, 32®36e; white leghorns, .!45;47c. young. s>fimeaied t oosters, 32933 c; old roosters, 24®25c; jstaggy, young roosters. 29® 32c; I spring chickens, not leglioMis. 3oiu.aJc, white leghorns. 29®30c; broil jers. fancy, 45048 c; larger, 45048 c: j roasting chickens, i>o®36u: ducks, iPrkin, 40®42%c; do., old. 30®35c; In dian Runnels. 38®39c; spring Uucks, Long Island. X 43 tic; turkeys. 34636c; | geese, nearby, 30c; do., western 30c. i Dressed Poultry Firm; turkeys, ; spring, choice to fancy. 44 0 45c, ; do., western, choice to fancy, 43®44c; • turkeys, fieslr killed, fair to good. 38 ' ®42c; turkeys, common, 3o®koc; old. turkeys. 38®41c; capons, seven to ■ eight pounds, 44®45c; do., smaller | sixes. 40®43c; lowls, fresh Kill ed, choice to fancy, 36®36%c; do., ed. choice to fancy, 35% 036 c; do., ] smaller sizes, 29®35c; roosters, 27c; I western roasting chickens, 25 (q 37c; • western broilrng chickens. 42®44c; ducas, western, 38040 c; Pekin clucks. • 384?t>40c; eld ducks, 30032 c; Indian Ruunera, 360 37c; spring ducks. Long Island, 30®40c; geese, L'6@3oC. Pc tatoes The market is higher; 'New Jersey, No. 1, 75®9uc Ipcr basket; do.. No. 2. 50060 c per i oaskoc. :io.. ICu-io. o.cgs. No. i. u0 i S.OO extra quality; do.. No. 2. Sl.iOttf 2.25; l'ennsylvania. No. 1 100 lbs.. !$2.00@2.10; do., per 100 lbs., fancy, ' 82.05iae.i0, New' Jersey, No. 1, luj ; |hs.. $2,15 0)2.60: do.. No. 2. too Itis.. 1 $1 23® 1.75; western, per 100 lbs., SI.BO 'fa 2.10; New York State, per 100 lbs., 1 $3.75®2.00; Maine, per 100 lb., sl.Bo® 190 DelaWaiu and Maiyiuiiu, pur i UJ ' bag, sOc0 sl.io, Michigan, per 10) 1 lbs.. $1.6601.70: Florida, per barrel. $2.6002.90; Florida, per busbel. 1 hamper. 76085 c; Florida, per 160-lb • bats. $1.5003.00; North Carolina. p r ban el, $1.60 0 4.00; South Carolina, per I barrel, $l.6004.00; Norfolk, per bar . rel $3.25; Eastern Shore. p, r barrel, $2.0002.76; fancy, Macungie, ' No. 1. per barrel, s2.9n®J.iO; do., ou, i 2. per barrel. $1.2301.60. ■ Tallow The market i. dull; , prime city. In tierces, i%c: do., special lcoae, B%c; prime country, 7c; dark, do. 6%®n; edible, in tierces, ll®iz c Flour—The market Is dull; winter l straight. western, J10.*5010.30 per ! barrel; do., near-y $9.60 010.00 £er barrel, Kansivs straight. $10.60® 10,76; per barrel; 00.. aliort, patenta, $10.76 (fall.oo per barrel; spring, short, pat. . ents . $10.76011.00 per barrel; do., spring patenta, $10,60010.76 per HAJFtRISBURQ. TEU^GRXPH PLANS FOR BIG RECEPTION TO BE MADE TONIGHT Many Colored Soldiers to Get Warm Welcome on Arrival Home From France ! Plans will be made at a meeting at the Odd Fellows Hall, Cowden and Briggs streets, to-rright at 8-30 o'clock, for the reception of colored lads, members of the 368 th Infantry and the 351 st Field Artillery, who will return next week in a body from Camp Meade, Md., where they are now awaiting demobilization. The 351 st Field Artillery received letters of commendation from Gen eral Pershing and from the French government for' their proficiency in manipulating the six-inch howitzer. They were in the St. Miriel sector which they helped to reduce. Because .of their accurate work they were then brigaded with the French artillery and white artillery of the United States Regulars be fore tlio Metz sector. This was the only battery of drafted men In the unit. On account of their work In laying down a barrage for the ad vancing infantry in the small vil lages about Metz, they received tlieir citation of exceptional merit. In the appended list are the names of youths from this territory with, the unit. Where no address is mentioned, the man is from Har risburg. The men: Sergeant Louis Howard, Steelton; Corporal Herman Dunlap, Harris burg; Corporal Frank Brown, Steel ton; Corporal T. Beekwith, Steel ton; Corporal A. D. Bibb, Corporal John Baker. Private Theodore Keys. Private Forrest Snyder. Private y*ank Broadns, Steelton; Private William Stevenson, Steelton; PriVate William Luckett, Steelton; Private .T. Hammond, Steelton; Private Clar ence Hopewell. Carlisle; Private Eld ridge Miller, Private F. S. Marshall. Private Ira Layton, Private Ralph Warrisclc, Private George Hooper, Private Adam Henson, Private Jo seph Sheppard, Private William Fra zier. Carlisle; Private Daniel Coop er, Private Brandt Jackson, Private Louis Grant. Private John Drew, Carlisle; Private Leonard Craig, Private Chauncy Flowers, Private Russel Robinson, Private E. Comp ton. Private Richard Grant. Private Walter Thompson, Private Nelson Potter, Private Daniel Johnson, Pri vate George 'Carrol, Private Harry Jackson. Private George Knell. Pri vate Charles Hogan. Steelton; Pri vate Byron Taylor. Harrisburg: Pri vate Dallaird. Steelton: Private W. Thompson, Harrisbnrg: Private Frank Payne, Steelton; Private Christian, Steelton; Private Poul ston. The names of the men in the stret, and ordering a steak, which 308 th Infantry are not available as yet. Harrisburg Artisan Gets Brotherhood Office From Williamsport Convention Williamsport, Pa., Feb. 20.—The sixth annual convention of the Pennsylvania State Council United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America, in session here since Monday, came to a close this afternoon after the Installation of the following officers, elected last night: President, IX A. Post, of Wilkes- Barre: secretary-treasurer, Vernon! Fletcher, Philadelphia: first vice president, Edward P. Fibes, Pitts burgh; second vioe-piesident, "W. T. Allen. Philadelphia; third vice-] president,- O. Edward Osstnan, Potts- j ville: fourth vice-president, George; Wentzel, Erie; fifth vioe-president, I Charles Harvey. Seranton: sixth' vice-president, R. M. Williams,! Wilkes-Barre: seventh vice-presi dent, D. S. Wenrick, Harrisburg. MAY NOT SHIP DEAD OFFICER [Continued from First Page.] home at Leavenworth, Kansas, as 1 was planned. The wife of the lieu- I tenant left last night for Kansas j to make arrangements, and the body must be buried during her absence , as the law decrees that burial must • fake place before (i o'clock this eve- ; ning. M. A. Hoff, New Cumberland, \ undertaker, has charge of the fu- ' neral. Lieutenant Crockett had been in 1 the army service for twelve years ; and saw active service in the Philip- j pines and at the Mexican border, i He came to Marsh Run December ] 21 and was post adjutant at the : army reserve depot. He was mar- | ried five months ago to a Leaven-1 worth, Kansas, girl, where he was i stationed at the fort as an Instructor. I He was born in Danville, 111. The lieutenant and his wife boarded with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Smith In Mar- ! ket Square, New Cumberland. The State Health Department to- j day issued the following statement: I "Lieutenant David H. Crockett, an officer at the army reserve depot at New Cumberland, died yesterday of anthrex. According to the medical officer in charge, he developed the disease on Monday, the first sign of it being a small pimple on the left side of the face, through which the infection evidently entered. The army authorities are making an in vestigation and are suspicious that the infection may have come from a "hair or fur collar of his overcoat. State health authorities are co-oper ating by ordering a thorough disin fection of the roonv that he occupied in New Cumberland. ~~ ~ barrel; spring, firsts, clear, $9.25® 9,40. Hay Market dull: tlmothv, 1 No. 1, large and small bales, $28.50® I 29.00 per ton; No. 2, do., $26.00®28.00 per ton; No, 3, do., $23.00® 24.00. Clover Light mixed, $26.00® 27.00 per ton; No. 1, do., $25.00® 2C.no per ton; No. 2, do., $23.00® 21.00 per ton. CHICAGO CATTI.F. Chicago, Feb. 20. (U. S. Bureau of Markets). Hogs Receipts, 41,000; market active, mostly 10c to 12c higher than yesterday's general trade. Bulk of sales, $17.50® 17.75: butchers, $17.55@17.85; light, $17.00® 17.70: packing. $16.75® 17.50: throw outs. $16.25® 16.75: pigs, good to choice, $14.50@16.75. Cattle • Receipts, 19,000; beef and butcher cattle opening slow to 25c lower; calves strong: stockers and feeders steady: beef cattle, good, choice and prime, $16.00® 20.00: com mon and medium, $10.50®16.00; butcher stock, tows and heifers. $7.95 ® 15.50; canxiers and cutters, $6.25® 7.40; stockers and feeders, good, choice and fancy. $11.25®>15.00: In ferior, common and medium, $8.25® 11.25; veals calves, good and choice, $16.25® 17.00. Sheep Receipts, 17.000; market generally steady. Lambs, choice and prime, $18.25® 18.35: medium and good, $16.50® 18.25; culls, $14.00® 15.60; ewes, choice and prime, $12.00® 12.50; medium and gobd, $10,00®12.00; culls, $5.6091.50. , 'Funeral Services of 1 Aged Woman Tomorrow _ __ Bb 1 *- ■■ MRS. SALENA JOHNSON Funeral services for the late Mrs. Salena Johnson, the oldest colored resident of the city, will be, held to morrow afternoon at lier iate resi dence, 812 Kast street, with the Rev Stephen McNeil, pastor of Wesley Union A. M. E. JCion • church, in charge. The- services will be at 2 o'clock and interment will be made in the Lincoln cemetery at Pen brook. LAWMAKERS CARE NOTHING FOR LIBERTY [Continued from First Page.] tically without liberty. First, the. friend endeavored to go from Mar ket to "Walnut streets in Third in his automobile, Newton affirmed, adding that the traffic would not per mit this freedom, declaring that only southbound trafllc was permit ted on that street. Then when the friend insisted that ho should be permitted to proceed on the left side of Market street toward Fourth, the copper took his license number and ordered him to appear in police court this afternoon, is the sub stance of Mr. Newton's sid plaint on this score. Insult to Injury But Newton's tribulations to-day were more numerous. While quiet ly sitting on the coping about the post office plot in peaceful con verse, he was told that this privilege had long ago been sliced off. In Capitol Park, while passing through to attend the session of the House of Representatives at 11 o'clock yqsa, terday morning. Mr. Newton a na ture-lover, endeavored to catch one of the squirrels disporting on the greensward. But this did not meet with the approval of the guards, the "much-wrong" individual asserts, for no less than a half-dozen rushed at him and hustled him oft the grass. "It's fierce," Mr. Newton com- i mcnted. as he started to indulge in a long eulogy of his kind, old grand father who permitted hint to romp on the grass In his fields and on his lawn as much as he liked, when he visited the latter's country place. To add force to his plaint con cerning the restrictions which curb his desire to <lo as he might wish, Mr. Newton told how he Is unable to secure his shave on Sunday, how he is not able to drive his automobile around a stopped street car, that he cannot drive through a particularly slow-moving funeral, that his coal wagons may not remain on a street car track more than five minutes, and that he is unable to buy his fa vorite brand of corn salve from the "street salesman" as he was wont to do in the days of yore. His Wife Also Suffers His wife, too, is having her per sonal liberties considerably limited. Mr. Newton continue® iu his tale of the downtrodden human beings. In days gone by lier mother was com pelled to exert considerable manual efforts to operate her liand-churn and work the butter, but his wife, he affirms, is compelled to put forth al most as great, efforts to work the coloring into her oleomargarine, "simply because j>ure food laws re strict personal liberty and order oleo sold without color." Bill that which particularly grieves Mr. Newton is that he is not per mitted to smoke his pipe when he goes to a show. After his day's work, Mr. Newton vividly describes i the enjoyment he takes from a show, but asserts that he does not; appreciate any exhibition to its full extent unless he may draw away on his faithful pipe. "But every time I light up. the usher threatens to throw me out," Mr. Newton mor bidly confides. Mr. Newton, who will be remem bered as chief of the Sons of Rest at the Penn-ITarris operations, add ed that he had no time for the mah whose only curtailment of "liberty" j was the loss of booze. MEXICANS HELD FOR BREAKING WINDOWS [Continued from First Page.] Ico at once, and it is thought they wanted to take a haul with them. The window that was broken was on the Aberdeen side of the store, and had in it a display of revolvers. When they broke the window. It is said., the falling glass caught the blind, and pulled It down, preventing them from securing any loot before they were discovered. 11. W. Hall and Ed Hepford, taxicab drivers, and Albert Hood, a pedestrian, saw the men and raised an alarm, starting in pursuit. Policeman ShafTner cap tured them after a short chase. John Flannigan also was givfcn a hearing in police court to-day on the charge of entering the restau rant and confectionery store of Charles Lampas, at 414 Market street, and ordering a steak, which he refused to pay for. He was on his way to an old soldiers' home, police say. and had S2BB in his pos session. Robert Hopper, colored, was given a bearing on the charge of annoy ing Miss Margaret Younkun, 116 South Second street, who accused him her. CAUGHT FIVE SKCXKS Liverpool, Feb. 20.---Wednesday after snow had fallen some of the town sportsmen In making their' rounds to their traps came across a number of fox tracks, many of them' being near town. Walter tel lers followed the trail of, a skunk end when he dug he animal out he found four more In the same hole, making five in all. CATHOLIC HOSTS PAY TRIBUTE TO U.S.CHURCH HEAD Notable Gathering in Honor of Cardinal Gibbons' Golden Jubilee By Associated Press Washington, Feb. 20.—Clergy and laity of Roman Catholicism gather ed here to-day to pay homage to the venerable head of the church in the 'United States, James Cardinal Gib bons, at the celebration of liia golden episcopal jubilee. Pope Benedict was represented by Archbishop Cerretti, who caqre from Rome to bring the pontifical blessing to the aged pre late in testimony of his services as bishop for half a century and as a cardinal since 1886. Notable Church Gathering Dignitaries of the church said the "celebration was the most notable gathering of tlio Roman Catholic hierarchy in North America in more than thirty years, including Cardinal O'Connell, of Boston; Cardinal Be gin, of Canada; Archbishop iion zano, the papal nuncio in the United States, and a great host of arch bishops and monsignors. The lay membership was represented by dis tinguished businessmen and govern ment officials. Extreme simplicity marked the celebration, which began with pon tifical high mass church of the Franciscan Monastery at the Catholic University, Cardinal Gibbons being the celebrant. After the services, the visitors formed in procession and marched to the refectory, where dinner was served. Speuks For Pope Archbishop Oerretti, speaking for the Pope, Cardinal O'Connell for the hierarchy in the United States, and Cardinal Begin for the Canadian clergy, praised the work and char acter of Cardinal Gibbons. Arch bishop Glennon. of St. Louis, re sponded to the toast "Our Country." Cardinal Gibbons replied briefly, much touched by the tributes. Other prelates here for the ser vices were: Archbishop Dougherty, Philadelphia; Bishops Canevin, Pitts burgh; Feehan. Fal) River: Gannon, Erie; Garvey, Altoona: Hoban, Seranlon; McDevitt, Harrisburg; Monughan, Wilmington. Praises Work of Papacy Thanksgiving that the "blessed sun of peace has dawned" and praise for the work of the papacy in at tempting to mitigate the lnirrors of the war formed the theme of the reply bf Cardinal Gibbons. "I thank God that we are as sembled to-dhy. when the war is over and the blessed sun of peace has dawned upon us," he said. "During that tremendous conflict /there was one majestic figure that towered over all others. I refer to our holy father Benedict XV. I be hold him now in imagination stand ing like Moses on the mountain with uplifted hands, praying for his spirit ual children shedding fraticidal blood. Unjustly Criticised in War "The holy father was unjust!? criticised in those days. He was blamed by the allies because he dnl not side with them. He was blamed by the central powers because he did not espouse their cause. But the holy father could not be a partisan. He was too exalted a personage for that. But though not a partisan he was not an indifferent spectator of the horrors he witnessed. He fre quently protested against the out rages perpetrated in Belgium and France; and he was habitually ex ercised in the benevolent work of effecting a change of prisoners, and in many other ways mitigating the horrors of war. "The sovereign pontiff stands out to-day the most exalted personage in Christiandom. Kings will die. em perors will die, even popes will die, but the papacy lives forever. "The popes have seen the rise and development of all the governments of Europe. It is not improbable they will witness the death of some of tliem and chant their requiem. "Church Never Shall Fail" "They have seen kingdoms changed to republics and republics changed to monarchies. They have looked on while the Goths, the Vandals and Visigoths invaded the fairest por tions of Europe, upsetting thrones. All this they have seen, while the di vine constitution of the church of which they are the guardians, have remained unchanged. We may apply to her the worijs of apostle: " 'These shall perish, but thou re mainest. and all of them shall grow old as garment. But thou, O im mortal church, art always the same, and thy years shall never fail." " Sale ol Big Pax tang Quarries For $35,000 Sale of the stone quarries at Pax tang. operated by the Capital Stone and Eime .Quarry Company, to John M. Wliittock, of IlummelstoYn, made public to-day when the deed waa filed at the county recorder's of fice. The consideration was $35,500. The deed transfer# the quarry tract of 28.5 acres near Paxtang in Swa tara township, together with all the equipment and machinery located there. Another large realty transaction which has i>een reported Is the sale of eighteen 'dwellings In North Sixth, Verbeke and Mafile streets, to R. A. Greene, by the Commonwealth Trust Company, acting for Elizabeth, George B. and Elizabeth Scott Kun kle. No consideration has been an nounced. The properties sold are 1301 to 1313 North Sixth- inclusive; 610 to 622 Verbeke inclusive, and 1306-08-10 "Maple street. It was said that the site may eventually he used for a big realty development. Many to Attend Big Community Center Meet With the principal speaker a man connected with the federal depart ment of the Interior to do com munity center work, a record crowd Is expected to be present to-nlglit In the Shimmell school btfildlng auditorium when It is planned to organize a civic center for all men and women in that section of the Allison 11111 district. Dr. Henry E. Jackson will make an address on the work and pos sibilities of such a community or ganization. Community singing will be in charge of Miss Mildred Conk- Ung, a city supervisor of music, and a short talk will be given by Prof. John H. Blokley, supervisor of spe cial activities for the school district, who la endeavoring to organize a canter which will be of Interest ond a help to both adulia and children. FEBRUARY 20, 1919. GLASS IS GIVEN POWER TO FIX NOTES' INTEREST Maximum Authorization Is Fixed at Seven Billions Washington, Feb. 20.—Final de cision for the sale in the Victory Liberty loan in April of short term notes, maturing in one to five years, instead of bonds has been reached by the House ways and means com mittee. Assistant Secretary Lefllng well, of the Treasury, told the com mittee that the plan was acceptible to Secretary Glass. The maximum authorization of ' the notes was llxed at $7,000,000,- 000, with authority given Secretary Glass to fix "thj rates of interest on the four ci to bo sold, 'the notes woull be redeemable be fore maturity, at the option cf the government on one year's notice. Four Types of Notes The four types of notes that may be issued by the Treasury, and their terms as lixed by the com mittee are: First: Kxempt from all taxation, j except estate or inheritance taxes. Second: Exempt from all taxa tion, except estate or inheritance taxee and tiro graduated additional income tuxes, commonly known as surtaxes and excess protlts and war profits taxes: Third: Exempt from the sadie taxation as those of the second type, except that tVo Interest on $30,000 of notes of this type, shall not be subject to the estate and the graduated additional income levies. Fourth: Exempt, except from es tate or inheritance taxes, and all income, excess profits and war prof its taxes. The privilege of conversion of the bonds of one typo to those of an other is granted purchasers for a period of six months after their date of issue. Mrs. Elizabeth S. Zudrell Dies Soon After Daughter Mrs. Elizabeth S. Zudellf 61 years old, died at her home, 29 North Seventeenth street, at C.lO o'clock this morning after a linger ing illness. Mrs. Zudrell never fully recovered from the shock occasion ed by the death of her daughter. Miss Catherine Zudrell, a short time ago. She is survived by four daugh ters, Miss Julia 11. Zudrell and Miss Anna E. Zudrell, two well known public school teachers: Miss Esther M. Zudrell, and Mrs. Mary D. Pen dergast, wife of Peter F. Pender gast; three grandchildren, and one sister, Mrs. Mary Keiffer, all of Harrisburg. A member of St. Fran cis Catholic church, in Market street, funeral services will be held there on Monday morning at 9 o'clock, conducted by the Rev. Joseph R. Murphy. Burial will be in Mt. Cal vary cemetery. ELWOOD R. CRULL Elwood R. Crull, aged 73 years, who served with the Pennsylvania Railroad Company as a machinist for more than forty-nine years, died at his home at jftniata Bridge, Tues day morning. He was a life-long res ident of Harrisburg and had a wide circle of friends here. He is survived by liis wife and two sons. E. M. and Cecil C. Crull, three daughters, Mrs. J. W. Campbell. Butte, Mont.: Mrs. F. S. Yost, Harrisburg: Mrs. Wil liam Ricliter. of Juniata Bridge; three blathers, Jacob and Samuel, of Harrisburg. and George, of York. Funeral services will be held to-, morrow afternoon at 2 o'clock at the home of his son, E. M. Crull. 2012 North Fifth street. The Rev. Harvey Klaer, pastor of the Covenant Pres byterian church, will officiate. Bu rial will be in the Harrisburg ceme tery. MRS. SAMUEL FISHMAN Mrs. Dora Fishman, wife of Sam uel Fislinian, died yesterday in the Keystone Hospital from a compli cation of diseases. She was aged 39 years. Mrs. Fishman was a member of several fraternal organizations and was active in their work. She was widely, known throughout the city, possessing a host of friends I here. She is survived by her hus j hand, Samuel Fishman, her father, and six small children. Funeral ; services were held at 3 o'clock this l afternoon and burial was made In I the Chisuk Ernuna cemetery at j Progress. MRS. STELLA COLLIER Mrs. Stella Collier, aged 23 years, wife of Arthur Collier, died at her home. 439 Verbeke street. The body will be taken to Chambersburg to ; day where funeral services will be held Saturday at the home of her father. S. H. Bitner. Mrs. Collier 1 was widely known and had many friends in this city. MRS. A. Ij. BUHLER Funeral services for Mrs. A. L. Buliler, aged 70 years, who died 'yesterday at her home, 1125 Cowden j street, will lie,held Saturday after '■ noon at 2 o'clock. Mrs. Buliler is ! survived by a daughter, Mrs. Eliza ; beth Coxe, and a son, Edgar Buhler. [ AM. ELECTION BOARDS JU ST SIT OX TUESDAY ! Because of inquiries from members of elections boards in a few districts I announcement was trade today at the I office of the county commissioners that all members of each board must sit next Tuesday at the special Sena torial election. The court yesterday KEEP MB WINS It's Easy—lf You Know Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets The secret of keeping young is to feel | young—to do this you most watch your i liverandbowels—there'snoneedofhav ing a sallow complexion dark rings under your eyes—pimples—a bilious look in your face—dull eyes with no sparkle. Your doctor will tell you ninety pier cent of all sickness comes from in*, i active bowels and liver. • Dr. Edwards, a well-known physician In Ohio, perfected a vegetable com pound mixed with olive oil to act on the liver and bowels, which he gave to his patients for years. Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets, the sub stitute for calomel, are gentle in their actibn yet always effective. They bring about that exuberance of spirit, that i natural buoyancy which should be en : Joyed byeveryone,by toning up the liver •nd clearing the system of impurities. You will know Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets by their olive color. 10c and 15c per boat. All druggists - appointed Charles P. Hanoy as judge of elections In the Fifth ward, Thlr.l precinct, to succeed George H. Slble. removed. COAL PRICES ' 'TMIE weather and the ending the war are responsible for the present plentiful supply of coal. Consumers are holding off tin the belief that prices will drop. Overproduction will not have this result. 4 If there is no market for the coal above grouij4 mining oper ations must of necessity stop.. Nothing can be gained by de laying your order for needed fuel. All sizes and kinds oT range land furnace coal ready for ! prompt delivery. H. M. KELLEY & CO. 11 N. 3rd St., 10th and State Sts. i Permanently Located i at 12 N. Market Square (Over Bogar's Store) Almost opposite the cen tral stopping point of all j trolley cars on city and i suburban lines. j ■ ' jj I want men to introduce from' house to house a high' grade line of per fumes, cosmetics, flav-. oring extracts, spices, toilet soap, etc. Steady; work. Big profits. No experience necessary. Cake of soap and full | particulars mailed free to any address. Lacas sian Co., Dept. 221, St. Louis, Mo. Io Changing Prices It is confidently expected that there will be a grad ual decrease in the prices of commodities. As com modity prices decrease, security prices will tend to increase. It is there fore advisable for inves tors to consider buying now securities of the beat type. Write for our latest Investment Suggestions A. B. Leach & Co. Investment Securities ' 115 S. 4th St., Philadelphia New York, Chicago, Boston Baltimore, Buffalo, Jcrantor LEE A. I.AL'HEX STEIN Representative 2208 X. 3rd St., Harrlsburc Phone 4776-U f. * **** * *** ***** ***** * 1 Oil ! i * == * 11* * j4* Initial offering high grade T £ producing dividend oil security <, I .j. now paying 2 per cent month- <• j <• ly on par, limited number of + f shares at $1.25 per share. * I J Present returns netting over 4. 14 J per eent yearly. Truth * ❖ About the 4)11 Business—l 2 J * page booklet giving facts and J information, oil terms cx- 4 4 plained, value of an oil .well, + * flush production. Are oil t t stocks a speculation? Book- 4, let mailed upon request. 4 | Taylor, McCarthy Co. | 4 Specialists High Grade + t Producing Oil Securities J 4 704, 705 I'EXX SQUARE BLDG. * 4 PHILADELPHIA, PA. + ♦ f Jill SEALS S. STENCILS |l\ i , W MFGJYHM. STENCIL WORKS ■ wl I 11 130 tOCWXSt Hl&ftU H 15