Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, February 20, 1919, Page 11, Image 11

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American Socialist Society is
Found Guilty on Both
New York, Feb. 20.—Scott Near
ng, one time professor in the Uni
versity of Pennsylvania and Toledo
University and a Socialist candidate
n this city in the last congression-
U campaign, was acquitted of sedl
:ious writings by a federal jury here
ate yesterday.
The Amercan Socialist Socie.ty,
co-defendant, was found guilty on
joth counts in the indictment. The
iury was given the case at 1 o'clock
Tuesday afternoon and returned its
verdict after deliberating approxi
nately 29 hours.
The indictments were based on
publication by the Rand Book
Store, operated by the American
Socialist Society, of Nearing's
pamphlet, '" r he Great Madness," in
which he discussed militarism.
The two counts on which the so
ciety was convicted, charged the so
ciety and Nearing individually with
having attempted to cause insub
ordination and refusal to perform
duty in the army and navy, and
with having attempted to interfere
with enlistment.
Two other counts, charging Near
ing and the society with conspiracy
in the publication of the pamphlet,
had been dropped before the case
was given to the jury.
Hurry, Mother! Remove poi
sons'from little stomach,
liver, bowels
Give "California Syrup of Figs"
if cross, bilious or
No matter what ails your child, a.
gentle, thorough laxative should al
ways be the first treatment given.
If your little ondvls out-of-sorts,
half-sick, isn't resting, eating and
acting naturally—look, Mother! see
if tongue is coated. This is a sure
sign that the little stomach, liver
and bowels are clogged with waste.
When cross, irritable, feverish, stom
ach sour, breath bad or has stomach
ache, dia'rrhoea, sore throat, full of
cold, give a teaspoonful of "Cali
fornia Syrup of Figs," and in a few
hours all the constipated poison, un
digested food and sour bile gently
moves out of the little bowels with
out griping, and you have a well,
playful child again.
Mothers can rest easy after giv
ing this harmless "fruit laxative,"
because it never fails to cleanse the
little one's liver and bowels and
sweeten the stomach and they dearly
love its pleasant taste. Full direc
tions for babies, children of all ages
and for grown-ups printed on each
Beware of counterfeit fig syrups.
Ask your druggist for a bottle of
"California Syrup of Figs"; then see
that it is made by the "California
Fig Syrup Company."
Create Gas, Sourness and Pain.
How To Treat. •
Medical authorities state that
nearly nine-tenths of the cases of
stomach trouble, indigestion, sour
ness, burning, gas bloating, nausea,
etc., are due to an excess of hydro
chloric acid in the stomach and not
as some believe to a lack of diges
tive juices. The delicate stomach
lining is irritated, digestion is delay
ed and food sours, causing the dis
agreeable symptoms which every
stomach sufferer knows BO well.
Artificial digestents are not needed
in such cases and may do real harm.*
Try laying aside all digestive aids
and instead get from any druggist a
few ounces of Bisurated Magnesia
and take a teaspoonful in a quarter
glass of water right after
eating. This sweetens the stom
ach. prevents the formation of
excess acid and there Is no sourness
gas or pain. Bisurated Magnesia (in
powder or tablet form—never liquid
or milk) is harmless to the stomach
inexpensive to take and is the most
efficient form qf magnesia for stom
ach purposes. It is used by thous
ands of people who enjoy their rheals
with no more fear of indigestion.
G. A. Gorgas.
' -i
Heal Skin Diseases
" ■
It is unnecessary for you to suffer
. with eczema,blotches,ringworm,rashes
and similar skin troubles. Zemo, ob
tained at any drug store for 35c, or
SI.OO for extra large bottle, and prompt
ly applied will usually give instant relief
from itching torture. It cleanses and
soothes the skin and heals quickly and
effectively most skin diseases.
Zemo is a wonderful, penetrating,
disappearing liquid and is soothing to
the most delicate skin. It is not greasy,
is easily applied and costs little. Get
it today and save all further distress.
The E. W. Rose Ca. Cleveland, O-
Don't Catch Cold
*d allow hto rea into PnetneooU. At the fint
tailHe, m, ton tbroat M hudodw uktnar
ri if /n 9t
Goo. A. Cf>M' tro. fft
8. , £ - .. ...
Electric Companies Will Be
Given a Chance to Discuss
New Accounting
A series of con
rTY //) fevences will be
held throughout
""S j n March on the
uniform system of
accounting for
ll JShSSpV electric companies
lIJfIBeHMIW arranged by the
sIHSuBJuL Public Service
1 com mi s sion. A
similar series was,
held this month
on the system for water companies.
The system for elec • c companies
is now in force.
The Commission now has in prep
aration a plan for uniform account
ing for manufactured gas companies
which will bo issued during the
spring and which will be effective
later on. Hearings on this system
will be held in June.
The schedule for accounting for (
natural gas companies is being work- ,
ed out.
Hold Hearings—Judge Isaac John-'
son, of the state board of Public
Charities, and General Secretary
Bromley Wharton are in conference
here with the legislators regarding
appropriation bills for hospitals and
similar projects. Meetings have al-,
so been held with trustees of some;
Smallpox Outbreak. —The State |
Department of Health has taken j
charge of smallpox cases In Swarth
more and Butler, medical inspectors
being now at work tracing the con
tacts and ordering wholesale vacci
nations. The 'Swarthmore case ap
peared in the boys' department of
the Swarthmore Preparatory School
and it was not until the third case
appeared that the disease was diag-,
nosed as smallpox in a mild form.
A rigid quarantine N has been estab
lished in co-operation with local I
health authorities and the school of- ]
ticials. It was stated that none of!
the patients had everr been vacci-!
nated. The first case is said to have
come from Michigan. The Butler
case is a postal employe running be- |
tween Butler and Greenville.
Governor to Speak. Governor 1
Sproul will be the speaker at the\
, Scotch-Irish dinner to-night in Phil- j
Kittnnning Case Up.—The Kittan-
Kittnnning ease up. —The Kittan
ing Water plant case, which has at
traded much attention, was heard 1
by the Public Service Commission
Governor's Reception.—lnvitations
to the biennial reception tendered to
the Legislature by the Governor have '
been issued for next Tuesday night!
at the Executive Mansion. The in-I
vitations have been mailed to the j
homes of the members.
To Decide Soon.—Commissioner'
of Banking Fisher will go to Pitts
burgh in a few days to determine i
upon the procedure in the case of'
the Park Bank, which was closed by
the state. It may be allowed to re
40 Cents an Hour
Minimum Granted
to Reading Workers
Reading, Pa., Feb. 20.—The War
Labor Board has filed a decision in
the wage dispute between the Car
penter Steel Company, this city, and
its workers, affecting 2,400 em
ployes. The ruling establishes the
40 cent minimum labor rate, except
for those too aged or physically in
capable of a normal day's work;
time and half time for Sundays and
holidays except where Sunday is
part of a continuous week in which
the employe gets one day oft in
seven. The award also grants em
ployes the right to organize and
bargain collectively and prohibits
coercive measures by employes
against non-union workers or
against employers. Many of the de
tails of the new order were put in
effect on January 1, notably the 40
cents an hour minimum, the eight
hour day and the time amd half
time principle.
Fire on Water of
Erie Basin Destroys
Score of Vessels
New York, Feb. 20.—0il on the
water of Erie basin In Brooklyn
yesterday afternoon caused a fire
which spread to a dry dock and
damaged a score of large and small
vessels. The basin became virtu
ally a flaming lake and it was only
with the greatest difficulty that the
flames were checked.
Bill Providing for
Seacoast Defenses
Passed by House
Washington, Feb. 20.—The an
nual appropriation bill carrying
$11,199,000 for sea coast defenses
of the United States and its insular
possessions was passed last night by
the House without a record vote
and sent to the Senate.
Belfast Workers Return
on Terms of Employers
Belfast, Feb. 20.—The general
strike in Belfast, which began near
ly a month ago, ended yesterday
with the decision of the remaining
8,000 boilermakers to return to
work on the terms laid down by the
employers. These terms give the
workmen a forty-seven hour week
pending, a national settlement of the
Elizabeth town, Pa., Feb. 20. —On
Monday evening, at the home of the
bridegroom's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
John Shulz, of Elizabethtown, there
took place the marriage of J. Elmer
Shulz and Miss Anna Myrtle Strine,
of Enola. The ceremony was per
formed by the Rev. I. N. Seldom
ridge, of Elizabethtown, in the pres
ence of the Immediate families and
a few friends. The younf couple
left on a late train for Newark, N. J.
The bride is a daughter of John
Strine, a retired farmer, of Enola.
The bride was formerly connected
with a Harrisburg jewelry firm.
After a few weeks in eastern cities,
they will live at Enola.
Kphrata, Pa., Feb. 20. —Barton
Snader, aged 40 years, was instantly
killed by a railroad train at the Ful
ton street crossing here Tuesday
night. Identification of the body
was made by letters in a coat pock
et. Snader was walking along the
track on his way home from work
The funeral will be held Saturday
afternoon at 1.30 o'clock.
William Todd Fails to Get
Clemency— New Board
Works Until Late
I"he State Board of Pardons
handed down over thirty decisions
', ast . n '^ ht aa the result of the flrst
(lay s work of the now board, of
which Lieutenant Governor Beldle
man was elected president. Wil
liam Todd, Dauphin, failed to get
br2!? I, A?i nd £ d for clemency, but
r>H>ta Alle Sheny county condemned
murderers were urged for mercy
sel? d ß e e fe°nse tronE ° f
we T re e .f hila delphia policemen
the Pwff^ S ? e, pardon - Berggreen,
_ . ®delphia sailor, was granted
"The Live Store" "Always Reliable"
'-) ' I
"Big Friday" at Doutrichs
Throughout our entire stock, you will find unequalled values during
this money-saving event. It's unusual to find a store that will sell all its high-grade merchandise
at such remarkable reductions—Doutrich s believe in a thorough mid-winter house cleaning, and our extremely low
prices turn over huge stocks into cash at these times, and enable us to make room for spring stocks—This is our
Where Everything in Our Entire Stock Is Reduced (Except Arrow Collars, Interwoven Hose and Manhattan Shirts)
There will be plenty of room, for our warerooms are now showing signs
of relief; the selling has been enormous during this sale, and the next two days will release
more merchandise; huge quantities will enter homes for many miles within the vicinity of Harrisburg. This is a
real sale where you get genuine reductions. There'* nothing but good merchandise to be had, and no matter what you
buy you can feel absolutely certain that you will get complete satisfaction or you get your money back.
All 35c Brighton Garters, 19c—All 39c Black Cat Hose, 29c—AU$1 and $1.25 Kaynee Blouses, 79c
AM S2O Suits and Overcoats, . . . $14.75
J jfv I All $25 Suits and Overcoats, .. . $19.75 <J-| /vq ~
i [ AM S3O Suits and Overcoats, .. . $23.75 J
I - I All $35 Suits and Overcoats, .. . $26.75 ; Frf"d OvLll.
<• All $2.95 Sweet-Orr 1 All S3B Suits and Overcoats, .. . $28.75 '' d> i aa
i HeadH o' er a a "J s Sig " al I All S4O Suits and Overcoats, .. .
i Te ' 4 ' • V All $45 Suits and Overcoats, .. . $33.75 A " * 2AS ' !
JQ ,| All SSO Suits and Overcoats, .. . $37.75 I? !
; fj/fciaTlt/ r All $55 Suits and Overcoats, .. . $41.75 \ $1.89
. jL All [6O Suits and Overcoats. . . . '
' '' ' : i O p-VI) Vk—irnft iQ
[All SI.OO Underwear 79c j (All $5.00 Sweaters $3.89 (
All $2.00 Underwear $1.59 J I All $6.50 Sweaters $4.89 |
All $2.50 Underwear $1.89 I j All $7.50 Sweaters ] $5.89 I
All $3.00 Underwear $2.39 a j All sß.soSweaters $6.89 J
All $3.50 Underwear $2.89 | I All $10.50 Sweaters $7.89 c
All $4.00 Underwear $3.19 > I All $12.50 Sweaters ] $8.75 (
All $5.00 | All $14.50 Sweaters $10.75 |
Shirts, Hosiery, Gloves, Pajamas, Hats Reduced
- J
a rehearing.
The decisions were:
Commuted—Charles and Joseph
Russogulo and Jack Guastaferra,
Recommended—Tony Montelone,
Mercer, second degree murder; Ada
Bayard, Philadelphia, manslaughter;
Barney McElhatton, Philadelphia,
burglary; Michael Wall, Lycoming,
assault; Ernest Carr, York, burg
lary, etc.
Refused —Alexander Yehle, Alle
gheny, carrying weapons; Thomas
G. Forney, Allegheny, conspiracy,
etc; Joe Romeo. Lawrence, assault
j and battery; Hiram E. Kline. Lu-
I zerne, rape; Charles Stefansky. Lu
zerne, robbery and assault and bat
tery; Edward Kegan. Edward Blllery
and Sherman H. Clark, Philadel
phia, assault and battery, etc.; John
Keenan, Philadelphia, manslaugh
ter; Preston Yates, Philadelphia,
burglary; Frank P v ol)ard, Philadel
phia, assault and battery; Rafelc
Francese and Michelo Snntlarlucca.
Philadelphia, assault and battery;
Joseph Splnock. Philadelphia, rob
bery; May Biard, Centre, larceny; i
George Sacks, Bucks, rape; .John
Ferosky, Allegheny, felonious as
sault; Richard A. Doorr, Berks, lar
ceny; William Todd, Dauphin, rob
bery; "Oliver Morgan, Luzerne, rob
bery; Joseph Lower, Montgomery,
Action on rehearing applications
was as follows: Granted—Harold
Berggreen, Philadelphia, robbery,
etc.; Refused —Matthew McMullen,
Philadelphia, second.degree murder;
James Salerno, Lycoming, murder,
Commuted —John William Brown,
Lebanon, robbery; Victor Duffy, Lu
zerne, burg ary; Pasquaie Salltino,
Allegheny, second degree murder.
Five cases were held over and
one withdrawn.
Loysville, Pa., Feb. 20.—Loysville
Lodge No. 111, Knights of the Golden
Eagle, observed the eleventh anni
versary of the founding of the local
lodge with impressive exercises. The
Tressler Orphans' Home band fur
nished music.
The order is rendering valuable
ild in the development of the bor
ough and has decided to purchase
the building of the ol(l Loysville shirt
factory. They promise to have a
shirt factory operating on the flrst
floor of this structure within a short
time. The second floor will bo used
for lodge purposes and for socials.
New Bloonifleld, Pa., Feb. 20.
The first seeker after a nomination
for the county treasurership is
James A. Nool, of near New Ger
mantown, who seeks the Republican
nomination for that office in Perry
Diincaiinon, Pa., Feb. 20.—Because
of ill health. Miss Sara Lepperd,
teacher of the fifth and sixth grades
in the Duncannon schools, has ten
dered her resignation. Mrs. Frank
Hosborough, a former teacher in the
local schools, has been elected.
Blaln, Pa., Feb. 20. —The Rev. L.
H. Rehmeyer. a student at the Lu
i theran Theological Seminary at Get
tysburg, will preach on Sunday in
FEBRUARY 20, 1919.
i the churches of the Biain Zion's
| Lutheran charge: At St. Paul's at
One of the moat fruitful cauaee of
old age that comes too soon la an
impoverished condition of the blood.
There may be many causes for this
condition, but in most cases, the vic
tim is more concerned with results
and relief. Impaired digestion, nerv
ous exhaustion are the result of neg-
'' lected anaemia, or starvation of the
' blood.
The logical relief la to build up
. the richness of the blood—not to try
J to whip the weakened nervea and
.muscles into unwilling action.
One element upon which the blood
largely depend? is Iron. This is
fonnd ha a most active and con
10.30 a. m.; at Blain at 2 p. m., and
at New Germantown at 7.
dented form in Dr. Chase's Blood
and Nerve Tablets, compounded
with Nux Vomica, Gentian and other
remedies that build up blood and
nervee alike. These tablets are un
like other tonics because they stimu
late only by feeding the Mood the
nourishment it lacks
The action of DR. CHASE'S
ts ao positive, so remarkable in effect,
that patients are urged to weigh
themselves before taking diem, and
then watch their dally increase in
weight. Price, SO cents; Special
Strength (stronger and mart active),
90 cents.