'OOVER REPORT AS TO PACKERS IS MADE PUBLIC aid Six Months Ago In dustry Was a Growing Menace Washington, Feb. 19. —A confi cntial report made to President i'ilson by Herbert C. Hoover six lonths ago on the big meat packers as made public by flte Food AU ltnistration at the direction of the 'resident "to establish the real po rtion of Mr. Hoover and the Food .dministration on the control of the hicago packing industries." In re ent hearings before Congressional ommittees witnesses for the live tock men charged collusion oe iveen Mr. Hoover and the five lead ig packers. In the report, in response to a equest from the President for his lews on the recommendations ot he Federal Trade Commission. Mr. loovcr said he reaffirmed his* opin >n given nearly a year before that here is a growing and dangerous ominatton of the nation's food tufts," and approved some of the ommission's proposals. He reconi tended constructive regulation ather than stretching temporary ar powers of the government and xpressed the belief that the dom intion of the packers did not nec ssarily imply wrong doing on their art but was the natural outgrowth of various factors which need cor- C Nl'r > . n Hoover accepted as eoonomi allv sound the Federal Trade A oni lDsion's recommendation regaru ig Federal control of animal and efrigerator car service, and said tockvards should be "entirely dis sociated from the control of the ackers." He contended. however, hat wrong practices between DU> - rs and sellers would not be cor ected by the Government controll ig or owning yards. "His own instinct. Mr. Hooter aid was against Federal ownership f the packers branch houses ana old storage and warehouse factli ies. Going into aspects of the lacking industry not covered by le Trade Commission, he said. "If proper abattoirs could be ex ended near the larger towns. lv with municipal help and the perations therein protected from llegittmate competition. I believe hey would not only succeed, but could greatly stimulate the local reduction of meat anlI " a '?: ffect would be a great stabilization f prices bv a wider based market han that now so largely dependent pon a small group of buyers. iICKFOLKSREJOICE GREAT DAY COMETH tfark Well the Time and Place, Monday, Feb, 24, at Geo. A. Gorgas' Drug Store, the Nu Vim Demonstrator Will Arrive "Miss Xu Vim," as she Is aftec lonately called by hundreds of ormer sufferers who have followed er advice to health, is coming to farrlsburg. The place and time have been et. Monday, Feb. 24, at Geo. A. iorgas' drug store, 16 X. Third treet. she will begin her triumphs. Yesterday's announcement in this aper—that at no distant date the eople of Harrisburg would bo given n opportunity to know, at first and. the true value of Xu Vim, reated much excitement among hose who have sickness in their amities. Many have been insistent that the ate be announced. It has been decided to wait no onger—to hasten the time when hose suffering from rheumatism, tomaeh, liver, kidney, bowel and ilood disorders may repeat, in their wn cases, the seeming miracles hat have been reported from other ities where Xu Vim has been dem instrated. The remarkable reputation tchieved by Xu Vim Iron Weed Tonic, almost over night, is prob tbly due to the fact that Xu Vim is •urely vegetable—all/medicinal. Many people need an iron tonic >ut find no relief in mineral iron, vhich is too harsh and strong for heir weakened condition. That's vhy the first spoonful of Xu Vim las started these sufferers to gain ng, when ail else failed to Jfelp hem. .Vow Xu Vim —the medicine that ins created such excitement in the Vest, as well as in Philadelphia, 'amden, Wilmington and other astern cities, is coming to Barris ui rg. Starting Monday, Feb. 24, Xu Vim v ill be demonstrated at Gorgas' Irug store, 16 N. Third street. HAVE DOLOR IN CHEEKS Be Better Looking—Take Olive Tablets If your skin is yellow—complexion pallid—tongue coated—appetite poor— you have a bad-taste in your mouth— a lazy, no-good feeling—you should take Olive Tablets. Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets—a sub stitute tor calomel—were prepared by Dr. Edwards alter 17 years ot study with his patients. Dr.Edwards'Olive Tablets are a purely vegetable compound mixed with olive oil. Vou will know them by their olive color. Tohave a clear, pink skin, bright eyes, no pimples, a feeling of buoyancy like childhooddaysyoumustget atthecause. Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets act on the liver and bowels like calomel—yet have no dangerous after effects. They start the bile and overcome con stipation. Thaf s why millions of boxes are sold annual fy at 10c and 25c per box. AH druggists. Take one or two nightly aad uote the pleasing results. -J* : Z —^ GORGAS DRUG STORES WEDNESDAY EVENING MOTORCYCLE MEN AT PENN-HARRIS J Big Sales Conference of Fac tory Men and Central Penna. Dealers (By A. I*. AYIEB> Upwards of a score of Central Pennsylvania Harley-Davidson deal ers and two representatives of the ! Ilarley-Davidson factory, E. J. Muel ' ler, and F. W. Steirhoft, met in one lof the most enthusiastic sales con ! ferences ever held in this city, Mon- I day and yesterday in the Penn-Har iris. These sales conferences are a reg- J ular part of the Harley-Davidson ; service which is extended to all its ! dealers. They are in charge of the i regular men fro mtho factory, in i the r J a C on —It's all a mistake—ln our experience we find most people are we ever want to sell you. So when you've found the "Suit" or f u:. i c. urv. ., i*i e i j . i , ver y ea *y to please m this Live Store because we have Overcoat you like you can feel assured that it bears the same w h a t they want—"Otherwise" we would lack efficiency Fairly reduction as the one you don't like. good explanation, isn't it? - " * I "Try This Dependable Doutrich Service That Everybody Is Talking About" I I f Suits and Overcoats | Boys' Clothing I $20.00 Suits and Overcoats t.7> $40.00 Suits and Overcoats. $211.75 $7.50 Suits and O'coats, $5.89 8 $25.00 Suits and Overcoats ft 19.75 $45.00 Suits and Overcoats $33*75 $6.50 Suits and O'coats, $4.89 | 830.00 Site and Ovrcoat $23.75 Su,., and O.erc.U M ! $35.00 Suits and Overcoats $55.00 Suits and Overcoats $4 1 7~ $12.00 Suits and O'coats, $8.75 $38.00 Suits and Overcoats $28.75 $60.00 Suits and Overcoats $45.75 515.00 Suits and O'coats, $10.75 ~— * $16.50 Suits and O'coats, $11.75 Trousers Reduced SIB.OO Suits and O'coats, $13.75 All $4.00 Trousers $3.19 AH $6.50 Trousers $4.89 ===== 9 AH $4.50 Trousers $3.39 All $7.50 Trousers $5.89 AH $1.50 Knee Pants .... $1.19 AH $5.00 Trousers $3.89 All $8.50 Trousers $6.89 AH $2.00 Knee Pants .... $1.59 AU $2.50 Knee Pants $1.89 • J[ | a ' I ' ' ' ' " y HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH FEBRUARY 19, 1919. 9