Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, February 19, 1919, Page 16, Image 16
16 WILL HELP RESCUE GIRLS IN HAREMS Beautiful, Refined Gfrls Who Speak English Cry and Bemoan Their Fate, Says Member of Relief Expedition Pittsburgh, Feb. 19. "To help rescue the thousands of girls scat tered in Moslem harems from one end of Turkey to the other is one of the reasons that I am going back to Turkey," declared a member of the expedition for Armenian and Syrian relief before he sailed for Turkey. In a statement issued prior to his sailing, this relief worker, who had been an American missionary in Turkey, told of the suffering on the part of the starting Armenians and Syrians which he had witnessed while in Turkey as a missionary. "A German missionary lady told me of a trip she had made with German officers to the Malatia re gion from in the interior. She said Marsovan graduates and teachers came to see her there who were in Moslem harems, beautiful, refined girls, who spoke English perfectly. She said they cried and bemoaned their fate. When I asked what could bo done for them she said, "absolutely nothing." "What hope for them?" I said, and she answer SENATE PASSES ENLISTMENT BILL House Then Eliminates Its Plans For Army of "t 540,000 Washington, Feb. Legislation providing for a temporary military establishment of about 540.000 offi cers and men during the fiscal year beginning next July 1 was eliminat ed from the annual Army appropria tion bill last night in the H°use Hfter passage of the Senate bill for resumption of voluntary enlistments in the peace-time Army, which would be restricted to the maximum of 175,000 men authorized in the national defense act of 1916. The Senate measure now goes to conference and will become effective upon its approval by President M il son. The Army bill also was adopt ed by the House without a record vote and now goes to the Senate, with its completion there at this session regarded by many leaders as doubtful. It carries a total of $1,070,000,000 for the War Depart ment for the twelve months after June 30. It was explained by members of the House that the Senate bill did not affect the present war-time Army which, under the selective service act, must be demobilized within four months after peace is formally de clared by Presidential proclamation. f " * The Detroit Vapor Oil Range "BURNS Like Gas 9 Just like a Gas Stove in looks and opera tion. OUR GUARANTEE: f— —————————-w 1 Gallon of ordin ary Kerosene Oil will burn 20 hours in one burner. Less than 24 cent an hour. These ranges will not only cook and bake, but being so economical ivith fuel, can be used to heat the kitchen at a less cost than it can be done in any other manner. IF YOU DON'T HAVE GAS WHERE YOU LIVE, YOU WILL SOONER OR LATER BUY A VA POR STOVE. WHY NOT NOW? Demons trations daily at the store or in your own home. HOOVER Furniture Co. 1415-19 N. Second St. Between Colder nnd Relly Sta. WEDNESDAY EVENING ied "absolutely none." To help res cue the thousands of such girls scat tered in Moslem harems from one end of Turkey to the other is one of the reasons I am going back to Turkey. "These children, women ana girls must not only be rescued, they must also be helped to • begin life over again. We shall have to start trades which will furnish a means of sup port. Not only this but we must help them to forget. Almost all those whom I was able to rescue were more or less affected seen tal ly. It was not to be wondered at. Such experiences are beyond human endurance. Only as they are loved and cared for and placed under cheerful conditions, can they be brought back to normal condition. Think of being shown water when dying from thirst and then refused a drink. Such were some of the extremes o fcruelty to which they were subjected. They need love and sympathy to restore their fatth in humanity. Our expedition goes to help do this, and this is another rea son I am going to Turkey." EXPERTS FRAMING TERMS TO LAST TILL PEACE COMES Will Be Ready For Presenta tion Within Week or Ten Days By Associated Press Washington, Feb. 19.—The Su preme War Council is rapidly bring ing together a permanent armistice which will last until peace 1b con cluded. This is being first framed by the military, naval and economic experts, and then will finally be pass ed on by the Supreme War Council before Marshal Foch presents it,' which probably will be within the next week or ten days.. The principal feature is German disarmament down to the require ments of an international police not exceeding twenty-five divisions, of about ten or twelve thousand men' each, or a total force of approxi mately 250,000 men. Other restric tions will cover production of arma ment of all kinds and the com plete disappearance of the enemy's submarine equipment. Naval Terms Being Considered The naval terms, while Jointly agreed to by the experts, have not yet been approved by the war coun cil. It is understood the agreement concerning the dismantling of the fortifications of Helgoland and of the Kiel canal will have some re servations from American quarters, so as not to establish precedent for the nonfortification of canals and waterways in a peace treaty meas urably within sight. The present prospect is the first draft of five or six essential provi sions, which will be ready when President Wilson returns March 15, so that early action can be secured by the full conference and the enemy powers can be called in by April. The peace congress, with all the powers represented, would thus be constituted by late spring and give prospect of the conclusion of a peace treaty by the early days of sum mer. Peace by Summer While such a plan is necessarily elastic, owing to the range of sub jects, unforeseen circumstances and enemy opposition, yet it is the plan those in chief influence hope to see carried out as a result of the sys tematic procedure now being or ganized. What appears to be the main dif ficulty is territorial boundaries, but practically all these issues of inter allied are inter-allied and interpose no obstacle to peace with the en emy. Three Chimney Fires in Few Hours Cause Work For Firemen, Loss Slight A chimney fire which started in the Alva Hotel, corner Blackberry and Grace streets, this morning caused considerable excitement among pa trons of the restaurant who were eating their breakfast. The chemical apparatus of the Pennsylvania Rail road Company from the passenger station close by, was manned by workmen from the station, and put the first stream on the blaze. City fire companies arriving on the scene quickly extinguished the flames. A cook in the kitchen, known as "Mike" was slightly burned about the hands. Two other chimney fires occurring within a few minutes early last evening caused considerable work for fire companies of the central district, without causing much damage to property. The first was in the Elk instone apartments at 901 North Front street, and the second was at 130 Indian street, where three fam ilies live. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Vogelsong, Peter Watson, and Mrs. Ella Cameron live on the three floors. Nearing Jury Locked Up at 1 A. M.; Unable to Reach a Verdict New York, Feb. 19.—After de liberating for nearly thirteen hours without reaching a verdict, the fed eral jury which has been consider ing the case of Scott Nearing, for mer University professor, and the American Socialist Society, charged with violating the espionage act, was ordered locked up at one o'- clock by Judge Mayer. The jury had been deliberating since noon yesterday, and had re turned twice to seek further in structions from Judge Mayer, who remained in chambers awaiting a verdict. Deliberations will be resumed this morning. Rivers and Harbors Bill Passed by Senate, Goes to Conference Washington, Feb. 19.—Without a record vote, the Senate last night passed the annual rivers and har bors bill, carrying appropriations of $33,000,000, or $8,000,000 more than I the original House measure. The bill.now goes to conference. WAR COUNCIL HEARS CLAIMS OF SMALL POWERS Serbians, Slovenes and Croa tians Submit Their Ter ritorial Aims By Associated Press. Paris, Feb. 19. The . Supreme Council of the great powers yester day heard the portrayal of Serbia's claims. Some of the representatives of the council, however, remained away, feeling that the time for talk was past and that the present need' was action for getting back to a peace basis. This movement is taking form in the most responsible British, Amer ican. Italian and French quarters, and promises to yield definite results within the next few days. The first An Event of Uncommon Interest To All Readers The most important Book Sale since the beginning of the World War occurrs tomorrow when thou sands of books will be sold at a mere fraction of actual worth. There are books of almost every kind of subject to choose from, including: Fiction History Art Travel Description In addition to the opportunity which this sale presents for you to buy for your own engagement it provides a timely occasion to buy interesting books for the soldiers who are in hospital in this country. All books bought for soldiers may be deposited in the hospital box in the Fourth street aisle. 65c to $1.50 Books of Fiction: 180 Titles To Go Out In the Sale Each, 35c, 3 for SI.OO Hundreds of fiction books, readable and interest-absorbing from cover to cover include: The Snap-Dragon— Horace Hazeltine. Fatima Rowland. Hiving Up to Billy— Elizabeth Hooper. The Eight That Lies — George Earr McCutcheon. Beef. Iron and "Wine — Jack Lait. Sea Plunder — H. De Vere Stacpoole. Anthony the Absolute — Samuel Merwin. The Dragon Painter — May McNeil Ferrollosa. Scales of Justice — G. L. Knapp. "Windy McPherson's Son— Sherwood Anderson. Good Morning Rosamond —Constance Skinner. Viviette — Wm. J. Locke. Posson Jone and Pere Raphael—G. W. Cable. .House-Room — Ida Wild. Blind Sight— B. Y. Benediall. The Comic Kingdon— Rudolf Pickthall. Patricia Plays a Part— Mabel Barnes-Grundy. The Dew-Pond — Charles Marriott. Confessions of a Mace donian Bandit— Albert Sonnichsen. Thirty— Howard Vincent O'Brien The Pope's Favourite — Jos. McCabe. The Wheel of Life— Ellen Glasgow. The Magpie's Nest — Isabel Paterson. The Long Spoon— Mrs. Charles Bryce. S'truek by LigJjtning— Burton Kliae. Closed Lips- George Vane. The Sheltered Sex—• Madge Mears. The Candid Courtship— Madge Mears. As It Was in the Be ginning— Philip Verrill Mighcls. The Bywonner— • F. E. Mills Young. The Presentation — IT. De Vere Stacpoole. Life In a Garrison Town—■ Lieut. Bilse. Damaris — Lucas Malet. A Person of Quality Ashton Hilliers. Autumn — Muriel fline. The Foolishness of Lillian —Jessie Champion. The Rod of the Snake— Vere Shortt & Frances IT. Mathews. Books of History, Art, Travel and Description Rambles in Old College Towns—-Hildegardfe Hawthorne. Formerly Rriced, $2.60. Sale price 91.25 Old Seaport Towns of the South—Mildred Cram. Formerly priced, $2.60. Sale price, 91.25 Turkey and the Turks—Z. Dtckett Ferrlmtan. Formerly priced $3.00. Sale price ... 91.50 A Venetian June —Anna Fuller. Formerly priced, $2.60. Sale price 91.50 Historic Buildings Described by Great Writers —Ed. by Esther Singleton. Formerly priced SI.BO. Sale price 91.00 Longfellow's Country—Helen A. Clarke, pub lisher's'price, $2.60. Sale price 91.50 Young Folks' Library of History and Literature A few volumes from broken sets of the \oung hoik's Library; bound in three-fourth red moroccoc leather, gilt top, richly illustrated: A Book of Sea Stories. A Book of Famous Travels. Publisher's price, $1.50. Sale price ..75c Wonders of Earth, Sea and Sky. A Book of Famous Explorers. Bound in cloth, publisher's price, SI.OO. A Book of Brave Deeds. Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor. Sale price 50c HXHRXSBCKGF tti6Bl TELEGRXM stago will b in the permanent ar mistice plan, which Marshal Foch will present within a fortnight, tak ing the place of the short term ar mistice announced yesterday. These permanent terms will be the preliminary steps toward peace and will be incorporated into the peace treaty to follow. The territorial claims of the Slo venes and Croatians were also sub mitted to the Supreme Council. Ac cording to an official announcement it was decided to submit the ques tions of the frontiers claimed ex cept those in which Italy is di rectly interested, to the commission already charged with the question of the frontier of Banat. 1,000 Barrels of Oil Destroyed by Fire By Associated Press. Warren, Pa., Feb. 19. —Four con densers and four stills of the Su perior Oil Works here, containing 1,000 barrels of oil in the process •f refining, were destroyed by fire last night. An explosion preceded the fire, which was spectacular, the llamas leaping high into the air. Beginning Tomorrow: A Book Sale Involving Five Thousand Volumes Mene Tekel — August© Groner. Great Snakes— Wm. Caine. The House of Iron Men — Jack Steele. Wanted a Tortoise-Shell — Peter Blundell. Conquest— Olive Wadsley. The Red Button— Will Irwin. Sally Salt- Mrs. Wilson Woodrow. The Minister of Police- Henry Mountjoy. A Man in the Open— Roger Pocock. Five Thousand an Hour — George Randolph Chester. A Man and His Money— Frederic S. Isham. The Marriage of Cap tain Kettle — C. J. Cutclifte Hyne. With Gold and Steel— Cecil Starr Johns. The Mannequin— Julia M. Lippmann. The Redemption of Grace Milroy Carlton Dawe. More Adventures of an A. D. C.— Shelland Bradly. Rose of Youth — Elinor Mordaunt. Bodbank— Riehitrd Washburn Child. Bellamy— Elinor Mordaunt. The Family— Elinor Mordaunt. Gloria Gray— Pearl Dole Bell. The Golden Hollow — Rena Carey Sheffield In the Palace of the King —F. Marion Crawford. Jan —A Dog and Romance —A. J. Dawson. Love Insurance— Earl Derr Blggers. The Man Who Fought— James Hay, Jr. It Never Can Happen Again— Wm. DeMorgan. The Man of Iron— Richard Dehan. Tahoma— John Breckenridge Ellis. Joan Thursday— Louis Joseph Vance. Hagar— Mary Johnston. The Little Fortune — Arnold Fredericks. A Fool and His Money— George Barr • McCutcheon. Into the Night— Frances Mlmmo Greene. How It Happened— Kate Langley Bosher. Snow-bound—A Winter Idyl—John Greenleaf Whlttler. Illustrated with drawings. Pub . Usher's price, $2.50. Sale price 91.25 Reminiscences of the South Seas —John La Farge. Publisher's price, $5.00. Bale price, 92.50 The Siege of Charleston—General Samuel Jones. Publisher's price, $1.60. Sale price: __ _ 50c The Panama Gateway—Joseph Bucklln Bishop. Publisher's price, $2.60. Sale price, 91.50 Three Weeks in France —John U. Htginbotham. (Not a war book. One of the Three Weeks Abroad Series'). Publisher's price ,$2.00. Sale price SEES BIG AID TO POLISH NATION IN NEW ARMISTICE Polish Commissioner to U. S. Pleased With Inclusion of Posen Washington, Feb. 19.—Inclusion of Posen and a considerable portion of German Poland in the new Polish sphere under the terms of tho arm istice Just accepted by the Germans will materially aid in the work of building up tho Polish nation, says a statement by John F. Smulskl, Polish commissioner to the United States. "We had hoped," said Mr. Smulskl. "that th e new armistice terms would also give us control over the full basin in tho Vistula river to Dant xig, but inasmuch as we have been Dives, Pomeroyt & Sewart Hearts of Grace — Philip Verrill Mighels. The Grey Cloak — Harold MoGrath. The Harbor of Doubt — Frank Williams. A Year in a Yawl — Russel Doubleday. The Mascot of Sweet Briar Gulch — Henry Wallace Phillips. One Wav Out — William Carleton. Under the Crescent — Nell. The High Hand — Jacques Futrelle. Emily Fox-Seton — Francis Hodgson Burnett. Bruwer Jim's Baby— Philip Verrill Mighels. The Adjustment— Marguerite Bryant. The Gadfly— E. L. Voyntch. The Witch— Mary Johnston. Somehow Good — Wm. DeMorgan. Home — George Agnew Chamberlin. My Garden Doctor — Frances Duncan. The Wood Fire in No. S If. Hopkinson Smith. Lady Merton, Colonist —■ Mrs. Humphrey Ward. Pleasures and Palaces- Juliet Wilbur Tompkins. Jude the Obscure — Thomas Hardy. The Carleton Case — Ellery H. Clark. A Village of Vagabonds— F. Perkeley Smith. Ariadna of Allan Water — Sidney McCall. The Running Fight— William Hamilton Osborne. The Enchanted Hat — Harold MacGrath. The Patience of John Morland — Alary Dillon. The Red Mouse —- William Hamilton Osborne. The Perch of the Devil—• Gertrude Atherton. Unto Caesar— Baroness Orczy. Out of the Primitive— Robert A. Bennet. Seffy— John Luther Long. The Husbands of Edith— George Barr McCutcheon. The Day of the Dog—■ George Barr McCutcheon. Thg Household of Peter— ' Rosa N. Carey. given to understand that the Amer ican Government will create a naval base at Dantxlg on the Baltic—two American cruisers are already there —we pre not dtspoaed to worry at this time. "There will be no governmental change by reason of the new arm istice terms. For some weeks we have been administering municipal affairs in Posen and in the surround ing country." There has been no Intimation from the Navy Department that any plan for establishing a naval base at Dant xlg was under consideration. Large quantities of American supplies for the Poles ar e being sent to that port for distribution by the allied com mission and American warships have been ordered there to guard these supplies. MERCHANTS' LUNCHEON Columbia, Pa., Feb. 19.—Retail merchants of Columbia, headed by I. A. Fuld, as chairman, will organ ize for vigorous sales campaigns and propose to have a monthly luncheon to promote the get-together spirit. Mr. Fuld Is chairman of the Mer chants' Committee of the Merchants' and Manufacturers' Association. ,Mam' Linda— Will N. Harbeu. Lord Loveland Discovers America — C. N. & A. M. Williamson. The Title Market— • An International Ro mance Emily Post. The Last Voyage of the Donna Isabel — Randall Parrish. Mv Friend the Chauffeur '— C. N. & A. M. Williamson. Carmen- - Happy Island —• .Teanette Lee. The Wayfarers— Mary Stewart Cutting. The Adventures of a Modest Man — Robert W. Chambers. The Streets of Oscalon — Robert W. Chambers. The Loves of Miss Anna — S. R. Crockett. The New Clarion — Will N. Harben. The Spur of Danger— C. C. Ilotchkiss. Salomy Jane's Kiss— Bret Harte. The River — Ednah Aiken. On Trial — Elmer L. Reizensteln. The Marriage of William Ash c Mrs. Humphrey Ward. A Perfect Lady— Pollock Wolf. The Ragged Messenger— W. B. Maxwell. Dabney Todd — F. N. Wcstcott. The Bachelors — WilHam Dana Orcutt Diamond Cut Diamond — Jane Bunker. The Upper Crust— Charles Sherman. Farming It— Henry A. Shute. The Iloosier Chronicle— Meredith Nicholson. Clay and Rainbows— D. O. Calthrop. An Affair of Dishonor— Wm. DeMorgan. Sinners— Owen Davis. V. V.'s Eyes- Henry Sydnor Harrison. The Moccasins of tJold— Norman Way. Old Gorgon Graham— George Horace Lorlmer. Kick-In— Willard Mack. Through Stained Glass— George Agnew Chamberlin. The Mediator Ray Norton. Miss Selina Lue— Marie Thompson Daviess. America and the Philippines—Carl Crow. Publisher's price, $2.00. Sale price ....50c Japan at the Crosa Roads—A. M. Pooley. Pub lisher's price, $3.60. Sale price ....$1.50 Carmen—Prosper Merimee. Pictures by Reno Bull. Publisher's price, $5.00. Sale price, $2.50 Hans Christian Anderson's Fairy Tales, with illustrations by Hans Tegner. Publisher's price, $7.00. Sale price $3.00 A History of the Mississippi Valley—John R. Spears and E. H. Clark. Publisher's price, $2.50. Sale price $1.50 A Rogue by Compulsion—■ Victor Bridges. The Kingdon of Earth — Anthony Partridge. Set in Silver — C. N. & A. M. "Williamson. Rue With a Difference — Rosa N. Carey. The Road to Providence — Marie Thompson Daviess. The Port of Adventure— C. N. & A. M. Williamson. For a Maiden Brave— Chauncey C. Hotchkiss. The Motor Maid — C. N. & A. M. Williamson. The Girl Who Won — Beth Ellen. Making Money— Owen Johnson. The Turbulent Duchess- Percy J. Brebner. The Passage Perilous — Rosa N. Carey. The Guests of Hercules — C. N. & A. M. Williamson. The Arm-Chair at the Inn —F. Hopklnson Smith. The Highway of Fate— Rosa N. Carey. The Splendid Chance — Mary Hastings Bradley. The Moth- William Dana Orcutt. The Taste of Apples— Jenette Lee. Japonette— Robert W. Chambers. Max— Katlierine Cecil Thurs ton. One Braver Thing— Richard Dehan. The Glory of Clementina— Wm. J. Locke. The Reason Why— Elinor Glyn. To M. L. G„ or He Who Passed— Blaze Derringer- Eugene P. Lyle, Jr. The Fruitful Vine— Robert Hichens. The Life Mask — The Passport— Emile Vouter. Flamsted Quarries — Mary E. Waller. The Witness For the De fence —■ A. E. W. Mason. Simon the Jester — Wm. J. Locke. The Bronze Bell—- Louis Joseph Vance The Girl Who Lived in the Woods — Marjorle Benton Cooke. FEBRUARY 19, 1919. IVTCARRELL WILL DECIDE NOMINEE IN 22ND DISTRICT Dauphin Jurist Will Break . Republican Deadlock Over Congressional Candidate Pittsburgh, Feb. 19.—The twenty second district Republican confer ence, which met here yesterday for the purpose of nominating a succes sor to Congressman F. B. Robbins, deceased, adjourned last night with the Butler county and Westmore land county delegates deadlocked, Butler county representatives put forth the claim that the nominee should come from that section, in keeping with an old party rule in 300 Choice Remnants Ir Thursday's Clearance of Dress Fabrics These weekly clean-ups of accumulated remnants includ the best styles in black and colored dress fabrics. For Thurs day's sale arc 300 remnants in lengths varying from V/ 2 t< 6 yards. Colored Dress Goods 274 yards mixed suiting, value $2.50. Thursday only .... $1.2 4 yards oxford suiting, value $14.00. Thursday only $7.0 2V4 yards navy serge, value $2.50. Thursday on!y sl*2 5 yards navy serge, value $5.00. Thursday only $8.4 5*4 yards brown suiting, value $6.56. Thursday only ...... $5.6 2% yards wistaria Panama, value $9.63. Thursday only $7.4 4 yards navy Jersey cloth, value $15.75. Thursday only .... $7.8 4 yards oxford sllvertone, value $19.80. Thursday only ... $9.9 3 yards plaid skirting, value $3.75. Thursday only „ $3.0 274 yards plaid skirting, value $10.13. Thursday only SB.B Black Dress Goods U 2-3 yards wool poplin, value $5.33. Thursday only ..... $4.4 4 yards serge, value SB.OO. Thursday only $5.9 374 yards santoy, value $7.50. Thursday only $5.9 5 yards serge, value $15.00. Thursday only 99.4 3 yards poplin, value $7.50. Thursday only egg 814 yards diagonal, value $6.50. Thursday only $39 2% yards serge, valuo $4.38. Thursday only g' 3 [ 4 4-74 yards santoy, value sll .'25. Thursday only ....... 1. $7.9 5 yards serge, value $5.00. Thursday only $8.4 Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor. * An Offering of Women's Spring Pumps Thursday at $6.95 Smart colonial pumps with the fashionable long slendei vamp in patent colt, black calf and all glazed kid. Louis heels. Special for Thursday only $6.95 Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Market Street Rugs In the Half-Yearly Clearance Sale ffl Including Whittall and Other Makes There are fjne quality Anglo Persians, seamless tapestry Brussels and Body Brussels in sizes for tvtry home anc office use. The reductions are very tempting. SEAMIjKSS TAPESTRY ANGLO PERSIANS. WILTONB BRUSSELS AND BRUSSELS Regularly Special Regularly Special 4.6x7.6 110.60 $8.75 9x12 Anglo fiq sißfin 812 50 Persian ... *126.00 $102.06 6x9 ,1B 0 ° *"•*" 9x13 Highland 7-6x9 *20.00 $1.50 Wilton 102.00 80.78 6.9x12 *24.00 $22.00 9x12 Royal 8.5x10.6 *27.60 $25.00 CCSter nn m.n nn .•* Witons .... 95.00 70.78 8.3x10.6 .... *30.00 $27.50 9x12 Teprac 9x12 *30.00 $27.50 Wiltons .... 83.00 72.06 9x12 *32.50 $28.50 9x12 Body 10.6x12 .... *45.00 / s37.6o rru e ( ' a • ••• <o °® 47 - 50 11.3x12 *46.00 $37.50 Brussels .... 55.00 45.06 11.3x13.6 ... *48.00 $42.50 9*12 Body 11.3x15 .... *50.00 $45.00 Brussels .... 50.00 57.50 Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart, Third Floor. $2.25 Signal Shirts at $1.74 Signal shirts in indigo, blue, polka dots and blue chambray with two collars, sizes 14 to 19. Special at $1.74 Flannel Top Shirts $2.50 grey wool mixed flannel shirts. Special .... $1.95 $1.85 and $225 grey and khaki flannel top shirts. Special :. : $1.69 Light and dark blue chambray work shirts, pocket and double stitching 95£ Union Made Overalls Union made overalls. Stifel blue coats to match, sizes to 50 $1.65 Plain blue Union made overalls, apron and pants styles, sizes to 50 $1.85 / Li Garters and Suspenders 35c Brighton pad" garters, single and dotjble grip .. 75c President suspendfers 58^ Dives, POnjeroy * Stew4rt, Men's Store. the district permitting' the two a ties to alternate In selecting a didate for congress. The Westm land delegates would not adher this policy, claiming that the Re] lican state committee rule, gran one conferee for every thoui votes cast in the last preside] election, gave Westmoreland lit representatives and Butler live. The controversy will be placed fore Judge S. J. M. McGarrell, Dauphin county common J court, to-day at Harrisburg, and conference decided It would be g ed by a decision of the jurist a which rule holds good. Before adjourning the Bi county conferees nominated Lev Wise, newspaper publisher of : ler, while the Westmoreland ci tians named John E. Jamison, Greensburg, ex-state senator coal operator. Judge McCarrell's cision on ths two rules in quei will nominate one of the candidi Attorney John H. Wilson, of : ler,, was named here yetserday ai Democratic candidate for the