Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, February 19, 1919, Page 14, Image 14
14 IF ITS A CLASSIFIED AD IASI GET A CLASSIFIED AD BUST ON IT FOR TUB Deaths SillliAl'Klllt —Mrs. Hmma C. Scheaf tc-i. February is. 1919. Funeral Friday. February „1. at - I*. M.. from Kudolph K. bpicer s Funeral Parlor, 311 North Second itreot. JACKSON Died. February 17. 1919, Andrew Jackson, in his 81st year, at the home of his daughter. Mrs. I'heater C. Byler. 1311 North street. Funeral services will be held from the above address on Thursday aft t'rnoon, at 2 o'clock, to which rela tives and friends are invited to at tend. Interment private, Fast Har risburg Cemetery. CAMPBELL Mrs. Cora Campbell, wife of Lawrence C-, died Saturday a. m. at 9.30 at her home, 336 South Fourteenth street, aged DO yehrs. Funeral services "Wednesday arter noon at 2 o'clock, front her late resi dence, Rev. J. A. Lyter officiating. Buriat Paxtang Cemetery. _• LOST AXD FOUND LOST Llgin green gold wrist watch, with the initials M. E. XX • back. Suitable reward if returned iO 2327 North Third street. LOST, OR MISLAID Large Print ed check book of the Harrisburg Benevolent Association, containing over 400 Dauphin Deposit Trust Co. checks, 3 checks on a page, a few drawn to order, and a number of un paid bills; of no value to anyone but the Benevolent Association. Please telephone or write Dauphin Deposit Trust Co.. 213 Market street, LOST Diary book containing dis charge from Army, Camp Lee, V a., be tween Broad and Muench streets, ana Kevatone Bank. Reward if returned to 1419 North Third street. LOST Silver handbag, Detween Bolton Hotel and Pennsylvania depot. January 24. Reward for return to 103 South street. INSTRUCTIONS INDIVIDUAL PROMOTION in Gregg j Shorthand, Typewriting. English. Bookkeeping, Penmanship, Arithmetic, etc. DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL OPEN ALL YEAR. Enter any time. Ben 126, Dial 4016. BECKLLY'S BUSINESS COLLEGE. 121 Market St. Chas. R. BeißlQ. HELI' WANTED —.MALE ; WANTED Boy. Must be 16 years | or over. Apply immediately at lie Modern Textile, 1913 Penn street. | WE have openings for two or three experienced salesmen. Permanent positions to capable parties. Apply I at once to Win. Strouse A. Co., otu ■Market street. j WANTED Private instructor on j fancy dancing lessons. Address Box , 1* 7263, care of Telegraph. j XX'ANTED —Men wishing positions | Firemen, Brakemen. Electric Motor- ( men. Colored Train Porters. Pennsyl vania. Ohio and New York roads. No experience necessary. SIOO-1150 pit month. Quick promotion |.OO-|ooo per month positions. Name position wanted. Inter Railway Dept. L 4). In- j dianapolis, lnd. >t TRUCKER WANTED A reliable, man to work, or rent, on leasonable terms, a house, stable, greenhouses, j truck patch and about 23 acres good : land. Address Box 432, Uummels- - town. Pa. ; WANTED Collector and solicitor.; Permanent position for right man. - Room No. 4. No. 49 North 1 ront street. Steelton. Pa. Call between o and , j P. M. j PRACTICAL XVAT* TIMAKER AND SALESMAN WANTED Permanent; position and good salary to capable; party. Apply Jacob Tausig s Sons, 4.0 ■Market street. MEN —'Exceptional opportunities of- , fercd to three men willing to train and prepare themselves for position as local or traveling salesmen. Ex perience unnecessary. Address Box t XV 6975, care Telegraph. I XX' \NTED —Sexton, centrally * locat- [ . d. state salary expected and experi ence if any. Address Sexton, care of, Telegraph. FIRST-CLASS METAL WORKERS XV ANTED Accustomed to fender work for automobiles. Joseph J. Der- , ham, Rosemont. Pa. ' HELP WANTED —FEMALE , CORPORATION Requires services of two young women, 18-23. Fair salary lo start* with. Chance for advancement. Hours. 9 to 3. State age, education and salary expected. Address BOX A, 7216, Care of Telegraph. WANTED Girls to work on power i machines and general underwear, work. Apply immediately. The Mod- . ern Textile Co.. 1815 Penn street. XV ANT ED White girl for gen- | era! housework. Small family. Satis- j Vi'ctory wages. Apply 1011 North j Front street. WANTED Experienced bo ok-1 keeper. Apply at once at 542 Herr street. ' XX'ANTED Middle-aged woman! to lake care of elderly lady. A good' home for right party. Good wages. | Address Box R, 22u. care of Tele- j graph. LADIES'. Do you wish to earn big money in your spare time?. XVe man ufacture the best and most necessary household article on the market. Once a user, always a user. Y'ou can very .easily drum up a steady business in vour locality. XVe want wide-awake i ladles. For particulars address, AMERICAN REXOLEO CO., Inc., York. Pa., or New Kochelle. N. Y. WANTED Colored woman, be tween 50 and 60 years, for general housework. No washing. Good home for right party. Call 3970 J. WANTED Middle-aged woman for general housework. Small fam'ly. No washing. References. Inquire ICOS Bridge street. New Cumberland, Pa. WANTED XX'hito woman, from 23 to 33 years, for general housework. Good wages. No washing. Family of thtee. Call 1130 Market street. XX'ANTED CIGAR PACKERS AND BANDERS. OUR MOTTO: "STEADY XX'ORK, GOOD PAY." APPLY AT ONCE. BOBROXV BROS.. TENTH AND MULBERRY STREETS. r| j x Bargain at Highspire. For Sale a 2}4-stt>ry brick house eight rooms hath storage room— electricity and gas —• steam heat. Ix>t 61x120 ft. on the corner chicken bouse (may be used as garage) fruit trees. Posses sion in 30 days $4,000 iviiller Brothers & Co. Ileal Estate Insuranee Surety Bonds Locust and Court Streets Members Hbg. Henl Estute Hoard WEDNESDAY EVENING. HELP \\ A3 J. Ell i' LJlALlli TO THE GIRL OR WOMAN DESIRING PERMANENT AND REGULAR EMPLOY MENT, HERE IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY We are needing Sewing Machine Operators, and can assure regular work; the high efficiency of our machines, and our workrooms being pleasant and cheerful, opera tors can earn good wages. In experienced operators are paid while learning. A bonus Is paid to ail operators every pay day. BLOUGH MANUFACTURING CO., Reily and Fulton Streets. e ——_——_______—— —— KAUFMAN'S UNDERSELLING STORE REQUIRES THE SERV ICES OF EXPERIENCED HELP Salesladies for Muslin Under wear, Knit Underweaer, Small XVares and Millinery. Experienced makers for Milli nery. Apprentice Girls for Millinery —we pay while you are learn ing. EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY PERMANENT EMPLOYMENT Apply at Once KAUFMAN'S UNDERSELLING STORE WANTED MILLINERY APPRENTICES. l ay while learning. Apply ASTRiCH'S. 308 Market Street. WANTED - Good tobacco strippers. XX'ill pay J9.00 per week. Apply C. L. Beak. 229 Broad street. I XX'ANTED Girl for general | housework. Good pay. No washing, j Inquire 1522 State. ] HUNDREDS U. S. Government Per ' manent Positions now open to men. 1 16 or over; women. 18 or over. S9O to i $125 month. Many in your home sec ' tion. Short hours. Common educa tion suflicient. List positions free. Write immediately. Franklin Insti j tute, Dept. 413-L, Rochester. N. Y. WANTED Girl to work in ice I cream parlor and confectionery store. [Apply 174 1 North Sixth. Dial phone WANTED An experienced woman [fc.r general housework. Must have references, Call at 2228 North street, or "Bell .phone 1205 W. , WANTED Middle-aged white wo ! man to assist in general houework. s References required. Address Box R, j 6977, care of Telegraph. ' HELP WANTED—MaIe and Female i WANTED —An experienced solici tor, man or woman, Harrisburg or i suburban towns. To one who can produce, we. will give a salary or com ! mission basis. Apply Manager, 2155 | Jefferson street. j SITUATIONS WANTED—MALE ! WANTED Discharged soldier de j sires position. Apply Bell 2418, or !431 Hummel street. City. XX'ANTED A position by an er perienced clothing man. Address H, | care of Telegraph. MAN With family, desires farm I work; has had twenty years' experi | ence in farming. Apply J. M. M., care j of Telegraph. XX'ANTED Married man, age 25, wishes position doing office work, or I clerking in store. Good reference. [ Address Box A. 7255, care of Tele graph. TXX'O Y'OFN'G MEN desire work of , any kind. Call Bell phone 4386. After j 6 p. m. Harrisburg Telegraph. | A YOUNG MAN IS years desires work. Can ride bicycle. elevator, butler. Call bell phone 4356. After 1 6 p. ni. XX'ANTED Position by discharged j scldiei delivery car. well ue iquainlea with city. Address Box I A-7256, care Telegraph. ' WANTED —First-class engineer and llremar desires position, best of ref -1 erences. Address Box M 7253, care | Telegraph. SITUATIONS W ANTED—Female WANTED Young girl wishes po ; sitiou as dishwasher or light housc i woik. Call 615 Calder street. WANTED—Woman desires house work by the day. or office cleaning. Address Box M 7251, care Telegraph. | WANTED By a colored woman, [day's work for Wednesday and Thurs day, or small washing to do at home. Call, or write, No. 1306 Currant avc j nue. j XV'ANTED —By a Uoung woman, a Ipcsition as housekeeper for a refined gentleman: can furnish best of ref i erences. Apply Box- R, 659 4, care of [Harrisburg Telegraph. i XVANTED Colored woman de- I sires work of any kind to do in the morning. Inquire 1427 North Fourth street. WANTED XVashing -to do at home Inquire 1314 Penn street. WANTED By an experienced col ored woman, day's work for XX'ednes day and Thursday of each week. Call, or write, 656 Iteily street. Second Floor. XX'ANTED An experienced book keeper wishes position: can furnish reference: has had previous experi ence. Addres L, 6980, care of Tele graph. XX'OMAN wishes day's work of any kind. Apply 213 Mulberry street. XX'ANTED—XX'ashing to do by white woman. Inquire 1821 Market street. ROOMS FOR RENT FOR RENT Two or three unfur nished rooms for light housekeeping. All conveniences. No children. Ref erence required. Apply 1423 Market. UNFURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS Singie or communicating; kitchenettes. Stoves furnished free. Strictly private. laundry, phone and bathroom privileges. Inquire 429 Broad street. Dally inspection in vited FOR RENT Front room, steam heat, electric and gas. well furnished. Call 1200 North Sixth. Inquire Third Floor Apartment. FOR RENT Two large first and second floor rooms, suitable for light housekeeping. Will rent reasonable. Call at No. 127 Main street, James F. Bender. XX'est Fairvlew, Pa. FOR RENT lO furnished and un furnished rooms; heat. bath, electric light; use of phone. Apply 1321 North Sixth street. FURNISHED ROOMS For gen tlcmen only. 113 Locust street. ROOMS FUR RENT* / FOR RENT Two furnished rooms, for light housekeeping; city steam heat; electric light; pri vate bath. Apply 816 NORTH SIXTH, Or call Bell 1445. FOR RENT One large room, on second floor, completely furnished for light housekeeping; all conveniences. Apply 1609 Derry street, evenings from 6 to. 10. FOR RENT Bl9 Third street.! pleasant front room; heat, electric light and use of bath. j FOR RENT Elegantly-furnished 1 rooms, single or en-suite, both' phones; electricity, steam heat and! bath: no light housekeeping. Call Bell phone 624 FOR RENT Comfortably furnish ed room, city steam heat; use of Bell phone. 719 North Sixth. FOR RENT Two furnished rooms, on second floor, for light housekeep ing; all conveniences. Inquire 365 Squth Eighteenth street. FOR RENT Furnished, second floor, bay-window room front, and room facing river. City steam, elec tric light, shower bath and phone. Centrally located. Gentlemen only. Address Box S. 7248, care of Tele graph. XV ELL-FURNISH ED ROOM Next to bath on second floor, in home with all conveniences, including telephone; to minutes' walk from Square. Call 1173 Market street, or Bell phone 4578 J. FOR RENT Furnished rooms, $2.60 per week and up; warm rooms, i running hot and cold water; light housekeeping and private bath. Wil-. : son Apartments, No. 143 South Third. | 1 ' FOR RENT One large bedroom, j for gentlemen only. Rent reason able. Apply 276 Briggs street. ROOMS WANTED | TXX'O OR THREE FURNISHED j ROOMS, for light housekeeping, I wanted for family of three, centrally' 'located. Address Box 325-J, car of ! Telegraph. j ROOMS—BOARD—WANTED YOUNG, MARRIED COUPLE j XVants room and board in j private family in vicinity of Twenty-sixth and Derry streets. Address BOX R, 6972, Care of Telegraph. , XX'ANTED Room and board in! private family by a retined. young gentleman. Address Box M, 7260, care of Tt Ivgrapb. APARTMENTS FOR RENT t . FOR RENT lOO South Thirteenth [street will he converted into three, .handsome. up-to-the-minute apart-; . inents. Hardwood floors, electricity, ; gas, hot water heat. Third floor, I j rooms and bath. $45. Second floor, 6 rooms, reception hall and bath, $65. j First floor. 6 rooms and bath, $65. | For dentist or physician nothing finer. ; Ready for occupancy April 1. Reser | cation immediately. Inspection upon .appointment. Call Bell Phone 624. 600 NORTH SEX'ENTEENTH, SEV t KNTKENTH AND STATE Cheerful, sunny, second lloor apartment, unfur i r.ished, four rooms, use of bath and [ phone; all conveniences; electric j lights. X'acant March 1. FURNISHED APARTMENT 719 i North Sixth. APARTMENTS WANTED 'APARTMENT . Unfurnished, five rooms and bath, about March 1, cen-1 • trally located. Address Box R. 7264,! care of Telegraph. WANTED —Furnished apartment i two rooms and kitchenette. J. K. j ; Moyer. Bell phone 1107. 'REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 1 IF IT'S REAL ESTATE, SEE SANDERLIN. POSSESSION CAN BE GIVEN TO ANY OK THE FOLLOWING PROPER TIES NOT LATER THAN APRIL 1 CAMP ST.. 648 and 650 3-Story brick, eight rooms and bath, all mod- i ! ern improvements, nice front porch; jean be bought same as rent. WICONISCO ST., 623 to 631 Five houses, 3-story brick, eight rooms and! lialh. heat, electric light, all Improve- ! rtlents; front porches, driveway in i rear: right price; small amount down, | balance same as rent. MAHANTONGO ST.. 616 Corner property, 3-story brick, eight rooms, 1 and bath, front porch, drive alley,' 'house in very good condition; can be! j bought same as rent. ( JEFFERSON ST.. 2130 3-story [ brick, eight rooms and bath, all mod- I ern improvements, newly papered all (through; drive alley; a rare bargain. ! N. FOURTH ST.. 2120 Nine rooms. I bath, all improvements, including [electric lights; 3-story brick, one side of a double block: good-sized yard 1 running back to a 20-foot paved street. ' I | SEVENTEENTH ST., S., 532 3- I story brio*.', nine rooms and batli.j I front porch, pleasant yard, very good ; neighborhood, home well built:"a rare bargain; can be bought on easy pay ment plan. NEXV CUMBERLAND, corner Fourth anl Ocai.v 3-story frame, eight rooms and bath, all improvements, ; newly painted, good-sized lot. drive- I wav in rear, small amount down, bal ! unce as rent. STEELTON, S. Second St.. 320 3- story frame, seven rooms, water, gas, electric lights, lot about 175 feet deep baon to 1 cemented 20-foot street, plenty room for garage; $l5O down and #25 per month. D. A SANDERLIN. Office. Security Trust Bldg., .16 NORTH THIRD ST. Bell 1290. Dial 3573. FOR SALE —■ No. 1517 State street, Harrisburg, Pa. Apply XValter R Sohn. Room 205 Commonwealth Trust [Building. FOR SALE The largest Hotel property in Middletown, Pa. Thirty two bedrooms. Five minutes' walk from railroad station. Kline House Cheap. John XX'. Metzger. 11l Pine street. Middletown. Pa. FOR SALE Lenioyne, 470 Hum mel avenue, 2% -story brick house, ccrftalning eight rooms, all conveni ences. gas and electric lights; front and rear porches. Possession April 1 Call Bell phone 3047R, or call at 282 Bosler avenue. Lemoyne. FOR SALE Good paying real estate, centrally located. Will take auto in exchange as part payment. Address Box G 6977, care Telegraph. DON'T RENT when you can buv on easy payments a vacant house, corner Fulton and Granite streets. No. 1721 for $1,750. H. G. Pedlow. 3 Sou'tli Thirteenth street. HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH i f . *|. PEOPLE WHO ARE DISSATIS FIED xvith their present homes are planning even noxv to move as soon as released from their existing con tracts. A lot of leases xvill expire shortly— and a lot of these xvill not be nenexved! If you can offer some thing desirable to these people, noxv is a good time to get their attention. j 1 | a ' REAL ESTATE FOR SALE FOR SALE $3.600 —2106 Swa'tara St., 8 r, b.. steam heat. $1,300—2 Haehnlen Ave., 6 r., elec tricity. front porch. $6,000—1407 No. Sixth St., store room, 11 r. t b.. furnace, & stable In rear. 54.000—458 Cumberland St., corner Fulton. 8 r., b., furnace. $2,550—1327 Liberty St., S r. & bath. • $2.350—617 Herr St.. 8 r. & bath. $2,700—914 South Twentieth street, in , eluding 3 lots along side, size of plot, Soxlls. SI,OOO each—l2lo & 1212 Cowden St.. 6 r. & attic. $1,900 —339 Granite Ave., 6 r. & bath. [5550—1713 N. Twelfth St., 6 r„ &. stable ! In rear. j $4,500—636 Maclay St.. 8 r. all convenl | ences. including steam heat. New property. . $5.500—1C44 N. Third St., 9 r„ b., steam ! heat. t $1,600—1808 Wallace St.. 8 r. & bath. I $1,700—2006 XX'allace St.. 6 r. & bath. $2,900 each—l33l and 1333 N. Sixth i St.. S r. $5.500 —3 629 Green St., 10 r„ b.. fur ' nace. $4.200 —414 S. Thirteenth St.. 9 r„ b., i furnace. $3,400 each—49-51-53 S. Cameron St., 8 r„ b.. furnace. $2.600—47 S. Cameron St., 7 r. & bath. $2,700 —623 Boas St., 8 r. & bath. $1.400—427 Clinton Ave., 5 r. &. batb. 1 $2,500 each—l34l-1543 Vernon St., 8 ' r„ b. & furnace. $2.630 —Slo West Ave., near Capitol Parle. 7 r., b. & furnace. CHAS. ADLER. Real Estate and Insurance, 1002 N. Third Street. Member Harrisburg Real Estate Board. ; FOR SALE A BARGAIN Fine home in open location on North Second street. A very special price will be made if sold at once. Address BOX R, 6979, Care of Telegraph. ! —— VACANT, possession at once—North Sixth street, 3-story brick, all im provements, steam heat, electric and gas, front porches, bay windows, side vard, 8 rooms, room for garage. C. H. border. 1722 Green street. Bell 560.1. Rents collected. NOW VACANT ' FOR SALE—No. 1194 Baily street, j 3-story brick corner dwelling, 8 rooms 'and bath, price $2400. A S3OO deposit ; down. Balance $25 monthly. Must be sold to settle estate. No. 2204 North Fifth street, will be vacated in a few days, delightful 1 home In fine section. BACK BNSTOSS BROS. Ituss Building j Members Ilbg. Real Estate Board. FOR SALE Attractive, modern residence. Large garden and garage in rear. Liberal terms. No ! ISO 9 State street. Apply S. FRIEDMAN, Real Estate Kunkel Bldg., or 217 Peffer Street I- I TWO-STORY BRICK HOUSE All i improvements; in city; front porch; bay window; nice yard to drive alley; down, balance as rent. Liberty Bonds accepted. I C. H. CORDER (1722 Green' Street. Bell 06OJ. FOR SALE Two-story bungalow. First story brick, second story slate. Six rooms and bath. Three minutes walk to car. Hot water heat. Lot, 100x200. Apply O. J. Eberiy, Sixteenth street, New Cumberland, Pa. FOR SALE —On easy terms, 2010 Ito 2018 Susquehanna street. Possea i sion on April 1. Apply A. p. Dorana, ; 1225 North Sixth. FOR SALE desirable frame ! house, on 1 ale avenue, camp Hill; 6 rooms; water In kitchen: lot, 148x120 ft deep: stable, 16x_o ft.; chicken house; pig st ve; all kinds of fruit. In quire of C. C. M alter, Box 121, Camp 11111, Pa- NO. 621 FORSTER STREET FOR SALE Frame house on lot 25x70. Price. lI.SOO. Bell Realty Co., Berg ner Building. VACANT CORNER HOUSE FOR "SALE —No. 825 Woodbine street, brick house with 0 rooms and bath, gas electric light, furnace, porch front. Bell Realty Co.. Bcrgner Building. I SEVERAL HOUSES FOR SALE ON EASY TERMS Brick construction all modern Improvements, including steam heat. Price, 83, too. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. _ NO. 1731 CARNATION STREET will he vacant April 1 and is offered for sale at 2,750—a1l improvements and in good condition. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. CAMP HILL RESIDENCE FOR SALE Brick construction 0 rooms and bath electric light steam heat —-lot, 60x120. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. FOR SALE No. 1603% Derry street brick house 9 rooms and bath all improvements lot, 21x 100 to drive al'ey. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. VACANT RESIDENCE FOR SALE— Brick and stucco, 9 rooms and bath, gas. electric light, steam heat, three open nrc places, hardwood floors, lot 60x100, garage on rear. Price 16500. Bell Realty Co.. Bcrgner Building. FOR SALE NOW VACANT No "HO North Fifth Street. Brick, im provements. Address, or call at No. i 2459 Reel street. FOR SALE Double house. 1! , rooms, good condition. Inquire 291 Herman avenue, Lemoyne, Pa. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOMES FOR SALE It is better to own your own home 1 than huve someone order you to move. 203 Kclker St., 3, b., best residence section, and can be bought on easy 1 terms. 2112 N. Fourth, 3, b.. side entrance, front porch, rear drive. Make an offer. 809 James St. 3, b„ improvements. I want an offer 011 this property. 1154 Mulberry St., 3, b. One of the finest locations on Hill. 1721 State, 3. b„ 1 of a pair, with rear: drive u£ey. 14 N. Seventeenth St. This is a choice: [ corner property. ' 1554 Swatard St.. 214-story frame, front porch, side entrance, drive al- | ley. improvements. S2OO, balance as rent. I Quite a variety of homes that can be Lcvght by paying from $lO l) to $290 down, balance as rent. Liberty Bonds accepted as first payment. Some good investment properties and homes in every section of tiie city. [ , ROUGH, BRIGHT BILL & KLINE, j . 307 Kunkel Bldg. Bell 3902 Dial 4509. ! FOR SALE City and suburban) ' I houses. Inquire 107 Chestnut street. 1 , l] FOR SALE 1333 Bartine street, j ! 2",4-stc.ry frame, 6 rooms, attic, cellar,! II small yard. Good renter. XVill lie Isold at a decided bargain. See the) property and make best offer. A. C. YOUNG, • Everything in Real Estate, 34 North Second St. 1 BUY YOUR HOME on our rental ( | pavment plan. Small cash or Liberty; [Bond first payment required, balance! l as rent. XX'e have houses in every | ! part of the city and suburbs. Apply j [A. p. Dorunz. 1223 North Sixth street. , ! FOR SALE Most attractive XX'est; . Shore home. All modern conveniences. ; i XX'ill sell nt a sacrifice. Call Bell I p lie lie 3037 R. , , REAL ESTATE FOR RENT I FOR RENT I have several pri ( vate garages, equipped with water, work bench, light and trailer light, per month. 315 Burchfield street. ; Bell phone 388 W. ! DON'T RENT when you can buy on easy payments a vacant house, ' corner Fulton and Granite streets, ' No. 1721, for $1,750. H. G. Pedlow, 3 South Thirteenth street. Real Estate for Sale or Exchange ij SMALL FARM —33 acres: new 214- :| story house and outbuildings; young' . 1 peach and apple orchard just begin-! [ nitig to bear; excellent place for truck I 'land poultry; good spring water. XX'ill j I [ sell at sacrifice. Call evenings, afterj j 5 o'clock, or address. XX'. A. S., 2127 Fourth street, Harrisburg, Pa. i - REAL ESTATE—For Sale or Rent ! ]- ! ( HOUSES AND GARAGES—At Fifth I 1 and Curtin Streets; possession of' I some of the houses on thirty days' j ! ndtice. Fred C. Miller, 31 North Sec ) ond. Bell phone 307 J. REAL ESTATE WANTED . j HOUSES XVANTED, I 1 have numerous calls for [ houses of all kinds in all | parts of city. Call , or Bell nbone 360 J. Rents Collected. I . i C. 11. CORDER, 1722 Green Street WANTED House to rent, with all! ' conveniences. Address Box M, 7262, ' care of Telegraph. I WANTED —By man and wife, a six-room house with improvements, or a five-100111 apartment, unfurnlsh t ed, April 1. Bell phone 3968 R. WANTED. TO BUY—A small storc rooni property north of Reily street [ Address Box T. 6978, care of Tele ' J graph. XVANTED—TO RENT j 1 XVe are having u number of appli-! cations at this time for furnilised houses, apartments and rooms. XVhat j ' do you have to offer? Address Mil- ! ler Brothers & Company, Locust and .[Court streets. , XVANTED —I will purchase a mov ing picture show anywhere in Dau ) phtn county if price is right. Ad , [dress Box X. care Telegraph. XVANTED, TO RENT. FARM Best of references. Inquire John Lehniau Middletown. Fa., or Bell phone I4R-3. ; READY CASH FOR CITY PROPERTY ! WHAT HAVE YOU TO OFFER? I BELL AND DIAL PHONES. '| CHAS. ADLER. 1002 N. THIRD ST. REAL ESTATE WANTED ' 1 We have somel ready purchasers for ' Improved Real Estate. Let us know what you have to offer. [ LINCOLN REALTY CO. 1 1129 North Seventh Street. Offices and Storerooms For Rent I FOR RENT Two rooms, 1 for offices, second floor rear No 7 1 North Third street. City steam and , electric light. Apply John T. Olm sted. 7 North Third street. Second - Floor Front. 1 FOR RENT—The Improved store t room at 24 North Third street—near • ly opposite Penn-Harris Hotel. Also offices In the same building. Apply • The William B. Sehleianer Stores, 28- . 30-32 North Third street.' 1 FOR RENT -J- Storeroom, 16x36~ and • dwelling, consisting of seven rooms 2 and bath, located at 1917 Derry street 1 Apply H. Lowengard. care of Courier Press, 210 North Third street. ! Offices and Storerooms For Rent FOR RENT BOARD OF TRADE AUDITORIUM, For meetings, conventions Banquets Dances and parties Use of piano free. Kitchen I attached. 11. C. CEASTER. Jeweler, 302 Market Street I I - MARKET ST. STORE FOR RENT. Beautiful Daylight Store. 504 Market Street. CHAS ADLER 1002 North Third Street I . i 250 HAMILTON STREET— Suitable for barber, tailor, poolroom or cigar J store. Chas. Adler, 1002 N. Third St FARMS FARMS ON EASY TERMS; large end small; also to 10-acre plots, SSO un acre. Inquire 107 Chest | nut street. FOR SALE—MISCELLANEOUS ' I LONG FLAME '. j FURNACE COAL J. B. MONTGOMERY. JUST PHONE. ' ] ________________ I BIDS, in writing, will be received l for the following slightly used office! furniture and equipment at 311 Berg- ! ntr Building. Third and Market, be-' ginning Monday, February 17. at 10! o'clock A. M.: 1 large Mat-top desk. 1 typewriter desk. I 1 No. 10 Remington typewriter. ( IT. IV. chair, j 2 side chairs. 1 costumer. | 1 steel 4-drawer file ease (fireproof). 1 electric heater t2 coll). Miscellaneous desk equipment, trays, ] baskets, etc. i Vulca waste baskets, etc. H. I. DUNIGAN. j Traffic Representative U. S. Shipping ; Board, ! 311 Bergner Building. j FOR SALE Silver-plated cornel, ! Frank Holton Trumpet Model, high and low pitch, extra mouthpiece, beuu i tiful plush-lined case. Practically /lew. Bargain. Apply School of Coiii inierce, 15 South Market Square. | FOR SALE One oak dining I table and chairs, china closet and j buffet, all in good condition. Bell j phone 493 R. or Box 193. j • FOR SALE • Orte Frances Bacon piano, good as new. Reasonable price. I Call at HIS Forster street. ! FOR SALE Horse, cart and har ' ness. Cheap to quick buyer. Apply at 1617 Elm street, between 5 and 0 P. M. BEAUTIFUL PEDIGREED ENG LISH TOY SPANIELS Soon ready for delivery. Ixing, silky coat, red and white markings. Come and see them at 312 Hummel street, or call Bell 889. FOR SALE Reed baby carriage, in good condition. Reasonable price. Inquire at 2109 North Third. FOR SALE—Steam heat boiler. 673 sq. ft. capacity, fine condition. Apply 1948 Green street. FOR SALE Desk and chair, ward ' robe chlftoniei bed couch, porch • chair and swing, brown screen, large kitchen table, clothes bars, etc. In- I quire 1509 North Second street, be- I tween 10 and 12 A. M. ! CIGARS Direct from Factory, j Special limited,offer. 50 cigars, post- I paid, sl. Club of six for 60 each, $5, j postpaid. IV. F. Snell, Red Lion, Pa. FOR SALE Magazine for No. 1 Linotypes, i A' rare bargain l'or a plant with i a No. 1 machine. Address THE TELEGRAPH PRINTING COMPANY. Harrisburg, Pa. BARGAINS! BARGAINS! The Store across from Y. W. C. A. 1 offers you the Biggest and Best Bar ! gains in Men's and Boys' Suits. Over ; coats. Mackinaw Coats, Underwear. ' Hats, Caps and Shoes. We are fam ous for Low Prices. Give us a trial. OUTLET CLOTHING CO., 23 North Fourth Street : MORRIS SAYS sive money buying- I new and second-hand furniture here. High prices paid for furniture. Morris Schmertz. 1030 Market. Bell 3971 K. TYPEWRITERS BOUGHT FOR CASH ALL MAKES RENTED EXCHANGED. GEO. P. TILLOTSON. ! 205 LOCUST STREET. OPPOSITE I ORPHEUM THEATER. BOTH PHONES. ; ■ —- ! WANTED—MISCELLANEOUS ! -HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID tor I Second-hand Furniture. Prompt at | tention. Newmark & Cown, 268 Broad I street. Dial phone 4286. L COHEN & COMPANY, Y'ork and Ash avenues. Highest prices paid for rags, paper, iron, barrels, rubber and metal and old machines. Send postal or call 3221W Bell and Dial 6226. WANTED TO BUY reed high-grade baby carriage. Address Box 8*725 i, care Telegraph. HIGHEST PRICES PAID for all kinds of empty barrels and Junk. Call Bell phone 4275. B. Abrams & Son. 824-832 North Seventh street. MAX SMELTZ Second-hand furniture bought and sold. Highest cash prices puiu. Call Bell 1381 or Dial 6847, or drop a pos tal to Max Smeltz, 1016 Market street Will call, city or country. HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR ALL kinds of Junk. Get our prices before selling. Call Bell phono JS6, or drop us a postal and our wagon will call. Keystone Iron & Metal Co.. Broad and Currant streets. WANTED Second-hand motors Small sizes preferred. Apply FEDERAL MACHINE SHOP, Cranberry St.. near Second, Harrisburg, Pa. BUSINKSS OPPORTUNITIES BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY A LIVE, established business In Harrisburg. whtch pays salary of SSO a week to munager and over 15 per cent, on $12,000 Investmnt. will make' reasonable sacrifice to cash buyer. Best reasons for sale. Satisfactory local Bank reference. Address Box B, 6964, care of Telegraph. FEBRUARY 19, 1919. BUSINESS OI'I'OUTIMTIKS , A GOOD, cash-and-carry grocery. ; with all modern fixtures, will he sold ! for cash of goods on account of sick ness, Kvery fixture necessary to do business Included In rent. A wonder- • ful opportunity with no chance to I lose. Address Box T, 7259, care of Telegraph. NOTICK TO JIAIiAZINH lIKADKKS —The Woman's Home Companion and : American Magazine at thu rate of | lS&c each on the monthly payment plan for particulars. Write to Wo- j man's Home Companion Kcudiug Club, ltoom 410 Patriot Building. FOR SALE Grocery, doing a ! profitable business city 12,000 popula- ! tion. Central Pennsylvania. Excellent! opportunity. Bow price to quick I buyer. Write at once for particulars.! I Address Box It, 70-11, caro of Tele- j graph. ! FOR SALE Country Produce. : Fish and Oyster Business. Good lo- j cation. Good-paying, cash trade. Re- j tiring from business, will sell cheap ! jto quick buyer. Address Box K, 7122, ] care of Telegraph. j BUSINESS PKUSOXAI.S ~~TO~ WHOM XT MAY CONCERN j A. L. Datesman, formerly with Moth-! era Magazine Company, is now with j the Woman's Home Companion Road- j ing Club, Room 410, Patriot Building.! Send posvai and he will call. CONTRACTOR AND BUII.DER—Es- 1 timalcs. Jobbing. First-class work. H. W. Hummer, 1423 Liberty street. Bell 4420. A. LANE I New and second- hand furniture i bought and sold. Highest prlcos paid. I 1022 Market street. 801 l 4780 J. ' FURNITURE, CARPETS. STOVES— i Bought and Hold. S. Gold, 1014 Mar | ket. Bell 4085 J. ! INVENTORS FINANCED—Patents, ! 1 Aulomob'les, Motorcycles Bought, Sold. Exchanged. Cusli or commission. : Simon Horst, Linglestown, pa. UPHOLSTERING Of tho best • kind. Work guaranteed. We call una deliver. 308 broad street. Dial phono 4826. FURNITURE CRAT'Ia And 1 china packed for shipping. Also re pairing. J- A. Bishop, 1736 Logan St. RAZOR BLADES SHARPENED Single edge, 25c doz; double edge. 35c , doz: razors. 25c. Gorgas Drug Store. I DIAMONDS bought for cash—P. H. ' Caplan Co., 206 Market street. QNININE —Look out for that grippe feeling, likely to catch you this 1 ! changeable weather. OUR LAXATIVE J PHOSPHO-QUININE will stave it off ilf taken in time. Gross Drug Store, - j 119 Market street. j Money to Loan WHEN YOU NEED MONET j ; to meet immediate necessities, always! consult this reliable, licensed, bonded i institution, chartered under Pennsyl vania laws and financed by local poo ' | pie in 1909 to save borrowers from ex ! tortlon. > Co-Operative Loan & Investment Co., j 204 Chestnut Street. | . ! WE LEND MONEY in compliance j with Act of June 17, 1915, to indlvidu -1 als in need of ready cash; small loans l a specialty, business confidential, pay -1 ments to suit borrywer's convenience. I positively lowest rates in city. I PENNSYLVANIA INVESTMENT CO. 132 Walnut Street. i MONEY If you are pressed for ready cash to meet any emergency, call to see us. We lend money ,! in compliance with the laws i of the State. EMPLOYES' LOAN SOCIETY, ROOM 206 BERGNER BLDG., . i THIRD AND MARKET STREETS. lj LICENSED AND BONDED BY STATE. ' . i Musical ' j TALKING MACHINES promptly and 'carefully repaired by an expert only. 'IOYLER'S. 14 South Fourth strecL VIOLINS. MANDOLINS, GUITARS. 1 BANJOS. Band and Orchestra Instru ments promtpiy and carefully repair ed. OYLER'S. 14 South Fourth street. HAULING AND MOVING AUTO HAULING —Local or long l distance. Furniture and piano moving I a specialty. Blue Line Transfer. 917 ' Capital street. Both phones. FOR HIRE Two-ton auto truck. \ Apply HOB Soutfi Ninth street. Bel] j phone 2455 R. 1 HEAVY HAULING —Fully equipped I for furniture, freight and piano mov ing. No distance too far. Careful | driver. Rain and dustproof body. J. IE Grubber's Truck Service. Irwin. '1 Aungst. manage:. Hershey. Pa. Bell, j | phone 15R6. I I ~ LOCAL AND LONG-DISTANCE ! IHAULINO Furniture moving | l Prompt service. Ernest Corbln, 656 j I Calder street. Both phones. Bell | | 3636J, Dial 3683. ! ! AUTO TRUCK* SERVICE —Local 1 and long distance. F.,J. Marter, Bell j J 39-J. Steeiton. | i AUTO HAULING Local and long ' ! distance. Furniture moving a spq- 1 fcialty Rates reasonable. Prompt | j service. Cull Bell 623 J. ! LOCAL AND LONG-DISTANCE' ' HAULING Prompt service. A. & B. , I Motor Express. 1601 North Fourth! 'street. Bell phone I, ISJ. GENERAL HAULING AND FAST ! EXPRESS SERVICE to nearby towns ' with auto trucks. Only experienced i and careful drivers. Call 801 l 3320, I or Dial 2265. ' HICKS Local and long-distance I hauling and storage. 424 lleily. Both l phones. ; ALL KINDS OF HAULING AND MOVING DONE CONRAD BROS.. 341 KELKER ST. BELL PHONE 623 W. DIAL PHONE 3618. WHERE TO DINE ALVA HOTEL AND RESTAURANT. THE HOME OF SATISFACTION. STOUFFER'S RESTAURANT—Home cooking served to Businessmen and . Ladles in separate dlnlngrooms. STORAGE STORAGE —419 Broad street, house hold goods, merchandise. Private rooms at reasonable rates. Also haul ing of all kinds. D. Cooper & Co. Both Phones. STORAGE —In brick building, rear 408 Market. Household goods In clean, private rooms. Reasonable rates, p' G. Diener, 408 Market street. STORAGE Private rooms for household goods In fireproof ware house. 83 per month and up. Lower storage rates In non-fireproof ware house. Harrtsburg Storage Co.. 437- 445 South Second street. I UNDEUTAJU-Elta SAMUEL S. FACKLEH, FUNERAL DIRECTOR! 1313 Derry St. BELL 1966. DIAL 8 RUDOLPH K. SPICER, ! Funeral Director and Embalm 511 North Second Street. ; BELL 252. I'IAL 8 CEAIEI LID LOTS FOR SA PROSPECT HILL CEMKTEI ; Beautiluily situated on Market I east of Twenty-sixth, and on north und cast faces the new wuy. The prices of lots are m ate. Miller Bros. & Co.. Agents. POl'l/TRY AND Slppi.lJ ! TWENTY WHITE HENS, 7 I white pigeons; combined pi : house anil pigeon lofts; large wi pen: automatic grain feeder; No ! water fountain, portable house ; mast, hoppers, etc. Stock and e ! ment will bear closest inspe ; I loom 2. 116 Chestnut. Cleaners and Dyers | IT PAYS to have Clothes Cle Pressed, Dyed or Repaired at the | Place in town. Call und de ! Goodman's. 1306V4 North Sixth. Phones. ,> AUTOMOBILES | OVERLAND USED CAR DEPARTMENT Cars are moving rapidly in o FEBRUARY CLEARANCE SALE And our prices arc 850 to | lower than they will be when heavy buying season starts. FREE STORAGE 5 UNTIL APRIL FIRST Select your car NOW. Plae small deposit and we will stor FREE until April first. | A good assortment for the es buyer. Including— Ford Tourings, Dudgd Touring, Max wjell Touring, Overland Tourings four six-cyiindcr, Willys Knight Tourings, Al and seven passenger fou and eight-cylinder. I National 12-cylinder—Chum my Roadster. ( Convenient time payments j lie a rranged. Open Evenings. Both Phot THE OVERLAND HAURISBU COMPANY 212-14 North Second Street YOU CAN BUY A REBUILT TRUCK ON CONVENIENT MONTHL' PAYMENTS 1V& and 2-ton Garfordi chassis Only or equipped wit express or dump bodies. 1!4-1%-2U and 2'A-to Bethlehems, with or withou | bodies. Light delivery wagons. In eluding Buicks, Overland and Vims. THE OVERLAND-II ARRIS BURG Open Evenings, 212-214 North Second St. Both Ph WE DO GENERAL REP.\miN( EXPERT MECHANICS For sale, one Maxwell and Ki ler-Kar Roadster. M. BRENNER & SONS, Third and Hamilton One—l9lß Dodge. One—l9l2 Stanley Steamer. SIBLE'S GARAGE, 301 Cumberland Street. BARGAINS IN USED CARS j j 1916—8—Cadillac, 7-passcngcr. 19168—Cadillac Roadster. Bulck —6—1918 Roadster. Buiclc —6—1918 Touring. Mercer —4-passenger. USED FOR D S—O VE RLAND S—TR UCK REAM & SON, Palmyra, Fa, I i —— ' FOR SALE Maxwell 5-passc | Touring car; also 1-ton Mux [truck. Botli 1919 models. In pet I condition. Bids will be receive! j later than February 25. For fur Information cul'., or write, Lleuto |J. C. Jobson, Post Exchange, A Depot, New Cumberland, Pa. ! BUlt'K ROADSTER 6-cylir | Just out of paint Mhop, including I tup. In good running condition; W '0 1918 Chummy Roadster, in f class condition. Bulck Service ■ tion. 28 South River street. CARS FOR SALE I One Maxwell Itoadter, in good i ilitlon, also Hup Roadster, In A 1 , ditlon. Must be sold at once, lnq Federal Auto Repair SViop, Court Cranberry streets. FOR SALE Ford Touring 3 new tires, speedometer, new teries. electric lights. Bargain. Bell phone 4526. FEDERAL GARAGE Automobile Repairing. No job too small. Let us do your work. Ford Specialty. Both Phones. FEDERAL GARAGE. Court and Cranberry Street*. ' FOR SALE One 1919 brand-new 7-passenger P. less Car. Will accept Liberty Be as part payment. Bell Phono 14—Steeiton. ~ a(iTOS FOR HIRE CITY GARAGE 116 STRAWBERRY ST. New flvo and soven-passengel cars for business or pleasure at all houra. BF.LL 2360. DIAL 4914. - Additional Classified Ad on Opposite Pago i