Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, February 19, 1919, Page 12, Image 12
12 STATE CROPS ARE ! MAKING A SHOW Figures Issued by IbivoruuieiU j TYll an Interesting Stxry rvaaa.stxauia. farmer* during lie i !Stß ssoßivn equalled or eitrpawed , ! the geaerwl average. aero >leld of the country wlih all the major farm I crops ewer' ptjtatoes, XVitlt wheat, 1 >-ortt, I've, oats, buckwheat aril to txteco, the portion of crop prodlteed ! tar exceeded the percentage of the • ntjre acreage of the euuntry, while the hay |trodwr(ii>n wa* slightly tin- • dee the average of the Putted States crop, Statistic* announced by the Pennsylvania Department of Agri culture show that Pennsylvania had 3.59 j>er cent- of the entire acreage TRY THIS FOB A COLD-IT'S FINE "Pape s Cold Compound" ends severe colds or grippe in few hours. You can end grippe and break up a severe cold either in head, chest. Isody or limbs. by taking a dose of "lhtpo's Cold; Compound" every two hours until three doses are taken. \ It promptly opens dogged-up nos trtls and air passages In the head, j stops nasty discharge or nose rutin- [ ing. relievos sick headache, dullness, feverishness. sore throat, sneesing. soreness and stiffness. Don't stay stufTed-up. Quit blow- ! ing and snuffing. Kase your throb- j bing head—nothing else in the world gives such prompt relief as "Pape's Cold Compound." which costs only a few cents at any drug store. It acts without assistance, tastes nice, and causes no incon venience. Be sure you get the gen uine. Hi TO SAVE UN SHOES "Out of curiosity I tried a pair of Neslin Soles,'' writes W. P. Macartney of St. Louis, "and today, after five months of hard service I fail to notice Any real signs of wear on them." This statement points the way to real economy in shoes. What your shoes cost, by the year, depends largely on how the soles wear and Neolin Soles do wear a very long time. Moreover, they are exceedingly comfortable and waterproof—scientifically made to be exactly what soles should be and so worn now by millions. They are available everywhere on new shoes and for re-soling. They are made by The Goodyear Tire & Rub ber Company, Akron, Ohio, who also make Wingfoot Heels, guaranteed to outwear any other heels. neolin Soles Irftvie Mrk Kcs. U.S. Pt. Ofl. COUGHtT end COUGKERtT! °3SKSi. gHtiLOK 3O DROPS-STOPS COUGHS HALF TMLf FOR CHILDREN flliulßEN 0 Sh juld net be "dosed" for cclds —apply tho ''outside" treatment— NEW PRICES—2Oc, 60c, YOU CAN'T BEAT OUR PRICES !! We use high-grade leather ind the best material in all our work. Work Done While You Wait Years of experience in shoe repairing enables us to give you entire satisfaction and expert workmanship. All Work Guaranteed Men's half soles and ■ Q(? heels w V"" Ladies' half soles and Oft heels 57VC Boys' half soles 1 hh UP and heels d>I.UU Children's half soles 7E-, CP and heels * UC Men's and Ladies' Rubber Heels attached in ten minutes. 40c Singer Shoe Repair 1738 NO. FOURTH ST. THE MONUMENT THAT MARKS tii. las! resting plane should be the best your circumstances W ill permit. It is the only tribute you <aii render the departed and should be as handsome as possible, low will llpd our charges reason able in all cases. I. B. DICKINSON Granite, .Marble ntnl Tile otl.-|-|;i N. lIUIt'IEI NTII ST. Ilnrrfshttrg. Pa. WEDNESDAY EVENING of the country devoted to winter ' wheat and the 86,083.6T4 bushel crop represented 4,66 pef cent, of the entire crop of the country. Tho 'awrage yield of the country was I 15.2 bushels to the acre, While the state Jlcld Vroe 18.3 bushels. The acreage iletoted to corn rep irveetited l.Sii (iff cent, of the en tire acreage of the country, but the 63,597,436 bushel crop represented 2.46 pec cent, of the entire crop. The slate average yield to the aero was 38.2 bushels a* compared with the country average of 2 4 bushels. The J acreage in rye was 4.32 per cent, of i the total acreage and the production .was 6.24 per cent, of the entire crop. Pennsylvania produced 4,616,500 bushels with an averayge yield of 1T.5 bushels to the acre as compared with the general average of the country of 14,4 bushels. For the hay crop the acreage rep resents 5,15 per cent, while the yield was 6.63 per cent, of the entire crop. Both the slate and the country average was 1.35 tons to the acre. The estimates show that 2.54 per cent, of the entire acreage of the • country In oats was represented by Pennsylvania and the crop produced was 2.86 per cent, of the country crop. The state average was 39 bushels to the acre with a crop of 44,103,214 bushels as compared with an acreage average of 34.6 bushels for the country. In buckwheat, with which Penn sylvania leads nil other states, the acreage devoted Is 31.84 per cent, of the entire country's acreage while the crop of 6.191,600 bushels repre sents 56.13 per cent, or the entire erop of the country. Pennsylvania devoted 2.63 por cent, of the en tire area given to tobacco culture, but It produces 4.34 per cent, of tho country's crop. The general average to the acre Is 865.1 pounds, ■ while Pennsylvania produces an j average of 1.410 pounds. While the efforts for larger pro ! duction to tho acre is ono of the i foremost with all crops, it Is cape- I daily a problem that should be de- I voted to the potato production of the | state. During the past year Penn | sylvanla devoted 7.02 of the entire acreage of the country in potatoes and produced but 6.1 S per cent, of the entire crop, Tho general aver age was 95 bushels to the acre while Pennsylvania potato growers showed | an average of only 83.3 bushels to j the aero. Pennsylvania ranked fifth i in its total production with a yiold of 24,733,242 bushels. Thirty other states .had larger average yields to ! the acre running as high as 200 bushels. Princeton Was Trimmed ' by Strong Penn Five Before a crowd that overflowed Weightman Hall last night the Penn basketball five overwhelmed Princeton by the score of 3 7 to 21. By this victory the Red and Blue team went into the lead in the In tercollegiate League, sending the Tiger live into a tie with Yale for second place. The Penn five dis played its best form of the season and the spectators were never in doubt as to the ultimate result of the battle after the first ten minutes of play. It is hard to pick an individual star from the Penn team, for every member contributed to the victory. Mike Sweeney, the star forward, was the leading scorer, being individual ly responsible for 17 points. Mike was all over the floor and was dan . gerous all the time. Besides cag ing six pretty field goals from vari ous angles, the Penn forward made good in five out of seven tries from the foul line. I Pennsylvania. Princeton. Stannard, f. Opie, f. ' Sweeney, f. Zabriski, f. Davis, c. Gray, c. ! Peck. g. Davis, g. ; McNicliol, g. Margetts, g. Fieljl goals. Sweeney, ti: McNictaol, I 3; Davis, 2; Stannard, 4; Peck, Gray, 2; Margetts. 2; Opie, 8 Foul goals. Sweeney, 5 and of 7; Opie. 7 out of 10. Substitutions Ragimont for i Stannard, Zucker for Peck, Wood | for Zabriski, Schmidt for Davis, j Walker for Ramonat, Mitchell for | McNichol. Referee, Tom Thorpe, I Columbia. Umpire, Joe Deering. i Princeton. Time of halves, 20 I minutes. 1 Score by periods: (Pennsylvania 20 17 37 j Princeton 5 IS 21 Farmers to Discuss Diseases of Potatoes "Common Potato Diseases and Their Control" will be the subjset for ; discussion at a meeting of special in l tcrest to fanners and potato growers j which will be held at Ebersole's school, about one mile north of Hum melstown, Thursday evening. Mr | Baseller, a leading potato grower, is ; arranging the meeting. 11. G. Niesley, county farm agent, will open the discussion. The subject to be presented by him will be Illus trated with lantern slides. The prin cipal diseases causing the decrease in the potato crops will be taken up, and the means of control presented. Cured His RUPTURE I was badly ruptured while 11ft j ing a trunk several years ago. Doc tors said my only hope of cure was an operation. Trusses did me no good. Finally I got hold of some- I thing that quickly and completely cured me. Years have passed and the rupture has never returned, al- I though I am doing hard work as a carpenter. There was no operation, jno lost time, no trouble. I have noth , ing 'to sell, but will give full infor mation about how you may find a 1 complete cure without operation, if ; you write to me. Eugene M. Pullen, ] Carpenter. 265 E. Marcellus Avenue, ; Manasquan, N. J. Better cut out this , notice and show it to any others who are ruptured—you may save a life or at least stop the misery of rupture anil the worry and danger of an oper , ation.—adv. Pineapple Desserts—2c BThe bottle in each package of Pineapple Jiffy-Jell con tains all the rich essence from half a ripe pineapple. The dessert has a wealth of this exquisite r, and a package serves c... people for 12>s cents. You owe to yourself a trial'of this new-type gel atine dainty. 10 Flavor*, at Your Grocar'* i 2 Package* for 25 Cent* m Martha Hedman, Who Will Appear in "The Dancer" ? SN ■ M' V. Martha Hedman. who will bo seen In Edward "The Dancer," under tho direction of tho Messrs. Leo and J- J-J which will ho tho attraction ut tho Orphoum to-morrow etonlng, asl) m Sweden and commenced her career on the stage n Stockholm, her earliest experience being gained under Strind!inland several of whoso plays sho met with success. Sho then played In Finland and In Sweden. She subsequently became associated with Ranft in sir James Barrio's "Quality Street." Lavendan's "Catherine, Bernard Shaw s "You Never Can Toll" and M. Donnay's "I.'Autre Danger. It may be remembered that she first came to New York from London, sent by Sir George Alexander to the lato Charles Frohman to play Renee de Rould, the leading feminine rolo In "The Attack," with John Mason. In this | play Miss Hedman literally listened herself into prominence. Her part was one of few lines to speak, but she was required to be on the stage throughout most of the action in the play. All she had to do was to listen, which is generally conceded among players to be the hardest thing to do on the stage. Later she appeared here in R. C. Carton's "Liberty Hall" and Augustus Thomas' "Indian Summer." Miss Hedman subsequently went to London, where she appeared with Sir George Alexander in "The Attack," which had been a failure in New York. The play was a great success in London, where Miss Hedman appeared in it with Sir George Alexander for over a year. She then appeared in Alfred Sutro's "The Two Virtues," in which E. H. Sotheru appeared! in this country. Miss Hedman has appeared in various successes since her return to this country and dur ing the past three years has been starred by David Belasco in Wtnchell Smith and Victor Mapes" comedy, "The Boomerang." LNTS^ MAJESTIC High Class Vaudeville Five Keith attractions. Also second episode of "The Lightning Raider," starring Pearl White. ORPHEUM Thursday, night only, February 20— The Messrs. Shubert offer "The Dancer," with Martha Hedman. Friday night and Saturday matinee and night, February 21 and 22 "Naughty! Naughty!" Monday, night only, February 24 The New York Syncopated Orches tra. COLONIAL To-day Anita Stewart In "Virtu ous Wives." Thursday, Friday and Saturday Geraldine Farrar in "Shadows." REGENT To-day and to-morrow Dorothy Gish in "Battling Jane." an Sennett comedy. "Cupid's Day Off." Friday and Saturday Wallace Reid in "Too Many Millions." VICTORIA To-day and Thursday "The Com mon Cause." A favorite expression among the j critics who are assigned to "corner" a Broadway muscial com ">"aRhty! edy, first night —is "The Naughty!" comedy was sad." Of course, the people who | paid for their seats, are not always of | that opinion. But, the poor, harden- I < d victim of a heartless newspaper, I who must earn his subsistence by see ing a show every night, usually feels : sad before the curtain is up. "Music I hath charms," we'll admit, but, it's the laughter the performers are able to | err ate that makes the show a suc i cess. Therefore, it is said that the I producers of "Naughty! Naughty!" ! first secured a corking good comedy | book, and then told the composers to put their music in, to fill up the cracks as it were—and not to interfere with the comedy. Hence, "Naughty! Naughty!" is a farce comedy with music. It comes to the Orpheum with Harry Bulger and a cast and chorus of thirty, next Friday and Saturday, with a special popular price matinee on Saturday. IJ Goldwyn I: Anita Stewart, the dainty little actress, will be seen after an absence of several months at the At the Colonial Theater for the H'olonlal last times to-night, in "Vir tuous Wives," from Owen Johnson's novel, telling the true facts of New York society. Thursday, Friday ana Saturday. "Shadows" will be shown, with Oeraldine Farrar. This Is one of the strongest roles that this doubly gifted star has yet appeared In. Miss Farrar is seen as the hon ored wife, confronted by the dilema of aiding a swindler or having her un savory past revealed. The story la BARRISBURG TELEGRAPH I one of love and passion and the star is seen at first in Alaskian dance halls, later in the highest of New i York society. I Only two more days remain for Harrisburgers to see the extraordi nary film pro- Crowds Greet "The duction which Common Cause" has been draw ing huge crowds at the Victoria Theater this week. "The Common Cause," featured by the acting of such well-known screen stars as Herbert Rawlinson, Mrs. Vernon Castle, Julia Arthur. Sylvia Beamer and Marjorie Rambeau. The film, while a war picture, is devoid of the harrowing scenes which mark many war pictures. It is also featured by an appealing touch of comedy furnished by the clever kid acting of the famous Blackton young sters. The master Bohemia composer, An ton Dvorak, and a host of prominent musical critics, includ- N.w York ing 11. Edward ICreh- Syncopat'd biel, Reginald DeKoven, Orchestra Damroseh, Safonoff, Olin Downes, Carl Van Vechten, Pitts Sanborn. Natalie Cur tis and MacDowell, have time and again emphasized the great wealth of art—truly American, distinctive, The Welcome Guest Has a Good Stomach Not What You Eat But What You Digest Tells the Story. Eat Anything if You Fol low With a Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablet. The Man or Woman W ho Can Rat Heartily nml Not Fade Away In' the Welcome Client Anywhere. Many people just hate to eat in company. They prefer to crawl into some by-place for a dyspeptic's plate of molly coddle. Business men often resort to this form of weakness under the belief they can work better. But it isn't what you eat but what you digest that counts. Some stomachs can't digest even a glass of milk. So they simply keep on feeding dyspepsia and get gas. water brash, sour risings and so on that the better informed and hearty eaters entirely avoid. This they do by using Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets. Many physicians prescribe them for indigestion, dyspepsia and other digestive disorders. They are sold at every drug store, everywhere, price 50 cents a box. . Ask your druggist more about them. ♦ CATARRHAL DEAFNESS] MAY BE OVERCOME j If you have Catarrhal Deafness | or are even Just a little hard oft hearing or have head noises go to f your druggist and get 1 ounce of? ' Parmint (double strength), and ? add to it V 4 pint of hot water and I a little granulated sugar. Take 1 I tablespoonful four times a day. | This will often bring quick re-1 lief from the distressing head f noises. Clogged nostrils should J open, breathing become easy and I the mucus stop dropping Into the I throat. It la easy to prepare, costs I little and Is pleasant to take. Any- * one losing hearing or who has t Catarrhal Deafness or head noises * should give this prescription a T trial. 1 characteristic and sublime—to bo 1 found In the aong and music of tho American negro% Tho New York Syncopated Orchestra has Itv the lifting of the colored musician out of tho domorallaintf en vircoment of all-night restaurants and cheap theatrical shows into a. world of better effort. Innumerable, are said to be, the | reasons why every man, woman and, child' should hear this group of play- j °r s 4 l n< * a * n ff®ra, under the leadership j of the foremost nejgro composer of j the time; it is an education, an ar-| tistlc achievement, a revelation, for' the nogro has something: to give toi something that is original and j convincing because it speaks directly' #° n w heart. Like all music born I of the need of song: In a people, it ap- ' peals to tho listener with that ele- \ mental truth of feeling: in which race) i 2 no ! * >art humanity is one. I The best military authorities tell us i that the negro is the one soldier who Roes Into battle with sonß upon hisj not r lnß to you the song: l wi v V e t>ut the music of a people 1 ; which is filled with pathos, religious; devotion and emotional power on the one hand, und on the other, overflow- i f u !? humor and irressistible! SP v * Frank Crane aptly states: tn the great democracy of art, where the prejudices of race or speech dis appoar, and where 'each shall paint the things as they are,' the negro is welcome. "What some of the unknowing ordi narily term Jazz music, rag-time and but tho reaction of wild; African chants tuned to civilization. The colored orchestras of New York's cabarets and dance palaces aro all taken from this aggregation. The late Vernon Castle was always accompanied by them. The midnight revues atop tho New York theaters are never without them, and on tho other hand such artists as John Me- , Corniack and Frieda Hempel often: have their numbers in their repertoir. I Therefore in the belief that Harris-! burg would apprecite tho offering in I song, dance and music of these negro | artists from the most classical rhap- ' sody to the latest dance number, thev I are appearing at the Orpheum next! Monday evening. iMifemia Giannini, lyric soprano. ' known in operatic circles as ono of! the best sopranos of the! opera star day, and her concert n the company will appear at Orphrum the Orpheum Theater „ , on Tuesday evening. 1 ofi* - 5 V at S:2 °- It was through; the efforts of a number of local lovers i ? mus 'c that the artist was: booked for this city. Her success is attested by the tri-l umphs that she reported In the lead-1 s °Prano roles in the heaviest: wh,ch st , le has suns In Italy. ! eu oan,e Ihe war. Along the J-171 i amon K the soldiers. Signorinn hi??." sa ." e spreading cheer and! heart throbs with her wonderful : L Then to the hospitals, where ■ fhir S ?r°. l or the wou nded, soothing' covery S ° r s P eedin B their re- j T^'?iATSU^, XsS M tysssi th?." e ni Sht the king of Italy passed' ' • Thrilled by the wonderful notes ringing out on the night air he stopped, listened, and then sent 'hii compliments to the little Italian singer from Philadelphia. ; Gii h. star of "The Birth of! a Nation, makes her bow as a l'aru-i mount star in her Dorothy Glsh powerful Patriotic' at Regent comedy. "Battling! Ed at the Regen J t a T e heat b e e r n t S o-§ r a e v e a n nd! to-morrow. This is a delightful and novel story of a beloved wig tht" pa?t of "Ta r ne "• Mis " takes :,,K P, r * °". dan**, a wanderer who Id s into the village, becomes a star' waitress and through . melee o experiences becomes the! O%"IT E R Ont' Monday Feb. 24 Engagement Out Of The Ordinary Former T . ' Fca,u re The Musical Sensation Bi e o[ Hit Famous 5 That Swept New York and The o™.™'°°' Midnight Frouc London Off Their Feet a p New . Ce " tUry York Revelation In Melody Vocal and Instrumental Theater, City Unlike Any Other Entertainment Ever Staged New^York THE WORLD FAMOUS—THE UNRIVALLED NEW YORK SYNCOPATED I ~j ORCHESTRA OF 50 |~ WILL MARION COOK C" ,,: CONDUCTOR The Greatest Assemblage . Presenting a Smashing Solos, Ducts, Quartets of Talented Artists— Program of Characteristic and Knscmbles Both Vocalists and Musicians Negro Musical Art in Vocal and Instrumental of the Colored Race Ragtime Jazz, and „ By thC Foremost Exponents of Negro Kver Brought Together Syncopated Melody Musical Art of the World A CONCLAVE OF THE WORLD'S GREATEST AND MOST EMINENT COLORED MUSICAL ARTISTS INCLUDING THE FOLLOWING GREAT STARS Buddy | Frank The George Florence Will Exposi- Gilmore Withers Original Cole Marion tion Jazz J Talbot Cook Jubilee Celebrated Quartet Americas Beyond All Four Drummer of Tr ° mbon,St The SersaUon Greatest tl,c _ the Mr. and Introduced of ziegfeld'. „„, JrTT ~ „ ~™n . „ Negro Nightingale and Musical Exponents Mrs Vernon The Blues" Midnight Coloratura t Composer of of Castle Tours , to New York Frolic Baritone Soprano the Negro Race Syncopation PRICES—SOc, 75c, SI.OO, $1.50 SEATS ON SALE AT THE BOX OFFICE FRIDAY 10 A. M. possessor of Thrift Stamps, and inci dentally tho Investment brings golden returns of love and happiness to her. Mis.* aish, besides her portrayal of the star role In tho groat Griffith fea ture, "Tho Itlrth of a Nation," was also "Tho IJttle Disturber" In "Hearts of tho World." Sho has taken im portant parts In other productions of reputation. A laughable Sennett comedy, "Cupid's Duy Off." will also bo shown. Wallace Roid will be shown Friday and Saturday. The line-up of Keith acts appearing at the Majestic tho early half of this week Include tho Wheeler Mnjrstlr Boys, In a lively acrobatic At the offering; Norton and Noble, young couple. Introducing some original songs and comedv; Stoddard and Hines, in an amusing i skit eentitled, "The Absent-minded l Professor:" Marconi and Fitzglbbons.! entertainers on the piano, xylophone' and accordion, and Bostock's Riding School, showing how circus riders are ! made. The act is a big laugh. For tho remainedr of the week, "Kittle Miss Manhattan." a Broadway Revue, will give tho entire perform ance. 6,000 More Troops Are Brought Home on Two Transports Newport News, Va„ Fob. 19. | Nearly 6,000 homecoming soldiers: arrived yesterday on the transports' Kroonland and Mercury, both of which experienced tough weather | while crossing tho Atlantic. Reside# 1,000 sick and wounded, I the Kroonland brought the 4 2d.Coast j Artillery, headquarters of the 38th j Coast Artillery, casual companies of I Pennsylvania, New York and Massa chusetts troops, six photo air service | units and casual officers, nurses and | medical corps men. REGENT THEATER Toduy—Tomorrow DOROTHY GISH in her powerful new pat riotie comedy, "BATTLING JANE" and Sen net f Comeily, "Cupid's liny Off" FRIDAY—SATURDAY WALLACE REID in "Too Many Millions" Coming—D. W. Griffith'* ".V Romance of Rnppy Valley" VICTORIA THEATER To-tlay mill To-morron Only Positively Final Showings of C.reateMt Sere.en Triump Ever Filmed, "THE COMMON CAUSE." Depleting Humanity's Victory- Over the linn Hordes of Darkness -Magnitleent Scenes Superb Acting Heart Throbs a n d Smiles See Herbert Rnwllnsan, Marjoric Hamlicau, \ lolet liem minger, Mrs. Vernon Castle, Julia Arthur, Sylvlu IBreamer, and an all**star cast, Friday and Snturdny, Virginia Pearson in "The Love Auction;" and lloudlnl. .Next week—Evelyn A'esblt Thaw, Coming Tliciln llaru. In "SALOME." Admission, 1 lie and 0c anil war tax ' FEBRUARY 19, 1919. " Still Unwilling to Meet Bolsheviks in Conference By Associated Press Paris, Feb. 19.—Nicholas Techai kovsky, president of the provisional government of North llussia, who is COLONIAL EX SHADOWS n a |. p A Goldwyn story show ueraldine rarrar the grand oP era star in the environment of Alaska, the dance hall, as well as the happy wife of a New York financier. It's the third Farrar Goldwyn picture, and the one you don't want to miss. VIRTUOUS WIVES O R P H E U M XH°T R S The MESSRS. SHUBERT OFFER THE DANCER By EDWARD LOCKE WITH MARTHA HEDMAN John Halliday Gypsy O'Brien • Harry Mestayer Jean Temple Thomas J. Keogh Beatrice Collenette SEATS, SI.OO, $1.50, $2.00 Gal., 50£. 2 DAYS !£?DIV NG FEB. 21 The New Musical Sensation "NAUGHTY NAUGHTY" Laughter, Music, Singing, Dancing MAT., and NIGHTS, to SI.OO in Paris representing the Archafl! government, is still unwilling meet the Bolshevists at any place conference. Ho repeated that It was the i termination of the various govei ments not to go to Prinkipo or fl other place for a conference with ( Bolshevik!.