Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, February 19, 1919, Page 11, Image 11

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II Ex-Convicts Arrested Will
Be Accused of Being
"Second Offenders"
Xew York, Feb. 19.—Because of
te persistence of robberies and
ridups in and about Xew York,
istrict Attorney Swann has in
ructed his assistants conducting
and jury investigations to seek
dlctments as "second offenders"
rninst all ex-convicts arrested for
Persons convicted under the sec
[ere Is a Sensible Treatment
That Gives Prompt
Winter and Catarrh are com
mions in evil. Catarrh is
.veeping civilization from one
intincnt to another, just be
inse civilization does not heed
aturc's simple laws. Nature
:11s us what to do and we' pay
a heed.
Don't think lightly of Ca
irrh. Do not make the mistake
; believing that it is merely an
Jgravated bad cold. True, this
ouble usually starts with what
apparently a cold in the head,
ut beware of any cold that
langs on." You may as well
■alize at the outset that Ca
rrh is a serious disease and
le that should not be trifled
ith. In fact, in many instances
is a forerunner of" the most
■eaded of all diseases con
Don't permit yourself to be
eceived. Perhaps, like thous
lds of others afflicted with ca
rrh, you are about ready to
elieve that the disease is in
irable. and that you are dooin
-1 to spend the remainder of
our days hawking and spit
ng. with no relief in sight from
iflamed and stopped-up air
issages that make the days
liserable and the nights sleep
If you are in the grasp of Ca
xrh, your experience should
invince you that the disease is
eyond the reach of sprays,
Duches, jellies, balms, salves
tid other locally applied reme
When the air passages be
omc so stopped up that every
Everybody Is Going to The Globe
Gigantic Clothing Stock
sloo,oooStock Sacrificed
Due to The Recent Fire in Our Basement
Good Evening!—
Good News—
CI We told you at the beginning of this sale that we were going
to sacrifice a SIOO,OOO Stock—and we're doing it.
Here are good, warm Ulsters that sold at S4O and are now priced at
$25, and every garment strictly all-wool.
Here are Conservative Overcoats of Oxford Gray Melton, that are
worth $35 and are priced at S2O.
*1 And when we say to you that we are selling Fashion Park Suits that
were regularly S4O at $25, we feel that we are telling you a volume in a
Everything throughout the entire store bears the same proportion of
And now for the man outdoors—There is plenty of rough weather
yet to come, and you will find a Sheepskin-Lined Coat your best protec
tion, particularly when you can buy sls and $lB values at $9.50.
Saturday Was One of Our Biggest Trouser Days-
Hundreds of thrifty men took advantage of our great Trouser Sale.
Hundreds of Men's Heavy Wool Trousers ©Q AA
That Sold at $5.00 Are Now
$5.00 Corduroy Trousers are $3.25
$6.50 Worsted Trousers are $4.00
$6.50 Blue Serge Trousers are $4.50
Is it any wonder that our Trouser Department is always crowded?
ond offender law may be given pen
alties twice as severe as those pro
vided for first offenders.
Samuel Gould, proprietor of a
Brooklyn Jewelry Store, was shot In
the right side last night, and se
verely wounded, by one of a pair
of youths who entered his estab
lishment as he was closing up. The
pair, who were advancing toward
the safe, fled after the shooting, and
a policeman, attracted by tho re
port. arrested one man whet he
said he had seen fleeing from the
store. The prisoner gave his name
as John D. Smyth and said he re
cently had been discharged from the
army at Sulphur Springs, Tex.
Investigation Ordered
A resolution was introduced yes
terday at a meeting of the Board of
Aldermen, asking for an investiga
tion of the police department, and
the grand jury summoned District
Attorney Swann and Alfred J. Tal
ley, his assistant, and questioned
them on the recent demotion by
Police Commissioner. Enright, of
Inspector "Honest" Dan Costigan,
breath you take is difficult,
when the throat and nose are so
clogged up with offensive mu
: cus that you are constantly
i hawking and spitting in an ef
! fort to clear your nostrils, every
effort you make to get relief by
j the use of sprays and douches
is promptly followed by new
accumulations, so that no head
j way whatever is made toward
getting rid of the disease.
Realize that the Catarrh
cotnes from a germ which in
fests the blood, and that the
| disease cannot exist when these
| germs are routed from the
blood. The rational and suc
cessful treatment, therefore, is
one that reaches the blood, and
| cleanses it of every trace of im
purity and rids it of these tiny
i Catarrh germs. Of course, no
l local remedies can reach the
' blood supply, and that is why
I Catarrh is not cured by sprays
I and lotions.
I The one great blood remedy
• that has made a wonderful rec
ord is S. S. S., which has been
|on sale by drug stores every
j where for over half a century.
!If you would be rid of your
Catarrh, get a bottle of this
great old remedy to-day, which
| will give you satisfactory re
| suits, as it has in so many cases,
i You will find that you are on
I the right treatment at last, as
j S. S. S. will do for you what it
j has for thousands of others.
Start taking S. S. S. to-day, and
write a complete description of
your case to our head physi
cian, who will give you all
necessary instructions by re
turn mail, without charge. Ad
dress Medical Director, 158
Swift Laboratory., Atlanta, Ga. i
who had won a reputation for sup
pression of gambling and other of
Another burglary occurred last
night in Brooklyn, where a masked
man beat into insensibility Mrs.
Edith Fountain, when she grappled
with him after he had ransacked
her home.
Earlier yesterday three bandits
stole a delivery automobile from
which th&y later attempted a hold
up. They fled in the machine when
their intended victim drew a revol
ver, aifd still were at large with the
machine early to-day.
Community Work to Be
Explained at Civic Center
Dr. Henry E. Jackson, special agent
in community organization for the
Federal Department of the Interior,
will be the principal speaker on
Thursday evening at tho civic center
meeting to be held in the Shimmell
school building for the purpose of
arousing the interest of all residents
In that vicinity in an active com
munity movement.
Dr. Jackson spoke recently at the
meeting of the State Educational As
sociation. He has organized and aid
ed in the starting of big community
centers in many places, particularly
in western cities, and in some in
stances buildings have been erected
as part of the work to be used as
community- houses and as memorials
to soldiers who were in the war.
Eli X. Herhsey will preside on
Thursday evening, and Miss Mildred
Conkling, one of the city supervisors
of music, will lead the community
ssinging at 7:43 o'clock. Professor
J. If. Bickley, supervisor of special
activities for the school district, will
speak also. A record crowd is ex
pected. as letters have be*n sent to
2.5C0 homes through the school chil
dren in the Hill distttet. Communica
tions have also been addressed to
business men to co-operate in the
organization of a civic center- for
men and women in that section of the
Textile Men Refuse to
Meet Workers' Demands
Passaic, X. J., Feb, 19.—After
| representatives of the 13,000 striking
; textile workers here and a committee
: representing the manufacturers had
j conferred with Mayor Seger's con
' eiliation committee, the manufactur
j ers announced that they refused to
| meet the workers' demands for a 44-
| jiour week and a 35 per cent, wage
| increase.
The manufacturers said, however,
I they would grant a 48-hour week.
Tho operatives have been working
I 55 hours. The manufacturers added
| that they recognized the right of the
workers to organize, but were op
posed to the closed shop.
Halifax, Pa., Feb. 19. After a
1 shut down of nearly one year the
McClellan storage yards resumed op
i orations on Monday and from 16 to
65 cars of coal are being stored daily.
The coal now being received is min
ed in the Shamokin district. R. A.
Shumaker, who had been agent at
McClellan storage yards previous to
! the shutdown, is again in his old
; position.
j Deaths in the city last month total
ed 137, while births recorded number
led only 136, according to a report of
the City Health Bureau. Of the J sths,
thirty-two were caused by -nza
and twenty-one by pneumotr :ty
! nine boys and sixty-seven g! vere
| born during the month, including six
I 1 colored males and seven colored fe
J Halifax, Pa., Feb. 19.—Miss Cora
Fortney, of McClellan, who attends
the public schools here, ran a long
knitUng needle through her right
arm on Monday morning. Afthr re
ceiving medical treatment here she
was sent to her home at McClellan.
Would Haves Africa Returned
to Negro Race as Sov
ereign Nation
A large crowd gathered In the
| Bethel A. M. E. Church to hear Mr.
I Max Barber, of Philadelphia and
Chandler Owens of New York, make
addresses on the various matters af-
the colored people of this
country. C. Sylvester Jackson called
the meeting to order and called on
W. Justin Carter to preside.
Representatives were present from
! all parts of Pennsylvania who re
ported on the work the association
was dding in their several communi
ties in organizing the colored people
to co-operate with the people gener
ally to bring about a better under
standing between the races.
Dr. Barber's address follows in part:
"These days we are hearing much
about reconstruction much about
keeping faith with the men who
braved the perils of the seas and the
battlefields of Europe in order to
save the world from the domination
of Prussianism. In this great world
war no race has played a more he
roic prat than the black man. Men
who ought to know tell me that in
this war the negro fired the first shot
for America. We know that those
bronzed battalions of negro troops
won immortal glory for their race
in this world war. On the hill slopes
of Flanders, in the bloody Argonne,
by the waters of the Meuse. the
Orcq and the Moselle, there sleep the
negro heroic dead. They* bared their
breasts to the hail of death, or in
haled the poisoned gas or were
burned by liquid fire for the sake of
a dream—the dream of democracy,
the dream of the brotherhood of man.
And by the Eternal God. it shall not
be. it cannot be, that these men lave
died in vain!
"In order to be in a position in the
State of Pennsylvania to protect the
rights and interests of our colored
citizens here and to care for the wel
fare of those brave boys returning
from France, a few of us called a
conference here in Harrisburg on the
day Governor Sproul was inaugurat
ed, and organized the Pennsylvania
Association for the Advancement of
Colored People. Membership in the
National Association for the Advance
ment of Colored People will be the
main prerequisite for membership in
our organization, although contribu
ting members of the state organiza
tion need not belong to the National
Our main effort this year shall be
a ceaseless effort to secure the pas
sage of a decent Civil Rights Bill
through the Pennsylvania Legisla
ture. This year we must not fail.
Here In the Capitol of this great Com
monwealth and in the presence of
this vast public, I do not hesitate to
say that four years ago we were be
trayed. Certain political eels in and
out of the Legislature led us like
lambs to the slaugfhter and then side
stepped. They were prolific In prom
ises, but amazingly poverty-stricken
In performances. This year we shall
keep a book of reckoning and the
man who betrays us today need not
expect us to honor him tomorrow.
To the eternal vexation of the politi
cal eel, we are going to organize
this state from one end to the other.
Somebody Is going to be called to
account. They decorated and doc
tored our other bill to death, so that
when It came forth it was a mere
butt for cheap ridicule.
"This year we shall know who Is
"Wliat is the need for a civil rights
bill in the state of Pennsylvania?
Let us see. There is not a decent
hotel in Philadelphia where a colored
man can stop. There is not a. first
class theatre in town where a col
ored man can buy a first floor or a
box seat ticket. There is hardly a
first class restaurant that will serve
you. In one instance I know a cheap
lunch place in Philadelphia where
they will not serve you. There is
one restaurant up town with a sign
over the door: 'Colored Patronago
Not Wanted.' Almost all of our
movies either segregate the colored
people or refuse outright to sell tick
ets to them. And what is true of
Philadelphia is practically true all
over the state. Pennsylvania winks
at these Jimcrowisms with a good
natured tolerant %ort of smile. These
discriminations are insults to our
wives, and daughters—they crucify
our self-respect. They must go the
way of all Kaiserisms.
"The wealth of a state lies in the
people of that state. Wherever the
black man is not lifted up to higher
levels, the white man will be brutal
ized. Witness the South today. Prac
tically left by the national Govern
ment to its sovereign whom and ca
price it has gradually pushed the
negro to the very outer rim of damn
ing humility. As a result in that
all law has fallen into dis
respect. The high peaces of the
states are occupied by peanut poli
ticians—not statesmen. On the bench
there is neither a preponderance of
learning, nor of juristic attainments
—but rather a plethora of petty-fog
ging lawyers. Everywhere there is
fear and hate —twin evils. The thing
they call democracy is a grotesquely
hideous fabric where one race is rob
bed of all chance to earn respect from
the world wide arrogance and bru
tality in the other race, grow apace.
The rednecks are in power.
"We hear much about how to dis
pose of the German colonies in Af
rica. I'll tell you who to give Ger
man African colonies to: Give them
to the people to whom they belong
—the negroes. Under an international
committee, we could here have the
beginning of a greait negro republic
and prove the sincerity of civiliza
tion that it wishes to elevate the
peoples of the world. Don't be fooled
by the mandatory power conferred
by this new league of nations, which
will In the end prove to be a league
to keep down the backward peoples
of the world."
Jesse Hedrick, Jr., Not
Implicated in Crime
When William Knisely, charged
with robbery, admitted at police court
yesterday afternoon that Jesse Hed
rick, Jr., son of former Councilman
Jesse Hddriek, was not implicated in
thefts at the Friedberg candy store,
Mayor Keister released the latter.
H!rick had been arrested by the
police when Knisely made the state
ment that he was implicated. Under
oath Knisely declared Hedrick was
not with him. according to the police.
Knisely was arrested several daya
ago by Detective Shuler and when his
room was searched some of the ar
ticles stolen from the Frledberg store
were recovered. Knisely denies steal
ing the candies and watches, declar
ing that he found He was held
under 1500 bail for court.
Peach Crop Worth $17,805,-
305.50, According to
y\\ ® //j swine were worth
VvW more than $24,-
aNNN. ii 000,000 at tlie
which was also
|fi|f3WraUJbUM marked by u
peach crop worth
l i .WslWVtfwteW $17,805,307.50, ac
jHl cording to figures
IS 8 "" JCJ! % Issued to-day by
tho State Depart
ment of Agricul
ture. The department also outlined
in a bulletin the campaign it Is
launching to save the big pom crop
expected next year from the corn
borer. It is believed at the Capitol
that the feeding of hogs next year
will be on an even more extensive
scale than in the year just closed
and that much of the corn will be
used for pork.
The figures issued by the depart
ment sliow that at the end of 1918
there were in the state 1,120,000 hogs
compared with 1,068,000 the year be
fore. The hogs in the state were
worth $14,840,000 at the close of
1917, and a mid-year estimate for
1918 made them worth $19,766,000.
The increases during the past year
were from one to fifteen per cent.,
with the following counties showing
additions of five per cent., or better:
Adams. Allegheny, Armstrong, Blair,
Bradford, Bucks, Butler, Cambria,
Carbon, Center, Chester. Clinton,
Dauphin, Delaware. Elk, Erie. Fay
ette. Forest. Franklin, Fulton, Hunt
ingdon, Indiana, Lackawanna. Lan
caster, Lawrence, Lebanon. Lehigh,
Lycoming, McKean, Mercer, Monroe,
Montgomery, Montour, Philadelphia,
Schuylkill, Snyder. Sullivan. Susque
hanna, Westmoreland and York.
Appointments Made. Governor
Sproul has appointed these trustees
for the state institution at Polk:
Marshall Pliipps, Franklin; Freder
ick M. Coursin, McKeesport; and
Q. A. Gordon, Mercer. These ap
pointments for Mercer hospital board
of trustees have been made: Robt.
Cann, Stoneboro and W. G. Christ
ley. Mercer.
To Give Luncheon —Western Penn
sylvania legislators have been invited
to be guests of the mothers pension
organization of Allegheny county at
a luncheon In Pittsburgh on Satur
day. Joseph N. Mackrell will pre
Xew Cost Bill—Senator Homsher.
Lancaster, last week presented a bill
which renders the respective counties
liable to magistrates for costs which
defendants arc unable, to pu>". when
the defendant is sent to jail in de
fault of the costs, or when he is
discharged through lack of evidence.
Baptists to Hear of
Foreign Mission Problems
In the interest of the foreign mis
sions board, Mrs. Harriet Newell
Jones, of Philadelphia, home ad
ministration vice-president of the
Woman's Foreign Missionary So
ciety of the Baptist Church and Mrs.
Thomas Sames, addressed a woman's
conference meeting in the 1< irst
Baptist Church this afternoon. Wo
men from the various Baptist
churches of the city were in attend
Mrs. Jones will speak this evening
at 8 o'clock in the First Baptist
Church and Mrs. Sames will ad
dress a similar meeting at the same
hour in the Market Street Presby
terian Church.
Merccrnburg, Pa., Feb, 19. On
February 28th an opportunity will be
given to" bid in Farmer's Bank stock,
belonging to the estate of John Mc-
Afee. The Farmers' Bank is one of
the strongest banking institutions in
this state.
Colds Cause Hendachea nnd Pnlna
Feverish Headaches and Body Pains
caused from a cold are soon relieved
NINE Tablets. There's only one
"Bromo Quinine." E. W. GROVE'S
signature on the box. 30c. *
Save your hair! Double its
beauty in just a few
"Danderine" makes your hair
thick, glossy, wavy and
Within ten minutes after an ap
plication of Danderine you cannot
find a single trace of dandruff or
falling hair and your scalp will not
itch, but what will please you most
will he after a few weeks' use, when
you see new hair, fine and downy at
first—yes—but really new hair —
growing all over -the scalp.
Danderine is to the hair what
fresh showers of rain and sunshine
are to vegetation. It goes right to
the roots, invigorates and strength
ens them. Its exhilarating, stimu
lating and life-producing properties
cause the hair to grow long, strong
and beautiful.
A little Danderine immediately
doubles the beauty of your hair. So
difference how dull, faded, brittle and
scraggy. Just moisten a cloth with
Danderine and carefully draw it
through your hair, taking one small
strand at a time. The effect is
amazing—your hair will be light,
fluffy and wavy, and have an ap
pearance of abundance; an incom
parable luster, softness and luxuri
Get a small bottle of Knowlton's
Danderine from any drug store or
toilet counter for a few cents and
prove that your hair is as pretty and
soft as any—that it has been neg
lected or injured by careless treat
ment —that's all —you surely can
have beautiful hair and lots of it if
you will Just try a little Danderine.
fa Coughs and
Sore Throat
Threaten Nicaragua With an
Invasion, Dispatches
By Associated Press
Washington, Feb. 19.—Eight thou
sand Oosta Rican troops have been
mobilized on 4 the border between
Costa Rica and Nicaragua and
threaten the invasion of the latter
country. Dispatches to the Ntca
raguan legation announcing this
threat to tho peace of Central Amer
ica said the leader of the troops was
Julian Irias, Premier of Nicaragua
under the Zelaya government, which
was overthrown by revolution ten
years ago.
With the exception of police and
a legation guard of 100 United
States Marines, there are no armed
forces in Nicaragua, as that coun
try does not mtaintaln a standing
army it was said in some quarters
that Nicaragua would look to the
united States for protection.
Officials hero see in the Costa
Riciui mobilization results of the
work of German propagandists.
. h T^^." ew cases were examined at
™ meeting of the Harrisburg
for i ii?. . and one returned case
IH.JM , al treatment received the
ihi l . he Physicians. One of
to rJ?n° 8 before the clinic is how
e cases examined. At
ii.fafn services are free, ln
•in t ?f e 0f nurs cs and doctors.
J 'here is no one to keep in touch
with the patient and see that the per
meVs . nS f ° r additional treat-
The one thing
UIU that has built th rpnu
——— tation of HOLSUM I
"Rt*OCk BREAD is quality and
XX.I. Uctil the one thing that will
—always be stamped all
* att a t ttv xt, overHOLSUMBREAD
is QUALITY. No' matter what conditions
1 anse, or how big the output of HOLSUM
BKLAD gets it —will always be your quality
Sold At All Grocers
Made by
13 th and Walnut Sts.
|j lßtl lß[ - Bl^=] Q[^^3Bac^Blg=^BtgaElD[^SgaE==imHr=as==inr=g==CTrir3E==nrar^g]Basac^g
| 3®B M&Asft Stiireeft |
| Spring-Fashion Underwear I
Advantageous purchases made months ago are responsible for the
\ cry moderate prices at which we can afford to offer our women's high
grade Undergarments. All are new-in-style garments, fashioned of
llawless materials of fine weave, and long-wearing reputation. A few
examples are quoted: a
NEW ENVELOPE CHEMISE of NEW COW\S of Batiste Voile ssd
Batiste, figured Dimity and Voiles or Batiste, Voile and
flesh and white —in a variety of new * | aq Dimity In flesh and white round,
styles touches of hand embroidery w * square and V neck empire effects
in colors others trimmed with fine TO
Val. lace and embroidery—Specially** f\Q trimmed in touches of color. Spe-#* QQ til
priced wl.JrO cially priced at •*•s7©
XEW GOWXS One model of flesh colored Batiste, hand embroi
dered in dainty pastel shades—one plain tailored model of white and
J flesh crepe and another model of white batiste high waist line ef- QO_
: feet stitched In blue regularly 11.69 to 11.98. Specially priced at, S7OC
New Petticoats Modestly Priced i
in all the new patterns plaids— —Combinations of victory red.
I n...... ... . , . . French blue, sunset, bisque, gold,
Dresden effects and plain shades. *J RQ rose and purple specially priced #7 QQ
Specially priced at upwards from
S Among the New Blouses Are These
With sailor collars trimmed in GANDIE BLOUSES—With roll col-
U , white and flesh spe- QQ Jars scalloped edge white, blu#
cially priced at and p | |3.98 values. Specially $2.98 I
D Plaids, stripes and checks high One model braided with V neck — fi
I and low necks - Buster Brown col- TO another model collarless—hand em
lars —with vests of organdie upe- *A QQ broidered in league blue, white, flesh, #C QQ
cially priced and gray . S p ec ially priced •©••JO
| Super Values In New Hosiery I
STITCH HOSE Black, cordovan FIBRE SILK HOSE White,
navy and bronze shade black, and cordovan remark-#* 40
U able values at ©Ae©
HOSE Full fashioned black, fashioned black, white, purple,
white, gray, champagne, suede, #1 QC champagne, beaver, cordovan and CSCk/*
cordovan and fawn, at wI.JJO gray special at 575FC
J •> No day passes by Without the arrival of some new Suits, Coats, Dresses, $
•> Skirts, etc.—each a distinctive type—but always the sort of high grade, mod- *
% erately priced apparel for what ASTRICH'S has become famous with women Ir
£ who seek the "best at the least outlay. ♦ J S
| *444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444t1>44444444444#4444 |
FEBRUARY 19, 3919,
"Children Love Cascarets"
Keep your little Pets healthy, strong and full of
play by giving a harmless candy Cascaret at tho
first sign of a white tongue, feverish breath, sour
stomach or a cold. Nothing else straightens up a
bilious, or constipated youngster like these delight*
ful cathartic tablets —Only ten cents a box,
TO MOTHERS! While all children detest castor oil, calomel,
pills and laxatives, they really love to take Cascaret/ because they
taste like candy. Cascarets "work" the nasty bile, scwr fermentations
and constipation poison from the child's tender stomach, liver and
bowels without pain or griping. Cascarets never disappoint the
worried mother. Each ten cent box of Cascarets contains directions
for children aged one year old and upwards as well as for adults—
absolutely safe and harmless! *■-'