Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, February 17, 1919, Page 9, Image 9

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Seattle Workers, Idle Since
January 21, Will Re
turn to Jobs
Seattle, Wash., Feb. 17. —Seattle's
iliipyards will resume operations
IVednesday after having been idle
lince 25,000 metal trades workers
.valked out on January 21 on a
itrike for a higher wage scale. An
louncement to this effect was for
nally issued by the shipyard own
>rs. The workers will be employed
it the yard gates at the same rate
f pay as existed January 21.
New York, Feb. 17. —Union lead
irs assert that the nation-wide
itrike of building trades workers
•ailed for today might involve more
han contracts held by members of
he Building Trades Employers' As
sociation against whom the strike
s directed. The leaders said that
iction might be taken against other
•ontraetors who, they declared, had
'loaned" union men to members of
he association..
The strike of basic building trades
ras authorized Saturday to aid the
Irotherhood of Carpenters in an ef
ort to enforce demands for a dol
ar a day increase. It was esti
mited that 100,000 men would be
Chicago, Feb. 17.—A general
itrike of union labor on April 1,
he date of the municipal election,
or the purpose of aiding the new
Labor party's ticket, was approved
n resolutions adopted by the Chi
•ago Federation of Labor which
>hrased its expression to declare "a
lay off on making profits for the
sosaes." It was announced that the
uilk drivers had adopted the
'strike" plan but would deliver
liilk up to midnight before the elec
ion and after 12 o'clock the night
>f April 1, Labor men even talked
>f suspending all street car service
>n election day.
' ■
Trust Your Complexion
To Cuticura Soap
If signs of pimples, redness or
roughness appear touch them with
Cuticura Ointment before bathing
with Soap. Nothing purer, sweeter
or more speedily effective to clear
the complexion and keep it clear.
UmpU Eb TTM bp Mill. AritrtM port-card.
"Crtirbrn, IWpt JIA, Bottom." Sold everywhere
Soap 29c. Ointment 25 and iflc. Tnlcnm 26c.
Grippe Germs
Smoked Out _/
M/MMr Tobacculess
w A sensible way of re
i.eving Grippe, Influenza, Colds,
Catarrh, Hay Fever, Sore Throat
and all other ailments that require
direct and immediate application in
order to get instant relief.
The medicated smoke disinfects
the air passages that cannot be
reached any other way.
It eliminates the annovance of
dosing the system with drugs that
upset the stomach.
At all druggists. 20c the box.
Diet and Care Chart free.
Address—Munyon's Laboratories
54th and Columbia Ave., Philadel
phia, Pa.
•T i—. , i
Evening Commercial School
i >
_ Conducted by
Harrisburg School District
Free courses are being given in Business English, Shorthand.
Typewriting, Commercial Arithmetic and Bookkeeping. Classes
are held Monday, Tuesday andlThursday evenings froni 7.30 to 9.30
in Central High School at Forster and Capital streets. A new class
will begin Monday evening, February 24.
Registration on Thussday evening, February 20, from 7 to 9
o'clock, in Central High School.
Large Attendance and Lively
Discussions Mark the
Open winter
conditions have
\\\ \Y / caused larger at
\x\v\ Zi|f7y tendance and
S probably more de-
SiT bates at farmers'
institutes through-
NmOQQdK out Pennsylvania
1 miSijjLiW than known for
: ynHnnil years, according
: i 0 reports coming
here. The institute
season is on the
home stretch and the lecturers
! have found the farmers considerably
interested in propositions in which
they took comparatively little inter
est during the war and reports of
greater acreage under cultivation
! than ever before have been heard.
The York, Erie an<} Northampton
i county institutes which have always
attracted much attention have just
closed and the indications are that
there will be ybig corn acreage this!
year. York comity has more institutes
than any other county, being ahead
of Lancaster this year. The institutes
will close early next month. This
week they are scheduled for Leb
anon, Juniata, Mifflin, Crawford, I
which is also a big institute county,
and Bucks, another big county for
the meetings.
Lebanon meetings will be Schaef
ferstown, starting to-day, then Ann
ville and Jonestown. Next week
Dauphin will have its turn with
Union Deposit, Fishei ville and Grata.
Mifflin, Richfield, Belleville and Mil
roy are the Juniata Valley list.
Want to Get Lists,—A number of
the county treasurers throughout
Pennsylvania have been asked to
send in their returns to the State
Game Commissioner showing the
hunters' licenses issued for 1918. It
is believed that the total for the year
will go over"3t>o,ooo, which will be
within 12,000 of the record of 19IT.
In some instances treasurers have
forwarded checks without statements
of the numbers of licenses issued.
The revenue is to be applied to
bounties for noxious animals and
birds and game propagation, includ
ing purchase of game and laying out
of new preserves.
—Buckman Flags Rill President
pro tern Buckman jolted some of the
Philadelphlans on Saturday when
they announced unalterable opposi
tion to the bills to give a part o!
automobile licenses to municipalities
where cars are owned. He said the
license was for the state to spend
on its roads.
Need Drug .Act—Speakers at con
ferences in Philadelphia Saturday
urged a new law to control use of
narcotics. Plans for such legislation
have not been outlined.
Will Make l*rol>e H. M.
Weidensaul, an Ashland lawyer, has
been darned by the auditor general
to make an investigation into mer
cantile license afTairs in the state.
The Toll of Influenza—The final
figures on influenza's death toll for
October have been finished. They
were 28,505 out of 47,595 in the
whole state. In the same month
8,453 died from pneumonia. The
ordinary death rate is about 10,000
from all causes.
Increases Made Notices have
been filed that the Wilcox Mfg. Co.,
of Mechanicsburg has increased stock
$206,600 to $250,000.
Mrs. Joseph G. Short, of 234 State
street, is home from Elmira, N. Y.,
w here she was called by the sudden
i death of her cousin, J. Seymour
Copeland, a prominent newspaper
man of that city and well known
all over the country.
Taste It—Then Decide
You'd be surprised, the large aum
ber of well-to-do people who serve
"Sweet Nut" since they've discovered
this delicious table luxury does not
contain any animal fat, and is only
called Oleomargarine to conform with
an old law that was passed before!
"Sweet Nut" was discovered. This
new kind of nut butter is made from
the nutritious parts of the white,
crispy meat of cocoanuts churned
with pasteurized milk, price only 350
a pound. Purer and more nutritious
ingredients it would be impossible to
use. Try Benefit Brand "Sweet Nut"
Margarine—it tastes and looks the
same when served as creamery but
ter and is just as nutritious. Serve
it. for a few meals and let the family
decide. For sale only at Tamsui Tea
Co., 331 Market St., up 1 flight, Ilarrls
burg, where Benefit Brand Teas, Cof
fees and Grocery Specialties are re
tailed at wholesale prices.
Look for our store in your town.
I Tired All Time. Did Not Want to
j Work, How lie Itcgaincd Strength
Sanford, Maine.—"l suffered so
| much from a run-down, nervous
condition and stomach trouble that
I never felt like working and had
tried almost everything without re
lief. The first hottle of Vinol, how
ever, helped me and It has built me
up so I feel better now than I have
for a long time." —Chester D.
There is no secret about Vinol. It
owes its success to beef and cod
liver peptones, iron and manganese
peptonates, and glycerophosphates,
the oldest and most famous body
building and strength-creating tonics.
George A. Gorgas, Druggist) Ken
nedy's Medicine Store, 321 Market
street; C. F. Kramer, Third and
Broad streets; Kitzmiller's Phar
macy, 1325 Derry street; J. Nelson
Clark, and druggists everywhere.
P. B.—Our Saxol Salve stops itch
ing and begins healing at once.
Chas.iLMauk * uS***-
Private Astbulaue* Phoaea
! t i
The Camp Hill Parent-Teachers'
Association will meet this evening In
the high school room to consider the
importance of home economics,
with a determining the ad
visability of asking the school board
to equip a department nd employ a
special teacher for the subject. This
meeting is called at the request of
the Civic Club op Camp Hill and Is
open to taxpayers.
Standing of the Crews
Philadelphia Dlvlalon. The 118
crew first to 'go after 1 o'clock: 107,
133, 129, 105, 131, 109, 132, 108, 111,
123, 119, 113, 130, 106, 122, 103, 117,
and 126.
Engineers for 108 and 109.
Firemen for 129,
Conductors for 103, 117. 119, 114.
Brakemen for 103, 111, 121, 123, 124,
126 and 128.
Engineers up— Brodhectgr, S. K.
Steffy, Gunderman, Tholan, Beinhour,
Reunard. Wiker, Lambert, Peters,
Giger. Lowery, Diftenderfer, Rhoads,
Choaft, Steffy, Shue, Anderson, Hou
seal, P. Andrews, Rutherford, Smith.
Firemen up—Famous, Myers, Tar
man, Markle, Lenard, Hoch, Carroll,
Aston, Plank, Raupp, Gorman, Hess,
Large. McLaughlin. Peck, Moyer,
Fry, Creswell, Alberts, Smith, Weit
zel, Polleck, Reed Boyle.
Brakemen up: —Brown, Schriver
Kennedy, Mongan, Mowery, Hoyer,
Beeford, Denman, Ledwidge, Rineck,
Clay, Altemus, Smith, Bolton, Bren
izer, Arndt. E. L. Craver, Funk, Poff,
Ulrich, Leightner. Cross, Espenshade.
Middle Division The 17 crew first
to go after 3 o'clock—32, 38, 21, 39,
33, 230, 242.
Laid oft—23, 28, 29, 19. 18.
Engineers wanted for 17.
Firemen wanted for 39.
Conductors for 32.
Flagmen for 39.
Brakemgn for 38 and 39.
Engineers up Peightal, Ivreps,
Moretz, Ratbefon, Leppard. Sweiger,
O. \V, Snyder, Brink, Earley, Swei
garf. Letter, Hawk, Cook, Dunkle,
Wadsworth, E. R. Snyder.
Firemen up Campbell, Gingrich,
Sheaffer, Dennison, Himes, Jones, Mc-
Murtrle, Seegfried, Strayer, Gutshall,
Arndt, Brown, Reeser, Trouthman,
Bonsell, Shelenberger, Kauftman,
Wright Burkheimer.
Conductors up Bennett, Ross,
Brakemen up—Linn, Sterner, Lan
ver, Fenicle, Stedfold. Depugh, Clou
ser, McNaight, Dare, Hoffman, Beers,
Dennis, Shearer.
Yard Board —Enginners for 3, 15C.
Engineers up—Myers, Boyle, Ship
ley, Revie, Ulsh, Bostdorf, Beatty, I
Teass, Kautz, Wagner, Shade, Mc-
Cord, Myers.
Firemen up Chopenlng, Sneigh,
Rupley, Crook, Shoemaker, Leppard,
Heck. Bowman, Bartley, McKeever,
Weigel. Stuart, Hoover, Garman,
Lake, HeinlAy.
Philadelphia Dlvlsloa The 220
crew first to go after 2.15 o'clock:
223. 226, 237, 248, 250, 231, 202, 206, !
241, 224, 228, 211, 221, 219, 250, 246,
232, 230, 212, 229, 239, 255 211,
Engineers for 213, 228, 252, 255.
Firemen for 204, 212, 218, 224, 227,
236 and 291.
Conductors for 230, 237, 231, 224,
238. 219, 250, 232.
Flagmen for 226, 244, 210, 240, 230,
212 and 255.
BrAkemen for 217, 250, 202, 206, 224,
219, iRO, 232, 236. 255.
Brakemen up Vogelsing, Funk.
Kletsch, Sheets, Trayer, Spence,
Shufflb, Davis, Garverich, Ruttsill,
Vitullo, Strickland.
Middle Dlvlalon The 121 crew to
go first after 1.40 o'clock: 125, 120.
Thirty-three Altoona crews to come
in. Five crews laid off at Altoona.
Laid oft—lo3, 112, 123. 118, 102.
Engineers for 121, 125.
Conductors for 125.
Brakemen for 121 (2) 120.
Yard Board —Curtis, Gelb, Holland,
Bruaw, Hcrron, Ewing, Feas, Myers.
McNally, Capp, Sheaffer, Forten
baugh, B. K. Hinkle.
Firemen up—Connley, Jones, Gar
vin, Cristoparo, Miller, Holirhes, Bit
ting, Steftee, Weaver, Elchelberger,
Morris. Wallace, Ready, Klff, Martin.
Engineers for 2nd 102.
Middle Division Engineers up
C. L. Millet, R - E. Crum, J. Crlmml,
C. D. Hollnebaugh, F. F. Schrcck,
D Keane, D G. Riley, W. C. Black,
W. B. Glaser, G G. Keiser, H. F.
Krepps, J. A. Spotts, R. M. Crane, W
D. McDougal, W. C. Graham, J. W.
Smith, James Keane.
Engineers wanted for 31, 35, 13.
Brakemen up M. E. Horning.
J. B. Connor, J. I. Belsel, F. V. Pen
syl, B L. Morris, G. Howard, R. Col
yer, J. R. O'Brien, H. W. Snyder, N.
W. Troutman, A. P. Norford, G, H.
Tipp.ery, S. P. Stauffer.
Philadelphia Dlvlsloa Engineers
up: rt. Smeltzer, J. C, Davis, A. Ball,
H. W. Gilliums, M. Pleam, R. B.
Firemen up—L. E. Everhart, J.
Cover, F. L. Floyd, W. E. Aultbouse,
H. S. Copeland, C. C. Collier, J. M.
Firemen for 34.
The 19 crew first to go after 2.15
o'clock: 5, 6. 21, 24, 63, 3, 11, 52, 18,
72. 15. 71, 57, 51. 64, 69, 70. 54, 60. 4,
8. 7, 55, 8, 65, 73, 67. 66, 58.
Engineers for 54, 64, 65, 66, 68, 72
and 6.
Firemen for 51, 62, 55, 57, 63, 65
70, 4, 7. 6, 8, 24.
Conductors for 55, 57, 63. 4, 5, 18
and 19.
Flagmen for 73.
Brakemeli for 51, 62, 54, 55, 57, 63,
65, 67, 68, 73, 70, 72, 3, 4, 7, 8, 11, 15
19. 2t and 24.
Engineers up—Bruaw, Jones, Lav
key, Chronlster, Raisner, Dlttow,
Wierman, Kohl, Dowhower, Stees,
Walton, feljx, Beecher, Leitner,
Linn, 1 Hoffman, Little, Bowman,
Kauffman, Gruver, Griffith. Lower,
Hammerstein, Bates, Barnhart.
Firemen up Dailey, DeGroft,
Schue, Looker, Yingst, Durborrow.'
Herbein, Staffer. Mereney. Saul, Brin
ton, Burkhloder, King, Atticks, Cook.
Grimes, Leitner, Oxenrelder, Kohn
lenl, Sornberger, Deardorf, Shay,
Vogelsong, Morrison, Stone, Keller,
Conductors up Ford, Orris, M.
Eshleman, Patton. Hetrlck, Derrick,
Yochum, F. Hetrlck, Phelabaum, Hall".
Flagmen up McLaughlin, Pet
ers. Plrohm, Poettelger, Edmonson,
Gochenaur, McKlm, Keener, Zink!
Waugh, MeCabe, Cassel, Reneker.
Peters. Lchmer. White, Gardner',
Greenwood, Sourbeer, Scott.
Brakemen iup Chronlster, Leh
man, Brownagle, Neally, Culllson,
Buford, Ryan, Messersmith, Sharer!
Deardorff. Reilly, Weaver, Bashore!
Parthemore, Henderson, Troupe!
Lehman. Smith, Brlcker, Heagy, Spire!
The annual meeting of the board of
managers of the Children's Industrial
Home will be held on" Friday afternoon.
Febryary 28. at 2.30 o'clock at the
Young Women's Christian Association.
Officers for the ensuing year will be
| elected at this meetip'.
I "The Live Store" * "A'ways Reliable" I
■ I I
I 35c | Never have you been confronted J All $2.25 ~j I
j Brighton Garters I with a more favorable opportunity for saving . I Signal Shirts
* | money as you have right now during this greatest semi- $1.75
|l Where Everything Is Reduced Except Arrow Collars, Manhattan Shirts and Interwoven Hose
I - ||
Never mind what the merchandise cost at wholesale
prices—it isn't a question of money making at this time of the year, it's a
matter of having a complete "Clean Up" with us, that's why our clearance sales are such
• a marvelous success —There's a great deal of satisfaction in buying at this "Live Store,"
for in addition to having such a tremondous stock to choose from you have the assurance
|| that every purchase is fully guaranteed—Whatever you buy at Doutrich's can be exchang
ed or you can have your money refunded if you are not entirely pleased.
You can't buy anything Here that would make us ashamed to
look you in the face after the sale was made* Doubtful or undesirable merchandise has no
place in this "Live Store" at any price so you see you take no risk in buying a "cat-in-a-bag." Our business
is very good and showing a marvelous increase over last year;—but it will continue to grow as long as we
maintain the "good will" and confidence of the people through square dealing and honest representation.
I Try This Dependable Doutrich Service I
I That Everybody Is Talking About 1
I All $20.00 Suits and Overcoats $14.75 _ I
I All $25.00 Suits and Overcoats $19.75 I
I All $30.00 Suits and Overcoats $23.75 £
I All $35.00 Suits and Overcoats $26.75 I
1 All $40.00 Suits and Overcoats $29.75 I
I All $45.00 Suits and Overcoats $33.75 j/ I
1 All $50.00 Suits and Overcoats $37.75 I|, || 1
All $55.00 Suits and Overcoats $41.75 $ _ fIT j| ffl I
All $60.00 Suits and Overcoats $45.75
All Shirts—Underwear—Hosiery and ft jfjl H
Sweaters Reduced h MS|
Hats Marked Down****
All $2.50 Hats $1.89 All $3.00 Hats $2.39 i I kh'fjiSmk
AH $4.00 Hats $3.19 AH $5.00 Hats $3.89 1
- All $6.50 Velour Hats $4.89
All $7.50 Velour Hats $5.89 Jr
All $8.50 Velour Hats $6.89 I ill ill
All $lO.OO Velour Hats $7.89 I Hi ||J
All $1.50 Caps ..$1.19 All $2.00 Caps . .$1,591 M |H I
304 Market Street Harrisburg, Pa. I
FEBRUARY 17, 1919.