12 MM A SUM MTCOMPLETE STORY OF IT 1 HE CLASSIFIED COLUMNS SDeatbs Yoci M On February 13, 1919, Wll-j liani 11. Yocum, aged 34 years. I Funeral on Tuesday afternoon, at - o'clock, from his laic resilience, li-l Green street. The relatives ana j l'riends are invited to attend with- j out further notice. Interment Fast liarrisburg Cemetery. | JOHNSON On Saturay morning,! February 15, 1919. Oscar G. John- , son, aged 60 years, S fnonths and 11 ; days. Funeral on Tuesday afternoon, at 4 } o'clock, from his late residence, 4>1. j Calder street. Relatives and friends, are invited to attend without j further notice. Interment private. Kit I \ N—Mrs. Mary Brlnn, widow of, William H., died Saturday at 5.30 a. m. Nt the home of her daughter, Mrs. Harry Warner. li!u North Sum mit street, aged 71 years. Funeral services Tuesday at 10 o'clock at the above address. Fur- I titer services ai Fntted Evangelical J Church. Mt. Holly Springs, at 3 j o'clock. Rev. G. E. Hangen offi ciating. Burial Mt. Holly Spripgs Cemetery. (Carlisle papers please copy). j DARK On February 16 th, at 7; a. m., Elizabeth, widow of the late | 17. Osborne Pare, in her 82nd*year. | Funeral on Wednesday, 19th Inst... at - p. in., from the residence of her j daughter. Mrs. Charles Myers No. 1714 Venn street, to which relatives j and friends are invited, interment, private. * I 1!F.I.I. Kit 'William It. Heller died Sunday afternodn at 1.15, age u- i VHPI . Private fnneral services on 11 ednes day afternoon at 3.30 o'clock from the home ot his sister. Mrs. Ralph 1.. B..swell, 30 Xortli Seventeenth street. Rev. Dr. Smucker officiating. I Intelment Prospect Hill Cemetery. c\IIPIIKI.I. Mrs. Cora Campbell.; wife of Lawrence C.. died Saturday a. in. at 9.30 at her home. 330 South , Fourteenth street, aged 50 years. j Funeral services Wednesday after noon at 2 o'clock, from her late resi dence, Rev. J. A. Lyter officiating.; llur-.tii paxtang Cemetery. ; LOST AM) FOUND lA)ST —Diary book containing dis charge from Army. Camp Lee, Va.. be- : tween Broad and Muench streets, and Keystone- Bank. Reward if returned: to 1419 North Third street. ! IAIST —Rosary beads. Second anil Broad to State street. Kcivurd for return to 1206 Penn street. ■ | LOST Silver handbag, between 1 ltolton Hotel and Pennsylvania depot. January 24. Reward for return to 103 South street. INSTRUCTIONS INDIVIDUAL PROMOTION in Gregg Short hand. Typewriting, English, j 8.-.ukkeeplng. Penmanship. Arithmetic. • DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL OPEN ALL YEAR. Enter any time. Bell 125. Dial 4UIO. BECKLLVS BUSINESS COLLEGE, ill Market St. I'tias. R. Berkley. I : 11 F.r.P IV A NTH I—>1 ALE SEVERAL SALESMEN for door-to-door proposition. Newspaper experience desir- ; abie. Address M„ 6541. Care of Telegraph. j iA local manufacturer has a vacancy for a draftsman who > lsf accustomed to perspective f.and conventional projection drawings for illustrations. Applications to be considered . must state in first letter age, nationality, details of previ ous experience, education and salary expected. Samples of j wtrk which need not be re turned will assist. Address Box B. 6554, caro of Tele graph. MEN—-Exceptional opportunities of fend t" three men willing to train und prepare themselves for position as local or traveling salesmen. Ex-j porionce unnecessary. Address Box, W 6975, care Telegraph. \\ ANTED—Sexton, centrally loeat-,' id. state salary expected and experi • uce if any. Address Sexton, care of Telegraph. i WANTED—Boy over 16 years to) make himself generally useful. N> j triflers need" Apply. Ask foi* Mr. Crist. Swift & Company. Seventh and North •tri • is. • TRUCKER WANTED A reliable ] n tin to work, or rent, on reasonable! terms, a house, stable, greenhouses.) truck patch and about 25 acres good' land. Address Box 452, Hummcls- ! town, Pa. FIRST-CLASS METAL WORKERS; WANTED Accustomed to fender] v ork for automobiles. Joseph J. Der- ; ham, Rosemont. Pa. WANTED Experienced butcher! and meat cutter. Apply 175 North' Front street, Steelton, Pa. GOVERNMENT POSITIONS In- j struction for examinations, $5. Sal- j ary. $1,200 to $2,000. Particulars flee. American Civil Service School, Wash ington, D. C. GOVERNMENT will hold Railway i Mall Clerk examinations, Harrisburg, | March 15. $92 month. Experience; unnecessary. Men, IS or over, desir-' lug clerkships, write for free particu- \ lars, Raymond Terry (former Civil I Service Examiner), Continental Build ing, Washington. 11 KIT* WANTED—UK .MA |,K WANTED A girl, or woman, to assist with general housework. Pleas ant heme. Good wages. Apply 1 North Harrisburg street, Steelton. Pa. HUNDREDS' U. S. Government Per manent Positions now open to men. 16 or over: women. 18 or over. $9O to $125 month. Many in your home sec tion. -Short hours. Common educa ti<>n sufficient. List positions free. Write immediately. Franklin Insti tute. Dept. 413-L, Rochester. N. Y. FOR SALE Alabama Cottage Lot 50x132 ft. A well-constructed frame cot tage, with six- rooms—large front porch, basement, slute roof, sjinlpg water piped to house. Delightfully located on the south side of the State Road from Marysville to Duncannon— and only a few minutes' walk front Perdi.t (P. R. R.) station. " ill consider exchange for City property. An excellent proposition. Miller ttrotiiers & Co. Iteal Eamie lit-.ur.tnrr Surety lloiiu. Locust and Cour. ...vis ••t-tl'itm llba. Oral Folate it nor" * MONDAY EVENING, ' HELP WANTED—IF-MALE I j TO THE GIRL OR WOMAN ] DESIRING PERMANENT i AND REGULAR EMPLOY MENT. HERE IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY We are needing Sewing Machine Operators, and can ! assure regular work; the high efficiency of our machines, and our workrooms beiug pleasant and cheertul, opera- I tors can earn good wages. In experienced operators ore paid while learning. A bonus is paid to all operators every pay day. BLOL'GH MANUFACTURING CO, Reily and Fulton Streets. ! KAUFMAN'S UNDERSELLING 1 STORE REQUIRES THE SEKV j ICES OF EXPERIENCED H'KLP Salesladies for Muslin Under wear. Knit Underweaer, Small Wares and Millinery. ! Experienced makers for Milli nery. Apprentice Girls for Millinery —we pay while you are learn ing. EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY PERMANENT EMPLOYMENT Apply at Once KAUFMAN'S UNDERSELLING STORE LONG-DISTANCE OPERATORS WANTED. Apply to Chief Operator, CUMBERLAND VALLEY TELE- j PHONE CO., 227 Walnut Street. i WANTED Young woman experienced , proof-reader. Apply SU PER JNTEN DENT. Harrisburg Telegraph. j WANTED MILLINERY APPRENTICES. 1 ay while learning. Apply ASTRICH'S, 30S Market Street. WANTED A good, all-around to l-acco stripper. Good wages. Inquire 'at once. Clias. 1. Boak, 229 Broad, i street. Both phones. WANTED - White woman for gen eral housework. No washing or iron ing. Bell 3131 J. \V ANTED —Girl for general house work. no washing br ironing. Ifi , quire 191' i North Second street. Bell. I phone 2519 J. | WANTED A competent ledger) I clerk, capable of handling 2,000 a-_-' j counts including trial balance; givT ; reference, experience and salary ex pected. Address Box S 6974, care Tel-' ! "graph. • WANTED By widower, a girl or I : middle-aged woman, as housekeeper,; ! who wishes a home. Address J. H.' Gmgerich. 37 South Mai.n street, Lew : istown. Pa. LADIES! Do you witf; to earn big) j money in your spare time?. We man-1 ! ufacture the best and most necessary! [household article on the market. Once, user, always a user. You can very j • asily drum up a steady business in i your locality. We want wide-awake] ladies. For -particulars address, 1 'AMERICAN RKNOLEO CO.. Inc.,- York. Pa., or New Rochelle, N. Y. WANTED ■ — Experienced white j maid for general housework. Good] wages. Apply 240 Woodbine street. ; WANTED Two or three girls for; marking. Good wages. Apply City! Star Laundry. Sixth and Heir streets.) WANTED Colored woman, be-i , tween 50 and 6y years, for general l Housework. No washing. Good | home for right party. Call 3970 J. WANTED Experienced loopers. Steady work. Good pay. Apply Har-i • lis Hosiery Co., coiner Calder and j Marion streets. I i WANTED AVhite laundress for Monday and Tuesday. Good Wages.] I Call',Bell phone 463911. | ! WANTED Middle-aged woman. for general housework. Small family. 1 jNo washing. References. Inquire, ! lfioa Bridge street. New Cumberland. • | YOUNG WOMEN WANTED To I learn shoemaking. Learners are well] paid ant! earn good wages when pro ficient. Harrisburg Shoe Manufactur ing Co.. 1 402 A'ernon street. j 11ELI* WANTED—MaIe and Female j. rr ANTED •Male or female stenographer and assistant bookkeeper. Good wages to right paj-ty. Apply NEW IDEA HOSIERY CO.. i Fourteenth and Mayflower Sis. MEN-WOMEN Raise Belgian I Hares for us. We pay you $7 pair and cxprexsage. Free illustrated In-, struct'on Booklet. United Food anil Fur Association, Dept. C, 329 West Forty-eighth street. New Y'ork. RAILWAY MAIL CLERK examina tion coming soon. Men 16 to 40 pre- j pare for ;t and other government "exams" under our expert, former I Government Examiner. Thousands of* men and women. 16 to 60. needed in Reconstruction Period ahead. Write to-day for free booklet "MC." • Pat- j terson Civil Service School. Rochester. JLL RAILWAY MAIL CLERK EXAMI NATIONS March 15. Men and women. Particulars free. American Civil Ser vice School, Washington, D. C. SIT I ATI ON s V. ANT ED—M ALE A YOI'NG MAN IX years desires ! work. Can ridh bicycle, elevator, j butler. Cull bell phone 45SU. After 0 p. m. ! WANTED Position by dischargeu I bcldiei driving delivery car, well ae quainled with city. Address Box !a-7256. care Telegraph. WANTED —First-class engineer and j tiremar desires position, best of ref ] erences. Address Box M 7253, care | Telegraph. STENOGRAPHER Young man, experienced, knowledge of bookkeep ing. desires position: good references. 1 Address Box O. 6963. care of Tele - graph. I WANTED Young man, liandv at pressing and cleaning or barbering. desires position Call, or address, 150 Linden street. Phone 1949 M. 1 SITUATIONS WANTED —MALE | ] TWO YOUNG MEN desire work of | any kind. Call Bell phone 4586. After I 6 p. m. Harrisburg Telegraph. i YOUNG. MARRIED MAN With I diploma, desires the necessary experi lence under a licensed ' undertaker. Ai business proposition to the under-! taker who takes advantage of it. j Address G., 7252, eare of Telegraph. I | OFFICE MAN Qualified assist ant, seeks position; 4 years with pub j lie service corporation: 11 years as-I slstart to manager publishing firm; age, 35; married; highest credentials.] Address Box Y", 7250, caro of Tele-] graph. j WANTED Young man would like] j position as cook, in or out of city, j Address 130 Balm street. WANTED Position as steno-1 grapher by young man at present' employed, but wants to make a; change; best of references. Address) Bex T. 6970, care of Telegraph. WANTED *Work of any kind; I would prefer clerking; have had four: years' experience as timekeeper and; general office clerk with railroud i company. Address Box It, 7246, care] of Telegraph. SITUATIONS WANTED—FemaIe j WANTED—Woman desires hofise-| woi k by the day. or office cleaning. Address Box M 7251, care Telegraph, j 1 ■ ; V OMAN wishes day's work of any kind. Apply 213 Mulberry street. | WANTED—Washing to do by white woman. Inquire 1821 Market street. j WANTED Position .as house- ] keeper, for widower, or dishwasher ill | hotel, or the like. Mrs. Mary Evans, 356' ii South Front street, Steeiton, Pa., care of Mr. Samuel Schumacker. IVANTED By a widow, cooking. I or light work, between the hours of 9 A. M. and 4 P. M. Office cleaning; preferred. Address L., 6983, care of' Telegraph, WANTED Position as house- ; keeper, in small, private family, by I refined, young white woman: can fur- I ] nisli best of references. Address Box ' ! R. 6969, care of Telegraph. j WANTED A place as house- I I keeper for a small family by un ex- ! i perienced woman: can give first-class! I references. Address P. O. Box A. En-i ola. Pa. WANTED Woman desires posi-; ] tion as companion to elderly lady; : will assist with housework; best ref- I ; "i-encp. Address M., 7249, care of ! Telegraph. WANTED Young woman wishes' position as housekeeper for a ] widower; young man preferred. Ad-j ; dress Box R, 6592, care of Telegraph.: WANTED Young woman wishes | position doing clerical work; has had previous experience. Address Box O. 1 j 6811. caro of Tplegraph. WANTED - Y'oung woman, with spare time, desires employment even- 1 ings, Saturday afternoons and Sun- ! days, if necessary. Apply 143 South Till id street. WANTED WANTED Refined woman to take ! care of little girl three years old, for two weeks. Will pay $2.50 a week : board. Apply 2502 Agate street. WANTED Good home for a 10-! year-old girl. Call at 259 Sassafras' ] street. .- ; ROOMS FOR RENT FOR RENT Furnished or unfur- ! ,nished rooms. Apply 810 North Third] ; street. Dial 583|t. ' FOR RENT —lO furnished and un- ! .furnished rooms: heat, bath, electric | light: use of plionc. Apply 13211 North Sixth street. i W ELL-FURNISH ED ROOMS FOR: RENT Gentlemen only. Inquire 11819 North Fifth. FOR KENT Comfortably furnish- : let! room, city steam heat; use of Bell j phone. 719 North Sixth. FURNISHED ROOMS For gen-. ] tlemen only. 113 Locust street. —.— i FOR RENT Two furnished rooms, ' or> second floor, for light housekeep- I ling: all conveniences. Inquire 3651 ! South Eighteenth street. FOR RENT Two unfurnished ! third floor rooms; reasonable price, i i Bell phone 1504 M. FOR RENT Furnished, second-1 floor, bay-window room front, and' room facing river. City steam, elec- ] trio light, shower bath and phone. : Centrally located. Gentlemen only. Address Box S, 7245, care of Tele-1 graph. WELL-FURNISHED ROOM Next . to bath on second floor, in home with nil conveniences, including telephone; 110 minutes' walk from Square. Call (1173 Market street, or Bell phone ; 4578 J. ROOM FOR RENT A large, new- ] ; ly-furnished room, with steaui heat, ] electric lights, in a new up-to-date; ! apartment. All bathroom facilities. ' 8 North Cameron. FOR RENT Nicely-furnished, 1 large, second floor front room; also ] third floor room, furnished; gentle men preferred. Inquire 253 North j i street. FOR RENT SECOND AND THIRD FLOORS OF ! BRICK BUILDING SITUATED AT I BROAD AND CURRANT STREETS. 2.700 SQUARE FEET* ON EACH FLOOR. SUITABLE FOR MANUFAC TURING OR STORAGE PURPOSES. ;\VILL RENT SINGLY IF DESIRED. • CALL AT BROAD AND CURRANT I STREETS. j ' FOR RENT Nice room, on Second 1 ] floor, in private family: only gentle-] j men; reference. Address G., 7254. ! care of Telegraph. FOR RENT Furnished rooms. $2.50 per week and up; warm rooms, running hot and cold water: light housekeeping and private bath. Wil son Apartments. No. 143 South Third. ! FOR RENT One large bedroom, j for gentlemen only. Rent reason- I able. Apply 276 Brlggs street. ROOMS WANTED i WANTED Two or three rooms 'furnished or unfurnished, by couple iand two children References exchang ed if desired. Box "B," 7048, care of i Telegraph. I TWO OR THREE FURNISHED ] ROOMS, for light housekeeping, ,| wanted for family of three, centrally ! located. Address Box 325-J, care of ] Telegraph. / APARTMENTS WANTED WANTED —Furnished apartment I two rooms and kitchenette. J. K .; Moypr. Bell phone 1107. ! WANTED. TO RENT Man and l wife, with no children, desire a seven or nine-room house, with all convenl - ences, by April 1. Call Bell 2926. ! WANTED —By a young, married . couple, four-room, unfurnished apart i ment and bath. No children. Good ,| location, not central, und reasonable . distance to. car line is desired. Can . furnish good references. Address UJX . A. 7242, care of Telegraph. "j REAL ESTATE IT)II SAI.E t| FOR SALE Good paying leal . estate, centrally located. Will take ) t auto in exchange as part payment. Address Box Q 6977, care Telegraph. HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH If H '# PEOPLE WHO ARE DISSATIS FIED with their present homes are planning even now to move as soon as released from their existing con tracts. A lot of leases will expire shortly— and a lot of these will not be nenewed! If you can offer some thing desirable to these people, now is a good time to get their attention. i .— j | REAL ESTATE FOR SALE , X ' IF IT'S REAL ESTATE. SEE SANDERLIN. | Camp St.. No. 648 3-story brick. 8 rooms and bath, all improvements, j Can be bought same as rent. | S. Eighteenth St.. No. 353—5-story j brick, a rooms and bath, steam heat, j electric lights, a modern home. Right j price to quick buyer. | New Cumberland Corner Fourth and Geary Double frame; 8 rooms 1 and bath oh each side; all improve | ments; newly painted; can be bought witli a small amount Of money; bal j ance same as rent. ! Seventeenth St., S., 532 3-story trick, 8 rooms, bath and laundry; all! ! improvements; cement cellar; nice! ' front porch; A 1 home. Jefferson St., 2215 2-story brick, j S rooms and bath: all improvements;) ; front porch; drive way in the rear.! | Very cozy home. Same as Rent. ! Sixth St.. N., 2631 3-story brick; 1 S rooms and bath; end house. Right i price to quick buyer. Steelton S. Second St., No. 320 ! 3-story frame. 7 rooms, electric ; 1 lights and water. Good location. ; ; Same as rent. t Steelton. 322 S. Foufth St. Now! vacant. 3-story frame; 3 rooms, bath,'; electric lights; lot. 125 ft. deep; in A 1 ' ; condition. D. A. SAXDERLIN. ROOM 1. SECURITY TRUST BLDG., ' 36 NORTH THIRD ST. BELL 1390. DIAL 3373. HOMES FOR SALE It is better to own your own home than have someone order you to ! ' move. ! 203 Kelker St., 3. b., best residence) i section, and can be bought on east ) 1 terms. 12112 N. Fourth, 3. b.. side entrance, front porch, rear drive. Make an offer. | 809 James St. 3, b„ improvements. I want an offer on this property. 1154 Mulberry St., 3, b. One of the j finest locations on Hill. 1721 State, 3, b., 1 of a pair, with rear! drive alley. 14 X. Seventeenth St. This is a choice! j corner property. 118.H Swatara St., 214-story frame. front porch, side entrance, drive al i ley. improvements. 8200, balance as I rent. Quite a variety of homes that can (be lisiglit by paying from $lOO to $2OO I down, balance as rent. Liberty Bonds accepted as first payment. Some good investment properties: I and homes in every section of the city, j ! ROUGH. BRIGIITBILI, & KLIXE, • 307 KunTcel Bldg. Bell 3902 Dial 4509. i FOR SALE Attractive, modern residence. l,arge garden and garage in rear. Liberal terms. Xo I I ISOO State street. Apply S. FRIEDMAX, Real Estate, Kunkel Bldg., or 217 Fetter Street. NOW VACANT I FOR SALE—No. 1194 Bally street.' I 3-story brick corner dwelling. S rooms land buth. price $2400. A $3OO deposit down. Balance $25 monthly. Must be sold to settle estate. Xo. 2204 North Fifth street, will be.l ] vacated in a few days, delightful) i home in tine section. BACKENSTOSS BROS. Buss Building ' Members "Ilbg. Real Estate Board. | TWO- STORY BRICK HOUSE All improvements; in city; rront porch ! bay window; nice yard to drivealley-' $lOO down, balance as rent. Libc-rtv Bonds accepted. ; C. H. CORDER, 172$ Green Street. Bell 560 J. j MACLAY ST., 417 Desirable prop eray for sale. Possession April 1. 9 t rooms and bath. Other Improvements Front porch. D. A. Caley. Kunkei ' Bldg. ! TWO HOUSES FOR SALE—Xo. 633 1 and No. 635 Boas street, brick con i structlon, each with 9 rooms and | bath, other improvements. Bell Really Co., Berber Building. BRICK HOUSE FOR SALE—LocaT ■ ed in Chestnut street, six rooms and bath; gas. electric light, steam heat, concrete porches. Bell Realty Co. Bergner Building. j TWO-STORY BRICK HOUSE fgr 'sale at S2SUO, six rooms and bath, gas, , | furnace, porch front and rear. Bell I Realty Co. , Bergner Building. ' $3500 WILL PURCHASE a frame bun galow located at Camp Hill on a lot • 112x512. Bell Real?* Company. Berg ' ner Building. ; $l7OO WILL PURCHASE a brick : hcuse located In South Canttron street, no improvements. Bell Realty ■ Co., Bergner Building. "~VACANT RESIDENCE FOR SALE— - Brick and stucco, 9 room* and bath. . gas, electric light, steam heat, three open ore places, hardwood floors, lot - 60x100, garage on rear. Price $6500. 1 Bejl Realty Co.. Bergner Building. ■ VACANT CORNER HOUSE FOR SALE — 323 Woodlflne street, brick - house with 6 rooms and bath. gas. 1 electric light, furnace, porch front. - Bell Realty Co.. Bergner Building. 3 BUY YOUR HOME on our rental i payment plan- Small cash or Liberty < Bond A rBt Payment required, balance rent. We have houses In everv * part of the city And suburbs. Apply Doranz. 1225 North Sixth st"oe t . 7*l ir,6 WEST CURT IN ST., PKN- B BROOK i-ot, 90x190. Very cheap to . quick buyer. Vacant now, Uhman & Kltngeman, 8 North Market Square. I - -= -■ I REAL ESTATE FOR SALE • FOR SALE $3 600—2106 Swatara St., 8 r., b., steam heat. $1,300 —2 Haehnlen Ave., 6 r., elec tricity, front porcli. $6,000—1407 JN'o. Sixth St., store room, 11 r., b., furnace, A3 stable in rear. 5i,000—458 Cumberland St.. corner .ulton, 8 r., b., furnace. $.,550—1327 Liberty St., 8 r. & bath. J?-- 50 — 61 ' Herr St., 8 r. & bath. $2,700- —914 South Twentieth street, in cluding 3 lots along side, size of piot, 30x113. $l,OOO each—l2lo & 1212 Cowden St., 6 r. & attic. $1.900—339 Granite Ave., 6 r. & bath. $300—1713 N. Twelfth St., 6 r„ & stable In rear. $4,500 —636 Maelay St., 8 r. all convent- I dices, including steam heat. No.w 1 property. $5,000—1644 X. Third St., 9 r., b* steam I hout. $l,6OO—lSOB Wallace St., S r. & bath. | $1,700—2006 Wallace St.. 6 r. Ac bath, j $2,900 each—l33l and 1333 N. Sixth St., 8 r. $5,500—j629 Green St., 10 r„ b.. fur nace. $4.200—41 4 S. Thirteenth St., 9 r., b., lurnace. $3,400 each—49-51-53 S. Cameron St., i 8 r„ b„ furnace. j $2,600—4 7S. Cameron St., 7r. & bath. | $2,700—623 Boas St., 8 r. & bath. I $1,400—427 Clinton Ave., 5 r. &. bath. ; $2,500 each—ls4l-1543 Vernon St., S jr., b. A.- furnace. ; $2.650 —Sl3 West Ave., near Capitol Pails, 7 r., b. Ac furnace. CHAS. SPLER, Real Estate and Insurance, 1002 N. Third Street. i Member Harrisburg Real Estate Board. i3-dtory brick on Market 5t.... s4,s<>u 3-story brick on Market St 6,760 j S-story brick on Itegina 5t.... 3,500 3-story brick on Swatara St... 3,100 ; 3-Story brick on Walnut St... 3,000 I 3-story brick on Beivyhill st... 3. t00 S-story brick on Crescent St... 3.BUU j 3-story brick on Stale St 4,500 | 3-story brick on Argyle St 2,600 3-story brick on Eighteenth St. 4,500 3-story brick on Seventh 5t.... 3.900 | 3-story brick on Green St 5,000 3-story brick on Green St 7,090 j 3-story brick on S*ixth St 4.500 3-story brick on Sixth St 4,700 3-story brick on Briggs St 4,500 ■ 3-story brick on S. Third St... 4,600 3-story brick on X. Second St.. 11,700 : S-story brick on X. Second St.. 15,000 | 3-story brick on Allison Hill.. 25,000 Row 4 siralDbt'fcks, all improvements. Good investment. Row 7 2',5-story bricks, all improve ments,, good investment, or line site for garage or business place. Cor ner two streets. Plot, about 100 X 100 ft. Centrally located. | The above properties can be pur , chased on very reasonable terms. [ I have several line suburban homes all improvements, with ' . to 3 ao-es | land, with fruit. j * C. H. CORDER. 1722 Green Street. Bell 560 J. Rgnts Collected. , „ ■ HOUSES FOR SALE Possession April 1. Price. Down. ' 100S X. Sixth $6,000 's6oo |2427 N. Sixth 5,700 500 |2137 X. Fourth *.. 3,200 400 •2536 Agate 1,800 * 100 I 2336 Ellerslle 3,200 300 i 400 Muench 3,000 300 I 417 Maclay 4.700 500 11032 S. Eleventh 2.700 400 ' j 2207 Logan 2.500 500 D. A. CALEY, 707 Kunkel Bldg [j Bell 589. b •J VACANT, possession at once—North I Sixth street, 3-stor.v brick, all im provements, steam heat, electric and gas, front porches, bay windows, side I vard. 8 rooms, room for garage. ('. H ICorder, 1722 Green street. Bell 560 j) j Rents collected. FOR SALE 1723 Green St. 3-story brick; all i improvements. Possession April 1 , ! Price, $4,500. 1630 Green St. - 3-story brick; ail I improvements; lo rooms. Posses sion April 1. Price. $4,800. ! 2246 Susquehanna St. All improve ■ I ments; 2-story; 8 rooms and bath. II Possession April I. Price. $3,000. r | 228 and 230 South Twenty-ninth St.. Penbrook All improvements. Pos i session April 1. Price, $2,250 each. . I Second St.. Highspire 2%-story |! frame. New. AIU improvements. , I Lot. 75x125. Bargain. Price, $2,900. ' i See CHAS. A DAVIES, 1723 Green St. ! or 204 Colder Bldg. Bell 4377. ;! —.—. 1 FOR SALE Cheapest property in city 412 Hummel street; three-storv 1 brick, all improvements, running t'c. I caved alley in rear. Price, $2,80u. j 1 K. Kipp. 2203 l'ourth street. FOR SALE-—On easy terms. 2010 ; to 2018 Susquehanna street. Posses i sion on April 1. Apply A. p. Doranz, , 1225 North blxth. - FOR SALE — NOW VACANT —No - 2140 North h lfth street. Briek. j m ' provcmcnts. Address, or call at No ; 2459 Reel street. t -—' " ~ - ' j REAL FIXATE—For Sale or Rent > I il HOUSES AND GARAGES— At Fifth , and Curttn Streets; possession of some .; of the houses on thirty days' notice. Fred C. Miller, 31 North Second. Bel) - phone 307 J. f Real Estate for Sale—Suburban 3 ' FOR SALE Double house, 12 t rooms, good condition. Inquire 291 . Herman avenue, Lemoyne. Pa. FOR SALE Most attractive West o Shore home. All modern conveniences, t Will sell at a sacrifice. Call Bell b phone 3037R Real Estate For Rent—Suburban MODERN SUBURBAN HOME at Camp Hill for rent; 2'A-story, 8 rooms and bath, oak floors, open fireplace full-size screens. shades, storm c sashes; all conveniences; furnished or unfurnihed; by April 1 or sooner Ad- t' dress Box E, 6948. care of Telegraph. REAL ESTATE WANTED .. f HOUSES WANTED v I have numerous calls for s houses of all kinds In all parts Of city. Call, or Bell phone tCOJ. Rents Collected. C. H. CORDIiR, 1 1722 Green Street. s WANTED—TO RENT 2 We are having a number of appll- - I cations at this time for furnished houses, apartments and rooms. What S do you have to offer? Address Mil- P 'lor Brothers & Company, Locust and' P Court streets. u - j W ANTED—I will purchase a mov- a ing picture show anywhere in Duu- A phin county if price is right.* Ad- ~ dress Box X. care Telegraph. WANTED— Smalt. suburban dwell ing house. Will pay cash for same ApplJ- James U. Halz, Attorney Har risburg, Pa. ■ WANT TO BUY A HOUSE $3 500 60 $4,500; modern home preferred to location. Address Box O, 6972, care of Telegraph. 1 WANTED, TO RENT, FARM Best * . of references. Inquire John Lehmaii ' Mlddletown, Pa., or Bell phone IIR-3. * J I READY CASH FOR CITY PROPERTY r WHAT HAVE YOU 'ID OFFER? BELL AND DIAL PHONES. CIIAS. ADLER, 1002 N. THIRD ST. ! f| REAL ESTATE WANTED ' , I We have some ready purchasers for ! I Improved Real Estate. Bet us know 1 ' • j what you have to offer. j j LINCOLN REALTY CO. -j 1129 North Seventh Street. t ! • WANTED. TO RENT Man and i II wife, no children, desire a small house I' conveniences, on or before April l| 1 1 ! Address 11. 8. Peters, 532 South Sev- i ! . enteenth street. City. I ' I- I < f WANTED 6 or 8-room house to -1 rent, modern conveniences, in city or' vicinity. No children. Address "Box )" , S. 6967. care of Telegraph. ! _ -- - ] Olliccs nnd Storerooms For Rent I ( FOR RENT 1_ 'j BOARD OF TRADE AUDITORIUM, j For meetings, conventions 1" Banquets Dances and parties' Use of piano free. Kitchen attached. - ] H. C. CLASTKR. Jeweler, 302 Market Street. "I ' : 91 —l; 1) d | FOR RENT—The improved store- i II room at 24 North Third street—near- ' illly opposite Penn-Harris Hotel. Also ij j offices in the same building. Apply 1 ' !.'The William B. Schleisner Stores, 28-!" 0 I 30-32 North Third street. 0. " !; u f 11 y MARKET ST. STORE, a! FOR RENT. I 1 a j Beautiful Daylight Store, 0, 504 Market Street. CHAS. ADLER. Oj 1002 North Third Street. I.j j; . I 230 HAMILTON STREET -* Suitable " e j for barber, tailor, poolroom or cigar i -1 store. Chas. Adler. 1002 X. Third St. j x i |. . i FOR RENT Two rooms, suitable,' | for offices, second iloor rear Xo. 7i' 'North Third street. City steam and 1 , i electric light. Apply John T. Olni s! sted. 7 North Third street. Second) j Floor Fiont. j FOR RENT Storeroom at 105 i I South Third street. Inquine Gardnerl !& Baptist. Third and Chestnut! ) streets. - j FARMS ! ; FARMS OX EASY TERMS: large end small; also 2 1 - to 10-acre! [plots, $5O an acre. Inquire 107 Chest 1. nut street. 0 i 1) FARM Located in Perry County; 1 0 102 acres. So clear and 22 of heavy u! timber; 3000 to 4000 locust posts 0; ready to cut: line stream of water, 01 8-room house; bank barn, 42x54; all 0 j new buildings; 120 fruit trees; $3OOO. 0 Inquire 107 Chestnut street. 0! FOR SALE—MISCELLANEOUS ; | • • LONG FLAME j, FURNACE COAL e | J. B. MONTGOMERY. JUST PHONE. I i "I ' 'j BIDS, in writing, will be received for the following slightly used office [ 11 furniture and equipment at 311 Berg | nt r Building. Third and Market, be " | ginning Monday, February 17. at 10; .'o'clock A. M.: | 1 large tlat-top desk. 1 .typewriter desk. * ' 1 Xo. 10 Remington typewriter. . :| 1 T. W. chair. . 2 side chairs. !; 1 costumer. , 1 steel 4-drawer file case (fireproof). )• 1 electric heater (2 coil). Miscellaneous desk equipment, trays, baskets, etc. '■ Vulca waste baskets, etc. It. I. DUNIGAX, .| Traffic V.epresentativs U. 8. Shipping) Boa rd, rl I 31! Bergner Building. ' o FOR SALE—Steam heat boiler, (175 | l.lsq. ft. capacity, tine condition. Apply 1948 Green street. „ • FOR SALE lister self-player piano; also Dodge touring car, mode) " 1915 Inquire 915 North Third street. FOR SALE Underwood Xo. 6, !n best of condition. Used only by pres ' ent owner. A bargnin to someone who wants a typewriter that will stand the test. Bell phone 1844 J. FOR SALE Sunray gas range and gas healer. Good condition. Cheap. Leaving city. Call 1621 Carnation street. h FOR SALE Desk and chair, ward -0 robe chiffoniet bed couch, porch! chair and swing, brown screen, large 1 kitchen table, clothes liars, etc. In quire 1509 North Second street, be-1 * tween 10 and 12 A. M. FOR SALE Fine camera, dark: 2 oak china closet, buffet, dining table. I six chairs, ball rack, chiffonier, stand, brown Iron bed. rocker, also pictures.) - Inquire 1702 North Second street, first: t hell 111 vestibule. | i FOR SALE Two roll-top desks.'l, Apply 810 North Third street. FEBRUARY. 17, 1919. roil SAI.Ii;—MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE SMALL JOB PRINTING PLANT | 1 Chandler & Price Job press— j chase Bxl2. 1 Chandler & Price lever paper cut- I ter. IU-H.-P. motor. 1 electric embossing machine. 5 type cabinets, IU3 type cases, 105 fonts type, etc. All modern and In good condition. Good opening for live, young printer, who will continue the business and enlarge plant. Or will sell to be shipped. Address BOX C, LYKENS. PA. SXLE Lester self-player piano; also Dodge touring, car. model 1915. Inquire 915 Noith Third street. POTATOES FOR SALE—Very nice small ones for $l.OO a bushel .and others at $1.50. Inquire. 22u3 North [ Foul th street. CIGAHS Direct from Factory.! Special limited offer. 50 cigars, post paid, $l, Club of six for 50 each, $5, postpaid. W. F. Snell, Red Lion, Pa. FOlt SALE Reed baby carriage, also gas range and Iron crib. in quire 020 Oxford street. FOR SALE Magazine for No. 1 Linotypes. A rare bargain for a plant wltn a No. 1 machine. Address THE TELEGRAPH PRINTING COMPANY, • Harrlsburg. Pa. I FOR SALE S. C. Black Orpington ' Eggs for hatching. No catalog. C. Neff, Newville, Pa. FOR SALE 25 shares Birth of ltac.e... .$150.00 I 100 llarroun Motors ........ 300.00 j 3,000 Hoffman Oil & Refining.., 350.00 I A. L, DEIBEL, 1 I Boatmen's Bank Bldg., St. Louis, Mo. FOR SALE—Blacksmith and horse- \ shoeing business. Full equipment of tools Good stock of shoes and other j supplies. Apply to Rutherfurd Bros., , Paxtang, Pa. ! BARGAINS! BARGAINS! The Storb across from Y. W. C. A. i offers you the Biggest and Best Bur- | gains in Men's and Boys' Suits, Over- j coats, Mackinaw Coats, Underwear, j Hats, Caps and Shoes. We are fam- | ous lor Low Prices. Give us a trial. - OUTLET CLOTHING CO., 23 North Fourth Street MORRIS SAYS save money buying new and second-hand furnrture here. ( High prices paid for furniture. Morris Scliniertz. 1030 Market. Bell 3971 R. TYPEWRITERS BOUGHT FOR ! CASH ALL MAKES RENTED EXCHANGED. GEO. P. TILLOTSON. 205 LOCUST STREET. OPPOSITE I ORPHECM THEATER. BOTH PHONES. | WANTED—MISCELLANEOUS ■ ; HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID for | Second-hand Furniture. Prompt tit tention. Ncwmark & Cown. 368 Broad Street. .Dial phone 4826. WANTED—Victrolas or Grafonolas | and Records. Dial 5839, or 810 North : Third street. W.ANTED TO BUY reed high-grade • ha by carriage. Address Box B 7257, i care Telegraph. j WANTED —..White reed baby! stroller. Must be in good condition. I Call 2277R Bell phone. WANTED Used, Electric Player' Piano ,at once. Must be cheap. I.eba- ! non Electric Player Piano, 927 Cum-1 berland street, Lebanon, "Pa. HIGHEST PRICES For ladies ! and men's cast off clothing and shoes.! Write to Welntraub, 036 llerr street.! Dial 5177. ; L. COHEN & COMPANY. York and Acli avenues. Highest prices paid for rags, paper, iron, barrels, rubber and metal and old machines. Send postal or call 3221W Bell and Dial 6225. i HIGHEST PRICES PAID for all kinds of empty barrels and junk. Call Bell phone 4275. B. Abrams 4c Son, ! 824-832 North Seventh streyt. WANTED Second-hand motors. Small I sizes preferred. Apply FEDERAL MACHINE SHOP. Cranberry St.. near Second. Harrisburg, Pa. MAX SMELTZ j Second-hand furniture bought and i sold. Highest cash prices paid. Call Bell 1381 or Dial 5817. or drop a pos -1 tal to Max Smeltz, 1016 Market street. ! Will call, city or country. HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR ALL kinds of Junk. Get our prices before selling. Call Bell phone, 936, or droi us a postal and our.wagon will call. Keyston lion it Metal Co., Broad and Currant streets. BUSINESS PERSONALS ! TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN A. L. Datesman, formerly with Moth ers Magazine Company, is now with , the Woman's Motile Companion Read ! ing Club, Room 410, Patriot Building. Sena poscai and l\e will call. | CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER—Es , timates. Jobbing. First-class work. |H. W. Hummer, 1423 Liberty street, j Bell 4420. A. LANE ' New and second-hand furniture ! bought and sold. Highest prices paid. • 1022 Market street. Bell 4730 J. | FURNITURE, CARPETS. STOVES— i Bought and sold. S. Gold, 1014 Mar ket. Bell 4085 J. | IN V ENTO RS FIN ANCED—Pa ten ts, Autorr.ob'les, Motorcycles Bought, I Sold, Exchanged. Cash or commission. } Uorst. Linglestown. Pa. ! UPHOLSTERING Of the best | kind. Work guaranteed. We call and deliver. 308 Broad street. Dial phone I 4826. FURNITURE CRATSD —And china packed for shipping. Also re | pairing. J. A. Bishop. 1736 Logan St. j RAZOR BLADES SHARPENED Single edge. 25c doz; double edge, 35c I doz; razors. 26c. Gorgas Drug Store. i DIAMONDS bought for cash—P. H. Caplan Co.. 206 Market street. QNININE— Look out for that grippe feeling, likely to catch you this changeable weather. OUR LAXATqVE PHOSPHO-QUININE will stave It off If taken in time. Gross Drug Store. 119 Market street. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES I NOTICE TO MAGAZINE READERS Tile Woman's Home Companion and : American Magazine at the rale of R.'TJC, each on the monthly payment plan foi' particulars. Write to Wo ; man's Home Companion Reading Club, Room 410 Patriot Building. FOR SALE Grocery, doing n I profitable business city 12,000 popula i lion. Central Pennsylvania. Excellent I opportunity. 1-ow price to quick buyer. Write at once for particulars. Address Box R. 2u41. care of Tele graph. FOR SALE—A 6-bottle Soda Knun- Ihtn. suitable for a small business. A good moneymaker. Call, or write, li p. Kline, 705 North Second street, Har rlsburg, Pa. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES CO-OPERATION "lhc First Principle of Success" The following Representative Concerns have taken part In the CO-OPERATIVE Campaign conducted by the Federated trades Council. They wish to he classed as friendly to the cause and we ask for them your Co-operation and Reciproca tion. "Buy War Savings Stamps" [ „ BANKS i Commercial Trust Company of Harrisburg. 1224 N. Third. BUSINESS COLLEGE , School of Commerce and Har risburg Business College, 15 S. Market Sq. ENGINEERS AND CONSTRUCTORS Central Construction Corpor ation. FLORIST Schmidt, Florist, 313 Market St. FUNERAL DIRECTORS Rudolph K. Splcer, 511 N. Sec ond St. J Faekler's, 1312 Derry, FURNITURE Faekler's, 1312 Derry. i FURNACES Caloric Plpeless Furnace, The Carlisle Plumbing nnd Heat ing Co., 32 N. Court St. GARAGE Rex Garago & Supply Co., 1917 N. Third. GROCERIES. WHOLESALE ] The Witman Schwarz Corp'n. Evans-liurtnett Co. GROCERIES. RETAJJL Polleck's Cash and Carry Stores, Harrisburg and Steel ton. 1 HARDWARE. WHOLESALE I llonry Gilbert & Son. ICE CREAM AND WATER ICES Dean F. Walker. 409 N. Second. KNITTING MILLS M'orhead Knitting Company, Inc. | New Idea Hosiery Company, inc. LAUNDRIES Sanitary Family Washing Co. i City Star Laundry. LUMBER Harrisburg Lumber Co., 17 th and Naudatn. : PLANING MILL . E. C. Snyder. 18th and Holly. MILK DEALERS 1 Penna. Milk Products Company. MANUFACTURERS Harrisburg Shoe Mfg. Co. Harrisburg Silk Mill. , ! Harrisburg Pipe & Pipe Bend ing Co. Harrisburg- Manufacturing & Rnil.'i Co. Devine & Yungcl Shoe Mfg. Co. ! Nauss Manufacturing Co., (Mfg. of Band Instruments and Re pairers of Auto Radiators).- SEEDS Waller S. Schell. 1307 Market. MIDDLETOWN Wlncroft Stove Works. A. S. Kreider Co. "Buy War Savings Stamps." ; FOR SALE Country Produc Fish and Oyster Business. Good 1 ! cation. Good-paying, cash trade. R j tiring front business, will sell chei 'to quick buyer. Address Box K. 712 j care of Telegraph. , Money to lx>an ' WHEN YOU NEED MONEY I to meet immediate necessities, alwa consult this reliable, licensed, bond i institution, chartered under Pennsj I vanla laws and financed by local pe | pie In 1909 to save borrowers from e ! tortlon. ! Co-Operative Loan & Investment C j 204 Chestnut Street. i WE LEND MONEY in compliant I with Act of June 17, 1915, to individ als In need of ready cash; entail loai I a specialty, business confidential, pa; I ments to suit borrower's convenienc ' positively lowest rates in city. : PENNSYLVANIA INVESTMENT C( 132 Walnut Street. MONEY If you are pressed for ready cash to meet any emergency, call to see us. We lend money In compliance with the laws of the State. | EMPLOYES' LOAN SOCIETY, . ROOM 206 BERGNER BLDG., iJ THIRD AND MARKET STREETS. | LICENSED AND BONDED BY STAT 'I • ' • 1 Musical VIOLINS. MANDOLINS, GUITAR I BANJOS. Band and Orchestra Instri ments promtply and carefully repaii ' ed. OYLER'S, 14 South Fourth stree HAULING AND MOVING AUTO HAULING—LocaI or lor ' distance. Furniture and piano movin : a specialty. Blue Line Transfer, 9; I I Capital street. Both phones. ' FOR HIRE Twoyton auto true ! Apply 1108 South Ninth street Be I phone 2455 R. I HEAVY HAULING —Fully equlppt i for furniture, freight and piano mo\ ' ing No distance too far. Carefi 'driver Rain and dustproof body. I E Grubber s Truck Service. Irwi 1 1 Aungst. manager, Hershey, Pa. Be i phone 15R6. i ~ LOCAL AND I.ONG-DISTANC HAULING Furniture movlni ! Prompt service. Ernest Corhln. 6! ' Calder street. Both phones. Be ■ 3636 J. Dial 3683. AUTO TRUCK SERVICE Loci and long distance. F. J. Marter, Be 39-J, Steelton. __J AUTO HAULING Local and lon diatsnce Furniture moving a apt c^tv nce -Rates reasonab'e. Prom, • service. Cell Bell 6-GJ. TOCAL AND LONG-DISTANC i HAULING Prompt service. A. w | i Motor Express. 1601 North Fouri otrpet llell phone IiISJ. I GENERAL HAULING AND FAS ' EXPRESS SERVICE to nearby tpwz i with auto trucks. Only experience and careful drivers. Call Bell 332 ; or Dial 2265. ___ winKS Local and long-distant I hauling and storage. 424 Reily. Bot i j phones. , lALL KINDS OF HAULIN( AND MOVING DONE CONRAD BROS., 341 ICELKER ST. BELL PHONE 623 W. DIAL PHONE 8518. WHERE TO DINE • ! IIVA TIOTEL AN# RKSTAURAN' ' A THE HOME OF SATISFACTION. STOUFFER'S REST AUN ANT— Hon cooking servod to Businessmen ar Ladles in separate dinlngrooma. 1 jm i Additional Classified Ads on Opposite Page I 1 — * A
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers