Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, February 15, 1919, Page 7, Image 7
RORS DRAWN FOR MARCH 17 ies of Men to Serve at riminal Sessions Taken From Jury Wheel mes of men who will serve on [rand and petit juries at the h sessions of criminal court dur he week of March 17 were rira'- 1 the jury wheel to-day by Sheriff V. Caldwell and Jury Cominis rs A. M. Hoffman and G. A. d. the lists which follow jurors re in the city when no addresses are > with their names. nd jury: William F. Mumma, lington township; Thomas Pe- Chrlst Crone, Abner Huff. High ; Michael Dwyer, S. Brady Cav- Jr., Walter J. Lewis, Monroe Lower I'axton township; S. C. gert. Middle Paxton township; ge M. Keever, Charles C. Fox, C. Evans, Steelton; John D. g. Jacob King, Levi S. Klinger. amstown; John Keim, Steelton; L. Ramler, East Hanover town- Henry W. Klinger, Lykens ship; William W. Patrick, Jacob 0. Lykens township; John R. Mil- Lower Paxton township; Joseph >rd. South . Hanover township; ird V. Orsinger, Leroy Eckles. tit Jurors: ilnrry G. Hergleroth, letown; Fred Eshenauer, Aliddle ; Allen Lehniun, Londonderry ship; Willis Bingamun, Lykensi ur Hoffman, Lykens; David 11. le. Susquehanna township; Lewis man, Steelton; Robert Barnott, ton: Leopold Schmidt, Swatara ship; Harry F. Hench, John B. Hummelstown; Rufus A. Zitn lan, George W. Keiler, Harry D. e, Andrew Bressler, Swatara ship; Joseph llager, Steelton; cr Speoce, Middle Paxton town- George It. Miller. East Hanover ship; William Heckert, Mifflin ship; Frank Ellis, Susquehanna ship; William P. Green. George largest, John J. McCord. Wil jtown; William H. Longenecker, melstown; Charles E. Umholtz, z; Silas Bailing, Steelton; Robert or, East Hanover township; d S. llanshoe. South Hanover ship; William P. Morris, Steel- Matthew S. Brinser, West Lon crry township; Clinton R. Green, lei S. llean, Middletown: Charles man. Lykens township; Harry A. loltzer, Royalton; Lawrence A. ick, Susquehanna township; les Hailcy, George Koch, Mau- Gottingham, Swatara township; ol Hale, Steelton; Charles Mc ey, Lower Paxton township; Har- D. Holt, Lykens: John Schroll, spire; Lester Dare, Harry Dalton, lour S. Eberts, William H. Wil s, Wiconisco township; Samuel , East Hanover township; Wil- Lemtney, William H. Bennethum, nas J. Muldoon, Steelton; F. M. el, Williamstown; Aaron Gordon, :rt A. Putt, Dauphin; Samuel W. niakVr, John F. Kurtz, Middle 1. John 1-'. Schaffner, Steelton: ■n P. Dare, Albert A. Poist, ge It Bilker, Hummelstown; Mar- J. Deitzler, George Yeager, Swa township; John Dinger, Wfl stown; H. B. Zearlng, David •, Lower Paxton township; Enoch ace, David Diffenderfer, High- Harry Reeser, Steolton: John baugh. Lower Paxton township; Ktrohm, East Hanover township; ph St. Brandt. Conewago town ; E. F. Aur.gst, Penbrook, Samuel ter. FXTKRTAIXS CLUB ctv Cuinl>erlan<l, Pa., Feb. 15. . Roy Lechthaler entertained the I". R. Club at her home in Th': d et last evening. :w HEATING SYSTEMS DESIGNED ,D HEATING SYSTEMS CORRECTED 3RE HEAT LESS FUEL NO NOISE lobt Ross Jones CONSULTING ENGINEER HARRISBURG, PA. H. M. HOFFMANN rofcssional Faneral Director Day and Night Calls Promptly tended To. Phone Bell 4101, or Call at 310 X. SECOND ST. FURNACE COAL Our customers say—"Never had coal to last so long before. Going to fill my bins with it next Summer." Claims he gets more heat out of it than any other coal. Price, ...sß.BsTon Half Loads . . .$4.70 Just Phone —Bell, 600—Dial, 2345 No Coal Cards Needed Suburban Deliveries J. B. MONTGOMERY Third and Chestnut Sts. SATURDAY EVENING, R.R. PASSENGER TRAVEL IS BIG More Passengers Travel as Freight Business De creases Passenger traffic on the Phila delphia and Middle Divisions of the Pennsylvania Railroad continues at its former hish figure and is in many cases is even heavier, in sharp con trast to the marked dtminuition In freight traffic which has slumped to half the vplume of several months ago. Station agents on both divisions are kept busy and most of the trains are well-filled. Passenger traffic is much heavier now than it was at the same period last year, as reflected in the receipts. At the Altoona station the receipts were $.23,000 larger during the last Janu ary than they were in the same month a year ago, and if traffic con tinues as during the first half of February this month will show an increase of at least $15,000 as com pared with February of last year. Railroad men attribute the heavy passenger traffic to the fact that peo ple have been prosperous during the past year, everybody has money and many who deferred traveling during the war are now taking their con templated trips. There is likewise ■much soldier traffic to and fro, every train having on board more or less men on their way to their homes or going from one camp to another. Four Brakemen Arrested For Thefts From Cars M. D. Woleslagle, freibht con ductor, R. A. Parmer and George Gates, brakemen, all of Altoona, and John W. Robinson, alias Frank Smith, brakeman, residence un known, were held in SSOO bail for court by Alderman J. C. Gorsueh of Altoona yesterday afternoon on the charge of breaking and entering, lar ceny and receiving stolen goods. The arrests were made by Pennsy officers, who charged the quartet with robbing a box car on their own train while being halted at Gallitzin on December 22, 1918. A number of pairs of shoes and clothing, con signed to a Pittsburgh firm was consigned to eftaoinunetaoinunetao taken. The loot was valued at $250. .137 A I.TOO X A DISCHARGES Up until yesterday there were 357 suspensions in the four shop de partments in the South Altoona and Juniata, not including clerical forces, according to motive power officials. Whether there will be further re ductions depends entirely upon in dustrial conditions, the volume of traffic and the necessity for further economies. Xo additional orders have been issued and officials hope that there will be no further oc casion for' thinning out the em ployes. Italiaans Delaying Frontier Solution Until King Speaks Parts, Feb. 15.—The proposed .ar bitration of the Italian Jugo Slav frontier question is for the moment in abeyance. The Italian premier, Vittorio Orlando, has seen Presi dent Wilson and informed him that after consulting with his colleagues of the delegation, they had agreed that it would be Impossible to take a decision on the arbitration pro posal which the Jugo Slavs present ed to the peace conference asking President Wilson to be arbiter without first consulting the king and the cabinet, and, if ncceesarv, the parliament. President Wilson took the oppor tunity to explain that he was not the originator of the proposal, which was presented by M. Trum bitch during a conversation which he had with him last week, and he had simply mentioned it to Premier Orlando in a conversation which followed immediately after. The President added that he would pre fer not to be loaded with the re sponsibility to arbitrate, but was willing to act as a friendlv inter mediary In an effort to reach a set tlement satisfactory to both sides. ENFORCE DOG CODE K DEMAND Game Authorities Call Upon County Officials to See That Licenses Are Taken missioners of the vV\.W Jl!// state have been called upon by Dr. Joseph Kalb tus ' secretary of H Agthe State Game 1 ■ ■hrlirtTnTi i v Commission. to - UiraMnnill* enforce the state ; mIhBiUILSuI, dog license law j jg9 * and similar steps will be taken by the secretary of agriculture. Under recent decisions It is held here that enforcement is mandatory and since fair warning has been given that licenses must be [taken-out again the statb authorities t wiU insist that county officers require constables to kill unlicensed dogs. Hundreds of dogs were killed last years, notably in the sheep-raising sections and by-sportsmen who found the dogs interfering with game. In some central counties dogs which had almost ruined hunting prospects were hunted and in some cases did not have any owners. A recent decision in a northen county that dogs without collars bear ing liccpse tags, even if they have been regularly licensed, may be shot while running at large and doing damage on farms is expected to make people careful. In some of the southern counties constables have started out to shoot unlicensed dogs. Sli New Stations. Only six addi toinal sub-statoins can be authorized by the State Police Department and they will be only until the end of May owing to the shortness of the appropriation available. The depart ment has had forty-two sub-statoins as its list lately, but requests from district attorneys for additional sta tolns ran bver thirty. The police de partment will establish the stations as soon as possible, all arrangements having been made with the troop cap tains by George F. Lumb, the acting superintendent. Public Service I.lst. Public Serv ice Commissolhers Samuel F. Clement, Jr.. and S. R. Shelby will sit with the commissoin for the first time on Mon day when arguments will be heard in the Lehigh Valley Transit fare com plaints and the company's appliea -1 toin tr withdraw certain ticket sales for the Allentown-Catasauqua line. Hearings will be held in Harrisburg. Philadelphia, Williamsport and Sha-' ron next week. The Philadelphia hearings will be on Wednesday and include Chester complaints against tractoin fare increases and attacks on the Highland Gas Company rates in the Perkasie and Sellersville dis trict. The Springfield Consolidated Water case will also come up again, as will the complaint of the United! Business Men's Association against j the Bell telephone system of register- \ ing calls. The Williamsport hearing on the complaints of the National j Railroad administratoin and Jersey Shore Water Company. Two Boxen Cases. The calendar for the first 'meeting of the State Board of Pardons as newly consti tuted will contain twenty-four cases. Lieutenant - Governor Edward K. Beidleman will preside at the meet ing for the first time on Wednes day. tinny mils.—Members of the Legis lature who went to their homes over the Lincoln's birthday recess of the general assembly have been sending numerous bills to the Legislature ref ! erence bureau for drafting and they j will be presented during the coming iv. eek. The House Appropriations Committee, which has charge of most of the bills for eharities, lias started to make up its list and will start on the general appropriatoin bill short ly. Both branches will meet Monday night and the first of the big hear ings will be held during the week. Governor Sproul will complete more of the administration bills. He plans I to spend considerable time in confer ence with Atttorney General Schaffer. j O'Bricii Careful.-—Magistrate J. S. I O'Brien, just appointed for Philadel ■ phia by Governor Sproul has jolted [ some people by saying that there will 1 he no wholesale issuance of warrants : by him. He says he means to give a square deal. Discussing River. Governor ! Sproul yesterday discussed the whole proposition of the Delaware river I with the Governors of Delaware and [ New Jersey. Fisheries, bridges and other matters were taken up. Married Do Best. —According to some of the studies made by the State Health Insurance Commission the majority of the inmates of homes and almliouses are those who never ■ married. The percentage of married : persons who are public charges Is said to be small in Pennsylvania. i Want Western Lands. —Conserva-' Ition people are getting ready to back 1 an appropriation which will enable the state forestry system west of the[ [ Alleghenies to be made a counterpart' [of that In the eastern counties. There are but twp forests on the Ohio I watershed. Democrats to Meet.—The State Democratic executive committee will endeavor to get a congressional can didate in the Westmoreland-Butler district on Monday and a meeting for that purpose has been called for Pits burgh. General Richard Coulter de clined to consider running. The Re publicans meet to-day to name John M. Jamison. Scarcity of Homes Serious at York Haven York Ha von. Pa.. Feb. 15. Al though a number of new dwellings have befen erected in York Haven during the past year, and with the prospects of the building of several more this spring, a house famine is existing here. Never, as far as it is known, has there been such a scarcity of tenant dwellings. Real estate sales have been made re cently,'the purchasers being tenant dwellers, who will be obliged to vacate in the spring. A number of other sales are being considered. Dwellers who must move are seek ing residence elsewhere than York Haven. $8(16.25 FOR DOSS OF EVE Lewlstown. Pa., Feb. 15.—A deci sion rendered yesterday by Referee W. W. Champion, of Williamstown, in the case of Policeman John P. Gro, vs. the Borough of Lewistown. with the Aetna Insurance Company as carrier. The officer was awarded $866.25 workmen's compensation in surance. On the night of April 29, 1917, Officer Gro was covering his beat and in West Third street, a piece of dirt or sand blew into his eye. The eye became inflamed and he lost the sight from the irrita tion of the foreign object, going stone blind in that eye. DUWCANNON ENGINEER HOME Duncannon, Pa., Feb. 15. Wil liam Filler, a member of Company L, 23rd Engineers, 2nd Division, af ter thirteen months overseas serv ice, is spending several days here with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fuller. While on the firing line he was shot in the right foot by a machine gun bullet and was also gassed. On January 3 he ar rived in the States and was taken to a base hospital at Newport News and later to Camp Dix. N. J., where he was discharged last week. BABBISBURO TELEGRAPH NEWS OF THE LEGISLATURE GAME CODE WILL BE AMENDED But Only a Few Changes Will Be Authorized By the Legis lature This Year Although only two or three bills have appeared in the Legislature for changes in the game code which have, been given serious attention numer ous suggestions for legislatoin affect ing wild life have appeared and some are exciting a good bit of discussion. One of them is a demand, which comes from a couple of sections in the northern part of the state for payment of damages for destructoin of cattle and other property damages by bears. The state now remunerates owners of farms and orchards where it is clearly established that deer have caused damage, although the policy in recent years has been to dis courage such claims and to pay only when indisputable evidence Is found after official investigation. It is doubtful whether the deer damage provision will be made to cover bears, although some complaints whicff seem well founded have come in from time to time. Bills will soon appear to make the blackbird season from August 1 to November SO and to take the protec toin off red squirrels. No account has been taken recently of the red squir rels killed by hunters, but the ani mals have become a nuisance to farm ers and fruit growers. The game code amendments in hand which have attracted most attention are from Senattor T. L Eyre and ox tend the raccoon season until the last of February and change the bag limits on grouse and a few other birds. These changes have been back ed by many sportsmen. especially those who have been studying the sit uation and who believe that reduc tcins are imperative now. The south ern county people have been asking for the extension of the 'coon season. Thus far there has been little heard of the usual differences over season limits, between the northern and southern tiers. The bill is about ready to be pre sented giving the State Oame Com mlssc-in authority to spend not over $50,000 a year for purchase of land for game preserves with power to make reservations as to coal and oth er under surface rights. This will en able creation of a number of pre serves. There are now two auxilllary preserves. No. 1 in Clarion and No. 2 in \\ yoming and more would be cre ated if arrangements could be made. As they are not being offered the purchase of land by the state is con sidered the next best plan. | WEST SHORE Personal and Social Items of Towns on West Shore Gurney Ruby, of Water street, New Cumberland, who spent the past year at Camp Meade, Md., has been discharged and returned home yesterday. Mrs. Knaub, of New Cumberland, spent the past week with relatives at York. Harvey Bowers, who was in a hospital at New York, having been wounded in action overseas, was dis charged from the service and has returned to his hojme at New Cum berland, ENTERTAINS SENIOR CLASS Sliircmanstown, Pa., Feb. 15. Miss Elma Senseman entertained the Senior class of the Mechanicsburg High school, of which she is a mem ber, at here home in East Main street, on Wednesday evening. Fol lowing the business session the eveninpr was spent socially and re freshments were • served to Miss Helen Keller. Miss Harriet Arbe gast. Miss Edna Smith, Miss Ger trude Enck, Miss Harriet Foose, Miss Edith Fegley (Dean) all of Mechanicsburg; Miss Josephine Eve, of Camp Hill; Miss Sara Rupp, Miss Mabel Zimmerman, of Shiremans town: Robert Berkheimer, Fridley Schaffirt, of Mechanicsburg; Miss Alice Seegold, of Hill, and Miss Gladys Bitner, of Sliircmans town. VALENTINE PARTY New Cumberland, J-'eb. 15.—0n Thursday evening the Ladies' Aux iliary to the Citizens' Hose Com pany gave a delightful valentine party in the parlor of the hose house, which was prettily decorated for the occasion. Many guests were present, among whom were soldiers from the government building at Marsh Run. Games, dancing and music were enjoyed. Refreshments were served. SOLDIERS ENTERTAINED Marys vllle, Pa., Feb. 15.—A party of returned soldiers was entertained last evening at Uie home of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Roberts, Dahlan street, by Miss Emma Roberts. Those present were: Dewey Bare. James Roberts, Edgar Roberts, Harrv Deckard, Harvey Bratton, Owen Kennedy. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Donahue and Miss Emma Roberts. K. OF P. ANNIVERSARY Mnrysville. Pa., Feb. 15.—The fifty-fifth anniversary of the found ing of the order will be observed by Buehler Lodge No. 269, Knights of Pythias, with special services in the castle of the order next Friday evening. A special program has been arranged to include addresses by prominent men of the order. A banquet will be served the members and their wives later in the even ing in the Musonic temple. WEDDING AT MARYSVILLE Mttiysvillc, Pa., Feb. 15.—Miss Anna Laura Fllckinger, of. Marys vllle, and William J. Donovan, a western contractor, were married on Thursday night at the parsonage of the Trinity Reformed Church by the pastor, the Rev. Ralph E. Hart man. They will make their home here. SERMON SUBJECTS Marysville, Pa., Feb. 15. —"What Are You Doing." the third of a series of sermons on "Important Questions." will be the subject of the Rev. Ralph E. Hartman, pastor of the Trinity Reformed Church, at to morrow morning's services. "Man, a Co-laborer 'With God." will he the subject of the Rev. J. C. Relghard. pastor of the Zion Lu theran Church, at to-morrow even ing's services. BIBLE CLASS SOCIAL New Cumberland. Pa.. Feb. 15. A social hold hv the Mep's Bihle dnss of Trin'tv United Brethren Cbiireli Thlirodsv oyening wps well -♦teoded Afldrosso- we-e made h'" rt . W. HeUemnn. Sounders, of Steelton: the Rev. Mr. Hutchinson, ♦hp Rev. Avrep Rn <i Caleb Drayer. A'usiept selections were rendered by the Sunday school orchestra. MILITARY BILLS TO BE TAKEN UP Hearing Will Be Held Within the Next Week or So on Measures in Hand In all probability arrangements will be made within the next week for a hearing by the military affairs committee of the House of Represen tatives upon the bills for military training now in the hands of Chair man B. M. Golder. Three or four bills have been presented and another has been prepared by the State Board of Education with a possibility that as a result of conferences at Wash ington, Adjutant General Frank D. Beary may submit one which will em body suggestions of the War Depart ment. General Beary will have a talk within a short time with Represen tative John R. K. Scott, who present ed two bills for military training and the resolution to accept the federal arrangement for instructoin. The Scott bills were drawn after consul tatoin With George w'harton Pepper and others and the Philadelphia rep resentative says that they were pre pared so as to comply with what seems to be the plans of the national authorities. In ail probability the military train ing bills will be "related to the pro posed legislatoin for the increase of the Reserve Militia and Its eventual conversoin into the new Natoinal Guard, which are now being drafted. It is the intentoin of to get the full benefit of the experi ence cf the men who have been 'n the war and to train young men for whatever service they may be called upon. At the same time the state will give encouragement to the naval marine services as far as wished by the national government. HARRY C. GINTZER DIES Duncuiiiion. Pa., Feb. 15.—Harry C. Gintzer, aged 50 years, died at the home of his mother, Mrs. Amelia Gintzer, in South Market street, yes terday, after a long illness of tu berculosis. He is survived by his wife and six children; also a broth er. Frank Gintzer, of Harrisburg, and his mother. Funeral services will be held in the United Brethren Church Monday afternoon at 2.30. The Rev. Dr. Marks will officiate, assisted by the Rev. A. R. Ayers. BANK CASHIER ILL A\ oynonlioro. Pa., Feb. 15.—Cashier C. H. Coover, of the Waynesboro Trust Company, who has been ill at his home in Chambersburg since Jan [ uary 15, with an attack of influenza ' and other complications, is still con ] fined to bed and his condition occa j sions much anxiety for his friends. \ His duties in the bank ar e being tak en care of by the president, John G. Corbett. CITED FOR BRAVERY Wrightsville, Pa., Feb. 15. —Cap- tain Daniel B. Strickler has received a communication from France, in which the battalion his command, Co. B, 109 th Machine Gun Bat talion, received a citation from Ma jor General Muir, commander of the 2Sth Division, to which many local and Columbia boys are attached. Sergeant Charles Myers, Private Roy Young, Private Paul 11. Leh man and Private David Kissner. all Wrightsville boys, are members of the named battalion. LOCAL MARKETS Prices in local produce markets this morning include: Green pep pers, 8-10; onions, 20; eggplant, 20- 35; cranberries, 30; celery (Fla.) 15- 20; celery (home), 5-15; lettuce, 15- 25; coeoanuts. 15-20; strawberries, $1; new cabbage. 40; redbeets, 8; cauliflower, 20-60; turnips, 20; sweet potatoes, 30; apples, 60; but ter, 60-65; dried corn. 25; lima beans, 10; chicken (dressed) 45; chicken (live), 33-35; watercress, 10; eggs. 45; lemons, 2 for 5• oranges, 30-60. SOLDIER RETURNS Lewistown. p a ., Feb. 15. Mrs. Walter Carothers heard from her husband every week from the time we went abroad as a private in the army last spring until the 26tli of November, when the letters ceased to come. Yesterday she received a message from New York, notifying her that he has arrived safely in that city. Suburban Notes MERCERSBURG Thieves broke into H. L. Len her's photographic gallery on Wed nesday evening and stole a camera and a supply of photographic sup plies. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Harsh are confined to the house on account of sickness. John Keller, of Carlisle, visited his parents. Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Kel ler. this week. Walter K. Myers is ill at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. 31. Myers. Irvin Crider, of Chambersburg, formally connected with the Inter national Harvester Company, of Harrisburg, has been engaged for the season by A. V. Rinehart, man ager of the Mercer Supply Company , r ?V /' Cri,J er will be in charge OL the form machine department. WICONISCO I A centenary supper was held in the basement of the Methodist Episcopal Church last evening un der the auspices of Mrs. John J. Hunts Sunday school class. Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Coles an nounce the marriage of their daugh ter, Llda, to Louis Miller, of Wil liamstown. Mrs. Olive Carpenter has return ed to Reading after spending Rev mon,hs nt the home of Mrs. William H. Williams. Mary Schoffstall, of Harrisburg, spent the latter part of the week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam E. Schoffstall. George Slerer has returned home after visiting his sister, in Jersey City. Misses Amelia Seig and Mildred Koppenhaver called on Charles Deibier and family at Elizabethville Sunday. The Rev. George Gaskill, of Buck nell University, will preach in the Baptist Church to-morrow. Harry Holing and family, of Min ersville, are visiting at the home of George Witmer. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Meyer, of Tower City, spent Sunday with John H. Thomas. Miss Ruth Bender spent the lat ter part of the week with her par ents at Dillsburg. Df. Ira F. Keiter, of Philadelphia, is the guest of his father, Dr. I. A. Keiter. Miss Maude Davis, of Philadel phia, is visiting her mother, Mrs. Jane Davis. Miss Florence Hensel is spending several weeks with her sister, Mrs. Raymond Stewart, at Philadelphia. DEFECTS FOUND AMONG DRAFTEES Need of Better Physical Edu cation Demonstrated by Health Insurance Probe The fact that forty-six per cent of the manhood of Pennsylvania be tween the ages of twenty-one and thirty-one summoned under the draft had to be rejected because of physical defects is brought out by the report of the Pennsylvania State Health Insurance Commission, which has asked to be continued for a general study of the situation. The Commission study covers con ditions all over, the State and was made under authority of an act of 1917, the members beinjf Senators E. E. Beidlemftn, now Lieutenant governor, Charles W. Sones and James B. Weaver and Representa tives William T. Ramsey, Isadore Stern and John M. Flynn and Wil liam Flinn, Dr. John B. McAlister and William Draper Lewis. The commission submits numer ous tables, one showing that the State has a high death rate; another that infant mortality in Philadel phia for 1917 was higher than for the same period in New York and other large cities and worse than the average of the registration areas which was 101 per 1,000 and industrial accidents. Taking 1916 the commission finds that the 255,616 industrial accidents in Pennsylvania caused loss of 3,- 025,371 working days and that sick ness caused loss of over 16,000,000 days. It is estimated that the aver age loss in that year was six days for each person working. Refer ence is made to the influenza out break as having caused terrible losses, anthracite coal production being cited. It is claimed that the State does not average over five hos pital beds for each 1,000 population and that the supply of medical men is not sufficient. The comment is made that the deaths from occupational diseases are increasing, more than seventy nine per cent, of the workers who died in 1916 having succumbed to diseases connected with their em ployment, while it is claimed that defects in many school children are curable. The surveys made were in Phila delphia, Pittsburgh and other places and it is held that they should be made state-wide. Expects Conference at Princes' Islands Will Return Troops Washington, Feb. 15. —Prediction that the iy-oposed conference at Princes' Islands between representa tives of the victorious associated na tions and the various contending Russian factions would result in an agreement for withdrawal from Rus sia of American and allied troops, was made in the Senate yesterday by- Senator Hitchcock, chairman of the foreign relations committee, during another spirited debate on the American policy towards Russia. Senator Hitchcock said he be lieved all the foreign expeditions in Russia would "come out together" under an agreement with the Rus sian representatives which would prevent "butchery" of troops left in Russia which have been friendly to the allies. Discussion of the Russian situa tion was opened by Senator John son, of California, Republican, who asked for immediate action on his resolution which would put the Sen ate on record as favoring withdrawal of the American Russian expedition as soon as practicable. TRAINS ANNULLED Eats ward movements of trains on the New Portage branch have been annulled, only westward trains be ing handled at present. These are being dispatched from Altoona, as the dispatcher's office at Hollidays burg was closed this week. Crews are sent from Altoona to their trains for the Pittsburgh division. RESIGNS POSITION H. D. Brackney, 914 James street, liak _ resigned'his position with the Har'rlsburg Graving and Welding Company and will leave to-morrow for Washington where he has ac cepted a position with the Willys- Overland Company. NEURALGIA A or Headache — Rub the forehead and temples 'with NEW PRICES ...30c, 60c, *1.20 Nearly All Dealers Sell It Don't Catch Cold •ad allow it to run into Pneumonia. At the ty •nitfle, sneeze, tore throat or headache take tome Saifo-Quinme' tablet* to break up yof cold in a faw hoar*. No fUngßiom Calomel and no bad head affect* a* wheaquiaine it taken alone. ALL iIDOQISTS Geo. A. Gorans' 3 Store*. Harriihwt, ft. Iniluenza f irf , , . 3 Stores (or a box ■of King a Antiseptic Catarrh Cream. It open, up the he.d and allow, free I hreath'ng. Wonderful re.ult.—Kills : germ.—Heals sore ipembrMM, FEBRUARY 15, 1919. SCHOOL SYSTEM NEEDS SHAKEJJP Auditor General Snyder Says Trend 'is Against Rural Men 'Auditor General Charles A. Sny der not only intends to ask the leg islature to enact a new minimum salary law, but to indicate some places where he believes the State of Pennsylvania's educational sys tem has not advanced with the needs of the time. Mr. Snyder said that he would arrange during the coming,week with legislators to dis cuss the new minimum salary and that he thought the time had come when the school system of the State should make better provision for sons of men of moderate means. "The plan for a new minimum salary which I shall advocate is for teachers who have taught three j years. It should be SSOO for those j teaching a seven months term and S6OO for those teaching nine mouths." said Mr. Snyder. "We have got to look at this thing on a business basis, considering the State's revenue and the situation that will soon arise in the rural dis tricts. . "Now X do not want to engage in anything sensational, but I do think that in spite of all that we have heard our educational system in Pennsylvania needs a change. To my mind the common school sys tem now does not give the son of a poor man a chance to become a professional man. Educators have been showing a trend toward theo ries, many of which are not work able. In my opinion there should be a higher standard of grammar schools and a boy leaving them should be fitted to become an in telligent and skilled artisan or me chanic. "Now, just let me say this: If the present system is not changed in ten years there won't be any rural physicians in Pennsylvania. Peo ple of moderate means can not af ford to send their sons to schools for ten years to fit them to prac tice and those who do make the out lay of money and time will turn to the cities. This is another thing we must consider." Rabbi Haas Favors League of Nations Rabbi I.ouis J. Haas, at Ohev Sholom Temple, last evening spoke on the "Value of the League of Nations." Rabbi Haas declared that the league would bring about a world organization for peace and democracy that would have been impossible five years ago. He point ed out the difference between the present trend of public opinion and the forces which formerly worked for autocracy. A realization of the league, said the Rabbi, would spell the end of persecution and oppression of the Jews. Rabbi Haas announced that Dr. Robert Ragnell, pastor of Grace Methodist Church, would speak in the synagogue next Friday evening. FARMER DIES OX ROAII | \VnyneNboro, Pa., Feb. 15.— George I Amos Oiler, a well known farmer tn I the vicinity of Ringgold, died sud denly in his buggy while driving along the road leading from the state road to Welty's church. yesterday morning. He was fifty-eight years of age. His son, Elmer Oiler, was driving some cattle on the road and his father was following him in a team. His son gazed around and no- I ticed his father to drop back In the buggy. He ran to his aid but death had over taken him. He is survived by his wife and several children. DEMOBILIZATION SPEEDS IIP Washington, Feb. 15.—The Navy Department made public today a list of twenty-five vessels now being fitted out to supplement the trans port services in bringing back to America troops. All but two of them are scheduled to be in that service by March 18. indicating the speeding up of the flow of returning troops that is to be expected. WIFE INITIATE CLASS Mount Wolf, Pa., Feb. 15. A class of nineteen candidates will be initiated in Saginaw Camp, P. O. S. of A., on Monday night. The ini tiation work will be conferred by camp. No. 42, P. O. S. of A. M// i You should make a will, and when you make it, f be careful in the selection of an executor. You have no assurance that an individual executor named by you will live to carry out your plans. By far the most efficient and economical method is to appoint a Trust Company and know that your affairs will be in experienced hands and that your executor will see it through. This is an important matter to you and one on which we would like to advise you. MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM Noted Orator to Speak Before People's Forum Henry Lincoln Jphnson, former re'corder of deeds at Washington, one of the leading colored orators of the country, will be the speaker at the People's Forum in the Wesley A. M. E. Church, Forster street, to morrow afternoon at three o'clock. He was educated at the University of Michigan and the University o(J Michigan Law School. BOILERMAKERS STAY OLT San Ernnclaco, Feb. 15. Several thousand Oakland boilermakers who* are on strike for higher wages last night refused to return to work as requested by their international of ficers on pain of loss of their union •cards. The men are seeking higher wages than allowed them under the recent Macy award. Their employers have refused to negotiate with them, as have Federal officials, while they continue on strike. State of Ohio, City of Toledo, Lucas County—ss. Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he is senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney & Co., doing business in the City of Toledo, County and State aforesaid, and that said firm will psr the sum of ONE HUNbUKP POLLERS for any cpse of Cuts nil tnat cannot be cured by tha use of HALLS CATARRH MEDICINE. FRANK J. CHENEY. . Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence, this 6th day of December, A. D. 1886. (Seal) A. W. Gleason, Notary Public. ' HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE is taken internally and acts through the Blood on the Mucous Surfaces of the System. Druggists 75c. Testimonials free. F. J.(Cheney & Co.. Toledo, Ohio. SATISFYING RELIEF FROM LUMBAGO Sloan's Liniment has the punch that relieves rheumatic twinges This warmth-giving, congestion scattering, circulation - stimulating remedy PENETRATES WITHOUT RUBBING right to the aching spot and brings quick relief, surely, cleanly. A wonderful help for ex ternal pains, sprains, strains, stiff ness, headache, lumbago, bruises. Get your bottle today—costs little, means much. Ask your druggist for. it BY NAME. Keep it handy for the whole family. The big bottle Is economy. 30c, 60c, $1.20 ICUTICURA HEALS-1 RAM BODY Skin Sore and Red. Itching and Could Not Sleep. "My whole body was broken out in red rash. The skin was sore and red, causing me to irritate the eruption by scratching,and when rayclothes began to get warm it caused me to break out more, and the itching was worse. I could not sleep. "This lasted about two months. Then I used Cuticuat Soap and Oint ment, and when Thad used two cakes of Cuticura Soap and two boxes of Cuticura Ointment I was healed." (Signed) Mrs. E. Nordsick, Box 196, Holtwood, Pa., April 6, 1918. With an apparent tendency to skin . troubles you should use these fragrant super-creamy emollients for all toilet purposes. They present as well as preserve, purify and beautify. Bu.pl. Euh Frw by Mail. Address pnst-rsrd: "CetlMTB. Up. ■, lo.es" Sold srsrywhsre. Soap 2te. Ointment X and Me. Talcum ate. W*% A Throo I . T" *o ■I I I raduoa 1 PtiticuUri mailedliree to any address. HallCbem, Co. DcQt.o-SQ.St. Loui. Mo. 7