Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, February 15, 1919, Page 6, Image 6

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Founded 18S1
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TVs hand folks over to God's mercy
and shoio none ourselves. George i
: I
THERE appears to be a vital
weakness in the constitution
of the proposed League of
Nations as latd down by President
V/ilson yesterday in that clause j
which provides that the members of i
the League pledge themselves to
limit their armaments, wltile Ger
many and Russia, outside the
League, may pile up armament upon
armament without leave or hin
drance, So far as can bo seen, there
to \ provent these two j
bullies among the nations, these
outlawed countries, to say nothing
of Austria, from doing precisely as
Germany did before. They are not
bound by any agreements. They can |
build armies and navies to their!
hearts' coAtem and nobody to say J
theny .......
But, it may be said, the members,
of the League may enlarge their!
armies to a degree sufficient to j
guarantee self-protection. Very
well, then, what becomes of dis
armament with the League compet
ing with Germany or Russia in
order to preserve the military bal
With the object of the proposed
organization there can be no debate,
but as to how it would work out in
actual practice Americans must be
permitted to have their doubts, and
there appears to be much difference
of opinion as to whether or not the
League as outlined has the approval
of the citizenship of the country.
We have stood apart from European
politics so long and national isola
tion has been such an important
principle of our underlying diplom
acy that we must be excused if we
do not thro.w it overboard without a
thought or two as to what its aban
donment will mean.
The President has been the chief
sponsor of the league at the Peace
Conference, but, as was demonstrat
ed at the last elections, the Presi
dent is no longer the spokesman of
a majority of his countrymen. The
next Congress, which must pass upon
the peace treaty and approve the
League of Nations, if we are to go
into the organization, will doubtless
have something to say on the sub
It is not at all certain that the
new Senate will vote to make the
United States army a police force for
the settlement of every dispute that
shall arise in the years to come
among the quarrelsome people of the
Balkans or other European states.
Nor Is it clear, at first glance, that the
other provisions of the league con
stitution are all as workable and as
desirable as the President be
lieves them to be. it is well
that Mr. Wilson announced the
proposed constitution- before his re
turn from Europe. If will give public
opinion time to crystallize and he will
be In better positioij to Judge the
temper of the people and of Con
gress before he goes back, if a mind
so arbitrary cares for such enlighten
DEMOCRATS In Congress are
gradually realizing the dangers
involved in the policy of
wholesale internationalism advo
cated by the President. A
few days ago Senator Weeks,
of Massachusetts, introduced a
resolution calling upon the De
partment of State to inform the
Senate what steps. If any, have been
taken to Yequeet the British Gov
ernment to modify or suspend its
embargo, which has been so injuri
ous to American trade and indus
try. Senator James Hamilton
of Illinois, found it necessary,
because of protests from his con
stituents to back up the Weeks
resolution, as also did Senator Hoko
smith, of Georgia. Smith declared
♦bat "while we are expressing our
rood feelings toward the people of
all lands, we must realize that the
first duty of a government is to its
own people."
And yet the Democrats in Con
gress have remained silent while
the President is committing this na
tion, or "attempting to commit it, to
a policy of internationalism in which
the interests of our people will be
subordinated to the supposed wel
fare of the rest of the people of
the earth. Under the proposed pol
icy of internationalism it will be
for the people of other nations to
determine what is best for the ma
jority. and we must gracefully sub
mit or be placed in the position o
repudiating an agreement.
Republicans are for Amer ca
First" all the time. The Democrats
►are for "Internationalism ll " s • I
except when some local interes o
their constituents impels them o
make some specific protest a„ain
some local injury. And so it 'was
in dealing with the tariff. Repu i i
cans were for protection to a
American industries, in all sec ions
of the country. Many Democra s
were for protection where it e P e
their peculiar interests, but hey
were for free trade as a general
principle and put the present ree
trade law on the statute boo s.
Democrats are for Nationalism
when some local Interest causes
their constituents to appeal to tnem
in large numbers, but they are or
Internationalism as a general pnn
ciple and will back up the Presi
dent in surrendering coinP c
American sovereignty to the un
known powers of a League o • -
tions. That is the difference be
tween Republicanism and Democ
racy. .
he conference on housing sit
the Penn-Harris yesterday de
veloped that fact that even
those who most recognize the need
of improvement differ widely in their
views or are admittedly at sea as
how best to solve the complicated
Just how we may proceed to lift I
the poorest of our poor from their
miserable surroundings is. indeed, a
question that is of shamefully stag
gering proportions, so grossly have
we Ignored the function of provid
ing proper homes for all our peo-!
pie. But a good beginning can be
made by getting a housing bill
through the legislature, with teeth
sharp and strong enough to nip
painfully the real estate shark who
is trying to make miserable hovels
pay him twenty-five to thirty per
cent, a year in rentals, regardless
of the health and morals of his ten
ants and of the evil effects upon so
ciety in general.
The objection will be raised that
by so doing we will force the tenant
to pay rentals which he cannot af
ford. There is more foolishness
than fact in this oft-repeated asser
tion of those reactionaries who pro
fess to believe "that housing is a
mere question of supply and de
mand and must be left to solve it
self in each community," to quote
one of the largest real estate holders.
The small house can be built with
ample light and air, and with prop
er facilities for decent living almost
as cheaply house to which
no attention is paid except that It
shall have a roof, floor and sides.
But if common, unskilled labor can
not afford decent homes, then there
is something wrong with our whole
system, for certainly it must be ad
mitted that every good American,,
whatsoever his abilities, is entitled
to live in comfort and in wholesome
surroundings. Society for its own
protection must come to a realiza
tion of this fact. The Bcplshevist is
not developed in respectable homes
where contented people reside. He
is a creature of the slums. Remove
the slum and Bolshevism will have
no nesting place in America.
The Legislature has a big op
portunity before it in this respect.
It can compel cities to do what
local authorities, for one reason or
another, refuse to do. It can write
on the statute books of the Com
monwealth mandates against real es
tate profiteering at the expense of
thousands of helpless people. It can
enact such laws as will make our
cities fit places in which to live.
Right here in Harrisburg there are
conditions that are well-nigh intol
erable. Our housing evils were re
sponsible for the high death rate
from influenza here last fall. The
disease first began to manifest itself
where housing conditions were the
worst, and rapidly spread to all sec
tions of the city. The epidemic was
no respector of persons, but the fact
remains that where the living con
ditions were poorest the death rate
was highest. There is apparently
no remedy outside of State regula
tion. Tho Legislature has not hesi
tated to make the employer provide
safe and healthful Conditions for his
workers, and Jierj- properly so. It
cannot consistently hesitate to legis
late so that the homes of these
workers shall be as sanitary and as
Inviting as the places In which they
I earn their daily bread.
The President continues to get pa
ternalism mixed up with patriotism.
THE rapid promotion of General
March, our chief of staff, from
colonel to genernl in less than
| two years is now explained. He was
j the brilliant chief of the expedition
that captured Aguinaldo's wife.
If it is finally determined to have
an international police force. It is to
be hoped It will not be built upon the
Pennsylvania third class city model.
By the Ex-Committeeman jj
About the Capitol it is generally
regarded that Governor Sproul's re
mark that he did not think that tho
State primary system should be
changed except in regard to the
nonpartisan judicial system means
that few of the numerous election
law changes in hand will be even
reported out of committee. Tho
compulsory voting bill is meeting
with opposition from rural members,
who contend that some times it is
impossible by reason of Wfather or
pressure of farm work for farmers
to vote, while there is a disposition
to go slow on changes which would
| be more advantageous to cities than
smaller communities.
tine of the bills which is favorea
is that from Senator .Marshall Phipps
for a change in the corrupt prac
tices act which would relievo candi
dates or treasurers of committees not
receiving any money and not making
disbursements from necessity of til
ing statements. Every year formal
statements have to be filed by can
didates who either do not spend a
cent or less than $5. Expenditures
under SSO need not be filed in detail.
The name of Dr. C. J. Marshall,
state veterinarian, now in United
States service is being mentioned for
a change in the department of agri
—The Philadelphia Press says ed
itorially:—"Senator Knox gets a
Presidential boom from his neigh
bors in Pittsburgh by whom he is
personally best known. Nobody can
guess what the situation will be a
year hence, but if the contest in
the national convention is to be one
of favorite sons—and that now looks
probable—Pennsylvania will have a
favorite son who measures up to all
the requirements, and we shall not
tamely consent to be forever penal
ized by the party on account of pur
great Republican majorities."
—Mayor E. V. Babcock of Pitts
burgh has gone to Florida to join
his father, aged 85, who has been
there for soome time convalescing
from a recent illness. The Council
men at Pittsburgh, agreed not to
pass important legislation for a week
or so. Under the law bills passed
by Council become law in ten days
without the signature of the Mayor,
consequently ordinances to which
the Mayor might be opposed could
be passed and become effcctivte dur
ing Mr. Babeock's absence. It was
for this reason he asked the Coun
cilmanic Finance Committee not to
take action on legislation which he
ought to have an opportunity to
pass opinion upon, and the commit
tee readily acceded to his request.
Considerable thought is being giv
en by members of the Legislature
to the problems attending revision
of the constitution and there is no
question but that Governor Sprout's
plan for a commission to make a
study and recommend revision is
very popular. There are some ambi
tious members who have been sub
mitting bills for commissions to
make studies, for elections and for
holding a constitutional convention
without waiting until the governor
makes up his mind. During the
coming week the governou and at
torney general will decide upon the
scope of the constitution changes.
If the constitution is to be changed
in the Sproul term the convention*
will be provided for in the legislation
to be drawn up by the attorney gen
eral. The governor has not yet In
dicated how he' feels on the subject.
—Governor Sproul's statement on
the Kooser appointment to the ju
dicial vacancy in Somerset is taken
to be notice to factions in various
counties to get together before they
come to Harrisburg seeking appoint
ments. There are counties where
every suggestion is sure to be an
tagonized and the governor evidently
thinks such matters should be com
posed before they reach Harrisburg.
Probably he means to give a gentle
hint to people in Philadelphia who
are agitating charter revision and
third class city law discussers.
—The fact that Idaho abolished
the direct primal y was not lost on
legislators who remained here for
the week end.
Discovery by Clearfield county
legislators that the Alexander bill
to increase salaries of judges and
reported out by the House judiciary
general committee, was amended in
committee to leave out their county
has caused some stir here over the
week-end. Originally the bill al
lowed counties having more than
90,000 population to share in the
raise. The amendment makes 100,-
000 population the limit and Clear
field with 93,000 is left out. The
Brady bill, which provides increases
for the Judges of the appellate and
Philadelphia and Allegheny courts
is still in committee. The Alex
ander bill affects only counties be
tween 100,000 and £OO,OOO popula
" Alexander's bill would raise to
slo,doo the salaries of the Judges in
Luzerne, Schuylkill, Westmoreland,
Lackawanna, which are now in the
38,500 class; Berks, Fayette. Lan
t-aster, Washington, Montgomery
and Cambria now in the SB,OOO list"
Blair, Chester, Erie, Lehigh. North 1
umberland, York and Northampton
now in the $7,000, while other dis
trict salaries would go from $6,000
to $7,000 and Clearfield stays at
Dauphin county would rank with
York and Northampton and its
judges get the additional compen
sation allowed for handling state
1 cases.
[ THE 4TH 0F JULY AT THE 19TH HOLE .... .... ....
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Move Against Non-Partisan
(Wilkes-Barre Record)
The Harrisburg correspondent of
the Record throws some light upon
the various movements for a change
of the- election laws of the Common
wealth. He takes it for granted that
Ocvei nor Sproul's opposition to legis
lation doing away with the primaries
finally disposes of that proposition.
He is iiuite us certain that the hill
repealing the non-partisan law relat
ing to the judiciary will go through,
and he states that the abolition of
the whole non-partisan plan eouid be
accomplished if the third clas3 cities
would agree to it.
A majority of the third class cities
will not advocate legislation which
would moan a return to tue old party
contention. The correspondent takes
up the aigument ot those who insist
that the non-partisan law has not
been productive of good administra
tion and he says that *
ing that better men could be seouied
If party responsibility were re-csiab
""•fhere is nothing to bear out this
argument of the repeal advocates.
Son-partisanship has been a faiiuie
and a farce as applied to the nomin
ation and election of Supreme Court
Justices and Suprior Court
because these otfH.ca h*V e n 2"
aroused much publio interest and thc
candidates, as a rule. th l V nier h
i" entile 1 y a *diflterent with municipal
officers! The cltizcns of thc varlous
municipalities are deeply interest . u
in local elections and hc> have
SralffeVVnce'Vhether the
faiths,—not a bit more * h * orpora tion.
itics of tiie directors ghlp in
The advantage ofnonpaia d
before the P*°P le^ f ten th-rate ward
leave of a ot . his mcr its
politicians and o l 'Sa non by the whole
enacted or non -partlsan
both partisanship ana nor
t A H bpt^r 4 under°*the
old eS plan, V °tlietr experience may be
usually me ® in city has been far
iS -nljfcu£ under Hie
V h ITHo U !-ra;y^Ahe^^.;^y
should be no cnanß non-partisan
attempt to eliminate JJ, ld
" *
of the municipalities.
Nearly 200,000 women'are em
ployed n the factories in Canada.
All the steel industries in Cleve
land. Ohio, are being organized.
The Corporation of Sunderland,
Eng. has been paying *390,000 a
year in war bonuses.
Fnlted Brewery Workers"* in
Pottsviile, Pa., are an
increase in wages of *1 a da).
One of the newest war industries
in England is the manufacture of
dog wool into wearing garments.
Nineteen miners in Staffordshire.
Fng were ordered to pay fines and
damages for neglect of work.
The International Union of Iron
Molders, with its 423 locals, now
has a membership of over 00,000.
Women primer workers in New
port R. I-r h ave organized, which
is the first union of women in that
The Trades and Labor Council of
Derry Ireland, has made a de
mand for a 54-hour working week.
Janitors In Poland want a 10-hour
day with the front doors closed at
9 o'clock In the evening.
V local Of the American Federa
tion of Miwldetf lß has been formed
with thirty members in Pensacola,
The Actors' Association in En
gland has decided to go into liqui
dation and tbecome reconstructed as
a trade union.
Molders and paternmakers In An
ntst'on, Ala., have been granted an
eight-hour day with an Increase In
pay. ,
Great Britain during 1918 built
some 1,245 vessels of 1,876,411 ag
gregate tons, including naval and
merchant ships.
Nottingham, Eng., is threatened
with a stoppage of the lace Industry
owing to the demand of workers for
increased pay. v
Many of the soldiers returning
from the camps decline to re-enter
the mines In the anthracite coal re
gions of Pennsylvania.
Shall We Have Sunday Shows
To the Editor of the Telegraph:
A cry for this and more has gone
forth in a bill Introduced into the
State Senate. Just about the same
time a paper in a neighboring state
prints a ringing editorial entitled,
"Our Sunday Shows." They have
been trying the scheme out and the
editorial calls on the ministry to
"get out in the open, roll up their
sleeves, and cry aloud."
What is the matter with ''our
great country anyway? and with
the leadership which the ministry
of 100 years ago exercised? We
believe that in the necessary em
phasis that has been laid upon the
separation of church and state we
have been very largely led by the
arch deceiver of mankind to imagine
that we must separate religion from
politics, and that out of this has
sprung the shrinking of the min
istry from playing the true man's
part in the political world, giving
advantage to the enemy. In other
words, "the Prince of this world"
has led us to act as though we must
practically shut God out of political
affairs. If God is God we dare do
this only at our peril. He is the
most real personage In the world
and His law the only unerring law;
and It is binding on every man
whether he acknowledges his re
sponsibility to obey or not.
j The cry for Sunday shows of any
i sort is never backed up by any ref
j erence to God's claim upon His own
j day, but only for the gratillcation of
I selfish appetites and desires of a
| purely bodily or mental character,
Las if that? was all there is of Mart,
j The needs of the REAL man are
f ne\er referred to.
j Arguing for the bill referred to,
! the Public Ledger insidiously says,
j "This bill goes no farther than the
j legislation of harmless and educa
) tional entertainments, music lec
| tures, etc.—on Sundays." Of coufse
jit does not say that a thing that
I may be "harmless" and even "edu
j cational" at one time may not be
harmless on another. We know
this well when it comes to the body.
Warm rolls are beneficial under
health conditions, but have been
known to kill a sick man.
Since the Creator set the Sabbath
apart at creation as His own in a
peculiar sense, and at the giving of
the Law on Sinai thundered "Re
member the Sabbath day to keep
it holy," It Is what He has to say
i about it tliat must concern both the
private citizen and the law-maker,
and not public opinion or public
clamor even. Public opinion is a
dangerous thing unless moulded by
His righteous law, as witness Aaron
and the golden calf. Our country
will never be "safe for Democracy"
until we recognize that Almighty
God is the very first person to be
consulted in all legislation and that
the political party that will not give
Him proper recognition Is not a
party to be trusted with the reins
of government.
In view ofwhat God has done in
the Great War Just coming to a
close, it is incumbent upon the Min
istry of thq King of kings to sound
the trumpet calling men to this po
sition. We must not blind our eyes
to the fact that it was this drifting
away from God, trampling His day
underfoot In "the Continental Sun
day," and letting the will of man
governmentally: supplant the will
of God, that brought the recent
catastrophe upon Germany and
through her upon the whole world
and us In It. We must not blind our
eyes to the fact that, as a nation,
wc have been drifting fast in the
same direction. If we continue to
"drift" it will be only a matter of
time until we drift upon the break
ers. Further eneroachme'nt upon
this Day should be resisted both
as a patriotic and a Christian duty.
Sincerely yours,
"To protect himself against the
high price," Mr. Armour is quoted,
"the consumer can quit eating meat"
—just as If the vogetable trust
wouldn't raise rates on him!— From
the Atlanta Constitution.
World Safe For Breakfast
With eggs, butter and bacon going
down, it begins to look as though
the world might eventually bo made
safo for breakfast.—From the San
Antonio Light.
Bravest Are the Most Modest
To the Editor of the Telegraph:, *
In a late Issue of The Telegraph,
the 13th, I was very much inter
ested and exceedingly attracted to
Mrs. Lula A. Hartvveli's, reply to
one "Ann Clark Urmston." The
very complete in Its self and so
fully covered the ground on any
thing. 1 could say on that partic
ular subject that it is entirely un
necessary for one more word to bo
added except to say that I fully
endorse her sentiments on the mat
ter in every particular. As a child
1 was always very patriotic and a
great admirer of our beloved Lin
coln as well as all truly great men
of their day, and if we stop to con
sider it is only the truly great after
all who never seek for notoriety or
display but are the most humble
and unassuming, and remembering
our late lamented American Hero —
Theodore Roosevelt—that way as I
understood—he requested to be laid
away after death with no display,
reminds mo forcibly of the funeral
of our late Brevet Major General
Galusha Pennyp'ackcr (jvho was
confirmed a U. S. A. brigadier and
brevet major general at the age of
22 years), a friend of our family
and at whose funeral 1 attended
about two years ago. He requested
a simple affair with no military
display, disappointing his many G.
A. R. friends who were there, but.
when, just before his casket was
carried ouf (on its way to laurel
Hill cemetery) it was draped with
a fine large silk flag of his country,
my disappointment was somewhat
abated. He was the youngest gen
eral of the Army of the Potomac,
having entered in his nineteenth
year and at Fort Fisher, where he
received his terrible wounds and
suffered for over fifty years, living
with his "orderly" and one servant,
retired from the outside world, as
it were, and never wanting to speak
of his-bravery or exploits—uncom
plaining and comparatively little
known except Iji the wonderful 97th
Regiment. And yet this youngest,
bravest, most modest and the most
courteous of great and good men,
born in the historic locality of Val
ley Forge—in a house occupied by
our illustrious Washington during
a portion of the time his troops
were encamped in that vicinity, and
where so many privations were en
countered and hardships endured,
calculated to impress the very soil
With fitting influences for the nur
ture of Tuture patriots.
Advises Getting Together
[From the Pittsburgh Dispatch]
Sir Robert Hadlield, head of Had.
field's, Limited, the great steel con
cern of Sheffield, England, has Just
issued a pamphlet in which lie tells
his fellow British manufacturers in
all industries that If they vvtil, listen
to his advice and follow his lead
they will get around many economic
obstacles at present blocking their
several paths. Sir Robert is discuss
ing the labor situation in Europe,
and after patriotically regretting the
threatening nature of the case, ven
tures to inform his colleagues among
the manufacturing industries that if
they will meet their employes in the
right spirit the demonism in the
present problem will be laid. The
Sheffield steel master remarks .that
one does not need to be a wage
worker to know that industrial em
ployes have not been dealt with just
ly in Great Britain. This opens the
way for his second leading remark
that the time seems to be hero when
the industrial worker must be given
a square deal, and that the easiest
and quickest—and best way, in his
opinion—is for manufacturers and
workers to get together and talk
over their case. The result, he pre
dicts, will be an agreement which
will satisfy both sides at least for
the time.
Then Sir Robert offers his ad
vice. The common answer of man
ufacturers to the current demands
of industrial workers is that British
industry cannot stand up under the
terms demanded. The answer to
that, he replies, is in the practice of
Hadfleld's. Limited, which for twen
ty years , have been operating prac-.
tically under the identical terms
asked for at present by British la
bor. He offers to give all the facts
and processes to any manufacturer
who is in doubt or who has made up
Ms mind that the conditions can
not be met. In conclusion. Sir Rob
ert suggests that manufacturers and
employes in all Industries join in a
request to the peace conference
founding the society of nations to
tnc'udo In Its constitution figures for
a maximum work day and a mini
mum wnge srnle to be onerative the
world over. This will take out of all
controversies the question of hours
of labor, leaving only the matter of
ae.tunl dollnrs and rents to be dis
cussed. As an exnorent of advanced
liberalism 4n Industry. Sir Robert
seems to have no serious opposition
In England. I
FEBRUARY 15, 1919.
Bonl & Liveright, publishers of the
popular Modern Library are offering
a substantial prize for a design that
will be udoptod by thein for the lin
ing paper of the books in this series.
This competition is being advertised
in the various art journals, and the
Judges are J. Herbert Duckworth,
artist and correspondent of the News
paper ' Enterprise Association, Louis
J. Bdche, an artist who was recently
in the Camouflage Department of the
United States Navy, and Horace \
Liveright. All designs are to be de
livered before March first. Further
particulars regarding this corapeti
ticn will be supplied by the publish
How many people know that the
"words of "On the Banks Njf the Wa
bash" were written by Theodor
Dreiser? A groat many lnterest'ng
things about Dreiser's earl, life, his
apprenticeship as a newspaper re
porter, his experience in editing
magazines, etc., will be found in his
new book "Twelve Men" which is to
be published by Boni & Liveright in
March. This book is not a collection
of short stories or sketches, but
something entirely new. It is a
colorful, dramatic panorama of real
life. The twelve men are real iigures
In American life and many people will
guess whd they were and are.
A recent announcement from Toki >
draws attention to the fact that one
of the most read books on political
subjects in Japan is "Principles of
Constitutional Government," by
Frank J. Goodnow. in this book
published by the Harpers, is given
a comprehensive statement of the
subject, clearly and interestingly
written. The author, an authority rn
international law, has taken for dis
cussion many sides of his topic: The
South African Union: Federal Govern
ment in Canada; Federal Government
in Australia; Federal Government in
the United States before the Civil
War, being some of the themes on
which he lias discoursed in "Princi
ples of Constitutiona 1 Government."
Francis Bowes Snyre, whose new
book, "Experiments in International
Administration" is one of the new
Harper publications, savs that the
main reason for the failures of past
leagues of nations is founded essen
tially upon injustice. "The * peace
settlements of the past." ho says,
"have all been founded 011 purely
selfish interests, whether dynastic or
national; and they have had as their
end in view the guarantee of specific
territorial arrangements Either tha:.
the guarantee of international justice
and law i 8 general principles to be
impartially applied. Jf , he ( realy
of liHj is to succeed where others
have failed, it must be founded upon
the broad interests of peoples." In
"Experiments in Ihternational Ad
ministration." Mr. Say re has mad e a
study, not done before in any country
of the more recent experiments -In
forming a league of nations.
* P r ' . n ? bo . rt S " Fr nks. whoso eru
dite study in two volumes "A His
tory of the Doctrines of the Work of
Christ, has Just been issued bv
George H. Dorun Company, is a
graduate of St. John's College, Cam
id^®- a theological lecturer at
the hriends Settlemnt for religious
and Social Study at Woodbrooke
Birmingham, England
There is a nimiety, a too-much-
Table-Talk?' 1 Germans — l Coleridge,
There s still too much too-muchness
Assertive such-as-suchness,
Complacent over-Dutchness
r, Li Germa n thought and act;
Both root and branch need thinninc
Blsmarckian discipfining—
If left to think they're winning.
They will have won in fact!
They must be taught the blunder
Of legalizing plunder.
And should be taught it under
The victiris whom they robbed.
What is there harsh or spiteful
In yielding to the rightful
The taming of the frightful
Who struck them when they sobbed?
Why should wo given a button
That wolf should lack his fnutton?
It's only fair a glutton
Should tighten up his belt
Have done with mush and twaddle;
No conscience-stricken model
Strayer for saints to. coddle.
This shark of Lys and Scheldt!
—ln the New York Times.
.. >V ... . ...
.A/i Underestimate
The fellows who voted against
suffrage might have thought they
knew all the mean things the wom
en could say.—From the Indian
apolis News.
Stoning (Elfat
It is a matter of interest in th
time when forestry propositions a
being so much discussed to lcai
that Dauphin county "lias an exce
lent chance to become one of tl
important forest reserve sectio:
and that if plans of state offlcia
are workable the Haldeman reser
of about 4,000 acres of woodland
the mountain ridges of the Dyke
district will be tripled in size. The
are not many people who know th
Dauphin county has an importa
forest reserve, it Is located ju
south of the mining towns at
east of Elizabethville on the ridg
and has lately been stocked wi
w".T e „ by \ he state authorities.
i*" I ®. . in honor of a prom
" e " Harrisburger who owned lat
in that section for many vears. Tl
ono S n, r, ' opo . Hitlon is lo some 11
Phiioa ? B u° woodland owned by tl
iro.l an<l Heading Coal ai
iron company. The land is not
of thel an<l the tract is P ft
nor. tL ? ,ense holdin Ss of the co
Liihr,? \ 1n tho lowcr end of tl
Hon of , eld " 11 ls 11,1 a due
" ° f , P rice and it would bo a fit
serv? ad , d this ran Ke to the r
fo. tl'mt l K h Wi " I>e used not on
lv lolT. e . F bUt for parnc ' Peing idea
tor nn and iula P ted for the la
rnn , p " rl)ose - The purchase, if
n.o i C ?? RUmnmtc d. would run tl
stale holdings in the county wc
Sehuylkill county and grea
Uds section 0 in forestry
* * •
...J' 1 a State of Pennsylvania has t
money or laws to enablo it to tal
of th.' i! S v 'negar off the ham
nfation . cha, 'ffe of the reel;
mation work of the United Stat
Department of Commerce. Info
'" a t', on _to this effect lias been se:
to Washington In response to a tel
gram addressed to Governor Willia
' Proul and requesting to kr.o
at once what the State could do
handle a large amount of cider vin
gar which seemed lo have accumi
lated and gotten under governme
supervision.* When the new Go
ernor received the telegram ho w
nonplussed and tho message wi
finally sent to Auditor Gener
Charles A Snyder, the chief fise
oflicor. Mr. Snyder immediate
sent word that the State had i
funds available for such purposes ;
outlined in the message and tl
Department of Agriculture ndd<
its regrets th&t such a situation i
presented in the message had arise
Pennsylvania's receipts from 1
censes of automobiles have gone
unprecedented figures and the nun
ber of cars licensed has also broke
rec i° rt ' s ; t' ,an k s to the unusual
mild winter which has enabled owi
ers to run their cars. The receip
i". 1 . 9 '® licenses have passed ti
$-.800,000 mark, which is hundret
of thousands of dollars beyond tt
total for this time in any previoi
year, and the $3,000,00 figure is e'
pected before the end of the mont
The number of pneumatic tired ca
licensed thus far is over 230,000.
Fully 200 deer will be placed c
the game preserves in Pennsvlvan
Hi's winter and more than 100 hat
been liberated since'(lie first of tl
year. Fifty from North Carolir
were the first to bo sent out and th<
have been followed by 22 placed o
the new game preserves in Fore
county. The lirst lot was freed i
the Lykens Valley preserves i
Dauphin, county and reported i
doing very well and similar repor
have come from deer liberated i
preserves in Bedford, Wyoming an
Huntingdon counties. "These de<
have been fine animals and we at
hoping to get some from iyiichigan,
said Dr. Kalbfus, the secretary t
the State Game Commission. "N<
gotiations are under way for tlics
animals and next year when we g<
more preserves established in th
western part of the State wo wi
send deer there. The deer turne
loose in Forest county are goo
specimens." Dr. Kalbfus said tha
some fine wild turkeys had als
been liberated in Dauphin count
and that sportsmen were co-operat
ing in seeing that they were pre
tected. ' More will be bought. A
yet nothing definite has been hear
in regard to the rfuail from Mexict
Letters have lieen sent from th
offices of the State Game Commif
sion to Cumberland and Yor
sportsmen calling their attention t
the importance of sowing kafflr corr
buckwheat and miliet this year i
sections frequented by game so tha
they will have a supply of food i
event of a hard winter next yeai
"In the majority of cases reporte
the seed we furnished produce
good results." said Dr. Kalbfus. "]
sportsmen are interested we will b
glad to see that they get a suppl
for sowing this year. We have Bug
gostcd that it be planted along th
edges, of fields near good cover fo
game." ' •
Theodore J. Gould, one of th>
Country Club of Harrisburg golfer
a few years back and who has bee
driving at Huns lately, is home fror
France. He has been a- lieutcnan
In the United .States army quarter
master department and his friend
■warmly welcomed him back to thl
—John Ihldcr, who spoke her
yesterday, has been active in move
mcnts for betterment of liousln,
conditions in Philadelphia for yean
—Francis J. Kooser, appointee
judge in Somerset, is .the oldes
judge in active service in the statf
—Philip S. Kift, prominent Loci
Haven man, has been named on th
Clinton county committee of th
Peace League.
—The Rev. Dr. George P. Atwcl
lof Greensburg, has been chose:
president of the Westmorelan
County Ministerial Association.
—E. K. Morse. Pitsburgh transl
commissioner, says the proposei
down-town loop would not mec
—W. Harry Orr has been agai
elected head of ti|e Reading Fai
—General Hulings, wh
goes back to Congress from th
northwestern counties, was her
—The Rev. P. 4. Lynott, well
known Luzerne county priest, wll
take a trip to California.
—That Harrishiirg is about
ready to start a fair of its own
for the summer time?
Judging from , old newspapen
Harrlsburg was a horsc-breedin
center 100 years ago.