Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, February 15, 1919, Page 14, Image 14
14 lAIE A Si® BUT COMPLETE STOIY OF IT 1 TIE CLASSIFIED COLUMNS ' Deaths ... YOCI >1 On February 13. 1919, Wil liam. 11. Yocum, aged 51 years, ruftorat on Tuesday afternoon, at - o'clock, from his late residence, 1721 ,• •Green street. The relatives and • friends are invited to attend with out further notice. Interment East liarrisburg Cemetery. JOHNSON On Saturay morning, February 15, 1919, Oscar G. John son, aged 50 years, 8 months and 11 days Funeral on Tuesday afternoon, at 2 o'clock, from his late residence, 51r> ('aider street. Relatives and friends are invited to attend without further notice. Burial in Shoop's Church Cemetery. 4lt ITCH PI El,I) —'Norman 13. Critcli licld died at his late residence, 1(00 •Market street, on Thursday after noon. February 13, 1919, at 3 0 clock. 1 uneral on Monday, strictly private. Body may be viewed Monday after noon. 2 to 4 and 7 to 9. Somerset papers, please copy. IN MEMOKIAM IN inemqry of David W. Mickey. Tlio month of February once more is here, To us, the saddest of the year. Because it took from us away Our dear brother one year ago to-day. MRS. LEWIS. IX)ST AND FOUND lA)ST • Silver handbag, between Bolton Hotel and Pennsylvania depot. January 24. Reward for return to 103 South street. . INSTRUCTIONS HUNDREDS of people everywhere have learned through our personal instructions by mail. Write for in formation. Roberts School of Danc ing, 34 Case avenue, Akron, Ohio. INDIVIDUAL PROMOTION in Oregg Shorthand, Typewriting, English, Bookkeeping, Penmanship. Arithmetic, etc. DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL OPEN ALL YEAR. Enter any time. Bell 125. Dial 4016. HECKLEY'S BUSINESS COLLEGE, 121 Market St. Chas. R. Beeklcy. HELP WANTED—MALE WANTED . 10 YOUNG MEN For special subscription work in city. Will pay liberal sal ary and commission. Apply MR. YOUNG. 700 North Sixth Street, From 10 to 11 A. M. SEVERAL SALESMEN r, for door-to-door proposition. Newspaper experience desir able. Address M., <641. Care of Telegraph. A local manufacturer has a vacancy Ly.a draftsman who is accustomed to perspective and conventional projection drawings for illustrations. Applications to be considered must state in first letter age, nationality, details of previ ous experience, education and salary expected. Samples of wcrk whioh need not be re turned will assist. Address Box B, 6584, care of Tele graph. WANTED Solicitors to Interview merchants on a commission basis. Ad dress It.. 6970, euro of Telegraph. MEN—Ago 17 to 55. Experience unnecessary. Travel; make secret in vestigations. reports. Salaries; ex penses. American Foreign Detective Agency, 603, St. Istuis. GOVERNMENT Railway Mail Clerk examination (males and females), "March .15. Special full, complete preparation only $lO by our expert, former government examiner. Won derful opportunity. Enroll to-day. or write for free particulars. "KMC," Patterson Service School, Rochester, N. Y. WANTED —Men wishing positions Firemen, Brakemon. Electric Motor men, Colored Train Porters. Pennsyl vania. Ohio and New York roads. No experience necessary. SIOO-$l5O p>-r month, Quick promotion S2OO-S3OO per month positions. Name position wanted. Inter Railway Dept. <74), In dianapolis, lnd. WANTED A good, reliable man, ever 30 years, for an established tea and coffee route out of town. Mar ried man preferred. Apply Grand Union Tea Co., 208 North Second street. WANTED For out-of-town, an all-around printer. Or, will consider job compositor only. Permanent posi tion. Give full information, stating salary expected, in first letter. Ad dress "Printer," care of Telegraph. FIRST-CLASS METAL WORKERS WANTED Accustomed to fend°r work for automobiles. Joseph J. Dor mant, Rosemont, Pa. WANTED Experienced butcher and meat cutter. Apply 175 North Front street, Steelton, Pa. CAPABLE Applicants wanted to trko up training at once, without in terference with present duties, for im portant accounting positions, with large American Industries, Uailroads, Business Corporations, U. S. Govern ment. Minimum salary, SI,BOO per year. Address Box L), 7211, care of Telegraph. GOVERNMENT will hold Railway Mail Clerk examinations, Harrlsburg, March 1. $92 month. Experience unnecessary. Men, 18 or over, desir ing clerkships, writq for free particu lars, Raymond Terry (former Civil Service Examiner), Continental Build ing, Washington. ' FOR SALE No, 1610 Chestnut St. All improvements — rooms and batli. l''urnace heat. tins grid electric lights. Front and reur porches. Cemented Cellar, Possession April Ist. Price, 9ft,000. miller brothers & Co. Ufa I IJkltiie Surely Ou.„, l.ocust nncl Com "IhTK 11 He. ITcnl vt:itc liunr SATURDAY EVENING, JIKM* WANTED—MALE GOVERNMENT POSITIONS l nstruction for examinations, $5. Sal ary, $1,200 to $2,000. Particulars free. American Civil Service School, Wash ington, D. C. HELP tVAM'tH—FEMALE TO THE GIRL OK WOMAN DESIRING PERMANENT AND REGULAR EMPLOY MENT. HERE IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY We are needing Sewing Machine Operators, and can assure regular work; the high efficiency of our machines, and our workrooms being pleasant and cheerful, opera tors can earn good wages. In experienced operators are. paid while learning. A bonus Is paid to ell operators every pay day. BLOUGII MANUFACTURING CO., Relly and Fulton Streets. WANTED Young woman experienced proof-reader. Apply SUPERINTENDENT. liarrisburg Telegraph. WANTED A good, all-around to bacco stripper. Good wages. Inquire at once. Chas. I. Boak, 229 Broad street. Both phones. WANTED MILLINERY APPRENTICES, l ay while learning. Apply ASTRICH'S, 308 Market Street. • WANTED White woman for gen eral housework. No washing or iron ing. Bell 3131 J. LONG-DISTANCE OPERATORS WANTED. Apply to Chief Operator, CUMBERLAND VALLEY TELE PHONE CO., 227 Walnut Street. WANTED Experienced white maid for general Housework. Good wages. Apply 210 Woodbine streit. TEACHERS WANTED—For schools. Best contracts waiting. National Teachers' Agency, Philadelphia, Pa. JANITRESS WANTED Young, active colored woman, couple hours early morning and lale afternoon, to keep ufliees and building clean. Ap ply Monday morning. The Courier, 210 North Third street. Second Floor. WRITE PHOTOPLAYS s2s-S3OO paid anyone for suitable ideas. Ex perience unnecessary; complete out line Free. Write, Producers League, 248, St. Louis. WANTED Two or three girls for marking. Good wages. Apply City Star Laundry, Sixth und Xlerr streets. WANTED A girl, or woman, to assist with general housework. Pleas ant heme. Good wages. Apply 1 North liarrisburg street. Steelton, Pa. PEACE WORK AT WAR PAY Knit urgently needed socks for us on .Auto Knitters. Experience unneces sary. Full particulars, 3c stamp. Department 1 48, Auto Knitter Co., i>2l Jefferson street, Buffalo, N. Y. WANTED Five bright, capable women for 1919, to travel, demon strate and soil- dealers. $25.00 to $50.00 per week. It. R. tare paid. Write at once. Goodrich Drug Co. Dept. 720. Omaha, Nebr. WOMEN TO SEW Goods sent pre paid to your door; plain sewing; steady work; no canvassing. Send re ply envelope for prices paid. Univer sal Co., Desk 3. Philadelphia, Pa. GOVERNMENT CLERK EXAMINA TIONS. HARRISBUHG MARCH 1 Hundreds women clerks needed. SI,OOO-1.200. Experieneo unnecessary. Women desiring government positions write for tree particuars R. E. Terry (former Civil Service Examiner), 426 Columbian Building, Washington. HUNDREDS U. S. Government Per manent Positions now open to men. 16 or over; women, IS or over. S9O to $125 month. Many In your home sec tion. Short hours. Common educa tion sufficient. List positions free. Write immediately. Franklin Insti tute, Dept. 413-L, Rochester, N. Y. WANTED Reliable, middle-aged white woman for general liouscworK. Pleasant hove atiid good wages. Ap ply No. 2337 North Second street. WANTED Young, while girl to assist with work and help with chil dren. Apply No. 2337 North Second street. WANTED Woman for general housework. Good wages and good home. Call at 3003 North Front street. Take Riverside ear and get off at Academy. Call Bell phone 1371 J. WANTED By widower, a girl or middle-aged woman, as housekeeper, who wishes a home. Address J. H. Gingorlch, 37 South Main street, Lew- Istown, Pa. WANTED Colored woman, be tween 50 and 60 years, for general 'housework. No washing. Good home for right party. Call 3970 J. WANTED Young woman stenog rrpher, for general office work. Ad dress, in own handwriting, stating ex perience, reference und salary expect ed. Steady position for one who can qualify. Address "M.," care of Post Office Box 599, Ilarrisburg, Pa. WANTED Experienced loopsrs. Steady work. Good pay. Apply Har ris Hosiery Co., corner Calder und Marion streets. WANTED White laundress for Monday und Tuesday. Good wages. Call Bell phone 4639 K. WANTED Middle-aged woman for general housework. Small family. No washing. References. Inquire Ifos Bridge street. New Cumberland, Pa. YOUNG WOMEN WANTED To learn shoemaking. Learners are well paid and earn good wages when pro ficient. Ilarrisburg Shoe Manufactur ing Co., 1402 Vernon street. HELP WANTED— MaIe and Female TANTED Male or female stenographer and assistant bookkeeper. Good wages to right party. Apply NEW IDEA HOSIERY CO., Fourteenth and Mayflower Sta. WANTED First-class tailor or tulloress. Apply 921 North Sixth street. HELP WANTED—MaIe and Female MEN-WOMEN Raise Belgian I Hares foi us. We pay you $7 pair and expi es.sugc. Free illustrated In struction Booklet. United Food and Fur Association, Dept. C, 329 West Forty-eightli street. New York. 1 MEN, WOMEN Balse Belgian Hares for us. We pay you $7 pair und expressage. Free illustrated in struction booklet. United Food & Fur Association, Dept. C-329, West Forty-eighth street, New York. MEN lO or over; women, 18 or over. Get U. S. Government Perma nent Peace Positions. sl,ooo-$1,600 year. No layoffs. Short hours. Paid vacations. Common education suffici ent. Write immediately for free list positions now easily obtainable. Franklin institute Dept. 414-M, Ro chester, N. Y. RAILWAY MAIL CLERK examina tion coming soon. Men 16 to 40 pre pare for it and other government "exams" under our expert, former Government Examiner. Thousands of men and women. 10 to 60. needed In Reconstruction Period ahead. Write to-day for free booklet "MC." Pat terson Civil Service School, Rochester. N. Y. RAILWAY MAIL CLERK EXAMI NATIONS March 15. Men and women. Particulars free. American Civil Ser vice School, Washington, D. C. SALESMEN WANTED I STOCK SALESMAN Place steel corporation 8 per cent, preferred stock with bonus. Common estimated earnings over CO per cent.; similar steel company organized by sume people earned 'it per cent, last year; common sold at 400 per cent, premium; unusual opportunity for live men. Investigate to-day. Pitts burgh Tin Plate & Steel Corporation, Pittsburgh, Pa. SALESMEN Side line. Free Pocket samples. Patent punchlcss checks. Big seller to restaurants, lunchrooms, soda fountains. No com petition. Commissions on reorders. Standard Check Co., Manufacturers, 633-641 Plymouth Ct., Chicago. SIDE-LINE SPECIALTY New Sold all fines. Full explanation of < asy-relling plan and outfit free. Big commissions promptly paid. Respon sible concern. Service Co., Dept. G, Des Moines, lowa. AYE recognize no competition be cause of the unique nature und U. S. protected article exclusively owned and controlled by us. Our district managers report most satisfactory sales of this very essential govern ir.ent-ereated demand necessity. iairge territories to salesmen able to handle trews. Jerome Laadt, Pres., 8 South Dearborn street. Chicago, 111. SIDE LINE Top Notch Speciultv —Responsible house. Pays commis sions promptly. Write to-day. Samples and sales talks free. No de lays. l.rit kson Company, Des Moines. lowa. WANTED, SALESMEN lf you arc a Salesman, or willing to co-operate with us and earn a Salesman's in come, write us. Charlton Nursery Company, Rochester,' N. Y. ' SIDE-LIKE SPECIALTY Average commission 10 to 30 dollars. Pocket samples and sales-talk free. Respon sible house. Write to-day. Simplicity Co.. Des Moines, lowa. WANTED Salesmen to sell desir able, reliable specialty line, all re tailers, either side or regular. Very profitable and pleasant. Exclusively commission. Expenses advanced against orders. Commission paid weekly. Address Box 10G1, Cedar Rapids, lowa. SALESMEN To travel on com mission and sell to merchants. Cloth ing, skirts, hosiery, ladies' and chil dren's dresses, shirts, etc. Samuels Mfg. Co., 501 Broadway, New York. SALESMEN WANTED To sell renewed Tungsten and Carbon Elec tric Lamps. Staple article, large field, repeal commission basis. T. O. Smith & Co., 1531 Cherry street. Philadel phia, Pa. SALESMEN New Carburetor for Ford Cars. Simple, not. a moving port, installed in thirty minutes, guar anteed to double your mileage and start in zero weather without heating or priming. 15-day FREE trial. Our St. Louis man sold 1,400 in 6 months. Salt Isikr City man made $1,200.00 in one week. U. & J. Carburetor Co., 505 W. Jackson Blvd.. Chicago. THE ONI.Y COMPLETE AND AU THENTIC HISTORY OF THE WORLD WAR By Professor F. A. March, with introduction by bis brother. General March, highest officer in Army. Official photographs. LI EE OF ROOSEVELT. Introduction by ex- President Taft. Both books fully il lustrated. Demand' enormous. Solici tors making unprecedented profits. Special terms. Credit given. Freight paid. Either outfit free. Universal House, Philadelphia. Pa. AGENTS WANTED 300 PER CENT. PROFIT Agents I clearing hundreds weekly. New i Washing Compound. "Wonderful seller. Big repeater. Nature's Might- j icst Cleanser. Send for proof; free sample. Mitchell, B. L, 1314 East I Sixty-first street, Chicago. SOLDIERS AND SAILORS Wo desires one agent in this county to handle crew selling line of patri otic window cards to merchants and private homes. Sells on sight. Our crew managers making up to $20.00 per day. Information and sample free. Write 502 Standard Life Bldg., Pittsburgh, Pa. AGENTS Quick seller; Califor nia Rosebeads going like hot cakes. Hustlers coining money. New stuff. Get our catalog. Mission Bead Co., Pico & Irola, Los Angeles, Calif. NEGRO IN WAR By Kelly Mil ler, famous negro author. New book complete. The only war book fair to eolored people. Millions will he sold. Outfit, 250. Write quick. Also Francis March's War History. Jenkins Pub lishing Co., Wahsington, D. C. AGENTS Chateau Thierry Great est War Picture. Sample FREE. 50 others. Russell's War History best published. Convex portraits. Frames, Pillow Tops. Low prices credit terms—prompt shipments. People's Portrait, Station D, Chicago. AGFNTS WANTED - In Harris lmrg and vicinity, to solicit orders for men's SALCO CLOTHES, from factory direct to wearer at wholesale prices. P. O. Box 522. Philadelphia, Pa. $20.00 DAILY distributing New Prize Peace Pictures. "Soldier's Re turn," "News From Home," "My Da<jdy." "Liberty and Peace," "Human Liberty Bell," "Freedom," "Honor Rolls" and fifty others. Enormous de mand. Samples free also important portrait catalog. Consolidated Por trait Co., 1034 West Adams street, Chicago. LARGE MANUFACTURER wants representatives to sell shirts, under wear, hosiery, dresses, waists, skirts direct to homes. Write for free samples. Madison Mills, 603 Broad way, New York City. "AMERICA'S WAR FOR HUMAN ITY" Complete History World's War, 600 pages, with nearlv 100 mag nificent pictures. Retails $2.00. costs you SI.OO. Some agents making over $20.00 per day. Sell the hook the people want, i Orders filled promptly. Credit If desired. Freight paid. Also "LIFE OF ROOSEVELT." same, terms. Both outfits free to workers. Gen. G. Clows Co., Philadelphia, Pa., or Chicago, 111. Address nearest effiea. HXRRISBtrRG tdSS& TELEGRAPH FIND YOUR BUYER FOR THAT USED ARTICLE through the class ified. It can be done. It is being done every day. Of course the article you offer must be usable, of value not mere junk. If it meets the test it has a cash value, and you will find your buyer at very little expense for adver tising. SITUATION s VV AN TED—MALE YOUNG, MARRIED MAN With diploma, desires the necessary experi ence under a licensed undertaker. A business proposition to the under taker who takes advantage of it. Address G., 7252, care of Telegraph. WANTED Young man, handy at pressing and cleaning or barbering. desires position. Call, or address, 150 Eiqden street. Phono 1949 M. OFFICE MAN Qualified assist ant, seeks position; 4 years with pub lic service corporation; 11 years as sistant to manager publishing firm; age, 35; married; highest credentials. Address Box Y. 7250, care of Tele graph. WANTED Young man would like position as cook, in or out of city. Address 130 Balm street. WANTED Position as steno grapher by young man at present employed, but wants to mako a change; best of references. Address Box T, 6070, care of Telegraph. WANTED Work of any kind; would prefer clerking; have had four years' experience as timekeeper and general office clerk with railroad company. Address Box H, 7246. care of Telegraph. STENOGRAPHER Young man. experienced, knowledge of bookkeep ing, desires position; good references. Address Box O, 6063, care of Tele-, graph. SITUATIONS WANTED—FemaIe W ANTED Position as house keeper, for widower, or dishwasher in hotel, or the like. Airs. Alary Evans, 356% South Front street, Steeiton. Pa., care of Air. Samuel Schumacker. WANTED By a widow, cooking or light work, between the hours c-f 0 A. M. and 4 P. At. Office cleaning preferred. Address I, 6953, care of Telegraph. WANTED Position as house keeper, in small, private family, by refined, young white woman; can fur nish best of references. Address Box R, 6960, care of Telegraph. WANTED —• A place as house keeper for a small family bv an ex perienced woman; can give first-class references. Address P. u. Box A En ola. Pa. WANTED Woman desires posi tion as companion to elderly lady will assist with housework; best ref erence. .Address M., 7249, care of Telegraph. WANTED Young woman wishes position as housekeeper for a widower; young man preferred. Ad dress Box R, 6592, care of Telegraph. WAAjTED Young woman wishes position doing clerical work; has had previous experience. Address Box O. 6811, care of Telegraph. WANTED Young woman, with spare time, desires employment even ings, Saturday afternoons and Sun (days, if necessary. Apply 143 South Third street. WANTED Young woman desires clerical work in office; has four years' experience; at present employ ed; best of references. Address Box N, 2971. care of Telegraph. WANTED WANTED Refined woman to take care of little girl three years old, for two weeks. Will pay 82.50 a week board. Apply 2502 Agate street. WANTED Good home for u 10- | year-old girl. Call at 259 Sassafras street. ROOMS FOR RENT WELL-FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT Gentlemen only. Inquire IS!9 North Fifth. FOR KENT Comfortably furnish ed room; city -steam heat; use of Bell phone. 719 North Sixth. FURNISHED ROOMS For gen-! tlemen only. 113 lajcu.st street. UNFURNISH ED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS Single or communicating; I kitchenettes. Stoves furnished free. ! Strictly private. Laundry, phone and bathroom privileges. Inquire 429 Broad street. FOR RENT Two furnished rooms, on second floor, for light housekeep ing; all conveniences. Inquire 3"65 South Eighteenth street. FOR RENT Bl9 Third street, pleasant front room; heat, electric light and use of bath. FOR RENT Two unfurnished third floor roomg; reasonable price. Bell phone 1504 M. FOR RENT Furnished, second-' floor, bay-window room front, and, room facing river. City steam, elec-1 trie light, shower bath and phone. Centrally located. Gentlemen only. Address Box S. '7249, cure of Tele graph. WELL-FURNISHED ROOM Next to bath on second floor, in home with all conveniences, including telephone: lu minutes' walk from Square. Call 1173 Market street, or Bell phone 4578 J. ROOM FOR RENT For lady or gentleman; use of phone, and rent very rcusbnahle. Inqulro 927 Grand street. ROOM FOR RENT A large, naw ly-furnished room, with steam heat, electric lights, in a new up-to-date apartment. All bathroom facilities. 8 North Cameron. ( FOR RENT Nicely-furnished, large, second floor front room; also third floor room, furnished; gentle men preferred. Inquire 253 North street. FOR RENT SECOND AND THIRD FLOORS OF PRICK BUILDING SITUATED AT BROAD AND CURRANT STREETS. 2,700 SQUARE FEET ON EACH FEOOK. SUITABLE FOR MANUFAC TURING OR STORAGE PURPOSES. WILL RENT SINGLY IF DESIRED. CALL AT BROAD AND CURRANT STREETS. ROOMS FOR RENT | FOR RENT Furnished or unfur nished rooms. Apply 810 North Third street. Dial 5839. FOR RENT Nice room, on second floor, in private family; only gentle men, reference. Address G., 7254, care, of Telegraph. FOR RENT Furnished rooms. $2.50 per week and up; warm rooms, running hot and cold water; light housekeeping and private bath. Wil son Apartments. No. 143 South Third. FOR RENT One large bedroom, for gentlemen only. Rent reason able. Apply 276 street. WANTED—BOARD AND ROOMS WANTED Room and board, in private family, breakfast and sup per only, by refined, young gentle man. Will pay $7.00 per week. Phone 1526 W. ROOMS WANTED UNFURNISHED ROOMS Two or three, suitable for light housekeep ing'. by young couple. No children. Front room or rooms desired. No ob jections to suburbs if near cftr line. References. Address G. A. Roberts, ICO3 Market street, 1-larrisburg. WANTED Two or three rooms, furnished or unfurnished, by couplet and two children References exchang ed if desued. Box "B," 7048, care of Telegraph. TWO OR THREE FURNISHED ROOMS, for light housekeeping, wanted for family of throe, centrally located. Address Box 325-J, euro of Telegraph. APARTMENTS WANTED WANTED, TO RENT Man and wife, with 110 children, desire a seven or nine-room house, with all conveni ences, by April 1. Call Bell 2026. WANTED By a young, married couple, four-room, unfurnished apart ment and bath. No children. Good location, not central, and reasonable distance to car lino is desired. Can furnish good references. Address Box A, 7242, care of Telegraph. READ ESTATE FOR SALE IF IT'S REAL ESTATE. SEE SANDER BIN. Camp St., No. 648 3-story brick, 8 rooms and bath, all improvements. Can bo bought same as rent. S. Eighteenth St., No. 353—3-story brick, 0 rooms and bam, steam heat, electric lights, a modern home. Right price to quick buyer. New Cumberland Corner Fourth and Geary Double frame; 8 rooms and bath on each side; all improve ments; newly painted; can be bought with a small amount of money; bal ance same as rent. Seventeenth St., S., 532 3-story trick, 8 rooms, bath and laundry; all Improvements; cement cellar; nice front porch; At home. Jefferson St., 2215 2-story brick. 8 rooms and bath; all improvements; front porch; drive way in the rear. Very cozy home. Same as Rent. Sixth St., N„ 2631 3-st,ory brick; 8 rooms and bath; end house. Right price to quick buyer. Steclton S. Second St., No. 320 3-story frame, 7 rooms, electric lights and water. Good location. Same as rent. Steelton, 322 S. Fourth St. Now vacant. 3-story frame; 9 rooms, bath, electric lignts; lot. 125 ft. deep; in A 1 condition. D. A. SANDERI.IN, ROOM 1. SECURITY TRUST BLDG., 36 NORTH THIRD ST. BELL. 1390. DIAL 3373. FOR SALE 1723 Green St. 3-story brick; all improvements. Possession April 1. Price, 14,500. 1630 Green St. 3-story brick; all improvements; 10 rooms. Posses sion April 1. Price, $4,900. 2146 Susquehanna St. All improve ments; 2-story; 8 rooms and bath. I'ossession April 1. Price, $3,000. •'29 and 230 South Twenty-ninth St., Penbrook Ail improvements. Pos session April 1. Price, $2,250 each. Second St.. Highspire 2 -story frame. New. All improvements, fcot. 75x125. Bargain. Price, $2,900. ee CHAS. A. DAVIES. 1723 Green St., or 204 Calder Bldg. Bell 4377. TWO-STORY BRICK HOUSE—AII' Improvements; in city; tront porch; bav window; nice yard to drive r.lley 1100 down, balance as rent. Liberty i Bonds accepted. C. 11. CORD Ell. 1722 Green Street. Bell 660 J. FOR SALE Attractive, modern residence. Largo garden and garage in rear. Liberal terms. No ISOo State street. Apply S. FRIEDMAN, Real Estate, Kunkel Bldg., or 217 Peffer Street. CAfrTLK RANCH 12,374 Acres. 10,000 under wire fence. On Auto ltoad near Railroad. Houses. Barns. Silo. $lO per acre .including 250 cat tic and mules. Terms. C. c. Brown. 501 Grand Building. Macon. Ua. FOR SALE Desirable f ra i no house, on Yale avenue, camp H|||. fi rooms; water in kitchen; lot, 148xi2u ift deep; stable, 16x20 ft; chicken bouse; p'K stye; all kinds of fruit. ln 'qSiVe of C. C. Walter. Box 124. Ca{£> Hill. Pf- REAL ESTATE FOll SALE ] FOR SALE $3,600 —2106 Swatara St., S r., b., steam ! heat. $1,300 —2 Haehnlen Ave., 6 r„ elec tricity, front porch. so,oo No. Sixth St., store room, 11 !•., b., furnace, Ai staUie in rear. $4,000 —458 Cumberland St.. corner Fulton, 8 r.. b., furnace. $2,550 —1327 Liberty St., 8 r. & bath. $2.350 —617 llerr St. 8 r. & bath. $2,700—914 South Twentieth street, In cluding 3 lots along side, size of plot, SUXIIS. SI,OOO each—l2lo & 1212 Cowden St., 6 r. Ai uttic. $1,900 —339 Granite Ave., 6 r. & bath. $950—1713 N. Twelfth St., G r„ & stable in tear. $4,500 —636 Maclay St., 8 r. all conveni ences, including steam heat. New property. SS,SUU- —1644 N. Third St., 9 r., b., steam $1,600 —1808 Wallace St., 8 r. & bath. $1,700-r2006 Wallace St., 6 r. & bath. $2,900 each —1331 and 1333 N. Sixth St., 8 r. $5,500 —3 629 Green St., 10 r., b„ fur nace. $4,200 —414 S. Thirteenth St., 9 r., b., furnace. $3,400 each—49-51-53 S. Cameron St., 8 r„ b., furnace. $2,Geo —17 S. Cameron St., 7 r. & bath. $2,700 —623 Boas St., 8 r. & bath. $1.400—427 Clinton Ave., 5 r. & bath. $2,500 each—ls 11-1543 Vernon St., 8 r.,_ b. '& furnace. $2,650 —815 West Ave., near Capitol Park, 7 r., b. & furnace. CHAS. ADLKR, Real Estate and Insurance, ICO2 N. Third Street. Member liarrisburg Real Estate Board. 3-story brick on Market 5t.... $4,500 3-story brick oil Market St G.iOO 3-story brick on Kegina 5t.... 3,500 3-story brick on Swatara St... 3,400 3-story brick on Walnut St... 3.000 3-story brick on Berryhill St... S.oOO 3-stoiy brick on Crescent St... 3,800 3-story brick on State St 4,500 3-story brick on Argyle St 2,600 3-story brick on Eighteenth St. 4,500 3-story brick on Seventh 5t.... 3,900 3-t: lory brick on Green St 5,000 3-story brick on Green St 7)fl'Jo 3-story brick on Sixth St 4,500 3-story brick on Sixth St 4 700 3-stor.v brick on Brlggs St 4,500 3-story brick on S. Third St... 4,600 3-story brick on N. Second St.. 1L.700 3-story brick on N. Second St.. 15.000 j 3-story brick on Allison Hill.. 25,000 Row 4 sirall bricks, alt improvements. Good investment. Row 7 2%-story bricks, all Improve ments, good investment, or fine sito for garage or business place. Cor ner two streets. Plot, about 100 X 100 ft. Centrally located. I The above properties can be pur j chased on very reasonable terms. j I have several tine suburban homes all improvements, with Vi to 3 acres land, with fruit. C. 11. CORDER, 1722 Green Street. Bell 560 J. Rents Collected. I HOUSES FOR SAEE Possession April 1. Price. DownJ 100<- N. Sixth ..$6,000 s6uo 2427' N. Sixth 5,700 501) 2137 N. Fourth 3,200 400 I 2536 Agate 1,800 100 2336 Ellerslie 3,200 300 400 Aluench 2,000 300 417 Macloy 4,700 - 500 1032 S. Eleventh ....... 2.700 400 2207 1-ogan 2.500 600 j D. A. CAREY, 707 Kunkcl Bide Bell 589. j BUY YOUR HOME on our rental payment plan. Small cash or I-lbertv Bond first payment required, balance as rent. We have houses in every part of the city and suburbs. addlv A P. Doranz. 1225 North Sixth siren MAC BAY ST., 417 Desirable prop eray for sale. Possession April 1. 9 rooms and bath. Other Improvements Front porch. D. A. Caley, Kunkci Bldg. m FOR 5A1.13 Cheapest property in citv, 412 Hummel street; three-storv brick, all improvements, running to paved alley In real. Price, $2,500. J K. Klpp, 2203 North Fourth street. FOR SAEE —On easy terms. 20T0 to 2018 Susquehanna street. Posses sion on April 1. Apply A. p. Doranz, 1225 Nortn Sixth. STATE STREET, 1405 Properti' for sale; nine rooms and bath; all modern improvements. including steam heat; lot, 25x92, with drive al ley Bell Realty Co., Bergner Build DERBY STREET, 1063% Brick construction; ten rooms and bath; all other improvements; lot, 21x100, with drive alley. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. BRICK AND STUCCO Dwelling in ('loverly Heights; well ffnished; hardwood lloors; most modern im provements; lot, 00x100. with garage on rear. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. SECOND STREET. N., .it' ll—Prop erty for sale; single house; brick con struction; ten rooms and bath; all modern Improvements .including hot water heat; lot 52x150. Bell Really Company, Bergner Building. BCHUYL.KIL.I-i STREET, 674 For sale; C rooms and bath; all improve ments, including steam heat; offered at very reasonable price. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. ' SEVERAL PROPERTIES Offered for sale on vtfry easy terms; all im provements; do not delay. Bell Realty Co.. Bergner Building. BRICK HOL T SE Practically new. I for snle at $3,400; six rooms and batli. gas, electric lights; small amount of cash needed. Bell Realty Co., Berg ner Building. 156 WEST CURTIN ST., PEN BROOK Lot, 90x190. Very cheap to quick buyer. Vacant now'. Lehman & Klingoman, 8 North Market Square. FOR SALE Before buying a home l'ook at 1326 Derry street. Brick house of ten rooms and newly- e q U j p _ ped bath. Ten-foot side yard. Lot extends 188 feet to Thompson avenue Inquire Chas. E. Booser, 19 South Sec ond street, or on premises. Bell 1600. Hcul Estate l or sale or Exchange WANTED—TO RENT We are having a number of appli cations at this time for furnished houses, apartments and rooms. What do you have to offer? Address Mil ler Brothers & Company. Locust and Court streets. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT FOR RENT 3,000 square feet of floor space, suitable for storage or light"" manufacturing. Second • floor. Outside entrance. BELL PHONE 4570. I I REAL ESTATE —l or Snle or Rem I HOUSES AND GARAGES—At Fifth 'and Curtin Striots: possession of some i of the houses on thirty days' notice, i Fred C. Miller, 31 North Second. Bell pboue 307 J. * FEBRUARY 15, 1919. Real Estate for Sale—Suburban FOR SALE Double house, J. rooms, good condition. Inquire 29. Herman avenue. Lemoyne, Pa. FOR SALE Most attractive West Shore home. All modern conveniences Will sell at a sacrifice. Call B 0 )| phono 3087 K. Real Estate For Rent —Suburban 1 MODERN SUBURBAN HOME at Camp Hill for rent; 2Vs-story, 8 rooms and butli, oak lloors. open fireplace, full-size screens, shudes, storm sustiea; all conveniences; furnished or unfurnlhed; by April 1 or sooner. Ad dress Box E. G948. eare of Telegraph. REAL ESTATE WANTED .. ! HOUSES WANTED T have numerous calls for houses of all kinds in all parts of city. Call, or Bell phone SCOJ. Rents Collected. C. H. COKDER, 1722 Green Street. AY ANTED Small, suburban dwell ing house. Will pay cash for same. Apply James O. Hatz, Attorney, Har ris burg, Pa. WANT TO BUY A HOUSE 53,500 to $4,500; modern home preferred to location. Address Box O, 6972;, care of Telegraph. AVANTED, TO RENT, FARM Best of references. Inquire John Lehman, Mlddletown, Pa., or Bell phone 14R-3. READY CASH FOR CITY PROPERTY. WHAT HAVE YOU TO OFFER? BELL AND DIAL PHONES. CHAS. ADLEK, 1002 N. THIRD ST. REAL ESTATE AVANTED We have some ready purchasers for Improved Real Estate. Let us know j what you have to offer. LINCOLN REALTY CO. 1129 North Seventh Street. j AVANTED, TO RENT Man ITnd j wife, no children, desire a small house j conveniences, on or before April fi j Address H. S. Peters, 532 South Sev enteenth street, City. AVANTED 6 pr 8-room house to rent, modern conveniences, in city or vicinity. No children. Address Box S, 6967. care of Telegraph. Offices and Storerooms For Rent i j FOlt RENT —The improved store ' room at 24 North Third street—near ly opposite l j enn-llarrls Hotel. Also offices in the same building. ADUIV Th'e AA'illiam B. Schleisner Stores 28- 30-32 North Third street. MARKET ST. STORE FOR RENT. Beautiful Daylight Store, 504 Market Street. CHAS. ADLER. 1002 North Third Street. | ! 250 HAMILTON STREET Suitable I for barber, tailor, poolroom or cigar' I store. Chas. Adler. 1002 N. Third St !_. ; I'OR RENT Two rooms, suitable for offices, second floor rear No. 7j I North Third street. City steam und i I electric light.. Apply John T. Oim- 1 j sted, 7 North Third street. Second l Floor Fiont. ! FOR RENT Storeroom at 105 j South Third street. Inquire Gardner' & Baptist, Third and Chestnut streets. FARMS | PUBLIC SALE 6B-acre farm; half | mile Philadelphia limits, Lincoln . Highway and school. One mile sta tion,'post office, church. Stone road. | Rolling ground. Meadow; asparagus; I fruit; shade; unfailing wells. New 12-room stone house; modern bath; I heat. Good barn and outbuildings. Afternoon February 22. Edward Al -1 kinson, Trevose, Pa. I FLORIDA WE WILL BUILD 1 YOUR HOME on rich farm near I Jacksonville at only $5.00 per month. [Write Jax. Heights Co., Jacksonville, j Kla. | FARM —48 acres, 2u tons of hay, 15 ' tons of straw and cornfodder, good [building, new fences. Also from a to [ 161 acres. 107 Chestnut. FOR SALE—MISCELLANEOUS LONG FLAME FURNACE COAL • J. B. MONTGOMERY, JUST PHONE. | BIDS, in writing, will be received ] for the following slightly used office ! furniture and equipment at 311 Berg |ntr Building, Third and Market, be ginning Monday, February 17, at 10 o'clock A. M.: 1 large flat-top desk. 1 typewriter desk. 1 No. 10 Remington typewriter. 1 T. W. chair. 2 side chairs. 1 costumer. , 1 steel 4-druwer file case (fireproof). 1 electric heater (2 coil). Miscellaneous desk equipment, trays, baskets, etc. Vulca waste baskets, etc. R. I. DUNIGAN, * Traffic Representative U. S. Shipping Board, 311 Bergncr Building. I S7O TAKES $250 size phonograph, one jewel point; one saphire point needle and 200 Steele ndedles and reo- I ords. Never used. Will ship on ap [ proval C. O. D. Nntlonal Storage Co., 2503 N. Western Ave., Chicago. I FOR SALE Sunray gas range and l gas heater. Good condition. Cheap. Leaving city. Call 1621 Carnation ( street. FOR SALE Horse, cart and bur nt ss. Cheap to quick buyer. Apply at 1617 Elm street, between 5 and 6, P. M. FOR SALE Desk and chair, ward robe chiffonier, bed couch, porch chair and swing, brown screen, large kitchen table, clothes bars, etc. In qulro 1509 North Second street, be tween JO and 12 A. M. FOR SALE Fine Camera, dark oalt china closet, buffet, dining table, six Chairs, hall rack, chiffonier, stand, brown Iron bed, rocker, also pictures. Inquire 1702 North-Second street, first bell in vestibule. POTATOES FOR SALE—\ery'nlce small ones for SI.OO a bushel ,and others at $1.50. Inquire 22u3 North Fourth street. BETTER SITUATIONS WANTEM Tills column has two objects: First, to help men and women who H now employed to secure better positions; second, to put employers In touch with an ambitious cJnss of wot Iters. * HTKN'ootiAPHER With live I position. Available years' desires permanent! diess S.. ?2t3, care of Telegraph | FOR SALE—MISCELLANEOC CIGARS Direct from Fact special limited offer. BO cigars, p, paid, Club of six for BO each, postpaid. W. F. Snell, Ited Lion, P •FOR SALE Heed baby carrli also gas range and iron crib. qumnnat' Oxford street. FOlt SALE Magazine for No. 1 Linotypes A rare bargain for a plant wltl a No. 1 machine. | Address THE TELEGRAPH PRINTING COMPANY. Harrleburg, Pa. I'OU SALE S. C. Black Orping Eggs for batching. No catalog. Neff, Newvllle, Pa. FOR SALE 25 shares Birth of Rac.e....|15 100 Harroun Motors 30 3,000 Hoffman Oil & Rellnlng.. 35 A. L. DEIBEL, Boatmen's Bank lfldg., St. Louis, Mo. FOR SALE —Blacksmith and ho: shoeing business. Full equipment tools Good stock of shoes and qt supplies. Apply to Rutherford Bi Pax lung, Pa. BARGAINS! BARGAINS! The Storo across front Y. W. C offers you the Biggest und Best 1 gains in Men's and Boys' Suits, Ot coats. Mackinaw Coats, Underw Hats, Caps and Shoes. We aro f ous for Low Prices. Give us a trla OUTLET CLOTHING CO., 23 North Fourth Street. MORRIS SAYS save money buy new and second-hand furniture h High prices paid for furniture. Mo I Schmertz, 1030 Market. Bell 3971 FOR SALE SMALL JOB PRINTING PLAN" 1 1 Chancier & Price Job pre cliase Bxl2. i 1 chandler & Price lever paper < 1 ter. lli-H.-P. motor. ■ 1 electric embossing machine. 5 tyi'e cabinets, 103 type cases, fonts type, etc. All modern and in good condlt | Good opening for live, young prin who will continue the business I enlarge plant. Or will sell to 'shipped. Address BOX C, LYKENS, PA. : TYPEWRITERS BOUGHT 1' ; CASH ALI, MAKES RENTE!. EXCHANGED. GEO. P. TILLOTSON, , 205 LOCUST STREET. OPPOS ORPHEUM THEATER. BOTH PHONES. FOR SALE Lester self-pli • piano; also Dodge touring car, m< 11915. Inquire 915 North Third str WANTED—MISCELLANEOUS ! HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID i Second-hand Furniture. Prompt tention. Newmark & Cown, 368 Br 'Street. Dial phone 4826. WANTED White reed 1) stroller. Must be in good condlt jCall 2277R Bell phone. WANTED Used Electric PR , Piano ,at once. Must bo cheap. L< ; lion Electric Player Piano. 927 U ' berland street, Lebanon, Pa. HIGHEST PRICES For la< and men's cast off clothing and u ; Write to Weintraub, 636 Hcrr str i Dial 5177. L. COHEN & COMPANY, York Aeh avenues. Highest prices paid rags, paper, iron, barrels, rubber metal and old machines. Send po i or call 3221W Bell and Dial 6225. 1 HIGHEST PRICES PAID for 1 kinds of empty barrels and junk. < ! Bell phone 4275. B. Abrams & 1 ; 824-832 North Seventh street. WANTED I Second-hand motors. Small sizes preferred. Apply FEDERAL MACHINE SHOP, Cranberry St., near Second, Harrisburg, Pa. MAX SMELTZ Second-hand furniture bought ' sold. Highest cash prices paid. ( ! Bell 1381 or Dial 6847, or drop a t I tal to Max Smoltz, 1016 Market str i Will call, city or country. "HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR t 1 kinds of Junk. Get our prices bel 1 selling. Call Bell fhone 936, or d i us a postal and our wagon will c i Kcyston iron & Metal Co., Broad : I Currant streets. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WE manufacture, a carburetor I Ford cars which is guaranteed give double the mileage over i | other carburetor ever constructed, gardless of name, make or price. | Money refunded if tiffeen-i I FREE triul does not prove it. 1 tirely new principle—simple. |>l : tube—not a moving part. Guaratit 'to start in zero weather witli 1 heating or priming. Tremendous jnand. Thousands now in use in t cago territory. Reliable, energetic man, • who guarantee sales and carry stock SSOO to 22,000, depending on doma can secure exclusive territory i will easily net 210,000 this year. ! special experience necessary. Will also furnish carburetors other ears in about sixty days. ; FRANK A. URWAN, 509 \\. Ja 'son Blvd.. Chicago, HI. ST ALBANS-BY-THE-SEA, Oc front, near Atlantic City. js orgai ing Spring drive and will B' ve • sufficient ground for summer ho Live there yourself or lease to oth Many have made fortunes, so vou Get particulars. St. Albans provement Co., Weightman Bl Philadelphia, Pa. FREE SOUV'ENUI OF OILFIEIJ Magazine picturing wonderful fields, giving opportunities for la end onfall investors—where fortu arc made You would like Texas, w good schools and hospitable poo Send name to-day. Address Ne ! Trlhune? "viehlta Falls, Texas. WF PAY SIOO monthly salary i furnish rig and expenses to introd guaranteed poultry and Mo,nk powd Bigler Company, X-909, Sprlngfl Illinois. FOlt SALE —A 6-bottlo Soda Foi lain suitable for a small business good moneymaker. Call, or writs. B Klin", 705 North Second street, H risburg. Pa- FOR SALE Country Produ Wf.h and Oyster Business. Good cation. Good-paying, cash trade. I tiring from business, will sell ch< to quick buyer. Address Box K. 71 care of Telegraph. FOR SALE Grocery, doing profitable business city 12,000 popu lion Central Pennsylvania. Excell onDOrtunlty. l-ow price to qu buyer. Write at once for partlculJ I Address Box R. 7041. care of Td . graph. . . . I Additional Classified Adi on Opposite Page