Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, February 15, 1919, Page 13, Image 13
RAIN TESTS BEGIN AT TECH; SAMMY SCHIFF READY FOR BIG FIGHT AT MOTIVE POWER ARENA lixie Tossers Collapse Under Tech's Fast Play inch "Doc" Miller, of Tech High, justly proud last evening of the jrmance staged when his bas all five ploughed through the inley High school squad 4of hington, D. C. p a team touted eing super-flne. Harrishurg had rouble running up a score of 3, and the Dixie visitor was to a brace of tleld goals, jhlman set tho pace soon as the ; struck, bagging one point im lately and from then on he was picuous every moment. The 2 lads found themselves swamp t the end of the first half, 21- rohnny Heck, Dingle and Smith i right on the heels of tho foe, former caging ono goal and le two. In the second half bach was prominent and Cdach h in this session shifted the up so as to give Carl Beck and j" Frank some exercise, oul by Kohlman, field by Frank, by Kohlman and field goals by lc and Carl Beck were made ; re Gosnell finished the McKin icoring with three foul tosses. Id goal by Carl Beck wound up 'ray. , eroding tho varsity contest, an -class league match was played eon tho freshmen and sopho s quintets, and resulted in a Vic tor the second year players by Fray at Academy n Monday Night With Penbrook High School c Penbrook High school basket quintet will contend with the j nd team of the Harrlsburg Acad- , , February 17. at 7.30 o'clock. | lis will be tho first visit of the | irook team to tho Harrlsburg i lemy and it is likely that the , est will not be decided until final blast of the whistle, Al gh tho High school quintet is tlv crippled because some ot • players are now in the United cs Army service. Coach Parker whipped the team into excellent i ofessor Pritchard. a well-known j Bte at ITrsinus College, will ref- ; the game. The contest will be , od in the new basketball court | he Harrlsburg Academy and a rd crowd should be in attend- ; . The lineup will be as follows: , irook Academy ffcr, f. Kuploy, f. ler, f. MacDongall, f. r.er, c. ' Menger, c. tybaker, g. Luddington, g. ima, g. Muchanz, g. k County Tobacco Sells Rapidly at Good Prices UJnin, Pa., Feb. 15.—Tobacco is beginning to move more rap in this section of the county at any time this winter. A ber of sales were consummated he past several days. Edward :kler disposed of his seventeen crop, realizing 15 cents per id for wrappers and 4 cents for \ The operators of the tobacco on tho Smyser farm at tho les also sold their 1918 yield, iving at the rate of 14 and 4 s per pound. In the vicinity of % Level many sales have already i made. Harrisburg >OT AND SHOE REPAIR Ve Make Old Shoes Look Like New lien's half lulm neurit and ral>- r heel* $1.75 dim' half soles setved and ruh r heels $1.25 531 North Third St. SPW urniture Your Office Right You will never realize the ad ntages of a well-furnished fice until you have one. Our mplete lino of Desks, Tables, ling Cabinets, Chairs, etc., ters you a wide range of choice, e will help you plan your fice. HORN'S & COMPANY 28-36-32 South Second Street The Peace Time Quality of King Oscar Cigars will be remembered long after the price, which conditions compel us to charge, has seen forgotten. , John C. Herman & Co. 7c—worth it. .. , Makers SATURDAY EVENING. tho overwhelming score of 81 to 13. The sophomores took the lead from the start and held their oppon ents to one point during the first half, besides scoring 55. The lineups and summaries: Tech. ' McKinley High IJnglo, f. Shawl, f. J. Beck, f. Gosnell, f. F. Wilsbach, c. Lochler, c. (Frank) Kohlman, g. Probey, g. Smith, g. Winkjc, g. (C. Beck) Field goals. Dingle, 3; J. Bock; Wilsbach, 7; Kohlman, 3; Smith, 3; Frank, 2; C. Beck, 3; Shawl, Gosnell. Fouls, Shawl, 1; Gosnell, 8: Kohl man, 12. Referee, McConnell. Scorer, Knatiss. Timer, Knauss. Tech Freshmen Tech Sophs. M. Ellie, f. C. Ellis, f. (Reese) Williams, f. Weidman, f. (Connor) Shuey, c. Garrett, c. (Cunningham) Emanuel, g. Carl, g. Taylor, g. Springer, g. (Snyder) Field goals. M. Ellis, Williams, 2; Shuey, C. Ellis, 4; Weidman, 11; Garrett, 5; Emanuel, 8; Taylor, Reese, 4; Connor, 2; Snyder, 2. Fouls, M. Ellis, 5: Weidman, 1; Emanuel, 3; Reese. 1. Referee, Der rick. In Central High League Seniors Trim Juniors Seniors and Juniors of Central High School, in the inter-class league, battled last evening at Chest- I nut Street Hall, the youngsters los- I ing out, 12-2. The result of this | game handcuffs the league stand j ing with two teams at 1.000 and two with nothing. W. T,. Pet. J Seniors 1 " 1.000 Sophomores ' 0 1.000 Juniors 0 1 -.000 Freshmen . . .• 0 1 .000 The lineup last evening was: Seniors. Juniors, i Johnson, f. Rosenberg, f. j Wharton, f. Garland, f. I Cowling, c. Fltzpatrick, c. i l'arner, g. . Oondron, g. \ Harris, g. Kochenour, g. | Field goals, Johnson, 2: Wharton, ' 1; Cowling. 2; Harris, 1; Kochenour, jI. Fouls, Fltzpatrick, 1. Referee, , Virginia Watts. Scorer, Mildred i Shupp. Timekeeper, Florence Frank. Canadian Farmers Want Free Trade With U. S. Cumnlo, Feb. 15.—The United Fir : mers of Ontario have come out un j reservedly in favor of free trade j with the United States. I The United Grain Growers and the co-operative farmer organizations of western Canada have demanded the adoption pf the 1911 reciprocity" agreement with the United Staje. This agreement, which still stands on the statute books of the United States puts all foodstuffs, coal, lum ber, cement, lubricating oils, and farm maehineVy_ on' the free list. Heretofore the fight on the ques tion of free trade or protection in Canada lias lined up the agricultural West against the manufacturing East. The United Farmers of On tario is the first eastern organiza ! tlon with political power to ally it ! self with the West. Its endorsc | ment of free trade is the first made j by any organization since the "un restricted reciprocity" election of ! 1891. WITH THE BOWLERS j At the Casino alleys the employes I of the Harrisburg Boiler Works won from a team representing the Gov i ornment Inspectors. EMPLOYES j Dunkle .. . 152 184 171— 508 i Xaylor .. . 157 149 170— 470 | Myers .. • 107 140 3 58—. 465 I Chambers .. 143 162 158— 463 I Totals .. . 620 635 657—1912 ] GOVERNMENT INSPECTORS' I Sayles .. .. 128 142 153 423 j Remstein .. IS7 136 122 445 Egan ... 14'6 111 156 413 j Teichen . . 137 130 161— 428 Totals .. . 598 519 592—1709 S NEW CUMBERLAND WINS DULLS, NEW CUMBERLAND I Ruby* .... 182 164 171— 517 I Miller .. .. 176 178 163 517 | Sweigert ... 189 177 145 51 1 lUpdegraff .. 135 136 155 426 | Line 188 154 1 90— 532 I Totals .. . 870 809 824—2503 E LIZ A B ETHTOW N Palmer .. . 100 144 1522 396 Shirk 181 184 16 7 532 Glngericlx . 142 152 164 458 Light .. .. 179 125 199 503 j Krider .. .. 170 149 142 461 I Totals .. . 772 752 824—2350 SNOODLES , By VJ MEW: I "DO6&ONIT JMY WFE MUST I ~ I WHERE*) I 1 upifS II \U I )_V Sammy Schiff Will Be on Map at | Carlisle and Motive Power Show! gfflMMfflr SH mmmm > SAMMY SCHIFP Training every day with good box ers and running his ten miles through Open country, Sammy Schiff. premier boxer of Harrisburg, will make his next appearance at Carlisle, February 17, when tlio K. of C. stage a great show for the benefit of the wounded soldiers * t Carlisle Hospital. Schiff has showed his loyalty and good heart by volunteering to box for oth er patriotic benefits. On February 21 the Motive Power arena will give a de luxe program in which Sam will take active part. be*ng matched to meet for the sec ond time Joe. Williams with whom he fought eight rounds at Chestnut Sunday School League Has Two Games and Big Monday Program j Salem Reformed vanquished Cove nant last evening, and the Methodist boys brimmed Camp Curtin. The for Monday includes; Meth odist vs. St. Mary's, on Cathedral floor, 8 p. m. Covensyit vs. Hlck-a- Thrifts, on Boyd Memorial floor, 8 p. m. Market Square vs. Tarsus, on St. Paul's floor, 8 p. m- The league standing shows St. Mary's Catholic well In the lead. Teams W. L. • PC. St. Mary's B O 1.000 Hick-a-Thrifts s*l .833 Salem 5 3 .571 Tarsus 3 3 .500 Covenant 2 3 .400 Methodists , 1 4 .200 Market Square 0 5 .000 CAMP HILL-ONCE MORE The unconquerable Camp Hill five | who have been cutting a swath of victory far and wide, scored an other victory last night at Palmyra, trimming the high school girls there, 26-9. Miss "Shooter" Denson, the star center of Camp Hill, scored six j -from the field. Lineup: Camp Hill Palmyra Fry, f. R. Gingrich, f. PattQrson, t. Wolfe, f. • Dennlson, c. Stauffer, c. Smith, g. Gipe, g. Bishop, g. M. Gingrich, g. •Naylor, g. §aucli.'g. Field goals: Fry, 3; Patterson, 2; Dennison, 6; Gingrich, 1; Stauffer, 1; Foul goals: Fry. 4 out of 9; Stauf fer, 5 out of 10. Referee, Johnson. ENTERTAINED AT ABEL HOME Hollam. —'Visitors entertained on Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph R. Abel, were: Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Glbbs, Mr. and Mrs. John Shetter. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Fisher. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Senft, Miss Allie Loueks, and Miss Charlotte Sprcn kle, all of York.—A two weeks', rer les of revival services was inaugu rated Sunday evening by the Itev. J. A. Jones, at Bethany United Breth ren church. Services are held night -1 ly.—Mrs. H. B. KaufTman returned J from Lancaster, where she spent sev eral days with her son-in-law and i daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kraft. I —Victor Crunkling, of Washington. I D. C., who is visiting his parents, i Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Crunkling, is I' seriously 111.—Miss Bertha M. Lentz, has returned from Windsor, where she spent seveaul days with rela i tlves. i HARRISBURG USSI* TELEXSKXPH Street last March. Manager Runk has a whole bunch of celebrities for this meeting, conspicuous among them being Johnny Herman in the semi-windup, who is to tackle Young Nelson, of Lancaster. Dick Conlon, of Altoona, Ihe goose fighter has a tough man to encounter and Rube Bennett, the native son, who made such a good showing at the last bout, will have a fine chance to show lits prowess. Schift is employed by the Pennsy road now; works his set hours every day, but puts in three "hours solid training and he shows it. He weighs an even 126 pounds. ANNIVERSARY DAY Anntversary services will be held in Trinity United Brethren Church at New Cumberland (to-morrow). Services at 9.30 and 10.00 and 7 p. m. Rev. Dr. A. B. Statton, of Hag erstown, Md., conference superin tendent, will be present and speak at all of the services during the day. Brain Tests at Tech Begin Next Week; Juniors Entertain Mid-year examinations at the Technical High school will begin Monday morning when the seniors, juniors and sophomores will have their first "exam" in history. In the afternoon the same classes will be examined jn Spanish. Tuesday morn ing various sections v of the senior class will have either* chemistry, electricity or machine tool. The third year lads will have either phy sics, chemistry or electricity. The sophs will have cither pliysles or latin, in the afternoon the "fresli ies" will have either latin or plky sical geography. Wednesday morning will be de voted to English for the three up per classes, while the first year boys will have mathematics. The juniors wili take machine tool in the after noon. Thursday morning will be de voted to mathematics, with the sen iors, juniors and sophomores hav ing their test. In the afternoon the freshmen will have history. Fri day forenoon the four classes of the school will have French. None of the students will be exempt as in former, years, because of the great amount of time lost through the epidemic last fall. The examina tions will bo held in various rooms of the building with the teachers in charge. They will begin at 9 In the morning and at 1 in the after noon. Juniors Give a Sliow Members of the junior class gave a classy entertainment to tlio school yesterday morning during the chapel period. The entire program con sisted of musical numbers. "Bud" Lingle, president of the school, open ed the performance with a speech. Then followed ~a selection by the Junior orchestra. This organization was composed of Meredith Germer, trombone; Hamilton Hartzel, pian ist: David Rosenberg, drams; J. Huston, G. Trlpner, Seldel and Da vies, violins: J. Hummel, clarinet and B. Aldinger, cornet. After their regular selection they were com- Here You Are, Now; Lebanon Challenges to Bowling Battle Sporting Editor Telegraph: Our team down here having de feated all comers, somebody told us that you had good bowlers in Harrlsburg Now we don't know If they can bowl or not, but if they can pick up a team of good bowl ers we will meet, them the first game in Harrlsburg. If they want to, because we think we can't be beat. Address, M. CASEY, American Bowling Alleys, Lebanon, Pa. Second "500" Tournament to Begin at Consistory A second "Five Hundred" tourna-' ment will begin under the auspices of the Ilarrisburg Consistory on Monday, February 24, to run' for five weeks, the entertainment com mittee announces. The winners of this tournament will play the leaders of unothe rtournament which will start on February 27. These card games will be weekly events and will not interfere with pool contests in the social rooms. Prizes are to be awarded the champions. Leaders in the tournament which has been under way since January 20, are: Howard M. Bird, 21,220: M. E, Conrad, 19,770:. C. M. Reckord, 19,260: G. I. McLaugldin, 18,510; F. 16,510: Morris De Hart ,15,890: A. K. Hull, 15,610; E. E. Eilis, 15,330; G. "W. Krohn, 14,870. Fines Imposed on Parents For School Law Violation York Haven, Pa., Feb. 15.—A fine and costs of prosecution were im posed upon each of seven residents of the Newberry township school district recently by Justice of the Peace John S. Fishel, of York Haven, for having violated, it is said, the- compulsory school attend ance law as fixed by the Assembly and stipulated in the school code. The charges against the Newberry township residents were preferred by Edgar Whisler, secretary the dis trict School Board. When the parents failed to heed the notice of the Board of Control to send their children to school more regularly, the only resort the Board had was to bring the charges. In each case the defendants paid the fine and costs and promised to send their children to school. Elect Pastor, Then Hear of His Suicide I.nncnNtrr. Pa., Feb. 15.—Two hours after the Rev. John Calvin Ely, chap lain of the United States steamship Melville, lying in New York harbor, was elected pastor of Bethany Pres byterian Church, Lancaster, news was received he had committed suicide during the afternoon aboard his ship while mentally unbalanced, due to nervous breakdown. Mr. Ely was 30 years old and before coming to Lancaster, two years ago, as pastor of Bethany Church, he held a charge at Miftlintown. He resigned from Bethany Church in July, 1918, to acctpt a chaplaincy in the Navy, and most of his service was overseas. He had already presented his resig nation as chaplain. pelled to respond to an encore. Meredith Germer played u trombone solo, and never did he play better for the students than On this occa sion. He was encored for his splen did playing. War songs played by the orchestra, and in which the re mainder of the class sang, complet ed the program. It was a splen did entertainment and brought forth much favorable comment. Febru ary 28 the sophomores will enter tain the school, with the freshmen having their chance a week later. "KM" Edisons The Thomas A. Edison Electrical Club of this school has just elected a new quota of officers for the new term. They are as follows: Pres ident, Ebert: secretary, Doyle; treas urer, Lippi; first vice-president, Klugh and second vice-president, Brukcr. A short acjdress was given by each of the new officers. Presi dent Ebert (no relative to tlie Ger man) volunteered to typewrite the e.onstitution on linen tracing cloth. Brown was appointed .to the position of assistant publicity editor. Ross Reed was promoted to the position of editor, to fill the place of Shope who has resigned. This club pects to perform some interesting experiments tlie remainder of the term. Harry GUmpert and Charles Her bert, staff photographers of the Tech Taller, took a group picture of the 'presidents of the various clubs, yesterday hfternoon at the close of school. Andrew Musser, editor-in-chief of the Tech Tatler, held a meeting yesterday at the close of school, at tended by the members of the staff. It was decided to publish the next, issue March 17, and feature club life at the school. During examinations next week, the lunch room will be closed. Many of the students of the school are arranging to attend the Father and Son dinner Monday evening at Chestnut Street Hall. • Nix on Pink Teas; Sports For Women, Says Tom Marshall Woman's working sphere! An un explored and unlimited territory. Avenues have been open to femin inity, which In the past have always been labeled impassable and impos sible. Many other roads are being opened which have the warning "temporarily closed and undergoing reconstruction." The advent of the World's War, hastened by centuries the general reversal of dogmas, erroneous ideas and fallacies, regarding woman's legitimate sphere and her .occu pancy of the territory. Complete change of conditions with necessary requirements have granted woman the opportunity to enter and make good in many of the "thus far shalt thou go and no farther" avocations, which have been man's work and personal prerogatives from time im memorial. In the successful inva sion and occupancy of those spheres by "gentler woman," new eras and ideas in life have been established. Woman's mentality or "think lank" was originally cast in the same mold with that of man. Conditions, teachings, surroundings, environ ments and accepted mandates had gradually brought about a contra vention of reasoning, whereby the gentler bfceame the weaker sex to mankind. Physically this was a con ceded fact. American women had retrograded into a club of pink tea following, bridge-playing aggrega tion of non-essentials, whose desire in life was the killing of time and forgetting of trouble by elimination of duties. Aladdin rubbed the lamp and conditions were changed in it night, When a direct national call was made to the women of our land for war assistance, the appeal was heard and immediately responded to by women from every walk of life. Many were the channels opened and trails blazed, which were continu ously followed until woman was a prime factor in the winning of the war, not only in America but in. other nations. Honors due for war success are to be equally divided between sexes. Mentality vs. physical ability is diversified amongst women as wo also find it divided between men. In both sexes we find born leaders, orators, writers, entertainers, states men and women, with molders of public opinion. You have menials, the "hewers of wood and carriers of water," cultured and "rough neck," the intelligent with the "haw-knoeker." Members in both classes, who are competent to fill any position offered, social or com mercial. Women have demonstrated their all round ability and adaptability under recent stress of circum stances, so why return to the non essential walks of life to again rele gate themselves into continuous idea of time-killing?. You have vome into your own. Unlversay franchises, the right of ballot, will soon bo yours lr> every state. You are occupying seats in the halls of legislation, making laws for. both government and state. You are called upon to assist in the enforcement of laws, matrons, policewomen and jailers have fallen to your sphere of use fulness. Demands of humanity and business, should eliminate a con tinuous desire for bridge, pink teas or other indoor sports. Your ulti mate success in life, mentally and from a physical angle depends upon your adoption of an outdoor life and continuously living in the open, which is an open sesame to an ac tive mind, with longevity. As an outdoor diversion there is positively no line of sport, you will attempt, that will give the mental rest, fill all physical requirements giving the personal satisfaction and pleasure to be derived from trap shooting—the sport alluring. From every angle it is seductive, your first venture at the traps eliminates ev ery semblance of fear of firearms, which usually possesses one, more intimate acquaintance with guns im bues you with confidence self-re'i ance with a knowledge and assur ance of your ability to care for your home and personal safety. Your acquaintance with and ability to ac curately handle a gun is an epual tzer against brute strength on all occasions. An allayer of the qualms of fear, with which almost every woman is originally possessed. Laws against carrying concealed weapons were enacted to trim the claws of desperadoes or "gun-men" whose pleasure was "shooting up the town." Special dispensations or permits should be accorded women to carry arms, when necessary, us an equalizer. There would bo no abuse a privilege, the acquired morale, would be useful to women as a preparedness measure against man-handling. Take the ozone baths, with Mother Nature acting masseur. ANSWERS TO NIMRODK Question—What has become of John Henry, the shooting barber, who won the last Grand Arfierican handicap in Chicago? Do you know him personally? What kind of a man is ho? C. T. E.. Saginaw, Michigan. Answer—Mr. Henry resides in Elkhart, Indiana. Is a man about 45 years of age and has been shoot ing at trap and on game since be was a boy. He has been raised in the great outdoors and has made a study, of outdoor life and is a most successful trappec and tralnar of dogs. He specializes on the catch ing of coon, rat and skunk for which he finds a most remunera tive market ftt this ttme. A short time since he essayed the roll of private detective for the New 1 FEBRUARY 15, 1919. ' York Central Railroad; his term of service was short, working but one night, 1 turning In his resignation as a tlilef-hunter and returning to the .running of his traps In which he was much more successful. He is a very pleasant, affable man, and is popular with his associates. Question —Dp you think game pro tection feasible? What duck would you favor as a breeder and hardy bird? Would I be permitted to sell -propagated birds? Do you think the federal law will again give us an abundance of game for sporting pur poses. JOHN OORUIGAX, Lynn, Mass. Protection is certainly feasible, propagation is conditional. Mallard ducks are considered the most de sirable duck for propagation farms. Advised by the United States De partment of Agriculture. Mallards are hardy, adaptable and fecundity fit as no other duck is fitted to be the game duck of the future. They are vegetarians, feeding on semi aquatic p'ants about ninety per cent, ten per cent, of their food be ing beetles, bugs and dragon flies. The federal migratory game law if strictly enforced, will perpetuate, but never restore. Civilization en croachment is the answer to dis appearing game birds. Urges Enactment, of Law to Review Soldier Sentences Washington, Feb. 15.—Instances of severe sentences imposed by courts martial upon soldiers found KUilty of minor offenses were recit ed before the Senate military com mittee yesterday by Brigadier Gen eral Samuel T. Ansell, acting judge advocate general, who appeared to urge of a law authoriz ing fdVlews of court martial sen tences by tho judge advocate. General Ansell was asked by members of the committee why it was that many conscientious objec tors had been discharged from the army while enlisted and selective service men were required to re main in camps, but he asked to be excused from answering. Chair man Chamberlain later announced that Secretary Baker would bo call ed for questioning on this subject. General Ansell told the commit tee that personally he favored the, pending Chamberlain bill granting broad powers of review in court martial cases, but said that generally War Department officials opposed the provisions of the measure. Prior to the war, he said, American court martial laws were more stringent A Sporting Goods Store That is Different In opening - our store to the public it will be our utmost desire to offer the best in our line at lowest prices consistent with higiiest quality. Everything For Sports ' "Our Slogan" means just what it says. You will always find us prepared to meet your requirements with merchandise that will give the highest grade service and complete satisfaction —no matter whether its a Gun, a Rod, Kodak, Bicycle or a Play toy for baby. We invite you to visit our store and get acquaint ed. ■ Prompt, courteous service whether Jp J you buy or not, awaits von when you fjjj J i visit the Sporting Goods Store That jWJ SksHENK & TITTLE M W ffißy EVERYTHING FOR SPORTS than those of any other country ex cepting Spain, Germany and Rus sla. " Stores From Coast to Coast i ■aia ~ I*, - "Factory to You** United Hats SPECIAL FOR THE Workingman 1000 SOFT HATS d* I Q C All Sizes and Colors Regular $2.50, S3.OU, $3.50 Odds and Ends of the Season See Our Window VELOURS <£Q QC All Sizes yO.VD All Colors Were $6.00; $7.00, SB.OO WINTER CAPS . $1,25 Some With Fur Bands Regular $1.50, $2.00, $2.50 /II ,1 /I Hrgular Cloth Caps sates 85c United Hat Stores Incorporated Third and Market Sts. 13