Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, February 15, 1919, Page 12, Image 12

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Impressive .Ceremonies Will
Precede Conferring of
Honor Medal
With appropriate ceremonies in the
Hull of the House of Representatives
next Tuesday afternoon at 2.30
o'clock Bishop James Henry Dar
lington, of the Harrisburg Diocese,
I'rotestant Kpiscopal Church, will re
ceive tlic degree fo officer of the
French Region of Honor. The pre
sentation. which is inatle by the lay
ins of the. sword upon the should
er of the recipient much after the
fashion of conferring the old order
of knighthood, will be preceded by
an address by the French high com
missioner in the United States, EdoU
ard ile Billj* who will be accompan
ied to the city by Commandant Rang
lois, of the French staff. Addresses
will be made by Governor Sproul,
Rieu tenant Governor Beidelman and
Speaker Spangler.
Harrisburg was sfijected by the
French commission by reason of the I
county having been named for the I
son of the King of France and the. j
conferment comes almost upon the
anniversary of the visit of l.afayette
to this city. The degree of officer of I
the Region has been conferred re
cently upon three other Americans: I
J. TMerpont Morgan, for his part in I
financing French loans in America: j
Dr. Simon Flexner, of New York, of
tlie Rockefeller Foundation, whose
adoption of the Caret treatment for
gangivme in wounds saved many
lives during the war, and James M.
Beck, of Pennsylvania, who received
Ihe degree at the recent Pennsylva
nia Society dinner at the, Hotel As
tor, 'N. Y. <
Steel Girder Tears
Sides From Parlor Cars
of Pennsy Express Train
By Associated Press '
Pittsburgh, Pa., Feb. 15.—Twelve
persons were injured, several se
riously .when a steel girder protrud
ing from a Hat car of a westbound
freight train last night tore one side
from three parlor cars of the east
hound Cincinnati-Pittsburgh express
on the Pennsylvania railroad at Oak
dale, near here. The injured, some
of whom were women, were brought
to Pittsburgh hospitals.
Koth trains were moving slowly
when the sixty-foot girder, believed
to have been jolted from its position
on the flat car, struck the express.
It tore tlie roof fro mono of the steel
parlor cars and ripped the side from
all three.
Most of tlie injured were cut by
llyiug glnys. Kevfrul women fainted
and. were trampled in the panic
whith followed tlie > rash.
Work or Fight Order Gone
With the War, Police Have
Hard Time With Vagrants
Vagrancy lias to a certain extent
become lhdrc• prevalent with the ces
sation of many war industries, and
police to-day began energetic efforts
in break it up. Four men were ar
vestcd this morning for vagrancy.
Torn MoManus, Jacob Shaner and
Harry Grayson, all well known to the
police, were arrested on the charge
of sleeping at .Cowden's Pottery,
Ninth and Hcrr streets, and Charles
Kennedy, l.ucknow, was arrested for
trespassing at the Raiance-Grosjean
manufacturing plant, and was
charged with stealing an overcoat
from a workman. .
Fair Weather. With Cold
Start. Predicted For Week
By . I ssOeialcd Press
Washington. Feb. 15.—Weather
predictions for the week beginning
February 1". North and Middle At
lantic states: Generally fair except
possibly snow northern New Tork
and Northern New England Tuesday
or Wednesday. Temperatures some
what below normal Monday and
•Tuesday, nearly normal thereafter.
h v Associated Press
Washington., Feb. 15.—General
Pershing notified the War Depart
ment to-day that the 27th. (New
York National Guard) division
would leave Rresl for horn on ves
sels sailing March 2, 3 and 4.
Use McNeil's Cold Tablets. Adv.
• Woolen Blankets j
! eu l h ?- Ba J? ie an, l Quality w© supplied I
| thp l S. Army. Made from the finest!
i Quality of wool. Perfect, thoroughly!
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X our own milla. X
S ,T *®' I : E f ,OR HOME OR AITO J
• Ollt© I>rnb or Oxford CJroy. Sire 42x60 !
! m Weight l l ,* to 2 Itm. . !
I s 3 -75 tJKESJ?* sio.sd
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9 Oxford Cirey. Hut. 4 ll*. Sir© €6x64 f
! $6.00 rac'H OR no
f Sent by Faro©! Poat PREPAID to any I
• add re** in th© I'nited States.
• Immediate dlivury. Hold under money!
9 back iiuarantpp.
| 611 A~6, Drexrl Rldf. {
Philadelphia. p. ♦
Wc use high-grade leather
and the best material in all
our work.
Work Done While
You Wait
Years of experience in shoe
repairing enables us to give
you entire satisfaction and
expert workmanship.
All Work Guaranteed
. Men's lull soles and dj| Qfl
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rubber heels sfl
Ladles' half soles <t 1 on
and rubber heels ..
Men's and Ladies'
Rubber Heels
attached In Un minutes.
Singer Shoe Repair
1738 No. Fourth St.
The Scarecrow Plans An Escape
Tip slipped away from the girls
and followed swiftly after Ihe soldier
with the green wrflskers. The invad
ing arm entered the city more slow
ly, for they stopped to dig emeralds
out of the walls and paving stones
with the points of their knitting
needles. Bo the soldier and the boy
reached the palace before the news
had spread that the city was con
The Scarecrow and Jack Pump
kinhead were still playing at quoits
in the courtyard when the game was
interrupted by the abrupt entrance
of the Royal Army of Oz, who came
flying in without his hat or gun, his
clothes in sad array and his long
board floating a yard behind him
as he ran.
"Tally one for me," said the
Scarecrow, calmly. "What's wrong,
my man " he adtled, addressing the
"Oh! your majesty—your majesty,
the city is conquered!" gasped tlie
Royal Army, who was all out of
"This is quite sudden," said the
Scarecrow. "But please go and bar
ull the doors and windows of the
palace, while I show this Pumpkin
head how to throw a quoit."
The soldier hastened to do this,
while Tip, who had arrived at his
heels, remained in the courtyard to
look at tlie Scarecrow with wonder
ing eyes. ,
His Majesty continued lo throw
the quoits as coolly as if no danger
threatened his throne, bu the Pump
kinhead, having caught sight of Tip,
ambled toward the boy as fast as his
wooden legs would go.
"Good afternoon, noble parent!"
he cried, delightedly. "I'm glad to
see you are here. Ti;at terrible Saw-
Hore ran away wlt'i me."
"I suspected it," iid Tip. "Did you
get hurt? Are you cracked at all?"
"No, I arrived safely," answered
Jack, "and his Majesty has been very
kind indeed to me.
At the moment the Soldier with
Green Whiskers returned, and the
Scarecrow asked:
"By the way, who has conquered
"A regiment of girls, / gathered
from the four corners of the Rand of
Oz," replied tlie soldier, still pale
with fear.
"But where . was my Standing
Army at the time?" inquired his Ma
jesty, looking at tlie Soldier, grdvely.
'iYour Standing Army was run
ning," answered the fellow, honestly:
"for no man could face tlie terrible
wepnons of the invaders."
"Well." said the Scarecrow, after
a moment's thought. "I don't mind
much the loss of niy throne, for it's a
tiresome job to rule over the Emer
ald City. And this crown is so heavy
that it makes my head ache. But I
hope the Conquerors have no inten
tion of injuring me, just because I
happen to be the king.
"I heard them say." remarked
Tip, with some hesitation, "that they
j intend to make n rag carpet of your
[outside and stuff their sofa cushions
with your inside."
"Then I am really In danger," de
clared bin Majesty, positively, "and
it will he Vise for me to consider a
mcans of escap'e."
"Where can you go?" asked Jack
"Why. to my friend the Tir. Wood
man, who rules over the Winkies.
land calls himself their Emperor."
was the answer. "T am sure he will
[ protect me."
I Tip was looking out of the win
i dow.
I "The palace is surrounded by the
enemy," said he. "Tt is too late to
Would Shape Trade Agree
' 111 en Is So That America
Is Not Embarrassed
By Associated Press. t
WestcrviUe, 0., Feb. 15.—Nation
al headquarters of the Anti-Saloon
League here to-day announced that
the league had sent a delegation to
the Peace Conference at Paris to
ask that the United States "be pro
tected in its prohibition by such trade
agreements as will not embarrass it
when it puts prohibition into effect."
league officials also announced
that the work of the Anti-Saloon
League is to be extended to all of the
larger countries of the world. Wil
liam K. Johnson, formerly, chief In
dian officer of the "United States
Government, has opened a league
office in London and league offices
will be opened soon in all of the
principal capitals of the world.
The league announced that it will
hold a huge convention in Washing
ton May 22 to 24 to celebrate the
triumph of prohibition in the United
States nnd the twenty-sixth anniver
sary of the founding of the organi
The convention will be attended by
500 delegates from every civilized
rtution in the world, it is said. .
The Appleby Brothers' basketball
team last evening defeated the Alli
son Hill All-Stars on the Shimmell
floor by a score of 69 to. 20. The
lineup follows:
Allison Hill. Appleby Bros.
Lentz, f. Co ban gh, f.
Zeiglcr, f. Appleby, f.
Klcnh, c. Kean, c.
Oinman, g. Garber, g.
McClinn. g. Lick, g.
Goals: Cobaugh, 15c; Appleby, 3;
Kean. It; Gaber, 3; Lentz, 4; Kinch,
1; Oinman, 2. Fouls: Cobaugh, 7 to 15
and Lentz 4 to 6.
Two deaths, due to influenza, have
occurred at the Harrlsburg Hospital
since yesterday. Mrs. Oliver Zetders,
aged 24, 121S Wallace street, oiled at
[3:16 o'clock this morning. She was ad
mitted to thfe hospltbl Thursday. Mrs.
John Jones, 107 Ann street, aged 25,
died shortly after noon yesterday. She
also was admitted Thursday.
New York, Feb.- 15.—Final prices
on Liberty Bonds to-day were; 3 I-2s,
98.86; first con. 4s, 92.80; second 4s,
92.64; first con. 4 1-4s, 94.86; second
con. 4 l-4s. 93.90; third 4 l-4s, 95.12;
fourth 4 l-4s, 93.80.
escape. They would soon tear you to
The Scarecrow sighed.
"In an emergency," he announced,
"it is always a good thing to pause
and reflect. Please excuse me while
I pause and reflect."
"But we also are in danger,"
said the Pumpkinhead, anxious
lj*. "If any of these girls understand
cooking, my end is not far oft!"
"Nonsense!" exclaimed the Scare
crow; "they're too busy to cook,
even if they know how!"
"But should I remain here a
prisoner for any length of time,"
protested Jack. "I'm liable to spoil."
"Ah! then yd# would not he fit
to associate with," returned the
Scarecrow. "The matter is more
serious than 1 suspected."
"You," said the Pumpkinhead,
gloomily, "are liable to live for many
years. My life is necessarily short.
So 1 must take advantage of the
few days that remain to me."
"There, there! Don't worry,"
answered tlie Scarecrow, soothing
ly; "if you'll keep quiet long enough
for me to think, I'll try to find some
way for us all to escape."
So the others waited in patient
silence while the Scarecrow walked
to a corner and stood with his face
to the wall for a good five minutes.
At the end of that time he faced
them with a more cheerful expres
sion upon his painted face.
"Where is the Saw-Horse you rode
here?" he asked the Pumpkinhead.
"Why, I said he was a jewel, and
so your man locked him up in the
royal treasury," said Jack.
"It was tlie only place R could
think of, your Majesty," added the
Soldier, fearing he had made u
blunder. i
"It pleases me very much," said)
the Scarecrow. "Has Ihe animal
been fed?"
"Oh, yes; I gave him a heaping
peck of sawdust."
"Excellent!" cried the Scarecrow.
"Bring the horse here at once."
The Soldier hastened away, and
presently they heard the clatter
ing of the horse's wooden legs up
on the pavement as he was led into
(Copyrighted by 1.. Frank Bauin for
With Choir and Organist
Miss Ruth Steinauer, orgartist at
Christ Rutheran Church, has also been
chosen director of the choir, succeed
ing Mrs. Phoebe Turner, who had held
the position for several months fol
lowing the retirement of Director E.
A. Heffelfinger, wjio had served faith
fully for many years.
I*. Trobe M. Barnitz is the new
leader of Westminster Presbyterian
t'hurch choir, which had been direct
ed for a number of years by Robert
Smith, now bass soloist of Zion Lu
theran choir. Miss Wilson continues
as soprano soloist, with Mrs. Ralph R.
Burd as organist.
"Like as the Hart Desireth the
Water Brook," one of H. J. Storer's
tuneful works, has been widely used
by choirs of protestant churches.
Storer has been most fortunte in
meeting the needs of the average
choir. "The Day Is Past and Over"
is another beautiful authem number
by the same composer. Storer is a
Syracuse, N. Y., musician and has
written many beautiful hymn tunes, a
number of which appear both in the
Protestant Kpiscopal and Methodist
Kpiscopal hymnals.
H. C. MacDougall, widely known or
ganist and choirmaster, recommends
the changing ot key in quite a num
ber of hymns, in which the compos
ers evidently forgot the range of the
ordinary choir voice in their desire to
accomplish something harmonically
attractive. In some hymns he raises
the pitch,, while in others he lowers
It. Organists not gifted with rapid
transposing facility cling to the text
which appears in the hymnal before
him allowing the choir to proceed in
the original key.
Ralph E. Steever. a well-known
singer of the city, has organized a
male quartet known as the Quality
Four. Its personnel comprises Mr.
Steever, first tenor: .1. Stewart Black,
second tenor: Ralph Manley, first
bass, and J. AVarron Byler, second
bass. Mr. Steever was a member of
the Orpheus Club, directed by Fred
eric O. Martin, which later became
known as the Madrigal Club of which
appeared In many of the comic operas
Mr. Kelker was the director. He also
sung by the lljntsburg Operatic So
ciety. Mr. Black Is organist of Beth
lehem I-utheran Church. Mr. Manley
lately directed the choir of Olivet
Presbyterian Church and was a mem
ber ot the recent Rutherford Qlee
Club. Mr. Byler Is a member of the
choir of the Christ Hutheran Church
and also of the Pennsylvania Railroad
Concert Company.
A church member nnd musician
syho had hoped there might be a
change in the music of his church
which would comform more closely to
the beautiful liturgy used, writes
choir and organist that he has given
up hope, "When It seemed," he
writes, "that the governing body of
the church was about to conclude that
the music was quite as Important as
the preaching and had arranged to
i improve that part of the aervlce.
the courtyard.
His Majesty regarded the steed
"He doesn't seem especially grace
ful," he remarked, musingly; "but 1
suppose he can run?"
"He can, indeed," said Tip gaz
ing upon the Saw-Horse admiring
"Then, bearing us upon his back,
he must make a dash through the
ranks of the rebels and carry us
to my friend the Tin Woodman," an
nounced the Scarecrow.
"Ho enn't carry lour!" objected
"No, but lie may be Induced to
carry three," said his Majesty, "I
shall therefore leave my Royal
Army behind. For, from the ease
with which he was conquered, I
have little confidence in his pow
"Still, he can run," declared Tip,
"I expected this blow," said the
Soldier, sulkily; "but I can bear it.
1 disguise myself by cutting
off my lovely green whiskers. And,
after all, It is no more dangerous to
face those reckless girls than lo
ride this fiery, untamed wooden
"Perhaps you are right," ob
served his Majesty. "But, for my
part, not being a soldier, 1 am fond
of danger. Now, my boy. you must
mount first. And please sit as close
to the horse's neck as possible."
Tip climbed quickly to Ills place,
and the Soldier and the Scarecrow
managed fo hoist the Pumpkinhead
to a seat just behind him. There re
majned so little space'for the King
that he was liable to fall off as soon
as the horse started.
"Fetch the clothesline," said the
King to his Army, "and He us all
together. Then if one falls off we
will all fall off."
And while the Soldier was gone
for the clotheslines his Majesty con
tinued, "it is well for me to be care
ful, for my very#existence is in dan
"I have to he as careful as you
do." said Jack.
"Not exactly," replied the Scare
crow; "for if anything happened to
the George Matthew Adams Ser vi
along comes a short-sighted singer
who steps in the way purely out of
personal reasons. "I am sorry,"
writes the musician, "that this sing
er, a member of the church, finds it
impossible to agree to the plan for
mulated by the official body, and I
am sure that this singer will regret,
in years to come, an act that impeded
the progress pf'the church. A church
member who fer any personal reason
stands in the way of obtaining the
best sermons and music so that men
and women may he drawn into the
church assumes a tremendous respon
sibility." Some one has referred to
choir as the war department, of the
Police Doubt That Child
Was Lured From Playmates
Police are inclined to disbelieve
the theory that Jeannette Herman,
seven-year-old daughter of Carroll
K. Herman, West Falrview, was the
victim of a kidnaper last night, when
she apparently disappeared from
sight for about two hours. Accord
ing to tlio theory of Chief Wetzel, it
Is likely that the man who walked
away with the girl when he met her
and her companions at Sixth and
Forster streets about S o'clock, knew
her and intended taking her home.
According to word received last
night he accompanied her only
about a block and she reached her
home about 10.30 o'clock, after her
father had come to Harrisburg to
search for her.
According to W. E. Marshall. 629
Boas street, druggist, the little girl
came Into his store about 9.30 and
had a prescription filled, as she has
done repeatedly, her mother being
HI. She was alone, Dr. Marshall
said, and said nothing about being
lost or kidnaped.
According to Alma Kllnger, 10S
South" Court street, one of s the com
panions with the girl, a smooth
faced mnn, wearing a derby and
sack coat, approached them at Sixth
and Forster streets and after walk
ing with them under the Kllnger
girl's umbrella, offered the Herman
girl $1 If she would accompany him
to the pictures. She started off with
him, the Kllnger girl says, and was
not seen by her afterwnnls.
§y Associated Press
Wtlllnmaport, Pn., Feb. (IB.—A
mail airplane, which hail been ct
Belefonte since the discontinuance
of the aerial.mall service three weeks
ago, was started hack to Cleveland
late yesterday afternoon by Pilot
Ebersole. The plane hnd not come
up to requirements for actlal mail
me, thai would be the end of me.
But if anything happened to you,
they could use you lor seed."
The Soldier now returned with a
long line and tied all three lirmly
together, also lashing them to the
body of the Saw-Horse; so- there
seemed little danger of their tumb
ling off.
"Now throw open the gates,"
commanded the Searcrow, "and we
will make a dash to liberty or to
The courtyard in which they were
standing was located In the center
of the great palace, which surround
ed It .on all sides. But in one place
a passage led to an outer gate
way, which the Soldier had barred
by order of his sovereign. It was
through this gateway his Majesty
proposed to escape, and the lloyal
Army now led the Saw-Horse along
the passage and unbarred the gate,
which swung backward with a loud
"Now," said Tip to the horse,
">ou must save us all. Run as fast
as you can for the gate of the City,
and don't let anything stop you."
"All right!" answered the Saw-
Horse, gruffly, and dashed away so
suddenly that Tip had to gasp for
breath and hold firmly ,to the post
he had driven Into the creature's
Several of the girls, who stood
outside guarding tne palace, were
knocked over by the Saw-Horse's
mad rush. Others run screaming out
of the way, and only one or two
jabbed their knitting-needles' fran
tically at the escaping prisoners.
Tip got one small prick in his left
arm, which smarted for an hour
afterward; but the needles had no
effect upon the Scarecrow or Jack
I'umpkinhead, who never even sus
pected they were being prodded.
As for the Saw-llorse, he made a
wonderful record, upsetting a fruit
curb overturning several meek look
ing men, and iinally bowling over
the new Guardian of the Gate—a
fussy little fat woman appointed by
General J injur.
Nor did the impetuous charger
stop then. Once outside the walls
of the Emerald City he dashed
along the rad to the West with fast
and violent leaps that shook the
breath out of the boy and tilled the
Scarecrow with wonder.
Jack had ridden at this mad rate
once before, so he devoted every
effort to holding, with both hands,
his pumpkin head upon its stick, en
during meantime the dreadful jolt
ing with the courage of a philos
"Slow him up! Slow hint up!"
shouted the Scarcrow. "My straw is
all shaking down into my legs."
But Tip had no breath to speak,
so the Saw-llorse continued his wi'd
career unchecked and with un
abated speed.
Presently they came to the banks
of a wide river, and without a pause
the wooden steed gave one final leap
and launched them all in mid-air.
A second later they were rolling,
splashing and bobbtng about in the
water, the horse struggling franti
cally to find a rest for its feet and
its riders being first plunged be
neath the ranid current and then
floating upon the surface like corks.
I Next Story: "The .Tourney to the
Tin Woodmaji." in which the four
travelers manage to reach the op
posite bank of the river in safety
and start to go through a part of the
.country which was. once inhabited
by dangerous Winged Monkeys. Are
the Monkeys still there, or is their
.iourney peaceful and uninterrupted?
The next instalment will tell you.
Commissions at Spa Wants
Weapons Among Guns
Coblenx, Feb. 15.-—Tlie allies have
taken steps to gain possession of
one of the long range guns which
the Germans used to fire upon Paris.
The Inter-Allied Commission at Spa
has made demands upon the Ger
man delivering commission that a
long range gun be included in the
war material which the Germans
are turning over to the allies.
All the German officers whom the
American officials have
regarding the long range guns have
asserted that all the crews who
were assigned to the task of hand
ling the "big llerthas" were sworn
to secrecy, and ever since the
armistice was signed little has been
known regarding the fate of these
monster weapons.
Great Britain's Labor
Troubles Grow; George
May Be Held in London
By Associated Press
Condon, Feb. 15. The industrial
situation Is marking time, pending
the meeting to be held on Tuesday
of the consultative committee of the
laborlte "triple alliance'" tlie min
ers' federation, the 'ra ilwaymen's
union and the transport federation.
Premier I.loyd George, realizing
that labor trouble may seriously re
tard national reconstruction and trade
development, will probably prolong
his stay in England Instead of re
turning almost Immediately to Paris.
The latest outbreak of discontent Is
among the employes of the post office,
ajid the telegraph and telephone serv
ices. At a meeting held here last
evening, resolutions were passed de
manding the Immediate convening of
a congress of employes to formulate
demands for higher wages and better
working conditions for submission to
the postmaster general,
By Associated* l'ress
Washington, Feb. 15.—Approval
of the proposal to establish a govern
ment price ndjuatment board to
ntahtllze condition* during the pott
war period, was cabled by President
'Wilson to-day to Secretary Kedfield,
H.ghi class \ audeville Tom Linton
and his 'Jungle Bills." K OU r other
lveith attractions. .Eighth episode
of "The Cure of the Circus."
to-night Comstock and Gest offer
"Kciive it To Jane."
Monday, matinee and night, February
ti—"Charley's Aunt.'
rhurrdg-y. night only, February 20—
The Messrs. Shubert otter "The
Dancer." with Martha Medman.
I Friday night and Saturday matinee
and night, February 21 and 22
To-day—Norma Talmadge in "The
Heart of Wetona."
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday
Anita-Stewart in "Virtuous Wives."
Thursday, Friday and Saturday—
Geraldine Fariar in "Shadows."
To-day—William S. Hart in "Brand
ing Broadway," and a Sennett com
edy, "independence, B'Uosh."
Monday and Tuesday l.iia Bee In
"The Cruise of the Make Believe."
To-da.v —Houdini, "The Master Mys
Seats for the engagement of "Char
ley's Aunt" at the Orpheum on Mon
day are now on
"Charley's Aunt," sale. The company
tire Comedy With which Miller &
Music ' Kisser have pro
vided musters a
roll of well-known players, includ
ing DwyeY, Bert Robinson,
Charles Canjieid, Eric Dressier, Frank
I. Frayne, Hetty Frank, Ruth Det
lin, Vivian Forrest. Klma Ring, Amy
1-ee, Charlotte Waslhtnan and oth
A new play, by Edward Eocke, "The
Dancer," will be presented ui the Or
plieuui next Thurs
"Tlie Dancer" at oay evening. The
the Orplicum featured player of
the cast is Martha
lledman, who was starred during the
past tluee years by David Belasco in
Winehell Smith aiid Victor Mape's
comedy, "The Boomerang." She will
be ably supportol by a brilliant
company which will include John llal
liday. Harry Mestayer. Thomas J.
Keogh, "Gypsy" O'Brien, Jean Temple
and Beatrice Collenette. "The Danc
er" is a comedy-drama in three acts,
the locale New York City, at the
present time. It Is highly amusing
as well as a dramatic story.
Behind tile appearance of Miss
Anita Stewart in "Virtuous Wives,"
the first production to be made by
her own company, is an interesting
series of events, which started a yeur
ago when l.ouis B. Mayer, Boston film
magnate, sought to obtain Iter re
lease from the Vltagraph Company
and launch her as an independent
star in a series of productions based
on famous stories.
Mr. Mayer finally concluded his ne
gani/.ations with the Vitagraph or
gani/.atoln by paying them a cash
bonus, said to run into live tigureg,
for cancelling the contract they held
for Miss Stewart's services.
Mifa Stewart's first production un
der the management of Mr. Mayer
is an adaption of tho famous novel.
"Virtuous Wives," by Owen Johnson
and will be shown at the Colonial
for the tirst three days of the week.
"The Heart of Wetona" closes a
three-day engagement at the Colonial
Theater featuring
>ormn Tnlmailge Norma Talmadge
at Colonial To-day in one of the
strongest casts of
her career in the role of an Indian
girl. A disgrace to her tribe, We
tona, daughter of the chief, is forced
to marry the man her father suspects
of her downfall, who lpves the girl
for herself alone. He is man enough
rnd big enough to go through with
the ceremony knowing he is not the
guilty party. Besides one of the most
beautiful stories ever produced it is
a most tender one.
| s**••• -"pHr ||
f J
1 >11.,A LED J
ui'The Cruise of tho Make -Believes" •
Ella T,ee, vaudeville actress, is to
b.i shewn at the Regent Theater Mon
day. Tuesday and Wed-
I lln I.re nt nesdoy in her ttrst pic
tlie Urgent turn, -'The (Tuihe of the
Make-Believe." Miss I,ee
is pleasantly remembered In Harris
burg as "Cuddles," she having ap
peared in local theaters.
William S. ITart is shown for the
last times to-nighl ui "Branding
Broadway," with a Wagg comedy,
"independence, ii' Gosh,"
Charles A. Norton, formerly with
Neil O'Brien's minstrels will enter
tain between the
At Chestnut Street halves of the
Auditorium game between
Pitcairn and llar
rlsburg Independents. Norton is said
to be exceptionally clever with the
tambourine as well as having a stylo
all his own In doing the comic min
atrel aonga.
The eighth chapter of "The Master
Mystery," shown / yesterday at the
Victoria Theater, prov-
Houdlnl at rd in every way op a
the Colonial pAr with the sensa
tional and hair-raising
Incidents featuring previous episodes
In this gripping screen serial. Hou
rtlnl goes through. If possible, even
mora dare-devil exploits than In other
chapters, and has marvelous escapes
from the tolls Inld'for him as a gov
ernment secret service man, through
thr> diabolical cunning and Ingenuity
of'the giant but human-like auto
maton, whose weird activities form
r FEBRUARY 15, 19W "
the basis for the amazing aeries of
startling adventures tvhieh make this
flint series stand out pre-eminent
among its kind. The eighth chapter,
called "The Challenge," will be shown
again to-day.
foggy Hyland, in "Tlie Girl With
No Regrets," a William Fox film mas
terpiece, will be seen to-day for the
last time in tills screen version of the
noted New York stage success.
Pleasing entertainment Is in store
for theatergoers who attend tlie Ma
.letsic the last half of tills
At the week. Comedy is a big
Mnjctalc feature of the bill, and one
of the popular numbers on
the piogram Is the monolog offered
by "Pat" Barrett. Mr. Barrett is funny
and has u line of splendid material,
with the result that his act is a big
j bit. Other attractions include: Lu
cille and a pair of cockatoos, who
I have mastered to quite a remarkable
degree the art of talking; Tom Linton
land his "Jungle Girls," in a hodgo
.] podge of comedy and song: Brown and
Jackson, presenting a breezy little
. I skit, and the Four Ortons, in a good
I variety offering. Another episode of
"The Lure of the Circus." with daring
"Eddie" Polo, is also being shown.
The headline!- for the early half of
. next week will ho linstock's Hiding
School ,a novelty offering that is said
i t.i be a big laugh from start to finish.
' Grouped around this attraction are:
Norton and Noble .in up-to-date
songs: Marconi and Fitzgihbnns. two
• men who play the jiiano, accordion
and xylophone: the Wheeler Boys, 111
some clever aerobatie sttinls, and one
. other act.
. I The second instalment of "The
! Harrisburg Independents
Chestnut Street Auditorium
Dancing After the Game
With C. A. Norton, Famous
Monday Tuesday Wednesday
Starring dainty Anita Stew
art in. a screen. version. of
Owen Johnson's famous story
of the same name. This is
Anita Stewarts first screen ap
pearance in almost a year.
Thursday Night, Fcburary 20
Messrs. Lee and J. J. Shubert
A Comedy Drama in Three Acts
(Author of "The Climax" and ('The Case of Becky")
John Halliday Gypsy O'Brien
Harry Mestcyer Jean Temple
Thomas J. Keogh Beatrice Collenette
A play with a great appeal; written upon the
theme of Selfishness and Love. Showing the im
possibility of those opposite temperaments ever
harmonizing and the superior spirit of devotion
with which women are imbued.
The Season's Musical Comedy Hit
POPULAR MATINEE, 25£ and 50^
FEB. 17
The New Musical Version of the World Famous Comedy
Charley's Aunt
Babbling With Laughter and Melody
POPULAR MATINEE, 25< and 50£
NIGHT 25<, 50fS
Lightning Raider," starring populi
Pearl White, will bo shown the iir
three days.
Tom Linton and His
4 Other Keith Acts 4
Bostock's Riding
deserved Sent* Sold in Advance
William S. Hart
in Jlis New Photoplay
'Branding Broadway'
Lila Lee
In Her First Picture 4
The Cruise
of the
Make - Believe
Nlis.e I,<■' uas formerly tlie fam
'ous vaudeville actress, "Cuddles,"
playing at a fabulous salary.
Don't mi:\s her in her llrst pic
ture. \
TOIIJI.V Only— l intil SliouinK of
Chapter Kijitit \
"The Master Mystery"
!' "The Girl Willi \o It OK ret*"
| Monday* Tliur*day, Prlirunry 17, 20
The sereen epic of lliininnity**
Triumph—Supreme Aeli ie venient
The brightest pjiKe in World
History, i minor tuliv.ed in this UUIM
! ter lllni, for the people of today,
! tomorrow and all time-—With an
All-Stnr Cast.
IHe and 20c and W'nr Tax
Winterdale Dances
!."> North .Market Square
Ncsbit's Orchestra and Mr.
I Waiter Evans, tenor soloist, of
I Sunbury, Saturday evening,
I March 15th, admission, 50 and
I 75 cents.