Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, February 14, 1919, Page 6, Image 6

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Chnnil>crSburg, Pa., Feb. 14.—A
jury in common pleas court hero in
Ihe case of John E. Baker V 3. Wil
liam . If. Dietrich, Bertha Detrich
Pearl Detrlch, Floss Detrich, George
M. Detrich and Mrs. Clara Phcil
l warded the defendants $1,785.33
is damages for the Construction
over their land of a lateral railroad
joining Baker's quarry at Wil
liamson, this county, and the Cum
berland Valley railroad.
m im I—irar ini==im ir-,i int~=iEH^^]EH==i=Jß
a i 2or w.ilnu7 ~sl 11 209" WILNUT ST. 1°
' II roiri Here are a few samples quoted for
V, t L —iAjje-' Y/vSTiilj! ; to-morrow .
J Men** tnn Men'* inn | 3lrn*M
fi U I l(jlm medium Hiifmlfi calf medium
II \ ■mfSi / nelglit button weight tnn II
ly I Array " / ; work who en. =
Jin / f Mueller feniiine SeuiUdre S
I / MAk Wlrn Incc sho ''"- uX. for M "" ,p - 94
i <4 ™i at vn | UM ,t j values at j]
HI Boys' Tan Storm Higli I Goodyear /A//® If ill
, | aso A r. .*2-95 tss? JM? 1 g
1 Ladies' Black, Vlel Soft! n °'"' | sßfot \V 1
Comfort $2.95 Hill ber* j\ jj
• j -r 1 More of I I !
J • j Those Natty / g
Dp ' Brown Lace /
| ,ff |
> '' i ' Boys' English Lace l
i Shoes, black <5 O A C fj
I,!, calf "• I
Your Open
Credit ' a
is Charge
Good Account
34 North Second Street
Announce a Sale that you cannot afford to miss.
The Final Cleanup of All Women's, Misses' and Girls'
Coats at exactly
Easy Credit Terms to Everyone
39 Plush Coats that were priced $2O 'to $6O are now
$10.0°; $30.00
47 Cloth Coats that were priced $22.50 to $69.50
are now
$11.25 0 $34.75
56 Girlg' Coats (sizes 3 to 12 years) that were priced
$5.00 to $17.00, now
$2.50° $8,50
We also include in this Sale 17 Velvet Dresses at
One-Half Price.
One-third off on all Furs, separate Scarfs, Muffs and
Our entire stock of Men's and Young Men's Over
coats, in plain blacks, blues, grays, or fancy mixtures.
• Conservative, belted or high waist models are now re
duced One-Fourth. Regular prices were $20.00 to $60.00.
Now selling for
$15.00 10 $45.00 \
New Spring Suits for Men and Women are .
arriving daily and we will be pleased to have
you come in and try them on.
34 N. 2nd St.
A . Liberal
Square * Credit to
Deal For < Out-of-town
Everybody Customers
Cluiiubershurg, Pa., Feb. 14. —
Dr. E. L. Nion, extension pathologist
if Stipe College, and Lieutenant
tiles, of the same institution, came
o this place and with County Agent
'oseph S. Oberle visited tho orchards
'if Earl Ilarshmari near \Vaynes
joro. The Harshman oochards are
being used for tho purpose of ex
perimenting and demonstration.
Cumberland Valley News
Shippensburg Woman Whose
Fowls Were Stolen Finds
Bill in Poultryhousc
Carlisle, Pa., Feb. 14. - Samuel
Hcilman, Southampton township, the
last of the alleged chicken thieves
four of whom are in Jail here and
have been held for court, has been
arrested and is being held here. It
is claimed that among other articles
Heilman took a corn sheller from a
neighboring farmer.
A feature of one of the recent
thefts at *the home of a Shippens
burg woman was that while her coop
was rifled, she found In tho morning,
whether through accident or design
she doesn't know, a new $lO bill,
more than the value of the fowls
Excellent Program Given
at Bloserville Institute
. Meehaiilcshurg, Pa., Feb. 14.—Under
the direction of a committee com
posed of William S. Shelly, Benjamin
E. Gayman-and Miss Emma Thorn,
an excellent program, with after
noon and eveninng sessions of the
sub local institute of the teachers of
kford township, was given at
Bloserville today. The program in
cluded devotional exercises, conduct
ed by the Rev. Mr. Hoffman; music
recitations, discussions and the fol
lowing speakers: Miss Bessie Mounts,
Harry B. Shqeley, W. F. Kramer,
Miss Orpha Leliman, Daniel Warner,
Miss Ethyl Kamerer, Mrs. Alice Glbb,
Miss Emma Thorne, the Rev. J. W.
Wolfe and county superintendent, J,
Kelso Green.
Mcc'liniiiCKtiurg, Pa.. Feb. 14. — The
death of Mrs. Addison DiUer, of
Boiling Springs, occurred on Wed
nesday night, after an illness of
pneumonia. She was U4 years old,
and was a member of the United
Brethren church in that place. Sur
viving are: Her husband and a
daughter. Mrs. Emory Hall, of Boil
ing gprings; also the following
brothers and sisters: Sarah Jacobs,
Amanda Umholtz, David Young and
Absalom Young, of Perry county;
and Jesse Selby, Ohio. The funeral
services will be held at her late
home, on Monday mornTng, at 10
o'clock and burial will be made at
Mt. Zlon Cemetery, near ChUrch
Acquitted and Sentenced to
Pay Half of Costs, Now
Objects to Penalty
Carlisle, Pa., Feb. 14. —Paying the
costs In the Cumberland County
courts and now 'instituting an action
to get his money back Is the act of
Howard Disney, of West Falrvlew,
and one that has created an interest
ing question. Disney brought an ac
tion against Rollie Sparrow, of
Wormleysburg at the February ses
sion of court, claiming assault and
battery. The Jury acquitted the Je-
and ordered that the costs
be equally divided "between the
prosecutor and defendant," 'and Dis
ney paid (36.86, his share. Now he
claims through his attorney that he
was not the "prosecutor" and has
asked for a rule to show cause why
the verdict should not be set aside
and the money returned.
Carlisle, Pa.., Feb. 14. Claiming
that he took a liberty bond, a charge
was brought against John Prowell.
of Shlppensburg, brought to the
county jail yesterday. It is claimed
that Prowell took the bond from an
acquaintance while the latter was
bowling and had hung up his coat.
The number of the bond had been
taken and when it was presented at
a bank for sale, the arrest followed.
Chambcrsburg, Pa., Feb. 14, — A
heavy fog yesterday afternoon was
responsible for a collision between
a trolleycar on the Chambersburg,
Greencastle and Waynesboro Com
pany's line and an automobile driv
en by Charles Wilkinson, of Fay
etteville, near here. Wilkinson was
on his way home and w'as unable to
see the trolley as ho approached the
crossing at the southern end of
town. The crash broke nearly all
of the trolley windows, but all of
the passengers escaped injury. The
front part of the automobile was
wrecked and young Wilkinson, who
was only recently discharged from
the Army, was thrown out'and ren
dered unconscious. He was resusci
tated with little difficulty and it is
not thought that his injuries will
prove serious.
Chambersburg, Pa,. Feb. 14. —
First Lieutenant E. Hunter Riil<ile,
son of former General Passenger
Agent H. A. Riddle, of the Cumber
land A'alley railroad, will have an
opportunity of seeing many of the
world's most prominent personages
because of his duties in Paris. Lieu
tenant Riddle has been ordered to
Paris, where his company will have
charge of the transportation about
the city of Paris of the Peace Con
ference delegates. The company
has thirty cars and the men will act
as chauffeurs. Lieutenant Riddle's
duty is to see to it that the various
transportation wants of the Peace
Conference delegates are cared for.
Chambersburg, Pa., Feb. 14.—Fol
lowing an enthusiastic meeting held
In the Chambersburg Trust Com
pany building, at which additional
subscriptions to the fund for the
erection at a Y. M. C. A. building as
a memorial to Chambersburg sol
diers were reported, members of the
executive committee of the Y. M.
A ; ®*P ress ed thmselves as con
fident that when the general com
mittee, commposed of forty citizens,
meets on next Sunday afternoon they
will be able to decide that Cham
bersburg shall have a Y. M. C. A.
Chambersburg, p a „ Feb. 14.—The
marriage of Myron E. Bowers, head
or the cost department of the Wolf
Company, and Miss Phoebe Moore, a
saleswoman in the dry goods store
of Hoke & Eyster, here, was per
formed at the bride's homo here
yesterday by the Rev. Dr. Henry An
stadt, of the First Lutheran Church.
Mr. Bowers was discharged from
tho Army last week, he having been
a corporal in the field artillery at
5h IP . ,f ackson - South Carolina.
They left on a week's wedding trip
to Harrisburg, Philadelphia and
other eastern cities.
Waynesboro, Pa., Feb. 14 The
Rev. Harry P. Fox, who recently
removed from Shady Grove, near
e , Bbor °V to a smaU truck farm
he had purchased near Easton, Tal
bot county, Maryland, has met with
a serious accident .according to a
letter received by a friend hero The
Rev Mr. Fox had both of m 3
broken when two horses attached
to a wagon he was driving along the
county road* took frighl and ran
away, throwing the man under the
Waynesboro Pa., Feb. 14.—Lewis
Hardman, a farmer, residing near
Waynesboro, narrowly escaped be
ing killed yesterday while operating
a gasoline engine at his barn where
he was engaged in chopping up f ee d
for the live stock. His clothing ac
cidentally got caught in the fly
wheel of the engine and he was re
volved around several times before
he was thrown from it bv his cloth
ing being torn off. One of Mr. Hard
man's Jaws was broken and he was
injured internally.
Waynesboro, Pa., Feb. 14. F or
the second time, Congressman B. J
Focht is asking the United States
for money to help Waynesboro to
a first-class, modern postoffice
building. His bill, introduced this
week, calls for an appropriation of
$150,000 for site, building and com
plete equipment. On the former oc
casion when Mr. Focht introduced
his bill tor the same purpose and
amount the Appropriations
tee turned it down.
Chambersburg, Pa., Feb. 14. The
new State Bank at Orrstown, this
county, purchased its first piece of
equipment from the National Bank
of Chambersburg yesterday, when
the large safo discarded by the lat
ter bank to make room for a mod
ern safe installed when the bafk
building was renovated recently was
sold to the directors of the Orrstown
Waynesboro, Pa., Feb. 14.—Mem
bers of the Lutheran Church coun
cil at their meeting last night decid
ed to increase the salary of the Rev.
J. M. Francis, the pastor, $3OO per
year, beginning January 1. ,
Personal and Social Items
of Towns on West Shore
Thomas Malone and daughter,
Hannah ,of Milesburg, Center coun
ty, and Mrs. Walter Flshel, of Belle
vue Road, Harrisburg, called on the
Misses Bate and Mary Malone, at
New Cumberland, yesterday.
"WryO. Hollar, of Carlisle, visited
his brother, Edgar B. Hollar, at New
Mrs. Mary Baker, of Riverside,
spent Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs.
Joseph Lingle, of Eighth street, New j
Mrs. Joseph Strickler, of Lancas
ter, Is visiting her sister, Mrs. Israel
C. Wcrtz and her aunts, Mrs. J. W.
Sheets and Allss Belle Hook, at
[ Mrs. David W. Harmful, Sr., of
Shiremanstown, spent a day with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Carl,
at Mechanlcsburg.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Shover, of
Shiremunstown, are home fcom a
visit with Mr. and Airs. James Pot
teiger and Mrs. Alerritt Potteiger, at
New Kingston.
Air. and Airs. Chapman Nebinger,
of Hillside, visited relatives at Shire
manstown, on Wednesday.
Mr. and Airs. Ralph Sheely, sons,
Robert and Herbert, of Chambers
burg, spent several days with Airs.
Sheely's parents, Air. and Airs. Ben
jamin G. Baker, at Shiremanstown.
M/s. Claire Kubacher, of Shire
manstown, was a Harrisburg visitor
on Wednesday.
Airs. John R. Nebinger? of Shire
manstown, was a Harrisburg visit
or 'yesterday. ,
Miss Blanche Howry, nuVse at the
Harrisburg Hospital, was entertain
ed at dinner on Thursday by Air.
and Mrs. Raymond EberV, at Shire
Mrs. Alary M. Zimmerman, of
Shiremanstown, was a Harrisburg
visitor on Tuesday.
Mrs. Kate Kreger, Airs. Jude, of
Harrisburg. and Mrs. Robert Bretz,
of Enola, spent a day recently with
Air. and Mrs. Samuel E. Sheely, at
Mrs. Joseph Dodge, Mrs. H. O.
Dodo and daughter. Miss Jean
Dode, of Camp Hill, were entertain
ed at dinner on Thursday by Mrs.
H. M. Rupp, at Shiremanstown.
New Cumberland, Pa., Feb. 14. —
j Officers were elected by the Otter
bein Guild of Trinity United Breth
ren church, New Cumberland at a
meeting held at the home of Mrs.
George Updegraff, in Reno street, on
Tuesday evening, as follows: Presi
dent, Ruth Zimmerman; vice-presi
dent, Alinnie Weber j secretary,
Edith Beaver: treasurer, Elizabeth
float; thank offering secretary, Anna
Hoover; secretary of literature. Mary
Goodyear; pianist, Ethel Davis;
chorister, Helen Spahr. At the next
meeting of the Guild the thank of
fering boxes will be opened.
Now Cumberland, Pa., Feb 14
Sunday at St. Paul's Lutheran
church, the following schedule will
be followed: Sunday school at 9.15:
preaching at 10.30, by pastor, the
Rev. David S. Martin, subject, "Di
vine Delight:" C. E., 6.30; preaching
at 7; subject, "The Devil." This is
the first tf a series of sermons on
"The Devil, Sin and Hell," to be
preached three consecutive Sunday
Marysvlllo. Pa.. Feb. 14.—Numer
ous petly thefts have been commit
ted on property of residents of Cove
and Ooveallen within the past sev
eral nights. Practically every person
i nthe territory now carries firearms
as a means of protection.
Now Cumberland. Pa., Feb. 14.
The first degree will he conferred on
three candidates at the meeting of
the New Cumberland Independent
Order of Odd Fellows this evening.
New Cumberland. Pa., Feb. 14.
On next Sundav evening at Bnugh
man Memorial Methodist cliurcli. the
Rev. V. T. Rue will preach tho first
of a series of sermons on "Heaven "
theme. "Recognition in Heaven "
Good Health Is in Your Own
The man who said "People dig
their gruves with their teeth" ut
tered a truth that goes clear to the
bottom of the health question. Sup
pose you should take everything you
eat and drink for breakfast, every
thing you eat and drink for dinner,
everything you eat and drink for
supper, and mix all together in one
mass. It would surely be a dreadful
mixture to look upon. And yet
your stomach is obliged dispose of
that unsightly mass each day! Is it
any wonder so many people have in
digestion, dyspepsia, backache,
headache, bad blood, liver com
plaint, skin diseases, nervousness,
coughs, colds, catarrh, bronchitis
and goodness knows what else? Yes,
people dig their own graves with
their teeth, and before the end
comes they pass through one sick
ness or trouble after another. You
should be glad to know what Dr.
Pierce, of Buffalo, has placed in the
drug stores a medicine called Gol
den Medical Discovery that can be j
depended upon to overcome many
of the diseases named aliove. It
may seem Impossible for one medi
cine to do so much, but really the
whole thing is as simple as the fig--
ure 1. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical
Discovery corrects the disordered
cdbditions in a sicßvstomach, aids
digestion, acts as a purifies
the blood. When this is None, away
go the diseases that are caused by
a sick stomach. If you are digging
your grave with your teeth, stop to
day. Correct your stomach disord
ers right now with Golden Medical
Discovery, and henceforth eat for
your health's sake. If you don't
know what foods are best fbr you,
write Dr. Pierce, lnvalids' Ho
tel, Buffalo, N. Y., and receive con
fidential medical advice without
Golden Medical Discovery is made
without alcohol or opiates, so any
body and everybody can take It with
safety. It Is put up both in liquid
and tablet form. Send Dr. Pierce
10c for a trial pkg., and see ' for
yourself how good it is. Try It now.
Ireland's Declaration of Inde
Next Sunday's New York Ameri
can will contain the full text of Ire
land's Declaration of Independence.
Also an exclusive article by Bernard
Shaw on the Peace Conference. Or
der now from your newsdealer.—
lAv. m |
General McCoy, of
Lewistown, Succeeds
Atterbury in France
Philadelphia, Feb. 14. —Sews
came yesterday that Brigadier Gen
eral Atterbury, at his request, has
been relieved of the duties of di
rector general of transportation of
the American military railroads in
France. He is tor the present at
tached to the staff of General Persh
ing, who desired that he remain for
a while for such services as might
be required of him.
The duties relinquished by Gen
eral Atterburv have been assigned to
Brigadier General McCoy, of Lewis
town. Pa., who went abroad as a
regular army colonel and some time
ago was made director of the army
transport service in France.
Since the armistice. Brigadier
General Atterbury lias worked to
)r.How>"l always rrcomincmlod
Bronchial Asthma
futa •< atmdy aad obaaraatlo* aonvinead
him it would anfoljr, qaieklr and nrrli
llop a bad couth and lira laatant raliai Kg
Oroaabial Aalhaaa. Guarantaad kuabna
Bare la abeolate proof from naara. '
Waterburv, Ct.—So aittma thanks to OxidaM
Salem, It". Va.— We find it all you claim.
Kendrxck, Col.—Aut well pleased witli mult*. '
Circlevitle, V— More help tiian from anything.
Somerset, Mass.—lt give* full satisfaction. !
Detroit. Mich.— lt ha* benefited me greatly, j
It'orccsfer. Mass.— l* worth thousand! to mg,
Keene, A. H. —l peak in highest praise of it
f>n ton, Mich.—l got nearly initant relief. , I
llou ell. J/icA.—For aitlima, besttlunir I've fang
Cincinnati, (>.—lt is a wonderful medicine. |.
I Smiths Basin, A". I'.—Delighted with Oxidase, j
I Rochdale. Mass.— Cough gone, gained eight In*. I
Signed letter* on file. Order torlgjjt
[ kloucy back 11 .1 faila. All DruMlataij
G. A. Gorgas
Urn, jglnmag
Father and Son Week
This is the right time for father and son to come to
the Wm. Strouse Store for their Suits and overcoats
Our 15 Day f?|
Tomorrow '
Every father and son can make the time useful by coming here to
. gelher, Saturday, for clothes at our 15-Day Clearance Sale Prices.
One of the most important things that both are interested in is clothes.
Every father wants to have his boy well dressed. Every boy likes
to see bis father in good clothes.
Not only will the time here be put to good service for both, but the
lesson in economy will accrue to the family's interest.
s •
All our suits, and overcoats remaining from our winter stocks are in
eluded in the sale. There is every good model the sort that will
he as serviceable next winter as now.
Tomorrow is the last day of the sale.. It will he busy because Wm.
Strouse Clothing at such large reductions as these is in demand by
all well-dressed men.
$25.00 Suits and Overcoats, $19.50
$30.00 Suits and Overcoats, $24.50
$35.00 Suits* and Overcoats, $27.50'
$40.00 Suits and Overcoats, $33.50
$45.00 Suits and Overcoats, $37.50
t , '
$50.00 Suits and Overcoats, $41.50
• - > * •/ —
All Boys' Suits and Overcoats at Clearance Prices
Clearance Prices on Shirts, Underwear and Sweaters
Wm. Strouse Store—3lo Market St.
have relieved and discharged from is expected that he will return ti
service all the civilians who went Philadelphia,
abroad to serve under him in the "FARMERS' PICNIC"
construction and operation of the MhrysvlUc, Pa., Feb. 14,—Tlii
American military railways, and evening the Marysville Civic Clul
gradually to have substituted in all will hold a "farmers' picnic" at thl
positions regular army officers, home of Mrs. William Dice, in Mapli
When such reorganization of the avenue. Civic Club members ani
service has been fully completed it guests will attend.
Relieve Your Indigestion
With A Laxative .i
Dyspeptics know that indigestion is accompanied by
constipation, and that until the bowels can be regulated as
they will act freely and naturally every day at a stated time,
swallowing dyspepsia tablets is of little use.
A great and growing number of sufferers from this trouble
find immediate and then permanent relief by the use of
a combination of simple laxative herbs with pepsin sold by
druggists under the name of Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin-
The laxative herbs act on the bowels and the pepsin and ex
tracts on the digestive tract, forming an exceptionally effective
It is a combination that has been found wonderfully
helpful in indigestion, oonstipation, biliousness, headaches,
bad breath, belching and gas on the stomach. A small dose
is all that is required.
The druggist will refund your money ft it tail•
to do as promised. •
ri Dr. Caldwell's
'^* ie P er f e °t sLLuxstice
and absorbing war
ta;e wehave main- FREE SAMPLES —lf you hava omr used
*•{92* P?. 0 * . at Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin send for a free trial
ujich tWafamiiy lax- bottle to Dr. W. B. Caldwell, 46S Washington
St Mootkrflo. m
26 year*. Two sizes— for a copy of Dr. Caldwell's book, "Tbo
50c and $l.OO. Csrc of Baby."