Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, February 14, 1919, Page 14, Image 14

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The best way to keep good acts in
memory is to refresh them with new.
Fill DAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1918
FER has put into concrete form
legislation which will provide
o>r real Americanization work in
Governor Sproul is
known to be greatly interested in this
movement and the form of the meas
ure which has been prepared will
make educational work among the
alien citizens of the State progres
sive in its character and substantial
in its results.
There is 110 work in which the
Commonwealth can engage that will
mean more for the welfare of thous
ands of its people. Too long we
have neglected the decent alien who
has come to us with a desire to be
come a rani American citizen, but
who has been ignored so long that
he has been forced to conclude that
he is not wanted in the American
family. the direction of a
movement that is now taking form it
will be possible to reach these peo
ple and direct them into proper
channels tha,t they may become use
ful American citizens.
Governor Sproul has been pledged
to many good things, but we doubt
whether anything he has undertaken
at the outset of his administration |
will be more fruitful or important
in its results than this plan of Amer
icanizing thousands of the industrial
population of the State. This news
paper has knowledge of men of for
eign birth who have lived here for
almost jj. generation, but who feel
that the attitude of the native Amer
ican is unfriendly, because the im
migrant has been forced into com
munities where racial customs have
been perpetuated, instead of being
encouraged to adopt American ways
of living and American thought re
garding our government and the
freedom of the individual citizen.
Principals of our local schools
are authority for the statement that
many children of alien parents are
among their brightest students and
that they are patriotic to the last
degree. Under the circumstances
the plan to interest the State in wide
Americanization effort is one that
must appeal to every intelligent per
"The Democrats have created 273,-
000 new offices," says Senator Pen- 1
rose. And do you remember what a'
yell of horror used to go up from the
Democrats when a Republican Con
gress or Legislature found it neces
sary to add one or two men to the
<<nP° HELL with America!"
That was the concerted
cry of the alien radicals
whom the government is about to
, deport, as their boat left New York
for Ellis Island.
"To hell with Anterictf!"
In those four words are summed
up the reasons why they must get
out of the country. We want no-
here whose motto is "to hell
with America."
*~orlca welcomes to her phores
those who would become good citi
zens. Americans have no objection
whatsoever to constructive criti
cisms of our government or our in
stitutions, no matter what the
source. We have no desire to con
ceal our faults or to censor the per
sonal opinions of those who come to
our shores. We correct our evils
in an orderly manner at the polls.
Wo express our ddcas with due re
spect for those of our fellows. We
are patient and considerate, but
there comes a time when forbear
ance ceases to be a virtue. We have
no use for the "hell s fire" radicals
of Europe; huve no place for the
. any c I list and iMs brothers, the IJol-
the i. W. W. Wo shall
feel much sufer with them yelling
"To hell with America" if they ure on
the other side of the Atlantic and
we on this.
Reside, thoso wholesale deporta-
tlons will have a quieting effect on
many loud-mouthed foreigners who
have been . preaching un-American
doctrines and living without "work
on the generosity of the very people
they would destroy.
"British will claim pay for war's
cost." says a newspaper dispatch. And
it is to be hoped they will make the
bill large enough to keep Germany
busy for the fifty years.
THE press ugent who writes long
"dope" articles about War
j Saving Stamps and sends them
by the ton, from his palatial Wash
j ington office to editors whom he be
| licves have nothing to do but run
j them bodily on the first pages of
their newspapers, has a b'right idea.
He thinks War Saving Stamps
should supercede the old-fashioned
crimson heart and paper lace affairs
that arc so popular with lovers on
the anniversary of St. Valentine's
Day. Stick a Thrift Stamp on a
card, write a verse to go along and
you have what Harry Lauder would
probably term "a fine valentine—
nice and at the same time cheap."
I Imagine the thoughts of the young
woman whq, upon opening her mail
on Valentine Day, discovered a
stamp with an inscription running
something like this:
"I could not love thee, dear, so
Ixr.ved I not honor more"—
A gallant lover truly 6aid
On going to the war.
These Saving Stamps I send to
A victory valentine,
In them my love and honor.
I truly interwine.
Not so bad at that, as Valentine
verses go, perhaps, but not so very
satisfactory, either, viewed from the
standpoint of the blushing maiden I
who wants to believe her lover has
no thoughts but for her. When did
thrift and love ever go hand in
hand, anyway, and what does Dan
Cupid know about the necessity of
reducing the war bills by means
of twenty-five cent stamps?
But if one MUS"b send a War
Stamp to one's true love on St.
Valentine's Day, why not forward
it with the suggestion that it be used
to help keep the Hope Chest filled
during the more or less lean days
that are sure to come in even the
best regulated families some time
during the first ten years of wedded
bliss, or its opposite, as the case
may be. For such the following
stanza is suggested:
The Hope Chest's full of dainty
Of linen sewed with lovipg care,
And laid away
Against the Day,
When tliou'lt be mine.
Thfs token of the way T build
To keep that chest forever tilled
Shall bring to you
love's greeting tri/e
My Valentine.
There! That combines something
both of sentiment and practicality.
It indicates that the sender is what
experienced housewives call a "good
provider." It expresses the hint—
cunningly, oh, very cunningly, intro
duced, and not greatly empha
sized —that the writer expects his
wife to keep up her supply of dainty
silks and linens after marriage, and
it is altogether about as satisfactory
as anything of which we can think
where' Thrift Stamps and Valentines
go into the same mail together.
On the whole, we are inclined t*>
recommend the foregoing as about
as diplomatic a bit of W. S. S. valen
tine literature as can be devised,
for one is treading on dangerous
ground when discussing thrift with
one who expects us to blow ourselves
to the limit of our pay envelopes
for her sweet self. For example,
what do you imagine a girl would
think who got a stamp and a verse
like this:
Though some in flowers their leve
may tell.
And some send bonbons for their
My va'rentine alone will spell
True love: because that's based
on thrift.-
Take it from one who has gone
through the mill and don't talk
about candy and flowers that other
girls are getting while you are hand
ing her a lovely Thrift Stamp. The
,war is over and the young lady who
would have gone into raptures of self
denial a year ago will hold it out
against you unless you tuck your
patriotic reminder into the top of a
big box of chocolates or between the
buds of a dozen of those lovely red
roses she dotes upon.
S WAGER Sherley, chairman o/tho
House Committee on Appropria
tions, handed a flower over the
party wall recently in discussing the
budget system. Said he:
"We ought to undertake to do
for the government in connection
with the estimates of appropria
tions exactly what we undertook
to do in connection with the finan
cial system of the government.
Men may differ one wav or an
other with the recommendations
that were made by the Commis
sion on Monetary Reform, hut no
mnn who wnnts to be frank and
• undid hut what known that the
work thut that eommlnnlon did
laid the groundwork thnt made
nonnlhlr the preaent bnnklng and
currency system.
And the chairman of that commis
sion was a statesman who for years
was subjected to the calumnies and
abuse of the Democratic press and
party: who for years has been de
nied by them even a posthumous
fame: but whose work blazed a
straight path through the woods of
tangled finance for Democrats to
j follow—Senator Nelson "W. Aldrich,
of Ithodq Island, who died in 1915.
Sherley s encomium on Republi
can achievement in reforming our
flnuncial system is pleasing to read
and appropriately comes from one
of the ablest and squarest Democrats
who has sat in the House of Repre
sentatives since Frederick A. Muh-'
lenberg called that body to order
April 1. 1789. Sherley was defeated
for Congress in the last election. It
1 is too bad it was not some light
j weight rubber-stamp instead of
. Sherley who was thrown overboard,
! for Sherley Is a constructive states
j mnn and an.opponent with whom all
good Republicans are proud to co
operate, when th'ey can, or measure
blades when they must.'' The Ken
tucklan never carries a dagger up his
Mr. Sherley, in connection with
the budget, proposes making avail
able in one of the deficiency bills a
fund to pay the expenses of a com
mission, to be made up of Senate
I and House members, to study and
report to Congress a plan for some
sort of financial system. Whether
or not this goes through, the ques
tion of some sort of budget system,
must be undertaken by the Repub
licans when they take over Congress
this spring. The administration
has promised repeatedly to effect
I financial reforms, but it has done
| nothing in that direction.
c Tr* h e t-o o
. By the Ex-Committeeman
Following a conference held last
night by counsel for the Workmen's
Compensation Bureau, in Philadel
phia, announcement was made that
plans are already under way for the
preparation of a bill to be intro
duced into the Legislature which
will provide for a complete reorgan
ization of the bureau. The proposed
legislation will be submitted to Gov
ernor Sproul and Attorney General
Schaffer, it was declared, and, after
receiving their approval, will be pre
Briefly, the bill will provide for
the following changes; Taking the
Workmen's Compensation Bureau
out of the Department of Labor and
Industry and making it a separate
department; establishment of the
divisions of legal aid, medical aid,
rehabilitation and re-education and
statistics and information.
It was also announced that, under
the sweeping reorganization plans,
the Department of Labor and Indus
try; that the Bureau of Mousing, now
in the Health Department, will be
made a part of the Department of!
Labor and Industry, and that the
Bureau of Hygiene will be taken
from the conrtol of the Department
of Labor and Industry and made a
division of the Department of
Among those who conferred on
the proposed legislation were Harry
A. Mackey, chairman of the Work
men's Compensation Bureau, and
Francis H. Bohlen and Isaac M.
Price, attorneys for the bureau.
Next week, Chairmun Mackey an
nounced, he will confer with James
H. Mauier, president of the State
Federation of Labor, and the five
district presidents, and procure tneir
ideas on the proposed legislution.
Later, Mr. Mackey will meet rep
resentatives of the employers, and
they will be given an opportunity to
express their thoughts as to what
should be Included in the bill.
"When the conferences are con
cluded," Chairman Mackey said,
"the bill will be drawn and sub
mitted to the Governor and the At
torney General. When it comes from
them it will be an administration
measure. Governor Sproul has al
ready indicated that he is very
strongly of the opinion that the
Workmen's Compensation Bureau
should be a separate department,
and that it should stand, on its own
"It will be a give-and-take propo
sition, and I will maintaiil a neu
tral stand. My own views are that
the bill should provide for a di
vision of legal aid, so that the in
terests of the injured man will be
taken care of. With, a staff of at
torneys on hand to look the
interests of the claimants, the latter
will come out of the cases with
nothing subtracted from the ver
dict. It will not be necessary to em
ploy outside lawyers under this plan.
"By having a division of medical
aid our own physicians can examine
the injured parties and thus settle
disputes as to the nature of the In
juries complained of. There phvsi
cians could also follow up the re
habilitation work. The division of
rehabilitation from re-education
would embrace the education of
crippled men along lines best suit
ed to the individual cases. The men
in this division would have charge
of certain courses of re-education
which would begin at the bedside of
the injured.
"I want to start this division along
moderate lines and develop It so that
two years from now we can go be
fore the Legislature and show what
has been accomplished. It will not
he an extravagant proposition. Of
course, the division of statistics and
information will be used to dis
seminate information to the pub
lic." Four more referees are urged.
—Banking Commissioner John S.
Fisher, who is in Pittsburgh look
ing after his first receivership, will
be the speaker at the meeting of the
bankers of this district on Wash
ington's birthday.
—New Castle's council has broken
records for protracted ballots. It
took seventy-six ballots to eject
James K. Love, who was a dark
—General Richard Coulter, hav
ing declined to run for Congress on
the Democratic ticket in Westmore
land, some of the people in that
section think the Democrats should
endorse ex-Senator John M. Jami
son, the Republican candidate.
-—The two senatorial vacancies
will be filled at elections on Feb
ruary 25.
—Beaver Falls has advanced its
tax levy to fifteen and a half mills
for improvements.
—William Jennings "Bryan will
make a scries of speeches in north
ern counties shortly.
Decidedly Hi iky!
In the sere and yellow leaf of his
career, Mr. Moneybags began to
think about the future, and one day
he visited the •clerk of the local
cemetery in the hope of striking a
bargain. To his dismay, the clerk
named a price which the old miser
considered out of all proportion to
the value oj the small plot he was
"Absurd! Ridiculous! fumed Mr.
Moneybags. "Can't you reduce it?"
"It's the usual fee," replied the
clerk politely.
"Well, I'll not pay It!" exclaimed
Mr. Moneybags. "The risk is too
"What risk?" asked the clerk.
"What risk?" retorted Mr. Money
bags. "Why. the risk of losing it
all. I may die at sea."—(From the
Edinburgh Scotsman.)
• HE ®E \SOR •!!?*
Heat Houses With Straw
.(From the Los Angeles Times.)
Our fuel resources are still so am
ple. despite these times, that we tlnil
it hard to conceive of a country
so poorly supplied with fuel as
The land bears very little timber,
and although good deposits of bitu
minous and anthracite coal have !
been found, the government, before
the Japanese occupation at least, |
would give no concussions for min- j
ing. The natives dig out the sur-.
face coal in a crude way, and let i
the debris and rain water till up the j
shafts. Accordingly, the coal, when
they tinally get it. Is usually well |
rotted from dampness. This (Ksor
stuff is sold for as much as $9 a!
ton, a price that makes it inacces
sible for the majority of the natives.
Korean ingenuity, however, has
foynd a means of combatting these
unfavorable conditions. When a
Korean starts to build his house
he first lays down a system of flues
where the floor is to be. These flues
begin at a fireplace, usually built in
an outer shed or in a closed alley
way connected with the house. From
the fireplace, the flues branch out
like the ribs of a fan, and end iii
a trench at the back of the floor
space. This trench, in turn, opens
into a chimney, usually built at some
distance from the house. When the 1
flues are completed the builder care- ;
fully covers them over with flag- ;
stones; he then cements the whole !
floor, and covers it With a sort of ;
thick oiled paper for which Korea l
is famous. The rest of the house i
is then built around the completed !
The heating system works in this j
way. when it is time to cook the i
rice for the morning meal, the
housewife lights a little straw or t
brushwood 'in the fireplace in the j
outer shed. While the rice is cook- I
ing, the heat from the fireplace j
passes through the flues, heating the i
stone flags of the floor and diffus- j
ing a pleasant warmth that lasts ;
until it is time to prepare the next j
meal. Two heatings a day generally '
suffices to keep the floor warm. On I
the floor the people sit by day and
sleep by night. The heavy oiled
paper that covers the floor prevents
any smoke entering the room. Since
the occupants always leave their
shoes at the door, the paper wears |
a long time and gradually takes on j
a rich brown color. So the Koreans j
sit through the severe winter in their I
snug little houses, no smoke to both- I
er them and no ashes to litter up
the house: and all this comfort is
brought about by a few liandfuls
of straw or brushwood.
(From the Scientific American.)
Some interesting studies have been
made by Dr. Ales Hrdlicka of the
Smithsonian Institution on the Ten
nessee mountaineers, especially as
exemplified by one hundred and fifty
men called for examination in the
first army draft. His work, com
mencing at Bristol, Tenn.. extended
to Mountain City and farther on
into the hills.
His studies do not confirm the
idea that these mountaineers rep
resent a separate type of Americans,
Among them are found some exam
ples of .fine physique, while others
are of relatively feeble mental pow
ers or nervous stability, perhaps
due to the hereditary effects of al
coholism or other inherited defects.
There are all grades of "mountain
eers," and no line of demarkntion
separates them from the people in
the lower lands, who are mostly of
similar derivation.
Many mountaineer families are re
markable for their size. One man
of was the father of twenty-one
children, ranging down to 3 or 4
years old. The draft, says Doctor
Hrdlicka. should prove a godsend to
many of the young men, many of
whom are illiterate, and whose worst
enemies are isolation, "moonshine"
whisky, and in many cases poor
Joffre's Brevity
(From Answers, London.)
Frenchmen, as a rule, are loqua
cious and unrestruirfed, but Marshal
Joffre is neither. Brevity and com
posure are among his most marked
characteristics, and, shortly after
his victory on the Marne. ho gave
an example of both qualities to a
party of war correspondents whom
he had agreed to receive at his head
quarters. They eagerly anticipated
his speech. It contained sixty-five
words. That was the example of
brevity, and the example of compos
ure occurred when he did more
than fix a disapproving eye upon
one of the disappointed journalists
who murmured audibly, "And that's
An Open Letter
Col. George Harvey in u letter to
United States Senator George E.
fcha mberlain, says:
Sir—We take the liberty of ad
dressing you upon a matter of the
utmost importance to our country
and our soldiers, first, because you
are chairman of the military affairs
committee of the Senate, and, sec
only, because the people have learn
ed from experience that they must
look to you, and not to the War De
partment, for the truth.
Vicious rumors, as all know, fol
low invariably upon the conclusion,
especially the successful conclusion,
of a great war. Our recent experi
ence, as you must be aware, affords
no exception. Within a week after
the armistice was signed hateful
gossip held full sway in Paris and
has since, with the return of troops,
gained widespread circulation in
this country. Until now we have
scrupulously refrained from so
much as hinting at happenings
which bore a semblance of reality
but whose mere mention might in
flict grievous wrong upon individ
We do not speak now of loss qf :
lives through failure to support un- |
trained men sent into - battle. Gen- '
eral Foch lamented such proceed- \
ings at the outset and General Per
shing attested the facts in his re- j
port. You yourself declared: "God :
only knows how many lives have |
been uselessly sacrificed by our un- ;
preparedness." We assume that due
inquiry will reveal the extent of
and the necessity or lack of neces
sity for those losses.
But it is not the failure to pro
vide for fighting that we have In !
mind; it is the fighting itself; the 1
Joseph Cloud* American
A reporter for the New York Eve
ning Sun, who- recently met the
wounded Yanks from a transport,
found Joseph Cloud, Sioux Indian,
on crutches. Young Cloud is a
scion of the famous family of that!
name which for generations domi- j
nated the councils of the tribe. He
was wounded at Chateau Thierry.
"I did all I could for my coun
try," said the young Indian. "I'm !
proud that I did and I would do it |
all over again, too. My nation gave i
liberally to the army. The men
wanted to go; the women ordered I
its to go. No good Indian would j
run away from a fight. We knew,
that the life of America depended 1
on its men, and we are Americans." |
A note of pride came into Cloud's
voice, and one could see through a
veil of tears a painted feathers war
rior talking of the valor of his tribe.
The years have altered the form and
face, but the warlike heart of the
Irttlian is untouched,
"The Germans," he wefit on, "tried
to stir up disloyalty among the In
dians. They failed. No one could
have ma'de our nation disloyal.
Whatever may have-happened in the
past is all 1 over now. We are Amer
icans. loyal Americans, and proud
to fight under the Stars and Stripes."
Cloud is 2 5 years old. He is a
farmer and horse dealer. He is mar
ried and has a yourtg son who will
be a soldier if he is ever needed,
according to Joseph Clond. heredi
tary chief of the Sisston Sioux and
a proud American
(From the Kansas City Star.)
The refusal of the House to make
appropriation for the start of the
three-year adminisaration nava/l
building i-rogram is described in
Washington dispatches as a victory
for the "little navy men."
Surely this is a reckless use of
words. Our present navy—and no
body in the House or elsewhere is
advocating sinking any of it—could
hardly be called a little navy. It is
the second largest navy afloat. If
men who can sec no necessity for
outbuilding England are to be called
"little navy men" words have ceased
to have meaning.
The men who are opposed at this
time to starting the three-year pro
gram are simply men who do not
believe we ought to spend 750 mil--
lion dollars a year on a program
that is intended to outmatch Eng
land's. All other navies we now
have outmatched. Every American
is for an adequate navy! even for a
big navy—and we now have .a big
one —but an Americun Is not a lit
tle American nor a little navy man
because he docs not see the econ
omy or necessity, of duplicating a
fleet that,( for many reasons thor
oughly well understood on both
sides of the Atlantci, is bound to be
on America's side In any contest
likely to arise.
management of it; the orders for
it; the cause of it.
Here is an example: The order
was issued to cease firing at 11
o'clock on November 11. All offi
cers in command weVe so informed
hours before. Both the British and
the French stopped fighting immed- ,
iatcly. The Americans continued '
and necessarily the enemy opposed j
to them did likewise to the last min- j
ute. Not only was our artillery
kept in action, but our infantry was'
sent over the top into a hell of 1
machine-gun tire all that forenoon. !
Hundreds of lives were wantonly |
sacrificed to no military purpose:
This is one of the stories we hear
and we believe it to he true. The
Associated Press reported the Amer
ican action at the time, but the in
formation attracted no attention be
cause it was taken for granted that
the British and the French were also
engaged. It seems that they were
Why the Americans alone? For
what reason? By whose orders? For
whose benefit?
Replying to a charge to this ef
fect from Governor Allen of Kansas,
the secretary of war produced fig
ures showing that the percentage
of looses "from the time of landing
in France till November 7" was not
excessive. - That was like him.
What about after November 7?
What about November 11? Why
should a single life have been sac
rificed. a single "shot tired, on that
last morning?
The country, sir, must .know; i
the fathers and mothers of those
brave lads who went to certain j
"death must know; you alone have i
the authority and the courage to
get and to give the facts.
"Lafayette, We Are Here"
(From the Spokane Spokesman-!
All the king's horses and all the \
king's men cannot keep out of the
next crop of school readers the state-:
ment that General Pershing of thej
United States Army stood before
the tomb o'f Lafayette in Paris,
made a gesture and enunciated (in
French): "Lafayette, we are here."
No matter how many times the gen-j
eral raises his right hand and swears
(or affirms) that he. never said it,
that he doesn't know that much
French, that he couldn't have
thought of anything so dramatic,
that he was there at\d know who
really did say it in spite of these
things, the p.hrase Is going down in
history with Pershing's name tagged
to it.
One does not wish tq be a killjoy.
It is freely admitted that an Amer
ican army officer, at the proper time
and place, suid: "Lafayette, we are
here." It is a noble phrase and
mankind should not be cheated out
of it. It was said, and it deserved
every one of the thrills it uroused
between here and Paris. But,
Colonel Stan-ton,-of Pet airing's staff,
who said it, ought to have the cred
it, particularly as Pershing would
not have, the credit at .any. p.ripe, be
| ing u just man.
However, the colonel has very lit
tle chance. A first class historical
I blunder like this'never die's, but'gets
bigger and more exaggerated as
| years go on, and is found invaluuble
us a; topic-for commencement ora
tions. You will remember that Gen-
I eral Shermun always contended that
I he never said ."War. is hell," but he
i might as well have saved his breath.
: British shipbuilding employers
ihave not yet agreed to the request
j of the- employes regarding the pro--
; posed shorter working week after
| the war.
I The Wisconsin Industrial Commis
j sion will ask the Legislature at the
- coming session for several changes
! in the laws under which women are
; cmpjoyed.
I Men and women of the Farm Ser
! vants' Union of Scotland have de
! elded not to work with men brought
i from Ireland who are eligible for
, war service.
Augusta, (Ga.) Journeymen Tail
ors' Union has secured an agree
ment which provides for wngc in
creases and improved working con
ditions. . .
Women clerks in the cities of
Winnipeg and Boniface, Can., have
organized, with the result that they
are now receiving a minimum wage
of $l2 a week.
Want Surface Returned
To the Editor of the Telegraph:
Under the above heading. Surface
should be returned to old position,
the New Wilmington Globe very
properly and truly published the fol
lowing article:
"The return of Dr. H. A. Surface
to the Department of Agriculture as
Economic Zoologist, would be wel
come news tp the? farmers and fruit
growers of .the stale. In fact, ever
since his-retirement by the Brum
baugh administration this import
ant department has become a noiir
cnity. Dr. Surface not only knew
his work, and took pride in it, but
the state orchard agents were work
ing under liim with a zeal that is
uncommon under political appoint
ments. It is unfortunate that poli
tics are permitted to dominate the
business affairs of either nation,
state or county government, as the
efficient ipun is,now considered be
yond the limits,of his party faction.
"The farmers and fruit growers
of the state should do some mission
ary work in behalf of Dr. Surface at
once in order that .the benefit of his
knowledge and experience may be
gained and saved for themselves."
The "missionary work" should i
take the form of letter, resolutions
and petitidhs sent at once to Prof.
Frederick Rasmussen, secretary of
Agriculture, Harrisburg, requesting
the early return of Prof. H. A. Sur
face, "the , farmers' best friend," to
the position of State Zoologist, from
which he was dropped by the Brum
baugh commission for the one and
only reason that lie, was a constant
friend of Senator Sproui. Will you
publish this,, please?.
Rack to the Old Town
To the Editor of .The Telegraph:
[ While in Harrisburg looking over;
the crowds at the Inauguration, I
was surprised to meet an old friend
. of jnine, a former Harrisburg boy,
| Harry B. Todd, schooled and raised
i in our beautiful city of Hurrisburg,
.who is. now a member of the House
of Representatives, representing the
Fifth Allegheny County District. As
a boy he carried the Harrisburg
(Telegraph when Mr. Zimmerman
was manager of the city routes.
After this he 'befame a student
under Dr. George Markley in the
drug store where npw the Penn-
Harris Hotel stands, and was in his
employment for ten years. After this
he moved to 'Pittsburgh, and is at
j present employed by one of the larg
! est drug houses as chemist. Would
j be pleased if you would give hint a
few lines in your valuable paper.
| knowing there will ire a number of
| his friends in Harrisburg wjio will be
| pleased 1o meet him.
I Thanking you in advance,
Very truly,
Beauty Masculine Asset?
(From the Indianapolis News.)
| . A Chicago beauty parlor has open
■ed a department for men. In ad
| vertising the new institution the
i proprietor insists that men do not
j pay enough attention to their per
sonal beauty and that becoming
j beautiful is a business matter. The
I beautiful man.- ' the advertisement
j avers, is more successful in every
| walk pf life. Apparently it is easier
i for him to sell good, make contracts,
I win lawsuits and solve the nation's
i problems. Ddubtless the new beauty
| establishment will be well patron
| ized because there are as many
] men as vain women. Barbers could
•"II many tales of masculine vanity
if they would talk, but the silence
jof the barber is traditionat. The
j modern barber shop is a beauty par
lor in disguise There was a time
| when it offered only two things, a
i haircut or a shave. A little bay rum
j was added in order to make the hair
lie smoothly and to impart a pleas
ing frngrance. Then massage he
came fashionable, and many a man
got one —secretly ashamed that he
was being beautiful, but mighty
proud of his appearance when he
was released from the chair.
In George Washington's time the
men wore powdered wigs, knee
lengths and silk hosiery, not to men
tion the silver buckles that adorned
their shoes, After that come the
period of stern reality, when Amer
ican men and women bronzed by
the wind andeun, and when a hair
cut was only an incidental. Perhaps
we are revertlg to colonial times. If
that is true, it is to be hoped that
the modern man, in making himself
beautiful, will keep alight the tra
ditions that Inspired the fathers of
the country.
1 3-bentttg (glpitj
Governor William C.' Sflroul
taking an interest in the projects
for lnfprovement of the Capitol park
so that it shall be the civic center
of the Commonwealth, not only as
a state executive, but as a' citizen
of the state. "We have a compre-'
hensive plan which looks very good
to me and which should give the
Capitol the setting which it has long
needed," said he in a conversation
about it the other day. "There are
some details which have yet to be
arranged and then we will see what
is required in the way of legislation.
1 do not imagine that there will be
much, but it is well to have such
things down in black and white."
It is not generally known that the
Governor when he was a candidate
for the nomination expressed his in
terest in the Capitol park improve
ment in no uncertain way and that
when he had been chosen he said
that he intended to put through the
plan while he was Governor. The
position he takes is that other states
have capitol buildings not as hand
some as that of Pennsylvania and
they are surrounded with handsome
parks. Here there has been erected
an unusual building with a park
laid out about seventy-five years
ago. The Sproul idea is to that the
best should be made of the old park
and the finest possible in the plot
ting of the new. "Things are not
going to bo any cheaper for a while
and people who wait for the times
to be right occasionally have to wait
a long time," is one of the Sproul
remarks in regard to going ahead
with construction of roads and other
things. He is applying it to Capitol
* * •
Among visitors to the city this
week was Andrew Hourigan, one of
the younger generation of attorneys
in Luzerne county. He is well
known to many here as former assis
tant United States attorney and
while mentioned every now and then
for state office, is attending to his
• • ♦
Officials of the state government
are understood to be favorable to
an appropriation to the Camp Cur
tin Memoriul Commission, so that
it can erect a memorial to mark the
site of the great mobilization camp
of the Civil war on the plot pur
chased last year with the funds pro
vided by the General Assembly of
1917.' The bill to make the appro
priation for the construction will be
introduced soon and will cover a
sum which will be in keeping with
the importance of the, project to the
state. There are few cpmps better
known in the Civil war history of
the Keystone state than Camp Cur
tin and veterans in every county
want the place designated for ail
time. There is a sentiment among
officials that this memorial would be
a good one to construct in accord
with Governor SproulSs expression
that the time has come when "mail
order" monuments and foundry re
plicas should he forgotten and works
of artistic value be put up for fu
ture generations. *
*.• . *
Not the least of the problems at
tending administration of the Work
men's Compensation Act in Penn
sylvania pending the completion of
the work of the peace conference
is the status of claimants residing
in the nations into which the Aus
trian empire has split and what to do
about claimants who may be in Po
land or in what used to be the Rus
sian empire. When the war broke out
all claims for compensation of sub
jects of the Austrian empire for
deaths of relatives in Pennsylvania
industries .were taken charge of by
A. Mitchell Palmer, custodian •of
alien property. The claims of de
pendents living in Italy and other
allied or neutral countries were
handled as usual, but dependents
living in Austria were enemy aliens
and their claims were held up pend
ing the close of the war. Now comes
the'question qf what to do about
such as may be living in the north
ern or southern Slav states which
this government has virtually recog
nized or in the section which has
joined Rumania. The German. Aus
trian and Hungarian claimants are
enemy aliens, but the question here
is whether the others are enemies
or not. The chaos in Poland and in
parts of Russia will lead to claims
by residents of those clouded sec
tions being held up, while such as
live in Bessairabia, which has joined
Rumania, may get through more
promptly. There arc scores of claims
which will have to be held up be
cause of the Russian situation and
some of them may not be settled
until after those of dependents liv
ing in the Slav states of the former
Hapsburg empire are adjudicated.
The proof of relationship and iden
tity of claimants will be additional
problems to handle.
From all accounts the wheat on
the farms of Dauphin. Cumberland,
Perry and York counties, which for
weeks past has been observable in
numerous patches of green from the
windows of the State Capitol, is in
prime condition and should go
through the winter very well. Rep
resentative farmers say that the
I acreage devoted to wheat in this
i section shows a material increase
over any previous seasdn, the esti
mates made about January 1, hav
ing had to be advanced as a result
of late reports. The mild weather
which prevailed clear up to New
Year's Day enabled the wheat to
get an excellent start, almost too
much in opinion of some farmers
in the Cubmerland Valley, and when
the snow came it found the stalks
strong. The snow covering came just
at the right time to protect the
grain from the wintry blasts. There
is no reason, say men who know the
agricultural situation why the coun
ties in this section should not have
a great wheat crop next summer."
—General C. B. Dougherty, form
er commander of the National
Guard, who has been ill. has recov
ered and is able to be about again,
although not with his accustomed
energy as yet.
—Judge O. B. Dickinson, much
mentioned for a higher federal
place, is a Delaware countian and
one of the active members of the
bar in that section for years.
—The Rev. Edward Simpson, who
will become a Williamsport pastor
next month, has been active in
Rhode Island, where he made many
prohibition speeches.
—John D Meyer, secretary of the
Altoona group of bankers, ia inter
ested in newspaper as well as bank
ing enterprises.
—That Harrisburg population is
holding in spite of the decline of
war Industries?
Walnut street used to be Harris*
burg's newspaper row seventy- Ave
years ago.