10 Troop 12 Celebrates Its Anniversary by Placing Flowers in Church On the nlhth anniversary of the 1 py Scouts of America each troop lu the cfty was supposed to do a good turn -to the church to which It belonged. Many troops cleaned cellars or basement rooms of the church or some other "good turn" and Troop 12 decided to supply the flowers top the pulpit for the fol lowing Sunday at Memorial Lutheran Church. It fls believed it was well by the church for one of the Items on the church bulletin read as follows: "The flowers that adorn the chan cel to-day 'are placed there by our Troop 12 of -the Bpy Scouts In honor of the ninth anniversary of the or ganization of the Boy Scouts of America.'.' Troop 12 Jhns been growing .very rapidly lnjsjtoe "last few weeks. New members are coming in at each meet ing. Scoutmaster Orr gave tender foot examinations at the last meet ing to several new Scouts and Scouts Russ and Atchley passed success fully. Tljb preceding week the tn tire troop was given a review In tho tenderfoot, examination. The Scouts of this troop who at tended the Father and Son Banquet enjoyed themselves as much as pos-1 sible and all that they can say to the Scouts who didn't get there is "You missed it." WH. HAWTHORNE. Scribe. . i SCOUTING MEETS NEED The war has raised anew the whole question of the education and development of our boys, physically, morally, and spiritually, says the Rev. Charles S. Macfarland, General Secretary of the Federal Council of Churches of Christ in America. It Is a problem and an opportunity above all for our churches. We feel the need of providing our boys with a training that will give them physical preparedness for the service of the nation without Tun ning the danger of Imbuing them with the spirit of militarism. The Boy Scout Movement meets this need of the hour. It has won' for Itself a large place in our na tional life. It is the one movement which, while emphasizing physical development and moral principle, rl - deepens the relationship of the * boy to the church. NO MORE CATARRH A Guaranteed Treatment That Haa Steed the Test of Time Catarrh cures come and catarrh cures go, but Hyomel continues to Ileal catarrh and abolish its disgust ing symptoms wherever civilization exists. Every year the already enormous sales of tltis really scientific treat ment for catarrh grow greater, and the present year should show ail records broken. It you breathe Ilyomei daily as directed It will end your catarrh, or it won't cost you a cent. If you have a hard rubber Hyomei Inhaler somewhere around the house, get it out and start it at ones to iorever rid yourself of catarrh. H. C. Kennedy, or any other good druggist, will sell you a bottle of Hyomei (liquid), start to breathe it and notice how quickly It clears out the ajr passages and makes the en tire head feel fine. 1 Hyomei used regularly should end catarrh coughe, colds, bronchitis or usthma. A complete outfit, including a hard rubber pocket Inhaler and bottle of Hyomei; costs but little. No stomach (losing; just breathe it. Soothing anM healing the inflamed membrane. 9 * i • ■ 1 /' .• '• ...... I Dealers who want to give their customers the best sell Hershey's Superior Ice Cream Do not pay any atten- | Ition to the weather. Eat HERSHEY'S SUPERIOR ICE CREAM every day in the week. This highly nutritious and supremely de licious refreshment-food is one of the most economical items on your menu. When you serve f to your family and guests, you, have I that certain satisfaction that you are [ serving them with quality. This qual ity is the direct result of the finest i cream the best dairies in the country if produce. Place your order for HER- I - SHEY'SSUPERIOR ICECREAM for Sunday with your dealer at once. | i Hershey Creamery Co. . A 401 South Cameron Street I .. ~ arr * s k ur & a * ■ | FRIDAY EVENING, NEWS MP NOTES OF THE BOY yOUTS^j TROOP FIFTEEN TAKES LONG HIKE Scouts Get a Taste of Winter Weather on Tramp to Dauphin Last Saturday morning as the snow was falling and the bleak winds were blowing eight members of our troop started on an all-day hike. AVe rode to the end of the Rockville line and then walked to Dauphin. We then walked to the lumber camp by fol lowing the narrow gauge track. It was hard walking as the ties were nar row and placed very close together. Wo arrived at the iirst lumber, camp about 11.30. About 12 o'clock we left the lumber men after having seen lots of interesting things and started up the track again. At the second wa ter hole, a spring where the engine of the lumber train takes water, we cooked our dinner. Ammon Seiple, commonly known as Jesse James, passed several second class tests. After dinner we started down the side of the mountain to the road running between the two mountains. In do ing so we had to go through briers and tinder brush for a distance of about a mile and a half. When we got to the road we met a friend of one of the scouts and he showed us somo interesting places—one of which was an old furnace whicli was used a long time ago to melt iron. We saw many beautiful scenes along the road. The forest of pines which had just been decorated with soft snow was the most impressive. The ground beneath the trees was carpeted with green moss and the creek which ran through it furnished a soft rippling noise which broke the silence of the woods. Across this creek was a bridge of unusual design. Two heavy cable wires .about two feet apart ran across. On these wires were placed boards which formed the floor of the bridge. About three feet above that there were two lighter wires which formed the sides. In walking across we were bounced up and down as if we were on springs. We arrived at Red Bridge in Speeceville about 4.30. We passed through Dauphin on our return and came down the river road to Rockville where we took the car. Although all of us were very tired we thoroughly enjoyed the trip. Next Saturday afternoon the Troop's basketball team plays the Hygienic Juniors of Steelton on Steele building floor at 2.30. Tickets can be procured from any member of the Troop. Troop Fifteen desires games from other troops. All arrangements should be made wtih Norman Boone. LAWRENCE EVANS, Scribe. Troop 16 Helps Celebrate . at Big Scout Banquet On Monday evening the Scouts of Troop 16 with their fathers marched down to the Masonic Temple to help celebrate the ninth anniversary of the Scout Movement. There were present from 16 twenty-nine boys'and twenty-nine men. After the dinner the troop gave its yells and then they formed a pyramid and Frank Foose signaled "Be prepared." On Sunday evening "the troop heard Dr. Mudge. Everyone is urged td be present at the meeting tonight for we liave had no time for business meetings tfor the last few weeks I because we were making prepara tions for celebrating anniversary week. CLEON CRISWELL, Scribe. THE WIGWAM Well, fellows, what did you think of the Big Time on Monday night? AVhat did Dad think of It? I am thinking already of next year's din ner and so is every Scout to whom I have spoken. When the fellows who were not there hear about it. they will be thinking of next year and if I am any prophet at all, we won't be able to get them all in that same room next February. Old reliable 13 shines in The Wig wam this week. Here's a story from Fcnstemacher and jilso the first of a series of talks by Hagar. Hagar has prepared a number of articles on the subject "Trees," and his ma terial ought to prove helpful as well as interesting. 1 . FAITH 4 By .Seout Feastemaclier - The meaning of Faith given, bjf the dictionary is the firm belief or trust in any person or organization. The soldiers in the war and their service "over there" were more times and not any forced to make their prayers in a remarkable short time and they were answered be cause they had faith in their God who has not yet failed to keep watch over those who atand for right. We, you and I, can pray and pray for whatever needs or deeds we wish to accomplish but the lack of faith will hinder us no matter who we are in being successful In our work. A troop is not well organized, the i boys start attending irregular; af j ter a wta'ile they are dropped; the I Scout meetings become unsuccessful and at last the troop breaks up.' Now we ask why did not that troop hold together? The answer is the lack of faith or confidence and the un willingness to make the Scout or ganization a ' better formation of boys. Fellows, we are here to make ourselves big and .manly like the great men of the tast and present and If the Soouts of our present period do not stick together and put the thing through, we may well claim ourselves a total failure. Pray and put faith in your work no matter how small It is and watch the results of the Works of God. TREES EVERY SCOUT SHOULD KNOW By Scout Hagar, Troop IS SASSAFRAS TREE The sassafras tree grows in the Eastern part of the state. It grows to a height of forty or fifty feet, and has a diameter of about one-third of a foot. The bark.on the tree- is red- Ish brown when it is Aid. The trunk Is stout and short, while the branches ar e very brittle. The leaves are four to six inches in length, usually smooth and ,c[ark green and grows paler below. The flowers appear in May with thO leaves and are green ish yellow, and are arranged Jn Ibose ■drooping racemes. They" are very common along fence rails and like rich eandy loam. Tho fruit furnishes a valuable food for the bird. PAPAW TREE A small tree between ten and forty feet In height and diameter of about twelve Inches. The trunk Is short and slender. The crown is rather broad, high and formed by straight rather spreading lateral branches. The bark is thin and dark brown in color, often covered by white .• . . BABIUaBtfRO TELEGTOLPH _4— : -¥— blotches. • The leaves are four to twelve inches In length and rather pointed at apex, they are dark green when blooming and turn to rusty yellow in autumn. The flow ers appear in April or May with the leaves. They are solitary and are very perfect, the color is dark green. The tree can be found in Harrlsburg. CHESTNUT TREE This tree stands sixty to ejfelity feet from "he ground and tnree- to four feet through. * It has few lateral branches and stands in close. The bark has sQmewhat oblique ridges which are covered with dark brown scales. The leaves are pointed at apex and pointed at margin. The flowers appear in June and July. The fruit matures In Sep tember and October, and is covered with a burr that has a good lot of. prickly spines and contains one to five nuts. It grows on almost any kind of soil from bottom lands to mountain tops. But It does love wet lands. It is the most common tree in the United States. Scouts, I am working hard to get a series of talks in the Wigwam by a certain Individual known as "The Red Crane" (no, he doesn't get that name from his long legs). The Red Crane 4s a thorough woodsman. He has seen Scouting in a number of cities and knows the woods and fields as few men know them. Indian lore is his hobby. If I can land him for a series of talks as In teresting as those with which he has enlivened dozens of camp fires and scores o* lonely trails; you wifl cer tainly be repaid for your Interest In the Wigwam. RED CLOUD. Dickman "Billeted" Near Where Wilhelm Stood July 14, 1870 Coblenz, Feb. 14. —Major General Joseph Dtckmah, Commander of the Third American Army, is "billeted" today •within a stone's throw of the spot where King Wilhelm of Prussia was standing July 14, 1870, when he heurd of the declaration of war by France against Prussia. The spot new overgrown by a clump of shrub bery and marked by a suitably carved granite tablet, is in the Kaiserin Augusta promenade id Cob lenz, on the west bank of the Rhine where the king had just landed after crossing the rtver from Ems. " General Dipkman's "billet" is a tlihse-storjr house—one of the finest heme-is the property of Wilhelm VOJ Oswald, an extensive mine own er, who has "gone away for the win ter." 4 Next door to General Dickman's temporary home is another fine resi dence also taken over by the Army of Occupation, being used for the ac commodation of other American generals visiting Coblenz now and Won. Scouts of Troop 7 Register For Third Year's Work "Perfectly delighted" Is the man ner In which the Scouts of Troop 7 expressed themselves concerning the w"ejlhiing that there was any plot on foot for my benefit and when the | little stutue and pen were presented to me I was the most surprised man in Harrlsburg .for I usually pride myself on the fact that I keep a close tab on everything in Scouting that goes on in the city. I am using the pen nearly every minute of the day, signing letters, to dkeh membership cards and all the other thousand and one things I have to doi The statue stands pn the desk in front of me and con stantly reminds me of what a Scout stands for—a clean mind and a clegn body prepared and ready for ser vice, a lover of God and the things of God. The gifts are doubly precious to me because of the way that the money was raised to buy them. Everyone of you Scouts had a little share in it, and so to everyone of you I say "Thank you." Examinations—Keep it up. Scouts. It is a quiet Thursday evening at Headquarters when there are less than ten Scouts coming in for sec ond class or first class examinations, and by the way the examination papers look you are all working hard to pass whes you come in. It is a very rare occasion when I find a Scout who is not fully prepared. Re member, Scouts, you must serve one month as a tenderfoot before you can advance to second class rank; and two months as a second class Scout before you can advance to first class rank. Bo thorough in your work for you must go before the Court of Honor and there you are likely to b c asked anything that has gone be fore. So that you will know the proper procedure to reach lirst class rank I will repeat it on the Scout page. First, every Scout must have his Scoutmaster certify that he is ready for examination on th e regular form. He must then come in to Headquar ters and pass the examination satis factorily, and then he will be nomi nated to the Court of Honor for final examination. lie will appear before them at their regular meet ing and be subjected to verbal exam ination. The Court of Honor must be satisfied that th£ Scot* is fit to wear a first class pin. What Scoutlpg Is Working Toward These are |thc things which are fundamental in Scouting and are di rectly and indirectly the very thing Surgeon General Blue is urging In behalf of. the soldiers and sailors 1 and of the community health and welfare. If the boys of America could be made to see, as Scouting aims to make him the import ance of cleanliness, physical and moral, public and private, the future would hold no social disease to be combatted. There is no stronger plea for Scouting than that it does make Its boys grow "morally straight" and gives them standards. The Scout movement, dedicated to the furtherance of public and pri vate health and morality; an urgent appeal to the popular conscience along these lines at a time when that appeal is of vital significance; the name and memory of a great ■ man whose life was clean and whole some and tonic as the spacious out doors he loved—could any combina tion be more stimulating or attrac tive to a .preacher gifted with im agination, patriotism and love of humanity? Wanted—Mare Scouts What's needed in our schools, to bring up the percentage of boys con tinuing- on through High? Mor e Scouts. What's needed in our churches and Sunday schools to give them trained leaders? More Scouts. What is needed In our homes to Improve the discipline and lessen the burdema and create a more cheerful and. progressive spirit? More Scouts. What is needed in. business life and -political life and professional life in .order to. banish graft, jack up morale, cut down waste, and In crease the percentage of efficiency? More Scouts. What Is needed In the world to hasten on tile day of brotherhood and world peace? More Scouts. Where are these more Scouts com ing from? From the 88 per cent, of boys In our town who are not yet In our troops. * J. F. VIRGIN, Scout Executive. Troop Thirteen Right on the Job; Have Instruction Nights; Attended Banquet WHAT'S DOING WITH TROOI' THIRTEEN By Scribe Fenetemachrr After several weeks of scout meet ings spent on scout tests, Troop Thir teen has once more started a series 'of scout instruction nights. Last Friday evening we held our first Parents' Night. A scout's parents ought to know what his son is do ing, who his Scoutmaster is and what a scout meeting teaches him. Many of the parents were present or sent excuses. This was the first of a series of special meetings as this evening. Dr. John Fager, the man who knows Nature like a book will tell the troop what to look for on a hike. On February 21. Mr. William Jacobs, the star wizard, will show | the troop how to find the constella tions. This is one part of scouting that is hard to get and the troop is very lucky in getting him. Every troop in the city knows what sore feet mean on a hike. . On Friday, February 28, Dr. Lawrence, who knows all about the feet, will in struct the troop In the care of them. On Friday. March 7, we will have Mr. William German, who for many years has spent part of his summers in the Canadian woods, tetl the troop of the wonderful times spent there. On March 14, Mr. Lesher, who has the largest collection of foreign These Dealers II 8611 "Swift's Premium" Oleomargarine .r HARRISBURG ENOLA I A. W. Hoster, " C. H. Brouse, 66 N. Sixteenth. St. Dauphin & Wyoming Sts. Buehler Brothers, 432 Market St. HUMMELSTOWN Capital Tea Company, • _ ' Fttpr 1835 BerryhUl St. . , ' 80*8 N. Main St. Calvin Etter & bon, u yjj Frirle I , W Si.. ' J H. Croons 81 ' HIGHSPIRE , 3rd & Kelker Sts. J7. Leidig, 11. L. Snyder, Second and' Railroad Sts. 301 S. Fourteenth St. t ]? Keefer, I. Abramson, ' second St. . , 1128 N. Sixth St. J ' Sk'S&t LEM.OYNE . -mL J. H. Tripner. H. B- Witman, 312 Broad St. •Htupmel .& Rossmoync Sts. Toe Woolf, J. Miller, 1010 Market St. ff3o Hummel St. Krebs & Deppen, v.-... t .. . , ( 2259 N. Sixth St. MARYSVILLE ; : MC 2030 N. a seventh St. - Cunningham Si. Bitting, -t , Peoples Tea Company, _"252 s. Main St. 131 verbcke St. F. W. Roberts, , l{ Pollock's Cash & Carry Store, Masonic Building. 1537 State St. J- E. White, Pollock's Cash & Carry Store, ' 1 N - St. Po!l l oS's'ca"h & Carry Store, MECHANICSBURG 1303 Derry St. A. D. Brubakcr, Pollocks Cash & Carry Store, 227 S. York St. PcfCer & Green Sts. i S. S. Pomeroy, NEW,CUMBERLAND •5 S. Second St. ■ J„ ! ,I , S. S. Pomeroy, Buttorff & Straley, Second and Reily Sts. Third & Bridge Sts. ( , Two in One Stores Company, t>at mvua \ 1 Second and Chestnut Sts. Jr AI.WI x Kn Weis Pure Food Store, g # p Engle Est., 1313 Market St. ' 325 Railroad St. J Weis Pure Food Store, I p re( l z e n e rs, 310 Broad St. Railroad St. ' W.C.Thompson, ' • • • - 1245 Klttatinny St. ' STEELTON W. C. Thompson, . t 15th & Walnut Sts. B. F. Mc>.ear, 109 N. Front St. LEBANON * C. J. Young, • C.V.Arnold, - 201 8. Second St. Sixth and Lehman Sts. Steelton Store Company, C. T. McLaughlin, Front B° cuBt stB ' RRLeiSinge;: 1818, . MIDDLETOWN Tenth and Lehman Sts. j) Seidcrs, H. H. Mutnma, • '3B E. Water St. 168 N. Eighth St. jj s. Lewey, M. D. Focht, 4 s..Union St. Spruce and Guilford Sts. .CARLISLE ■ GETTYSBURG J ' W OP t ' C GUm.nd S 'pr%. T , ? C . " ano%er 15 Baltimore St. J. U. Smith, Pomfret & Pitt Sts.- MT JOY CAMP HILL Herman E. Hauer, J. W. Kilborn. Market St. DUNCANNON FLORIN Duncannon Merchandise Company. A. D. Garber, Wagner Grocery Company. Main & Market Sts. •V Order a pound carton today Swift & Company U. S. A. .. , • FEBRUARY 14, 1919. wood 111 this section will Instruct the troop In the different woods and their uses. Troop Thirteen wants to express Its appreciation of the good time at the Scout Banquet. After waiting for many days for the tickets to the banquet, they Anally arrived and thirty-two scouts of Thirteen put down seventy-Ave per and said: "What do we do now?" Say, fel lows, we know now what we did; we marched up to the banquet hall and as soon as we got inside, we felt the Spirit of the evening. Our spirits brightened up, and we at once started to let every other troop In the city know that we were there, and the people outside, I sup pose. The entire troop voted the evening a great success and our only comment Is: "Please, Mr. Scout Executive, let's have them often." Safe Home Treatment " for Objectionable" Hairs (Boudoir Secrets) The electric needle Is not required foe the removal of hair or fuzz, for with the use of plain delatone the most stubborn growth can be quick ly banished. A paste is made with water and a little of the powder, then spread over the hairy surface. In about 2 minutes it is rubbed off and the skin washed. This simple treatment not only removes the hair, but leaves the skin free from blem ish. Be sure you get genuine dela tone. A Health Builder For Weakened Lungs Where a continued cough or cold threatens the lungs, Ecltman s Alter ative will help to stop the cough, strengthen the lungs and restore health. 80c and 11.50 bottles at drug gists. or from ECKMAN LABORATORY. Philadelphia. W Trucks! | Continuous Service I I and Long Run I Economy | f l'*t XJa Give You Full Details g| H The Over-land Harrisbnrg Co-u 8212-Sl4 North Second Streetß' Ambition Pills For Nervous People The great necve tonic—the famous Wendell's Arpbitlon Pills—that will put vigor, vim and vitality Into ner vous, tired out, all in, despondent people In a tew days in many in stances. Anyone can buy a box for only tt cents, and li. C. Kennedy is author ised by the maker to refund the pur. chase price .t anyone Is dlseaUsAsd with the Arst box purchased. Thousands praise them for gen eral debility, nervous prostration, mental depression *.nd unstrung nerves caused by over-indulgence in alcohol, tobacco, or overwork of any kind. - For any affliction of the nervous system Wendell's Ambition Plllp are' unsurpassed, while for hysteria, trembling and neuralgia they are simply splendid. Fifty cents at H. CB Kennedy's and dealers everywhere, —Advertisement,.