Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, February 13, 1919, Page 8, Image 8

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International Labor Legisla
tion Planned by British
Would Fix Conditions
Paris, Feb. 13.—The agreement
by the commission on international
labor legislation of the Peace Oonf
ference yesterday to accept Article
IV of the British draft of measures
-to settle the future status of inter
national labor marks the surmount
ing of an obstacle which was ex
pected to provoke a bitter contest,
since it is the most radical project
organized labor is seeking to graft
upon the constitution of the Society
of Nations. This article provides
that at the proposed international
labor conference the representatives
of the governments, the employers
and working people shdn be en
titled to speak and vote independ
ently without regard to the views
expressed by the other represenfa-
Uves of their nation and to have
power to draw up conventions bind
ing on the nations represented.
The rapid progress made on the
balance of the British draft, into
which will be Incorporated certain
features of the French labor plan,
appears to warrant the belief that
the essential aims of the delegates
of both nations will be accepted in
their enUrety by the commission, al
though final action by the Peace
Conference is predicted.
The British draft covers a wide
field, including the following pro
"Uniformity of the rights of work
men employed abroad, their protec
tion against loss when in a foreign
country through the lapse of state
insurance against sickness, old age.
Accidents, unemployment and simi
lar causes. ,
Prevention of unemployment
Fine ior Rheumatism,
Lumbago, Sciatica and
All Muscular Soreness
Andy Huston of l.ognn Township,
Pennsylvania, nayat "Three Ap
plications of Wonderful 20th
Century l.lniment En
tirely Cured Me"
"Had rheumatism so badly in hip
and knee could scarcely do anything
and suffered all kinds of pain and
misery, but with only three applica
tions entirely cured myself and am
able to work in comfort every day."
20th Century Liniment never dis
appoints and will neither burn nor
blister. It brings quick relief from
Neuralgia, Rheumatic Pains and
Twinges. Sprains and all soreness of
nerves and muscles. It contains such
well known remedies as camphor,
methol, iodine and many other ingre
dients prescribed by the highest me
dical authorities that bring soothing
relief and real joy to tired, aching
Step into the nearest drug store or
stop on your way home at any drug
gist and get a bottle. If you don t
"find quick rplief, return the bottle and
get your money back.
We use high-grade leather
and the best material in all
our work.
'Work Done While
You Wait
Tears of experience in shoe
repairing enables us to give
you entire satisfaction and
expert workmanship.
All Ulark Guaranteed
Men's full soles and Qfl
rubber heels
Men's half soles and 1C
rubber heels
Ladies' half soles dl Oft
end rubber heels
Men's and Ladies'
Rubber Heels
' attached in ten minutes.
Singer Shoe Repair
1738 No. Fourth St.
Friday Only
Caton's Quality Shoes
Cloth Top \\iy /
Tan Lace l-Jf I
high heels JUHpf. .
Special, $4.49
1204 No. Third St.
No More Liver Trouble;
Take Bliss Native Herbs Tablets
"I suffered with Stomach and
Liver trouble for three years and
was under the care of two doctors
but they never gfeve me any relief.
Nearly two years ago I bought a
box of Bliss Native Herb Tablets
and they did me more good than
anything I ever tried. When I com
menced taking your tablets I was
in an awful run down condition and
couldn't eat a thing without it hurt
ing me. But thanks to Bliss Native
Herb Tablets, in a month I could do
my housework and eat most any
thing. It is a good family medlcinu.
I don't see how we could do with
out it. 1 am ntill taking them. I
weigh more than i ever did in my
"Pulaski. Tenn."
When your liver is not performing
the functions ordained by nature.
through adoption by * the different
governments of a policy of distribu
tion of orders for public works so
as to keep the demand for labor at
an approximately uniform level. >
The relief of the unemployed
through a system of registration and
co-operation between employers in
different lines of industry to meet
fluctuating labor demands.
Plan Inspection
Opportunities to unemployed
young workers for the continuance
of their education at established
centers. •
A system of inspection of factories
and workshops to insure the execu
tion of labor laws. *
The protection of children, youths
and women, with educational op
portunities for the children and the
regulation of night work for the
The limitation of the working
shift for young persons to half that
of adults, with no overtime or night
work. *
The recognition of the rights of
workingmen to combino and the
right to peaceful picketing.
The recognition of the right of
workingmen to combine politically,
and the right of trades unions to
participate in politics.
Workiilg hours to be fixed by laws
in each state, with an international
standard as the minimum.
The regulation of home work in
small workshops, or sweatshops, to
be attended to by each state, in view
of the difficulty of settling this prob
lem by international legislation.
' International Cade
An international code regulating
labor conditi.ons in the mercantile
marine under every flag to be
worked out by a special maritime
committee of the League of Nations
in continuous session to take up new
It seems to be agreed that the
wholly different wage and money
standards of the East and the West
would make the definite fixing of
conditions as to these mattery im
As to the right of workingmen
to combine, the British view is that
this at least should be insisted upon
by the working classes, although It
is now denied by Japan.
The measures of hygiene, insur
ance and the regulation of the work
of children, it is also contended,
ought to apply to native Asiatic la
The British plan also contem
plates the creation of a permanent
international commission to fix min
imum wages, according to the con
ditions in the various regions and to
make a special study of native.la
bor problems.
it is proposed to include in the
League of Nations plan the consti
tution of an international parlia
ment composed of delegates from
the existing national parliaments to
suggest .labor legislation to the So
ciety of Nations. The abolition of
military training in schools and the
international exchange of univer
sity students is also proposed.
New War Revenue Bill
Digested For Taxpayers
The Guaranty Company, of
New York, has issued a booklet onJ
the new War Revenue Law. Besides
the full text of the law, the booklet
contains a digest in which the vari
ous sections are explained in such a
manner as will assist taxpayers in
making out their returns to the gov
ernment. Throughout this digest there
are citations of the sections of the
law under discussion which enable
the reader to refer readily to the
Under separate headings are taken
up the income taxes upon individuals
and corporations, the war proflts'and
excess profits taxes, and them the
numerous other revenue features of
the law. the excise taxes, tobacco
taxes, stamp taxes, special taxes, and
others. In each case the article tax
ed. the method of applying the tax,
and the amount are so set forth typo
graphically as to relieve the reade,
of the difficulty involved in separat
ing the item in which he is interested
from the mass of words and figures
in the law.
The important matter of deductions
and credits is treated fully, with
numerous examples given in each
case. There is also a chart showing
how the normal income tax and sur
tax applv to net incomes ranging
from $3,000 to $1,000,000, and the total
tax payable. Copies may be obtained
from John C. Jessup, Jr., 200 Calder
——________ John C. Palmar,
Company F, 103 rd
Ammunition Train,
iiTwenty-eighth Di-
WW- Afr vision, after a long
* "■ period of service
:.. overseas, still is
John C. Palmer North Fifth atreet ".
he states that lie went through three
drives and came out unhurt.
Rob't Ross Jones
Harrisburg, Penna.
your whole human machinery
breaks down, your brain becomes
dull, the pores of the system become
clogged with impurities, and any
neglect to correct this condition
will lead to serious illness. Bliss
Native Herb Tablets are purely
vegetable, and have been relieving
sufferers from liver troubles for
many years. They are a safe, gen
tle but sure laxative, easy to take,
and quick to relieve. Thousands of
homes are never without them. One
tablet at night makes the aext
day bright. A box contains
200 tablets, and each tablet vy
contains our trade mark.
Look for our money back guar
antee in every box. The price is
$1 per box. Bold by leading drug
gists and local agents everywhere.
[Continued from First Page.]
commissioners, both because of its
need and the desire of the commis
sioners to co-operate as much as
possible in the government wishes,
the duty of the officials is clear, 'City
Commissioner E. Z. Gross declares.
The five commissioners are Very
much in favor of the erection of the
building to aid in keeping abreast
with the onward march of the city.
Public sentiment In favor of the
erection of the building is very
great. Commissioner Gross says, and
he believes that favorable action will
be taken as soon as the necessary
legislation is provided. Until then,
however, both city and county com
missioners must wait, he maintains.
Everything now looks favorable for
the reception of the bill, but oppo
sition may develop from some un
expected source, he declares.
"Mot Safe"
Concerning the proposition of go
ing ahead and providing plans for
the (erection of the building. Mayor
Daniel L. Keister said it would not
be the safe thing to do. The commis
sioners might get into some difficul
ties for which they would be held
personally responsible, he said.
Full power for the commissioners
to proceed with their plans is pro-,
vided in a measure which has been
introduced into the Legislature by
Senator Schantz, of Lehigh county.
Mayor Keister said. The people of
that legislator's territory are strong
ly iir favor of such a plan as is be
ing advocated here and are pushing
it actively. There seems to be little
doubt that it will pass. Mayor Keis
ter believes.
Both the city and county commis
sioners are very much in fabor of
the plan, he says, believing that
favorable action to provide for the
proposed structure will be taken
s ~ ort,J ' a fter the legislation becomes
Commissioner Charles W. Burt
nett declares that the city commis
sioners are very much in favor of
the proposition and are doing all
they can to push the fight. But until
the necessary legislation is enacted,
the commissioners absolutely can
not do anything, he declares.
In State or Rest
The proposition is" now in state of
County Commissioner Charles
C. Cumbler said to-day .No action
Is legally possible, lie said, and none
will be attempted, he declared until
the Legislature gives its sanction to
the erection of buildings by a city
and county, jointly, through legisla
tive enactment, he declares. Senti-
F**"* for the construction of the
building is quite strong, Mr. Cumb
ler declared, but he is strong in his
assertion that officials* hands are
d under present conditions.
Road and bridge construction
work by the county promises to be
quite extensive this year. Plans have
not been fully developed and are not
nrUn? £ t0 be made public. At
present the commissioners are en
" l . h e revision of assessments
throughout the county, and it is ex
pected that this will occupy their
attention for the next month. Mr'
Cumbler says. But after the revi
sion has been made work in putting
such plans into operation will be
started in earnest, he promises.
„nlv i, P ?^ ram of the state is of
unexcelled breadth in the history of
the commonwealth. Its road "and
bridge work is quite wide in scope,
but the plans for the State street
bridge across the Pennsylvania rail
road tracks and Capitol Park Ex
tension arrangements are what in
terest Harrisburg people chieflv. Era
ployment to hundreds of discharged
soldiers and sailors will be furnish
ed by them, and the labor situation
created by the stoppage or slowing
up of many industries as a result of
the cessation of hostilities will be
considerably alleviated.
Work l ; ndor Way
Work on the Capitol Park Exten
sion is even now under way and
plans for the erection of the State
street bridge are progressing with
pleasing rapidity. The Capitol Park
improvement plans provide among
other things for the widening of
Third street from Walnut to North
street through the tearing away of
the pavement adjoining the park and
to erect a suitable boulevard. Pres
ent plans provide for similar treat
ment, although probably not on as
extensive a scale, for Walnut and
North streets. The -State and city are
interested jointly in this work.
Office buildings are included too
in the construction program. At
least one such building is being
planned for eretjlion before fall and
others may be started to provide
suitable facilities for all depart
Probably 'the most outstanding
feature in the building program of
private interests is that of the Phil
adelphia and Heading railroad bridge
across the Susquehanna river. The
plan has received thorough consid
eration and plans have been care
fully formulated for the enormous
viaduct to care for the transporta
tion company's greatly increased
Definite announcement has not
[ yet been made as to the exact time
when the plans will get under way,
although it is generally believed that
spring and summer will see opera
tions under way.This work has been
delayed this long largely because
of war conditions.
The City's Finns
That $74,500 is available for
municipal improvements is a state
ment for'which Mayor Darnel L.
i Keister is responsible. These im
| movements are expected to be start
! d as soon as possible and men dis
| charged from the military service
will be given the preference, Mayor
1 Belster adds.
Of the total sum available for this
class of improvements, $22,500 has
been set aside for the improvements
to Third, Walnut and North streets
in conformity with the state's plan'
An additional $45,000 is designated
for the repairing of asphalt and
other streets of the city, and City
Commissioner Lynch promises that
work will be started as soon as the
weather opens. Improvement of the
lines of the water department, chief
ly in the Fourteenth ward, will be
started as soon as spring really ap
pears. For this work, $15,000 has
been appropriated.
The session of the People's Forum
to be held in the Wesley A. M E
Church Sunday afternoon at *3 30
o'clock will be addressed by Henry
Lincoln Johnson, who held the post
of recorder of deeds at Washington
under the administration of Presi
dent Roosevelt. Mr. Johnson le a
graduate of the Michigan Law
W. D. B. Ainey, chairman of the
Public Service Commission, will
speak to-night on "Public Service
a meeting of the Men's Forum of
the Pine Street Presbyterian Churoh
to be held this evening in the Boyd
Memorial Building. Following the
address there will be an open die
Lloyd George Says America
Would Not Aid British
and French
London, Feb. 13.—Premier Lloyd
George again speaking on thf gen
eral peace situation said he was op
posed to intervention in Russia be
cause the work would fall upon the
British and the French. America,
he said, would send neither men,
money nor material.
He was unable to disclose the fig
ures that Intervention would in
volve, but after seeing them, no
sane man, he declared, would ad
vise the allies, after five years of
war, to undertake the enterprise.
The premier declared that there
had never been any proposal ad
vanced at the Peace Conference to
recognize the* Bolshevists. He ad
mitted that the horrors of Bolshe
vism were so great that there was
a sense of disgust when they came
to deal with the leaders, but was
useless to blind their eyes to the real
facts. /Russia represented in area
over half of Europe, and nearly half
of Asia and, he pointed out, if peace
were not made, the whole of this
immense territory would b seething
in anarchy, disorder and bloodshed;
there would be no peace in the
world. -
By Associated Press
Santiago, Chile. As a result of
anarchistic outbreaks and disorders
on both sides of the Chilea-Argentina
frontier, the Chilean foreign office is
preparing a convention with Argen
tina relative to frontier police and
Rati, Mont. —The engineers' union,
one of the.most powerful in this field,,
early to-day voted to take a referen-'
dum next Saturday to decide whether
it would go on strike in sympathy
with the striking miners here.
Bnenoii Aires. The maritime fed
eration has informed London that it
would be unable to send representa
tives to the'lnternational Maritime
Congress, to be held this month, be
cause the shipping strike and lock
out here prevents the departure of
Geneva. The movement to ex
clude the central powers from the
International Red Cross was debated
at a meeting of that organization
held here to-day. President Ador, of
Switzerland, was chairman of the
Reading, Pn. Detectives early to
day landed in cells here Wert Brown
and Raymond Epting, each about 22
years old, suspected of being in the
gang of bandits who attacked James
Saul, 69, a'nd ransocked his house in
Perry township late last night.
Palmer on Inside Track
For Attorney General
The Philadelphia # lnquirer m a
Washington dispatch to-day says:
"One of the first acts of President
Wilson upon his, return will be the
appointment of an Attorney General
to succeed the present incumbent,
Thomas W. Gregory, whose resig
nation becomes effective March 4.
Present indications run strongly
to the appointment to the Cabinet
vacancy of A. Mitchell Palmer, of
Pennsylvania, now holding the of
fice of Custodian of Alien Property.
While a possible appointee to the
Attorney Generalship is G. Carroll
Todd, now Assistant Attorney Gen
eral, the general belief is that Mr,
Palmer will get the office. Todd
will have the support of the retir
ing chief of his department, but per
sonal considerations point in favor
of Mr. Palmer for recognition by the
President. Political geographical
considerations are not without
their importance, as Assistant At
torney General Todd hails from the
South, which has numerous close
advisory positions in the Adminis
"Should Mr. Palmer he selected to
fill the coming vacancy, it would
leave a gap in the Democratic Na
tional Committee, with the proba
bility of the appointment of Joseph
Guffey, of Pittsburgh, to the place.
With the chairmanship of the
Democratic National Committee
made vacant by the resignation of
Vance McCormick, now in Europe
pn a special committee, there is the
further possibility of the vacancy be
ing eventually filled by Guftey."
Rotary Club Will Hold
Early Meeting Tuesday
In order to permit members to at
tend the reception to the Governor,
Lieutenant Governor, state officials
and members of the Legislature,
scheduled for next Tuesday evening!
at 8 o'clock, in the Penn-Harris
Hotel, the Harris>urg Rotary Club's
regular meeting slated for that even
ing will open at 7 o'clock. It will be
held in the Y. M. C. A. building.
Dies in France of Wounds
Received on Battle line
Allen S. Hartman,
■ member of the
Headquarters Com
pany. 314 th Field
Artillery, died in
France on Octqber
14, from wounds
suffered in action
on that day, recent
advices Inform rel
atives. ■ Before his
— enlistment, he was
Allen S. Hartman * employed by the
Pennsylvania Railroad in this city.
He was a member of the Second Re
formed Church, which aoon will hold
memorial services for him; Phoenix
Lodge, Knights of Pythias, and other
fraternal organizations.
At one time he was a student at
Massanutten Academy, Woodstock.
Va.. and of Franklih and Marshall
Academy,. Lancaster. Dr. George
Hartman, of the Keystone Hospital;
Rufts A. Hartman, 2226 North Fifth
street, and Harry W. Keitel. 2035
North Founth street, are uncles of
thfc dead soldier. The Rev. Ralph E.
Hartman, pastor of the Marysvllle
Trinity Reformed Church, is a broth
l er
Dr. C. It. Phillips Made
Head of Medical Society
Dr. Clarence R. Phillips was elect
ed president of the Anti-Tuberculosis
Society of Harrisburg and vicinity at
a meeting held Tuesday afternoon. It
was decided to inaugurate an educa
tional campaign along the * Nnes of
preventative measures in anti-tubet
culosis work. It will be conducted
throughout Dauphin county and Cum
berland county as far west as Me
chanicsburg. Miss lllchardetta Gib
son, of Baltimore, has been engaged
us executive secretary to conduct the
Besides the election of the presi
dent, the other officers and directors
elected at the meeting include: Vice
president* Mrs. William Henderson;
treasurer, Ilenry W. Gough; secre
tary, Dr. J. W. Ellenberger.
Directors: Dr. F. W. Coover, Dr. J.
B. McAlister, Dr. H. McGowan, Dr.
R. M. J. Raunick, Donald McCormick,
John Fok Weiss, Leon Dowengard, the
Rev. W. V. Dailey, Miss Anne McCor
mick, Robert B. Reeves, D. D. Ham
melbaugh, Harrisburg; Dr. W. J, Mid
dleton, Steelton; Superintendent F. E.
Shambaugh, Lykens; Mrs. Martin
Cumbler, Highspire; Mrs. J. M. Mil
house, Camp Hill.
Standing of the Crews
Philadelphia Division —The 132 crew,
to go first after 2 o'clock: 109, 131,
128, 133, 107, 123, 119, 108. 106, 113,
350, 117, 302, 122, 130, 111, 126, 124.
Engineers for 109, 132.
Firemen for 108, 124, I€ 9.
Conductor for 111, 113, 119, 124,
and 132.
Flagmen for 117, 128.
Brakemen for 103, 105, 109, 117,
(2)123, 124, 131, 175.
Engineers up: Houseal, Frankford,
Blanltenhorn, Gunderman, Smith,
Rutherford, Shoaff, Mohn, Diffender
fer, Myers, Giger, Brown, Aument,
Hall, Anderson, Mann, Rhoads, Cou
Firemen up: Wiihide, McGonigal,
Polleck, Flickinger, Kennedy, Kluh,
Fllcklnger, Vogelsong, Ressler, Wert,
McKonley, Thomas,. Bordner, Brad
ley, Wagner, Lloyd, Cramer, Dennl
son, Heckman.
Conductors up: Wilson.
Brakemen up: Funk, Lightner,
Cross, Belford, Poff, Smith, Mongan,
McManus, Urlch, Alexander, Cole,
Straub, Hoffman, College, Scharr,
Smith, Clay, Ambrose, Coibln, Ho
miack, Altemus, Dorsett, Murphy,
Dungan, Christ, Minnichan, Wood.
Middle Division —The 243 crew first
to go after 2 o'clock; 20, 34, 28,*225,
and 22.
Twelve laid off at Altoona.
Engineers wanted for 20.
Conductors wanted for 22.
Engineers up: Rathefon, Oi W.
Snyder, Sweger, Earley, Lepprad,
Brink, Leiter, Swelgart, Hawk, Dun
Firemen up: Hlmes, McMurtrie,
Dennison, Jones. Seigfried, Brown,
Hancock, Shelenberger, Bonsall,
Crane, Strayer, Moretz.
Conductors up: Hoffnagle, Ross,
Biggan, Bennett.
Brakemen up:. Sterner, Bowman,
Depugh, Hawk, Manning, Shade,
Lanver, Yengst, Roushe, Bell, Mc-
Naight, Stininger, Reinecker, Lupp,
Yard Board Engineers for 3,
Firemen for 3, 15C, 23C.
Engineers up: Auman, Miller,
Blever, Essig, Nye, Myers, Boyle,
Shipley, Hevie, Ulsh, Bostdorf. •
Firemen up: Ulrich, Moun, Shaf
fer, Brown, Hopkins, Rein, Beard,
Garrench, Kell, Rheam, Smith,
Nichol, Wright, Wert, Soles, Shoe
maker, Stuart, Desch.
The 61 crew to go first after 11.15
o'clock: 62, 59, 52, 4, 15, 6, 4, 57, 54,
68, 55, 60, 67. 70, 73, 7, 65, 66, 58, 69,
53, 20. 1, 16, 14, 19, 5, .
Engineers for 54, 60, 64, 65, 66, 16.
Firemen for 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 67,
59. 60, 57, 65, 69. 70, I, 4, 6, 7, 8.
Conductors for 55, 57, 73, 16.
Flagmen for 55 66, 73, 5, 15, 14.
Brakemen for 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 57,
59, 65, 66, 68, 69. 70, 6, 7. 8, 14, 16,
19 and 20.
Engineers up: Stees, Hoffman, G.
Beecher, Little, S. Beecher, Leitner,
Rauffman, Gruver, Linn, Griffith,
Bowman, Bowyer, States, Barnhart,
Billig, Ruth Zimmerman, Snader,
Lower, Wynn, Herr, Bordner, Fruen
felder, Bruaw, Jones, Raisner.
Firemen up: Stauffer, Brinton
Schreffler, Dailey, Schue, Parmer,
Cooper, Morris, King, Buehler, Mor
rison, Keller, Oxenreider, Deardorff,
Weise, Yeingst, Shay, Vogelsong,
Sornbcrger, Grimes, Reinisch, Leit
ner, Berry, Burkholder, Kohlein,
Conductors up: Markley, Bhelabaum
Shover, Ford.
Flagmen up: McKim, Scott, Warap
ler, Habbyshaw, Peters, Miles, War
ner, Leibtrue, Keener, Peters, Rene
ker, McCabe, Greenwood, Cassell,
Botteiger, Schwartz, Zink.
Brakemen up: Sharer, Messersmith,
Bashore, Neeley, Cullison, Weaver,
Parthmore, White, Ryan, Reilly Bu
ford, Wauh, Spire, Wolfe, Deardorff,
Smith, Shuff.
Philadelphia Division—The 224 crew
first to go after 11 o'clock: 216, 253,
237, 220, 203, 238, 241, 248, 226, 202,
254, 250, 205. 244, 222, 221, 210, 231,
233 and 236.
Engineers for 201, 253, 290.
Firemen for 202, 232, 224, 237.
Conductors for 217, 224, 237, 220,
250, 244, 210, 231.
Flagmen for 225, 216, 253,, 237, 203,
236, 250, 222, 210 and 233.
Brakemen for 217, 253, 203, 23'8, 241,
202, 250, 205, 222, (2) 233.
Brakemen up: Martin, Smith, Flow
ers, Unger, Vitullo, Brunner, Skiles.
Middle Division—The 114 crew first
to go after 2.40 o'clcok: 101, 113, 124.
Seven Altoona Crews to come in.
Conductors for 113.
Brakemen for 114 and 113.
•Yard Board Hlnkle, Seal, J.
Hinkle, Lutz, Curtis, Geib, Holland,
Bruaw, Herron.
Firemen up: Felix, Weaver, Bless
ner, Wallace, M. G. Morris, W. F,
Beinbridge, Klff, Huber!
Nolte, Haverstick,
Engineers for change crews.
Firemen for Ist 129, 2nd 129.
Change crew, st, 102.
Middle Division Engineers up:
W. D. McDougal, W. C. Graham, j!
W. Smith, James Keane, S. H. Alex
ander, O. L. Miller, R. E. Crum, J
Crlmmel, C. H. Hollenbaugh, F. McC.
Buck, F. F. Schreck, D. Keane, W. C.
Black, D. G. Riley, W. B. Glaser, H.
F. K repps.
Engineers wanted for 35.
Firemen up: W. E. Hoffner, J. B.
Connor, J. I. Belsel, F. V. Pennsyl,
B. L. Morris. G. Howard, H. H. Long
necker, L, R. Colyer, J. R. O'Brien,
H. W. Snyder, N. W. Troutman.'
Norford, G. H: Tippery, E. M.
Flagmen wanted for 31.
Philadelphia Division— Engineers
up: H. W. Gil Hums, V. C. Gibbons. R.
B. Welsh, C. R. Osmond, B. A. Ken
nedy, H. Smeltzer.
Engineers wanted for 2nd 26.
Firemen up: Wm. Shive, J. M. Piatt,
B. P. Huston, J*. Cover, H. S. Cope
Firemen wanted for 2nd 26, M-22
and 34,
Y. M. C. A. Ready to
Forward Money to Soldiers
Answering scores of queries from,
people of Harrjsburg and Dauphin
county as to the methods of remitting
money through the Y. M. C. A., the
following statement has been mude
public by Gartleld' McAllister, Army
Secretary of the Central Y. M. C. A.
The statement comes from the New
Yokr offices. The text is:
"Soldiers and others turn their re
mittances over to the Y. M. C. A. sec
retaries in the huts, dugouts and
canteens in all parts of the overseas
country, and obtain proper receipts.
"These secretaries forward the
money to divisional headquarters' of
lices where the remittances are
checked, and in turn are mailed or
sent by messenger to the general
headquarters of the overseas country.
"At general headquarters typewrit
ten lists are made out in alt particu
lars and are mailed to our New York
offices. ,
"Upon receipt in Nefw York, these
remittance lists are turned over to
our chack writers to make out checks,
and the funds aro thus sent to the
payees in all parts of the United
States as promptly as possible.
"It takes about two months for re
mittances to reach this office from
the time the money is given to the
Y. M. C. A. overseas. Occcasionally
even more time is taken. After three
months, as stated on the official re
ceipt. Inquiry by mail or otherwise
should be made at this office, giving
full particulars of both payees' and
senders' names and addresses, also the
amount expected and number of re
ceipt, if such has tfeen sent to you.
"If you have recently changed your
address, please notify this office and
also the postmaster at your former
.residence, giving both old and new
addresses, thereby avoiding unneces
sary (delay.
"We have received 250,000 remit
tances from overseas, and have trans
mitted over *13,000,000.00 to the fam
ilies and friends of our soldiers and
sailors from 'Over There.' "
Pleasant Session of Mite
Society of Trinity Church
Mechanlcsburg, p a ., Feb. 13.
With decorations suggestive of Val
fu *M. y ' a Peasant session of
the Mite Society of Trinity Luth
eran Church was held at the par
sonage in East Main street on Tues
day evening. Mrs. H. Hall Sharp,
hostess. After business was discus
sed, the following program was
given: Prayer, the Rev. J. K. Robb;
piano duet, Miss Alice Ulrich and
Miss Elizabeth Martin; violin solo,
Mr. Hausknecht, of Harrisburg;
reading, Mrs. E. D. Lutz; piano solo,
Miss Etta Miller; vocal duet, Mrs.
Tolbert Beitzel and Mrs. George
Wertz; reading, A. A. Arnold; vio
lin solo, Mr. Hausknecht. Contest
ing in a search for hidden hearts,
AV illiam Zufall and Martin Sliarp
won, and were awarded their sup
per as a prize. Refreshments were
on sale, and the remainder of the
evening was spent socially.
Mother Asks That Soldier's
Body Be Sent to Scotland
Gettysburg, Pa., Feb. 13.—Last
October, during the height of the in
fluenza epidemic, there was buried
in the Soldiers' National Cemetery
the body of Thomas Blair Mont
guire, of the Tank Corps, who died
at Lancaster, where he was attend
ing a technical school. Undertaker
Harry B. Bender has now received
a letter from the soldier's mother,
who lives in Glasgow, Scotland, rela
tive to the possibility of shipping
the body to that country. Arrange
ments are being made for the ship
ment of the body.
Beidleman to Speak
Lieutenant Governor E. E. Beidle
man will address the Men's Bible
Class o f Zion Lutheran Church, to
morrow evening at the annual dinner
at the Penn-Harris Hotel. Saturday
evening he will speak at a P. O. S. of
nL.. di ? n , e, i_, at the Bellevue-Stratford,
Philadelphia. Last evening he ac
companied Governor Sproul to Wil
liamsport, where the Governor. Emer
son Collins, deputy attorney general,
and he spoke at a big gathering of
Judge McCarrell to
Speak at Olivet Church
Judge S. J. M. McCarrell will speak
r annual Kather and Son service
of Olivet Presbyterian Sunday school.
Sunday afternoon. There will be tn
addition a specially arranged pro
gram of musical numbers. All de
partments of the school will join in a
union meeting at the close of the
regular services. Judge McCarrell
will speak on "The Relation of Father
and bon, as Viewed From the Bench."
FEBRUARY 13, 1919.
Return* to Business Life
After Service in Navy
Stanley D. Ad-
PyßMgl ,er ' who cnllst_
ed June, 1917,
gislt] has been recent
ly released from
active service In
.. -"3 the United States
' 1 Naval Reserves.
After receiving
S|PjS training at the
Maryland state
rifle range, Saun-
Stanley D. Adler ders, Md., he was
transferred to Norfolk, Va., for ac
tive duty. From there he was trans
ferred to Columbia University,
where he completed the engineer
ing course and was later sent to
New London, Conn., as a "sub
chaser" engineer.
His brother. Ensign Gordon D.
Adler, who also enlisted about the
same time, at present stationed
at the Brooklyn Navy Yard. The
' young man now is connected with
his father, Char'es Adler, in the
real estate and insurance business.
Gettysburg, Pa., Feb. IS. The
Adams county school directors are
holding their annual convention to
day and to-morrow, and almost all
of the directors are in attendance.
A program has been arranged by
County Superintendent H. Milton
Roth that is especially interesting to
the directors from the rural dis
tricts. Prominent among the speak
ers for the two days' meeting are
H. H. Baish, of Altoona; Deputy Su
perintendent C. G. Koch, of Ilarrls
burg; Lee L. Driver, of Winches
ter, Indiana, and W. 11. Dennison,
of the State Department of Public
Instruction. /
Mrs. John W. German, Jr., has been
named as chairman of the knitting
department of the Ilarrisburg chap
ter, American Red Cross to take the
place of Mrs. William B. Hammond
during the letter's absence from the
Found at Last—a Real Hair
Saver and Beautifie
Quickly Makes Dull, Harsh, Unattractive Hair Doubl;
Beautiful, Abundant, Soft and Fluffy—
or Nothing to Pay.
Women Delighted—All Surprised by
(lulck Action of I'nrlniun Sage
It's amazing: how much pretty hair
does toward producing: the appear
ance of youth and beauty so much de-
Back of knowledge is the main
reason -why people suffer from vari
ous ills. They are too careless in
their mode of living. And still more
so in the medicine they take.
The majority of people take medi
cine Just for the relief. The quicker
the better—overlooking the fact that
a quick cure at best is only tem
porary. That unless the cause is
completely eradicated it/ will come
Quick-action medicines are usu
ally drug combinations whose after
effects are often much worse than
the original ailment. While a truß
medicine Is much slower and more
Fifteen Organizations to
Benefit With Supplier
Fifteen charitablo organisations o
Dauphin county are named as re
cipients of materials used in making
surgical supplies, according to at
announcement made public by Mrs
G. H. Orth, executive secretary of thi
Woman's Bureau, Harrisburg Ret
Cross this morning. The surgica
supplies are being distributed by th<
chapter to-day to the following insti
Almhouse, Florence Crittendei
Home, Harrisburg Hospital. Hershe:
Industrial School, Childrens Indus
trial Home, Keystone Hospital, Nur
sery Home, Polyclinic Hospital, Sal
vation Army, Sylvan Heights Orphan
age, Bed Cross, Visiting Nurses As
sociation, Williamstown Hospital
Y. W, C. A, Roberta Disbrow Lioy<
Sunshine Society.
More Pennsylvanians
Released by German;
Washington, Feb. 13.—The Wa
Department has made public the fol
lowing information regarding Amer
ican prisoners of war:
Reported released from Germai
prison camps and returned t<
Stanley J. DejnbosVl, Tfrue. Pa.
William Allridge, Darby, Pa.
William L. Roller, Philadelphia.
Five Americans formerly report
ed to have fxsen killed in action o
to have died while in German pris
on camps were to-day reporte*
among the prisoners released.
Catarrh is a local disease great!:
influenced by constitutional condi
tions. It therefore requires constitu
tional treatment. HALL'S CATARRI
MEDICINE is taken internally an
acts through the Blood on the Mucou
Surfaces of the System. HALL'
foundation of the disease, gives th
patient strength by improving th
general health and assists nature i
doing its work. SIOO.OO for any cas
of Catarrh that HALL'S CATARRJ
MEDICINE fails to cure.
Druggists 75c. Testimonials freei
F. J. Cheney, & Co., Toledo, Ohio.
sired by women of all ages. It's rcall
a simple matter for any woman t
merit this praise since radiant ha
is only a matter of care.
When your hair becomes fade<
dry. streaked and scraggly, when
falls out badly and new hair cannt
grow, the roots must be vitalized an
properly nourished. To do this quid
ly, safely and at little expense, thcr
is nothing so effective as Parisia
sage (liquid form) which you can g<
at Kennedy's and all good drug an
toilet counters.
It's guaranteed to abolish dnndru
—stop scalp itch and falling hair, an
promote a new growth or money r
funded. It's in great demand b
women of taste and culture, becaus
it makes the hair so soft, lustrou
easy to arrange attractively and at
pear much heavier than it really is.
A massage with Parisian sage is
real delight—easy to use, not stick
or greasy, and delicately perfumed
an antiseptic liquid free from dar
gerous ingredients, and guarantee
not to color the hair or scalp. !
you want good looking hair and pier
ty of it use Parisian sage. Don't d<
lay—begin tonight—a little attentio
now insures beautiful hair for yeai
to come.—Adv.
in its results, because it i
assisting nature to rebuild, n<
smothering her cries.
Chase's Blood and Nerve Tablet
contain remedies which have lon
been recognized by the medical pre
fession as Nature's most powerfi
assistants. These tablets are a sat
remedy to take when run'down. Fo
sale by all druggists. Price, 60 cents
Special Strength (stronger and raor
active), 90 cents. It's cheaper t
buy five boxes at a time. Write to
booklet, "The Truth in Black an
White," mailed free on request.
The United Medicine Companj
224 North 10th street, Philadelphia