Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, February 13, 1919, Page 7, Image 7

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A Series of Plain Talks to
By Rmy C. Bewy, A.8., MX
President of the Parena AssociaticsL N.
One characteristic of a spoiled
hild is to be contrary. Sometimes
e will inquire as to the parent's
rish. apparently so that he can be
lire to do the opposite.
A vey large percentage of children
ire spoiled in babyhood. Here is the
ray it generally happens: The par
pt wants to do something with the
hild which the latter resents. There
| a contest and the child wins. That
practically the whole story.
Just as in any contest we like to
in, so in this mother-child contest,
is natural for the child to get
leasure out of winning. And after
inning once he naturally has more
mfidence winning again. He holds
tit for his way longer each time
ad as he wins out on successive
tieasions, he gets more and more
leasure out of "playing the game."
A baby should never be allowed
i win these victories over his moth
rin the first place. Of course he
eed not be defeated in a humiliat
ig or harmful* way, but certainly
e must not be allowed to gain his
Let lis take a typical case. A
other writes to nie:
"Will you plea/te suggest some
ethod by which I can get my 13-
oiiths-old baby to take a nap in
IO afternoon? Usually he sleeps
om 10.30 to 11.30 daily and or
narily without any trouble. At
ght he goes to bed about 7.30 and
placed in his bed without any
jjection. But in the afternoon,
icre is always trouble. He stands
[> in bed before I can get to the
tor and refuses to lie down."
Put your baby into a well venti
ted room, partly darkened. Make
A Sure Way to
End Dandruff
There is one sure way that has
:ver failed to remove cfandruff at
ice, and that is to dissolve it, then
>u destroy it entirely. To do this,
ist get about four ounces of plain,
immon liquid arvon from any drug
ore (this is all you will need),
iply it at night when retiring: use
lough to moisten the scalp and rub
in gently with the finger tips.
By morning, most if not all, of
)ur dandruff will be gone, and
iree or four more applications will
mipletely dissolve and entirely de
,roy every single sign and trace of
, no matter how much dandruff you
lay have.
You will find all itching and dig
ing of the scalp will stop instantly,
nd your hair will be fluffy, lustrous,
lossy, silky and sift, and look and
;el a hundred times better.
Hundreds of New Skirts
In Smart Models At Appealing Prices
Friday and Saturday shoppers will have opportunity to select from many pretty
new shirts for spring in woolens and silks, which have been most attractively priced.
AH Wool
Xew spring models, in navy and black.
Plaid Skirts | 1 i 1 -If 1 @
Large and small patterns, variety of color- 'III [ \ Tzl
ings, plain and box pleated models, 1 11 1 | \ \A*~—l—^
$7.95 to $10.95 Ufl—
Taffeta Silk Skirts Plaid Taffeta o v
Black and Navy SHU Bid*. 1-rfMJjjk^J
Variety of models. Man y modcls in bri S ht and ? QQ Z
subdued colorings. VP*-' ,\J*J
Valued to $7.05
C* ** O " Ch -i r\ f\ F* Silk poplin* In navy and tnupe
ypO ,HD ' JS 1() ,V7 nnd • ,, " ln " tr,|,ed ••
* muny model*.
Plush Coat Special Special in
q 1 j r\ r $2.00 Jap Silk Waists
Jt>l4.yti r
Values to 52D.95, yp JL • -i KJ
Just seven in the lot, all of our remain- Limited quantity of a neat stylish model
ing stock in sizes to 44, lined throughout, in black Jap silk, pin tuck front, sailor col
while they last 5j514.95 lar, while they last .$1.45
j adies B a^aar -X
8-10 12S. FOURTH ST. wc y
nap time an hour later than usual
so that the child naturally will be
more sleepy. As you prepare see
that he uses his little chair just be
fore he is put into his - crib, make
all your movements slowly and quiet
ly. Talk pleasantly in a very low
Stroke the baby's back down arms
and legs a few times in a soothing
way and then lay him down quietly.
After taking all precautions to see
that nothing can irritate him, and
getting everything ready Tor him to
sleep, pin the covers with large safe
ty pins on both sides of the bed. Do
not make them too tight, but at the
same time so tight that he connot
get cut.
If this method had been used when
the child was younger he would not
be causing you trouble now; but it
will produce results even now, since
he is only a little over a year old. Of
course, he will cry—perhaps the first
time or two very hard in order to
give you a big test —but do not re
ward him, after three or four cries
he will likely be convinced of their
Put him to bed at exactly the same
time each day, and let your pro
cedure one day after another, be
just as nearly the same as it is pos
sible. After pinning the covers
loosely but securely over him leave
the room quietly and do not return.
He will soon adjust himself to your
new policy if you do not allow any
exceptions to occur..
Pennsylvania Troops
Arrive at Camp Dix
Camp Dix, Feb. 13. —The largest
j contingent of Pennsylvania troops to
| return to the United States is now
( here and probably will be discharged
iby Monday. They include 136 Penn-
I sylvanians, thirty-two of whom arc
| from Philadelphia. There are monl
i than a score of soldiers from the
i 28th, or "Iron" Division, lind as
i many more from thp 79th, or "Lib
j erty" Division. The former are
j National Guardsmen who trained at
! Camp Hancock, Ga. The latter were
, trained at Camp Meade.
| Second Lieutenant Robert A. Bar
! ber, of 122 North Eleventh street.
1 Allentown. of the 109 th Machine Gun
Battalion, 28th Division, is in com
| mand of the corftingent, which is
> designated as St. Aignan .
' Company, No. 443". All have been
! wounded or gassed, many in the
drive from the Marne to Fismes,
which was the "folow-up" of the
Chateau-Thierry victory. They left
St. Nazaire, France, on January 17.
aboard the S. S. Susquphanna, which
docked at Newport News.
Garments of Quality
Bringing Up Father Copyright, 1918, International News Service -*- -*- By McMarms
ooC I —-1
"When a Girl "
A New, Romantic Serial Dealing With the Absorbing
Problems of a Girl Wife
"I am going over to Washington
on the next train Anne," Terry's
voice came over the telephone with
a manifest effort to be calm. "I'll
get a list of the towns wherq Betty
was before, she came home, and see
if I can trace any happenings that
will account for l\er disappearance."
I turned from the telephone to
smile a greeting at my husband.
"Here's Jim. Want to speak to
him?" I asked.
"Haven't time —have to make a
dash for the train. So long!" came
from Terfy, and hard on it Jim's
"Here —hold on! I want to speak
to him."
"He's hung up. Any news from
Betty?" I asked eagerly, Impelled
by Jim's strange manner to believe
that something most important must
he in the wind, heti I added. "You've
spoken to Miss Sturges, dear?"
"Yes, we've spoken," replied Jim
curtly, scarcely heeding.
A trifle uneasily Carlotta gathered
up her belongings—extravagant furs,
elaborate gold monogrammed patent
leather purse, gauntlet gloves green
bordered handkerchief—and rose to
"I wanted to do something," she
said, with scarcely a trace of her
usual flambou.vant assurance.
"Yes, I know," I replied—and found
adding the declaration Terry and
Anthony Xorreys had made, "You're
a brfck!"
Quick good bye and assurances
that she still wanted to help—But
was sure there Wasn't anything to
worry about and Carlotta was
gone, hej very perfume and presence
eliminated, and Jim and I stood fac
ing each other with that queer tense
ness I had felt lying almost tangibly
between us.
"Did you tell Mr. Norreys about
Betty? Did he send you home to
help hunt her?" I asked.
"Dike fun I did. Like fun I did!"
sneered Jim. "No! I'm through
that's what. Out of the Norreys
game for good."
In Jim's uneasy ejaculation I
thought I detected the bravado of the
man who has lost his Job and don't
propose to whimper about it. That
accounted for his tenseness—for his
starfng, glaring eyes, set lips. I
sank down on the couch and held
out my hands invitingly.
"Come, put your head down on my
shoulder, dear, and tell me all about
it. Maybe it can be fixed up," I said
tenderly—in a tone reminiscent of
the old love we had found anew only
the evening before.
Jim did not meet my mood; instead
he came and stood in front of me,
belligerently balancing so that his
weight should not fall on his lame
"I've a darn sight less to tell you
than you have to tell me, Anne. I
knew from the beginning that there
was something wrong about this
Norreys job—a screw loose some
where. That's why I wanted to talk
to Terry just now. I wanted the
"The truth?" I repeated, wonder
ingly. "What do you mean?"
"No wonder you ask!" Jim rasped
out. "I want to k,now the truth
and I mean to have it, Anne. Tou'd
better make up your mind to that
for a change."
"But, Jim, I don't know what this
is all about. .1 don't know what you
"Quit playing innocent. I suppose
you don't remember how I took the
Job because of Norrey's chief assist
ant wanting to get oft into the fight
ing of the late war. I suppose you
"Yes, I remember," I wh'spered,
fumbling around in my mind for the
thing I must do, and wondering if
Jim had actually unearthed our
friendly conspiracy to find him work
he could do—work that wouldn't
strain his crippled ankle that would
still'yield him a good living.
"Oh, you do! Well, then you also
remember who told me all that high
falutin' truck about taking this job
to help a friend Terry's and to re
lease a man for war—for fight
ing. A fine yarn you told me, Anne.
I can't understand your lying to me
like that!"
Across my mind swept the memory
of how I had pleaded with Terry for
the truth—and of his reply:
T was afraid Jim wofiW take a
stand and refuse to accept the post
Just because friends had found it for
him. There's only on e thing he isn't
brave enough to face. He's fair hip-
Daily Dot Puzzle
: f\ 1
, •
27. I' ,3fe
3B* 3 7
23. 24 & •*>
22* . .41
, • 5
* • *4z
** „ 'kMa
.2 * #7 • , * 4 *'
• & s
16. . ~
8 46
■i • v t #
Draw from on. to two and sq on to
the end.
ped on never being indebted to a pal
for a lift in his work. Jim has to
stumble on his Job for himself
find it, do us a favor by taking it.
Will you break Jim's heart in idle
ness or hav e me torture his pride
with assistance the dear old chap
would almost die swallowing—just
to save yourself a little white lie?
I'd lie myself blue in the face to save
Jim from being hurt. Aren't you a
pal and a helpmate and a good sport
as well as a wife?"
I remembered in a flash how Terry
had convinced me against my will—
how he -had forced from Anthony
Norreys his promise to help put that
story plausibly before Jim. He had
staged his little play by phoning to
plead with Neal to take the job so
Norrey's assistant could be released
for fighting. Then there came the
thbuglit of how Jim had worked at
uncongenial accounting, how h e had
forced himself back to health so he
could "help Terry." And now he was
struggling with the humilkatnig
truth that It had all been a hoax,
staged to force him to accept assist
ance from his friend.
Could I tell him the, whole truth
now? Could I exonerate myself at
Terry's expense just when Terry
stood most in need of Jim's loyalty
and friendship?
(To Be Continued.)
I j zrsi
2751—Y0u could have this in serge
or satin with vest and sleeves of
Georgette crepe or satin, whichever
combines best. Gabardine and crepe
de chine, is nice also. Velveteen and
satin is appropriate too, and the
model is well adapted to linen and
other wash fabrics.
The Pattern is cut in 7 sizes: 34,
36, 38, 40, 42, 44 and 46 inches bust
measure. Size 38 requires 5H yar&s
of 36-inch material. Width of skirt
at lower edge, is 1% yards.
A pattern of this illustration mail
ed to any address on receipt of 10
cents in silver or stamps.'
Telegraph Pattern Dcpurtment
For the 10 cents Inclosed please
send pattern to the following ad
Size Pattern No
City and State
A Beauty Specialist Gives Simple
Homo Mado Recipe to
Darken Gray Hair
Mrs. M. D. Gli*e s pie, a well-known
beauty specialist of Kansas City, re
cently gave out the following state
ment regarding gray hair:
"Any one can prepare a simple
mixture at home, ut very little cost,
will darken gray hair, and make
it soft and glossy. To a half pint of
water add 1 ounce of bay rum, a
small box of Barbo Compound and
% ounce of glycerine. These Ingre
dients can be bought at any drug
store at very little cost, or the drug- i
gist will put it up for you. Apply
to the hair twice a week until the
desired shade is obtained. This will
make a gray-haired person look
twenty years younger. This is not
a dye, it does not color the most
delicate scalp, is not Btlcky or greasy
and does net rub off."
Advice to the Lovelorn j
I was recently introduced to a
young girl who fascinated mo very
much. I was invited to her house
and was treated most cordially.
Eater we went out and spent a most
enjoyable evening. By her actions
and words I felt certain that she
cared for me.
As I said good night to her in
front of her house 1 made a ges
ture to kiss her. It was purely a
spontaneous outburst of love. She,
however, turned, away.
Do you think I assumed the right
attitude? I love this girl dearly and
would like to know what attitude to
assume in the future. F. A. C.
Try to let your acquaintance de
velop naturally, even though you
are in a state of fascination. And
by all means drop kissing for the
present. You endanger your chances
by forcing matters.
I am a girl of sixteen, and I know
a boy of seventeen who is consider
ed very pretty. I also have a girl
friend who I have noted is paying
strict attention to my boy. Now this
annoys me, Miss Fairfax, and I
wish your advice. She always wears
curls now, to attract this boy's at-
gll lII|IIIM .
| A New. Shipment J
j' of American Walnut jj
H lu
I Bedroom, qnd Dining Room Suites J
• Thqse Bedroom and Dining Suites were not intended for I||
S, our February Sale, but due to the heavy selling of the first '
10 days of the sale, we have released goods in order to re
plenish our stocks with these suites which were purchased • j||
H for our Spring and Summer business. fj|
j= All are ad- dp
| American Walnut American Walnut ,|
Dining Suites Bedroom• Suites
9-Piece Queen Anno Amer- 4-Piece Louis XVI American • . / H !
ican Walnut Dining Suite, Walnut or Mahogany Bed- ■' is i
g $291.50 value. Sale $237 50 room Suite, $197.50 value. QQ I
9-Piece William and Mary , 4-Piece Queen Anne Amerl-
American Walnut or Ma- can Walnut Bedroom Suite, #IQA AA
hogany Dining Suite, Aft $220.00 value. Sale Price, wAJJVsW
$310.00 value. Sale Price. <_p lece Q Ueen Anne Ameri
-5= 9-Plece Queen Anne Amer- can Walnut Bedroom Suite, OIY
ga lean Walnut Dining Suite, $281.00 value. Sale Price,
gf $300.50 value. Sale Price 10-Piece Chippendale Amerl- M !
9-Plece Queen Anne Amer- can Walnut or Mahogany
ican Walnut Dining Suite, Aft Bedroom Suite, $330.50 Aft
$324.00 value. Sale Price, wAUiI'DU value. Sale Price MIO.UU is „
j Central Tennsylvania's Best Jurniture Store j j i
North Market Square
n. 8
• - j
FEBRUARY 13, 19T9.
tention, though before this she used
to wear her hair up. She is not
pretty at all. ANXIOUS.
It is because you are so young, no
doubt, that I am obliged to remind
you that you make a mistake in
cultivating a sense of possession in
regard to your boy friend. And you
are a foolish child to be annoyed by
your friend's impulse to curl her hair.
It is quite legitimate for her to try
to increase her attractiveness.
Sproul Will Confer
With Union Mine Head
Shenandoah, Feb. 13.—Governor
Sproul has sent a telegram to James
Matthews, of this city, president of
the. United Mine Workers of Amer
ica, of District 9, requesting him to
come to Harrisburg at once fof a
conference with the Governor re-
Yon want a diploma from thin school and a credential from
the National Association of Accrrdltcd Commercial Schools of the
I'. S, The BEST In Business Education Enroll Now.
School of Commerce
The old, Reliable, Standard, Accredited College.
Troup Building 15 S. Market Sqnare.
Bell 485. Dial 4393
Send for Catalog or Representative,
lating to legislation of interest to
the mine workers and proposed
amendments to (the
Orrine. has been uniformly suc
cessful in restoring victims of the
"Drink Habit" into sober and Use
ful citizens. If, after a trial, you get
•mo benefit, your money will be re-;
funded. It Is a simple home treaty
ment No sanitarium expense NqJ
I loss of time.
Orrine No. 1, secret treatment:
I No. 2, voluntary treatment. Costs
I only $1.25 a box. Ask for booklet.
Geo. A. Gorgas, 16 N. 3rd St.