Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, February 13, 1919, Page 4, Image 4
4 FISHER PRAISES THE GOVERNOR Banking Commissioner Ad dresses the Bankers of Philadelphia The Important part bankers must play in the next few months was dis cussed at Philadelphia yesterday in an address by Banking Commissioner John S. Fisher, who struck the key note by his plea to bankers to meet the heavy responsibilities, and also brought cheers from the men by the statement that his department is to be fully reorganized in order to help the banking institutions to best of his ability. Praise of Governor Sproul by Com missioner Fisher brought applause. "We have a Governor in whom the people of the state have the su premest confidence," he said. A quare deal will be given the bankers of this state by the banking department, said Mr. Fisher. ."I have the highest regard for the personnel of our financial institutions," he add ed. The diners took it as an attack on Good blood makes firm tissue, strong nerves, steady eyes and clear brain. Keep your blood pure and full of healthy, red corpuscles, and your liver, active, by using Beecham's Pills, which remove poisonous matters from the system, assist u.e stomach to assimilate its food, and the food to nourish the body. A world famous remedy to strengthen the vital organs and help to Make Pure Blood Direction* of Special Value to Women are with Every Box. Sold by drugfiata throughout the world, la boxea, 10c., 25c. INFLUENZA! People Strongly Urged to Continue Precautions as Iso lated Outbreaks are Expected Throughout Winter Infection Proved Only Possible by I of Vicious Infii It has been clearly established that the living virulent influenza germs are readily conveyed from one person to another.' These germs are present in the ex cretions of the nose, mouth and throat or other air passage and as these mucous excretions are discharged the living germs go with them. I.IVING GERMS AFLOAT These germs are so exceedingly ismall that the minutest even invisible particles of this discharge may con tain these in great numbers. These discharges are most frequently and widely scattered in the air as an al most invisible spray of coughing and sneezing unless the nose and mouth are covered by a handkerchief or other efficient substitute. By this simple precaution all these dangerous germs may be kept out of the air and the largest risk of the conveyance to others of this disease avoided. WARNINGS Don't become alarmed. Keep your balance, watch and give every atten tion to your nose and throat. Keep your mouth shut and breathe through your nose previously applying a little Forkola to the inside of the nostrils. This serves to collect and destroy the germs at the entrance to your system and before they can do any damage Keep warmlly clad and wear heavy soled shoes. Sleep with the windows open but be careful to have amnle bed-clothes. SYMPTOMS The first symptoms are chills, a headache and depression and In the great majority of cases a feeling of catching cold and fever. When these symptoms appear, hurry home obtain ing from your druggist a small quan-> 4m Supt. writes: "I have such a very severe cough and cold and'have not been able to get anything to help me. It is weakening my system." Answer: the following and your cold and cough will vanish and . you will soon be strong again. Get a 2V4-oz. bottle of Concentrated Es sence Mentho-Laxene and take every hour or two. This can be taken pure or made into a full pint of home made syrup. Full directions as •to use will he found on bottle. This is a mild laxative and will drive the cold from the system. • • • Dandruff asks: "I have tried to euro dandruff, itching scalp, falling hair and baldness with •'numerous tonics, etc., but in vain. What do you recommend?" Answer: 1 have been recommend ing Plain Yellow Minyol for the past seven years and scores of my pa tients are delighted with the quick, pleasant action of this remedy in stopping itching, falling hair, dand ruff, etc. It gives the hair health, lus ter and vigor as nothing else does, obtain in 4-oz. jars with full direc tions. • • • , Sister writes: "Let me say that .my condition puzzles and worries me. In the last year I seem to have been .growing old rapidly, though only 38. ;Wy food and sleep do not recuperate jmy strength and energy and, lately I have dizzy spells, trembling, head- I aches, loss of appetite, memory and ' hopelessness. Despondency and | worry over my condition are ever (present." Answer: Cheer up, get well and then conserve your vitality by prop er. temperate living. Obtain Three- Grain Cadomene Tablets in scaled .tubes with full directions, use them •ujd an agreeable, pleasing THURSDAY EVENING* the former Banking Commissioner Lafean and applauded when Fisher said, "You'll not be treated like crooks; I shall start In to recognize you as high-grade gentlemen. I want to say to you that we are about to ask the Legislature for some legisla tion that will reorganize our depart ment and bring It up to a standard where it can render effeclent service. "If legislation grants us that power" We hope to catch up with the lagging work of the department. Heretofore there has been only on examination a year of state institutions and in the case of some banking companies the banking department is two years be hind. "We hope to increase our force un til we have enough men to accom plish our work. When our examiners come to your offices, they will treat you with respect, and if they don't I want you to report them to me; Being a gentleman Is not incosistent with the performance of official du ties. On the other hand, we do not ptomise you' that we won't ask you to obey the law strictly." In telling these bankers that upon them is placed the burden of the present, critical problems Mr. Fisher said: "If you keep your banks clean and solid and within the lines of safety, you have a firm rock upon which a pre-war foundation will be builj. If you do loose, wild banking more or less, you'll create sand on which our future will fall." Entrance Through Nose and Mouth luenza Germs. tity of Forkola. Take a hot bath, as hot as you can stand it, a hot drink, preferably hot lemonade and a good laxative and gro to bed. AND NOW 'COMES THE IMPORTANT ADVICE. These symptoms show that the germ has a foothold. Make up your mind you'll soon be well. Keep your bed room window open but have heat in the room. Exercise the same care as in measles, diphtheria or smallpox. Don't allow a careless physician to minimize the importa .ee of your case but be most careful to expectorate in gauze or In rage that must be burned and not washed. But above all do not forget to ap ply Forkola liberally In the mucous membrane of the nose and throat. This is just as important as the hot bath and hot drinks. THE PNEUMONIA OP INFLUENZA Which is a frequent complication, while apparently very severe may dis appear in a night under proper treat ment and the best way for a person afflicted with Influenza to avoid Pneu monia is to go to bed at once and stay there until the physician permits you to get up. While In bed the back, throat and chest should be liberally covered with Forkola and flannel ap plied to en sure the necessary heat for its absorption. Allow a little to melt in your mouth three or four times daily. It soothes and heals the in flamed membranes and permits the easy expulsion of phlegm. IMPOHTANT—in some districts the demand for Forkola has been so heavy that there is a temporary shortage. The public are warned against accept ing substitutes and to insist on For kola as all wholesalers are supplied and your druggist, if he is sold out, can get it on short notice. PKR°TK>B& , The questions answered below are general in character, the symptoms or diseases are given and the answers will apply to any case of similar na ture. Those wishing further advice, free, may address Dr. Lewis Baker, College Bldg., College-Elwood streets, Day ton, Ohio, enclosing self-addressed stamped envelope for reply. Full name and address must be given, but only initials or fictitious names will be used in my answers. The prescrip tions can be filled at any well-stocked drug store Any druggist can order of wholesale*. ation should ensue to your entire satisfaction. • • • N. O. G. wrftes: "These are the symptoms which lead me to think I need medicine for kidneys and blad der: Severe headache, blood-shot eyes, chills followed by fever. Fre quent desire to urinate, but scanty results of a dark color and bad odor. Also smarting and stinging pains." Answer: When such symptoms are present Balmwort Tablets are pre scribed to tone up and increase the elimination, neutralize the alkalinity, and produce natural functioning. Get them in sealed tubes with full i directions. • Nurse asks: "I sutler from head ache and constipation periodically and my blood seems too thick, caus ing languor and tired feeling. I will thank you to prescribe for me." Answer: Three-Grain Sulphur Tab lets (not sulphur) are most effective, In relieving constipation, thinning the blood, and removing the symptoms of languar, etc. I advise you to begin taking as per direction with each sealed package. NQTK: For many years Dr. Baker has been giving free advice and pre scriptions to millions of people —through the press columnfi, and doubtless has helped in relieving ill ness . and distress more than any single individual in the world's his tory. Thousands have written hiip expressions of gratitude and confi dence similar to the following: Dr. Lewis Baker. Dear Sir:—l have been taking the Cadomene Tablets for the pest month. They certainly have done wonders for me, as I was so nervous I wasn't able to do my own housework. I was so sick and miser able. Now I can do all my own work and feel good all the time. My daugh ter and heT husband have also been taking them and they help wonder fully. Respectfully, MRS. A. E. HAGER, 90A I ■<"• n— • I NS77I CNJIL . | IJFmHE^SON^m Dr. P. E. Bownes, superintendent of the city schools, to-day issued the following call to the boys of the city: Boys, do you know that this week is known as Father and Son week? The week has been set aside as a time when you are to keep particularly close to your father. Why not make the next few days, espe cially, days of "companionship with him? Stay home with him and go out with'him. Play games with him. Go to church with him. Go to the banquet with him next Monday night. You have another Father also; ask Him to help you to honor at all times your earthly father 'that thy days may be long upon the land which the Lord thy God giveththee.'" •Favor Improvement of Harrisburg-Reading Pike at Early Date Reading, Feb. 18.—That the inter eat of the people of Reading is in creasing in the Harrisburg-Reading pike project is shown in the replies submitted by members of the Read ing Chamber of Commerce to the questionnaire recently circulated. This pike scheme is one of the features of an extensive good roads program under consideration at a re cent meeting of representatives of most of the central and eastern counties of the state held at Hade ton. To Marry Woman Who Nursed Him on Battlefield 'Huntingdon, Pa., Feb. 13.—Word has been received of the marriage of Juniata's former athletic director, Emerson H. Landis, of Dayton, Ohio. Professor Landis has been with the American army In France for some time and in one of the re cent big battles while he and a chaplain were carrying food to the American soldiers at the front a gas attack was encountered. The chaplain was killed, but Mr. Landis was taken to Paris and put in charge of an American nurse, who nursed him back to life. Mr. Landis' par ents are just in receipt of a letter stating that their son will soon ar rive in America with his wife—his former nurse in Paris. Mr. Landis enlisted soon after war was declar ed and received a commission In the intelligence department. HOW DEPTH BOMBS EXPLODE . . .' • . • ♦ • !.*,* • • ■ , \ -- ' " - \ * .. * ' ' r ' > "• . ** hP*** ■* v- V : , • - • ?£•:•> ' . ' -.s" - • •F • ' ' A picture of the last flght of his sub-chaser with Fritz Is one of the proud possessions of W. S. Miller, Jr., serving on the U. S. S. Sub-Chaser No. 47. He has sent a copy to a friend In this city to whom he writes thus: "This picture was taken for us by the U. S. S. C., 206. On thb extreme left of the picture is our ship tear ing away at full speed to get away from the shock which a depth bomb causes when it explodes. While cruis ing around we picked up the bear ing of a sub near Lands' End and by the time we reached Lizard Stead, the sound of the sub was very dis tinct, so we cleared ship for paction 1 were bombing her to Vet service know of HJLRRISBTJRG #SBK TELEGHXPH Father and Son Week Coal Production in Central Fields Expected to Shhow Improvement Altoona, Feb. 13.—That conditions in the coal industry in the central Pennsylvania field, which has fallen off fifty per cent, as compared with six months ago, are going to improve materially in the near fu ture, is the opinion of leading op erators and officials of the Central Pcnrsylvania Coal Producers' Asso ciation. The production during the week ending February 1 was 700,000 tons and it fell somewhat below that figure last week, but operators of the Barnesboro group, who were in Altoona-for a conference yesterday, gave it as their omnion that the trend will soon be in the other direc tion. Reserve stocks are now about used up and conditions are bound to improve. There has not been much reduc tion in the wholesale price as yet, because the Government has ed through the agency of the fuel administration that there shall bo no reduction in wages until the treaty of peace is promulgated. GIVES THANKS FOR HELP In a statement issued to-day the board of managers of the Children's Industrial Home extends its thanks to the "Board of Health, Harrisburg Hospital, Visiting Nurses Association, Harrisburg Chapter, American Red Cross, County Commissioners, trained and volunteer nurses, and all those who contributed in any way to the comfort of the children in the recent Influenza epidemic" every U-boat which enters and leaves Germany, so that way we kept track of them all. "About two days after we bombed her, she was seen entering a German port in a disabled condition, so the ijrltish and American Admiralty gave us credit for damaging It to the extent of three months' of use. "This was our last scrap and a few days later the armistice was signed. All of us sure wer glad as life aboard an American chaser is far from gay. for they roll and toss like a cork. I have been to every big port in West ern Europe ahd also America. "Will be home about March or April and then I will show you some .real pictures, and tell you of my ex periences." Private Howell B£cht Arrives Home After a Stirring War Experience "Hello, Dad!" The voice was familiar to Dr. J. George Beeht, secretary of the State Board of Education, as he entered the University Club at Philadelphia yes terday, and he was not exactly sur prised, but certainly delighted to see the brave figure of Private Howell Becht, who had just arrived from, France on the Celtic, and who, this very minute, according to Dr. Becht, Is asleep in a regular bed at the Becht home, in Harrisburg, where he will not be disturbed by Boche shells. Young Becht had one of the most uncommon experiences of any lad who went to war from Harrisburg. He sailed abroad Christmas of last year with the First Gas and Flame Regi ment, better known as the Hell Fire Unit, after training at Wahington with his comrades, who were mostly American college lads. This unit was hurried across and chummed in with the British in the Flanders front at the most deadly moment, and though not long trained, made good, .with bolls on. They handled gas, bombs and Stokes trench mortars, and were sopn shifted to Frensh forces at Chateau Thierry, being on the job/at Argonne end Verdun. Becht saw one year of the fiercest combat and never got a wound, though baptized in Flanders Field, and for one year in the very vortex of battle. "It's kind o' good to see you back," was "Pop" Becht's salutation, for he is handicapped with a bad cold, but bystanders noticed a suggestion of husklness which was not due to the cold. GREAT FOR ECZEMA AND OLD SORES I Guarantee My Ointment, Hays Peterson. "If you are responsible for the health of your family," says Peterson, of Buffalo, "I want you to get a largo 35 cent box of Peterson's Ointment to day. "Remember, I stand back of every box. Every druggist guarantees t.o refund the purchase price If Peter son's Ointment doesn't do all I claim. "I guarantee It for eczema, old seres, running sores, salt rheum, ul cers, sore nipples, broken breasts, itching skiji, skin diseases, blind, bleeding and itching piles as Tor burns, scalds, cuts, bruises and sunburn. "I had 30 running sores on my leg for 11 years, was in three different hospitals. Amputation was advised. Skin grafting was tried. I was cured bv using Pcteron's Ointment."—Mrs. F. E. Root, 287 Michigan street, Buf falo. N. Y. Rheumatism A Home Care Given Df One Who Hud It In the spring attacked by Muscular and In flammatory Rheumatism. I suf fered as only those who have It know, for over three years I tried remedy after remedy, and doctor after doctor, but such re lief as I received was only temporary. Finally, I found a remedy that cured me com pletely, and it has never re turned. I have given It to a number who were terribly af flicted and even bedridden with Rheumatism, and it effected a cure in every case. I want every sufferer from any form of rheumatic trouble to try this marvelous healirfg power. Don't send a cent; simply mall your name and ad dress and I will send It free to try. After you have used it and it has proven itself to be that long-looked for means of cur ing your rheumatism, you may send the price of it, one dollar, but understand, I do not want your money unless you are per fectly satisfied to send It. Isn't that fair? Why suffer any longer when positive relief Is thus offered you free? Don't delay. Write today. Mark H. Jackson, No, 607-E, Gurney Bldg., Syracuse, N. Mr. Jackson is responsible. Above statement true. GERMANY MUST GIVE REPORT ON WAR MATERIAL Subcommittee Presents Re port to Supreme War Council Paris, Feb. 13. —The Supreme "War Council has reached a final deter mination of the new terms of the German armistice. There wero pres ent at the meeting yesterday in ad dition to President Wilson and the foreign ministers of the great pow ers. Marshal Foch, Field Marshal Haig, Marshal Petain, General Pershing and General Diaz. A full agreement on the terms was presented in the report from the subcommittee, embracing military and economic member's. The re port was unanimous, including the adherence of the American mem bers. General Tusker H. Bliss and Norman Davis, which indicates that economic measures figure in the new terms equally with military measures. The report must be approved by tlv) Supreme War Council before it becomes effective. Tho German authorities have been asked to furnish information con firming the amount of their war ma terial. cannon, airplanes and other equipment. This question came up in the recent sessions of the war council when the extent of this war material was advanced as a reason for taking effective measures against the renewal of warlike activities. Before dotcrmining on any such step, it was cohsidered desirable to request information, both as a memo dealing wttli the subject and as testing the good faith of the enemy in disclosing the status of his mili tary equipment. SALE FOR BIBLE CLASS West Fairview, Pa., Feb. 13. —The Ladies' Bible class of St. Mark's Lutheran Church will hold a food sale to-morrow evening at the fire house. Home-made bread, cakes, pies, candy and ice cream will be sold. SOUTTER'S 25 CENT DEPARTMENT STORE .Buy Here Noi Alone Because Prices Are Lower, but Because Qoalilies Are Better ] A Display of Beautiful New White Dress Fabrics comprising the newest weaves and patterns in excellence of quality and economy of pricing Our dress goods department has for years been the mecca for thousands of women who seek the maximum in quality at the m\nir mum in price. Our display of white dress fabrics for Spring is unusually appeal ing in point of variety and pricing. It awaits your inspection now. 36-inch Longcloth, 25?, 29?, 33? and 39? 36-inch Nainsook 35?, 39? and 39? 89c value White Voiles, 36-inch width 59? 59c value, 44-inch Plain White Tennis Suit ing* ; 39? 65c value 32-inch White Madras Shirting, 50^ 36-inch plain white Linen Skirtings, 59?, 79?, 85? and 98? 27 and 36-inch Plain White Poplin, 45?, 69? and 75? 32-inch Plain White Soisette 48? 36 and 44-inch Indian Head . . 45? and 59? 36-inch Plain White Beach Cloth 50? 40-inch Plain White Kerry Linen, 39? and 50? 36-inch Pajama Checks 39? and 39? 36-inch Plain White Gabardine 75? 36-inch Plain White Rep 50? 36-inch Plain White Check Basket Weaves, 50? and 59? 36-inch Plain White Stripe Gabardine, 65?, 69? and 85? 27 and 36-inch Plain White Pique, 59?, 69? and 79? 36-inch Plain' White Novelty Stripe Skirting, 50?, 69? and 75? New Arrivals in Smart Spring Millinery Will Be Ready For Week-end Buyers Small shapes and large* shapes, bright colors and sub dued tones, negligee and dress models, trimmed and un trimmed every conceivable creation in style, size and * . color is here in wide array, and as has always been the JUjfiypV* JW case here ■ AT LOWER-THAN-ELSEWHERE PRICES it! UNTRIMMED HATS TRIMMED HATS A> V in lisere and pineapple braids. Chic mo dels for women and Jl / large, medium and small d ln eapple L[/ JZIW . ToZT braids, in every conceivable $1.95, $2.29, $2.48, shape and color ' $2.95, $3.48 and $2.95, $3.59, $3.95 f $3.95 and $4.48 - 7 * Trimmings of all kinds, including fruits, flowers, 'J , quills, whips, etc. SOUTTER'S B 25 Cent Department Store lIMMRa Where Every Day Is Bargain Day 215 Market St Opp. Courthouse FEBRUARY" 13, 1919. Seborrhea Kills the Hair Fame Kills Seborrhea Seborrhea is an old trouble to which cientist hwe given a new name. And science has fourtd in Famo a new way of overcoming it. Seborrhea is the disease which kills the roots of the hair by • means of the deadly dandruff bacilli. It does to the hair What pyor rhea does to the teeth. Famo is a formula worked out in one of the great pharmaceuti cal houses of Detroit. Three years were retjuired to develop Famo. It proved its efficacy before it was offered to the public. The way in which Famo does its work is almost unbelievable. Transformation is Wonderful 4 Almost at once your eyes testify to the transformation. New hair grows like the hair of healthy children The scalp becomes like the scalp of a baby. All itching of the scalp is stopped. Famo brings back the look of health by a softness and lustre beyond vtords to describe. Famo Destroys Bacilli Famo removes the obstacle to growth, when it kills the sebor rhea (dandruff) bacilli Freed from the bondage of dis ease, the hair leaps into luxuri ance. In women the change is won derful. If their hair was normally beau tiful, the beauty is intensified. Stops Seborrhea—-Grows Healthy Hair 36-inch Plain White Voiles, 36-inch Splash Voiles 50^ 36-inch Pice Voiles ... 19£ and 27 and 36-inch Dotted Swiss, plain white, 39<, 50£ and 59< 27-inch Check and Stripe Dimity, 21C, 29£ and 39< 27 and 36-inch Plain White Flaxotis, 19£, 29c, 39< and 50< 40 and 44-inch Plain White Batiste, 39C and 40 and 44-inch Plain White Organdy, . 39c, 50C, and 36-inch Plain White Satin Skirting, SI.OO and $1.15 36-inch Plain White Linen .. 39£ and Plain White French Percales, linen finish, 33c, 39fS 48£ Remnants of Plain White Crepe, 32-inch width, 39c value, yard .... 29< ' Remnants of 39c value Plain White Voiles, 36-inch width, yard ...... 25£ • Remnants of 29c value White Stripe Voiles, 27-inch width, yard 19C Remnants of 39c Plain White Poplins, 27- inch width, yard : 25C 4 Famo Contains No Alcohol) The natural color ia enhanced and giay ucae is retarded. Famo contains no alcohol. Alcohol, if used, persistently, ia harmful tto the hair, aa it drys the scalp. Famo comes in two sizes—a small sir.* {or 35 cents and an extra large size ait sl. Your money back if it doesn't satisfy. Every member 6f the family should use ft Famo is sold at all toilet goods couni ters. Applications may be had at thi better barber shops. Seborrhea is the medical name tea a) morbidly increased flow from thai sebaceous glands of the scalp. The seborrhea excretion forma in aca/ea or flakes and is commonly known Mrs dandruff. Mfd. by THE FAMO CO.. DETROIT Croll Keller, C. M. Forney. Spseial Famo Agents. I