Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, February 13, 1919, Page 14, Image 14

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eoived bv the undersigned, at his or
tice in the Calder Building. Harris
burg. Pa., until 2 o'clock P. M.. Mon
day™ February 17, 1919. tor the follow-
thousands (6.0001 gallons, more
or less( of Gasoline for use of fire ap
paratus and other motor vehicles dur
ing the year 1919. of a quality equal
to that sold In the open market for
the purpose specified.
One thousand tl.000) gallons, more
or less of Motor Oil. Didders shall
bid on light, medium and heavy oil.
and specify name and grade of oil.
Transmission and Cup Grease to the
extent of the requirements of the Bu- ,
reau of Fire, during the year 1919.
Each bio shßll be accompanied by a
certified check for 10 per cent, of the
bid and the successful bidder or bid--
ders will be required to file a bond for !
•S per cent, of the contract price, to
be approved by the City Solicitor.
The right is reserved to reject any
or all bids. K z GftosSt
Supt. Parks and Public Property.
Letters testamentary on the Estate ,
of Charles A. Kunkcl. late of Harris
burg citv. Dauphin Couty. Pennsylva- ;
ma deceased, having been granted to!
the'undersigned executors, all persons ,
indebted to said Estate are requesteU i
to make immediate payment, and j
those having claims will present, them '
for settlement, to
Or to Executors. |
FOX & GEY Fit.
Harrisburg. Pa. * I
NOTICE is hereby given that an rp- ;
plication will be made to tie Gover
nor of Pennsylvania, February 24,
1919, under the Act of Assembly em
titled "An Act to provide for tho in-|
corporation and regulation of certain
corporations." approved April 29, 1574, !
and the supplements thereto, for the j
charter of an intended corporation, to •
he called the SOlotene Manufacturing!
Company, the character and object of I
■which is the manufacture of phono
graphs and accessories, musical in-1
strumcnts and furniture, from metal
o" "wood or both or any other sub-,
stances, and for these purposes to
have, possess and enjoy all the rights, ;
benefits, and privileges of said Act of
Assembly ami the supplements there
4°' . FOX & GEYER.
Solicitors. !
At No 100 to 10S South Front
Street, Steeiion. Pa., being nt the
orner of Front and Walnut Streets:
Dray horses and livery horses,
mated teams, bays and blacks, 900
to 1400 lbs. in weight. Most of the
horses are youns. All purchased
from Harry E. Light, horse dealer
at Lebanon, Pa.
Xos. 1 and 2, pair of Bqys, 16
hands high, 6 years old. weight 1330
lbs., very good team. Xos. 3 and
4 pair of Bays. 5 years old, weight
1400 lbs.. 16hands high, excellent
draft horses. Nos. 3 and 6 black
team, finely mated. 16 hands high,
5 years old. Nos. 7 and 8 dark Bay
team, 16 hands high, weight 1400
lbs., 8 years old. Nos. 9 and 10,
black team, 15 hands high, 12 years
old. no better pulling team. Nos.
11 and 12 black team. 15 hands high.
12 years old. Nos. 13 and 14 Bay
team 9 years old, 15 hands
high. No 15, black horse 10 years,
good driver. No. 16, Bay horse, 14
hands high. 9 years old, fine family
horse. No. 17, Bay horse, 15 hands
high 8 years old a very fine roadster.
No. 18 Bay horse 10 years old 15
hands hish anyone can drive him.
No. 19. Bay mare. 15 hands high, 10
years old, good driver. No. 20, Bay
horse. 16 hands high, 5 years old,
make an excellent farm horse. No.
21, black horse, 5 years old. 16 hands
high, draught horse. The heavy
horses have been in continuous work
for the Bethlehem Steel Co., in dump
Cunningham Sowney Bros, and
Geissel and Son makers. 9 set of
double c-ab and carriage harness in
good condition, suitable for spring
wagon or market wagon. 5 set single
harness. 9 set of double, first class
dump wagon, harness, blankets,
halters, collars, flynets and stable
equipment. 8 dump wagons in good
condition. Acme and Eagle make,
some- nearly new, 3 moving wagons.
1 nearly new. 3 spring wagons. 4
Jennylinds. 2 Germantown carriages,
2 automobile trucks. Vim make.
At the same time and place the
suitable for garage or storeroom or
manufacturing purposes, no better in
the borough. $3,000 can remain in
the building. Also the adjoining
frame building 60x30 ft., more or
less, suitable for storerooms. The
upper floors in apartments now oc
cupied. the lower floors now used
as carriage storage rooms. $2,000 in
this building. Will be sold as 1 am
retiring from business.
H. D. Koons, AucL
O. C. Bishop, clerk.
Credit of 8 months will be given.
Bale to Begin at 12 O'clock sharp
I want men
to introduce from
house to house a high
grade line of per
fumes, cosmetics, flav
oring extracts, spices,
toilet soap, etc. Steady
work. Big profits. No
experience necessary, j
Cake of soap and full 1
particulars mailed free I
to any address. Lacas
sian Co., Dept. 221,
St. Louis, Mo.
# 1 .
i <
By .issociiiUii Press.
New York, Feb. 12 —Wail Street.
! —News advices over the holiday:
caused further hasty covering of.
; short contracts in various specialties;
i at the opening of to-ilay's stock mar
i ket. Gains of 1 to 3% points were
| registered by oils, prominent equip
j ments, the motor division's and the J
I more active tobacco, leather and'
distilling shares. There was virtu
, ally no exception to the higher;
I trend, although coppers w.erc slight-;
ly irregular and L T . S. Steel shaded j
moderately at the end of the first'
j half-hour.
; Chandler Brothers and Company,
members of New Y'ork and Philadel
phia Stock Exchanges—3 North Mar
ket Square. Harrfsburg: 336 Chestnut,
street. Philadelphia: 31 Pine street. !
| New Y'ork furnish the following!
I quotations: Open. Noon. I
f Allis Chalmers 31 31 |
I American Can ~. 41', 'G'sj
! Am. Car and Foundry Co. 88% S7J
i American Loco 60% 6p i
i Amer. Smelting 64 64% '
i American Sugar 116'. 116% i
Anaconda 57% 57*. I
Atchison ...... 90% 91 j
Baldwin Locomotive .... 69% -69%!
Baltimore and Ohio .... 46% 46% j
| Bethlehem Steel 59% 60 f
California Petroleum 24 2 1
; Canadian Pacific 155% 158 ;
; Central Leather ........ ss'- 58%
Chesapeake and Ohio 55 54 5 .
Chicago R. 1. and Pacific 22% 22%
j Chfno Con. Copper 33'j 33%
Corn Products 47% 47%
'Crucible Steel 54 54%
i Distilling Securities .... 56% 56%
j Genera! Motors 130%. 130%
: Goodrich, B. F 59%' 60
Great Northern. PfU ... 91% 91%
Great North Ore. subs .. 91% 91%
Hide and Leather 17% 17%
Hide and Leather. PfU... 90% 80 %
Inspiration Copper 43% 44
International Paper .... 38% 39
Kennecott 29% 29 •.
Lehigh Valley 54% 51%
Merc YY'ar Ctfs 22% 22%
Merc .YVar Ctt'c, l'fd ... 96% 97%
Mox. Petroleum 168 170%
Midvale Steel 41% 41%
-V Y". Central 72 72%
X. Y"., X. H. and H 28 % 25%
I'enna. R. R 44% 44%
Railway Steel Spg 71% 71%
Ray Con. Copper 20 20%
Reading ; 77% . 7*3^
Republic Iron and Steel . 73 72%
Southern Pacific 98% 95%
Southern Ry .26% 26%
Studebaker 51 % 51 n
Union Pacific ....! 127% 127%
U. S. I. Alcohol 102% 104%
U. S. Rubber 74% 75
L% S. Steel 89% 89 7 .
U. S. Steel. PfU .......114 114
Utah Copper 67% 67%
Westinghouse Mfg 41% 41%
AVillys-Gverland 21% 24% j
Philadelphia. Feb. 13. Wheat
No. i. M,i ; . ~-u. *2'.u. ,\v. 2. ii U . j,
x >of* rp(|, $2.1:4.
fin T'.ie market is higher; No. 2,
NOTICE is hereby given that an ap
plication will be made to the Gover
nor of Pennsylvania, February "I
1919. under the Act of Assembly en
titled "An Act to- provide for the in
corporation and regulation of certain
corporations." approved April 29. 1874
and the supplements thereto, for the*
charter of an intended corporation to
be called the National Supplv ,v Ma
chine Co., the character and object of
which is the buying, selling trading
and dealing in all kinds of metal and
wood and their products including ma
chinery and equipment and for these
purposes to have possess and enjoy all
the rights benefits and privileges of
said Act of Assembly and the supple
ments thereto.
The following ordinance was read
in place in the City Council at its
meeting held Tuesday, February
11th. 1919. and is published as re
quired by Article V., Section 3.
clause lu. of Act of Assembly
approved June 27th. 1913:
Ir o he I >av ing and curbing
fetreet from Sixth street
to Jefferson street, Oak Street
from Seventh Street to Elizabeth
fet.eet from Jefferson Street to
Seventh Street, and Bailey Street
MeT.iaVßescuf r H"me We rnd a p r ?i > v i i°
Whereas, various ordinances au
thorize the paving and curbing of
the following highways at a nrice
not to exceed two dollars (12 00) per
square yard for paving, and one dol
ing: ' and P " 'oot for curb-
Whereas. because of war n'ices
and the request of the United States
Government that as little public
work as possible be done, the pav
ing and curbing authorized were not
accomplished, and that It is now im
possible to doi the work at the prices
set forth, and
Whereas, it is expedient that, at
this time, as much public work
should be- done as is consistent with
good management so that employ
ment may be furnished to those out
of work.
Section 1. Be it ordained be- the
Council of the City of Harriiburg
and it is hereby ordained bv author
ity of the same. That Oxford Street
from Sixth Street to Jefferson Street
Oak Street from Seventh Street to
Elizabeth Street, Sprague Street
from Brensinger Street to Turner
street. Brensinger Street from Wood
bine Street to Forrest Street. Emer
ald Street from Jefferson Street to
Seventh Street, and Bailey Street
from Twelfth Street westwardly to
Messiah Rescue Home, be and the
same are hereby authorized to be
paved with sheet asphalt on a con
crete base and curbed with granite
or granolithic curbing, the cost and
expense thereof to be assessed ac
cording to the foot front rule
Section 2. That all proceedings
and work incident to the improve
ment herein authorized shall be taken
and done, and the cost and expense
thereof shall -be paid for and the
assessment levied on the abuttin--
properties shall be collected as pro"
vided by Ordinance No. 19. Session
of 1914-1915. and Ordinance No 94
Session of 1914-1915. '
Section 3. That the sum of Five
Hundred. Ninety-one Dollars and
Sixty-seven Cents (1591. 67) or so
much thereof as may be necessary
be and the same is hereby appro
priated out of the fund known as
• Paving Street Intersections'" to pav
the cost of paving the intersection's
of any highways with these streets
as hereinbefore mentioned.
Section 4. That all ordinances or
parts of ordinances inconsistent with
this ordinance be and the same are
hereby repealed.
Clerk of the City Council.
Office of the City Clerk. Harrlsburg
Pa.. February 12th. 1919. " uur -
WANDERED away yesterday from
330 Reily street. L, K. Shaffner, an
old man who is weak minded and
cannot speak plainly. Is bald
headed. smooth face, and slightly
stooßed. Was wearing a red
sweater, grayish coat, derby hat
and brown shoes. Any Information
will be gladly received by anx
ious friends.
Address 330 REILY ST.
By Forced March of Thirty
Miles Americans Come to
Aid of British
By Associated Press•
Arvliangcl, Feb. 13.—American re
inforcements. marching over thirty
miles of a. forest trail, reuehed the
hard-pressed British and Russians
In the region of Sreiiniakrenga yes
terduy. The result was that the
Bolshevikl. who had been launching
strong attacks in this region, retired
to the southward, apparently aban
doning their offensive move.
The Bolshevikl, evidently fearing
that they would be cut oft In the
rear, withdrew before the Americans
reached Sredmakrenga.
Conditions on other sectors of the
northern Russian front were un
changed to-day.
London, Feb. 13.—The Bolshevik
force fighting the Allies in northern
Russia comprise 23,000 men. with
151 machine guns, sixty-six field guns
and nine six-inch guns, uncording to
a statement front authoritative quar
ters here.
An attempt is being made to
standardize the organization and
equipment of the Soviet armies, and
schools for officers and aviators
have been opened.
General Y'etritis, a Lett, has been
appointed commaiider-ln.chief of all
the Soviet armies.
The bread lation cf tho Soviet
troops has nee i re- need from two
prunds to one potino daily, the in
fos mation shows, and there are oth
er indications that the Bo.shevikt
are suffering froj;) a food shortage.
I.anford, Eng.. Feb. 14.—The fact
that one British warship, penetrated
the guard patrol of the German high
seas' fleet after the battle of Jutland
and laid mines to cut oft their re
treat has just been disclosed.
The information became public
through the presentation to a Law
ford church of a flag of the warship
Abdiel, of 1.556 tons and a speed of
forty knots. , j
jellow. a." t.. grade and location,
Sl.raKjl.4s per bushel.
Oats The market is higher;
No 2, white. 68U.C: N'o. 3, white, 66 1 -.
® 6e.
Bran Market dull and weak; soft
winter, in 100-Tb. sacks. $52 per tun:
spi ing. in 100-Tb. sucks. SSO per ton.
Butter The market is higher;
western. creamery. extras, firsts
52c: nearby prints, fancy. 58®60c.
Rciinc-i Sugars Market steady;
powdered. 8.45 c; extra line granulat
ed 9c.
1-Sgs—Market lower; Pennsvlva
niu and other nearby firsts." tree
cases. $13.05® 13.50 per case; do., cur
rent receipts, free cases. $12.75®1" 90
per case; western, extra firsts, free
cases, $12.90® 13.05 per case: do.,
firsts, $12.60® 12.75 per case; fancy,
selected, packed. 49® 51c per dozen.
Cheese The market is lower;
New York and Wisconsin, lull milk
old, 33®36c: do., new, 26@30c.
Live- Poultry Market steadv;
fowls, 34® 38c; spring chickens. 3D®
tbe; fowls, not leghorns. 32 ® 36c; white
leghorns. 4®::., young. u .fimeuted
roosters. 02®33c; old roosters. 27®28c
staggv, young roosters. 21022 c;
spiii.g chickens, not leghorns, Jviioj,
white leghorns. 29®30c; broil
ers. fancy, 42®45c; larger, 34®35c;
roasting chickens. 30®36c; ducks
Peking. 40042 c; do., old. 30®35c; In
dian Runners, 38®39c; spring ducks
Long Island. 34® 36c; turkeys. 34®;<6c'
geese, nearby, 30® 32c; western. 30®
Dressed Poultry Steady; turkevs
spring. choice to fancy, 44®45 c ,
do., western, choice to fancy. 43® 44c
turkeys, fresh killed, fair to good 38
® 42c: urk-y-. common. 30® 35c; old
turkeys, 3S® 41c; capons, seven to
eight pounds, 44 0 45c; do., smaller
sizes, 4u®43c; fowls, fresh kill
ed. choice to fancy, 34®34Vic; Uo
smaller sizes, 28®32c; roosters, 27c
western roasting chickens, 250 36c'
western broiling chickens. 42®>44c
ducks, western. 38®40e; Pekin ducks'
38®40c; old ducks, 30®32c; Indian
Hunners, 36® 37c; spring ducks. Long,
Island, 20®4uc, geese, 26®30c.
Potatoes Steady, fair demand;
New Jersey. No. 1, 75090 c
per basket; do., ,N'o. 2. 50®6ucper
casket, u", itu- iu, uags, .No. i, f„ ao
S.uu extra quality; do- No. 3. ti'suyj
2.25; Pennsylvania. No. l 100 lbs
SI.SO® 2.25; do., per 100 lbs., fan-y
I2.aseja.tu, New Jersey. No. 1. i"i, u '
lbs.. $ 2.16 ® 2.50, do.. No. 2. 100 lbs
$1.25® 1.75; western, per 100 lbs., $1 $5
®2.00; New York state, per 100 lbs
S!.SO® 2.00; Maine, per 100 lbs., $1
1.90. Deiawute and Maiyianu, u Ol iJS
bag. oc®sl.lb; Michigan, per 101
lbs.. $1.56 ® 1.70; Florida, per barrel
$2.60®2.90; Florida. pet busheL
hamper. 75®S5c; Florida, per i6o-lb
oags. $1.50® 3.00; North Carolina. per
uarrel. $1.50® 4.00; south Carolina, per
barrel. $1.50®4.00; Norfolk, per bar
rel. $3.25; Eastern Shore. D . r
barrel. $2.0002.75; fancy, Mactingie
Net 1. per barrel, $2.90®3.10: do
2 per barret. $1.25® 1.50.
Tallow The market is dull
piime city, in tierces, 7*ic; do., special'
loose, s'jc; prime country, 7'. 2 c- dark
do.. 3 l s®6c; edible, in tierces, li®i -e'
Flour—The market is doll; wTnter
straight, western. 11u.25® 10.50 per
barrel; do., near'.y. $9.50010.00 per
barrel, lvans.U straight, $10.50® 10 75-
per barvel; do., short, patents. $lO 75
to 11.20 per barrel; spring, short, pat
ents. $10.50® 10.70 per barrel; do
spring patents. $10.50®iu.75 per
barrel; spring, firsts, clear. $9
Hay Market dull; timothv.
No. 1. large and small bales. $29 so®
30.00 per ton; No. 2, do.. $28.00 028 50
per ton; No. 3, do.. $2 4.00®25.00 per
Clover Light mixed. $27.50®
28.00 per ton; No. 1. do., $25 59®
26.50 per ton; No. 2. do., $24.00®25.00
per ton.
">• Associated Press. ■
ChlraEo, Feb. 13. (l*. H. Bureau
of Markets). Hogs Receipts.
55.000; market fairly active, steady to
10c lower than yesterday's general
trade, weakness mostly on heavy
butchers. Bulk of sales, sl7 73®
18.00; butchers. $17.85® 18.10: light
$17.60® 17.95; packing, $16.85017 75-'
throwouts, $16.25® 16.75; pigs, good to
choice. $15.50® 17.50.
Cattle Receipts, 10,000; beef
steers slow, steady; she stock strong
to 15c higher: bulls, calves and feel
ers steady. Beef cattle, good, choice
and prime. $16.250 26.00: common and
medium, $10.40® 16.25: butcher stock
cows and heifers. $6.85® 14.75; man
ners and cutters. $5.6506.85: stockers
and feedecs, good, choice and fancy
slo.sc® 14.50; inferior, common and
medium. $7.85® 10.50: veal calve*
good and choice. $14.75® 15 25 '
Sheep Receipts. 14.O0O; market
fully steady, wet fleeces considered.
Lambs, choice and prime, $17."5®
17.50; medium and good. $15.E0®17 j
--culls, $13.00014.50: ewes, choice and
prime. $11.25® 11.50; medium and
good. $9.75011.25: culls. $5.50®8.25.
By Associated Press.
Chlrngo. Feb. 13.—Board of Trade
Corn—May, 1.22 : July. 1.1954
Gats —May. 60*: July. 58*,.
Fork —May, 40.85; Julv, 2.9.50
Lard—May, 24.80: Julv, 23.82.
Ribs—May, 22.82; July, 22.32.
Funds Poured Oul in Kind of
Debauch by Reckless
Makers of Laws
Washington, Feb. 13—In his
speech on the war revenue bll 1 jes
terday afternoon. Senator Penrose,
of Pennsylvania, asserted that pend
ing bills in both houses reached
"the staggering aggregate" of $lO,-
000,000,000. He characterized most
of them as "useless legislation,"
saying that the Democrats, and some
Republicans, appeared to have gone
upon a "debauch" to see how much
money might be weaned from the
public treasury, and that the Amer
ican people would be amazed when
they realized how deep their legisla
tors had planned to dip into the
government exchequer.
The "blunders' of the Adminis
tration in bundling the railroads, in
putting steamship lines out of busi
ness. and in smothering other enter
prises, he said, he had entailed a loss
"equal to the cost of the war," add
ing: "I say in all candor, 1 think
the Bolshevist government in Pet
rograd could have run the railroads
better than the representatives of
the American people have run them
in the lust eighteen months."
The government, Senator Pen
rose said, had created 2 74,000 new
offices during the war, involving a
salary list of $159,296,695. Of the
new men put at work, only thirty
or forty per cent, were found to he
capable of doing the tasks assign
ed to them, the others being carried
along as dead weight by the govern
ment "I say deliberately and 1
have been corroborated by members
of these boards down here—dollar
a-year men—that maybe sixty or
seventy per cent, of these offices
were needless, the result of ineffi
ciency and improvidence." he add
He referred to the fund of SL
-860.000,000 spent by the Shipping
Board, which money he said was
largely waste. "The policy of the
government should have been," he
continued, "to have these shipt built
in existing yards and to have held
contractors rigidly responsible for
results, instead of building enormous
plants like the Hog Island Ship Yard
under a wasteful cost-plus cbntract,
demoralizing the labor market, hir
ing men, clerks, and mechanics at
soaring and fanciful wages."
Senator Penrose said that hun
dreds of millions of dollars had been
spent on housing of war needs, and
that the houses are now almost en
tirely a dead loss to the govern
"I want to express my regret and
concern that this bill has been the
vehicle for irrevelant legislation,"
said Senator Penrose.' "If that prac
tise is to continue, a revenue bill will
become a menace and a danger
while it is passing through this body.
Certainly the power of taxation is
not meant as a method to regulate
the methods and habits of this na
tion. It is mad enough to have 100
per cent, tax on brass knuckles be
cause some people do not think brass
knuckles ought to be discouraged.
I shall not argue the merits of the
so-called bone dry amendment, but
certainly a revenue measure ought
not to be made an agency for legis
lation affecting the matters of po
lice and the sobriety of the com
"Instead of the bill carrying SB,-
000,000,000, the finance committee
of the Senate was able to reduce it
to $6,000,000,000. A large part of
that reduction is more apparent than
real, because there must be made
up the loss of revenues from in
toxicating beverages.
"But the average sentiment was
that the bill should *pass, until
throughout the country men began
to wake up to the wasteful expen
ditures of Congress for every kind of
chimerical bill imaginable. People
began to say—-and I have reference
to the sentiments expressed in
thousands of letters received by me
—'What is the use in Raising reve
nue if it is to be poured like water
out of a bucket into the gutter?'—
hat nation, however wealthy, can
stand expenditures like these?
"Only the other day the Senate
passed a $100,000,000 appropriation
for the so-called famine sufferers in
Kurope. Nearly half the Republicans
voted against the bill. Many who
voted for it did so with the greatest
reluctance. There wag no informa
tion before the Senate, only a vague
telegram from the President; no
definite information as to how the
money would be spent.
"Money has been poured out in a
kind of debauch by those who seem
to have lost all idea of what sl.-
000.000.000 means. I wish merely
to allude to the most casual survey
I have made of propositions floating
around in this chamber and in the
House of Representatives, all of
which have the purpose of extract
ing money from the public Treasury
without any authority of a budget
system, apparently without any con
sultation with anybody else, to
gratify the whim, the caprice, or the
fad of some theorist without any
basis of investigated fact; and yet
many of these have passed this
body notwithstanding the protest of
a few of'us."
Search For Aged Man Who
Wandered From Home
E. K. Shaffner, suffering from
weakness of mind due to old age,
disappeared from his home at S3O
,Reily street, yesterday, and efforts
of friends to locate him have been
unavailing. He is bald, smooth
faced, and slightly stooped. When
he wandered from his home lie was
wearing a red sweater, gray coat,
derby and brown shoes.
"We hope to get
& x A "hird Corps Schools,
l.lrairmm sister, Miss Clara
Edward Wilson Wilson, Harrlsburg.
Lieutenant Wilson enlisted in (he
Regular Army March 11, 1901, and
lias served in the Philippines, on the
prison guard at Fort Leavenworth,
and after a course of training in the
| officers' training school at Camp
Taylor, K}\, went overseas as a sec
ond licutenr.at in August, l#lg. pj e
i was promoted to a first lieutenancy
as mail censor, lu November.
Dr. Becht and Captain Stack
pole Address Busi
Dr. J. George Becht, executive sec
retary of the StHtc Hoard of lidu
cation, and Captain K. J. Stackpole.
Jr.. were tlie principal speakers at
the luncheon of the Klwunis I' 1u h
held in the liallrootn of the Penn
iiarris hotel at noon to-day. Dr.
Becht spoke on "Hducatioruil Penn
sylvania." "The tiling; that makes
life worth living In Pennsylvania to
day is tile fact that there are 1,500.-
000 school children in public schools."
He laid stress upon the Importance
of education at the present time and
declared that "education has a great
er meaning than ever before." He
was optimistic regarding the future,
prophesying that when the chaotic
unsettled conditions are straightened
out the world will have advanced in
worth anil in honor. "What we need
is a right philosophy \if living and
education." he affirmed. "Build your
system on that foundation and the
world will be advanced in worth and
in honor."
Captain K. J. Stackpole, Jr., recit
ed graphically the exploits of the
-Mil Division Particularly interest
ing were his nurrations of instances
showing the German cowardice and
treachery. A case was cited where a
German held up his hand in tlie
Kamcrad" gesture of surrender,
while he worked a machine gun lever
with his foot.
fho luncheon was opened Willi
yer by thp Re\. Dr. Uewis 4
Aiudge, pastor of tlie Pino Street
Presbyterian Church. Frank S. Mor
row, of Russ Brothers, distributed
the silent boosts, handsome comb
eases. Frank J, Wallis won the at
leiidanee prize, u large mirror .given
' of the Haines, Jones,
Cadbury Company.
Charles K. Reeser of the l'rantz-
Preituer ompany announced that lie
is the representative of the Kiwanis
Oub working in co-operat.ion witli
Garfield McAllister, army secretary
of the Central at e. A„ to secure
positions for returned soldiers. He
asked the help of the Kiwanians.
Charles L. Schmidt, chairman of the
aocial committee, announced that a
ladies' night will be held in the near
future. The date will be ■ninounced
Reports of the Civic and Welfare
Committee and the Music Committee
were given by A 1 K. Thomas and Ab
ner W. Hartman. The first-named
committee is continuing its elt'orts to
secure an increase of teachers' sal
aries. The music committee has or
ganized a choir which will meet
weekly hereafter, it was reported.
Anniversary of Lincoln's
Birth Celebrated by G.A.R.
The anniversary of the birth of Abra
ham Lincoln was fittingly observed by
l'ost 38. U. A. R., last evening in the
court bouse. The Rev. Dr. George E.
Reed, former president of Dickinson
College, who delivered a beautiful
eulogy on the life and oliaracted of
The audience greatly enjoyed the
vocal (.-elections of Miss Grace Deal,
who sang sweetly. Miss Carry Dwyer
was a helpful accompanist. Prof. C.
A. Drumlieller played several piano
numbers, which elicited deserved' ap
plause. Frank H. Hoy, known through
out Grand Army circles as "Doc" Hoy
and one of the funniest of the city's
veterans, presided as chairman. His
interpolations caught the big audience
which showed its glee at his wit in
Mrs. Roy Mikel, daughter of the
Post, was present with her cornet and
played the various army calls in a
way that brought back wartime mem
ories to the old soldiers.
Capitol Hill Notes
Governor Sproul to-day discussed
details of the four-year road build
ing program with Highway Commis
sioner Sadler, Deputy Biles and Chief
Engineer Uhler, but no determination
was reached in regard to all of the
routes. During the day a big dele
gation from Westmoreland county
called upon the Governor and Mr.
Sadler in regard to road routes. Tioga
and Cambria county men also dis
cussed road routes.
The resignation of Magistrate
Pcrseh, of Philadelphia, was accepted
by the Governor to-day and immedi
ately thereafter he appointed to till
the vacancy Joseph H. O'Brien.
Deputy Attorney General Hnrgest
to-day informed Adjutant General
Beury that the State Armory Board
should pay to men engaged on work
at the Scranton armory a fair amount
for their services, holding that an
architect's fee is a charge incident to
the repair of the armory. The ques
tion arose over the use of plans sub
mitted by the first architect.
Plans for Ihe new cavalry armory
in Philadelphia and for buildings at
Reading and Tyrone were adopted at
the meeting of the State Armory
Board to-day. General C. B. Dough
erty, Wilkes-Btirre, was re-elected
vice-chairman. Governor Sproul being
the chairman under the law. Details
of the legislative appropriation to be
asked were discussed and bills will be
drawn and take,n up with the Gover
Rnnking Commissioner John 9.
Fisher left to-day for Pittsburgh, ac
companied by Deputy Attorney Gen
eral E. J. Myers, to take personal
charge of the Park Bank, of Pitts
burgh, of which he took possession
to-day. P. G. Cameron, of the Bank
ing Department, was placed in tem
porary charge and the Attorney Geti
eral'sDepartment will proceed in the
Women May Attend Big
Housing Meeting Planned
by Chamber of Commerce
Announcement was made today that
the members of the Harrisburg Cham
ber of Commerce who make reserv
ations for the noonday luncheon In tlie
ball room of the Penn-Harrls at noon
tomorrow, can make reservations for
their wives, to bear the address on
"The Nation's Part In • Industrial
Housing." which will be delivered by
Joseph G. Lelond, 3rd. vice-president
of the United Stales Housing Corpo
All reservations must be made be
fore 9 o'clock tomorrow morning, In
order to properly prepare for the meet
ing. it was said at the office of the
Chamber today. The meeting will be
held in conjunction with the Joint con
vention of the Pennsylvania Housing
and Town Planning Association and the
Pennsylvania Concefence on Social
Demobilization of German
Army Is Almost Complete
By Associated Press,
I.ondon. Feb. 13. The demobiliza
tion of Germany's old Army Is almost
completed, according'to authoritative
advices received here. After Satur
day, when the 1916 and 1917 classes
will be disbanded, the German Army
will consist of about 100,000 men on
tlie eastern front and the 1918 and
1919 classes, numbering about 450,000
.men, which will be kept as a standard
* FEBRUARY 13, 1919.
Noted Speakers Are Sched
uled For Conference to
Open Here Tonight
Delegates and prouiineut men and
women of the state began pouring
into Harrisburg to-day to attend the
State Conference on Social Welfare
to be opened in the Penn-Harris
hotel this evening. Figures of na
tional prominence will give views
and discuss the outstanding features
of social welfare aitectlng the state
and nation at the conference.
Tlie iirst session will open this
evening at 8 o'clock with the address
of the president. Mrs. Helen Glenn
Tyson, department of social ecoiv
oniy. University of Pittsburgh. Owen
R. Uovejoy. general secretary of the
N'ational Child I-abor committee.
New York, is scheduled to make an
address discussing the subject, "Chil
dren and Reconstruction." David K.
Tracy, Harrisburg. vice-president of
the conference will preside at to
night's session.
"insurance as a State Contribu
tion to Public Welfare" will be tlie
general subject of to-morrow's
meeting. "What Shall Pennsylvania
Do For Her Dependent and Neglect
ed Children?" will be another im
portant question to lie brought tin.
A special housing luncheon to be
addressed by Joseph G. I.eland. 3d.
vice-president of the United States
Housing Corporation, will lie held
to-morrow noon and the subject of
housing conditions will be discussed
at the afternoon meeting. Medical
inspection, the problem of the back
ward or exceptional child in tlie
schools, community clinics, Pennsyl
vania's problem of dealing with de
linquents, mental hygiene and the
twisted and tangled problems of so
cial work in tlie state will be brought
up at following sessions. The con
ference will continue until Satur
day afternoon.
$33,000 Pledged at
Zionist Conference For
Restoration of Palestine
i hirly-tbree thousand dollars was
pledged for the Zionist Restoration
fund, at a confer,ence of Zionist
workers held last night at the Penn
ilarris Hotel.
The conference was attended by
delegates of the Zionist organizations
of Harrisburg. Lancaster, South Beth
lehem, Ix>ck Haven, Pottsville, Al
toona and Carlisle.
Joseph Olastor, who presided, pledg
ed on behalf oT the Zionists of Har
risburg to work for the success of
this fund. A telegram of Johntown
Zionists stated that liiey have already
raised $5,000 for this fund on Sunday
last at a Zionist meeting.
The delegates present pledged to
raise $32,000 In the cities represented
during next month.
Isaac Carmel. of New York, deliv
ered a brilliant address, when he out
lined the great task eonfronting the
Jewish people in building up a eoni
monwealtli after centuries of oppres
sion which has soaked the Jew
ish vitality. The speaker referred to
the great idealism of America, which
has in the last few months helped to
establish two new republics in Poland
and Pohemia. Prom the shores of this
country, asid the speaker, Professor
Mazaryk sailed to Prague, where he
was acclaimed president of 6.000,000
Szecho-Plovaks. Washington provid
ed the funds for the establishment of
the different government departments
ir> Bohemia. Paderewsky sailed from
this shore to Warsaw to become the
head of a free Poland.
It is the pride, continued Mr. Car
mel, of every American, that they
have helped persecuted nations to be
come free, and we Jews rely on the
free American spirit and their
staunch idetalism, to help Jewry to
become a respected member in the
league of Nations which is now in
the process of formation nt Paris.
R. Lewin Kpstein. of New York:
Rabbi Or. Abels, of Altoona; Rabbi
f/uis- Haase, and Rohert Rosenberg
addressed the conference.
Now Cumberland, Pa., Feb. 13
Officers of the New Cumberland Red
Cross want more workers, as there
is much to be accomplished at the
present time.
"The Burden of Proof"
M All YX DAVIS, tSelect.)
"Bums and Boarders"
Dig V—2 Heels, (Vitagraph.)
I Bond Prices and
Economic Readjustments
It is generally agreed that
commodity prices the world
over must gradually seek
lower levels. It is therefore
to be expected that there
will be a consequent change
In the quotations of conser
vative securities.
While there may be tempo
rary fluctuations In security
prices, it is our opinion that
those who make investments
now for a long period of
years will eventually benefit.
Write for our latest
Investment Suggestions
A. B. Leach & Co.
Investment Securities
115 S. 4th St., Philadelphia
New York, Chicago, Boston
Baltimore, Buffalo, jcrantor
2208 >. 3rl St., Ilarrlahurg
Phone 4776-R
I Desirable Property J f
For Sale or Rent
Two large modern
buildings. Both two
100x85 and 100x50
I The largest building
contains 17,000 sq. ft. |
I of space while the
smaller building covet*
i I 10,000 sq. ft.
This is an exceptional
opportunity for an
I ideal factory location.
You have plenty of
space, excellent light
; Ing and prompt shlp
' ping facilities. Located
I only one block from
1 railroad center.
Or will rent all or part
of building.
Call or Writ#
7th aad Camp Its.
Harrlsharg, Fa. Bell 928
r 11'
By Associated Press,
Washington, Feb. 13.—-Major Gen
eral Enoch H. Crowdet, Judge advo
cate general of I lie army, was nom
inated to-day by President Wilson
to succeed himself for another term
of four years beginning February 15.
1919. with rank as major fTorul
from October 6, 1917.
Funeral services were held this
morning for Miss Clarlsa Fly ml re, a
Houses For Sale
We oiler XI XL DWELLIXCJS, b'uilt in pairs, located
at Bella \ ista. adjoining Xew Cumberland, one block from
trolley, one fare to city, frame construction, containing 8
rooms, and attick, water, ga-s, front and rear porches. Lot
25x100. Prices ranging from 81,775 to $2,400 each. Terms
to suit purchaser. Possession April Ist.
Brinton-Packer Co., Agents
Second and' Walnut Streets
Income Tax Returns
Must Be Filed by March 15th
Gather Your Figure Facts With a
Burroughs Adding Machine
Sales Room—lo7 Telegraph Building
Telephone Bell 679-W Automatic 3681
Sale 9.30 in the Morning
109 Head of U. S. Mules
Public Sale
81 Head of U. S v Government Mules
• 28 Head of Home Bought Mules
25 Head of Acclimated Horses
Monday Morning, Feb. 17, 1919
At 9.30 A. M.
at Middletown, Pa.
We will sell the following livestock Bl head of U. S. Army
Mules, consisting of 61 head of 5 and 6 year olds, 20 head of 7 and
8 year olds, weighing from 10 to 13 hundred pounds each, they
are positively the best bunch of mules ever shipped to this country,
each and every one a good one, with the size, shape and bone that
belongs to a good mule. If interested don't fail to attend this sale
as we will show you 81 head of the best big mules you ever saw
together, with all the quality, height and weight that belongs to a
mule. Most all closely mated teams, in bays, blacks, grays and
sorrels in color, also a few good single mules. This is strictly a
first class lot of mules in all respect, all being examined by gov
ernment experts as for soundness and diseases and have been found
to be strictly all right. These mdles will be sold under our guaran
tee to be straight, sound and right; an opportunity you can't afford
to miss, as each and every mule will positively be sold for the high
dollar. Our last sale we advertised 100 head of mules and we sold
every one regardless of price.
28 head of home bought mules, with the top and finish, ranging in
age from 3 to 10 years old and weighing up to 28 hundred pounds
to the pair, also some smooth, fat marcs mules suitable for the
southern trade. 25 head of acclimated horses of all kinds, from a
real good work and driving horse to the high dollar kind, ranging
in age from 4 to 10 years old.
We start selling promptly nt #.30 A. M. with the mules then the
horses ami want to have them all sold until 12 o'clock.
D. B. Kieffer & Co.
Our Federal Tax Booklet
is Now Ready
UR booklet 011 the new Federal Tax
Law is now ready for distribution.
This measure, which is now pending in
the Senate, affects individuals, corpora
tions and partnerships.
The booklet contains the full text of the
income tax, excess-profits tax, and other
provisions of the new Revenue Act, with
explanatory summaries and examples of
the application of the law.
Copies of this booklet may be obtained on
Guaranty Trust Company
of New York
140 Broadway
New York London Paris
Capital and Surplus - • $50,000,000
Resources more than > $700,000,000
For further information addreee
J. C, Jessup
. 200 Calder Building, Harrisburg
Telephone - - Harrltburg 4524
guest ni the Home for the Friend'
loss, ut Fifth and Muench streets. Mini
Flymlrt tiled yesterday at noon at tin
Home She was n guest at the Homt
for four yoars. ami was an actlvi
member of the Gospel Herald Mis
aloti. she is survived by a brothel
and a sister.