Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, February 13, 1919, Page 12, Image 12

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Now Touches Life and Inter
est o£ Every Citizen,
He Says
l*itlsburgh, Feb. 13. United
States Senator P. C. Knox, who with
Will H. Ways, chairman ot the Re
publican national committee, was a
speaker at the banjuet of the
Americus Republic Club, here last
night, made a pica for a new for
eign policy of the American govern
ment, because, he said, questions of
foreign policy now touch the life
and interests of every citizen. The
banquet marked the beginning of
Senator Knox's Presidential boom,
started by the members of the
Americus ClutS.
"in March, TJI3." Servitor Knox
said. "American diplomacy was a
diplomacy of realism guided by high
ideals in its practical care for na
tional interests. Since March 4.
I§l3, American foreign policy has
been turgid, opportunistic and va
cillating; the diplomacy of this ad
ministration lias been a diplomacy
of transcendental aqd visionary
idealism, reluctant to be guided by
facts and lukewarm in its care for
national interests.
, "It is a gra\e matter that even
the pressing home problems of re
construction due directly to the war
are being delayed and quite inade
quately dealt with, while the ener
gies of the administration is pursu
ing far off ideals. If there ever
was an occasion when the Ameri
can government should have had a
highly paternalistic policy, that oc
casion was now, for facilitating our
return to peace Conditions and espe
cially for the care cf the demobiliz
ing fighting men and the systematic
provision of opportunities for them
to return to civil employment. In
all this side of the plain, unglamor
ous home work of 'reconstruction
we have seen, instead, the adminis
tration virtually burying its head in
the sand in sudden return to the
easy negligence of laissez faire. The
practical administration of domes
tic affairs is allowed to drift by
neglect while the practical admin
istration of foreign affairs is hamp
ered by vague idealism.
"The solution of our national
problems needs the untrammeled
national thought of the finely
American south. I earnestly hope
that the time is at hand when po
litical action upon our common na
tional problems will no longer fol
low lines of latitude which political
thought have in fact obliterated."
Chairman Hays devoted much of
his address to the lives of Lincoln
and Roosevelt associating both in
many events of the country's his
tory. ,
Kidney disease is no respecter of per
sons. It attacks young and old alike.
In most cases the victim is warned
of the approaching danger. Nature fights
back. Headache, indigestion, insomnia, ;
lame back, lumbago, sciatica, rheuma
tism, pain in the loins and lower ab
domen, difficulty in urinating, all are ;
indication of trouble brewing in your 1
When such symptoms appear you will
almost certainly find quick relief in !
GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules.
This famous old remedy has stood '
the test for two hundred years in help- I
ing mankind to fight off disease.
It is imported direct from the home
laboratories in Holland, where it has
helped to develop the Dutch into one
of the sturdiest and healthiest races in
the world, and it may be had at
almost every drug store. Your money
promptly refunded if it does not re
lieve you. Re sure to get the genuine
GOLD MEDAL Brand. In sealed pack
ages, three sizes
25cVjr y^Sc
For Colds, Grip and
Call at Geo. A. Gores' 3 Stores for a box
of King's Antiseptic Catarrh Cream. It
opens up the head and allows free
breathtnpr. Wonderful results—Kills
germs—Heals sore membranes.
Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets Get
at the Cause and Remove It
Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets, the sub
stitute for calomel, act genUy on the
bowels and positively do the work.
People afflicted with bad breath find
quick relief through Dr. Edwards' Olive
Tablets. The pleasant, sugar-coated
tablets are taken for bad breath by
all who know them.
Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets act gently
but firmly on the bowels and liver,
stimulating them to natural action,
riearing the blood and gently purifying
the entire system. They do that which
dangeroQs calomel does without any
of the bad after effects.
All the benefits of nasty, sickening,
griping cathartics are derived from
Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets without
griping, pain or any disagreeable effects.
Dr. F. M. Edwards discovered the
formula after seventeen years of prac
tice among patients afflicted with
bowel and liver complaint, with the
attendant bad breath.
Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets are pure
ly a vegetable compound mixed with
olive oil; you will know them by their
olive color. Take one or two every
night for a week and note the effect.
10c and 25c per box. All druggists.
Don't Cold
and IL htom into Paiunnaia. Al the 6m
nnimo. mg, MR tirade beadacba taka temmr
wbea Qtiiabwiatakofi aUmo. ALL DIUOBISTS
"Leave It To Jane" A Musical Comedy Founded On Geo, Ade's "The College Widow"
"Leave It to Jane" is announced as the attraction
at the Orpheum for an engagement of two days,
beginning Friday, with a matinee Saturday.
William Elliott, F. Ray Comstock nd Morris
Gest, who have been such successful musical com-
Big Attraction Saturday
With Pitcairn Meeting
Gordon Ford's Team
Stanley Graff, baseball, foot
ball and basketball star, will hold
the center of the stage on Satur
day night at Chestnut street, and
hook up with Phil Gentilla, the
Independents will have a real
battle. Another fast member of
this team is Slim Cook and Cap
tain Snyder, renowed strategist,
will give Ford's men trouble.
Manager Ford will have his tried
and trustv lipe up as follows:
Rote, f. Graff, f.
McCord, f. Gentille. f.
Haggerty, c. Cook. <*.
Gerdes. g. Brickley, g.
G. Ford, g. Snyder, g.
Referee, Clint White.
As is customary, dancing will
follow Immediately after the
Central High school demonstrated
last night that she can readily put
the Blue and Gray on the map again
via athletics, her team of informals
tripping up Camp Hill big five, 2>-
23. On tlieir Own floor Camp Hill
did not show the pep of Central
High, being all the while handcuffed
by the star playing of Dick Robin
son who registered five field goals
and eleven from the free line. Min
nich and Cralglow are also the boys
on the burning deck. Score:
Koch, f. Armstrong, f.
(Craiglow) Munnell, f. .
P.obinson, f. Higley, c.
Cahill. c. Kurtz, g.
Mlnnich, g. Nell, g.
Perrin, g.
(Hillegas) '
Field goals, Hoch, 1: Robinson, a;
Cahill, 1; Craiglow. 1. Fouls, Rob
inosn, 11: Armstrong, 3; Munnell, 6.
Referee, Bowman.
Playing on the home plantation.
Newville lassies succumbed to the
Beckley Business School girls who
jire having a career of victory. Beck
ley was braced up by Annie Em
manuel, of the family of athletes,
and there was nothing to it when she
got properly warmed up. The scoer:
Emmanuel, f. McCullough, f.
Wood, f. Bachman, f.
(Reigle) Baird, c.
Beck, e, K. Brown, g.
Connors, g.
Landts. g.
Field goals, Emmanuel. 5; Wood,
1; Beck, 1: Connors. 1; McCullough,
1 and Baird, 1. Fouls. Emmanuel,
1 and Bachman, 2. Referee, Lehman.
The Peerless Five won a double
header cage bill on Tuesday el'ening
over Troop 21, Boy Scouts, by the
score'of 44 to 12 and 39 to IT. Ger
mer and Webster starred for the
winners, while Anderson and Man
uel starred for tho conquered five.
The scores:
First Game
Anderson f Webster, t. ,
Manuel, f. Boyles, f.
Reiffer, c. Germer, c.
•Giant. g. Thompson, g.
Sweigart, g. Parks, g.
Field goals. Webster, 6: Boyles, 4;
Germer. 5; Thompson, 4; Parks, 1;
Anderson, J; Manuel. 1; Peiffer, 1;
Giant. 1; Sweigert, 1. Fouls, Thomp
son. 4: Manuel. 1: Pelffer. 1. Ref
eree. Blessing. .
Second Game
Anderson f Webster, f..
Manuel, f. Boyles, f.
Pelffer. c. Germer, e.
Giant, g. Thompson, g.
Sweigart, g. Parks, g.
Field goals. Webster, 5: Boyles, 5;
Germer, 4: Thompson, 2; Parks, 1:
Anderson, 2: Manuel, 1: Boyles, 1;
Giant. 1: Sweigert. 1. Fouls. Ander
son, 3; PeifTer, 2; Park's, 2. Referee,
The thirty-fifth anniversary of
John Harris council. No. 174,,Jun10r
Order United American Mechanics,
will he observed to-night at the
headquarters, 31 Market street.
Report of Catholic Bishop
Declares Contented Peo
ple Means Peace
Washington, Feb. 13. Adoption
ot minimum wage schedules, main
tenance in general of the wage lev
els obtained during the war and
permanent establishment of the Na
tional War Labor Board and tjie
United States Employment Se'rvice
| were advocated as essentials of a
; just reconstruction in a report made
public today by four Cutholio bish
| ops, constituting the administrative
j committee of the National Catholic
I War Council.
While favoring, in the interests of
health and morality, prohibition of
I child labor and reduction to the
] smallest practical limits of the ern
| ployment of women in industry, the
| committee urged equal pay for wo
' men doing equal work with men. It
; declared also lor insurance of work
• ers against illness, old age, and un-
I employment until wages are high
enough to tide over such periods,
fof abolition of monopolies, for con
| tinuance of heavy taxes on large
incomes and excess profits, for co
operative merchandising in necessi
ties to reduce the cost of living and
for government-assisted colonization
of unoccupied farm lands by* de
mobilized soldiers and sailors.
Capital vs. Labor
As a measure outside its present
reconstruction program but of value
i in solving the problems of capital
: and labor the committee urged grad
i ual participation by labor in the
I management and eventually in the
| ownership of industry,
j The report, entitled "Social Re-
I construction; a General Review of
j the Problems and Survey of Reme-
J dies," was issued in the names of
S Bishops Peter J. Muldoon. of Itock
j ford. 111.; Joseph Sclirembs, of To
j ledo, O.; William T. Russell, of
] Charleston, S. C., and Auxiliary
I Bishop Patrick J. Hayes, of Now
York. As members of the War Coun
cil's administrative committee, they
represent the Catholic hierarchy of
America in general direction of war
work In this country and overseas.
Unrest a Menace
Declaring that "the deep unrest
so emphatically and widely voiepd
throughout the world is a most se
rious menace," the bishops held up
"social justice and a contented peo
ple" as the only safeguard of peace.
The authors of the report dis
claimed any attempt to formulate a
comprehensive scheme of recon
struction. Their recommendations,
it was stated, were confined to "re
forms that seemed to be desirable
and also obtainable within a reas
onable time, and to those general
principles which should serve as a
guide for more distant develop
Discussing the demobilization of
the military forces, the report in
dorsed the "suggestion of Secretary
of the Intermr Lang that discharged
men should be given an opportu
nity to work at good wages in re
claiming unused lands, afterward'to
be assisted by government loans to
establish themselves as farmers. It
credited the Federal Employment
Service with "a fair degree of devel
opment and efficiency during the
' war," and urged that Congress con
| tinue and strengthen the organiza
tion as a means of helping to solve
the evfcr-present problem of unem
The bishops rated the National
War Labor Board as "one of the
mo?t beneficial governmental organ
izations of the war." Its efforts,
they asserted, had "prevented in
numerable strikes and raised wages
to decent levels in many indus
Abble Smith, colored, who was ar
rested last night on the charge of
stealing JSOO from a stock broker
some *ceks ago, was *given a pre
liminary hearing in polipo court to
day. It is said she entloed the
i broker, a white man. into the alley
at Walnut and Cowden streets, and
triaked him of bis rolL
edy producers, will present "Leave It to Jane" here.
The play ran for six months at the Longacre Thea
ter in New York, and six. months at the La Salle
Theatre, in Chicago. The music is in Jerome Kern's
Normal Talmage at
the Colonial Theater
The Colonial Theater opens a three
day engagement of "The Heart of
Wctona,". a p'ieturizatioh of the big
gest stage success of years, featur
ing Norma Talmadge in the role cf
an Indian girl who loves not wisely
but too well. This play ran for an en
tire season at the Belasco. Theater,
New York. Monday, Tuesday and
Wednesday. Anita Stewart will be
seen in "Virtuous Wives." The theme
cf the story and screen production in
which Miss Stewart returns to the
ranks of stardom after,qn absence of
several months, Is of the modern
problems of married life, the division
of responsibilities, time fuid activities
between husband and wife, the al
legiance the wife nominally owes to
her husband, and the extent of the
trust he can place In her.
Havana Printers
Accept New Offer
and End Strike
Havana. Feb. 13.—The offer of a
ten per cent, increase in the wages
of men earning less than S2O per
week, and of five per cent, for those
earning more than that amount
weekly, which was made by the em
ployers at the suggestion of Presi
dent Menocal, has been accepted by
the members of the Linotypist anil
Typographical Unions, and the
strike that has tied up newspaper
and job printing plants for almost
an entire week is over. Three daily
papers have already begun publi
The agreement reached also in
cludes payment by the printing
companies of double wages to the
men who worked on the day of the
funeral of Ex-President Roosevelt,
refusal to pay which originated the
Arthur Johnson. colored, 220
Bailey street, Steelton, was arrest
ed last night and sent to Jail on the
charge of carrying concealed dead
ly weapons. It is said be drew a
revolver on a number of soldiers
in a Middletown oar. and threatcntd
to use it, following an argument
over seats.
Irvin B. Rubin Is Home
From Army Service
After seven months' service in the
army Irvin B. Rubin was honorably
discharged on Monday, anil has re
turned to this city where he will
again actively engage in his former
optical business. \yith the excep
tion of about two weeks,* Mr. Rubin
was stationed in the Debarkation
Hospital at Camp' Stuart. Newport
News, Va., in which hospital ho
was tho examining optemetrist of
tho eye clinic. * *
Use McNeil's Cola Tablets, Adv.
happiest vein and the book and lyrics are by Guy
Bolton and P. G. Wodehouse. "Leave It to Jane"
is founded on George Adc's delightful comedy, "The
College Widow."
Tyrone's Commercial Leaders
to Ask Pennsv lo Continue
Transfer Depot
Tyrone, Feb. 13.—Business inter
ests of the town will make a sfrong
protest to the Pennsylvania Rail
road Company at an early date, be
cuuse of the closing of the freight
transfer this week. It is declared
that all freight will be delayed
twenty-four hours because of this
The closing of the transfer was
part of the company's plan of econ
omy on the Tyrone division. A to
tal of 328 employes on the division
have thus far been relieved of their
jobs. Twenty-six men were employ
ed in the transfer.
Some definite action as a protect
in the closing of the transfer Will
probably be made in a few days.
Jus? what steps will be taken have
thus far not been clarified.
Twenty New Members Are
Added to Commerce Body
Twenty new members to the llar
risburg of Commerce were
announced following the first meet
ing of the new membership commit
tee yesterday. Eighteen of the
members were secured by Simon
Michlovitz, who accordingly was
made a member of the committee.
The new members are:
W. S. Harris. Nathan Gross. Harry
M. Cohen, Charles H. Koch, Harris
burg; the frog Switch and Manu
facturing Company, Carlisle; Sam
uel Levinson, llarrisburg;. Mark M.
Mattis, Millersburg; Potts Manufac
turing Company, Jesse W. Smith,
Mechanicsburg; J. J. Brubaker, J.
A. W. Brubaker, G. Mark Brubaker,
Millersburg; J. A. Seidel, Marys
ville; C. 11. Higgins, llarrisburg;
Lewis Silbert, llarrisburg; C. W. S.
Cook, treasurer, Pottstown Steel
Company; H. S." Rees, president,
Pottstown Steel Company, Douglass
ville; Albert Belehas. manager, Bele
has and Company, llarrisburg: Mc-
Creath Brothers and William H.
Mueller, bdth of llarrisburg.
Harrisburg Boy Is
Named For West Point
Washington, Feb. 13.—The War
Department has announced that the
following named Pennsylvania"*,
candidates for West Point entrance
examinations beginning March 15
next, have been appointed during
the last week:
By Senator Penrose—James Z.
McCluns, Ebensburg.
By Representative McLaughlin-
James A. Evans, Parkersburg; Wil
liam L. P.attorsby, alternate, 4 821
Mulberry street, Frankford, Phila
By Representative Focht—John
H. Davidson, St. Nicholas; Vincent
Galli. alternate, Pottsville; Albert E.
Henniger, Pine Grove; Bruce A.
Neal, alternate. Shenandoah: Wil
liam S. Taylor, llarrisburg; M. W.
Albright, alternate, Halifax; Don
aid <>. Tredennick, Johnstown; John
R. Lowman, alternate, Johnstown.
A number of prominent speakers
addressed the conference of the
Zionists of eastern and central Penn
sylvania, held last night in the
Penn-Harris Hotel. R. Lewis Ep
stein. of New York, was one of the
principal speakers, and empha
sized the rapid growth of the move
ment, declaring that it is growing
at the rate of 10,000 members a
week, and now has 120.000 members
enroHed. Joseph Claster, president
of the Zionists Society of Harris
burg. made an address, and Rabbi
M. Abels, Altoona. declared that
Palestine belongs to every Jew in
the world, and that the race should
be allowed to work out its destiny
with a constitution of its own there.
Other speakers were Rabbi Louis J.
Haas, and delegates from Lancas
ter, South Bethlehem and ' other
I and i,i T^ au< ? evm '' — T ™ Linton
J •'•? un ! e Girls.- Four other
\ "Vv• ••'pi at f trai, tlons. Kighth episode
J or Ihe of the Circus.'*
and „ and Saturday
I?J!l i? ee J e j? rUa > and 15-Com-
Juie an offer "Leave It to
Monday* matinee and night. February
! I'—"CharLey*s Aunt." ,
night only, February 20—
rile .Messrs. Shubert offer "The
Dancer." with Martha Hedman.
To-day, to-morrow and Saturday
Norma Talinudge in "The Heart of
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday
An.la Stewart in "Virtuous Wives."
To-day Friday and Saturday—Wll
liam_ S. Hart in "Branding Broad
way, and a Sennett comedy.
pendence, B'Gosli."
Monday and Tuesday Lila' Lee In
"The Cruise of fhc Make Believe."
To-day—Madelaine Travers in "The
Danger Zone."
"Charley's Aunt," the comedy with
music which has delighted two gen
erations of fun-lovers,
"Charley*. comes to the Orpheum
Aunt" Monday, ''Charley's
Aunt" is the funniest
play ever produced in the history of
the stage, and there is no attempting
to describe it. Some say it is "hilari
ous." ctiiers that it is "rollicking,"
while there are those who expTess
their opinions of thevomedy by say
ing it is "cyclonic.' but many will
agree that it is quite the funniest of
all fun plays.
Tom Linton and his "Jungle Girls"
is the Majes; , feature attraction the
la bulf of the week. The
At the company numbers ten peo-
Mnjestie pie; nine pretty girls and
their "queen," in a variety
of stunning costumes, some of them
suggesting the tropical jungle that
gives tho act its title. Mr. Linton Is
a clever comedian and never fails to
put over a good line of comedy. This,
together with the musical numbers,
maked most pleasant entertainment.
The remainder of the bill includes:
The Four Ortons .an acrobatic nov
elty: Rrown and Jackson, presenting
a bright, song and patter skit; Pat
Barrett, in songs and comedy, and
Lucille and Cockatoo ,!n a novelty of
The eighth episode of "The Lure of
the Circus" is also beihg shown.
"Branding Broadway," which sters
"Bill" "Hart, is being shown at the
Regent Theater to-day,
Hnrt In to-morrow and Saturday.
New Hole Those who have already
at Regent seen the new play pro
nounce it Mr. Hart's best.
The manly sincerity he displays in
delineation of Ills unique role is seen
to very good advantage. "Bill" takes
the role of " 'Bob' Sands." a cowboy
from the Golden West. Out In his
neck of the woods prohibition has
come into its own. and for "Bob" and
his comrades the West is entirely too
A thirst for adventure, the cowboy
comes to New York. On his round of
the city he llnds a position which
keeps him busy to the utmost, and a
sweetheart. There are thrills and
fights :rnd gripping episodes a-plenty,
but "Bill" comes out on top.
.V comedy, "Independence, B'Gosh,"
will also be shown.
Lila I.ee, the newly-discovered child
star, will appear in her first picture.
"The Cruise of the Make Believe,"
Monday and Tuesday.
Madelaine Travels, in a gripping
romance tilled to the brim with ad
venture and sensational
Madelaine circumstance after c.'r-
Travrrs eiimstance, is the attrac
nt Victoria tjon at the Victoria
< Theater to-day for the
day only. Miss Trovers will he re
membered as the star of the famous
"Cavel Case."
The title of this film is typical ot
the production. It Is called "The
Danger Zon<s," and in its tense mo
ments and exciting climaxes it Is said
lms not a single dull ,foot of reel In
the ti'.tire performance.
Today—First Showing of Scenea
Also William Fox Presents
Madeline Traverse
"The Danger Zone"
Tomorraw and Saturday
1 . —IX— ,
"The Girl With No Regrets"
10 and 20 Cents and War Tax
FEBRUARY 13, 1919.
Retail Merchants Mold
Most Successful Banquet
The eighth annual banquet of the
National Itstall Dry Uoods Associa
tion held last evening at the Hotel
Pennsylvania, In New York City,
was the greatest ever held In the
history of the organization. Leading
merchants and their representatives
were present from every state in
greater number than at any preced
ing convention. Harrlsburg was as
signed the first two tables directly In
front of the toastmaster and the
speakers' table. Those present, were:
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Bowman, Mr. and
Mrs. T. P. McCubbln, Mrs. Herman
Astrlch, Miss Mildred Astrl6h, H. H.
Bowman. David Kaufman, E. It. Sel-
Jungle Girls
An Act Tliat Sparkles With Pep Every Minute
n oil LUCILLE and her
Brown & Jackson COCKATOO
New Episode of "The Lure of The Circus"
will be shown in the role of an Indian maiden. A tender
love story adopted from the stage success of the same name.
After two years absence from the screen Anita Stewart re
turns Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday in a film with this
The Smashing Musical Comedy Sensation That Is
Shattering Records Everywhere ! !
• Months New York-Chicago 4 Month* Philadelphia
fifft n yJT; jjw
Bubbling with the Effervescence of Youth, Beauty, Charm
and Loveliness —15 Melodious, Tinkling, Jingly Song Hits,
Delicious Humor, Engaging Romance. Captivating Show
Girls of Vivacitjfc Daintiness and Exquisite Girlhood.
p-pjpTpO Nights—2sc, 50c, 75c, SI.OO, $1.50
JT TV-L Saturday Matinee, best seats, SI.OO
Monday & Feb. 17
The New Musical Version, 1919 Edition of the World Famous Comedy
Bubbling With Laughter and Melody, With a Complete Pro
duction and a Cast, Including ,
Bert Robison Betty Frank
Eric Dressier Ruth Dettin
Leo Dwyer Vivian Forrest
Charles Ganfield Amy Lee
Frank I. Frayne Elma King
Joe Lester Charlotte Washburn
NIGHT Orchestra, $1.50, $1.00; Balcony, 75c, 50c
PRICES Gallery, 25c. Seats Tomorrow.
die, Anion Sensed fend A. 1* Rebel
bl Carlisle.
Addressed were delivered by W
Hem C, liedfield, Beorstary e t Co
tneroe: Marcel Knecht. member
French High Commission end 1
Ilev. Frederick V. Shannon,
"Branding Broadway
See "Hie Hill" In his first ful
dress suit. A ripping good stor
Hint will imike jour blood ttngl.
"Independence, H'Uosh"
lila lee
"The Cruise of the Make Believe