Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, February 10, 1919, Page 4, Image 4
4 BOLSHEVISM IN CRITICAL STAGE SAYREFUGEES Old Nihilism May Return or Leon Trotzky May Become Emperor Warsaw, Feb. 10. — That Bolshe vism is In its critical stage, either turning: to imperialism, with per haps Leon Trotsky, mnister of war and marine, as the nwe emperor, or slipping back to the idea of the old Nihilism, with a sort of orderly dis order, is the mipreaslon given by many refugees of all nationalities who have arrived here from Rus sia. The correspondent has talked to a number of thehe people as to what might happen in Russia if there is no outside interference. One of them was 'a Bolshevist soldier who deserted. "Our chief characteristic," he said, "is that we are tired—tired of fooling, tired of killing, tired of fighting and tired of wandering from pillar to post. There is no doubt that Leon Trotzky is attempt ing to obtain order and to whip the troops into shape. He is known to be terribly ambitious and posaily he is dreaming of ecoming czar, knowing that Bolshevism has fail ed." Recent rumors that the Sovet government troops have evacuated Fetrograd are unconfirmed. There was a general elief in Petrograd during January that the allies were about to occupy the city. Governor to Open the Victory Ball Philadelphia. Feb. 10. An nouncement that Governor William O. Sproul will be the guest of honor and the principal speaker at the Victory costume ball at' the Acad emy of Music Thursday evening was made yesterday by Mrs. Henry Urinton Coxe, chairman of the bail committee. The Governor will make a patrio tic address in support of the Temple of Victory to be erected to the mem. ory of the Philadelphians who took part in the war. While the speech is being made the great allegorical scene will be unfolded. Gradually the audience will be hold a colossal statue of liberty, sur rounded by a girdle of men and wo men apparently floating in the air. These figures will wear the costumes of the Allied soldiers and of Euro pean peasantry. After the Gover nor retires from the stage the 250 participants in the various tableaux will run into the ballroom floor be yond the proscenium arch -and each will release a yellow or blue bal loon, which will form a shower of the city's colors. MOTORED FROM HERSHEY Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Clark, of Hershey, motored to this city yester day and attended the Roosevelt me morial held last night in Chestnut Street Auditorium. -3towws-i I 4 or All Occasions Floral Decorations Wedding Flowers Party Flowers Funeral Flowers 3hoßerrahill .LOCUST ST. AT SECOND , * ■ ———— Jt I I ! ana Shop . Open IVednesday j A centrally located shop [ which is both in character | ; and merchandise "unique." Greater scope was given : when the already choice > ! selection of gifts was aug- i mented with the neces- i saries employed in needle- I craft of all descriptions. A pleasantly "individual" | tone has been given to the Art and Gift Shop by vir i tue of its appointments; also through its lines of , j me rchandise many of | i which are exclusive. In order to acquaint you I with the new character of 1 this shop we list for you in j broad terms the character I of the merchandise offered, i 1 Royal Society Cottons Yarns I (Both Columbia and j Corticelli) Ribbons Vases Notions Pictures and Picture i Framing Gift Cards Pottery Flower Baskets Baby Novelties Stamped Goods Stamping In order to finish our deco rating and re-arrangement of stock the shop will be closed tomorrow, Re-open IV ednesday (fcg^wa^'Shop *"• • *IT.NHM.tj|WOK * lOS N SaeauTSl MONDAY EVENING. LOCAL CANTEEN WORKERS DID SPLENDID SERVICE FOR AMERICA'S SOLDIERS Women Worked at All How. That Fighting Men Always 60,000 Hot Meals Furnisher A good substantial hot meal, or an abundant variety of refresh ments—to say nothing of the en couragement and cheer —to every man, woman and child in Harris burg, with the entire population of several of the suburbs thrown in, gives a meager estimate of the jrork that has been accomplished by the Canteen Service of the American Red Cross in this city. This is shown by the reports Just completed for the month of January. Harrisburg's fame for the suc cess of this work has spread all over the United States, and the complete records show over 85,000 soldiers and sailors of all national ities have been cared for by this local organization, which is under the direction of Mrs. Francis J. Hall, captain and her assistant, Mrs. W. H. Gaither. One In an active daily life is per haps unconsciously forgetful of the continued suffering as a result of the recent war, can but little rea lize that daily there passes through Harrisburg hundreds of the best boys in the United States, maimed and crippled for life; mentally de ficient as the result of shell-shock and speechless and suffering from the terrible effects of poisonous gas. This flower of American manhood, the lads who battled that we may continue to be a free country, can not forget, as letters and telegrams indicate, the wonderful treatment they receive from this coterie of tireless workers in this city. Their pay is a great pay; even if it only be a smile or a suggestion of grac iousness from a lad whose days are perhaps but short, as his pinched face would indicate. To realize the amount of food and refreshments it has taken to ffeed these boys, one must figure upon truck loads of chocolate, oranges and apples, thousands of cigarets. 100,000 stamped postal cards and newspapers and magazines the amount of which cannot be estab lished. . 60,000 Hot Meals The Canteen Service has an ar rangement with the Pennsylvania Depot restaurant, with the result that over 60,000 hot meals have been prepared for the soldier boys. During the month of January 12,- 235 soldiers and sailors received food and other refreshments in this city, and among the items was 13,- 378 pints of coffee, 109 gallons of milk, 41 gallons of stewed oysters for litter patients, boys who may never arise from their beds again, to say nothing of the several thou sand meals, hundreds of cakes of chocolate, fruit, tobacco; etc. This is why Harrisburg has been placfcd on the map as a record city for its canteen work, and those who do all this do not ask why the gov ernment often seems deficient in its care of the boys, but they take up their labors with a willingness that is sacred, and this has even been appreciated by the Hon. Josephus Daniel. Secretary of the Navy, who recently wrote Mrs. Gaither thank ing her for some kindness that was brought to his attention, and then added: "This incident affords an oppor tunity for me to express to you my great appreciation of the" work which you and the great army of American women are doing in the canteen service of the Red Cross, in furnishing aid and assistance to officers and men of the army and navy during the war." Each day makes history in the work, and the- following was taken at random from the report of Mrs. Hall for last month: "Received a telegram from Phila delphia headquarters that a wound ed soldier in a very nervous condi tion had been placed on a train ar riving in Harrisburg at 10.40 p. m. He was in charge of a medical stu- I dent who would leave him here. The soldier wanted to go to a friend near York, and as he had only 24 hours leave it was neces sary to get him through. One work er met the boy; another telephoned his friend, and he was met at York. The soldier had a remarkable his tory. He was a a Canadian and en listed in a machine gun company in 1914. He came of a Belgian family and his father was in the Belgian army; later became a prisoner in Germany. The boy had been buried alive for three hours, was deaf and dumb for four months, had been wounded in two places, had been shell-shocked, was very crip pled and nervous. He was very ap preciative, and after his leave he was met again, taken to a "movie" I FUNERAL FLOWERS SFGCULI • Beautiful Spray, $3.00 Keeney's Flower Shops 814 If. 4D ST. 167 If. FRONT ST. HurUbirc Steeltea YOUR REGULAR OPTOMETRIST j Do you have a regular Opto j motrlst? One who is acquainted i with your eyes and your peculiar eye trouble, to whom you feel at liberty to go for any little adjust ment of your glasses, or advice, and who will take a real personal interest In your eye welfare be cause you are his patient? That Is Just the relationship I endeavor to establish with those who favor me with their patron age. Permanently located at IS K. MARKET SQUARE Second Floor m _ ~s of the Day and Night to See- Were Provided With Food; id at Stations Many Thanks and placed on the train for the hos pital." His Charge Intact The above is but one of hundreds is an example of a telegram that about by a splendid system. Here of items, and this is all brought came recently: "Request coffee seven hundred fifty men. O. H. Withoff, Lieut." That meant that 102 gallons x>t hot coffee had to be ready and on the depot platform less than an hour after the message was received. Another read: f'Penn sylvania train and 2d 34. 90 sol diers would appreciate food: also medical kit." Such requests are in numerable, but this goes to show the character of the work. Not a long time since a carload of sheU demented ' lads arrived from the South minus their officer. He stepped from the train at York, and missed it. Fortunately two of the children were at the station here when the train pulled in, and the trainmen soon made their predica ment known. These two women took the 26 men, 12 of whom were colored, marched them to a Third street restaurant, where they guard ed the doors while they ate, return ed the men to the station without one escaping, for several tried it, and when the frightened officer ar rived three hours later, his charge was intact, and if ever there was a gracious officer that dapper little chap was one; for it meant no court marshal, as the women had not only held the car here but took absolute charge of the situation. "Lady," whispered a boy whose both legs had been amputated, and who lay in a berth. "Lady," he said, "Do you know it was you women in Harrisburg that first met us when we were draftees. Since then we have been met everywhere by the Red Cross and here we are all again, but I am not quite the fellow I was." Another Said to a worker: "Red Cross nurse, you are not very handsome, but you look good to me,'' and so it goes each day as these tireless workers return to their homes happy with the knowledge that ihev helped to bring some little sun light into the journey from whence some will neVer return. Many Touching Incidents < There are many touching inci dents that may be related. Recent ly a boy with both hands off asked one of the canteen workers to write home for him. It was a few lines on a postal, a childish note about enow and a sled for a little one he had left behind. That evenirfg an other letter from the canteen work er went to the mother, a word of encouragement about her boy. Later cam; an answer to Mrs. Hall, a with these words: "I slept last night for the first- time." There is apparently no end to the work in sight, and it is likely that it will be continued for a year at least. The railroad men aVe more than generous with their as sistance and the system is so per fected that on many occasions the captains are aware of the time of the arrival of trains, .ogether with the number of men aboard, whether they are wounded or not. what food they will require and other de tails, 2 4 hours in advance. These good women work in teams, two lieutenants having charge on one day in the week, with the privilege of calling on as many workers as will be necessary. The rules re quire that they be uniformed. They must be cheerful, and many a tear has been held back until a train would disappear In the distance. The following comprise the en tire Canteen service in this city: Captain, Mrs. F. J. Hall; assistant, Mrs. Walter H. Gaither. Lieutenants. Mrs. J. Miley Jones, (in charge of hostess house); Mrs. Chris Sauers, Mrs. Ross A. Hickok, Mrs. John Graham, Mrs. John Oen slager, Jr., Mrs. J. E. Murray, Mrs. Frank Payne, Miss Mabel Upde grove, Mrs. Henderson Gilbert, Mrs. Philip T. Meredith, Miss Dora W. Coe, Mrs. Edna Dunbar, Miss Anna Gay Bradley, Mrs. Chas. E. Ryder, Mrs. J. Austin Brandt, H. L. Wolfley. "Workers, Miss Emily Bailey, Miss Martha Bailey, Mrs. G. W. Bauder, Miss Elione Bergner, Miss Jean Cameron, Miss Eleanor Copeland, Miss Mary Creighton, Mrs. Curzon Fager, Mrs. A. W. Greeley, Jr., Mrs. A. Boyd Harrington, Miss Anna Henderson, Mrs. Geo. R. Heisey, Miss Mathilda Hiester, Miss Mary' Hiester, Mrs. Carl Kaltwasser, Miss Elizabeth Knisely, Mrs. Vic tor Lecoq, Miss Mary Meyers, Miss Mitchell, Mrs. Leslie McCreath, Mrs. Henry B. Bent, Mrs. Wm. E. Wright, Miss Jane Mac Donald, Mrs. John Mahon, Mrs. Harry Neal, Mrs. Robert C. Neal, Miss Clara Shaub, Mrs. Thomas "Williamson, Mrs. Frank Witman, Mrs. Horace Witman, Mrs. C. J. Wood, Miss Katherine Stamm, Mrs. Caldwell, Mrs. E. J. Stackpole, Mrs. Farley Gannett, Miss Helen Armour, Miss Constance Ferriday, Mrs. Wareham Baldwin, Mrs. 8. C. Todd, Mrs. E. J. Stackpole, Jr., Miss Mary E. Reily, Mrs. Mary A. Bacon, Miss Almeda Herman, Miss Margaret McClain, Mrs. Selig, Mrs. Edward Hamilton, Mrs. H. W. Shupp, Miss Cymbellne Felker, Mrs. John C. Herman, Jr. Monarchist Enemies , Shell Town and Train; Passengers Take Flight Vigo, Spain, Feb. 10. —Two Portu-' guese republican warships bombard ed Vienna de Castello, north of Oporto, early Saturday, according to travelers who have arrived here. A republican tugboat bombarded a passenger train on the railroad be tween Ancora and Affife, north of | Vienna de Castello, and demolished the engine. The passengers fled across the fields. There were no cas | ualties, ARRESTED AS DESERTER Private Theodore Brewster, mem ber of the colored labor battalion at New Cumberland, was turned over to the military authorities to-day, fol lowing his arrest on the charge of desertion from camp. It is said he posed as a white man, living at the X. . M. C. A., and escorting white girls to dances and the theaters. BUYS ORCHARD FOR $22,000 Hagerstown, Feb. 10.—D. Gold Miller has purchased of his brother, I* P. Miller, a 48-acre ap ple orchard, south of Gerrardstown, set in seven-year-old trees, for $22,- 000— slightly above $468 per acre. HARRISBURG oS9Hill TELEGRAPH Company C's Dance a Big Success Several hundred guests attended the dance given in the Board of Trade hail, Saturday evening, by Company A of the Odnance Supply Depot, at Middletown. The hall was beautifully decorated with the na tional colors and the big garrison flag draped from side to side. Miss Burd's orchestra played for the dan cing. . ■The committee of arrangements included: Sergeant Henry Newberg er, Sergeant William McFernan, Ser geant William Barrett, Sergeant Fred Wagner, Sergeant Walter Witte, Private Maurice Grossman and Corporal Franklin Babbitt. Sergeant Bumgardner Home From Overseas Sergeant Fabian T. Bumgardner, Three Hundred and Sixteenth Artil lery, Seventy-ninth division, has ar rived at Newport News, from over seas service, according to a telegram received by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bumgardner. of the Althouse apart ments, North Thirteenth street. Ser geant Bumgardner will go either to Camp Dlx or Camp Meade but does not know Just how soon he will get home. DINNER DANCE TO-NIGHT Mr. and Mrs. Claude E. Brinser, of Steelton, are giving a dinner-dance this evening at the Colonial Country Club. The appointments and favors will be in Washington's Birthday style and the Updegrove orchestra will play. INFORMAL DINNERS The first of a series of informal monthly dinners will be given at the Harrisburg Club to-morrow evening at 6.30 o'clock. Members may in vite guests. HOME FROM NEWARK, N. J. M. and Ms. W. C. Lewis and fam ily, of 77 Noth Seventeenth street, have returned from a visit with Mrs. Lewis' mother, Mrs. J. W. Potts, Newark, N. J. Miss Pearl Rineer, who has been confined to her home with illness during the past seven weeks, has re sumed her duties at the Mary Sachs shop, in North Third street. Father Asks Court to Give 'Him Custody of Daughter Nicholas DeSantls, this city, be gan habeas corpus proceedings in court to-day through counsel, to compel his wife, Sindy DeSantis, to give him the custody of their seven year-old daughter, Teresa* It is alleged in the petition to the court that the wife deserted DeSantis al most two years ago, taking the girl with her to Baltimore. Last fall an order was secured from the Balti more courts directing her to let him take the child. She complied, it is said, but later came back to this city and took the girl again. The case will be heard to-morrow morn ing. Official Casualty List Confirms Four Deaths The names of Corporal Adam Gentslider* son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gentslider, 1414 Liberty street,/and Sergeant Lawrence Chambers, of I Steelton, are carried on to-day's cas ualty lists as "died of disease" and "died of accident and other causes." Official notification of the deaths were received several weeks ago. Other names carried on the lists are those of Private Charles V. Brashears, of Highspire, and Oscar Yohn, of Carlisle, both wounded, degree undetermined. Private Bras hears was a member of Company A, 316 th Infantry, and held the draft number first drawn in Daughin I county. Architects Meet at Penn-Harris Hotel William P. Bannister, secretary of the New York State Board of Exami ners of Architects talked on the reg istration act whcieh is proposed for Pennsylvania by the State Associa tion of Architects at a meeting of the Southern Pennsylvania Chapter of the American Institute of Architects held in the Penn-Harris hotel this af ternoon. Th e members of the chapter met here in quarterly session. They will be entertained at dinner tonight by Miller I. Kast, president of the chapter. Fashion Reception Makes a Big Hit The players of the 'Sweethearts" [ Company, whose appearance at. the Orpheum last Saturday was a pleas ing bit of musicale, made a fa vorable impression at Schleisner's fashion reception last week when they appeared in the salons in the new spring fashions. The Store was well crowded and the visitors {p the reception were really charmed with the portrayal of gowns and spring modes. The entire store force at tended the theater' party as the guests of the company. Unfilled Orders of Steel Corporation Decreasing New York, Feb. 10.—I>nfilled or ders of the United States Steel Cor poration on January 31 were (,684„- 268 tons, according to. the corpora tion's monthly statement issued to day. This is a decrease of 694,- 884 tons compared with the orders on December 31, the third succes sive decrease since October 31, when the tonnage Btood at 8,353,293. On January 31, 1918, unfilled orders amounted to 9,477,853 tons. Independent Americans to Hold Bifc Booster Meeting A booster meeting will be held by Riverside Council No. 87, Order of Independent Americans, tomorrow night, when officers of the State Council will be in attendance. Visit ing members from Mechanicsburg, West Fairviqw, Harrisburg, Steel ton, Mlddletown, Enhaut and Royal ton are also expected. A large at tendance of members of the host council has been requested. TURKISH OFFICIAL KILLS SELF TO ESCAPE ARREST Washington, Feb. 10, —Dr: Roshid, implicated/ in the Turkish- govern ment deportations, who was about to be arrested by the allied forces suicide to avoid capture, according to advices reaching the State De partmentl to-day and Pera. REALTY HOARD TO MEET • The Harrisburg Realty Board will meet at 7.4& o'clock {his evening in the Harrisburg Chamber of Com merce offices. , PERSONA L—SOCIA L DONOHUE-WEANER HOME WEDDING Elaborate Ceremonies Mark Marriage of Popular Young Folks in Annville Friday One of the most elaborate weddings held In Annville, Pa., In recent years, was that -a tthe home of Rev. and Mrs. W. H. Weaner, at 5 o'clock Fri day afternoon, when their daughter, Miss Elta Mari Weaner. became the bride of Joseph J. Donohue, of Sha mokin. Pa. The ceremony was performed by the father of the bride. A. L. Weaner of Washington, D. C„ officiated as best man, and Mrs. Weaner as matron of honor. Miss Miriam Seibert, of Dillsburg. was ring bearer, and Mr. Harold Risser, of Cambelltown, Pa., acted as usher. As the guests were assembling Miss Stelnhauer, of Lemoyne, gave a re cital, playing Kevin's "Venitian Love Song," and "O, Promise Me," and oth er appropriate numbers. The strains of Wagners "Bridal March" floated through the house as the bridal party entered the parlor. Miss Mary Glenn, of Red Lion, Pa., sang Bohn's "Calm as the Night," during th e ceremony. For the recessional Miss Steinhauer played the Mendels sohn wedding march. The ceremony was performed in a bower of military effect, with two large American flags draped within a setting of allied flags, spruce, cedar and holly. The groom wore thj uniform of the United States Army, ae he was engaged in chemical research work for the Government at Yale during the war. The bride was attired in a gown of crepe meteor. The best man also wore the military uniform, as he was engaged in reconstruction work in the department of occupational therapy at Walter Reed Hospital, Washington, D. C. Following a reception of relatives and friends the couple left for a hon eymoon tour of the New England states. Guests were present from Philadel phia, Washington, Harrisburg, York, Carlisle and Dillsburg, WAR RELIEF MEETING Mrs. Andrew Dillinger announces the regular monthly meeting of the Pennsylvania Railroad Women's Division for "War Relief. Depart ment No. 7, to be held Wednesday at 2.30 o'clock in the Red Cross rooms, Walnut street. Dues for 1919 are now payable and it is re quested that all members who .have not paid will do so at this time. LEAGUE VALENTINE PARTY The Harrisburg Woman's League of Pennsylvania College will hold a valentine party Thursday even ing at 8 o'clock, in the Messiah Lu theran Church. Addresses will be made by men who have been in the service. Refreshments will be served. A silver 'offering will be received. MARRIAGE ANNOUNCED Miss Pearl K. Eutzy and Benjamin F. Spitler, both of Harrisburg, were married Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock in the Derry Street United Brethren parsonage, by the Rev. J. A. Lyter. After a short wedding trip to Philadelphia they will reside at 132 North Thirteenth street. HOME FROM ABROAD * Ben Gipple, former city forester, w*ho has been serving with the American Expeditionary Force in France, has returned to this country and expects to be home in a few days. UNDERGOES OPERATION Grace Webster, little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Webster, 223 South Fourteenth street, underwent an operation on the throat at the i Harrisburg Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Abel, of this city, spent the week-end as the guests of the latter's parentß, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey E. Hersh, of Allentown. Mrs. Abel will remain in Allentown for some time. Miss Cherry Westbrook, of Old Orchard, is visiting her sister. Mrp. Heber Harris Thompson, of Potts vllle. Mrs. W. S. Zeigler, 1905 North Sec ond street, Mrs. Frank Snavely, North Front street and Mrs. Samuel Miller, 1909 North Second street, have re turned from a trip to Philadelphia and N,ew York City. Miss Pearl Gaupp and Mjss Nellie Long, Red Croas nurses who have returned from overseas duty, are guests of Mrs. Stanley Backenstoss, 607 North Front street. Mrs. Philip T. Meredlt*, 1605 North Front street, has returned from a week's stay in New York City. Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Wood, '2Ol Har ris street, are spending some time in New York City, as guests of Dr. and Mrs. E. C. Miller, at'the Hotel Gerard. Miss Ruth Kiqzer Payn e and Miss Elizabeth Knisely have returned from New York City, where they spent the weekend wifh Mrs Howard Blngaman. Miss Caroline Moftit of the Civic Club has returned from a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Moftit, at Saranac Lake, New York. Miss Elizabeth Morris, of Bellefonte arrived today for a visit with Mrs. Samuel W. Fleming, Jr., 508 North Second street. Mrs. Henry Blake Bent, 207 street. Is visiting friends In Elizabeth, N. J. Ensign Walter Bruce Caldwell, who has been placed on the inactive list in the Naval Aviation service, is spending several days with his fam ily", who are spending the winter with Mrs. Caldwell's parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. J.. Stackpole, North Front street. Lieutenant John Brooks, of lUyrla, 0., and Lieutenant Groves, of New York City, and J. W. Peace, of Colo rado Springs, Col., are guests of Mr. and Mrs. F.- C. Peace, 1017 North Front street. Donald S. Miller, of the United States Naval Reserves, has been dis charged from the service and arrived last night from Newport, R. 1., to visit his parents, in Camp Hill. Mr. and Mrk. R. Brinser, 21S8 North Second street will leave this week for a trip to Florida. Mrs. George B. Kunkel, 108 Locust street, has returned from a week's visit In New York City. < Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Hflleary, and children, have moved from New Cum berland to Philadelphia. Miss Elisabeth Flock, of Wllltams port spent the weekend with Miss Alice Marie Decevee, North Second street. ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. M. Mall. Ladles' TaUor, Is In business again at his residence, 1213 Green St. Altering and remodeling of Ladles' Garments a specialty. BIRTHDAY FETE FOR YOUNG GIRL Miss Mabel Ellicker Joins the Ranks of Sixteeners and Is Given a Little Party Mr. and "Mrs. Lewis E. Ellicker entertained at their home, 1192 Bai ley street, Saturday evening, com plimentary to their daughter, Miss Mabel Ellicker, who celebrated her sixteenth birthday anniversary. The rooms were prettily decorated, the decorations, games and prizes carry ing out the Valentine suggestion. A birthday supper was served, with the table appointments in red and white, a big birthday cake, with six teen red candles, forming the center piece. Those present were: Miss Neda Fisher. Miss Florence Brown, Miss Helen Eyler, Miss Katherine Lytle, Miss Katherine Goodyear, Miss Ma rie Page, Miss Julia Stinehetser, Miss Fannie Lehman, Miss Sarah Beck, Miss Alma Blough, Miss Bes sie Nye, Miss Pauline Blessing. Cas per Shannabrook, Alvln Wilson, Paul Wonders. John Peters. John Oyler, Elmer Stoner, David Metzger, Mrs. Charles Blessing, Mrs. A. R. Eckert, Mrs. Blough. Mrs. Burkhart and Mr. Mrs. Ellicker. Dr. Wyche Guest at Informal Party Twenty-five active and associate members of the Story Tellers' League were guests of Mrs. Harry G. Kef fer, president of the league, at her | home, 236 Peffer street, when she entertained informally in honor of I Dr. Richard Thomas Wyche, of I Washington, D. C. Dr. Wyche, who j is president and founder of the Na tional Story Tellers' League, was in Harrisburg last week in the interest of the Teaches' Institute and gave a talk at Tech High school Friday evening, after which he was the guest of Mrs. Kefter. Dr. Wyche gave an informal little talk to /he guests and complimented the local Story Tellers' League on their splendid work. Later in the evening he told one of his famous "Uncle Remus" stories. SUPPER THURSDAY EVENING Women of the Covenant Presby terian Church have announced a cafeteria supper to be held in the gym of the church Thursday even | ing at 5.30 o'clock. Food will be served in liberal portions at reason ! able prices. !• w/mmummm/mmrm/M/M/mm/mM Sale Extraordinary | Our Large Collection of Very Exclusive || Oriental Rugs I will be offered at specially reduced prices for a limited time in conjunction with our clearance sale of wall papers [li and draperies. k|| Our Oriental rug collection is under the direct super- vision of Mr. George S. Mooradian, who is well-known to the people of this city. yj The following genuine reductions prevail and all prices Kil are marked in plain figures: ||J 10 Iran. Rugs, 6x3.4 and 10 Royal Sarouk Rugs, fj|| 6.7x3.5, were $125. Sale 6.8x4.6 and 7x4.6, were S§j Price $95 SSOO. Sale Price, $450 [|| 20 Mosul Rugs, 6x3.2 and 10 1 ' hS 7x3, were $95. Sale 5115' *1 ?350 KJ Price $75 S4OO, SSOO. 20 Carpet Size Rugs. Spe- |l|!| 10 Blugistan Rugs, 4x3 cial> $250, $450, ss and 5x3, were $75. Sale $675, SI2OO, $1785 HJ ||| Pce SSO up to $5,000. Si kj] 20 Dozar Rugs, 7x4.6 and 10 Mats, were SIOO, SSO |i|j yj 6.8x4.6, were $250. Sale and $32.50. Sale Prices, SI) jsj Price $225 $75, $45, S2B. (jJJ | THE BLAKE SHOP | |j Interior Decorations 1 STECKLEY'S Special Shoe Sale IS DRAWING TO A CLOSE • This big sale is drawing to a close. There are onlyft few more days and the opportunity for such unusual values will be over. It will pay you to look ahead and buy your SHOES FOR SPRING as well as for your present needs -while such money saving reduc tions prevail BUY NOW FOR THE FAMILY ' ™ All Widths AAA to EEE All Sires 1% to 9. STECKLEY'S 1220 N. Third St. Hear Broad St. r FEBRUARY 10, 1919-1 Dinner Dance at the . Colonial Club on 22nd One of the many delightful aoclal affairs planned for the season by members of the Colonial Country Club la the Washington Birthday dinner dance which -will be held Fri day evening, February 22. Dinner will be served at 6.30 and all reser vations must be made by noon of tho 22d. The ITpdCgrove orchestra will play for the dancing. PARTY FOR GRACE RODAN , Mr. and Mrs. P. Rolan entertained at their home, 533 South Fifteenth street, Saturday evening, for their daughter, Grace Roland, who cele brated her birthday anniversary on that day. Those present were: Ethel Ileagy, Frances Rhino, Clara Boyer, Mary Roland, Ruth Rolan, Anna May Glessner, Grace Roland, James Glessner, George Glessner, Charles Morris. "Bud" Rolan, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Boyer and Mr. and Mrs. Rolan. OAK TROOP "HOBO" PARTY Oak Troop Girls Scouts will hold a "hobo" party this evening at 7.30 o'clock at Stevens Memorial M. E. Church. # ' "Don't Move, Daddy— You Look So Funny" Dadfly certainly does look funny peering over his reading glasses every time he wants to see objects more than a few feet away. ITRYPTOJC IV. GLASSES IV. THE INVISIBLE BIFOCALS combine NEAR and FAR vision in one lens. Through the lower part you can read tho smallest print; through the upper part you can see distant objects with equal clearness. • D. C. URICH OPTOMETRIST 807 N. St. f = s^ JUST LIKE A GAS STOVE Is the DETROIT VAPOR OIL RANGE NO SMOKE, . NO ODOR Cost less to operate than any stove in existence. Demonstrations Daily Electric Washer and Wringer Revolving tub, universal j wringer, large steel bench for j three . tuba and basket. A i high-grade machine, djl |"|r| fully guaranteed .. • Sold on Clnb Plan ===== "STRADIVARA" Phonographs "Known For Tone" Tou will realize what a difference there is' in phono graphs when you hear the Stradivara. A comparison will convince you. Model Illustrated In any dfinfi finish d>ll/0 Sold on Club Plan A carload and a half of Refrigerators in our Feb ruary Sale, including Bcld iii-Hall, "Notascmc" Stone and Century makes; McKce Enameled Refrigerators. £uy your , Refrigerator at the Sale price and have it held for Spring delivery. They are cheaper now than they will be In the 41 2 Q8 Spring. Prices, 1 _ "P • American Realty" ' Gas Ranges. All models for your selection at February Sale prices. Range as Illustrated, three burners and oven. A strictly first-class Range. Other Ranges up to $52.50 Our Low Expense Is Your Big Saving HOOVER Furniture Company 1415-10 N. Second St. Between Caldcr & Rcily Sts. Open Every Evening N— ay, A